1ROCKSNDIAMONDS(1L)                                          ROCKSNDIAMONDS(1L)


6       Rocks'n'Diamonds - A game for Unix/X11


9       This  is a nice little game with color graphics and sound for your Unix
10       system with color X11. You need an 8-Bit color display or  better.   It
11       is  not recommended on black&white systems, and maybe not on gray scale
12       systems.
14       If you know the game "Boulderdash" (Commodore C64)  or  "Emerald  Mine"
15       (Amiga), you know what "ROCKS'N'DIAMONDS" is about.

The Menues

20       You can see eight blue circles on the left side of the eight green menu
21       texts; these are buttons to activate the menu commands by simply click‐
22       ing  on them with the left mouse button. The button will then change to
23       red.  (You can control the menues over the keyboard or  joystick,  too.
24       Just  use the arrow keys and the 'Return' or 'Enter' key or, if you use
25       a joystick, the appropriate direction and the fire button.)

The menu 'name'

29       When you start the game the first time, your login name will appear  in
30       the 'NAME:' field. If you want to use a different name for playing, for
31       example a funny player name or a name for cheating, you  can  click  on
32       the button and enter a new name.
34       If you choose a certain special name, you will be in a cheat mode where
35       you can choose all levels without playing the lower levels before... :)

The menue 'level'

39       If you have played some levels of this game, you can choose the already
40       played  levels  at  any  time, but you cannot choose the higher levels.
41       This means, you can choose levels from level 0  to  the  highest  level
42       that you have ever won. This is known as your 'handicap'.
44       If  the level number is red, you have choosen a 'ready' level, if it is
45       yellow, you have choosen a 'user' level, which  is  blank  and  can  be
46       edited by yourself with the built-in level editor (see below).
48       To  choose new level series, click on the button on the left and choose
49       the new level serie.

Hall of fame

53       Click on this button to see a list of the best players of  this  level.
54       Click again to go back to the main menu.

Level creator

58       This brings you to the level editor, if you have switched to a 'yellow'
59       level, which are empty and can be filled by yourself. See below.

Info screen

63       This screen shows you  all  elements  which  appear  in  the  game  and
64       presents  you  the background music loops which you can listen to while
65       playing the levels (only available on Linux and FreeBSD systems).

Start game

69       This will start the game.


73       To change some things in  the  game,  use  the  setup  menu.   You  can
74       enable/disable  "Sound"  (enables/disables  _all_  sounds in the game),
75       "Sound  loops"  (only  allowed  on  Linux  and  FreeBSD  systems   with
76       VoxWare[tm]  sound driver; don't worry if you never heard of it -- it's
77       the name of the standard Linux sound driver), "Game music" (can  always
78       be  enabled  on  very  fast  systems [exception: you don't like it], on
79       slower systems it will take some percent of CPU time  which  will  slow
80       things  down  a  bit) and "Toons", which will forbid/ permit the little
81       animated toons.
83       "Buffered Gfx" can be set to "off" on slower systems, "Fading" gives  a
84       nice  fading  effect  when  displaying new screens, but unfortunately I
85       haven't found a system which is fast  enough  to  display  it  so  far.
86       (Maybe  this  works better on highly accelerated X servers.) Better set
87       this to "off" if you have a normal system...
89       Set "auto-record" to "on" if you want to automatically record each game
90       to tape.
92       If  you  have a Linux or FreeBSD system with a joystick, you can choose
93       the "1st" or the "2nd" joystick port and use "Cal. Joystick"  to  cali‐
94       brate  it.  Use  "Save and exit" after calibration to save it for later
95       playing sessions.
97       "Exit" quits the setup menu without saving the changes, "Save and exit"
98       will save and then return to the main menu.


102       Exit the game.

How To Play The Game

107       When  the  game has started, you can see the playfield on the left side
108       and a control field on the right side. The control field  contains  the
109       following elements:
111       Level indicator
112              Tells you which level you are playing.
114       Emeralds
115              Shows  you  how  many emeralds you still need to win the current
116              level.
118       Dynamite1
119              Shows you how many dynamite bombs you have.
121       Keys   Shows you which keys you have in your inventory.
123       Score  Shows the current score. In some levels  there  are  some  extra
124              items giving extra score points.
126       Time   The seconds you have still left to play the level.
128       Stop/Pause/Play
129              Game  controls  to stop the game, pause it and go on playing. If
130              the tape recorder is recording your game, it  is  stopping/paus‐
131              ing/playing as well.
133       Music buttons
134              The  three  music  buttons can be used to control the background
135              music loop, the 'looping' sounds and all other sounds. The  lit‐
136              tle  red light shows you if it is enabled or disabled. On slower
137              systems (and a 486DX33 with Soundblaster _is_ a  slower  system)
138              it  increases  the  game speed to turn off background music. You
139              can completely turn off all sound effects  in  the  setup  menu,
140              although  it  is  much  more  fun  to  have them enabled when it
141              doesn't eats up to much speed.
143              (A little note: The sound server currently needs about  10%  CPU
144              time  on my 486DX/33/SBPro system when playing background music.
145              I wonder if this would get better with a better soundcard,  like
146              Gravis  Ultrasound,  or  if  only  pure  CPU power helps in this
147              case...)

About the game itself

152        Of course you know Boulderdash, so you will know how to play the game.
153       :) If not: You can move your playing figure (the smiley) with the arrow
154       keys or with the joystick (if you have no joystick and  even  no  arrow
155       keys  on  your keyboard, you can use the keys 'i', 'j', 'k' and 'm' for
156       the directions. To 'snap' a field near you without moving  to  it,  you
157       can  use  the left fire button on your joystick (hold it down, move the
158       stick to 'snap' the field, release the button) or the keys 'e', 's', on
159       your joystick or use the 'b' key (and, after placing the dynamite, bet‐
160       ter see to move away from this field...).
162       Just try the levels from the 'tutorial' level serie to see what most of
163       the elements do or have a look at the info screen!
165       Note:  It  is  *highly  recommended* to use a joystick for playing this
166       game! It is possible to play it with the keyboard, but it is *much more
167       fun*  to  play  with  a joystick, and some levels are very difficult to
168       solve with the keyboard. So, the best platform for this game is a Linux
169       or a FreeBSD system (which gives you background music, too).

The Level Editor

173       To  build  your own levels, just choose a 'yellow', empty level. If you
174       cannot find any 'yellow' levels, choose  a  different  level  serie  or
175       choose the higher level numbers (if you have a small 'handicap' number,
176       the higher levels will be skipped to reach the 'empty' levels.
178       Another way is to create your own level series. Just add a line to  the
179       file 'levels/ROCKS.levelinfo' with the following entries:
180       -  the  name  of the level directory (create this directory under 'lev‐
181       els')
182       - the name of the level serie (don't use  any  whitespaces  within  the
183       name)
184       - the 'ready' (red) levels (start with zero)
185       - the 'empty' (yellow) levels (set this to some number of blank levels)
187       To  edit  a  level,  you can use all three mouse buttons to draw in the
188       level window. Click into the elements field with one of the three  but‐
189       tons  to  remap  it to the new element. Use the arrow widgets to scroll
190       around in the level. Use the 'flood fill' field  to  init  exactly  ony
191       flood  fill  operation in the level field (you will be prompted). Click
192       on 'control window' to switch to the control window.
194       In the control window you can modify different parameters like the size
195       of the level playfield, the name of the level, the scores for different
196       elements and something like that. The four 3x3 field on the upper  left
197       can  be  edited  like  the  level  field and indicate the 'contents' of
198       smashed crunchers (just try it out with some crunchers in one  of  your
199       own levels).
201       have done to the level.  will be deleted).

The Tape Recorder

206       You  can use the tape recorder to record games and play tapes of previ‐
207       ously played games. Just use them like a normal video recorder.
209       Recording a game on tape:
210              Just press the 'record' button (the one with the  red  point  on
211              it)  and  either  press  'Start  Game'  or  press on 'record' or
212              'pause' to end the pause mode and start playing and recording.
214              If you have set "auto record" in the setup  menu  to  "on",  you
215              just have to press 'Start Game' as usual.
218       Saving a game tape:
219              To save a tape to the tape file corresponding to the level (that
220              means that you can only save one tape file for each level), just
221              press  the  you  really  want to replace the old tape (if an old
222              tape exists).
225       Playing a tape:
226              Just press 'play' and then either 'play' or 'pause'.
228              While recording or playing, you can press 'pause'  to  stop  the
229              recording  or  the  playing of the tape and continue by pressing
230              'pause' again.  You can use either the tape recorder buttons  or
231              the game control buttons for this purpose.

And Now Have Fun!

236       Have  fun  playing  the game, building new levels and breaking all high
237       scores! ;)


241       If you have any comments,  problems,  suggestions,  donations,  flames,
242       send them to
244            info@artsoft.org
246       Have fun!
250                               20 November 1995             ROCKSNDIAMONDS(1L)