1ZIPINFO(1L)                                                        ZIPINFO(1L)


6       zipinfo - list detailed information about a ZIP archive


9       zipinfo [-12smlvhMtTz] file[.zip] [file(s) ...] [-x xfile(s) ...]
11       unzip -Z [-12smlvhMtTz] file[.zip] [file(s) ...] [-x xfile(s) ...]


14       zipinfo  lists technical information about files in a ZIP archive, most
15       commonly found on  MS-DOS  systems.   Such  information  includes  file
16       access permissions, encryption status, type of compression, version and
17       operating system or file system of compressing program, and  the  like.
18       The  default  behavior (with no options) is to list single-line entries
19       for each file in the archive, with header and trailer  lines  providing
20       summary  information  for  the  entire  archive.  The format is a cross
21       between Unix ``ls -l'' and ``unzip -v'' output.  See DETAILED  DESCRIP‐
22       TION  below.   Note  that  zipinfo  is the same program as unzip (under
23       Unix, a link to it); on some systems, however, zipinfo support may have
24       been omitted when unzip was compiled.


27       file[.zip]
28              Path  of  the  ZIP  archive(s).   If the file specification is a
29              wildcard, each matching file is processed in an order determined
30              by the operating system (or file system).  Only the filename can
31              be a wildcard; the path itself cannot.  Wildcard expressions are
32              similar to Unix egrep(1) (regular) expressions and may contain:
34              *      matches a sequence of 0 or more characters
36              ?      matches exactly 1 character
38              [...]  matches  any  single character found inside the brackets;
39                     ranges are specified by a beginning character, a  hyphen,
40                     and  an  ending  character.  If an exclamation point or a
41                     caret (`!' or `^') follows the  left  bracket,  then  the
42                     range  of  characters within the brackets is complemented
43                     (that is,  anything  except  the  characters  inside  the
44                     brackets  is  considered a match).  To specify a verbatim
45                     left bracket, the three-character sequence ``[[]'' has to
46                     be used.
48              (Be  sure  to quote any character that might otherwise be inter‐
49              preted or modified by the operating system,  particularly  under
50              Unix  and  VMS.)   If no matches are found, the specification is
51              assumed to be a literal filename; and if that  also  fails,  the
52              suffix  .zip  is  appended.  Note that self-extracting ZIP files
53              are supported, as with any other ZIP archive; just  specify  the
54              .exe suffix (if any) explicitly.
56       [file(s)]
57              An  optional  list of archive members to be processed, separated
58              by spaces.  (VMS versions  compiled  with  VMSCLI  defined  must
59              delimit  files with commas instead.)  Regular expressions (wild‐
60              cards) may be used to match multiple members; see above.  Again,
61              be sure to quote expressions that would otherwise be expanded or
62              modified by the operating system.
64       [-x xfile(s)]
65              An optional list of archive members to be excluded from process‐
66              ing.


69       -1     list  filenames  only,  one  per line.  This option excludes all
70              others;  headers,  trailers  and  zipfile  comments  are   never
71              printed.  It is intended for use in Unix shell scripts.
73       -2     list  filenames  only,  one  per  line,  but allow headers (-h),
74              trailers (-t) and zipfile comments (-z), as well.   This  option
75              may  be  useful in cases where the stored filenames are particu‐
76              larly long.
78       -s     list zipfile info in short Unix ``ls -l'' format.  This  is  the
79              default behavior; see below.
81       -m     list zipfile info in medium Unix ``ls -l'' format.  Identical to
82              the -s output, except that the compression factor, expressed  as
83              a percentage, is also listed.
85       -l     list  zipfile  info  in  long Unix ``ls -l'' format.  As with -m
86              except that the compressed size (in bytes) is printed instead of
87              the compression ratio.
89       -v     list zipfile information in verbose, multi-page format.
91       -h     list  header line.  The archive name, actual size (in bytes) and
92              total number of files is printed.
94       -M     pipe all output through an internal pager similar  to  the  Unix
95              more(1)  command.   At the end of a screenful of output, zipinfo
96              pauses with a ``--More--'' prompt; the  next  screenful  may  be
97              viewed  by  pressing  the  Enter  (Return) key or the space bar.
98              zipinfo can be terminated by pressing the ``q'' key and, on some
99              systems, the Enter/Return key.  Unlike Unix more(1), there is no
100              forward-searching or editing capability.  Also, zipinfo  doesn't
101              notice if long lines wrap at the edge of the screen, effectively
102              resulting in the printing of two or more lines and  the  likeli‐
103              hood that some text will scroll off the top of the screen before
104              being viewed.  On some systems the number of available lines  on
105              the  screen  is  not detected, in which case zipinfo assumes the
106              height is 24 lines.
108       -t     list totals for files listed or for all files.   The  number  of
109              files  listed,  their  uncompressed and compressed total sizes ,
110              and their overall compression factor is printed; or, if only the
111              totals  line is being printed, the values for the entire archive
112              are given.  The compressed total size does not  include  the  12
113              additional  header  bytes of each encrypted entry. Note that the
114              total compressed (data) size will never match the actual zipfile
115              size,  since  the  latter  includes  all of the internal zipfile
116              headers in addition to the compressed data.
118       -T     print the file dates and times  in  a  sortable  decimal  format
119              (yymmdd.hhmmss).   The  default  date format is a more standard,
120              human-readable version with abbreviated month names  (see  exam‐
121              ples below).
123       -z     include the archive comment (if any) in the listing.


126       zipinfo has a number of modes, and its behavior can be rather difficult
127       to fathom if one isn't familiar with Unix ls(1) (or even  if  one  is).
128       The default behavior is to list files in the following format:
130  -rw-rws---  1.9 unx    2802 t- defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660
132       The  last  three fields are the modification date and time of the file,
133       and its name.  The case of the filename is respected; thus  files  that
134       come  from MS-DOS PKZIP are always capitalized.  If the file was zipped
135       with a stored directory name, that is also displayed  as  part  of  the
136       filename.
138       The  second  and  third  fields indicate that the file was zipped under
139       Unix with version 1.9 of zip.  Since it comes from Unix, the file  per‐
140       missions  at the beginning of the line are printed in Unix format.  The
141       uncompressed file-size (2802 in this example) is the fourth field.
143       The fifth field consists of two characters, either of which may take on
144       several values.  The first character may be either `t' or `b', indicat‐
145       ing that zip believes the file to be text or binary, respectively;  but
146       if  the  file is encrypted, zipinfo notes this fact by capitalizing the
147       character (`T' or `B').  The second character may  also  take  on  four
148       values,  depending  on whether there is an extended local header and/or
149       an ``extra  field''  associated  with  the  file  (fully  explained  in
150       PKWare's  APPNOTE.TXT,  but  basically  analogous  to  pragmas  in ANSI
151       C--i.e., they provide a standard way to include  non-standard  informa‐
152       tion  in  the  archive).   If  neither  exists, the character will be a
153       hyphen (`-'); if there is an extended local header but no extra  field,
154       `l';  if  the  reverse,  `x'; and if both exist, `X'.  Thus the file in
155       this example is (probably) a text file, is not encrypted, and has  nei‐
156       ther  an  extra  field nor an extended local header associated with it.
157       The example below, on the other hand, is an encrypted binary file  with
158       an extra field:
160  RWD,R,R     0.9 vms     168 Bx shrk  9-Aug-91 19:15 perms.0644
162       Extra  fields  are  used for various purposes (see discussion of the -v
163       option below) including the storage of VMS file  attributes,  which  is
164       presumably  the case here.  Note that the file attributes are listed in
165       VMS format.  Some other possibilities for  the  host  operating  system
166       (which  is  actually  a  misnomer--host  file  system  is more correct)
167       include OS/2 or NT with High Performance File  System  (HPFS),  MS-DOS,
168       OS/2 or NT with File Allocation Table (FAT) file system, and Macintosh.
169       These are denoted as follows:
171  -rw-a--     1.0 hpf    5358 Tl i4:3  4-Dec-91 11:33 longfilename.hpfs
172  -r--ahs     1.1 fat    4096 b- i4:2 14-Jul-91 12:58 EA DATA. SF
173  --w-------  1.0 mac   17357 bx i8:2  4-May-92 04:02 unzip.macr
175       File attributes in the first two cases are  indicated  in  a  Unix-like
176       format,  where the seven subfields indicate whether the file:  (1) is a
177       directory, (2) is readable (always true), (3) is writable, (4) is  exe‐
178       cutable  (guessed on the basis of the extension--.exe, .com, .bat, .cmd
179       and .btm files are assumed to be so), (5) has its archive bit set,  (6)
180       is  hidden, and (7) is a system file.  Interpretation of Macintosh file
181       attributes is unreliable because some Macintosh archivers  don't  store
182       any attributes in the archive.
184       Finally,  the sixth field indicates the compression method and possible
185       sub-method used.  There are six methods known at present:  storing  (no
186       compression),  reducing,  shrinking,  imploding, tokenizing (never pub‐
187       licly released), and deflating.  In addition, there are four levels  of
188       reducing  (1 through 4); four types of imploding (4K or 8K sliding dic‐
189       tionary, and 2 or 3 Shannon-Fano trees); and four levels  of  deflating
190       (superfast,  fast,  normal,  maximum  compression).  zipinfo represents
191       these methods and their sub-methods  as  follows:   stor;  re:1,  re:2,
192       etc.; shrk; i4:2, i8:3, etc.; tokn; and defS, defF, defN, and defX.
194       The  medium  and long listings are almost identical to the short format
195       except that they add information on the file's compression.  The medium
196       format  lists  the file's compression factor as a percentage indicating
197       the amount of space that has been ``removed'':
199  -rw-rws---  1.5 unx    2802 t- 81% defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660
201       In this example, the file has been compressed by more than a factor  of
202       five;  the compressed data are only 19% of the original size.  The long
203       format gives the compressed file's size in bytes, instead:
205  -rw-rws---  1.5 unx    2802 t-     538 defX 11-Aug-91 13:48 perms.2660
207       In contrast to the unzip listings, the compressed size figures in  this
208       listing  format  denote the complete size of compressed data, including
209       the 12 extra header bytes in case of encrypted entries.
211       Adding the -T option changes the file date and time to decimal format:
213  -rw-rws---  1.5 unx    2802 t-     538 defX 910811.134804 perms.2660
215       Note that because of limitations in the MS-DOS  format  used  to  store
216       file  times,  the  seconds  field is always rounded to the nearest even
217       second.  For Unix files this is expected to change in  the  next  major
218       releases of zip(1L) and unzip.
220       In  addition  to individual file information, a default zipfile listing
221       also includes header and trailer lines:
223  Archive:  OS2.zip   5453 bytes   5 files
224  ,,rw,       1.0 hpf     730 b- i4:3 26-Jun-92 23:40 Contents
225  ,,rw,       1.0 hpf    3710 b- i4:3 26-Jun-92 23:33 makefile.os2
226  ,,rw,       1.0 hpf    8753 b- i8:3 26-Jun-92 15:29 os2unzip.c
227  ,,rw,       1.0 hpf      98 b- stor 21-Aug-91 15:34 unzip.def
228  ,,rw,       1.0 hpf      95 b- stor 21-Aug-91 17:51 zipinfo.def
229  5 files, 13386 bytes uncompressed, 4951 bytes compressed:  63.0%
231       The header line gives the name of the archive, its total size, and  the
232       total  number  of  files; the trailer gives the number of files listed,
233       their total uncompressed size, and their  total  compressed  size  (not
234       including  any  of  zip's internal overhead).  If, however, one or more
235       file(s) are provided, the header and  trailer  lines  are  not  listed.
236       This  behavior  is  also similar to that of Unix's ``ls -l''; it may be
237       overridden by specifying the -h and -t options explicitly.  In  such  a
238       case  the listing format must also be specified explicitly, since -h or
239       -t (or both) in the absence of other  options  implies  that  ONLY  the
240       header  or  trailer line (or both) is listed.  See the EXAMPLES section
241       below for a semi-intelligible translation of this nonsense.
243       The verbose listing is mostly self-explanatory.   It  also  lists  file
244       comments  and  the  zipfile comment, if any, and the type and number of
245       bytes in any stored extra  fields.   Currently  known  types  of  extra
246       fields  include  PKWARE's  authentication  (``AV'') info; OS/2 extended
247       attributes; VMS filesystem info, both  PKWARE  and  Info-ZIP  versions;
248       Macintosh  resource  forks;  Acorn/Archimedes  SparkFS info; and so on.
249       (Note that in the case of OS/2 extended  attributes--perhaps  the  most
250       common  use  of  zipfile  extra  fields--the  size of the stored EAs as
251       reported by zipinfo may not match the number given by OS/2's  dir  com‐
252       mand:  OS/2  always reports the number of bytes required in 16-bit for‐
253       mat, whereas zipinfo always reports the 32-bit storage.)
255       Again, the compressed size figures of the  individual  entries  include
256       the  12 extra header bytes for encrypted entries.  In contrast, the ar‐
257       chive total compressed size and the average compression ratio shown  in
258       the  summary  bottom  line  are  calculated without the extra 12 header
259       bytes of encrypted entries.


262       Modifying zipinfo's default behavior via options placed in an  environ‐
263       ment  variable  can  be  a bit complicated to explain, due to zipinfo's
264       attempts to handle various defaults in  an  intuitive,  yet  Unix-like,
265       manner.   (Try  not  to laugh.)  Nevertheless, there is some underlying
266       logic.  In brief, there are three ``priority levels'' of options:   the
267       default  options; environment options, which can override or add to the
268       defaults; and explicit options given by the user, which can override or
269       add to either of the above.
271       The  default listing format, as noted above, corresponds roughly to the
272       "zipinfo -hst" command (except  when  individual  zipfile  members  are
273       specified).   A  user who prefers the long-listing format (-l) can make
274       use of the zipinfo's environment variable to change this default:
276       Unix Bourne shell:
277              ZIPINFO=-l; export ZIPINFO
279       Unix C shell:
280              setenv ZIPINFO -l
282       OS/2 or MS-DOS:
283              set ZIPINFO=-l
285       VMS (quotes for lowercase):
286              define ZIPINFO_OPTS "-l"
288       If, in addition, the user dislikes the trailer line, zipinfo's  concept
289       of  ``negative  options'' may be used to override the default inclusion
290       of the line.  This is accomplished by preceding  the  undesired  option
291       with one or more minuses:  e.g., ``-l-t'' or ``--tl'', in this example.
292       The first hyphen is the regular switch character, but  the  one  before
293       the  `t'  is  a  minus sign.  The dual use of hyphens may seem a little
294       awkward, but it's reasonably intuitive nonetheless:  simply ignore  the
295       first  hyphen and go from there.  It is also consistent with the behav‐
296       ior of the Unix command nice(1).
298       As suggested above, the default variable names are ZIPINFO_OPTS for VMS
299       (where  the  symbol  used to install zipinfo as a foreign command would
300       otherwise be confused with the environment variable), and  ZIPINFO  for
301       all  other  operating  systems.  For compatibility with zip(1L), ZIPIN‐
302       FOOPT is also accepted (don't ask).  If both ZIPINFO and ZIPINFOOPT are
303       defined,  however, ZIPINFO takes precedence.  unzip's diagnostic option
304       (-v with no zipfile name) can be used to check the values of  all  four
305       possible unzip and zipinfo environment variables.


308       To  get a basic, short-format listing of the complete contents of a ZIP
309       archive storage.zip, with both header and totals lines,  use  only  the
310       archive name as an argument to zipinfo:
312       zipinfo storage
314       To produce a basic, long-format listing (not verbose), including header
315       and totals lines, use -l:
317       zipinfo -l storage
319       To list the complete contents of the archive without header and  totals
320       lines, either negate the -h and -t options or else specify the contents
321       explicitly:
323       zipinfo --h-t storage
324       zipinfo storage \*
326       (where the backslash is required only  if  the  shell  would  otherwise
327       expand  the `*' wildcard, as in Unix when globbing is turned on--double
328       quotes around the asterisk would have worked as well).  To turn off the
329       totals  line  by  default,  use  the  environment  variable (C shell is
330       assumed here):
332       setenv ZIPINFO --t
333       zipinfo storage
335       To get the full, short-format listing of the first example again, given
336       that  the environment variable is set as in the previous example, it is
337       necessary to specify the -s option explicitly, since the -t  option  by
338       itself implies that ONLY the footer line is to be printed:
340       setenv ZIPINFO --t
341       zipinfo -t storage            [only totals line]
342       zipinfo -st storage           [full listing]
344       The -s option, like -m and -l, includes headers and footers by default,
345       unless otherwise specified.  Since the environment  variable  specified
346       no  footers  and that has a higher precedence than the default behavior
347       of -s, an explicit -t option was necessary to produce the full listing.
348       Nothing  was  indicated about the header, however, so the -s option was
349       sufficient.  Note that both the -h and -t options, when used  by  them‐
350       selves  or  with  each  other,  override  any default listing of member
351       files; only the header and/or footer are  printed.   This  behavior  is
352       useful  when zipinfo is used with a wildcard zipfile specification; the
353       contents of all zipfiles are then summarized with a single command.
355       To list information on a single file within the archive, in medium for‐
356       mat, specify the filename explicitly:
358       zipinfo -m storage unshrink.c
360       The specification of any member file, as in this example, will override
361       the default header and totals lines; only the single line  of  informa‐
362       tion  about  the  requested  file will be printed.  This is intuitively
363       what one would expect when requesting information about a single  file.
364       For multiple files, it is often useful to know the total compressed and
365       uncompressed size; in such cases -t may be specified explicitly:
367       zipinfo -mt storage "*.[ch]" Mak\*
369       To get maximal information about  the  ZIP  archive,  use  the  verbose
370       option.   It  is  usually wise to pipe the output into a filter such as
371       Unix more(1) if the operating system allows it:
373       zipinfo -v storage | more
375       Finally, to see the most recently modified files in  the  archive,  use
376       the  -T  option in conjunction with an external sorting utility such as
377       Unix sort(1) (and sed(1) as well, in this example):
379       zipinfo -T storage | sort -nr -k 7 | sed 15q
381       The -nr option to sort(1) tells it to sort numerically in reverse order
382       rather  than  in textual order, and the -k 7 option tells it to sort on
383       the seventh field.  This assumes the default short-listing  format;  if
384       -m  or -l is used, the proper sort(1) option would be -k 8.  Older ver‐
385       sions of sort(1) do not support the -k option, but you can use the tra‐
386       ditional  +  option instead, e.g., +6 instead of -k 7.  The sed(1) com‐
387       mand filters out all but the first 15 lines  of  the  listing.   Future
388       releases  of  zipinfo may incorporate date/time and filename sorting as
389       built-in options.


392       The author finds it convenient to define an alias  ii  for  zipinfo  on
393       systems  that allow aliases (or, on other systems, copy/rename the exe‐
394       cutable, create a link or create a command file with the name ii).  The
395       ii  usage  parallels the common ll alias for long listings in Unix, and
396       the similarity between the outputs of the two commands was intentional.


399       As with unzip, zipinfo's -M (``more'') option is overly  simplistic  in
400       its  handling  of screen output; as noted above, it fails to detect the
401       wrapping of long lines and may thereby cause lines at the  top  of  the
402       screen to be scrolled off before being read.  zipinfo should detect and
403       treat each occurrence of line-wrap  as  one  additional  line  printed.
404       This  requires  knowledge  of the screen's width as well as its height.
405       In addition, zipinfo should detect the true screen geometry on all sys‐
406       tems.
408       zipinfo's  listing-format  behavior is unnecessarily complex and should
409       be simplified.  (This is not to say that it will be.)


412       ls(1), funzip(1L), unzip(1L), unzipsfx(1L), zip(1L), zipcloak(1L), zip‐
413       note(1L), zipsplit(1L)


416       The Info-ZIP home page is currently at
417       http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/
418       or
419       ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/ .


422       Greg  ``Cave Newt'' Roelofs.  ZipInfo contains pattern-matching code by
423       Mark Adler and fixes/improvements by many others.  Please refer to  the
424       CONTRIBS  file  in  the  UnZip  source distribution for a more complete
425       list.
429Info-ZIP                   28 February 2005 (v2.42)                ZIPINFO(1L)