1High-level OSC API(3)                Liblo               High-level OSC API(3)


6       High-level OSC API -
8   Data Structures
9       struct lo_timetag
10           A structure to store OSC TimeTag values.
11       union lo_arg
12           Union used to read values from incoming messages.
14   Defines
15       #define LO_TT_IMMEDIATE   ((lo_timetag){0U,0U})
17   Enumerations
18       enum lo_type { LO_INT32 =  'i', LO_FLOAT =  'f', LO_STRING =  's',
19           LO_BLOB =  'b', LO_INT64 =  'h', LO_TIMETAG =  't', LO_DOUBLE =
20           'd', LO_SYMBOL =  'S', LO_CHAR =  'c', LO_MIDI =  'm', LO_TRUE =
21           'T', LO_FALSE =  'F', LO_NIL =  'N', LO_INFINITUM =  'I' }
22           An enumeration of the OSC types liblo can send and receive.
24   Functions
25       lo_address lo_address_new (const char *host, const char *port)
26           Declare an OSC destination, given IP address and port number.
27       lo_address lo_address_new_from_url (const char *url)
28           Create a lo_address object from an OSC URL.
29       void lo_address_free (lo_address t)
30           Free the memory used by the lo_address object.
31       int lo_send (lo_address targ, const char *path, const char *type,...)
32           Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified.
33       int lo_send_from (lo_address targ, lo_server from, lo_timetag ts, const
34           char *path, const char *type,...)
35           Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, from the
36           same socket as the specificied server.
37       int lo_send_timestamped (lo_address targ, lo_timetag ts, const char
38           *path, const char *type,...)
39           Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, scheduled to
40           be dispatch at some time in the future.
41       int lo_address_errno (lo_address a)
42           Return the error number from the last failed lo_send or
43           lo_address_new call.
44       const char * lo_address_errstr (lo_address a)
45           Return the error string from the last failed lo_send or
46           lo_address_new call.
47       lo_server_thread lo_server_thread_new (const char *port, lo_err_handler
48           err_h)
49           Create a new server thread to handle incoming OSC messages.
50       void lo_server_thread_free (lo_server_thread st)
51           Free memory taken by a server thread.
52       lo_method lo_server_thread_add_method (lo_server_thread st, const char
53           *path, const char *typespec, lo_method_handler h, void *user_data)
54           Add an OSC method to the specifed server thread.
55       void lo_server_thread_del_method (lo_server_thread st, const char
56           *path, const char *typespec)
57           Delete an OSC method from the specifed server thread.
58       void lo_server_thread_start (lo_server_thread st)
59           Start the server thread.
60       void lo_server_thread_stop (lo_server_thread st)
61           Stop the server thread.
62       int lo_server_thread_get_port (lo_server_thread st)
63           Return the port number that the server thread has bound to.
64       char * lo_server_thread_get_url (lo_server_thread st)
65           Return a URL describing the address of the server thread.
66       lo_server lo_server_thread_get_server (lo_server_thread st)
67           Return the lo_server for a lo_server_thread.
68       int lo_server_thread_events_pending (lo_server_thread st)
69           Return true if there are scheduled events (eg. from bundles)
70           waiting to be dispatched by the thread.
71       lo_blob lo_blob_new (int32_t size, void *data)
72           Create a new OSC blob type.
73       void lo_blob_free (lo_blob b)
74           Free the memory taken by a blob.
75       uint32_t lo_blob_datasize (lo_blob b)
76           Return the ammount of valid data in a lo blob object.
77       void * lo_blob_dataptr (lo_blob b)
78           Return a pointer to the start of the blob data to allow contents to
79           be changed.

Detailed Description

82       Defines the high-level API functions neccesary to implement OSC
83       support. Should be adequate for most applications, but ig you require
84       lower level control you can use the functions defined in lo_lowlevel.h.

Define Documentation

87   #define LO_TT_IMMEDIATE   ((lo_timetag){0U,0U})

Enumeration Type Documentation

89   enum lo_type
90       An enumeration of the OSC types liblo can send and receive.
92       The value of the enumeration is the typechar used to tag messages and
93       to specify arguemnts with lo_send().
95       Enumerator:
97       LO_INT32
98              32 bit signed integer.
100       LO_FLOAT
101              32 bit IEEE-754 float.
103       LO_STRING
104              Standard C, NULL terminated string.
106       LO_BLOB
107              OSC binary blob type. Accessed using the lo_blob_*() functions.
109       LO_INT64
110              64 bit signed integer.
112       LO_TIMETAG
113              OSC TimeTag type, represented by the lo_timetag structure.
115       LO_DOUBLE
116              64 bit IEEE-754 double.
118       LO_SYMBOL
119              Standard C, NULL terminated, string. Used in systems which
120              distinguish strings and symbols.
122       LO_CHAR
123              Standard C, 8 bit, char variable.
125       LO_MIDI
126              A 4 byte MIDI packet.
128       LO_TRUE
129              Sybol representing the value True.
131       LO_FALSE
132              Sybol representing the value False.
134       LO_NIL Sybol representing the value Nil.
136       LO_INFINITUM
137              Sybol representing the value Infinitum.

Function Documentation

140   int lo_address_errno (lo_address a)
141       Return the error number from the last failed lo_send or lo_address_new
142       call.
144   const char* lo_address_errstr (lo_address a)
145       Return the error string from the last failed lo_send or lo_address_new
146       call.
148   void lo_address_free (lo_address t)
149       Free the memory used by the lo_address object.
151   lo_address lo_address_new (const char * host, const char * port)
152       Declare an OSC destination, given IP address and port number.
154       Parameters:
155           host An IP address or number, or NULL for the local machine.
156           port a decimal port number or service name.
158       The lo_address object may be used as the target of OSC messages.
160       Note: if you wish to receive replies from the target of this address,
161       you must first create a lo_server_thread or lo_server object which will
162       receive the replies. The last lo_server(_thread) object creted will be
163       the receiver.
165   lo_address lo_address_new_from_url (const char * url)
166       Create a lo_address object from an OSC URL.
168       example: osc.udp://localhost:4444/my/path/
170   void* lo_blob_dataptr (lo_blob b)
171       Return a pointer to the start of the blob data to allow contents to be
172       changed.
174   uint32_t lo_blob_datasize (lo_blob b)
175       Return the ammount of valid data in a lo blob object.
177       If you want to know the storage size, use lo_arg_size().
179   void lo_blob_free (lo_blob b)
180       Free the memory taken by a blob.
182   lo_blob lo_blob_new (int32_t size, void * data)
183       Create a new OSC blob type.
185       Parameters:
186           size The ammount of space to allocate in the blob structure.
187           data The data that will be used to initialise the blob, should be
188           size bytes long.
190   int lo_send (lo_address targ, const char * path, const char * type,  ...)
191       Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified.
193       Parameters:
194           targ The target OSC address
195           path The OSC path the message will be delivered to
196           type The types of the data items in the message, types are defined
197           in lo_types_common.h
198           ... The data values to be transmitted. The types of the arguments
199           passed here must agree with the types specified in the type
200           parameter.
202       example:
203        lo_send(t, '/foo/bar', 'ff', 0.1f, 23.0f);
205       returns -1 on failure.
207   int lo_send_from (lo_address targ, lo_server from, lo_timetag ts, const
208       char * path, const char * type,  ...)
209       Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, from the same
210       socket as the specificied server.
212       Parameters:
213           targ The target OSC address
214           from The server to send message from (can be NULL to use new
215           socket)
216           ts The OSC timetag timestamp at which the message will be processed
217           (can be LO_TT_IMMEDIATE if you don't want to attach a timetag)
218           path The OSC path the message will be delivered to
219           type The types of the data items in the message, types are defined
220           in lo_types_common.h
221           ... The data values to be transmitted. The types of the arguments
222           passed here must agree with the types specified in the type
223           parameter.
225       example:
226        serv = lo_server_new(NULL, err);
227        lo_server_add_method(serv, '/reply', 'ss', reply_handler, NULL);
228       lo_send_from(t, serv, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, '/foo/bar', 'ff', 0.1f, 23.0f);
230       on success returns the number of bytes sent, returns -1 on failure.
232   int lo_send_timestamped (lo_address targ, lo_timetag ts, const char * path,
233       const char * type,  ...)
234       Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, scheduled to be
235       dispatch at some time in the future.
237       Parameters:
238           targ The target OSC address
239           ts The OSC timetag timestamp at which the message will be processed
240           path The OSC path the message will be delivered to
241           type The types of the data items in the message, types are defined
242           in lo_types_common.h
243           ... The data values to be transmitted. The types of the arguments
244           passed here must agree with the types specified in the type
245           parameter.
247       example:
248        lo_timetag now;
249        lo_timetag_now(&now);
250        lo_send_timestamped(t, now, '/foo/bar', 'ff', 0.1f, 23.0f);
252       on success returns the number of bytes sent, returns -1 on failure.
254   lo_method lo_server_thread_add_method (lo_server_thread st, const char *
255       path, const char * typespec, lo_method_handler h, void * user_data)
256       Add an OSC method to the specifed server thread.
258       Parameters:
259           st The server thread the method is to be added to.
260           path The OSC path to register the method to. If NULL is passed the
261           method will match all paths.
262           typespec The typespec the method accepts. Incoming messages with
263           similar typespecs (e.g. ones with numerical types in the same
264           position) will be coerced to the typespec given here.
265           h The method handler callback function that will be called it a
266           matching message is received
267           user_data A value that will be passed to the callback function, h,
268           when its invoked matching from this method.
270   void lo_server_thread_del_method (lo_server_thread st, const char * path,
271       const char * typespec)
272       Delete an OSC method from the specifed server thread.
274       Parameters:
275           st The server thread the method is to be removed from.
276           path The OSC path of the method to delete. If NULL is passed the
277           method will match the generic handler.
278           typespec The typespec the method accepts.
280   int lo_server_thread_events_pending (lo_server_thread st)
281       Return true if there are scheduled events (eg. from bundles) waiting to
282       be dispatched by the thread.
284   void lo_server_thread_free (lo_server_thread st)
285       Free memory taken by a server thread.
287       Frees the memory, and, if currently running will stop the associated
288       thread.
290   int lo_server_thread_get_port (lo_server_thread st)
291       Return the port number that the server thread has bound to.
293   lo_server lo_server_thread_get_server (lo_server_thread st)
294       Return the lo_server for a lo_server_thread.
296       This function is useful for passing a thread's lo_server to
297       lo_send_from().
299   char* lo_server_thread_get_url (lo_server_thread st)
300       Return a URL describing the address of the server thread.
302       Return value must be free()'d to reclaim memory.
304   lo_server_thread lo_server_thread_new (const char * port, lo_err_handler
305       err_h)
306       Create a new server thread to handle incoming OSC messages.
308       Server threads take care of the message reception and dispatch by
309       transparently creating a systme thread to handle incoming messages. Use
310       this if you do not want to handle the threading yourself.
312       Parameters:
313           port If NULL is passed then an unused UDP port will be chosen by
314           the system, its number may be retreived with
315           lo_server_thread_get_port() so it can be passed to clients.
316           Otherwise a decimal port number, service name or UNIX domain socket
317           path may be passed.
318           err_h A function that will be called in the event of an error being
319           raised. The function prototype is defined in lo_types.h
321   void lo_server_thread_start (lo_server_thread st)
322       Start the server thread.
324       Parameters:
325           st the server thread to start.
327   void lo_server_thread_stop (lo_server_thread st)
328       Stop the server thread.
330       Parameters:
331           st the server thread to start.
333Version 0.23                      22 Feb 2007            High-level OSC API(3)