1Tcl_CreateTrace(3)          Tcl Library Procedures          Tcl_CreateTrace(3)


8       Tcl_CreateTrace, Tcl_CreateObjTrace, Tcl_DeleteTrace - arrange for com‐
9       mand execution to be traced


12       #include <tcl.h>
14       Tcl_Trace
15       Tcl_CreateTrace(interp, level, proc, clientData)
17       Tcl_Trace
18       Tcl_CreateObjTrace(interp, level, flags, objProc, clientData, deleteProc)
20       Tcl_DeleteTrace(interp, trace)


23       Tcl_Interp                  *interp          (in)      Interpreter con‐
24                                                              taining  command
25                                                              to be traced  or
26                                                              untraced.
28       int                         level            (in)      Only commands at
29                                                              or  below   this
30                                                              nesting    level
31                                                              will  be  traced
32                                                              unless    0   is
33                                                              specified.     1
34                                                              means  top-level
35                                                              commands only, 2
36                                                              means  top-level
37                                                              commands      or
38                                                              those  that  are
39                                                              invoked as imme‐
40                                                              diate     conse‐
41                                                              quences of  exe‐
42                                                              cuting top-level
43                                                              commands (proce‐
44                                                              dure     bodies,
45                                                              bracketed   com‐
46                                                              mands, etc.) and
47                                                              so on.  A  value
48                                                              of  0 means that
49                                                              commands at  any
50                                                              level        are
51                                                              traced.
53       int                         flags            (in)      Flags  governing
54                                                              the trace execu‐
55                                                              tion.  See below
56                                                              for details.
58       Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc         *objProc         (in)      Procedure     to
59                                                              call  for   each
60                                                              command   that's
61                                                              executed.    See
62                                                              below        for
63                                                              details  of  the
64                                                              calling
65                                                              sequence.
67       Tcl_CmdTraceProc            *proc            (in)      Procedure     to
68                                                              call   for  each
69                                                              command   that's
70                                                              executed.    See
71                                                              below        for
72                                                              details  on  the
73                                                              calling
74                                                              sequence.
76       ClientData                  clientData       (in)      Arbitrary   one-
77                                                              word  value   to
78                                                              pass  to objProc
79                                                              or proc.
81       Tcl_CmdObjTraceDeleteProc   *deleteProc                Procedure     to
82                                                              call   when  the
83                                                              trace         is
84                                                              deleted.     See
85                                                              below        for
86                                                              details  of  the
87                                                              calling
88                                                              sequence.      A
89                                                              NULL pointer  is
90                                                              permissible  and
91                                                              results  in   no
92                                                              callback    when
93                                                              the   trace   is
94                                                              deleted.
96       Tcl_Trace                   trace            (in)      Token  for trace
97                                                              to  be   removed
98                                                              (return    value
99                                                              from    previous
100                                                              call to Tcl_Cre‐
101                                                              ateTrace).


105       Tcl_CreateObjTrace arranges for command tracing.  After it  is  called,
106       objProc  will  be  invoked before the Tcl interpreter calls any command
107       procedure when evaluating commands in interp.  The  return  value  from
108       Tcl_CreateObjTrace  is  a  token  for the trace, which may be passed to
109       Tcl_DeleteTrace to remove the trace.   There  may  be  many  traces  in
110       effect simultaneously for the same interpreter.
112       objProc   should  have  arguments  and  result  that  match  the  type,
113       Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc:
114              typedef int Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc(
115                  ClientData clientData,
116                  Tcl_Interp* interp,
117                  int level,
118                  CONST char* command,
119                  Tcl_Command commandToken,
120                  int objc,
121                  Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] );
122       The clientData and interp parameters are copies  of  the  corresponding
123       arguments  given to Tcl_CreateTrace.  ClientData typically points to an
124       application-specific data structure that  describes  what  to  do  when
125       objProc is invoked.  The level parameter gives the nesting level of the
126       command (1 for top-level commands passed to Tcl_Eval  by  the  applica‐
127       tion, 2 for the next-level commands passed to Tcl_Eval as part of pars‐
128       ing or interpreting level-1 commands, and so on). The command parameter
129       points to a string containing the text of the command, before any argu‐
130       ment substitution.  The commandToken parameter is a Tcl  command  token
131       that  identifies the command to be invoked.  The token may be passed to
132       Tcl_GetCommandName, Tcl_GetCommandTokenInfo, or Tcl_SetCommandTokenInfo
133       to  manipulate the definition of the command. The objc and objv parame‐
134       ters designate the final parameter count and parameter vector that will
135       be passed to the command, and have had all substitutions performed.
137       The objProc callback is expected to return a standard Tcl status return
138       code.  If this code is TCL_OK (the normal case), then  the  Tcl  inter‐
139       preter will invoke the command.  Any other return code is treated as if
140       the command returned that status, and the command is not invoked.
142       The objProc callback must not modify objv in any way.  It is,  however,
143       permissible  to  change  the command by calling Tcl_SetCommandTokenInfo
144       prior to returning.  Any such change takes effect immediately, and  the
145       command is invoked with the new information.
147       Tracing  will  only  occur  for  commands at nesting level less than or
148       equal to the level parameter (i.e. the level parameter to objProc  will
149       always  be  less  than  or  equal to the level parameter to Tcl_Create‐
150       Trace).
152       Tracing has a significant effect  on  runtime  performance  because  it
153       causes  the  bytecode  compiler to refrain from generating in-line code
154       for Tcl commands such as if and while in order that they may be traced.
155       If traces for the built-in commands are not required, the flags parame‐
156       ter may be set to the constant value TCL_ALLOW_INLINE_COMPILATION.   In
157       this  case,  traces on built-in commands may or may not result in trace
158       callbacks, depending on the state of the interpreter, but run-time per‐
159       formance will be improved significantly.  (This functionality is desir‐
160       able, for example, when using Tcl_CreateObjTrace to implement an execu‐
161       tion time profiler.)
163       Calls  to  objProc will be made by the Tcl parser immediately before it
164       calls the command procedure for the  command  (cmdProc).   This  occurs
165       after  argument  parsing  and  substitution, so tracing for substituted
166       commands occurs before tracing of the commands containing the substitu‐
167       tions.  If there is a syntax error in a command, or if there is no com‐
168       mand procedure associated with a command name,  then  no  tracing  will
169       occur for that command.  If a string passed to Tcl_Eval contains multi‐
170       ple commands (bracketed, or on different lines) then multiple calls  to
171       objProc will occur, one for each command.
173       Tcl_DeleteTrace  removes  a trace, so that no future calls will be made
174       to the procedure associated  with  the  trace.   After  Tcl_DeleteTrace
175       returns, the caller should never again use the trace token.
177       When  Tcl_DeleteTrace is called, the interpreter invokes the deleteProc
178       that was passed as a parameter to Tcl_CreateObjTrace.   The  deleteProc
179       must match the type, Tcl_CmdObjTraceDeleteProc:
180              typedef void Tcl_CmdObjTraceDeleteProc(
181                  ClientData clientData
182              );
183       The  clientData  parameter will be the same as the clientData parameter
184       that was originally passed to Tcl_CreateObjTrace.
186       Tcl_CreateTrace is an alternative interface for  command  tracing,  not
187       recommended for new applications.  It is provided for backward compati‐
188       bility with code that was developed  for  older  versions  of  the  Tcl
189       interpreter.  It is similar to Tcl_CreateObjTrace, except that its proc
190       parameter should have arguments and result that match the type Tcl_Cmd‐
191       TraceProc:
192              typedef void Tcl_CmdTraceProc(
193                ClientData clientData,
194                Tcl_Interp *interp,
195                int level,
196                char *command,
197                Tcl_CmdProc *cmdProc,
198                ClientData cmdClientData,
199                int argc,
200                CONST char *argv[]);
201       The parameters to the proc callback are similar to those of the objProc
202       callback above. The commandToken is replaced with cmdProc, a pointer to
203       the  (string-based)  command  procedure  that will be invoked; and cmd‐
204       ClientData, the client data that will be passed to the procedure.   The
205       objc parameter is replaced with an argv parameter, that gives the argu‐
206       ments to the command as character strings.  Proc must  not  modify  the
207       command or argv strings.
209       If  a  trace created with Tcl_CreateTrace is in effect, inline compila‐
210       tion of Tcl commands such as if and while is always disabled.  There is
211       no  notification  when a trace created with Tcl_CreateTrace is deleted.
212       There is no way to be notified when the trace  created  by  Tcl_Create‐
213       Trace  is deleted.  There is no way for the proc associated with a call
214       to Tcl_CreateTrace to abort execution of command.


217       command, create, delete, interpreter, trace
221Tcl                                                         Tcl_CreateTrace(3)