1astext(1)                AfterStep X11 window manager                astext(1)


6       astext - demonstrates antialiased texturized text rendering libAfterIm‐
7       age/tutorials/ASText



11       libAfterImage application for rendering texturized text.


14       In this tutorial we will attempt to render arbitrary text in window,
15       with optional texturized background and foreground. We shall also
16       surround rendered text with beveled frame, creating an illusion of a
17       button.
19       New steps described in this tutorial are :
20       ASText.1. Openning and closing fonts.
21       ASText.2. Approximating rendered text size.
22       ASText.3. Rendering texturized text.
23       ASText.4. Merging foreground and background with bevel.


26       Tutorial 1: ASView  - explanation of basic steps needed to use
27                             libAfterImage and some other simple things.
28       Tutorial 2: ASScale - image scaling basics.
29       Tutorial 3: ASTile  - image tiling and tinting.
30       Tutorial 4: ASMerge - scaling and blending of arbitrary number of
31                             images.
32       Tutorial 5: ASGrad  - drawing multipoint linear gradients.
33       Tutorial 6: ASFlip  - image rotation.


36       Source :
37       #include "../afterbase.h"
38       #include "../afterimage.h"
39       #include "common.h"
41       /* Usage:  astext [-f font] [-s size] [-t text] [-S 3D_style]
42                         [-c text_color] [-b background_color]
43                         [-T foreground_texture] [-B background_image]
44                         [-r foreground_resize_type] [-R background_resize_type]
45        */
47       #define BEVEL_HI_WIDTH 20
48       #define BEVEL_LO_WIDTH 30
51       void usage()
52       {
53           printf( "  Usage:   astext [-h] [-f font] [-s size] [-t text] "
54                   "[-S 3D_style] 0);
55           printf( "                  [-c text_color] [-b background_color]0);
56           printf( "                  [-T foreground_texture] "
57                   "[-B background_image]0);
58           printf( "                  [-r foreground_resize_type] "
59                   "[-R background_resize_type]0);
60           printf( "                  [-m ]0);
61           printf( "  Where: font - TrueType font's filename or X font spec or "
62                   "alias;0);
63           printf( "         size - size in points for TrueType fonts;0);
64           printf( "         text - text to be drawn;0);
65           printf( "         3D_style - 3D style of text. "
66                   "One of the following:0);
67           printf( "             0 - plain 2D tetx, 1 - embossed, 2 - sunken, "
68                   "3 - shade above,0);
69           printf( "             4 - shade below, 5 - embossed thick, "
70                   "6 - sunken thick.0);
71           printf( "             7 - ouline above, 8 - ouline below, "
72                   "9 - full ouline.0);
73           printf( "         resize_type - tells how texture/image should be "
74                   "transformed to fit0);
75           printf( "         the text size. Could be: scale or tile."
76                   "Default is tile0);
77           printf( "         -m make font monospaced. 0);
80       }
82       int main(int argc, char* argv[])
83       {
84           ASVisual *asv = NULL ;
85           int screen = 0, depth = 0;
86           char *font_name = "test.ttf";
87           int size = 32 ;
88       #if 0
89           char *text = "  还没有";  /* chinese */
90       #else
91           char *text = "Smart Brown Dog jumps0ver The Lazy Fox,0
92                        "and falls into the ditch.";
93       #endif
94           ARGB32 text_color = ARGB32_White, back_color = ARGB32_Black;
95           char *text_color_name = "#FFFFFFFF", *back_color_name = "#FF000000";
96           char *fore_image_file = "fore.xpm" ;
97           char *back_image_file = "back.xpm" ;
98           Bool scale_fore_image = False, scale_back_image = False ;
99           ASImage *fore_im = NULL, *back_im = NULL;
100           ASImage *text_im = NULL ;
101           struct ASFontManager *fontman = NULL;
102           struct ASFont  *font = NULL;
103           unsigned int width, height ;
104           int i ;
105           int text_margin = size/2 ;
106           Bool monospaced = False ;
107           char * font_path = NULL;
108           ASTextAttributes attr = {ASTA_VERSION_1, ASTA_UseTabStops,
109                                    AST_ShadeBelow, ASCT_UTF8, 8, 0,
110                                    NULL, 0, ARGB32_White };
112           /* see ASView.1 : */
113           set_application_name( argv[0] );
114       #if (HAVE_AFTERBASE_FLAG==1)
115           set_output_threshold(OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG);
116       #endif
118           if( argc == 1 )
119               usage();
120           else for( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ )
121           {
122               if( strncmp( argv[i], "-h", 2 ) == 0 )
123               {
124                   usage();
125                   return 0;
126               }
127               if( strncmp( argv[i], "-m", 2 ) == 0 )
128               {
129                   monospaced = True ;
130               }else if( i+1 < argc )
131               {
132                   if( strncmp( argv[i], "-f", 2 ) == 0 )
133                       font_name = argv[i+1] ;
134                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-s", 2 ) == 0 )
135                   {
136                       size = atoi(argv[i+1]);
137                       text_margin = size/2 ;
138                   }else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-t", 2 ) == 0 )
139                       text = argv[i+1] ;
140                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-S", 2 ) == 0 )
141                   {
142                       attr.type = atoi(argv[i+1]);
143                       if( attr.type >= AST_3DTypes )
144                       {
145                           show_error( "3D type is wrong. "
146                                       "Using 2D Plain instead.");
147                           attr.type = AST_Plain ;
148                       }
150                   }else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-c", 2 ) == 0 )
151                       text_color_name = argv[i+1] ;
152                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-b", 2 ) == 0 )
153                       back_color_name = argv[i+1] ;
154                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-T", 2 ) == 0 )
155                       fore_image_file = argv[i+1] ;
156                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-B", 2 ) == 0 )
157                       back_image_file = argv[i+1] ;
158                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-r", 2 ) == 0 )
159                       scale_fore_image = (strcmp( argv[i+1], "scale") == 0);
160                   else if( strncmp( argv[i], "-R", 2 ) == 0 )
161                       scale_back_image = (strcmp( argv[i+1], "scale") == 0);
162               }
163           }
166       #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
167           dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
168           _XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW = XInternAtom( dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
169           screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
170           depth = DefaultDepth( dpy, screen );
171       #endif
173           /* see ASText.1 : */
174           if( getenv("FONT_PATH") != NULL )
175           {
176               font_path = safemalloc( strlen(getenv("FONT_PATH"))+1+2+1);
177               sprintf( font_path, "%s:./", getenv("FONT_PATH") );
179           }
180           if( (fontman = create_font_manager( dpy, font_path, NULL )) != NULL )
181               font = get_asfont( fontman, font_name, 0, size,
182                                  ASF_GuessWho|(monospaced?ASF_Monospaced:0) );
184           if( font == NULL )
185           {
186               show_error( "unable to load requested font
187                           "Falling back to
188               font = get_asfont( fontman, "fixed", 0, size, ASF_GuessWho );
189               if( font == NULL )
190               {
191                   show_error("font
192                   return 1;
193               }
194           }
196           /*for( i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i )
197               print_asglyph( stderr, font, i); */
199           parse_argb_color( text_color_name, &text_color );
200           parse_argb_color( back_color_name, &back_color );
202           attr.fore_color = text_color ;
203           if( attr.type >= AST_OutlineAbove )
204               fore_image_file = NULL ;
206           /* see ASView.3 : */
207           asv = create_asvisual( dpy, screen, depth, NULL );
209           /* see ASText.2 : */
210           /*set_asfont_glyph_spacing( font, 10, 40 );*/
211           /*Simple way:get_text_size( text, font, attr.type, &width, &height ); */
212           /*Fancy way : */
213           get_fancy_text_size( text, font, &attr, &width, &height, 0, NULL );
214       /* show_progress( "extimated text size = %dx%d", width, height ); */
216           if( fore_image_file )
217           {
218               ASImage *tmp = file2ASImage( fore_image_file, 0xFFFFFFFF,
219                                            SCREEN_GAMMA, 0, getenv("IMAGE_PATH"), NULL );
220               if( tmp )
221               {
222                   if( tmp->width != width || tmp->height != height )
223                   {   /* see ASScale.2 : */
224                       if( scale_fore_image )
225                           fore_im = scale_asimage( asv, tmp, width, height,
226                                                    ASA_ASImage, 0,
227                                                    ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
228                       else
229                           fore_im = tile_asimage( asv, tmp, 0, 0,
230                                                   width, height, 0,
231                                                   ASA_ASImage, 0,
232                                                   ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
233                       destroy_asimage( &tmp );
234                   }else
235                       fore_im = tmp ;
236               }else
237                   fore_im = NULL ;
238           }
239           width  += text_margin*2 + BEVEL_ADDON;
240           height += text_margin*2 + BEVEL_ADDON;
241           if( back_image_file )
242           { /* see ASView.2 : */
243               ASImage *tmp = file2ASImage( back_image_file, 0xFFFFFFFF,
244                                           SCREEN_GAMMA, 0, getenv("IMAGE_PATH"), NULL );
245               if( tmp )
246               {
247                   if( scale_back_image &&
248                       (tmp->width != width || tmp->height != height) )
249                   {   /* see ASScale.2 : */
250                       back_im = scale_asimage( asv, tmp, width, height,
251                                                ASA_ASImage, 0,
252                                                ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
253                       destroy_asimage( &tmp );
254                   }else
255                       back_im = tmp ;
256               }else
257                   back_im = NULL ;
258           }
260           /* see ASText.3 : */
261           /* simple way : text_im = draw_text( text, font, attr.type, 0 ); */
262           text_im = draw_fancy_text( text, font, &attr, 0, 0 );
263           if( fore_im )
264           {
265               move_asimage_channel( fore_im, IC_ALPHA, text_im, IC_ALPHA );
266               destroy_asimage( &text_im );
267           }else
268               fore_im = text_im ;
270           /* see ASText.1 : */
271           release_font( font );
272           destroy_font_manager( fontman, False );
274           if( fore_im )
275           {
276               ASImage *rendered_im ;
277               ASImageLayer layers[2] ;
278               ASImageBevel bevel = {0/*BEVEL_SOLID_INLINE*/, 0xFFDDDDDD,
279                                     0xFF555555, 0xFFFFFFFF,
280                                     0xFF777777, 0xFF222222,
281                                     BEVEL_HI_WIDTH, BEVEL_HI_WIDTH,
282                                     BEVEL_LO_WIDTH, BEVEL_LO_WIDTH,
283                                     BEVEL_HI_WIDTH, BEVEL_HI_WIDTH,
284                                     BEVEL_LO_WIDTH, BEVEL_LO_WIDTH } ;
286               /* see ASText.4 : */
287               init_image_layers( &(layers[0]), 2 );
288               if( back_im )
289                   back_im->back_color = back_color ;
290               if( fore_im )
291                   fore_im->back_color = text_color ;
292               layers[0].im = back_im ;
293               layers[0].dst_x = 0 ;
294               layers[0].dst_y = 0 ;
295               layers[0].clip_width = width ;
296               layers[0].clip_height = height ;
297               layers[0].bevel = &bevel ;
298               layers[1].im = fore_im ;
299               layers[1].dst_x = text_margin+BEVEL_HI_WIDTH*2 ;
300               layers[1].dst_y = text_margin+
301                                   MIN( (int)text_margin,
302                                       ((int)font->max_height-
303                                        (int)font->max_ascend))/2+
304                                        BEVEL_HI_WIDTH*2;
305               if( fore_im )
306               {
307                   layers[1].clip_width = fore_im->width ;
308                   layers[1].clip_height = fore_im->height ;
309               }
310               rendered_im = merge_layers( asv, &(layers[0]), 2,
311                                           width+BEVEL_ADDON, height+BEVEL_ADDON,
312       #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
313                                           ASA_XImage,
314       #else
315                                           ASA_ASImage,
316       #endif
317                                           0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT);
318               destroy_asimage( &fore_im );
319               destroy_asimage( &back_im );
321               if( rendered_im )
322               {
323       #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING
324                   Window w;
325                   /* see ASView.4 : */
326                   w = create_top_level_window( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
327                                                32, 32,
328                                                width+BEVEL_ADDON,
329                                                height+BEVEL_ADDON,
330                                                1, 0, NULL,
331                                                "ASText", text );
332                   if( w != None )
333                   {
334                       Pixmap p ;
336                       XMapRaised   (dpy, w);
338                       /* see ASView.5 : */
339                       p = asimage2pixmap( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
340                                           rendered_im, NULL, True );
341                       destroy_asimage( &rendered_im );
342                       /* see common.c: set_window_background_and_free() : */
343                       p = set_window_background_and_free( w, p );
344                       /* see common.c: wait_closedown() : */
345                       wait_closedown(w);
346                   }
347                   if( dpy )
348                       XCloseDisplay (dpy);
349       #else
350                   /* writing result into the file */
351                   ASImage2file( rendered_im, NULL, "astext.jpg", ASIT_Jpeg,
352                                 NULL );
353                   destroy_asimage( &rendered_im );
354       #endif
355               }
356           }
357           return 0 ;
358       }


361       Step 1. Openning and closing fonts.


364       Before any text can be rendered using libAfterImage - desired font
365       has to be opened for use. Font opening process is two-step. At first
366       we need to create font manager ( ASFontManager ). That is done once,
367       and same font manager can be used throughout entire application. It
368       contains information about used external libraries, hash of opened
369       fonts, and some other info.
371       When ASFontManager is created it could be used to obtain actuall fonts.
372       get_asfont() call is used to query cahce of the ASFontManager, to see
373       if the font has been loaded already, and if not - then it will load
374       the font and prepare it for drawing.


377           if( (fontman = create_font_manager( dpy, NULL, NULL )) != NULL )
378               font = get_asfont( fontman, font_name, 0, size, ASF_GuessWho);
379           if( font == NULL )
380           {
381               font = get_asfont( fontman, "fixed", 0, size, ASF_GuessWho );
382               if( font == NULL )
383               {
384                   show_error( "font
385                                   Aborting.");
386                   return 1;
387               }
388           }
389           ...
390           destroy_font( font );
391           destroy_font_manager( fontman, False );


394       create_font_manager(), get_asfont(), destroy_font(),
395       destroy_font_manager()


398       Step 2. Approximating rendered text size.


401       Prior to actually drawing the text it is usefull to estimate the size
402       of the image, that rendered text will occupy, So that window can be
403       created of appropriate size, and othe interface elements laid out
404       accordingly. get_text_size() could be used to obtain rendered text
405       size without actually drawing it.


408           get_text_size( text, font, type_3d, &width, &height );
409           if( fore_image_file )
410           {
411               ASImage *tmp = file2ASImage( fore_image_file, 0xFFFFFFFF,
412                                            SCREEN_GAMMA, 0, NULL );
413               if( tmp )
414               {
415                   if( tmp->width != width || tmp->height != height )
416                   {
417                       if( scale_fore_image )
418                           fore_im = scale_asimage( asv, tmp, width, height,
419                                                    ASA_ASImage, 0,
420                                                    ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
421                       else
422                           fore_im = tile_asimage( asv, tmp, 0, 0,
423                                                   width, height, 0,
424                                                   ASA_ASImage, 0,
425                                                   ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
426                       destroy_asimage( &tmp );
427                   }else
428                       fore_im = tmp ;
429               }
430           }


433       In this particular example we either tile or scale foreground texture
434       to fit the text. In order to texturize the text  - we need to use
435       rendered text as an alpha channel on texture image. That can easily
436       be done only if both images are the same size.


439       get_text_size(), scale_asimage(), tile_asimage(), ASText.3


442       Step 3. Rendering texturized text.


445       The most effective text texturization technique provided by
446       libAfterImage consists of substitution of the alpha channel of the
447       texture, with rendered text. That is possible since all the text is
448       rendered into alpha channel only. move_asimage_channel() call is used
449       to accomplish this operation. This call actually removes channel
450       data from the original image and stores it in destination image. If
451       there was something in destination image's channel  already - it will
452       be destroyed.
453       All kinds of nifty things could be done using this call, actually.
454       Like, for example, rendered text can be moved into green channel of
455       the texture, creating funky effect.


458           text_im = draw_text( text, font, 0 );
459           if( fore_im )
460           {
461               move_asimage_channel( fore_im, IC_ALPHA, text_im, IC_ALPHA );
462               destroy_asimage( &text_im );
463           }else
464               fore_im = text_im ;


467       move_asimage_channel() will only work if both images have exactly the
468       same size. It will do nothing otherwise.


471       draw_text(), move_asimage_channel()


474       Step 4. Merging foreground and background with bevel.


477       On this step we have 2 images ready for us - background and texturized
478       text. At this point we need to merge them together by alpha-blending
479       text over background (remeber - text is alpha-channel of foreground
480       texture). At the same time we would like to add some nice bevel border
481       around entire image. To accomplish that task all we have to do is setup
482       ASImageLayer structure for both background and foreground, and apply
483       merge_layers on them. When it is done - we no longer need original
484       images and we destroy them to free up some memory.


487           ASImageLayer layers[2] ;
488           ASImageBevel bevel = {0, 0xFFDDDDDD, 0xFF555555,
489                                    0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF777777, 0xFF444444,
490                                 BEVEL_HI_WIDTH, BEVEL_HI_WIDTH,
491                                 BEVEL_LO_WIDTH, BEVEL_LO_WIDTH,
492                                 BEVEL_HI_WIDTH, BEVEL_HI_WIDTH,
493                                 BEVEL_LO_WIDTH, BEVEL_LO_WIDTH } ;
494           memset( &(layers[0]), 0x00, sizeof(layers) );
495           layers[0].im = back_im ;
496           layers[0].clip_width = width ;
497           layers[0].clip_height = height ;
498           layers[0].merge_scanlines = alphablend_scanlines ;
499           layers[0].bevel = &bevel ;
500           layers[1].im = fore_im ;
501           layers[1].dst_x = TEXT_MARGIN ;
502           layers[1].dst_y = TEXT_MARGIN ;
503           layers[1].clip_width = fore_im->width ;
504           layers[1].clip_height = fore_im->height ;
505           layers[1].back_color = text_color ;
506           layers[1].merge_scanlines = alphablend_scanlines ;
507           rendered_im = merge_layers( asv, &(layers[0]), 2,
508                                       width+BEVEL_ADDON, height+BEVEL_ADDON,
509                                       ASA_XImage, 0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT);
510           destroy_asimage( &fore_im );
511           destroy_asimage( &back_im );


514       We have to remember that outside bevel border will addup to the image
515       size, hence we have to use width+BEVEL_ADDON , height+BEVEL_ADDON as
516       desired image size.


519       ASImageLayer, ASImageBevel, merge_layers()
5233rd Berkeley Distribution      AfterStep v.2.2.6                     astext(1)