1TELNET(1)                 BSD General Commands Manual                TELNET(1)


4     telnet — user interface to the TELNET protocol


7     telnet [-8EFKLacdfrx] [-X authtype] [-b hostalias] [-e escapechar]
8            [-k realm] [-l user] [-n tracefile] [host [port]]


11     The telnet command is used to communicate with another host using the
12     TELNET protocol.  If telnet is invoked without the host argument, it
13     enters command mode, indicated by its prompt (telnet>).  In this mode, it
14     accepts and executes the commands listed below.  If it is invoked with
15     arguments, it performs an open command with those arguments.
17     The options are as follows:
19     -7      Strip 8th bit on input and output. Telnet is 8-bit clean by
20             default but doesn't send the TELNET BINARY option unless forced.
22     -8      Specifies an 8-bit data path.  This causes an attempt to negoti‐
23             ate the TELNET BINARY option on both input and output.
25     -E      Stops any character from being recognized as an escape character.
27     -F      If Kerberos V5 authentication is being used, the -F option allows
28             the local credentials to be forwarded to the remote system,
29             including any credentials that have already been forwarded into
30             the local environment.
32     -K      Specifies no automatic login to the remote system.
34     -L      Specifies an 8-bit data path on output.  This causes the BINARY
35             option to be negotiated on output.
37     -X atype
38             Disables the atype type of authentication.
40     -a      Attempt automatic login.  Currently, this sends the user name via
41             the USER variable of the ENVIRON option if supported by the
42             remote system.  The name used is that of the current user as
43             returned by getlogin(2) if it agrees with the current user ID,
44             otherwise it is the name associated with the user ID.
46     -b hostalias
47             Uses bind(2) on the local socket to bind it to an aliased address
48             (see ifconfig(8) and the ``alias'' specifier) or to the address
49             of another interface than the one naturally chosen by connect(2).
50             This can be useful when connecting to services which use IP
51             addresses for authentication and reconfiguration of the server is
52             undesirable (or impossible).
54     -c      Disables the reading of the user's .telnetrc file.  (See the
55             toggle skiprc command on this man page.)
57     -d      Sets the initial value of the debug toggle to TRUE.
59     -e escapechar
60             Sets the initial telnet escape character to escapechar.  If
61             escapechar is omitted, then there will be no escape character.
63     -f      If Kerberos V5 authentication is being used, the -f option allows
64             the local credentials to be forwarded to the remote system.
66     -k realm
67             If Kerberos authentication is being used, the -k option requests
68             that telnet obtain tickets for the remote host in realm realm
69             instead of the remote host's realm, as determined by
70             krb_realmofhost(3).
72     -l user
73             When connecting to the remote system, if the remote system under‐
74             stands the ENVIRON option, then user will be sent to the remote
75             system as the value for the variable USER.  This option implies
76             the -a option.  This option may also be used with the open com‐
77             mand.
79     -n tracefile
80             Opens tracefile for recording trace information.  See the set
81             tracefile command below.
83     -r      Specifies a user interface similar to rlogin(1).  In this mode,
84             the escape character is set to the tilde (~) character, unless
85             modified by the -e option.
87     -x      Turns on encryption of the data stream if possible.
89     host    Indicates the official name, an alias, or the Internet address of
90             a remote host.
92     port    Indicates a port number (address of an application).  If a number
93             is not specified, the default telnet port is used.
95     When in rlogin mode, a line of the form ~.  disconnects from the remote
96     host; ~ is the telnet escape character.  Similarly, the line ~^Z suspends
97     the telnet session.  The line ~^] escapes to the normal telnet escape
98     prompt.
100     Once a connection has been opened, telnet will attempt to enable the
101     TELNET LINEMODE option.  If this fails, telnet will revert to one of two
102     input modes: either ``character at a time'' or ``old line by line''
103     depending on what the remote system supports.
105     When LINEMODE is enabled, character processing is done on the local sys‐
106     tem, under the control of the remote system.  When input editing or char‐
107     acter echoing is to be disabled, the remote system will relay that infor‐
108     mation.  The remote system will also relay changes to any special charac‐
109     ters that happen on the remote system, so that they can take effect on
110     the local system.
112     In ``character at a time'' mode, most text typed is immediately sent to
113     the remote host for processing.
115     In ``old line by line'' mode, all text is echoed locally, and (normally)
116     only completed lines are sent to the remote host.  The ``local echo char‐
117     acter'' (initially ``^E'') may be used to turn off and on the local echo
118     (this would mostly be used to enter passwords without the password being
119     echoed).
121     If the LINEMODE option is enabled, or if the localchars toggle is TRUE
122     (the default for ``old line by line''; see below), the user's quit, intr,
123     and flush characters are trapped locally, and sent as TELNET protocol
124     sequences to the remote side.  If LINEMODE has ever been enabled, then
125     the user's susp and eof are also sent as TELNET protocol sequences, and
126     quit is sent as a TELNET ABORT instead of BREAK.  There are options (see
127     toggle autoflush and toggle autosynch below) which cause this action to
128     flush subsequent output to the terminal (until the remote host acknowl‐
129     edges the TELNET sequence) and flush previous terminal input (in the case
130     of quit and intr).
132     While connected to a remote host, telnet command mode may be entered by
133     typing the telnet ``escape character'' (initially ``^]'').  When in com‐
134     mand mode, the normal terminal editing conventions are available.  Note
135     that the escape character will return to the command mode of the initial
136     invocation of telnet that has the controlling terminal.  Use the send
137     escape command to switch to command mode in subsequent telnet processes
138     on remote hosts.
140     The following telnet commands are available.  Only enough of each command
141     to uniquely identify it need be typed (this is also true for arguments to
142     the mode, set, toggle, unset, slc, environ, and display commands).
144     auth argument [...]
145                The auth command manipulates the information sent through the
146                TELNET AUTHENTICATE option.  Valid arguments for the auth com‐
147                mand are as follows:
149                disable type  Disables the specified type of authentication.
150                              To obtain a list of available types, use the
151                              auth disable ? command.
153                enable type   Enables the specified type of authentication.
154                              To obtain a list of available types, use the
155                              auth enable ? command.
157                status        Lists the current status of the various types of
158                              authentication.
160     close      Close a TELNET session and return to command mode.
162     display argument [...]
163                Displays all, or some, of the set and toggle values (see
164                below).
166     encrypt argument [...]
167                The encrypt command manipulates the information sent through
168                the TELNET ENCRYPT option.
170                Valid arguments for the encrypt command are as follows:
172                disable type [input|output]
173                              Disables the specified type of encryption.  If
174                              you omit input and output, both input and output
175                              are disabled.  To obtain a list of available
176                              types, use the encrypt disable ? command.
178                enable type [input|output]
179                              Enables the specified type of encryption.  If
180                              you omit input and output, both input and output
181                              are enabled.  To obtain a list of available
182                              types, use the encrypt enable ? command.
184                input         This is the same as the encrypt start input com‐
185                              mand.
187                -input        This is the same as the encrypt stop input com‐
188                              mand.
190                output        This is the same as the encrypt start output
191                              command.
193                -output       This is the same as the encrypt stop output com‐
194                              mand.
196                start [input|output]
197                              Attempts to start encryption.  If you omit input
198                              and output, both input and output are enabled.
199                              To obtain a list of available types, use the
200                              encrypt enable ? command.
202                status        Lists the current status of encryption.
204                stop [input|output]
205                              Stops encryption.  If you omit input and output,
206                              encryption is on both input and output.
208                type type     Sets the default type of encryption to be used
209                              with later encrypt start or encrypt stop com‐
210                              mands.
212     environ arguments [...]
213                The environ command is used to manipulate the variables that
214                may be sent through the TELNET ENVIRON option.  The initial
215                set of variables is taken from the users environment, with
216                only the DISPLAY and PRINTER variables being exported by
217                default.  The USER variable is also exported if the -a or -l
218                options are used.
219                Valid arguments for the environ command are:
221                define variable value
222                            Define the variable variable to have a value of
223                            value.  Any variables defined by this command are
224                            automatically exported.  The value may be enclosed
225                            in single or double quotes so that tabs and spaces
226                            may be included.
228                undefine variable
229                            Remove variable from the list of environment vari‐
230                            ables.
232                export variable
233                            Mark the variable variable to be exported to the
234                            remote side.
236                unexport variable
237                            Mark the variable variable to not be exported
238                            unless explicitly asked for by the remote side.
240                list        List the current set of environment variables.
241                            Those marked with a * will be sent automatically,
242                            other variables will only be sent if explicitly
243                            requested.
245                ?           Prints out help information for the environ com‐
246                            mand.
248     logout     Sends the TELNET LOGOUT option to the remote side.  This com‐
249                mand is similar to a close command; however, if the remote
250                side does not support the LOGOUT option, nothing happens.  If,
251                however, the remote side does support the LOGOUT option, this
252                command should cause the remote side to close the TELNET con‐
253                nection.  If the remote side also supports the concept of sus‐
254                pending a user's session for later reattachment, the logout
255                argument indicates that you should terminate the session imme‐
256                diately.
258     mode type  type is one of several options, depending on the state of the
259                TELNET session.  The remote host is asked for permission to go
260                into the requested mode.  If the remote host is capable of
261                entering that mode, the requested mode will be entered.
263                character     Disable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the
264                              remote side does not understand the LINEMODE
265                              option, then enter ``character at a time'' mode.
267                line          Enable the TELNET LINEMODE option, or, if the
268                              remote side does not understand the LINEMODE
269                              option, then attempt to enter ``old-line-by-
270                              line'' mode.
272                isig (-isig)  Attempt to enable (disable) the TRAPSIG mode of
273                              the LINEMODE option.  This requires that the
274                              LINEMODE option be enabled.
276                edit (-edit)  Attempt to enable (disable) the EDIT mode of the
277                              LINEMODE option.  This requires that the
278                              LINEMODE option be enabled.
280                softtabs (-softtabs)
281                              Attempt to enable (disable) the SOFT_TAB mode of
282                              the LINEMODE option.  This requires that the
283                              LINEMODE option be enabled.
285                litecho (-litecho)
286                              Attempt to enable (disable) the LIT_ECHO mode of
287                              the LINEMODE option.  This requires that the
288                              LINEMODE option be enabled.
290                ?             Prints out help information for the mode com‐
291                              mand.
293     open host [-l user] [[-] port]
294                Open a connection to the named host.  If no port number is
295                specified, telnet will attempt to contact a TELNET server at
296                the default port.  The host specification may be either a host
297                name (see hosts(5)) or an Internet address specified in the
298                ``dot notation'' (see inet(3)).  The -l option may be used to
299                specify the user name to be passed to the remote system via
300                the ENVIRON option.  When connecting to a non-standard port,
301                telnet omits any automatic initiation of TELNET options.  When
302                the port number is preceded by a minus sign, the initial
303                option negotiation is done.  After establishing a connection,
304                the file .telnetrc in the user's home directory is opened.
305                Lines beginning with a ``#'' are comment lines.  Blank lines
306                are ignored.  Lines that begin without whitespace are the
307                start of a machine entry.  The first thing on the line is the
308                name of the machine that is being connected to.  The rest of
309                the line, and successive lines that begin with whitespace are
310                assumed to be telnet commands and are processed as if they had
311                been typed in manually to the telnet command prompt.
313     quit       Close any open TELNET session and exit telnet.  An end-of-file
314                (in command mode) will also close a session and exit.
316     send arguments
317                Sends one or more special character sequences to the remote
318                host.  The following are the arguments which may be specified
319                (more than one argument may be specified at a time):
321                abort   Sends the TELNET ABORT (Abort processes) sequence.
323                ao      Sends the TELNET AO (Abort Output) sequence, which
324                        should cause the remote system to flush all output
325                        from the remote system to the user's terminal.
327                ayt     Sends the TELNET AYT (Are You There) sequence, to
328                        which the remote system may or may not choose to
329                        respond.
331                brk     Sends the TELNET BRK (Break) sequence, which may have
332                        significance to the remote system.
334                ec      Sends the TELNET EC (Erase Character) sequence, which
335                        should cause the remote system to erase the last char‐
336                        acter entered.
338                el      Sends the TELNET EL (Erase Line) sequence, which
339                        should cause the remote system to erase the line cur‐
340                        rently being entered.
342                eof     Sends the TELNET EOF (End Of File) sequence.
344                eor     Sends the TELNET EOR (End of Record) sequence.
346                escape  Sends the current telnet escape character (initially
347                        ``^]'').
349                ga      Sends the TELNET GA (Go Ahead) sequence, which likely
350                        has no significance to the remote system.
352                getstatus
353                        If the remote side supports the TELNET STATUS command,
354                        getstatus will send the subnegotiation to request that
355                        the server send its current option status.
357                ip      Sends the TELNET IP (Interrupt Process) sequence,
358                        which should cause the remote system to abort the cur‐
359                        rently running process.
361                nop     Sends the TELNET NOP (No OPeration) sequence.
363                susp    Sends the TELNET SUSP (SUSPend process) sequence.
365                synch   Sends the TELNET SYNCH sequence.  This sequence causes
366                        the remote system to discard all previously typed (but
367                        not yet read) input.  This sequence is sent as TCP
368                        urgent data (and may not work if the remote system is
369                        a 4.2BSD system -- if it doesn't work, a lower case
370                        ``r'' may be echoed on the terminal).
372                do cmd  Sends the TELNET DO cmd sequence.  cmd can be either a
373                        decimal number between 0 and 255, or a symbolic name
374                        for a specific TELNET command.  cmd can also be either
375                        help or ? to print out help information, including a
376                        list of known symbolic names.
378                dont cmd
379                        Sends the TELNET DONT cmd sequence.  cmd can be either
380                        a decimal number between 0 and 255, or a symbolic name
381                        for a specific TELNET command.  cmd can also be either
382                        help or ? to print out help information, including a
383                        list of known symbolic names.
385                will cmd
386                        Sends the TELNET WILL cmd sequence.  cmd can be either
387                        a decimal number between 0 and 255, or a symbolic name
388                        for a specific TELNET command.  cmd can also be either
389                        help or ? to print out help information, including a
390                        list of known symbolic names.
392                wont cmd
393                        Sends the TELNET WONT cmd sequence.  cmd can be either
394                        a decimal number between 0 and 255, or a symbolic name
395                        for a specific TELNET command.  cmd can also be either
396                        help or ? to print out help information, including a
397                        list of known symbolic names.
399                ?       Prints out help information for the send command.
401     set argument value
403     unset argument value
404                The set command will set any one of a number of telnet vari‐
405                ables to a specific value or to TRUE.  The special value off
406                turns off the function associated with the variable; this is
407                equivalent to using the unset command.  The unset command will
408                disable or set to FALSE any of the specified functions.  The
409                values of variables may be interrogated with the display com‐
410                mand.  The variables which may be set or unset, but not tog‐
411                gled, are listed here.  In addition, any of the variables for
412                the toggle command may be explicitly set or unset using the
413                set and unset commands.
415                ayt     If TELNET is in localchars mode, or LINEMODE is
416                        enabled, and the status character is typed, a TELNET
417                        AYT sequence (see send ayt preceding) is sent to the
418                        remote host.  The initial value for the "Are You
419                        There" character is the terminal's status character.
421                echo    This is the value (initially ``^E'') which, when in
422                        ``line by line'' mode, toggles between doing local
423                        echoing of entered characters (for normal processing),
424                        and suppressing echoing of entered characters (for
425                        entering, say, a password).
427                eof     If telnet is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
428                        line'' mode, entering this character as the first
429                        character on a line will cause this character to be
430                        sent to the remote system.  The initial value of the
431                        eof character is taken to be the terminal's eof char‐
432                        acter.
434                erase   If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars
435                        below), and if telnet is operating in ``character at a
436                        time'' mode, then when this character is typed, a
437                        TELNET EC sequence (see send ec above) is sent to the
438                        remote system.  The initial value for the erase char‐
439                        acter is taken to be the terminal's erase character.
441                escape  This is the telnet escape character (initially ``^['')
442                        which causes entry into telnet command mode (when con‐
443                        nected to a remote system).
445                flushoutput
446                        If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars
447                        below) and the flushoutput character is typed, a
448                        TELNET AO sequence (see send ao above) is sent to the
449                        remote host.  The initial value for the flush charac‐
450                        ter is taken to be the terminal's flush character.
452                forw1
454                forw2   If TELNET is operating in LINEMODE, these are the
455                        characters that, when typed, cause partial lines to be
456                        forwarded to the remote system.  The initial value for
457                        the forwarding characters are taken from the termi‐
458                        nal's eol and eol2 characters.
460                interrupt
461                        If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars
462                        below) and the interrupt character is typed, a TELNET
463                        IP sequence (see send ip above) is sent to the remote
464                        host.  The initial value for the interrupt character
465                        is taken to be the terminal's intr character.
467                kill    If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars
468                        below), and if telnet is operating in ``character at a
469                        time'' mode, then when this character is typed, a
470                        TELNET EL sequence (see send el above) is sent to the
471                        remote system.  The initial value for the kill charac‐
472                        ter is taken to be the terminal's kill character.
474                lnext   If telnet is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
475                        line'' mode, then this character is taken to be the
476                        terminal's lnext character.  The initial value for the
477                        lnext character is taken to be the terminal's lnext
478                        character.
480                quit    If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars
481                        below) and the quit character is typed, a TELNET BRK
482                        sequence (see send brk above) is sent to the remote
483                        host.  The initial value for the quit character is
484                        taken to be the terminal's quit character.
486                reprint
487                        If telnet is operating in LINEMODE or old line by
488                        line'' mode, then this character is taken to be the
489                        terminal's reprint character.  The initial value for
490                        the reprint character is taken to be the terminal's
491                        reprint character.
493                rlogin  This is the rlogin escape character.  If set, the nor‐
494                        mal TELNET escape character is ignored unless it is
495                        preceded by this character at the beginning of a line.
496                        This character, at the beginning of a line, followed
497                        by a "." closes the connection; when followed by a ^Z
498                        it suspends the telnet command.  The initial state is
499                        to disable the rlogin escape character.
501                start   If the TELNET TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL option has been
502                        enabled, then this character is taken to be the termi‐
503                        nal's start character.  The initial value for the
504                        start character is taken to be the terminal's start
505                        character.
507                stop    If the TELNET TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL option has been
508                        enabled, then this character is taken to be the termi‐
509                        nal's stop character.  The initial value for the stop
510                        character is taken to be the terminal's stop charac‐
511                        ter.
513                susp    If telnet is in localchars mode, or LINEMODE is
514                        enabled, and the suspend character is typed, a TELNET
515                        SUSP sequence (see send susp above) is sent to the
516                        remote host.  The initial value for the suspend char‐
517                        acter is taken to be the terminal's suspend character.
519                tracefile
520                        This is the file to which the output, caused by
521                        netdata or option tracing being TRUE, will be written.
522                        If it is set to “-”, then tracing information will be
523                        written to standard output (the default).
525                worderase
526                        If telnet is operating in LINEMODE or ``old line by
527                        line'' mode, then this character is taken to be the
528                        terminal's worderase character.  The initial value for
529                        the worderase character is taken to be the terminal's
530                        worderase character.
532                ?       Displays the legal set (unset) commands.
534     skey sequence challenge
535                The skey command computes a response to the S/Key challenge.
536                See skey(1) for more information on the S/Key system.
538     slc state  The slc command (Set Local Characters) is used to set or
539                change the state of the special characters when the TELNET
540                LINEMODE option has been enabled.  Special characters are
541                characters that get mapped to TELNET commands sequences (like
542                ip or quit) or line editing characters (like erase and kill).
543                By default, the local special characters are exported.
545                check       Verify the current settings for the current spe‐
546                            cial characters.  The remote side is requested to
547                            send all the current special character settings,
548                            and if there are any discrepancies with the local
549                            side, the local side will switch to the remote
550                            value.
552                export      Switch to the local defaults for the special char‐
553                            acters.  The local default characters are those of
554                            the local terminal at the time when telnet was
555                            started.
557                import      Switch to the remote defaults for the special
558                            characters.  The remote default characters are
559                            those of the remote system at the time when the
560                            TELNET connection was established.
562                ?           Prints out help information for the slc command.
564     status     Show the current status of telnet.  This includes the peer one
565                is connected to, as well as the current mode.
567     toggle arguments [...]
568                Toggle (between TRUE and FALSE) various flags that control how
569                telnet responds to events.  These flags may be set explicitly
570                to TRUE or FALSE using the set and unset commands listed
571                above.  More than one argument may be specified.  The state of
572                these flags may be interrogated with the display command.
573                Valid arguments are:
575                authdebug     Turns on debugging information for the authenti‐
576                              cation code.
578                autoflush     If autoflush and localchars are both TRUE, then
579                              when the ao or quit characters are recognized
580                              (and transformed into TELNET sequences; see set
581                              above for details), telnet refuses to display
582                              any data on the user's terminal until the remote
583                              system acknowledges (via a TELNET TIMING MARK
584                              option) that it has processed those TELNET
585                              sequences.  The initial value for this toggle is
586                              TRUE if the terminal user had not done an "stty
587                              noflsh", otherwise FALSE (see stty(1)).
589                autodecrypt   When the TELNET ENCRYPT option is negotiated, by
590                              default the actual encryption (decryption) of
591                              the data stream does not start automatically.
592                              The autoencrypt (autodecrypt) command states
593                              that encryption of the output (input) stream
594                              should be enabled as soon as possible.
596                autologin     If the remote side supports the TELNET
597                              AUTHENTICATION option TELNET attempts to use it
598                              to perform automatic authentication.  If the
599                              AUTHENTICATION option is not supported, the
600                              user's login name are propagated through the
601                              TELNET ENVIRON option.  This command is the same
602                              as specifying a option on the open command.
604                autosynch     If autosynch and localchars are both TRUE, then
605                              when either the intr or quit character is typed
606                              (see set above for descriptions of the intr and
607                              quit characters), the resulting TELNET sequence
608                              sent is followed by the TELNET SYNCH sequence.
609                              This procedure should cause the remote system to
610                              begin throwing away all previously typed input
611                              until both of the TELNET sequences have been
612                              read and acted upon.  The initial value of this
613                              toggle is FALSE.
615                binary        Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on
616                              both input and output.
618                inbinary      Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on
619                              input.
621                outbinary     Enable or disable the TELNET BINARY option on
622                              output.
624                crlf          If this is TRUE, then carriage returns will be
625                              sent as <CR><LF>.  If this is FALSE, then car‐
626                              riage returns will be send as <CR><NUL>.  The
627                              initial value for this toggle is FALSE.
629                crmod         Toggle carriage return mode.  When this mode is
630                              enabled, most carriage return characters
631                              received from the remote host will be mapped
632                              into a carriage return followed by a line feed.
633                              This mode does not affect those characters typed
634                              by the user, only those received from the remote
635                              host.  This mode is not very useful unless the
636                              remote host only sends carriage return, but
637                              never line feeds.  The initial value for this
638                              toggle is FALSE.
640                debug         Toggles socket level debugging (useful only to
641                              the superuser).  The initial value for this tog‐
642                              gle is FALSE.
644                encdebug      Turns on debugging information for the encryp‐
645                              tion code.
647                localchars    If this is TRUE, then the flush, interrupt,
648                              quit, erase, and kill characters (see set above)
649                              are recognized locally, and transformed into
650                              (hopefully) appropriate TELNET control sequences
651                              (respectively ao, ip, brk, ec, and el; see send
652                              above).  The initial value for this toggle is
653                              TRUE in ``old line by line'' mode, and FALSE in
654                              ``character at a time'' mode.  When the LINEMODE
655                              option is enabled, the value of localchars is
656                              ignored, and assumed to always be TRUE.  If
657                              LINEMODE has ever been enabled, then quit is
658                              sent as abort, and eof and suspend are sent as
659                              eof and susp (see send above).
661                netdata       Toggles the display of all network data (in
662                              hexadecimal format).  The initial value for this
663                              toggle is FALSE.
665                options       Toggles the display of some internal telnet pro‐
666                              tocol processing (having to do with TELNET
667                              options).  The initial value for this toggle is
668                              FALSE.
670                prettydump    When the netdata toggle is enabled, if
671                              prettydump is enabled the output from the
672                              netdata command will be formatted in a more user
673                              readable format.  Spaces are put between each
674                              character in the output, and the beginning of
675                              any TELNET escape sequence is preceded by a '*'
676                              to aid in locating them.
678                skiprc        When the skiprc toggle is TRUE, TELNET skips the
679                              reading of the .telnetrc file in the user's home
680                              directory when connections are opened.  The ini‐
681                              tial value for this toggle is FALSE.
683                termdata      Toggles the display of all terminal data (in
684                              hexadecimal format).  The initial value for this
685                              toggle is FALSE.
687                verbose_encrypt
688                              When the verbose_encrypt toggle is TRUE, telnet
689                              prints out a message each time encryption is
690                              enabled or disabled.  The initial value for this
691                              toggle is FALSE.
693                ?             Displays the legal toggle commands.
695     z          Suspend telnet.  This command only works when the user is
696                using the csh(1).
698     ! [command]
699                Execute a single command in a subshell on the local system.
700                If command is omitted, then an interactive subshell is
701                invoked.
703     ? [command]
704                Get help.  With no arguments, telnet prints a help summary.
705                If a command is specified, telnet will print the help informa‐
706                tion for just that command.


709     telnet uses at least the HOME, SHELL, DISPLAY, and TERM environment vari‐
710     ables.  Other environment variables may be propagated to the other side
711     via the TELNET ENVIRON option.


714     ~/.telnetrc  user customized telnet startup values


717     The telnet command appeared in 4.2BSD.


720     On some remote systems, echo has to be turned off manually when in ``old
721     line by line'' mode.
723     In ``old line by line'' mode or LINEMODE the terminal's eof character is
724     only recognized (and sent to the remote system) when it is the first
725     character on a line.
727     Source routing is not supported yet for IPv6.
729BSD                            February 3, 1994                            BSD