1Autograph_params(3NCARG)         NCAR GRAPHICS        Autograph_params(3NCARG)


6       Autograph_params - This document briefly describes all Autograph
7       internal parameters.


10       The Autograph control parameters reside in the labeled common block
11       AGCONP. There are currently 485 of them, of which 336 are "primary" and
12       149 are "secondary". Primary control parameters have default values and
13       are subject to change by a user program to produce some desired effect
14       on the behavior of Autograph and/or on the nature of a graph being
15       drawn. Secondary control parameters are computed by Autograph itself
16       and are not normally subject to change by a user program.
18       User access to these parameters is provided by the routines AGGETC,
20       AGSETR.  The first argument in a call to one of these routines is a
21       character string naming a group of parameters (perhaps containing only
22       a single parameter) which the user wishes to "set" or "get". Each such
23       string has the form ´k1/k2/k3/ . . . kn.´, where k1 is a keyword
24       identifying a major group of parameters, k2 is a keyword identifying a
25       subgroup of that major group, k3 is a keyword identifying a further
26       subgroup of that subgroup, and so on. Only the first three characters
27       of k1 and the first two characters of the others need be used; also,
28       certain keywords may be omitted.
30       Because of certain portability considerations, all of the parameters
31       have real values. The routine AGSETP may be used to set the real values
32       of the parameters in any group, and the routine AGGETP to retrieve
33       those values. Either of the routines AGSETF or AGSETR may be used to
34       set the real value of a single parameter and either of the routines
35       AGGETF or AGGETR may be used to get the real value of a single
36       parameter.
38       Some parameters may only take on discrete integral values (like "0.",
39       "1.", "-6.", or "65535.") and are used in roles for which integers
40       would normally be used. The routine AGSETI may be used to set the
41       integer value of a single parameter of this type and the routine AGGETI
42       may be used to get the integer value of a single parameter of this
43       type.
45       Other parameters intrinsically represent character strings; the real
46       value of the parameter is an identifier, generated when the character
47       string is passed to Autograph and enabling the character string to be
48       retrieved from Autograph´s character storage space when it is needed.
49       The routine AGSETC must be used to set the character-string value
50       associated with a single parameter of this type and the routine AGGETC
51       must be used to get the character-string value associated with a single
52       parameter of this type.
54       Many parameters have a limited range of acceptable values.  What
55       generally happens when a parameter is given an out-of-range value is
56       that Autograph (usually the routine AGSTUP) resets that value to the
57       value at the nearer end of the acceptable range.
59       Setting certain parameters (individually, rather than as part of a
60       multi-parameter group) implies, as a side effect, "special action" by
61       the routine AGSETP (which may be called directly by the user or
62       indirectly by way of a user call to AGSETC, AGSETF, AGSETI, or AGSETR).
63       For example, setting the parameter ´BACKGROUND.´ to request a
64       particular background type causes a number of other parameters to be
65       changed in order to achieve the desired result.
67       Each of the named parameter groups is described below.  Square brackets
68       are used to mark portions of a name which may be omitted; the notation
69       ´k1/k2/ . . . [ki/]...kn.´ indicates that the keyword ki and the
70       following slash may be omitted. In each description, the simplest form
71       of the name is given. If a multi-parameter group is named, its
72       subgroups are listed, in the order in which they occur in the group. If
73       a single parameter is named, the default value of that parameter is
74       given and any "special action" by AGSETP is described.
76       ´PRIMARY.´
77              Simplest form of name: ´PRI.´
79              This group consists of all 336 primary control parameters, in
80              the order in which they appear below. It was originally provided
81              to give users the capability of saving and restoring the state
82              of Autograph. The routines AGSAVE and AGRSTR (which see) should
83              now be used for this purpose.
85       ´FRAME.´
86              Simplest form of name: ´FRA.´
88              An integral real number specifying when a frame advance is to be
89              done by the routines EZY, EZXY, EZMY, and EZMXY and having one
90              of three possible values:
92              ·   The value "1." specifies a frame advance after drawing a
93                  graph.
95              ·   The value "2." specifies no frame advance at all.
97              ·   The value "3." specifies a frame advance before drawing a
98                  graph.
100              Default value: "1." (frame advance after drawing graph).
102       ´SET.´ Simplest form of name: ´SET.´
104              An integral real number specifying whether or not the arguments
105              of the last call to "SET" are used to determine the linear/log
106              nature of the current graph, the position of the grid window
107              and/or the X/Y minimum/maximum values.
109              (Note: The routine SET is part of the package called SPPS.  Its
110              first four arguments specify a portion of the plotter frame, its
111              next four arguments specify the minimum and maximum X and Y
112              coordinate values to be mapped to that portion, and its ninth
113              argument specifies the linear/log nature of the mapping. The
114              routine GETSET, which is also a part of SPPS, is used to
115              retrieve the arguments of the last call to SET.)
117              Giving ´SET.´ a value (individually, rather than as part of a
118              group) has both an immediate effect and a delayed effect.  The
119              immediate effect, which occurs in the routine AGSETP, is to
120              return most of the parameters in the groups ´GRID.´, ´X.´, and
121              ´Y.´ to their default values. (Exceptions are ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´
122              and ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´, which may have values making them immune
123              to such resetting.)  The delayed effect, which occurs in the
124              routine AGSTUP, depends on the value given to ´SET.´.
126              There are eight acceptable values of ´SET.´, four of which are
127              just the negatives of the other four. Using a negated value
128              suppresses the drawing of curves by the routines EZY, EZXY,
129              EZMY, and EZMXY. Acceptable absolute values of ´SET.´ are as
130              follows:
132              ·      The value "1." means that the arguments of the last SET
133                     call are not to be used by AGSTUP.
135              ·      The value "2." means that, in AGSTUP, ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´
136                     and ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´ are to be given values ("0." or
137                     "-1.")  consistent with the ninth argument of the last
138                     SET call and that parameters in the group ´GRID.´ are to
139                     be given values consistent with the first four arguments
140                     of the last SET call.
142              ·      The value "3." means that, in AGSTUP, ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´
143                     and ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´ are to be given values ("0." or
144                     "-1.")  consistent with the ninth argument of the last
145                     SET call and that the other parameters in the groups ´X.´
146                     and ´Y.´ are to be given values consistent with the fifth
147                     through eighth arguments of the last SET call.
149              ·      The value "4." implies a combination of the actions
150                     specified by the values "2." and "3.".
152              Default value: "1." (no arguments of last SET call used).
154              Special action by AGSETP: As described above, if ´SET.´ is set
155              (individually, rather than as part of a group) to any value by
156              an AGSETP call, the parameters in the groups ´GRID.´, ´X.´, and
157              ´Y.´ are reset to their default values.  The parameter
158              ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´ is reset to its default value ("0.") only if it
159              has the value "+1."; a value of "-1."  is not changed;
160              ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´ is treated similarly.
162       ´ROW.´ Simplest form of name: ´ROW.´
164              An integral real number specifying the assumed dimensioning of X
165              and Y coordinate data arrays used in calls to the routines EZMY
166              and EZMXY. There are four possibilities:
168              ·      The value "-2." means that both X and Y arrays are
169                     subscripted by curve number and point number, in that
170                     order.
172              ·      The value "-1." means that Y arrays are subscripted by
173                     curve number and point number, in that order, but that X
174                     arrays are subscripted by point number only. (The same X-
175                     coordinate data is used for all the curves.)
177              ·      Either of the values "0." or "1." means that Y arrays are
178                     subscripted by point number and curve number, in that
179                     order, but that X arrays are subscripted by point number
180                     only. (The same X-coordinate data is used for all of the
181                     curves.)
183              ·      The value "+2." means that both X and Y arrays are
184                     subscripted by point number and curve number, in that
185                     order.
187              Default value: "1." (Y by point and curve numbers, X by point
188              number only).
190       ´INVERT.´
191              Simplest form of name: ´INV.´
193              An integral real number having the value "0." or "1."; giving it
194              the value "1." causes the routines AGSTUP and AGCURV to behave
195              as if arguments defining X-coordinate data had been interchanged
196              with arguments defining Y-coordinate data, thus, in some sense,
197              allowing one to graph "X as a function of Y". This parameter is
198              principally intended for users of the routines EZY, EZXY, EZMY,
199              and EZMXY.
201              Default value: "0." (no inversion of X and Y arguments).
203       ´WINDOW.´
204              Simplest form of name: ´WIN.´
206              An integral real number having the value "0." or "1."; giving it
207              the value "1." causes the routine AGCURV to use the subroutine
208              AGQURV, rather than AGKURV, for drawing curves. The result is
209              that curve portions falling outside the grid window are omitted.
210              See the AGCURV man page.
212              Default value: "0." (no windowing of curves).
214       ´BACKGROUND.´
215              Simplest form of name: ´BAC.´
217              An integral real number specifying the type of background to be
218              drawn by AGBACK. There are four acceptable values:
220              ·      The value "1." specifies a "perimeter" background.
222              ·      The value "2." specifies a "grid" background.
224              ·      The value "3." specifies a "half-axis" background.
226              ·      The value "4." specifies no background at all.
228              Default value: "1." (a "perimeter" background).
230              Special action by AGSETP: If ´BACKGROUND.´ is set (individually,
231              rather than as part of a group) by a call to AGSETP, the desired
232              background is created by changing the following parameters:
234                 ´[AXIS/]s/CONTROL.´
235                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[LENGTH/]INWARD.´
236                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/[LENGTH/]INWARD.´
237                 ´LABEL/CONTROL.´
239              where "s" stands for "LEFT", "RIGHT", "BOTTOM", and "TOP".  This
240              determines which of the axes are plotted, how long the inward-
241              pointing portions of major and minor tick marks are to be, and
242              whether or not informational labels are to be plotted. Values
243              used are as follows:
245              The value "1." (perimeter background) sets:
247                ´s/CONTROL.´ to "4." for all s;
248                ´s/MAJOR/INWARD.´ to ".015" for all s;
249                ´s/MINOR/INWARD.´ to ".010" for all s;
250                ´LABEL/CONTROL.´ to "2.".
252              The value "2." (grid background) sets:
254                ´s/CONTROL.´ to "4." for "s" = "LEFT" and "BOTTOM",
255                ´s/CONTROL.´ to "-1." for "s" = "RIGHT" and "TOP";
256                ´s/MAJOR/INWARD.´ to "1." for all s;
257                ´s/MINOR/INWARD.´ to "1." for all s;
258                ´LABEL/CONTROL.´ to "2.".
260              The value "3." (half-axis background) sets:
262                ´s/CONTROL.´ to "4." for "s" = "LEFT" and "BOTTOM",
263                ´s/CONTROL.´ to "-1." for "s" = "RIGHT" and "TOP";
264                ´s/MAJOR/INWARD.´ to ".015" for all s;
265                ´s/MINOR/INWARD.´ to ".010" for all s;
266                ´LABEL/CONTROL.´ to "2.".
268              The value "4." (no background) sets:
270                ´s/CONTROL.´ to "0." for all s;
271                ´s/MAJOR/INWARD.´ to ".015 for all s;
272                ´s/MINOR/INWARD.´ to ".010" for all s;
273                ´LABEL/CONTROL.´ to "0.".
275              The default values of these thirteen parameters correspond to
276              the default value of ´BACKGROUND.´. Note that, if they are
277              changed directly, the value of ´BACKGROUND.´ may not reflect the
278              actual nature of the background defined by them.
280       ´NULL.´
281              Simplest form of name: ´NUL.´
283              This group contains the two "nulls" (or "special values")
284              ´NULL/1.´ and ´NULL/2.´.
286       ´NULL/1.´
287              Simplest form of name: ´NUL/1.´
289              A real number "null 1", used in the following ways by Autograph:
291              ·      Certain parameters have by default, or may be given, the
292                     value "null 1", specifying that the routine AGSTUP is to
293                     choose values for them. The value chosen for a given
294                     parameter is not back-stored in place of the "null 1";
295                     thus, a unique value will be chosen for each graph drawn.
297              ·      If a curve point specified by the user has X and/or Y
298                     coordinates equal to "null 1", that curve point is
299                     ignored.  It is not used in computing minimum and maximum
300                     values.  Curve segments on either side of it are not
301                     drawn.
303              Default value: "1.E36" (an arbitrary value).
305              Special action by AGSETP: If ´NULL/1.´ is changed (individually,
306              rather than as part of a group) by an AGSETP call, the entire
307              list of primary parameters is scanned - any value equal to the
308              old "null 1" is replaced by the new one.
310       ´NULL/2.´
311              Simplest form of name: ´NUL/2.´
313              A real number "null 2". Certain parameters may be given the
314              value "null 2", specifying that the routine AGSTUP is to choose
315              values for them. The value chosen for a given parameter is back-
316              stored in place of the "null 2"; thus, a unique value may be
317              chosen for the first graph of a series and then used for all
318              remaining graphs in the series.
320              Default value: "2.E36" (an arbitrary value).
322              Special action by AGSETP: If ´NULL/2.´ is changed (individually,
323              rather than as part of a group) by an AGSETP call, the entire
324              list of primary parameters is scanned - any value equal to the
325              old "null 2" is replaced by the new one.
327       ´GRAPH.´
328              Simplest form of name: ´GRA.´
330              A group of four parameters describing the position of the "graph
331              window" within the plotter frame. A graph drawn by Autograph
332              (including labels) is forced to lie entirely within this window.
333              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
335                 ´GRAPH/LEFT.´   (1)
336                 ´GRAPH/RIGHT.´  (1)
337                 ´GRAPH/BOTTOM.´ (1)
338                 ´GRAPH/TOP.´    (1)
340       ´GRAPH/LEFT.´
341              Simplest form of name: ´GRA/LE.´
343              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
344              the left edge of the graph window as a fraction of the distance
345              from the left edge to the right edge of the plotter frame.
347              Default value: "0." (left edge of plotter frame).
349       ´GRAPH/RIGHT.´
350              Simplest form of name: ´GRA/RI.´
352              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
353              the right edge of the graph window as a fraction of the distance
354              from the left edge to the right edge of the plotter frame.
356              Default value: "1." (right edge of plotter frame).
358       ´GRAPH/BOTTOM.´
359              Simplest form of name: ´GRA/BO.´
361              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
362              the bottom edge of the graph window as a fraction of the
363              distance from the bottom edge to the top edge of the plotter
364              frame.
366              Default value: "0." (bottom edge of plotter frame).
368       ´GRAPH/TOP.´
369              Simplest form of name: ´GRA/TO.´
371              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
372              the top edge of the graph window as a fraction of the distance
373              from the bottom edge to the top edge of the plotter frame.
375              Default value: "0." (top edge of plotter frame).
377       ´GRID.´
378              Simplest form of name: ´GRI.´
380              A group of five parameters describing the position and shape of
381              the "grid window" within the graph window.  Subgroups and the
382              number of parameters in each are as follows:
384                 ´GRID/LEFT.´   (1)
385                 ´GRID/RIGHT.´  (1)
386                 ´GRID/BOTTOM.´ (1)
387                 ´GRID/TOP.´    (1)
388                 ´GRID/SHAPE.´  (1)
390       ´GRID/LEFT.´
391              Simplest form of name: ´GRI/LE.´
393              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
394              the left edge of the area in which the grid window is to be
395              placed, stated as a fraction of the distance from the left edge
396              to the right edge of the graph window.
398              Default value: ".15".
400       ´GRID/RIGHT.´
401              Simplest form of name: ´GRI/RI.´
403              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
404              the right edge of the area in which the grid window is to be
405              placed, stated as a fraction of the distance from the left edge
406              to the right edge of the graph window.
408              Default value: ".95".
410       ´GRID/BOTTOM.´
411              Simplest form of name: ´GRI/BO.´
413              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
414              the bottom edge of the area in which the grid window is to be
415              placed, stated as a fraction of the distance from the bottom
416              edge to the top edge of the graph window.
418              Default value: ".15".
420       ´GRID/TOP.´
421              Simplest form of name: ´GRI/TO.´
423              A real number between "0." and "1." specifying the position of
424              the top edge of the area in which the grid window is to be
425              placed, stated as a fraction of the distance from the bottom
426              edge to the top edge of the graph window.
428              Default value: ".95".
430       ´GRID/SHAPE.´
431              Simplest form of name: ´GRI/SH.´
433              A real number specifying the shape of the grid window. The grid
434              window, whatever its shape, is centered in, and made as large as
435              possible in, the area specified by the first four parameters in
436              the group ´GRID.´. The value of ´GRID/SHAPE.´ falls in one of
437              four possible ranges, as follows:
439              ·      A value less than "0." specifies the negative of the
440                     desired ratio of the grid window´s width to its height.
441                     For example, the value "-2." specifies a grid window
442                     which is twice as wide as it is high.
444              ·      The value "0." specifies a grid window of exactly the
445                     same shape as the area specified by the first four
446                     parameters in the group ´GRID.´. The grid window
447                     therefore fills that area completely.
449              ·      A value "s" between "0." and "1." specifies a grid window
450                     whose shape is determined by the range of the user´s
451                     coordinate data, reverting to the shape of the area
452                     specified by the first four arguments in the group
453                     ´GRID.´ if the ratio of the shorter side of the grid
454                     window to the longer side of the grid window would
455                     thereby be made less than "s". For example, if "s" were
456                     given the value ".5" and the user X coordinate data
457                     ranged in value from "0." to "10." and the user Y
458                     coordinate data ranged in value from "0." to "15.", the
459                     grid window would be made two-thirds as wide as it was
460                     high; however, if the Y coordinate data ranged in value
461                     from "0." to "100.", the grid window would not be made
462                     one-tenth as wide as it is high, but would instead be
463                     made to fill the entire area specified by the first four
464                     arguments of the group ´GRID.´.
466              ·      A value "s" greater than or equal to "1." specifies a
467                     grid window whose shape is determined by the range of the
468                     user´s coordinate data, reverting to a square if the
469                     ratio of the longer side of the grid window to the
470                     shorter side of the grid window would thereby be made
471                     greater than "s".
473              Note that, if ´GRID/SHAPE.´ is given a value greater than "0.",
474              Autograph assumes that the user´s X and Y coordinate data have
475              the same units (both in inches, for example) and that the
476              outline of a real two-dimensional object is to be graphed
477              without distortion. The grid window is shaped in such a way as
478              to accomplish this. This feature should not be used when either
479              ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´ or ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´ has a non-zero value; doing
480              so will yield strange results.
482              Note that either "-1." or "+1." produces a square and that
483              "-1.61803398874989" produces a golden rectangle.
485              Default value: "0.".
487       ´X.´
488              Simplest form of name: ´X.´
490              A group of seven parameters specifying the mapping of the user´s
491              X-coordinate data onto the horizontal axis of the grid window.
492              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
494                 ´X/MINIMUM.´     (1)
495                 ´X/MAXIMUM.´     (1)
496                 ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´ (1)
497                 ´X/ORDER.´       (1)
498                 ´X/NICE.´        (1)
499                 ´X/SMALLEST.´    (1)
500                 ´X/LARGEST.´     (1)
502              See also ´SET.´ and ´INVERT.´, above.
504       ´X/MINIMUM.´
505              Simplest form of name: ´X/MI.´
507              A real number specifying the minimum user X coordinate to be
508              considered. This parameter normally has the value "null 1",
509              specifying that the routine AGSTUP should examine the user´s X-
510              coordinate data and find the minimum value for itself.
512              If the value "null 2" is used, it will be replaced, the next
513              time AGSTUP is called, by an actual minimum value computed by
514              AGSTUP.
516              If a non-null value is used, AGSTUP will not examine the user´s
517              X-coordinate data; the given value will be considered to be the
518              minimum.
520              If both ´X/MINIMUM.´ and ´X/MAXIMUM.´ are given non-null values,
521              the former should have a lesser value than the latter.
523              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
525       ´X/MAXIMUM.´
526              Simplest form of name: ´X/MA.´
528              Analogous to ´X/MINIMUM.´, above; it specifies the way in which
529              the maximum X coordinate is to be determined.
531              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
533       ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´
534              Simplest form of name: ´X/LO.´
536              An integral real number having one of the values "-1.", "0.", or
537              "+1.":
539              ·      The value "0." specifies that the mapping of user X
540                     coordinates onto the horizontal axis of the grid window
541                     is to be linear.
543              ·      The values "-1." and "+1." specify that the mapping is to
544                     be logarithmic, in which case all user X-coordinate data
545                     must be greater than zero.
547              ·      The value "-1." is immune to change when ´SET.´ (which
548                     see, above) is reset; the value "+1." is not.
550              Default value: "0." (linear X mapping).
552       ´X/ORDER.´
553              Simplest form of name: ´X/OR.´
555              An integral real number having one of the values "0." or "1.":
557              ·      The value "0." specifies that the values of user X
558                     coordinates mapped to the horizontal axis of the grid
559                     window should increase from left to right.
561              ·      The value "1." specifies that user X coordinates should
562                     decrease from left to right.
564              Default value: "0." (increase from left to right).
566       ´X/NICE.´
567              Simplest form of name: ´X/NI.´
569              An integral real number having one of the values "-1.", "0.", or
570              "+1.":
572              ·      The value "-1." specifies that user X-coordinate data are
573                     to be mapped onto the horizontal axis of the grid window
574                     in such a way as to force major-tick positions at the
575                     endpoints of the bottom X axis.
577              ·      The value "+1." specifies that user X-coordinate data are
578                     to be mapped onto the horizontal axis of the grid window
579                     in such a way as to force major-tick positions at the
580                     endpoints of the top X axis.
582              ·      The value "0." specifies that the X-coordinate data are
583                     to be mapped so as to range from the left edge of the
584                     grid window to the right edge of the grid window; major-
585                     tick positions are not forced at the ends of either X
586                     axis.
588              Default value: "-1." (bottom axis "nice").
590       ´X/SMALLEST.´
591              Simplest form of name: ´X/SM.´
593              This parameter comes into play when AGSTUP is called upon to
594              compute the minimum X coordinate (when ´X/MINIMUM.´ has a null
595              value); if the value of ´X/SMALLEST.´ is non-null, values less
596              than it will not be considered in the computation.
598              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
600       ´X/LARGEST.´
601              Simplest form of name: ´X/LA.´
603              This parameter comes into play when AGSTUP is called upon to
604              compute the maximum X coordinate (when ´X/MAXIMUM.´ has a null
605              value); if the value of ´X/LARGEST.´ is non-null, values greater
606              than it will not be considered in the computation.
608              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
610       ´Y.´
611              Simplest form of name: ´Y.´
613              A group of seven parameters specifying the mapping of the user´s
614              Y-coordinate data onto the vertical axis of the grid window.
615              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
617                 ´Y/MINIMUM.´     (1)
618                 ´Y/MAXIMUM.´     (1)
619                 ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´ (1)
620                 ´Y/ORDER.´       (1)
621                 ´Y/NICE.´        (1)
622                 ´Y/SMALLEST.´    (1)
623                 ´Y/LARGEST.´     (1)
625              See also ´SET.´ and ´INVERT.´, above.
627       ´Y/MINIMUM.´
628              Simplest form of name: ´Y/MI.´
630              Analogous to ´X/MINIMUM.´, above; it specifies the way in which
631              the minimum Y coordinate is to be determined.
633              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
635       ´Y/MAXIMUM.´
636              Simplest form of name: ´Y/MA.´
638              Analogous to ´X/MAXIMUM.´, above; it specifies the way in which
639              the maximum Y coordinate is to be determined.
641              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
643       ´Y/LOGARITHMIC.´
644              Simplest form of name: ´Y/LO.´
646              Analogous to ´X/LOGARITHMIC.´, above; it specifies whether the
647              mapping of Y coordinates is linear or logarithmic.
649              Default value: "0." (linear Y).
651       ´Y/ORDER.´
652              Simplest form of name: ´Y/OR.´
654              Analogous to ´X/ORDER.´, above; it specifies whether Y-
655              coordinates increase or decrease from bottom to top.
657              Default value: "0." (increase from bottom to top).
659       ´Y/NICE.´
660              Simplest form of name: ´Y/NI.´
662              Analogous to ´X/NICE.´, above; it specifies whether the left Y
663              axis, the right Y axis, or neither, is to be "nice".
665              Default value: "-1." (left axis "nice").
667       ´Y/SMALLEST.´
668              Simplest form of name: ´Y/SM.´
670              Analogous to ´X/SMALLEST.´, above; comes into play when AGSTUP
671              is called upon to compute the minimum Y coordinate.
673              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
675       ´Y/LARGEST.´
676              Simplest form of name: ´Y/LA.´
678              Analogous to ´X/LARGEST.´, above; comes into play when AGSTUP is
679              called upon to compute the maximum Y coordinate.
681              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1").
683       ´AXIS.´
684              Simplest form of name: ´AXI.´
686              A group of 92 parameters describing four axes: the left axis,
687              the right axis, the bottom axis, and the top axis.  Subgroups
688              and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
690                 ´[AXIS/]LEFT.´   (23)
691                 ´[AXIS/]RIGHT.´  (23)
692                 ´[AXIS/]BOTTOM.´ (23)
693                 ´[AXIS/]TOP.´    (23)
695              The elements of the subgroups are interleaved in the group; that
696              is to say, the first elements of the four subgroups constitute
697              elements 1 through 4 of the group, the second elements of the
698              four subgroups constitute elements 5 through 8 of the group, and
699              so on.
701       ´[AXIS/]s.´
702              (where "s" means "any one of the keywords LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM,
703              or TOP".)
705              Simplest form of name: ´s.´
707              A group of 23 parameters describing the axis specified by "s".
708              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
710                 ´[AXIS/]s/CONTROL.´      (1)
711                 ´[AXIS/]s/LINE.´         (1)
712                 ´[AXIS/]s/INTERSECTION.´ (2)
713                 ´[AXIS/]s/FUNCTION.´     (1)
714                 ´[AXIS/]s/TICKS.´       (10)
715                 ´[AXIS/]s/NUMERIC.´      (8)
717       ´[AXIS/]s/CONTROL.´
718              Simplest form of name: ´s/CO.´
720              An integral real number having one of the values "-1.", "0.",
721              "1.", "2.", "3.", or "4." and controlling certain aspects of the
722              drawing of the axis specified by "s", as follows:
724              ·      The value "-1." specifies that only the line portion of
725                     the axis may be drawn; tick marks and numeric labels are
726                     suppressed.
728              ·      The value "0." specifies that no portion of the axis may
729                     be drawn.
731              ·      A positive value specifies that all portions of the axis
732                     may be drawn and specifies what actions Autograph may
733                     take to prevent numeric-label overlap problems, as
734                     follows:
736              ·      The value "1." specifies that numeric labels may not be
737                     shrunk or rotated.
739              ·      The value "2." specifies that numeric labels may be
740                     shrunk, but not rotated.
742              ·      The value "3." specifies that numeric labels may be
743                     rotated, but not shrunk.
745              ·      The value "4." specifies that numeric labels may be both
746                     shrunk and/or rotated.
748              Default value: "4." for all "s" (all axes drawn, numeric labels
749              may be shrunk and/or rotated).
751       ´[AXIS/]s/LINE.´
752              Simplest form of name: ´s/LI.´
754              An integral real number having one of the values "0." or "1.":
756              ·      The value "0." specifies that the line portion of the
757                     axis specified by "s" may be drawn.
759              ·      The value "1." suppresses the line portion of the axis
760                     specified by "s".
762              Default value: "0." for all "s" (line portions of all axes may
763              be drawn).
765       ´[AXIS/]s/INTERSECTION.´
766              Simplest form of name: ´s/IN.´
768              A group of two parameters
770                 ´[AXIS/]s/INTERSECTION/GRID.´
771                 ´[AXIS/]s/INTERSECTION/USER.´
773              each having the default value "1.E36" ("null 1"). Giving either
774              of them a non-null value causes the axis specified by "s" to be
775              moved away from its normal position on one edge of the grid
776              window. If both are given non-null values, ´.../USER.´ takes
777              precedence over ´.../GRID.´.
779              If the left Y axis or the right Y axis is moved, it remains
780              vertical, but intersects the bottom of the grid window at a
781              specified X coordinate. Similarly, if the bottom X axis or the
782              top X axis is moved, it remains horizontal, but intersects the
783              left edge of the grid at a specified Y coordinate.
785              No axis may be moved outside the current graph window; if an
786              attempt is made to do so, the axis is moved as far as the edge
787              and no farther.
790              Simplest form of name: ´s/IN/GR.´
792              A real number which, if not equal to the current "null 1",
793              specifies, in the grid coordinate system, the X coordinate (if
794              "s" = "LEFT" or "RIGHT") or the Y coordinate (if "s" = "BOTTOM"
795              or "TOP") of the point of intersection of the axis specified by
796              "s" with the perpendicular sides of the grid window.
798              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (axes lie on the
799              edges of the grid window).
802              Simplest form of name: ´s/IN/US.´
804              A real number which, if not equal to the current "null 1",
805              specifies, in the user coordinate system, the X coordinate (if
806              "s" = "LEFT" or "RIGHT") or the Y coordinate (if "s" = "BOTTOM"
807              or "TOP") of the point of intersection of the axis specified by
808              "s" with the perpendicular sides of the grid window.
810              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (axes lie on the
811              edges of the grid window).
813       ´[AXIS/]s/FUNCTION.´
814              Simplest form of name: ´s/FU.´
816              A real number, passed as an argument to the subroutine AGUTOL;
817              this subroutine defines the user-system-to-label-system
818              mappings, and thus the label coordinate systems, for all the
819              axes. The default version of AGUTOL defines the identity mapping
820              for all axes; a user version may be substituted to define any
821              desired set of mappings. It is intended that ´AXIS/s/FUNCTION.´
822              be used within a user version of AGUTOL as a function selector.
823              It is further recommended that the value "0." select the
824              identity mapping, thus providing a way to re-create the default
825              situation.
827              Tick marks on the axis specified by "s" are positioned in the
828              label coordinate system. Numeric labels on the axis give values
829              in the label coordinate system.
831              See the AGUTOL man page.
833              Default value: "0." for all "s" (identity mapping for all axes).
835       ´[AXIS/]s/TICKS.´
836              Simplest form of name: ´s/TI.´
838              A group of ten parameters describing the tick marks, if any,
839              which are to be a part of the axis specified by "s".  Subgroups
840              and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
842                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR.´ (6)
843                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR.´ (4)
845       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR.´
846              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA.´
848              A group of six parameters describing the major tick marks, if
849              any, which are to be a part of the axis specified by "s".
850              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
852                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/SPACING.´ (3)
853                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/PATTERN.´ (1)
854                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/LENGTH.´ (2)
856       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/SPACING.´
857              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/SP.´
859              A group of three parameters describing the way in which major
860              tick marks, if any, are to be spaced along the axis specified by
861              "s". Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as
862              follows:
864                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]TYPE.´  (1)
865                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]BASE.´  (1)
866                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]COUNT.´ (1)
868       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]TYPE.´
869              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/TY.´
871              A real number specifying where major tick marks are to be placed
872              along the axis specified by "s" (that is to say, at what values
873              in the label coordinate system along that axis). Let "b"
874              represent the value of the parameter ´.../BASE.´ (described
875              next) and "k" represent an arbitrary integer. Then, there are
876              six acceptable values of ´.../TYPE.´:
878              ·      The value "0." specifies that no major tick marks are to
879                     be drawn on the axis.
881              ·      The value "1." specifies major tick marks at values of
882                     the form plus or minus b times k.
884              ·      The value "2." specifies major tick marks at values of
885                     the form plus or minus b times 10 to the power k.
887              ·      The value "3." specifies major tick marks at values of
888                     the form plus or minus b to the power k.
890              ·      The value "null 1" specifies that Autograph should use a
891                     value "1.", "2.", or "3." - whichever it considers best.
893              ·      The value "null 2" specifies that Autograph should use a
894                     value "1.", "2.", or "3." - whichever it considers best -
895                     and replace the "null 2" by that value.
897              Notice that major tick marks on a linear axis may be spaced
898              logarithmically and that major tick marks on a logarithmic axis
899              may be spaced linearly; this is sometimes useful.
901              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (Autograph spaces
902              major tick marks as it sees fit).
904       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]BASE.´
905              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/BA.´
907              A real number which, if greater than zero and non-null,
908              specifies the base value ("b", in the preceding parameter
909              description) used in spacing major tick marks in the label
910              coordinate system along the axis specified by "s". A negative or
911              zero value suppresses major tick marks on the axis. A null value
912              causes Autograph to pick an appropriate base value and, if the
913              null was a "null 2", to backstore that value in place of the
914              "null 2".
916              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (Autograph picks
917              the base values).
920              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/CO.´
922              A real number, having an integral value "n" greater than or
923              equal to 0. A negative value is treated as if it were a zero.
924              The value n is only used when major tick marks are to be spaced
925              linearly and the base value ("b", in the preceding parameter
926              descriptions) is to be chosen by Autograph. In this case, n is a
927              rough estimate of the minimum number of major tick marks to be
928              placed on the axis specified by "s". The actual number used may
929              vary between "n+2" and "5n/2+4" (approximately).
931              Default value: "6." for all "s" (somewhere between 8 and 19
932              major tick marks per linear axis).
934       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/PATTERN.´
935              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/PA.´
937              A real number specifying the dashed-line pattern to be used for
938              major tick marks on the axis specified by "s".  Normally, its
939              integer equivalent is a 16-bit integer in which "0" bits specify
940              "pen-up" segments (gaps) 3 plotter units long and "1" bits
941              specify "pen-down" segments (solids) 3 plotter units long. The
942              value "0." turns off the major tick marks, the value "65535."
943              (decimal) = "177777."  (octal) makes them solid lines. If the
944              value "null 1" is used, the next call to AGSTUP resets it to
945              "65535."  (decimal).
947              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (solid-line
948              patterns).
950       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/LENGTH.´
951              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/LE.´
953              A group of two parameters determining the length of the outward-
954              pointing and inward-pointing portions of the major tick marks on
955              the axis specified by "s". Subgroups and the number of
956              parameters in each are as follows:
958                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[LENGTH/]OUTWARD.´ (1)
959                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[LENGTH/]INWARD.´  (1)
962              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/OU.´
964              A real number specifying the length of the outward-pointing
965              portion of each major tick mark on the axis specified by "s".
966              The value must be of the form "e", "1.+e", or "-e", where "e" is
967              greater than or equal to "0." and less than "1." and represents
968              a fraction of the smaller dimension of the grid window.
970              Note:  "Outward" is defined relative to the normal position of
971              the axis "s", even when that axis has been moved away from its
972              normal position.
974              ·      When a value "e" is used, each major tick mark extends
975                     outward "e" units from the axis.
977              ·      When a value "1.+e" is used, each major tick mark extends
978                     outward to the farther edge of the grid window and then
979                     "e" units beyond that edge. (If the axis is not moved
980                     away from its normal position, "1.+e" has the same effect
981                     as "e".)
983              ·      When a value "-e" is used, the first "e" units of the
984                     inward-pointing portion of each major tick mark are
985                     erased.  (This can be used to create off-axis major tick
986                     marks - for whatever that may be worth.)
988              Default value: "0." for all "s" (all major ticks point inward).
991              Simplest form of name: ´s/MA/IN.´
993              A real number specifying the length of the inward-pointing
994              portion of each tick mark on the axis specified by "s". The
995              value must be of the form "e", "1.+e", or "-e", where e is
996              greater than or equal to "0." and less than "1." and represents
997              a fraction of the smaller dimension of the grid window.
999              Note:  "Inward" is defined relative to the normal position of
1000              the axis "s", even when that axis has been moved away from its
1001              normal position.
1003              ·      When a value "e" is used, each major tick mark extends
1004                     inward "e" units from the axis.
1006              ·      When a value "1.+e" is used, each major tick mark extends
1007                     inward to the farther edge of the grid window and then
1008                     "e" units beyond that edge. This feature is used to
1009                     create grid backgrounds.
1011              ·      When a value "-e" is used, the first "e" units of the
1012                     outward-pointing portion of each major tick mark are
1013                     erased.
1015              Default value: ".015" for all "s" (all major ticks point
1016              inward).
1018       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR.´
1019              Simplest form of name: ´s/MI.´
1021              A group of four parameters describing the minor tick marks, if
1022              any, which are to be a part of the axis specified by "s".
1023              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
1025                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/SPACING.´ (1)
1026                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/PATTERN.´ (1)
1027                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/LENGTH.´  (2)
1029       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/SPACING.´
1030              Simplest form of name: ´s/MI/SP.´
1032              A real number specifying the desired number of minor tick marks
1033              to be distributed between each pair of major tick marks on the
1034              axis specified by "s". Acceptable values are as follows:
1036                 ·      A value less than "1." suppresses minor tick marks
1037                        completely.
1039                 ·      A value greater than or equal to "1." which is non-
1040                        null should be integral; it specifies the number of
1041                        minor tick marks directly.
1043                 ·      The values "null 1" and "null 2" specify that
1044                        Autograph is to choose a reasonable integral value; if
1045                        a "null 2" is specified, it is replaced by the
1046                        integral value chosen.
1048              The minor tick marks, if any, are spaced linearly in the label
1049              coordinate system along the axis specified by "s".  Note that
1050              the appropriate value for the usual sort of logarithmic axis is
1051              "8."; this causes the minor tick marks between two major tick
1052              marks at label-system values 10**n and 10**n+1 to be placed at
1053              the label-system values 2*10**n, 3*10**n, 4*10**n, . . .,
1054              9*10**n.
1056              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (Autograph chooses
1057              appropriate values).
1059       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/PATTERN.´
1060              Simplest form of name: ´s/MI/PA.´
1062              A real number specifying the dashed-line pattern to be used for
1063              minor tick marks on the axis specified by "s"; analogous to
1064              ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/PATTERN.´, described above.
1066              Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all "s" (solid-line
1067              patterns).
1069       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/LENGTH.´
1070              Simplest form of name: ´s/MI/LE.´
1072              A group of two parameters determining the length of the outward-
1073              pointing and inward-pointing portions of the minor tick marks on
1074              the axis specified by "s". Subgroups and the number of
1075              parameters in each are as follows:
1077                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/[LENGTH/]OUTWARD.´ (1)
1078                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/[LENGTH/]INWARD.´  (1)
1081              Simplest form of name: ´s/MI/OU.´
1083              A real number specifying the length of the outward-pointing
1084              portion of each minor tick mark on the axis specified by "s";
1085              analogous to ´...MAJOR/[LENGTH/]OUTWARD.´, described above.
1087              Default value: "0." for all "s" (all minor ticks point inward).
1089       ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/[LENGTH/]INWARD.´
1090              Simplest form of name: ´s/MI/IN.´
1092              A real number specifying the length of the inward-pointing
1093              portion of each minor tick mark on the axis specified by "s";
1094              analogous to ´...MAJOR/[LENGTH/]INWARD.´, described above.
1096              Default value: ".010" for all "s" (all minor ticks point
1097              inward).
1099       ´[AXIS/]s/NUMERIC.´
1100              Simplest form of name: ´s/NU.´
1102              A group of eight parameters describing the numeric labels, if
1103              any, which are to be a part of the axis specified by "s".
1104              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
1106                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´     (1)
1107                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]EXPONENT.´ (1)
1108                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]FRACTION.´ (1)
1109                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]ANGLE.´    (2)
1110                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]OFFSET.´   (1)
1111                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]WIDTH.´    (2)
1113       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´
1114              Simplest form of name: ´s/TY.´
1116              The three parameters
1118                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´
1119                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]EXPONENT.´
1120                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]FRACTION.´
1122              will be described together, because they are so closely
1123              interdependent. They specify the type of numeric labels to be
1124              used (at major-tick positions) on the axis specified by "s". A
1125              fourth parameter,
1127                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]TYPE.´,
1129              described above, also affects the type of numeric labels to be
1130              used. I shall refer to these four parameters in the ensuing
1131              discussion using short forms of their names (´s/ TYPE.´,
1132              ´s/EXPO.´, ´s/FRAC.´, and ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´, respectively).
1134              All four have the default value "null 1" (except for the first,
1135              which has the default value "0." for "s" = "RIGHT" and "TOP"),
1136              leaving Autograph free to choose values which are consistent
1137              with each other and with other parameters describing the axis
1138              specified by "s". Any one or more of them may be given the value
1139              "null 2" (in which case an actual value chosen by Autograph is
1140              backstored over the "null 2") or an actual integral real value.
1142              Setting ´s/TYPE.´ to "0.":
1144              This turns off the numeric labels on the axis specified by "s".
1145              The other three parameters are then ignored.
1147              Setting ´s/TYPE.´ to "1.":
1149              This selects "scientific" notation. Each numeric label is
1150              written in the form
1152                 [-] [i] [.] [f] x 10 e
1154              where brackets enclose portions which may be independently
1155              present or absent and "e" is a superscript exponent.
1157              The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ specifies the length of "i" (the number
1158              of characters), thus also specifying the value of the exponent
1159              "e". If ´s/EXPO.´ has a value less than or equal to zero, "i" is
1160              omitted. If ´s/EXPO.´ is less than zero and has the integral
1161              absolute value "n", the fraction "f" is forced to have "n"
1162              leading zeroes.
1164              The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ specifies the length of "f" (the number
1165              of characters). If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than or equal to zero, "f"
1166              is omitted. If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than zero, the decimal point is
1167              omitted.
1169              If "[i] [.] [f]" has the value "1.", the first part of the label
1170              is omitted, leaving only "10 e".
1172              If the entire label has the value "0.", the single character "0"
1173              is used.
1175              The value of ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ is immaterial.
1177              Setting ´s/TYPE.´ to "2.":
1179              This selects "exponential" notation, the exact nature of which
1180              depends on the value of ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´, as follows:
1182              ·      If ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ has the value "1." (all major ticks at
1183                     values of the form plus or minus b times k), each numeric
1184                     label is written in the form
1186                                  [-] [i] [.] [f] x 10 e
1188                     where brackets enclose portions which may be
1189                     independently present or absent and "e" is a superscript
1190                     exponent.
1192                     The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ specifies the integral value of
1193                     the exponent "e".
1195                     The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ specifies the length of "f" (the
1196                     number of characters). If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than or equal
1197                     to zero, f is omitted. If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than zero,
1198                     the decimal point is omitted.
1200                     If the label value is exactly zero, the single character
1201                     "0" is used.
1203              ·      If ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ has the value "2." (all major ticks at
1204                     values of the form plus or minus b times 10 to the power
1205                     k), each numeric label is written in the form
1207                                  [-] [i] [.] [f] x 10 e
1209                     where brackets enclose portions which may be
1210                     independently present or absent and "e" is a superscript
1211                     exponent.
1213                     The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ specifies the integral value of
1214                     the exponent "e" when "k" equals "0." The value of "e" is
1215                     ´s/EXPO.´ plus "k".
1217                     The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ specifies the length of "f" (the
1218                     number of characters). If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than or equal
1219                     to zero, "f" is omitted. If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than zero,
1220                     the decimal point is omitted.
1222                     If the label value is exactly zero, the single character
1223                     "0" is used.
1225              ·      If ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ has the value "3." (all major ticks at
1226                     values of the form plus or minus b to the power k), each
1227                     numeric label is written in the form
1229                                  [-] [i] [.] [f] e
1231                     where brackets enclose portions which may be
1232                     independently present or absent and "e" is a superscript
1233                     exponent.
1235                     The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ is ignored. The value of "e" is
1236                     "k".
1238                     The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ specifies the length of "f" (the
1239                     number of characters). If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than or equal
1240                     to zero, "f" is omitted. If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than zero,
1241                     the decimal point is omitted.
1243                     Note that "[i] [.] [f]" expresses the value of "b".
1245              Setting ´s/TYPE.´ to "3.":
1247              This selects "no-exponent" notation, the exact nature of which
1248              depends on the value of ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´, as follows:
1250              ·      If ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ has the value "1." (all major ticks at
1251                     values of the form plus or minus b times k), each numeric
1252                     label is written in the form
1254                                  [-] [i] [.] [f]
1256                     where brackets enclose portions which may be
1257                     independently present or absent.
1259                     The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ is ignored.
1261                     The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ specifies the length of "f" (the
1262                     number of characters). If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than or equal
1263                     to zero, "f" is omitted. If ´s/FRAC.´ is less than zero,
1264                     the decimal point is omitted.
1266                     If the label value is exactly zero, the single character
1267                     "0" is used.
1269              ·      If ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ has the value "2." (all major ticks at
1270                     values of the form plus or minus b times 10 to the power
1271                     k), each numeric label is written in the form
1273                                  [-] [i] [.] [f]
1275                     where brackets enclose portions which may be
1276                     independently present or absent.
1278                     The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ is ignored.
1280                     The length of "f" (the number of characters) is specified
1281                     by the function
1283                                  MAX(´s/FRAC.´,0) - k
1285                     if this quantity is greater than zero, and
1287                                  MIN(´s/FRAC.´,0)
1289                     otherwise. This may appear somewhat formidable, but it
1290                     produces a simple, desirable result. Suppose, for
1291                     example, that ´s/FRAC.´ = "1.", "b" = "3.6", and "k"
1292                     ranges from "-3" to "+3"; the labels produced are
1294                         .0036, .036, .36, 3.6, 36., 360., and 3600.
1296                     The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ may be viewed as specifying the
1297                     length of "f" when "k" is zero. If the function value is
1298                     less than or equal to zero, "f" is omitted; if it is less
1299                     than zero, the decimal point is omitted.
1301              ·      If ´s/MAJOR/TYPE.´ has the value "3." (all major ticks at
1302                     values of the form plus or minus b to the power k), each
1303                     numeric label is written in the form
1305                                  [-] [i] [.] [f]
1307                     if "k" is greater than or equal to zero, and in the form
1309                                  [-] 1/ [i] [.] [f]
1311                     if "k" is less than zero. Brackets enclose portions which
1312                     may be independently present or absent.
1314                     The parameter ´s/EXPO.´ is ignored.
1316                     The length of "f" (the number of characters) is specified
1317                     by the function
1319                                  ´s/FRAC.´ * ABS(k)
1321                     if "k" is non-zero, or
1323                                  MIN(´s/FRAC.´,0)
1325                     if "k" is zero. Again, this function produces a simple
1326                     result. Suppose that ´s/FRAC.´ = "1.", "b" = "1.1", and
1327                     "k" ranges from "-3" to "+3"; the labels produced are
1329                         1/1.331, 1/1.21, 1/1.1, 1., 1.1, 1.21, and 1.331
1331                     The parameter ´s/FRAC.´ may be viewed as specifying the
1332                     length of "f" when "k" is equal to 1. If the function
1333                     value is less than or equal to zero, "f" is omitted; if
1334                     it is less than zero, the decimal point is omitted.
1336                     Another example: Suppose ´s/FRAC.´ = "-1.", "b" = "2.",
1337                     and "k" ranges from "-4" to "+4"; the labels produced are
1339                         1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16
1341                     Default value: "1.E36" ("null 1") for all three for all
1342                     "s" (Autograph chooses values to use), except for
1344                               ´RIGHT/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´ and
1345                               ´TOP/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´,
1347                     which are zeroed to suppress the numeric labels on the
1348                     right and top axes.
1350       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]EXPONENT.´
1351              Simplest form of name: ´s/EX.´
1353              See the discussion of ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´, above.
1355       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]FRACTION.´
1356              Simplest form of name: ´s/FR.´
1358              See the discussion of ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´, above.
1360       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]ANGLE.´
1361              Simplest form of name: ´s/AN.´
1363              A group of two integral real numbers specifying the orientation
1364              angle of numeric labels on the axis specified by "s". Subgroups
1365              and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
1367                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]ANGLE/1ST.´ (1)
1368                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]ANGLE/2ND.´ (1)
1370       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]ANGLE/1ST.´
1371              Simplest form of name: ´s/AN/1S.´
1373              An integral real number having one of the values "0.", "90.",
1374              "180.", or "270." (plus or minus a small multiple of "360."),
1375              specifying the user´s first choice for the orientation angle of
1376              numeric labels on the axis specified by "s". The value is stated
1377              in degrees counter-clockwise from a left-to-right horizontal
1378              vector.
1380              The routine AGSTUP decides whether the first choice or the
1381              second choice is to be used. The second choice is used only when
1382              the first choice leads to overlap problems and the current value
1383              of ´[AXIS/]s/CONTROL.´ is a "3." or a "4."  and the second
1384              choice works out better than the first. If AGSTUP decides to use
1385              the first choice, it leaves the first-choice parameter with a
1386              positive value; if it decides to use the second choice, it
1387              leaves the first-choice parameter with a negative value. Values
1388              are made positive or negative by adding and subtracting
1389              multiples of "360.".
1391              Default value: "0." for all "s" (horizontal labels preferred on
1392              all axes).
1394       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]ANGLE/2ND.´
1395              Simplest form of name: ´s/AN/2N.´
1397              An integral real number having one of the values "0.", "90.",
1398              "180.", or "270." (plus or minus a small multiple of "360."),
1399              specifying the user´s second choice for the orientation angle of
1400              numeric labels on the axis specified by "s". The value is stated
1401              in degrees counter-clockwise from a left-to-right horizontal
1402              vector. See the description of the preceding parameter.
1404              Default value: "90." for all "s" (vertical labels, readable from
1405              the right, on all axes).
1407       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]OFFSET.´
1408              Simplest form of name: ´s/OF.´
1410              A real number specifying the desired position of numeric labels
1411              relative to the axis specified by "s".
1413              If the value is positive, numeric labels are to be placed toward
1414              the outside of the grid. If the value is negative, numeric
1415              labels are to be placed toward the inside of the grid. In either
1416              of these two cases, the magnitude of the value specifies the
1417              distance from the line portion of the axis to the nearest part
1418              of any numeric label, stated as a fraction of the smaller
1419              dimension of the grid window.  Note:  "Inside" and "outside" are
1420              defined relative to the normal position of the axis "s", even
1421              when that axis has been moved away from its normal position.
1423              If the value is exactly zero, each numeric label is centered on
1424              the axis. In this case, the line portion of the axis is
1425              suppressed and major and minor tick marks are moved outward so
1426              as not to overlap the numeric labels.
1428              Default value: ".015" for all "s" (all labels outside the grid).
1430       ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]WIDTH.´
1431              Simplest form of name: ´s/WI.´
1433              A group of two real parameters specifying the widths of
1434              characters to be used in numeric labels on the axis specified by
1435              "s". Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as
1436              follows:
1438                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]WIDTH/MANTISSA.´ (1)
1439                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]WIDTH/EXPONENT.´ (1)
1442              Simplest form of name: ´s/WI/MA.´
1444              A real number specifying the width of characters to be used in
1445              the "mantissa" of each numeric label on the axis specified by
1446              "s", expressed as a fraction of the smaller dimension of the
1447              grid window.
1449              Default value: ".015" for all "s".
1452              Simplest form of name: ´s/WI/EX.´
1454              A real number specifying the width of characters to be used in
1455              the exponent of each numeric label on the axis specified by "s",
1456              expressed as a fraction of the smaller dimension of the grid
1457              window.
1459              Default value: ".010" for all "s".
1461       ´DASH.´
1462              Simplest form of name: ´DAS.´
1464              A group of thirty parameters, the first of which determines what
1465              dashed-line patterns are to be used by the routines EZMY and
1466              EZMXY and the rest of which describe the "user" set of dashed-
1467              line patterns (as opposed to the "alphabetic" set, which is
1468              defined by code in the subroutine AGCURV and is not subject to
1469              change by the user). Subgroups and the number of parameters in
1470              each are as follows:
1472                 ´DASH/SELECTOR.´     (1)
1473                 ´DASH/LENGTH.´       (1)
1474                 ´DASH/CHARACTER.´    (1)
1475                 ´DASH/DOLLAR-QUOTE.´ (1)
1476                 ´DASH/PATTERNS.´    (26)
1478       ´DASH/SELECTOR.´
1479              Simplest form of name: ´DAS/SE.´
1481              The parameter ´DASH/SELECTOR.´ is given a negative integral
1482              value to specify that the routines EZMY and EZMXY should use the
1483              "alphabetic" set of 26 dashed-line patterns for the curves they
1484              draw and a positive integral value "n", less than or equal to
1485              26, to specify that EZMY and EZMXY should use the first "n"
1486              patterns in the "user" set of dashed-line patterns, as defined
1487              by the current values of the remaining parameters in the group
1488              ´DASH.´.
1490              Each of the patterns in the "alphabetic" set specifies a solid
1491              line interrupted periodically by a letter of the alphabet. Each
1492              of the patterns in the "user" set is as defined by the user. The
1493              default "user" set produces all solid lines.
1495              The routines EZY and EZXY, which draw but one curve per call,
1496              always use the first of the patterns in the "user" set; they are
1497              unaffected by the value of ´DASH/SELECTOR.´.
1499              The selected pattern set is used in a circular fashion. For
1500              example, if ´DASH/SELECTOR.´ has the value "3." and EZMY is used
1501              to draw nine curves, pattern 1 is used for curves 1, 4, and 7,
1502              pattern 2 for curves 2, 5, and 8, and pattern 3 for curves 3, 6,
1503              and 9.
1505              Default value: "+1." (The first element of the "user" set of
1506              dashed-line patterns is to be used by EZMY and EZMXY.)
1508       ´DASH/LENGTH.´
1509              Simplest form of name: ´DAS/LE.´
1511              An integral real number specifying how long character-string
1512              dashed-line patterns are expected to be. In a user call to
1513              ANOTAT with a positive fifth argument (implying that the sixth
1514              argument is an array of character-string dashed-line patterns)
1515              or in a user call to AGSETC setting ´DASH/PATTERN/n.´ (in which
1516              case the second argument is such a pattern), the specified
1517              character strings must be of the length specified by the current
1518              value of ´DASH/LENGTH.´.
1520              Default value: "8." (dashed-line patterns are expected to be
1521              eight characters long).
1523       ´DASH/CHARACTER.´
1524              Simplest form of name: ´DAS/CH.´
1526              A real number specifying the width of each character (other than
1527              a dollar sign or a quote) which is drawn along a curve as
1528              directed by a character-string dashed-line pattern (whether from
1529              the "alphabetic" set or from the "user" set).  This width is
1530              expressed as a fraction of the smaller dimension of the grid
1531              window.
1533              Default value: ".010"
1535       ´DASH/DOLLAR-QUOTE.´
1536              Simplest form of name: ´DAS/DO.´
1538              A real number specifying the line length corresponding to a
1539              dollar sign (solid) or a quote (gap) in a character-string
1540              dashed-line pattern, expressed as a fraction of the smaller
1541              dimension of the grid window.
1543              Default value: ".010"
1545       ´DASH/PATTERNS.´
1546              Simplest form of name: ´DAS/PA.´
1548              A group of 26 parameters defining the "user" set of dashed-line
1549              patterns. Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as
1550              follows:
1552                 ´DASH/PATTERNS/1.´  (1)
1553                 ´DASH/PATTERNS/2.´  (1)
1554                  .
1555                  .
1556                  .
1557                 ´DASH/PATTERNS/26.´ (1)
1559       ´DASH/PATTERNS/n.´
1560              Simplest form of name: ´DAS/PA/n.´
1562              (The symbol "n" represents an integer between "1" and "26",
1563              inclusive.) An integral real number defining the "n"th dashed-
1564              line pattern in the "user" set.
1566              If the value is positive, it must be between "0." and "65535.",
1567              inclusive, and is interpreted as a 16-bit binary pattern in
1568              which each "0" bit specifies a "pen-up" gap segment 3 plotter
1569              units long and each "1" bit specifies a "pen-down" solid segment
1570              3 plotter units long. Such a pattern may be defined by a user
1571              call to AGSETF, AGSETI, or AGSETR.
1573              If the value is negative, it serves as an identifier, allowing
1574              Autograph to retrieve, from its character storage space, a
1575              character string in which each single quote specifies a "pen-up"
1576              gap segment, each dollar sign specifies a "pen-down" solid
1577              segment, and each other character is simply to be drawn as a
1578              part of the line. Such a pattern may be defined by a user call
1579              to AGSETC.
1581              Note that the function "AGDSHN" allows a user to easily generate
1582              the name of the "n"th dash pattern.
1584              Default values: "65535." for all "n" (solid lines).
1586       ´LABEL.´
1587              Simplest form of name: ´LAB.´
1589              A group of 3+10n parameters, where "n" is the current value of
1590              ´LABEL/BUFFER/LENGTH.´ (8, by default) describing up to "n"
1591              informational labels. These labels are a part of the background
1592              drawn by a call to the routine AGBACK. Subgroups and the number
1593              of parameters in each are as follows:
1595                 ´LABEL/CONTROL.´            (1)
1596                 ´LABEL/BUFFER/LENGTH.´      (1)
1597                 ´LABEL/BUFFER/CONTENTS.´  (10n)
1598                 ´LABEL/NAME.´               (1)
1600       ´LABEL/CONTROL.´
1601              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/CO.´
1603              An integral real number having the value "0.", "1.", or "2.".
1604              Values greater than "2." are changed to a "2." by the next
1605              AGSTUP call. Values less than "0." are changed to a "0." by the
1606              next AGSTUP call; negative values have a special use, however
1607              (see below).
1609              ·      The value "0." disables the drawing of informational
1610                     labels. They remain defined, however.
1612              ·      The value "1." enables the drawing of informational
1613                     labels and specifies that they may not be shrunk in
1614                     response to overlap problems.
1616              ·      The value "2." enables the drawing of informational
1617                     labels and specifies that they may be shrunk in response
1618                     to overlap problems.
1620              Default value: "2." (labels enabled, shrinkable).
1622              Special action by AGSETP: An AGSETP call which sets this
1623              parameter (individually, rather than as part of a group) to a
1624              negative value results in the deletion of all currently defined
1625              labels. Note that the negative value is changed to a zero by the
1626              next AGSTUP call; thus, the drawing of informational labels is
1627              disabled until re-enabled by the user.
1629       ´LABEL/BUFFER.´
1630              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BU.´
1632              A group of 1+10n parameters, where "n" is the current value of
1633              ´LABEL/BUFFER/LENGTH.´ (8, by default). Subgroups and the number
1634              of parameters in each are as follows:
1636                 ´LABEL/BUFFER/LENGTH.´     (1)
1637                 ´LABEL/BUFFER/CONTENTS.´ (10n)
1640              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BU/LE.´
1642              An integral real number specifying the number of 10-word label
1643              definitions the label buffer will hold. A user program may need
1644              to retrieve, but must not set, the value of this parameter,
1645              since its value must match the second dimension of the label
1646              buffer.
1648              Increasing the size of the label buffer requires modifying the
1649              Autograph source code.
1651              Default value: "8.".
1654              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BU/CO.´
1656              This parameter group may be thought of as an array FLLB,
1657              dimensioned 10 x n, containing up to n 10-word label
1658              definitions. For a second subscript j,
1660              ·      FLLB(1,j) is either a real "0.", saying that no label is
1661                     defined by this 10-word block, or it is non-zero, in
1662                     which case it identifies a character string in
1663                     Autograph´s character-string storage area; the character
1664                     string serves as a name for the label defined by this
1665                     10-word block. When FLLB(1,j) is non-zero:
1667              ·      FLLB(2,j) is either a "0.", to enable drawing of the
1668                     label, or a "1.", to disable drawing of the label,
1670              ·      FLLB(3,j) and FLLB(4,j) are the X and Y coordinates of
1671                     the label´s "basepoint", in the grid coordinate system,
1673              ·      FLLB(5,j) and FLLB(6,j) are the X and Y components of the
1674                     label´s "offset vector", stated as signed fractions of
1675                     the smaller dimension of the grid window,
1677              ·      FLLB(7,j) is an integral real number "0.", "90.", "180.",
1678                     or "270.", specifying the angle at which the label´s
1679                     "baseline" emanates from the end of its offset vector,
1681              ·      FLLB(8,j) is an integral real number specifying how the
1682                     lines of the label are to be positioned relative to the
1683                     end of the offset vector ("-1." to line up the left ends,
1684                     "0."  to line up the centers, or "+1." to line up the
1685                     right ends),
1687              ·      FLLB(9,j) is an integral real count of the number of
1688                     lines belonging to the label, and
1690              ·      FLLB(10,j) is an integral real pointer specifying the
1691                     second subscript (in the line buffer) of the first line
1692                     of the label (the one having the largest line number),
1693                     or, if no lines belong to the label, a "0.".
1695              It is not recommended that a user program change the contents of
1696              this buffer directly. Label definitions should be accessed
1697              indirectly by means of the parameters ´LABEL/NAME.´ and
1698              ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]...´.
1700              Default values: The label buffer contains four pre-defined
1701              labels, corresponding to the four edges of the grid window.
1702              They are as follows:
1705                   Label name:          ´L´     ´R´     ´B´
1707                   Suppression flag:    0.      0.      0.
1709                   Basepoint X:         0.      1.      .5
1711                   Basepoint Y:         .5      .5      0.
1713                   Offset X:           -.015   +.015    0.
1715                   Offset Y:            0.      0.     -.015
1717                   Baseline angle:      90.     90.     0.
1719                   Centering option:    0.      0.      0.
1721                   Line count:          1.      1.      1.
1723                   First-line index:    1.      2.      3.
1725              The description of ´LINE/BUFFER/CONTENTS.´, below, gives the
1726              default values for the definitions of the lines which belong to
1727              these labels.
1729       ´LABEL/BUFFER/NAMES.´
1730              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BU/NA.´
1732              This group is a subset of the previous one. It provides a way of
1733              retrieving the names of all currently-defined labels.
1735       ´LABEL/NAME.´
1736              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/NA.´
1738              An integral real pointer which, if non-zero, specifies a
1739              particular label in the label buffer - the one which is to be
1740              referenced by the parameter group ´LABEL/DEFINITION.´ (which
1741              see, below).
1743              Setting ´LABEL/NAME.´ is the required first step in accessing a
1744              particular label definition.
1746              Default value: "0." (undefined).
1748              Special action by AGSETP: To access the definition of a
1749              particular label, one must first call AGSETC with ´LABEL/NAME.´
1750              as the first argument and the name of the label one wishes to
1751              access as the second argument. This causes AGSETP (which is
1752              called by AGSETC) to search for the definition of the desired
1753              label in the label buffer. If that definition is not found, a
1754              new one is made up and inserted in the label buffer. In either
1755              case, ´LABEL/NAME.´ is given a real value whose integer
1756              equivalent specifies the second subscript of the label
1757              definition in the label buffer.
1759              The definition of a new label has the name specified by the
1760              user, a suppression flag "0.", a basepoint (.5,.5), an offset
1761              vector (0.,0.), a baseline angle "0.", a centering option "0.",
1762              a line count "0.", and a first-line index "0.".
1764       ´LABEL/DEFINITION.´
1765              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/DE.´
1767              A set of nine parameters defining the label specified by the
1768              current value of ´LABEL/NAME.´. If ´LABEL/NAME.´ has the value
1769              "0.", referencing this group or a parameter in it causes an
1770              error exit. Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are
1771              as follows:
1773                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]SUPPRESSION.´ (1)
1774                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]BASEPOINT.´   (2)
1775                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]OFFSET.´      (2)
1776                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]ANGLE.´       (1)
1777                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]CENTERING.´   (1)
1778                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]LINES.´       (1)
1779                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]INDEX.´       (1)
1782              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/SU.´
1784              An integral real "suppression flag" having the value "0."  or
1785              "1." and specifying whether drawing of the label specified by
1786              ´LABEL/NAME.´ is enabled ("0.") or disabled ("1.").
1788              Default value for a new label: "0." (label enabled).
1790              Special action by AGSETP: If a user program attempts to set this
1791              parameter (individually, rather than as part of a group) to a
1792              negative value, the lines of the label specified by
1793              ´LABEL/NAME.´ are deleted and ´LINE/NUMBER.´ is zeroed. If the
1794              negative value is less than "-1.", the label is deleted as well
1795              and ´LABEL/NAME.´ is zeroed.  (Deleting a label means that its
1796              name cell is set to "0.".)
1799              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BA.´
1801              A set of two parameters specifying the X and Y coordinates of
1802              the basepoint of the label specified by ´LABEL/NAME.´, in the
1803              grid coordinate system. The label is positioned relative to this
1804              basepoint. Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as
1805              follows:
1807                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]BASEPOINT/X.´ (1)
1808                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]BASEPOINT/Y.´ (1)
1811              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BA/X.´
1813              The X coordinate of the basepoint of the label specified by
1814              ´LABEL/NAME.´. The value "0." refers to the left edge of the
1815              grid window, the value "1." to the right edge of the grid
1816              window.
1818              Default value for a new label: ".5" (centered).
1821              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/BA/Y.´
1823              The Y coordinate of the basepoint of the label specified by
1824              ´LABEL/NAME.´. The value "0." refers to the bottom edge of the
1825              grid window, the value "1." to the top edge of the grid window.
1827              Default value for a new label: ".5" (centered).
1830              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/OF.´
1832              A set of two parameters specifying the X and Y components of the
1833              offset vector of the label specified by ´LABEL/NAME.´, as signed
1834              fractions of the smaller dimension of the grid window. The
1835              offset vector has its basepoint at the label basepoint.
1836              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
1838                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]OFFSET/X.´ (1)
1839                 ´LABEL/[DEFINITION/]OFFSET/Y.´ (1)
1842              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/OF/X.´
1844              The X component of the offset vector of the label specified by
1845              ´LABEL/NAME.´ - negative toward the left edge, positive toward
1846              the right edge, of the grid window. The magnitude represents a
1847              fraction of the smaller dimension of the grid window.
1849              Default value for a new label: "0." (zero-length vector).
1852              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/OF/Y.´
1854              The Y component of the offset vector of the label specified by
1855              ´LABEL/NAME.´ - negative toward the bottom edge, positive toward
1856              the top edge, of the grid window. The magnitude represents a
1857              fraction of the smaller dimension of the grid window.
1859              Default value for a new label: "0." (zero-length vector).
1862              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/AN.´
1864              An integral real number having one of the values "0.", "90.",
1865              "180.", or "270.", and specifying the direction in which the
1866              baseline of the label specified by ´LABEL/NAME.´ emanates from
1867              the end of its offset vector, measured counter-clockwise from a
1868              left-to-right horizontal vector.  All the lines of a label are
1869              written parallel to its baseline and in the direction of the
1870              baseline.
1872              Default value for a new label: "0." (horizontal, left to right).
1875              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/CE.´
1877              An integral real number specifying the alignment of the lines of
1878              the label specified by ´LABEL/NAME.´ with the end of its offset
1879              vector. A negative value aligns the left ends, a zero value the
1880              centers, and a positive value the right ends, of the lines.
1882              Default value for a new label: "0." (centers aligned).
1885              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/LI.´
1887              An integral real number specifying the number of lines in the
1888              label specified by ´LABEL/NAME.´.
1890              This parameter is updated by Autograph as lines are added to or
1891              deleted from the label and should not be set by a user program.
1893              Default value for a new label: "0." (no lines).
1896              Simplest form of name: ´LAB/IN.´
1898              An integral real number specifying the second subscript (in the
1899              line buffer) of the first line belonging to the label specified
1900              by ´LABEL/NAME.´ - a zero if no line belongs to the label.
1902              This parameter is updated by Autograph as lines are added to or
1903              deleted from the label and should not be set by a user program.
1905              Default value for a new label: "0." (no lines).
1907       ´LINE.´
1908              Simplest form of name: ´LIN.´
1910              A group of 4+6n parameters, where "n" is the current value of
1911              ´LINE/BUFFER/LENGTH.´ (16, by default) describing up to "n"
1912              lines, each of which is a part of some informational label.
1913              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
1915                 ´LINE/MAXIMUM.´          (1)
1916                 ´LINE/END.´              (1)
1917                 ´LINE/BUFFER/LENGTH.´    (1)
1918                 ´LINE/BUFFER/CONTENTS.´ (6n)
1919                 ´LINE/NUMBER.´           (1)
1921       ´LINE/MAXIMUM.´
1922              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/MA.´
1924              An integral real number specifying the assumed maximum length of
1925              a character string delivered to Autograph for use as the text of
1926              a label line. Such a character string may occur as the first
1927              argument of a call to ANOTAT (defining the text of line "100."
1928              in the label ´L´), as the second argument of a call to ANOTAT
1929              (defining the text of line "-100."  in the label ´B´), as the
1930              last argument of a call to one of the routines EZY, EZXY, EZMY,
1931              or EZMXY (defining the text of line "100." in the label ´T´), or
1932              as the second argument of a call to AGSETC whose first argument
1933              is
1935                 ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]TEXT.´
1937              (defining the text of any line). In each of these cases, the
1938              character string must be of the length specified by
1939              ´LINE/MAXIMUM.´ or shorter. If it is shorter, its last character
1940              must be the character specified by ´LINE/END.´, described below.
1942              This parameter may be given any desired non-negative integral
1943              value.
1945              Default value: "40.".
1947       ´LINE/END.´
1948              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/EN.´
1950              A character string whose first character is the one used to mark
1951              the end of a character string defining the text of a label line
1952              (in calls to ANOTAT, EZY, EZXY, EZMY, EZMXY, and AGSETC), when
1953              that character string is shorter than the current maximum
1954              specified by ´LINE/MAXIMUM.´ (as described above).
1956              The terminator character does not become a part of the text of
1957              the line. It is stripped off, so that only the preceding
1958              characters constitute the text of the line.
1960              Default value: "´$´".
1962       ´LINE/BUFFER.´
1963              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/BU.´
1965              A group of 1+6n parameters, where "n" is the current value of
1966              ´LINE/BUFFER/LENGTH.´ (16, by default). Subgroups and the number
1967              of parameters in each are as follows:
1969                 ´LINE/BUFFER/LENGTH.´    (1)
1970                 ´LINE/BUFFER/CONTENTS.´ (6n)
1972       ´LINE/BUFFER/LENGTH.´
1973              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/BU/LE.´
1975              An integral real number specifying the number of 6-word line
1976              definitions the line buffer will hold. A user program may need
1977              to retrieve, but must not set, the value of this parameter,
1978              since its value must match the second dimension of the line
1979              buffer.
1981              Increasing the size of the line buffer requires modifying the
1982              Autograph source code.
1984              Default value: "16.".
1987              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/BU/CO.´
1989              This group may be thought of as an array FLLN, dimensioned 6 x
1990              n, containing up to n 6-word line definitions. For a second
1991              subscript j,
1993              ·      FLLN(1,j) is either a real "null 1", saying that no label
1994                     line is defined by this 6-word block, or an integral real
1995                     "line number", saying that it does define a label line,
1996                     in which case:
1998              ·      FLLN(2,j) is either "0.", to enable drawing of the line,
1999                     or "1.", to disable drawing of the line.
2001              ·      FLLN(3,j) is the real width of each character of the
2002                     line, stated as a fraction of the smaller dimension of
2003                     the grid window.
2005              ·      FLLN(4,j) is an integral real number serving as the
2006                     identifier of the character string defining the text of
2007                     the line and enabling it to be retrieved from Autograph´s
2008                     internal character storage space.
2010              ·      FLLN(5,j) is an integral real count of the number of
2011                     characters in the text of the line.
2013              ·      FLLN(6,j) is an integral real number specifying the
2014                     second subscript (in the line buffer) of the next line of
2015                     the label to which this line belongs (that one of the
2016                     remaining lines in the chain with the largest line
2017                     number) or, if there is no next line, a "0.".
2019              It is not recommended that a user program change the contents of
2020              this buffer directly. Line definitions should be accessed
2021              indirectly by means of the parameters ´LINE/NUMBER.´ and
2022              ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]...´.
2024              Default values: The line buffer contains four pre-defined lines,
2025              each of which belongs to one of the four pre-defined labels.
2026              They are as follows:
2029            Label name         ´L´     ´R´             ´B´     ´T´
2031            Line number        +100.   -100.           -100.   +100.
2033            Suppression flag   0.      0.              0.      0.
2035            Character width    .015    .015            .015    .020
2037            Text pointed to    ´Y´     ´ ´ (a blank)   ´X´     ´ ´ (a blank)
2039            Text length        1.      0.              1.      0.
2041            Next-line index    0.      0.              0.      0.
2043              The description of ´LABEL/BUFFER/CONTENTS.´, above, gives
2044              default values for the definitions of the four labels which
2045              contain these lines.
2047       ´LINE/NUMBER.´
2048              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/NU.´
2050              An integral real pointer which, if non-zero, specifies a
2051              particular line in the line buffer - the one which is to be
2052              referenced by the parameter group ´LINE/DEFINITION.´ (which see,
2053              below).
2055              Setting this parameter is the required first step in accessing a
2056              particular line definition.
2058              Default value: "0." (undefined).
2060              Special action by AGSETP: To access the definition of a
2061              particular line of a particular label, one must ensure that
2062              ´LABEL/NAME.´ (which see, above) is set. Then, one must call
2063              AGSETI with ´LINE/NUMBER.´ as the first argument and the number
2064              of the line one wishes to access as the second argument. This
2065              causes AGSETP (which is called by AGSETI) to search the line
2066              buffer for the definition of a line belonging to the label
2067              specified by the current value of ´LABEL/NAME.´ and having the
2068              desired line number. If no such definition is found, a new one
2069              is made up, inserted in the line buffer, and linked into the
2070              proper place in the chain of lines belonging to the label. In
2071              either case, ´LINE/NUMBER.´ is given an integral real value
2072              specifying the second subscript of the line definition in the
2073              line buffer.
2075              The definition of a new line has the number specified by the
2076              user, a suppression flag "0.", a character width ".015", a
2077              pointer to the text string "´ ´ (a single blank)", and a text
2078              length of "1.".
2080              Note: The "line numbers" are used to identify the lines of a
2081              label and to specify their positions relative to each other and
2082              to the baseline of the label. Lines having positive line numbers
2083              are drawn above the label baseline, lines having zero line
2084              numbers are drawn along the label baseline, and lines having
2085              negative line numbers are drawn below the label baseline. A line
2086              having a greater line number than another line is drawn above
2087              that line. ("Above" and "below" are used here from the viewpoint
2088              of someone reading the label.)  The magnitudes of the line
2089              numbers in no way affect inter-line spacing, which is determined
2090              by Autograph itself.
2092       ´LINE/DEFINITION.´
2093              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/DE.´
2095              A group of five parameters defining the line specified by
2096              ´LINE/NUMBER.´. If ´LINE/NUMBER.´ has the value "0.",
2097              referencing a parameter in this group causes an error exit.
2098              Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are as follows:
2100                 ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]SUPPRESSION.´ (1)
2101                 ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]CHARACTER.´   (1)
2102                 ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]TEXT.´        (1)
2103                 ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]LENGTH.´      (1)
2104                 ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]INDEX.´       (1)
2107              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/SU.´
2109              An integral real number having the value "0." or "1." and
2110              specifying whether drawing of the line specified by
2111              ´LINE/NUMBER.´ is enabled ("0.") or disabled ("1.").
2113              Default value for a new line: "0." (line enabled).
2115              Special action by AGSETP: If a user program attempts to set this
2116              parameter (individually, rather than as a part of a group) to a
2117              negative value, the line specified by ´LINE/NUMBER.´ is deleted
2118              and ´LINE/NUMBER.´ is reset to "0.".  (Deleting a line means
2119              that it is unlinked from the chain of lines belonging to its
2120              label and that its number cell is set to "null 1".)
2123              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/CH.´
2125              A real number specifying the desired width of each character of
2126              the line specified by ´LINE/NUMBER.´, stated as a fraction of
2127              the smaller dimension of the grid window.
2129              Default value for a new line: ".015".
2131       ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]TEXT.´
2132              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/TE.´
2134              An integral real number serving as an identifier for a character
2135              string stored away in Autograph´s internal character storage
2136              space.
2138              Default value for a new line: "´ ´ (a single blank)".
2140              Special action by AGSETP: When this parameter is set by a call
2141              to AGSETC, the character string appearing as the second argument
2142              of AGSETC is stored in a character storage array inside
2143              Autograph, an identifier allowing for later retrieval of the
2144              string is generated, and the value of that identifier is stored
2145              (by AGSETP, which is called by AGSETC) as the parameter value.
2146              At that time, the length of the string is determined and
2147              ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]LENGTH.´ is set. See ´LINE/MAXIMUM.´ and
2148              ´LINE/TERMINATOR.´, above.
2151              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/LE.´
2153              An integral real count of the number of characters in the text
2154              of the line specified by ´LINE/NUMBER.´. Setting this parameter
2155              less than or equal to zero suppresses the drawing of the line.
2156              See also the description of ´LINE/[DEFINITION/]TEXT.´, above.
2158              Default value for a new line: "1." (one character - a blank).
2161              Simplest form of name: ´LIN/IN.´
2163              An integral real number specifying the second subscript (in the
2164              line buffer) of the next line of the label - a zero if there is
2165              no next line.
2167              This parameter is updated by Autograph as lines are added to or
2168              deleted from the label and should not be set by a user program.
2170       ´SECONDARY.´
2171              Simplest form of name: ´SEC.´
2173              A group of 149 "secondary" control parameters. These are not
2174              normally set by a user program, but are computed by Autograph
2175              itself (the routine AGSTUP). Their values may be of use in some
2176              applications. Subgroups and the number of parameters in each are
2177              as follows:
2179                 ´SECONDARY/GRAPH.´      (4)
2180                 ´SECONDARY/USER.´       (4)
2181                 ´SECONDARY/CURVE.´      (4)
2182                 ´SECONDARY/DIMENSIONS.´ (3)
2183                 ´SECONDARY/AXIS.´      (80)
2184                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL.´     (54)
2186       ´SECONDARY/GRAPH.´
2187              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/GR.´
2189              A group of four real numbers specifying the X coordinates of the
2190              left and right edges of the graph window and the Y coordinates
2191              of the bottom and top edges of the graph window, in the grid
2192              coordinate system. These values are used by Autograph to
2193              determine whether a point whose coordinates are expressed in the
2194              grid coordinate system lies inside or outside the graph window.
2196              If the parameters in the group ´GRID.´ have their default values
2197              (".15", ".95", ".15", ".95", and "0."), these four parameters
2198              will be given the values "-.1875", "1.0625", "-.1875", and
2199              "1.0625". Note that -.1875 = (0.-.15)/(.95-.15) and that 1.0625
2200              = (1.-.15)/(.95-.15).
2202       ´SECONDARY/USER.´
2203              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/US.´
2205              A set of four real numbers specifying the X coordinates of the
2206              left and right edges of the grid window and the Y coordinates of
2207              the bottom and top edges of the grid window, in the user
2208              coordinate system. These values are used in mapping user curve
2209              points into the grid window. The routines AGSTUP, AGBACK, and
2210              AGCURV use these four numbers as arguments 5 through 8 in calls
2211              to the system-plot-package routine SET.
2213       ´SECONDARY/CURVE.´
2214              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/CU.´
2216              A group of four real numbers specifying the X coordinates of the
2217              left and right edges of the grid (curve) window and the Y
2218              coordinates of the bottom and top edges of the grid (curve)
2219              window. The X coordinates are stated as fractions of the
2220              distance from left to right, and the Y coordinates as fractions
2221              of the distance from bottom to top, in the plotter frame. The
2222              routines AGSTUP, AGBACK, and AGCURV use these four numbers as
2223              arguments 1 through 4 in calls to the system-plot-package
2224              routine SET. If the parameters in the groups ´GRAPH.´ and
2225              ´GRID.´ have their default values, these four parameters are
2226              given the values ".15", ".95", ".15", and ".95".
2229              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/DI.´
2231              A group of three real numbers, the first two of which specify
2232              the width and height of the grid window and the third of which
2233              is equal to the smaller of the first two.  Each is stated as a
2234              number of plotter units. If the parameters in the groups
2235              ´GRAPH.´ and ´GRID.´ have their default values and the plotter
2236              being used has 1024x1024 addressable positions, then each of
2237              these three parameters will be given the value 818.4 = (.95-.15)
2238              * 1023.
2240       ´SECONDARY/AXIS.´
2241              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/AX.´
2243              A group of eighty parameters having to do with the drawing of
2244              the four axes. Subgroups and the number of parameters in each
2245              are as follows:
2247                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]LEFT.´   (20)
2248                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]RIGHT.´  (20)
2249                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]BOTTOM.´ (20)
2250                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]TOP.´    (20)
2252              The parameters from the subgroups are interleaved in the group;
2253              that is to say, the first elements of the subgroups comprise
2254              elements 1 through 4 of the group, the second elements of the
2255              subgroups comprise elements 5 through 8 of the group, and so on.
2257       ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]s.´
2258              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/s.´
2260              A group of twenty parameters having to do with the drawing of
2261              the axis specified by "s", where "s" is one of the keywords
2262              "LEFT", "RIGHT", "BOTTOM", or "TOP". Subgroups and the number of
2263              parameters in each are as follows:
2265                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]s/POSITION.´ (6)
2266                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]s/TICKS.´    (3)
2267                 ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]s/NUMERIC.´ (11)
2270              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/s/PO.´
2272              A group of six real numbers, the first three of which describe a
2273              point at the beginning of axis "s" and the last three of which
2274              describe a point at the end of axis "s". The first two numbers
2275              of each triplet are the X and Y coordinates of the point, in the
2276              grid coordinate system.  The third number of each triplet is a
2277              user-system X or Y coordinate (an X coordinate for a horizontal
2278              axis, a Y coordinate for a vertical axis) of the point.
2280       ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]s/TICKS.´
2281              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/s/TI.´
2283              A group of three real numbers, specifying the values Autograph
2284              has chosen to use for the primary parameters
2286                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]TYPE.´
2287                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MAJOR/[SPACING/]BASE.´
2288                 ´[AXIS/]s/[TICKS/]MINOR/SPACING.´
2290              (which see, above). These secondary parameters are used to hold
2291              the values Autograph chooses for the corresponding primary
2292              parameters so as not to disturb "null 1" values of those primary
2293              parameters.
2295       ´SECONDARY/[AXIS/]s/NUMERIC.´
2296              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/s/NU.´
2298              A group of eleven real numbers having to do with the generation
2299              of numeric labels on the axis specified by "s".  The first three
2300              of these specify the values Autograph has chosen to use for the
2301              primary parameters
2303                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]TYPE.´
2304                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]EXPONENT.´
2305                 ´[AXIS/]s/[NUMERIC/]FRACTION.´
2307              (which see, above). The secondary parameters are used so as not
2308              to disturb "null 1" values of the primary parameters.
2310              The fourth parameter is an integral real count of the number of
2311              characters in the longest numeric-label mantissa on the axis
2312              "s".
2314              The fifth parameter is an integral real count of the number of
2315              characters in the longest numeric-label exponent on the axis
2316              "s".
2318              The sixth parameter is the necessary multiplicative "reduction
2319              factor" (between "0." and "1.") to be applied to the sizes of
2320              numeric labels on the axis "s" in order to make them fit without
2321              overlap problems.
2323              The seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth parameters are real
2324              numbers specifying the width of the space required by numeric
2325              labels to the left (outward), to the right (inward), at the
2326              beginning and at the end of the axis "s" - each is stated as a
2327              fraction of the width or height of the grid window, depending on
2328              the orientation of the axis "s".
2330              The eleventh parameter indicates the linear/log nature of the
2331              axis specified by "s".
2333       ´SECONDARY/LABEL.´
2334              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/LA.´
2336              A group of fifty-four parameters describing the six "label
2337              boxes", each of which provides a mechanism for moving and/or
2338              shrinking a particular group of labels in attempting to keep any
2339              label in that group from overlapping an axis or extending
2340              outside the current graph window. Subgroups and the number of
2341              parameters in each are as follows:
2343                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL/LEFT.´   (9)
2344                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL/RIGHT.´  (9)
2345                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL/BOTTOM.´ (9)
2346                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL/TOP.´    (9)
2347                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL/CENTER.´ (9)
2348                 ´SECONDARY/LABEL/GRAPH.´  (9)
2350              The parameters of the subgroups are interleaved in the group.
2351              The first elements of the subgroups form elements 1 through 6 of
2352              the group, the second elements of the subgroups form elements 7
2353              through 12 of the group, and so on.
2355       ´SECONDARY/LABEL/b.´
2356              Simplest form of name: ´SEC/LA/b.´
2358              where the keyword "b" specifies the label box, as follows:
2360              ·      If "b" = "LEFT", label box 1 is specified. It contains
2361                     all labels having a basepoint on the left edge of the
2362                     grid window and a leftward-pointing offset vector. These
2363                     labels are to be moved leftward as required to avoid
2364                     overlapping any numeric labels on either Y axis.
2366              ·      If "b" = "RIGHT", label box 2 is specified. It contains
2367                     all labels having a basepoint on the right edge of the
2368                     grid window and a rightward-pointing offset vector. These
2369                     labels are to be moved rightward as required to avoid
2370                     overlapping any numeric labels on either Y axis.
2372              ·      If "b" = "BOTTOM", label box 3 is specified. It contains
2373                     all labels having a basepoint on the bottom edge of the
2374                     grid window and a downward-pointing offset vector. These
2375                     labels are to be moved downward as required to avoid
2376                     overlapping any numeric labels on either X axis.
2378              ·      If "b" = "TOP", label box 4 is specified. It contains all
2379                     labels having a basepoint on the top edge of the grid
2380                     window and an upward-pointing offset vector. These labels
2381                     are to be moved upward as required to avoid overlapping
2382                     any numeric labels on either X axis.
2384              ·      If "b" = "CENTER", label box 5 is specified. It contains
2385                     all labels having a basepoint on some edge of the grid
2386                     window and an inward-pointing offset vector. These labels
2387                     are to be moved inward as required to avoid overlapping
2388                     numeric labels on any axis.
2390              ·      If "b" = "GRAPH", label box 6 is specified. It contains
2391                     all labels not specifically assigned to one of the other
2392                     boxes.  These labels are not moved, but may still be
2393                     shrunk as required to avoid their running outside the
2394                     grid window.
2396              Prior to a call to AGSTUP, the nine parameters in this group are
2397              undefined. Following an AGSTUP call, but preceding an AGBACK
2398              call, they have what I shall call "interim" values. Following an
2399              AGBACK call, they have what I shall call "final" values.
2401              The first parameter in the group is a "reduction factor" for the
2402              widths of characters in the labels in box "b". This parameter
2403              may have the interim value "0.", specifying that no actual value
2404              has yet been computed, or "1.", specifying that the user has
2405              prohibited shrinkage of labels in box "b" (by giving
2406              ´LABEL/CONTROL.´ the value "1."). The final value of the
2407              reduction factor may be "-1.", specifying that minimum-sized
2408              labels were used, but even they led to overlap problems, or a
2409              value between "0." and "1.", specifying the actual reduction
2410              factor applied when the labels were drawn.
2412              The next four parameters in the group specify the grid-system X
2413              coordinates of the left and right edges, and the grid-system Y
2414              coordinates of the bottom and top edges, of label box "b". The
2415              interim values specify the box in which the labels must be made
2416              to fit in order to avoid overlap, the final values the box in
2417              which the labels were actually made to fit.
2419              The last four parameters in the group specify the grid-system X
2420              coordinates of the left and right edges, and the grid-system Y
2421              coordinates of the bottom and top edges, of the label box "b"
2422              which would result if all the labels were reduced to minimum
2423              size. The interim values specify an unmoved box, the final
2424              values a (possibly) moved box.


2427       Online: agdshn, aggetc, aggetf, aggeti, aggetp, aggetr, agrstr, agsave,
2428       agsetc, agsetf, agseti, agsetp, agsetr, anotat, displa
2430       Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version
2433       Copyright (C) 1987-2007
2434       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
2436       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
2437       modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
2438       published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
2439       License, or (at your option) any later version.
2441       This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
2442       WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2444       General Public License for more details.
2446       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
2447       with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
2448       Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
2452UNIX                              March 1993          Autograph_params(3NCARG)