1Conpack_params(3NCARG)           NCAR GRAPHICS          Conpack_params(3NCARG)


6       Conpack_params - This document briefly describes all Conpack internal
7       parameters.


10       Parameter descriptions follow, in alphabetical order. Each description
11       begins with a line giving the three-character mnemonic name of the
12       parameter, the phrase for which the mnemonic stands, the intrinsic type
13       of the parameter, and an indication of whether or not it is an array.
15       'AIA' - Area Identifier Above - Integer Array
16              Each element of the parameter array 'AIA' is an area identifier
17              for the area above the contour level specified by the
18              corresponding element of the parameter array 'CLV'.  The
19              corresponding element of the parameter array 'AIB' is an area
20              identifier for the area below that level. If, for a particular
21              contour level, both 'AIA' and 'AIB' are zero, that level is
22              ignored by the routine CPCLAM; otherwise, contour lines at that
23              level are added to the area map and the given values of 'AIA'
24              and 'AIB' are used as right and left area identifiers,
25              respectively.  (Note that contour lines are traced with greater
26              values to the right and lesser values to the left.)
28              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'AIA',
29              corresponding to 'PAI' values of -1, -2, and -3; the first
30              specifies an area identifier for the area outside the edge of
31              the grid, the second an area identifier for any area filled with
32              special values, and the third an area identifier for any area in
33              which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range"
34              value 'ORV'.
36              If contour levels are chosen automatically, rather than being
37              supplied by the user, the value supplied for the Ith element of
38              'AIA' is I+1 and the value supplied for the Ith element of 'AIB'
39              is I.
41              The default value of element "-1" of 'AIA' is 0 and the default
42              values of elements "-2" and "-3" are -1's.
44       'AIB' - Area Identifier Below - Integer Array
45              See the description of 'AIA', above.
47       'CAF' - Cell Array Flag - Integer
48              The parameter 'CAF' determines the way in which the routine
49              CPCICA (which is called to store color indices in a user cell
50              array), gets from an area identifier associated with a
51              particular cell to a color index for that cell. Let IAID be the
52              area identifier that is associated with a given cell.  Then:
54              ·      If 'CAF' is negative, the routine CPSCAE is called. The
55                     default version of CPSCAE behaves as follows: if the
56                     value of IAID is greater than or equal to zero, it itself
57                     is stored in the cell array as a color index; otherwise,
58                     the cell array is unchanged. A user version of CPSCAE may
59                     be supplied to do something more complicated; since the
60                     value of 'CAF' is one of the arguments of CPSCAE, its
61                     value may be used to select one of a number of color-
62                     setting schemes built into the routine.
64              ·      If 'CAF' is positive, the value "'CAF'+IAID" is computed.
65                     If that value is positive, it is stored in the cell array
66                     as a color index; otherwise, the cell array is unchanged.
67                     In this case, 'CAF' acts as an offset, mapping the area
68                     identifiers to a unique portion of the color table.
70              The default value of 'CAF' is 0.
72       'CFA' - Constant-Field Label Angle - Real
73              The parameter 'CFA' specifies the angle (in degrees
74              counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the right) at which a
75              constant-field label is to be written.
77              The default value of 'CFA' is 0.
79       'CFB' - Constant-Field Label Box Flag - Integer
80              If 'CFB' is zero, the constant-field label will not be boxed at
81              all. The value 1 implies that the perimeter of the box is to be
82              drawn (in the same color as the label) after the label is drawn.
83              The value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color
84              specified by 'LBC') before the label is drawn. The value 3
85              implies both of the above.
87              The default value of 'CFB' is 0.
89       'CFC' - Constant-Field Label Color Index - Integer
90              If 'CFC' is less than zero, the constant-field label and the
91              box, if any, around it, will be drawn in the color specified by
92              the current text color index; if 'CFC' is greater than or equal
93              to zero, then it specifies the desired color index for the label
94              and the box. If a box is drawn around the label, it is made the
95              same color as the label itself.
97              The default value of 'CFC' is -1.
99       'CFF' - Constant-Field-Found Flag - Integer
100              The parameter 'CFF' may not be set by the user; its retrieved
101              value will be non-zero if and only if CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2
102              detected a constant field.
104              The default value of 'CFF' (prior to any call to CPRECT, CPSPS1,
105              or CPSPS2) is zero.
107       'CFL' - Constant-Field Label Line Width - Real
108              If 'CFL' is less than or equal to zero, line width will not be
109              set before drawing a box around the constant-field label. If
110              'CFL' is greater than zero, it specifies the desired width, as a
111              multiple of the "normal" line width.
113              The default value of 'CFL' is 0.
115       'CFP' - Constant-Field Label Positioning Flag - Integer
116              The parameter 'CFP' says how the constant-field label is to be
117              positioned. There are nine possible values, each of which
118              specifies a point of the label box which is to lie on the point
119              defined by 'CFX' and 'CFY': the value -4 implies the lower left-
120              hand corner of the label box, -3 implies the center of the
121              bottom of the box, -2 the lower right-hand corner of the box, -1
122              the center of the left edge of the box, 0 the center of the box,
123              +1 the center of the right edge of the box, +2 the upper left-
124              hand corner of the box, +3 the center of the top edge of the
125              box, and +4 the upper right-hand corner of the box. Left, right,
126              bottom, and top are defined from the viewpoint of someone
127              viewing the label right-side up.
129              The default value of 'CFP' is 0, so the constant-field label
130              will be centered on the point whose coordinates are 'CFX' and
131              'CFY'.
133       'CFS' - Constant-Field Label Size - Real
134              The parameter 'CFS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a
135              character in the constant-field label, as a fraction of the
136              width of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.
138              The default value of 'CFS' is 0.012.
140       'CFT' - Constant-Field Label Text String - Character
141              The parameter 'CFT' specifies the text of the constant-field
142              label, which is written when a constant data field is detected;
143              it is a character string of at most 40 characters. The embedded
144              string '$ZDV$' will be replaced by the numeric value of the
145              field.
147              If 'CFT' is given the value ' ' (a single blank), the constant-
148              field label will not be written.
150              The default value of 'CFT' is 'CONSTANT FIELD - VALUE IS $ZDV$'.
152       'CFW' - Constant-Field Label White Space Width - Real
153              The parameter 'CFW' specifies the nominal width of white space
154              to be left around the constant-field label, as a fraction of the
155              width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by
156              'CWM'.
158              The default value of 'CFW' is 0.005.
160       'CFX' - Constant-Field Label X Coordinate - Real
161              The parameter 'CFX' specifies the X coordinate of the basepoint
162              of the constant-field label. The given value is mapped linearly
163              onto the viewport; 0 refers to the left edge of the viewport and
164              1 to the right edge of the viewport. Values less than 0 or
165              greater than 1 may be used.
167              The default value of 'CFX' is 0.5, so the constant-field label
168              is centered horizontally in the viewport.
170       'CFY' - Constant-Field Label Y Coordinate - Real
171              The parameter 'CFY' specifies the Y coordinate of the basepoint
172              of the constant-field label. The given value is mapped linearly
173              onto the viewport; 0 refers to the bottom edge of the viewport
174              and 1 to the top edge of the viewport.  Values less than 0 or
175              greater than 1 may be used.
177              The default value of 'CFY' is 0.5, so the constant-field label
178              is centered vertically in the viewport.
180       'CIS' - Contour Interval Specifier - Real
181              See the description of 'CLS', below. When 'CLS' is greater than
182              zero, 'CIS' is used. A value of 'CIS' less than or equal to zero
183              indicates that Conpack is to choose the contour interval (see
184              the descriptions of the parameter arrays 'CIT' and 'LIT'). A
185              value of 'CIS' which is greater than zero is the actual contour
186              interval to be used; in this case, 'LIS' may be given a non-zero
187              value "n" to specify that every "nth" contour level should be
188              labeled.  See also the descriptions of 'CMN' and 'CMX', below.
190              The default value of 'CIS' is 0.
192       'CIT' - Contour Interval Table - Real Array
193              Each non-zero element of the ten-element parameter array 'CIT'
194              is a real number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10;
195              when Conpack picks the contour interval, it chooses a number of
196              the form "c x 10**k", where "c" is one of the elements of 'CIT'
197              and "k" is an integer. The non-zero elements of 'CIT' must be
198              sorted in ascending order and appear at the beginning of the
199              array.
201              The corresponding elements of the parameter array 'LIT' specify
202              which contours are to be labeled. A contour at "nc x 10**k" is
203              labeled if "n" is a multiple of "l", where "l" is the element of
204              'LIT' corresponding to the element "c" of 'CIT'. For example, if
205              the first element of 'CIT' is "1." and the first element of
206              'LIT' is "5", then Conpack is allowed to use contour levels 1.,
207              2., 3., 4., etc., with labels at 5., 10., 15., etc. (5 x 1., 5 x
208              2., 5 x 3., etc.).
210              The default contents of 'CIT' and 'LIT' are as follows:
213              'PAI'   'CIT'   'LIT'   LEVELS ALLOWED   LABEL INTERVAL
214              -----   -----   -----   --------------   --------------
215                1      1.0      5     1.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
216                2      2.0      5     2.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
217                3      2.5      4     2.5 x 10 ** K    EVERY 4TH ONE
218                4      4.0      5     4.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
219                5      5.0      5     5.0 x 10 ** K    EVERY 5TH ONE
220                6      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
221                7      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
222                8      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
223                9      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
224               10      0.0      0     FILLER TO END    FILLER TO END
226       'CIU' - Contour Interval Used - Real
227              The parameter 'CIU' is normally intended for retrieval only.
228              When the selection of the contour interval is left up to
229              Conpack, 'CIU' is given the value chosen. When contour levels
230              are completely set by the user, the value of 'CIU' may need to
231              be set as well, for two reasons: 1) to make the desired value
232              appear in an informational label (in place of the embedded
233              string '$CIU$') and 2) so that it may be used by the penalty
234              scheme for positioning labels. The setting of 'CIU' must be done
235              after setting the contour levels (because, as a side effect of
236              the setting of element 1 of 'CLV', 'CIU' is zeroed). If the user
237              supplies contour levels, but supplies no value of 'CIU', and the
238              penalty scheme is used to position labels, the required contour
239              interval is estimated; in certain situations, this can lead to
240              problems (if, for example, the same contour level appears twice
241              in 'CLV', once to force lines at that level to be drawn and once
242              to force that level to be used as the boundary for a shaded
243              area).
245              The default value of 'CIU' is 0.
247       'CLC' - Contour Line Color Index - Integer Array
248              Each element of the parameter array 'CLC', if greater than or
249              equal to zero, is a color index for contour lines at the level
250              specified by the associated element of 'CLV'. A value less than
251              zero implies that the lines will be drawn in the color specified
252              by the current polyline color index.
254              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLC',
255              corresponding to 'PAI' values of -1, -2, and -3; the first
256              specifies a color index for the edge of the grid, the second a
257              color index for the edge of any area filled with special values,
258              and the third a color index for the edge of any area in which
259              the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value.
261              The default value of each element of 'CLC' is -1.
263       'CLD' - Contour Line Dash Pattern - Character Array
264              Each element of the parameter array 'CLD' is a dash pattern (as
265              expected by the package Dashline) to be used (when 'DPU' is non-
266              zero) to draw contour lines at the level specified by the
267              associated element of the contour level array 'CLV'. Elements of
268              'CLD' may be set using a call to CPSETI, with a sixteen-bit
269              integer as the second argument, or using a call to CPSETC, with
270              a character string of 32 or fewer characters as the second
271              argument. In either case, the result will be a character string
272              internally; a sixteen-bit integer will be converted to a
273              sixteen-character string by mapping 0-bits into apostrophes and
274              1-bits into dollar signs.
276              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLD',
277              corresponding to 'PAI' values of -1, -2, and -3; the first
278              specifies a dash pattern for the edge of the grid, the second a
279              dash pattern for the edge of any area filled with special
280              values, and the third a dash pattern for the edge of any area in
281              which the mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range"
282              value.
284              When Conpack picks the contour levels, the default value
285              supplied for each associated dash pattern is the character
286              constant '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'. This is also the default value for
287              each of the three special elements.
289       'CLL' - Contour Line Line Width - Real Array
290              Each element of the parameter array 'CLL' specifies the line
291              width used to draw contour lines at the level specified by the
292              associated element of the contour level array 'CLV'. Each is
293              expressed as a multiple of the "normal" line width; values less
294              than or equal to zero imply that line width should not be set.
296              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLL',
297              corresponding to 'PAI' values of -1, -2, and -3; the first
298              specifies a line width for the edge of the grid, the second a
299              line width for the edge of any area filled with special values,
300              and the third a line width for the edge of any area in which the
301              mapping routine CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value.
303              When Conpack picks the contour levels, the default value
304              supplied for each associated line width is 0. This is also the
305              default value for each of the three special elements.
307       'CLS' - Contour Level Selection Flag - Integer
308              This parameter must be set prior to the call to CPRECT, CPSPS1,
309              or CPSPS2 which initiates the process of drawing a particular
310              contour plot; it specifies how contour levels are to be
311              selected, as follows:
313              ·      If 'CLS' has the value "0", Conpack will not pick contour
314                     levels at all; the current values of the parameters
315                     'NCL', 'CLV', and associated arrays will not be changed.
316                     They will thus retain the values chosen by Conpack during
317                     a previous call or the values supplied by the user.
319              ·      If 'CLS' has a negative value of the form "-n", Conpack
320                     will generate "n" contour levels, splitting the range
321                     from the minimum field value to the maximum field value
322                     into "n+1" equal intervals.
324              ·      If 'CLS' has a positive value of the form "+n" and 'CIS'
325                     is less than or equal to zero, Conpack will use values of
326                     the form "bk", where "b" is a "base" value chosen by
327                     Conpack and "k" is an integer. The base value "b" will be
328                     a "nice" value (as defined by the contents of the
329                     parameter array 'CIT'), chosen in such a way as to give
330                     at least "n" contour levels (with the default contents of
331                     the array 'CIT', you may get as many as "2n" levels).
333              ·      If 'CLS' has a positive value of the form "+n" and 'CIS'
334                     is greater than zero and 'CMN' is greater than 'CMX',
335                     Conpack will use values of the form "'CIS'*k", where "k"
336                     is an integer.
338              ·      If 'CLS' has a positive value of the form "+n" and 'CIS'
339                     is greater than zero and 'CMN' is less than or equal to
340                     'CMX', Conpack will use values of the form
341                     "'CMN'+'CIS'*k" which are greater than or equal to 'CMN'
342                     and less than or equal to 'CMX', where "k" is an integer.
344              The default value of 'CLS' is 16.
346       'CLU' - Contour Level Use Flags - Integer Array
347              Each element of the parameter array 'CLU' indicates how the
348              associated contour level, in the parameter array 'CLV', is to be
349              used. The value 0 means that no contour line is to be drawn at
350              the associated level, the value 1 that the line is to be drawn
351              without labels, the value 2 that the labels are to be drawn, but
352              not the line, and the value 3 that both the line and the labels
353              are to be drawn.
355              There are three special elements in the parameter array 'CLU',
356              corresponding to 'PAI' values of -1, -2, and -3; the first
357              specifies a flag for the edge of the grid, the second a flag for
358              the edge of any area filled with special values, and the third a
359              flag for the edge of any area in which the mapping routine
360              CPMPXY returns the "out of range" value. In each case, if the
361              flag is zero, the associated edge is not drawn; otherwise, the
362              associated edge is drawn.
364              When Conpack chooses the contour levels, the associated elements
365              of 'CLU' are given one of the two values 1 or 3, depending on
366              whether the line is to be labeled or not. The default values of
367              the special elements are all zeroes.
369       'CLV' - Contour Level Values - Real Array
370              Each of the first 'NCL' elements of the parameter array 'CLV' is
371              a contour level for which something is to be done (the drawing
372              of contour lines, the drawing of contour labels, and/or the
373              addition of contour lines to an area map).
375              Only elements 1 through 'NCL' may be accessed via the parameter-
376              setting routines. Thus, code to set the contour levels and
377              associated quantities must begin with a call to set 'NCL'.
379              A side effect of setting the element numbered 'PAI' of 'CLV' is
380              that the associated element number 'PAI' in each of the
381              parameter arrays 'AIA', 'AIB', 'CLC', 'CLD', 'CLL', 'CLU',
382              'LLC', and 'LLT' is also given a default value, as follows:
384                 'AIA'       ´PAI'+1
386                 'AIB'       ´PAI'
388                 'CLC'       -1
390                 'CLD'       ´$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
392                 'CLL'       0
394                 'CLU'       1
396                 'LLC'       -1
398                 'LLT'       ´ ' (a single blank)
400              Thus, in code to set contour levels and associated quantities,
401              each contour level must be set before the quantities associated
402              with it.
404              A side effect of setting element number 1 of 'CLV' is that the
405              parameter 'CIU', which indicates what contour interval was used,
406              is zeroed. It is assumed that this will only happen when the
407              user is providing all the contour levels, in which case the
408              concept of the "contour interval" may or not be well defined.
409              See the description of 'CIU' for more information.
411       'CMN' - Contour Minimum - Real
412              When 'CLS' is greater than zero and 'CIS' is also greater than
413              zero, if 'CMN' is less than or equal to 'CMX', then the contour
414              levels used will be of the form 'CMN', 'CMN'+'CIS',
415              'CMN'+2*'CIS', ... , 'CMN'+n*'CIS', where "n" is the largest
416              integer such that 'CMN'+n*'CIS' is less than or equal to 'CMX'.
417              The labeled levels will be those for which "n" is a multiple of
418              'LIS'.
420              The default values of 'CMN' and 'CMX' are 1 and 0, respectively.
422       'CMX' - Contour Maximum - Real
423              See the description of 'CMN', above.
425       'CTM' - Character Temporary - Character
426              The parameter name 'CTM' refers to a temporary character buffer
427              in Conpack; the name may be used in the routine CPCHCL to get
428              the dash pattern for the current line and in the routines
429              CPCHHL, CPCHIL, and CPCHLL to get the text of the label being
430              written or to change it.
432              The parameter 'CTM' has no meaningful default value.
434       'CWM' - Character Width Multiplier - Real
435              All character size parameters are multiplied by 'CWM'; this
436              makes it easy to scale the sizes up or down simultaneously.
437              Parameters affected by this are 'CFS', 'CFW', 'DPS', 'DPV',
438              'HLS', 'HLW', 'ILS', 'ILW', 'LLS', and 'LLW'.
440              The default value of 'CWM' is 1.
442       'DPS' - Dash Pattern Size - Real
443              The parameter 'DPS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a
444              character in a dash pattern, as a fraction of the width of the
445              viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.
447              The default value of 'DPS' is 0.010.
449       'DPU' - Dash Pattern Use Flag - Integer
450              If 'DPU' is less than or equal to zero, it means that no dash
451              patterns are to be used and that contour lines are to be drawn
452              using calls to CURVE. If 'DPU' is non-zero, it means that dash
453              patterns are to be used and that contour lines are to be drawn
454              using calls to CURVED. When the label positioning flag
455              ABS('LLP') = 1, contour lines are caused to be labeled by using
456              a dash pattern formed by concatenating "n" repetitions of the
457              appropriate element of 'CLD' (the nominal dash pattern for the
458              line) and the appropriate element of 'LLT' (the numeric label
459              for the line); in this case, 'DPU' specifies the value of "n".
461              The default value of 'DPU' is 3.
463       'DPV' - Dash Pattern Vector Length - Real
464              The parameter 'DPV' specifies the nominal length of the solid
465              vector generated by a dollar sign, or the gap vector generated
466              by an apostrophe, in a dash pattern, as a fraction of the width
467              of the viewport. This nominal length is multiplied by 'CWM'.
469              The default value of 'DPV' is .005.
471       'GIC' - Group Identifier for Contour Lines - Integer
472              The parameter 'GIC' specifies the group identifier for contour
473              lines added to an area map by the routine CPCLAM.
475              The default value of 'GIC' is 3.
477       'GIL' - Group Identifier for Label Boxes - Integer
478              The parameter 'GIL' specifies the group identifier for label
479              boxes added to an area map by the routine CPLBAM.
481              The default value of 'GIL' is 3.
483       'GIS' - Group Identifier for Strips - Integer
484              The parameter 'GIS' specifies the group identifier for a group
485              of edges added to an area map by the routine CPCLAM to create a
486              set of vertical strips. This is done only if the parameter 'NVS'
487              (which is described later in this section) is non-zero.
489              The default value of 'GIS' is 4.
491       'HCL' - Hachure Length - Real
492              The parameter 'HCL' specifies the hachure length, stated as a
493              fraction of the width of the viewport. A positive value implies
494              the use of hachures on the downslope side of the contour. A
495              negative value implies the use of hachures on the upslope side
496              of the contour.
498              The default value of 'HCL' is .004.
500       'HCS' - Hachure Spacing - Real
501              The parameter 'HCS' specifies the hachure spacing, stated as a
502              fraction of the width of the viewport. This is the distance
503              between one hachure and the next along a contour line.
505              The default value of 'HCS' is .01.
507       'HCF' - Hachuring Flag - Integer
508              The parameter 'HCF' is the hachuring flag, with one of the
509              following values:
511              ·      If 'HCF' = 0, hachuring is turned off (the default).
513              ·      If 'HCF' = 1, all contours will be hachured.
515              ·      If 'HCF' = 2, closed contours will be hachured only if
516                     the interior of the contour is "downhill". Open contours
517                     will be unconditionally hachured.
519              ·      If 'HCF' = 3, closed contours will be hachured only if
520                     the interior of the contour is "downhill". Open contours
521                     will be unconditionally unhachured.
523              ·      If 'HCF' = 4, closed contours will be hachured only if
524                     the interior of the contour is "downhill". Open contours
525                     will be hachured only if the "interior" of the contour is
526                     "downhill", where "interior" is defined by computing the
527                     total change in direction along the contour. If that
528                     total is positive, the "interior" is to the left; if it
529                     is negative, the "interior" is to the right.
531              Negative values of 'HCF' may also be used. Each has the same
532              effect as the corresponding positive value, except that the word
533              "downhill" in the definition above is replaced by the word
534              "uphill".
536              The default value of 'HCF' is 0.
538              The user will be expected to increase the value of the internal
539              parameter 'RWC' ("Real Workspace for Contours") from its default
540              100 to a value large enough to accommodate any contour that can
541              arise from his/her data field; this may require increasing the
542              size of the real workspace array. (This is so that the hachuring
543              routine is assured of seeing all of each contour line.
544              Otherwise, it can't tell which way the "inside" and the
545              "outside" of the closed contours are.)
547              Closed contours that are broken into pieces that appear to be
548              open contours (either because portions of the closed contour
549              disappear as a result of the mapping implied by non-zero values
550              of the parameter 'MAP' and the out-of-range value 'ORV', or
551              because they run through special-value areas, as defined by the
552              internal parameter 'SPV', or because the user has forgotten to
553              increase the value of 'RWC', as described in the previous
554              paragraph), will be hachured. The rationale for this is that no
555              real confusion can arise from hachuring a contour line which
556              shouldn't be, only from not hachuring one that should be.
558       'HIC' - High Label Color Index - Integer
559              The parameter 'HIC' is used in determining the color index for
560              high labels. See the description of 'HLC', below.
562       'HIT' - High Label Text String - Character
563              The parameter 'HIT' specifies the text string to be used in
564              labeling a high. See the description of 'HLT', below.
566       'HLA' - High/Low Label Angle - Real
567              The parameter 'HLA' specifies the angle (in degrees
568              counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the right) at which
569              high and low labels are to be written.
571              The default value of 'HLA' is 0.
573       'HLB' - High/Low Label Box Flag - Integer
574              If 'HLB' is zero, high and low labels will not be boxed at all.
575              The value 1 implies that the perimeter of the box is to be drawn
576              (in the same color as the label) after the label is drawn. The
577              value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color
578              specified by 'LBC') before the label is drawn. The value 3
579              implies both of the above.
581              The default value of 'HLB' is 0.
583       'HLC' - High/Low Label Color Index - Integer
584              The parameter 'HLC' is used in determining the color index for
585              high and low labels.
587              The color index for high labels is determined in this manner: If
588              'HIC' is greater than or equal to zero, 'HIC' is used as the
589              color index. If 'HIC' is less than zero, but 'HLC' is greater
590              than or equal to zero, 'HLC' is used as the color index. If both
591              'HIC' and 'HLC' are less than zero, the current text color index
592              is used. If a box is drawn around the label, it is made the same
593              color as the label itself.
595              The color index for low labels is determined similarly: If 'LOC'
596              is greater than or equal to zero, 'LOC' is used as the color
597              index. If 'LOC' is less than zero, but 'HLC' is greater than or
598              equal to zero, 'HLC' is used as the color index. If both 'LOC'
599              and 'HLC' are less than zero, the current text color index is
600              used. If a box is drawn around the label, it is made the same
601              color as the label itself.
603              To set the color index of all high and low labels, simply supply
604              the desired value for 'HLC'. To have highs and low labels which
605              are colored differently, set 'HIC' and 'LOC'.
607              The default values of 'HLC', 'HIC', and 'LOC' are all -1's.
609       'HLE' - High/Low Equal-Value Search - Integer
610              If 'HLE' has the value zero, only the "normal" search for highs
611              and lows, as described in the programmer document for CONPACK
612              (in the section "Searching for Highs and Lows") is performed.
614              If 'HLE' has the value one, and if the "normal" search for highs
615              and lows sees evidence that an additional search should be
616              performed, then the additional search is performed.  See the
617              section "Extended High/Low Search Algorithm", in the programmer
618              document for CONPACK.
620              If 'HLE' has the value two or greater, and if the "normal"
621              search for highs and lows sees evidence that an additional
622              search should be performed, then the additional search is
623              performed, but the candidate regions considered are limited to
624              those containing no more than 'HLE' grid points.
626              Whenever 'HLE' is given a non-zero value, care should be taken
627              to provide enough space in the integer work array to hold an
628              additional M*N elements, where M and N are the dimensions of the
629              array being contoured.  This space will be needed during a call
630              to CPHLLB.
632              The default value of 'HLE' is zero.
634       'HLL' - High/Low Line Width - Real
635              If 'HLL' has a value less than or equal to zero, line width will
636              not be set before drawing boxes around high and low labels. If
637              'HLL' has a value greater than zero, it specifies the desired
638              width, as a multiple of the "normal" line width.
640              The default value of 'HLL' is 0.
642       'HLO' - High/Low Label Overlap Flag - Integer
643              The value of 'HLO' says what is to be done about the problem of
644              high and low labels overlapping other objects.  The value 0
645              implies that the problem will be ignored; high and low labels
646              will not be checked for overlap with anything else. Adding 1 to
647              the value of 'HLO' implies the omission of high and low labels
648              which overlap the informational label. Adding 2 implies the
649              omission of high and low labels which overlap other high and low
650              labels found before it. Adding 4 implies the omission of high
651              and low labels which overlap the edges of the viewport, while
652              adding 8 implies that high and low labels which overlap the
653              edges of the viewport should be moved inward by just enough to
654              take care of the problem. If you add both 4 and 8, the effect
655              will be as if you had added 4 alone.
657              The default value of 'HLO' is 3 (1 + 2).
659       'HLS' - High/Low Label Size - Real
660              The parameter 'HLS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a
661              character in a high or low label, as a fraction of the width of
662              the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.
664              The default value of 'HLS' is .012.
666       'HLT' - High/Low Label Text Strings - Character
667              The character strings used to label highs and lows may be
668              specified individually, by setting 'HIT' and 'LOT', or together,
669              by setting 'HLT'. If 'HLT' is set, and there are no apostrophes
670              in the given character string, both 'HIT' and 'LOT' will be set
671              equal to it and it will therefore be used as the label for both
672              highs and lows. If there are apostrophes in the string, what
673              precedes the first one will be used as the value of 'HIT' (the
674              label for a high) and what follows it will be used as the value
675              of 'LOT' (the label for a low).
677              Remember that, in FORTRAN, an apostrophe in a string which is
678              delimited by apostrophes is represented by two apostrophes.
680              The substring $ZDV$ may be used to represent the numeric value
681              of the high or the low, divided by the current scale factor; the
682              substring $ZDVU$ may be used to represent the unscaled value.
684              Some examples:
687                     FORTRAN STRING           HIGH LABEL       LOW LABEL
688              ------------------------       -------------   -------------
689              'H''L'                         H               L
691              'HI''LO'                       HI              LO
693              '$ZDV$'                        1.362           0.764
695              'H($ZDV$)''L($ZDV$)'           H(1.362)        L(0.764)
697              'H:B:$ZDV$:E:''L:B:$ZDV$:E:'   H               L
698                                              1.362           0.764
700              Note that, in the final example, the subscripting capability of
701              the utility Plotchar is used. The terminating function code "E"
702              ensures that the "H" or the "L" will be centered on the high or
703              low; to center the whole thing, either remove the 'E's or change
704              them to 'N's.
706              Neither of the character strings 'HIT' and 'LOT' may contain
707              more than 20 characters.
709              If 'HIT' is blank, highs will not be labeled. If 'LOT' is blank,
710              lows will not be labeled.
712              The default value for 'HIT' is 'H:B:$ZDV$:E:' and the default
713              value of 'LOT' is 'H:B:$ZDV$:E:', as shown in the final example
714              above.
716       'HLW' - High/Low Label White Space Width - Real
717              The parameter 'HLW' specifies the nominal width of white space
718              to be left around a high or low label, as a fraction of the
719              width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by
720              'CWM'.
722              The default value of 'HLW' is 0.005.
724       'HLX' - High/Low Search Radius in X - Integer
725              If 'HLX' is greater than zero, it specifies the half-width of
726              the index-value neighborhood used in searching the contour field
727              for highs and lows. If 'HLX' is less than or equal to zero,
728              Conpack picks a reasonable value to use (approximately 1/8 of
729              'ZDM', but not less than 2 nor greater than 15).
731              As an example, if 'HLX' = 3 and 'HLY' = 4, then the values in
732              ZDAT examined to determine if (I,J) is a high or a low are those
733              having indices (K,L), where either K is not equal to I or L is
734              not equal to J, K is between MAX(1,I-3) and MIN('ZDM',I+3),
735              inclusive, and L is between MAX(1,J-4) and MIN('ZDN',J+4),
736              inclusive.
738              The default value of 'HLX' is 0.
740       'HLY' - High/Low Search Radius in Y - Integer
741              If 'HLY' is greater than zero, it specifies the half-height of
742              the index-value neighborhood used in searching the contour field
743              for highs and lows. If 'HLY' is less than or equal to zero,
744              Conpack picks a reasonable value to use (approximately 1/8 of
745              'ZDN', but not less than 2 nor greater than 15).
747              For an example, see the description of 'HLX', above.
749              The default value of 'HLY' is 0.
751       'ILA' - Informational Label Angle - Real
752              The parameter 'ILA' specifies the angle (in degrees
753              counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the right) at which
754              the informational label is to be written.
756              The default value of 'ILA' is 0.
759       'ILB' - Informational Label Box Flag - Integer
760              If 'ILB' is zero, the informational label will not be boxed at
761              all. The value 1 implies that the perimeter of the box is to be
762              drawn (in the same color as the label) after the label is drawn.
763              The value 2 implies that the box is to be filled (in the color
764              specified by 'LBC') before the label is drawn. The value 3
765              implies both of the above.
767              The default value of 'ILB' is 0.
770       'ILC' - Informational Label Color Index - Integer
772              If 'ILC' is less than zero, the informational label and the box,
773              if any, around it, will be drawn in the color specified by the
774              current text color index; if 'ILC' is greater than or equal to
775              zero, then it specifies the desired color index for the label
776              and the box. If a box is drawn around the label, it is made the
777              same color as the label itself.
779              The default value of 'ILC' is -1.
782       'ILL' - Informational Label Line Width - Real
783              If 'ILL' has a value less than or equal to zero, line width will
784              not be set before drawing a box around the informational label.
785              If 'ILL' has a value greater than zero, it specifies the desired
786              width, as a multiple of the "normal" line width.
788              The default value of 'ILL' is 0.
790       'ILP' - Informational Label Positioning Flag - Integer
791              The parameter 'ILP' says how the informational label is to be
792              positioned. There are nine possible values, each of which
793              specifies a point of the label box which is to lie on the point
794              defined by 'ILX' and 'ILY': the value -4 implies the lower left-
795              hand corner of the label box, -3 implies the center of the
796              bottom of the box, -2 the lower right-hand corner of the box, -1
797              the center of the left edge of the box, 0 the center of the box,
798              +1 the center of the right edge of the box, +2 the upper left-
799              hand corner of the box, +3 the center of the top edge of the
800              box, and +4 the upper right-hand corner of the box. Left, right,
801              bottom, and top are defined from the viewpoint of someone
802              reading the label right-side up.
804              The default value of 'ILP' is 4, so the upper right-hand corner
805              of the box will be placed on the point ('ILX','ILY').
808       'ILS' - Informational Label Size - Real
809              The parameter 'ILS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a
810              character in the informational label, as a fraction of the width
811              of the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.
813              The default value of 'ILS' is 0.012.
815       'ILT' - Informational Label Text String - Character
816              The parameter 'ILT' is a string of 100 or fewer characters,
817              specifying the text of the informational label. The following
818              substrings will be replaced by a numeric value:
820                 $CIU$ - THE CONTOUR INTERVAL USED.
821                 $CMN$ - THE MINIMUM CONTOUR LEVEL.
822                 $CMX$ - THE MAXIMUM CONTOUR LEVEL.
823                 $SFU$ - THE CURRENT SCALE FACTOR.
824                 $ZMN$ - THE MINIMUM VALUE IN THE DATA ARRAY.
825                 $ZMX$ - THE MAXIMUM VALUE IN THE DATA ARRAY.
827              In each case except $SFU$, the given value will have been
828              divided by the current scale factor. A "U" may be inserted just
829              before the final "$" (as in '$CIUU$', '$CMNU$', etc.)  to
830              request the use of an unscaled value.
832              The value with which $CIU$ is replaced will only be correct if
833              Conpack itself has chosen the contour levels; otherwise, it may
834              be necessary for the user to set the value of 'CIU' (which see,
835              above).
837              If 'ILT' is given the value '  ' (a single blank), there will be
838              no informational label.
840              The default value of 'ILT' is 'CONTOUR FROM $CMN$ TO $CMX$ BY
841              $CIU$'.
843       'ILW' - Informational Label White Space Width - Real
844              The parameter 'ILW' specifies the nominal width of white space
845              to be left around the informational label, as a fraction of the
846              width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by
847              'CWM'.
849              The default value of 'ILW' is 0.005.
851       'ILX' - Informational Label X Coordinate - Real
852              The parameter 'ILX' specifies the X coordinate of the basepoint
853              of the informational label. The given value is mapped linearly
854              onto the viewport; 0 refers to the left edge of the viewport and
855              1 to the right edge of the viewport. Values less than 0 or
856              greater than 1 may be used.
858              The default value of 'ILX' is 0.98.
860       'ILY' - Informational Label Y Coordinate - Real
861              The parameter 'ILY' specifies the Y coordinate of the basepoint
862              of the informational label. The given value is mapped linearly
863              onto the viewport; 0 refers to the bottom edge of the viewport
864              and 1 to the top edge of the viewport.  Values less than 0 or
865              greater than 1 may be used.
867              The default value of 'ILY' is -.02.
869       'IWM' - Integer Workspace for Masking - Integer
870              The parameter 'IWM' specifies the amount of integer workspace to
871              be allotted for use by CPCLDM, which draws contour lines masked
872              by an area map, in calls to the routine ARDRLN, in the package
873              Areas. Assume a parameter value "n"; the space used will be "2n"
874              ("n" for the array IAI and "n" for the array IAG, in calls to
875              ARDRLN). The value "n" must be greater than or equal to the
876              number of group identifiers used in generating the area map.
878              The default value of 'IWM' is 10.
880       'IWU' - Integer Workspace Usage - Integer
881              The parameter 'IWU' is intended for retrieval only. It is zeroed
882              by the call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2. Therefore, by
883              retrieving its value after an entire plot has been constructed,
884              one may find out how large an integer workspace was actually
885              required.
887       'LBC' - Label Box Color Index - Integer
888              If label boxes (of whatever type) are filled, the filling is
889              done using the color index specified by 'LBC'. If 'LBC' is less
890              than zero, the current fill area color index is used.
892              The default value of 'LBC' is 0, which specifies the background
893              color.
895       'LBX' - Label Box X Coordinate - Real
896              Not to be set by the user. The value may be retrieved in one of
897              the routines CPCHCF, CPCHHL, CPCHIL, or CPCHLL. It specifies the
898              X coordinate (in the current user coordinate system) of the
899              center of the box surrounding the label that has caused the
900              routine to be called.
902              The default value of 'LBX' is 0.
904       'LBY' - Label Box Y Coordinate - Real
905              Not to be set by the user. The value may be retrieved in one of
906              the routines CPCHCF, CPCHHL, CPCHIL, or CPCHLL. It specifies the
907              Y coordinate (in the current user coordinate system) of the
908              center of the box surrounding the label that has caused the
909              routine to be called.
911              The default value of 'LBY' is 0.
913       'LIS' - Label Interval Specifier - Integer
914              When 'CLS' is given a positive value, indicating that Conpack is
915              to choose contour levels at intervals of the form "bk", where
916              "b" is a base value and "k" is an integer, and 'CIS' is given a
917              positive value, indicating that it is the desired value of "b",
918              then 'LIS' must be set to specify the interval between labeled
919              contour levels.
921              See the descriptions of the parameters 'CLS' and 'CIS'.
923              As an example, one might specify 'CLS'=1, 'CIS'=1/3 and 'LIS'=3
924              in order to get contours at values like 1/3, 2/3, 3/ 3, 4/3,
925              etc., with labels at values like 1, 2, 3, etc.
927              The default value of 'LIS' is 5.
929       'LIT' - Label Interval Table - Integer Array
930              See the description of the parameter 'CIT'.
932       'LIU' - Label Interval Used - Integer
933              The parameter 'LIU' is for retrieval only. When Conpack chooses
934              the contour interval and decides that every "nth" one should be
935              labeled, it sets 'LIU' to "n".
937       'LLA' - Line Label Angle - Real
938              The parameter 'LLA' specifies the angle (in degrees
939              counterclockwise from a vector pointing to the right) at which
940              contour line labels are to be written when ABS('LLP') is greater
941              than or equal to 2 and 'LLO' is 0.
943              The default value of 'LLA' is 0.
945       'LLB' - Line Label Box Flag - Integer
946              If 'LLB' is zero, contour line labels drawn by CPLBDR will not
947              be boxed at all. The value 1 implies that the perimeter of the
948              box is to be drawn (in the same color as the label) after the
949              label is drawn. The value 2 implies that the box is to be filled
950              (in the color specified by 'LBC') before the label is drawn. The
951              value 3 implies both of the above.
953              The default value of 'LLB' is 0.
955       'LLC' - Line Label Color Index - Integer Array
956              Each element of the parameter array 'LLC', if greater than or
957              equal to zero, is the color index for labels on contour lines at
958              the level specified by the associated element of 'CLV'. A value
959              less than zero implies that the current text color index is to
960              be used.
962              This parameter only affects line labels when ABS('LLP') = 2 or 3
963              and the labels are therefore drawn by CPLBDR. It does not affect
964              line labels when ABS('LLP') = 1 and the line labels are
965              therefore drawn by the dash package, as called by CPCLDM or
966              CPCLDR.
968              The default values of the elements of 'LLC' are all -1's.
970       'LLL' - Line Label Line Width - Real
971              If 'LLL' has a value less than or equal to zero, line width will
972              not be set before drawing boxes around contour line labels. If
973              'LLL' has a value greater than zero, it specifies the desired
974              width, as a multiple of the "normal" line width.
976              The default value of 'LLL' is 0.
978       'LLO' - Line Label Orientation - Integer
979              The parameter 'LLO' only has effect when ABS('LLP') is greater
980              than or equal to 2, specifying use of either the regular scheme
981              or the penalty scheme for positioning labels on contour lines.
982              If 'LLO' is zero, the labels are written at the angle specified
983              by 'LLA'. If 'LLO' is non-zero, the labels are written in the
984              local direction of the contour line.
986              The default value of 'LLO' is 0.
988       'LLP' - Line Label Positioning - Integer
989              The parameter 'LLP' says whether or not labels should be
990              produced and, if so, how, as follows:
992              ·      If 'LLP' is 0, it says that no line labels should be
993                     produced.
995              ·      If ABS('LLP') is 1, it says that labels should be
996                     positioned along contour lines by using the old
997                     Conrec_family scheme of setting up a character dash
998                     pattern including the label and using the software dash
999                     package to draw the labels (which requires having 'DPU'
1000                     set non-zero). This scheme has the disadvantages that one
1001                     cannot control the orientation and one cannot shield the
1002                     labels from having contour lines drawn through them.
1004              ·      If ABS('LLP') is 2, it says that labels should be
1005                     positioned at regular intervals along the line. See the
1006                     descriptions of the parameters 'RC1', 'RC2', and 'RC3'.
1008              ·      If ABS('LLP') is 3, it says that labels should be
1009                     positioned using a penalty scheme, which gives much
1010                     better results than either of the others.
1012              When 'LLP' is 2 or 3, the 2D smoothing, if any, implied by the
1013              value of 'T2D' is suspended during label positioning, so that
1014              fewer label positions will be considered; this is quite a bit
1015              faster and the results are nearly as good as if the smoothing
1016              were done. To force smoothing, use 'LLP' = -2 or -3.
1018              The default value of 'LLP' is 1.
1020       'LLS' - Line Label Size - Real
1021              The parameter 'LLS' specifies the nominal size (width) of a
1022              character in a contour line label, as a fraction of the width of
1023              the viewport. This nominal size is multiplied by 'CWM'.
1025              The default value of 'LLS' is 0.010.
1027       'LLT' - Line Label Text String - Character
1028              For each I from 1 to 'NCL', element I of the parameter array
1029              'LLT' is a string of twenty or fewer characters, to be used as a
1030              label for the contour level specified by the Ith element of
1031              'CLV'. Since the character string will be plotted using the
1032              routine PLCHHQ, in the package Plotchar, it may contain colon-
1033              enclosed "function codes" to do things like create superscripts.
1035              If the elements of this array are not supplied by the user, they
1036              will be filled in by Conpack itself.
1038       'LLW' - Line Label White Space - Real
1039              The parameter 'LLW' specifies the nominal width of white space
1040              to be left around a contour line label, as a fraction of the
1041              width of the viewport. This nominal width is multiplied by
1042              'CWM'.
1044              The default value of 'LLW' is 0.005.
1046       'LOC' - Low Label Color Index - Integer
1047              The parameter 'LOC' is used in determining the color index for
1048              low labels. See the description of 'HLC', above.
1050       'LOT' - Low Label Text String - Character
1051              The parameter 'LOT' specifies the text string to be used in
1052              labeling a low. See 'HLT', above.
1054       'MAP' - Mapping Flag - Integer
1055              If 'MAP' is zero, it says that the x and y coordinates used to
1056              create the contour map are not to be transformed by the user-
1057              replaceable subroutine CPMPXY. If 'MAP' is non-zero, it says
1058              that x and y coordinates are to be so transformed.  The default
1059              version of CPMPXY provides two useful mappings:
1061              If the first subscript of the data array is a linear function of
1062              the longitude and the second is a linear function of the
1063              latitude, then one can transform all graphics output onto a map
1064              background created by calls to routines in the utility package
1065              Ezmap just by setting 'MAP' = 1, 'XC1' = minimum longitude,
1066              'XCM' = maximum longitude, 'YC1' = minimum latitude, and 'YCN' =
1067              maximum latitude.  Also, the parameter 'SET' must be given the
1068              value 0 in order to prevent Conpack from calling SET and thereby
1069              overriding the call done by Ezmap.
1071              If the first subscript of the data array is a linear function of
1072              rho and the second is a linear function of theta, where rho and
1073              theta are polar coordinates, then to map all graphics output
1074              properly, one may set 'MAP' = 2, 'XC1' = minimum rho, 'XCM' =
1075              maximum rho, 'YC1' = minimum theta, and 'YCN' = maximum theta.
1076              In this case, one must either use 'SET' = 0 and do an
1077              appropriate SET call or use 'SET' = 1 and give the parameters
1078              'WDB', 'WDL', 'WDR', and 'WDT' values consistent with the mapped
1079              values of X and Y, which will all be of the form
1080              "rho*cos(theta)" and "rho*sin(theta)", respectively.
1082              Using any other non-zero value of 'MAP' will result in the
1083              identity mapping.
1085              Of course, one can replace the routine CPMPXY and build as many
1086              different mappings into it as desired. See the description of
1087              CPMPXY.
1089       'NCL' - Number of Contour Levels - Integer
1090              If Conpack is to pick contour levels (see the description of the
1091              parameter 'CLS') then the initial call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or
1092              CPSPS2 causes 'NCL' to be zeroed. Subsequently, during the first
1093              call to a Conpack routine requiring contour levels to have been
1094              chosen, 'NCL' will be set as part of the process of choosing
1095              them. If the user elects to choose the contour levels, the first
1096              parameter which must be set to do this is 'NCL'.
1098              The parameter 'NCL' has no meaningful default value.
1100       'NEL' - Numeric Exponent Length - Integer
1101              Giving 'NEL' a value less than or equal to zero says that
1102              exponents in numeric labels should be written in the shortest
1103              possible form; plus signs are omitted and the exponent magnitude
1104              is written with no leading zeroes. A value "n" which is greater
1105              than zero indicates that all exponents should be written with a
1106              sign (+ or -) and that the exponent magnitude should be padded
1107              with leading zeroes to a length of n characters.
1109              The default value of 'NEL' is 0.
1111       'NET' - Numeric Exponent Type - Integer
1112              The parameter 'NET' says what characters are to be used between
1113              the mantissa of a numeric label and the exponent.  The value 0
1114              implies the use of an E, as in FORTRAN "E format", the value 1
1115              implies the use of function codes, as expected by the utility
1116              Plotchar, to generate "x 10**n", where n is a superscript
1117              exponent, and the value 2 implies the use of "x10**".
1119              The default value of 'NET' is 1.
1121       'NEU' - Numeric Exponent Use Flag - Integer
1122              Giving 'NEU' a value less than or equal to zero forces the use
1123              of the exponential form in all numeric labels. A positive value
1124              "n" indicates that the form without an exponent should be used
1125              as long as it requires no more than n characters; otherwise the
1126              form requiring the fewest characters should be used.
1128              The default value of 'NEU' is 5.
1130       'NLS' - Numeric Leftmost Significant Digit Flag - Integer
1131              Giving 'NLS' the value zero says that the leftmost non-zero
1132              digit of a number represented by a numeric label is to be
1133              considered its first significant digit. A non-zero value says
1134              that the digit in the same digit position as the leftmost non-
1135              zero digit of the largest number (in absolute value) in the data
1136              field being contoured is to be considered the leftmost
1137              significant digit. This tends to make the numeric labels more
1138              nearly consistent with one another. Consider the following
1139              example, using three significant digits:
1141                 USING 'NLS'=0: .500 1.00 1.50 ... 9.50 10.5 ...
1142                 USING 'NLS'=1: .5   1.0  1.5  ... 9.5  10.5 ...
1144              The default value of 'NLS' is 1.
1146       'NLZ' - Numeric Leading Zero Flag - Integer
1147              Giving 'NLZ' a non-zero value says that a zero is to placed
1148              before any numeric label which would otherwise begin with a
1149              decimal point (use "0.345", rather than ".345").
1151              The default value of 'NLZ' is 0.
1153       'NOF' - Numeric Omission Flags - Integer
1154              The parameter 'NOF' says what parts of a numeric label may be
1155              omitted. The value 0 says that no part may be omitted.  Add a 4
1156              to indicate that a leading "1" or "1." which is unnecessary (as
1157              in "1 x 10**13") may be omitted, a 2 to indicate that a trailing
1158              decimal point (as in "13.") may be omitted, and a 1 to indicate
1159              that trailing zeroes (as in "46.200") may be omitted.
1161              Contour line labels generated by Conpack and values in the
1162              informational label which are known to have been rounded to
1163              "nice" values (like '$CIU$', '$CMN$', and '$CMX$') will have
1164              trailing zeroes trimmed in any case, no matter what the value of
1165              'NOF' is.
1167              The default value of 'NOF' is 6 (4 + 2).
1169       'NSD' - Number of Significant Digits - Integer
1170              The parameter 'NSD' specifies the maximum number of significant
1171              digits to be used in numeric labels representing contour field
1172              values. A negative value "-n" indicates that n significant
1173              digits should be used. A positive value "n" indicates that "m+n"
1174              digits should be used, where "m" is the number of digits that
1175              are the same for all values in the contour field. (For example,
1176              if the minimum value is "1123.6" and the maximum value is
1177              "1125.9", then the value of "m" is 3.)
1179              The default value of 'NSD' is 4.
1181       'NVS' - Number of Vertical Strips - Integer
1182              When the parameter 'NVS' is non-zero, an extra group of edges,
1183              with group identifier 'GIS', is added to the area map by the
1184              routine CPCLAM. These edges include the boundary of the viewport
1185              and enough vertical lines to break the area occupied by the
1186              viewport up into 'NVS' vertical strips. The object of this is to
1187              break up the contour bands which are to be filled into smaller
1188              and simpler pieces; this may be necessary if the graphics device
1189              in use limits the number of points which may be used to define a
1190              polygon to be filled. The area identifier for the outside of the
1191              viewport is -1; all other area identifiers used are 0's.
1193              The default value of 'NVS' is 1.
1195       'ORV' - Out-of-Range Value - Real
1196              If 'ORV' is non-zero, it specifies an out-of-range value, to be
1197              used as the value of X and Y coordinates returned by the mapping
1198              routine CPMPXY to say that a point is out-of-range (invisible)
1199              under the current mapping.
1201              The default value of 'ORV' is 0.
1203       'PAI' - Parameter Array Index - Integer
1204              The value of 'PAI' must be set before calling CPGETC, CPGETI,
1205              CPGETR, CPSETC, CPSETI, or CPSETR to access any parameter which
1206              is an array; it indicates which element of the array is meant.
1207              For example, to set the 10th contour level to zero, use code
1208              like this:
1210                 CALL CPSETI ('PAI - PARAMETER ARRAY INDEX',10)
1211                 CALL CPSETR ('CLV - CONTOUR LEVEL',0.)
1213              The default value of 'PAI' is 0.
1215       'PC1' - Penalty Scheme Constant 1 - Real
1216              The parameter 'PC1' is one of the constants used in the penalty
1217              scheme for positioning labels. The largest gradient allowed at
1218              the position of a label will be GRAV + 'PC1' * GRSD, where GRAV
1219              is the average gradient and GRSD is the standard deviation of
1220              the gradients.
1222              The default value of 'PC1' is 1.
1224       'PC2' - Penalty Scheme Constant 2 - Real
1225              The parameter 'PC2' is one of the constants used in the penalty
1226              scheme for positioning labels. It specifies the maximum
1227              (estimated) number of contour bands allowed to cross a label.
1229              The default value of 'PC2' is 5.
1231       'PC3' - Penalty Scheme Constant 3 - Real
1232              The parameter 'PC3' is one of the constants used in the penalty
1233              scheme for positioning labels. It specifies, in degrees, the
1234              maximum cumulative change in direction to be allowed along that
1235              portion of the contour line covered by a circle centered on a
1236              label and having a radius equal to half the width of the label.
1238              The default value of 'PC3' is 60.
1240       'PC4' - Penalty Scheme Constant 4 - Real
1241              The parameter 'PC4' is one of the constants used in the penalty
1242              scheme for positioning labels. It specifies the "optimal
1243              distance" in the term in the penalty function which attempts to
1244              force labels to be at an optimal distance from each other.
1246              The default value of 'PC4' is 0.05.
1248       'PC5' - Penalty Scheme Constant 5 - Real
1249              The parameter 'PC5' is one of the constants used in the penalty
1250              scheme for positioning labels. It specifies the "folding
1251              distance" in the term in the penalty function which attempts to
1252              force labels to be at an optimal distance from each other.
1254              The default value of 'PC5' is 0.15.
1256       'PC6' - Penalty Scheme Constant 6 - Real
1257              The parameter 'PC6' is one of the constants used in the penalty
1258              scheme for positioning labels. It specifies the minimum distance
1259              to be allowed between any two labels on the same contour line,
1260              as a fraction of the width of the viewport.
1262              The default value of 'PC6' is 0.30.
1264       'PIC' - Point Interpolation Flag for Contours - Integer
1265              The parameter 'PIC' specifies the number of points to
1266              interpolate between each pair of points defining a segment of a
1267              contour line, prior to any mapping implied by the parameter
1268              'MAP'. It is intended that a non-zero value should normally be
1269              used only if 'MAP' is non-zero, which turns mapping on, and
1270              'T2D' is zero, which turns the 2D smoother off; the intent is to
1271              map straight-line segments of contour lines more nearly
1272              correctly into curved-line segments on a background (one drawn
1273              by Ezmap, for example).  If the 2D smoother is turned on, the
1274              additional points will be used and the smoothed curve will be
1275              constrained to pass through them; this may be useful.
1277              A negative value of 'PIC' causes ABS('PIC') points to be
1278              interpolated, but the interpolated points are not, in general,
1279              used to draw the line segment; the object, in this case, is
1280              simply to do a finer search for changes in visibility (out-of-
1281              range state, as defined by values of 'ORV' returned by the
1282              routine CPMPXY) along the segment.
1284              The default value of 'PIC' is 0.
1286       'PIE' - Point Interpolation Flag for Edges - Integer
1287              The parameter 'PIE' specifies the number of points to
1288              interpolate between each pair of points defining a segment of an
1289              "edge" (the edge of the grid, the edge of a special-value area,
1290              or the edge of an out-of-range area). It is intended that a non-
1291              zero value should normally be used only if 'MAP' is non-zero,
1292              which turns mapping on; the intent is to map straight-line
1293              segments of edge lines more nearly correctly into curved-line
1294              segments on a background (one drawn by Ezmap, for example).
1296              A negative value of 'PIE' causes ABS('PIE') points to be
1297              interpolated, but the interpolated points are not, in general,
1298              used to draw the line segment; the object, in this case, is
1299              simply to do a finer search for changes in out-of-range state
1300              (visibility) along the segment. (The edges of out-of-range
1301              areas, however, are drawn using all such interpolated points.)
1303              Using too large an (absolute) value of 'PIE' will cause the
1304              tracing of the edges of out-of-range areas to be very time-
1305              consuming, because the number of points to be examined is 'ZDM'
1306              x 'ZDN' x 'PIE' x 'PIE'.
1308              The default value of 'PIE' is 0.
1310       'PW1' - Penalty Scheme Weight 1 - Real
1311              The parameter 'PW1' specifies the weight for the gradient term
1312              in the penalty function.
1314              The default value of 'PW1' is 2.
1316       'PW2' - Penalty Scheme Weight 2 - Real
1317              The parameter 'PW2' specifies the weight for the number-of-
1318              contours term in the penalty function.
1320              The default value of 'PW2' is 0.
1322       'PW3' - Penalty Scheme Weight 3 - Real
1323              The parameter 'PW3' specifies the weight for the change-in-
1324              direction term in the penalty function.
1326              The default value of 'PW3' is 1.
1328       'PW4' - Penalty Scheme Weight 4 - Real
1329              The parameter 'PW4' specifies the weight for the optimum-
1330              distance term in the penalty function.
1332              The default value of 'PW4' is 1.
1334       'RC1' - Regular Scheme Constant 1 - Real
1335              The parameter 'RC1' specifies the desired distance from the
1336              beginning of a contour line to the first label on that line when
1337              they are positioned using the "regular" scheme. The nth label on
1338              each labeled contour line will be at a distance 'RC1' + 'RC2' x
1339              (n-1) + 'RC3' x Rn units (in the fractional coordinate system)
1340              from the beginning of the line, where "Rn" is a random number
1341              between -1 and 1.
1343              The default value of 'RC1' is 0.25.
1345       'RC2' - Regular Scheme Constant 2 - Real
1346              The parameter 'RC2' specifies the desired nominal distance
1347              between labels when they are positioned using the "regular"
1348              scheme. See the description of 'RC1', above.
1350              The default value of 'RC2' is 0.25.
1352       'RC3' - Regular Scheme Constant 3 - Real
1353              The parameter 'RC3' specifies the desired maximum variation in
1354              the distance between labels when they are positioned using the
1355              regular scheme. See the description of 'RC1', above.
1357              The default value of 'RC3' is 0.05.
1359       'RWC' - Real Workspace for Contours - Integer
1360              The parameter 'RWC' specifies the amount of real workspace to be
1361              allotted to hold X coordinates of points defining contour lines.
1362              Assume a parameter value "n". If no 2D smoothing is requested,
1363              the total space used will be "2n" ("n" for X coordinates and
1364              another "n" for Y coordinates).  If 2D smoothing is requested,
1365              the total space used will be "7n" ("n" for X coordinates, "n"
1366              for Y coordinates, and "5n" for scratch arrays).
1368              Normally, the value of 'RWC' is of no particular interest to the
1369              user, since the same contour lines are produced with a small
1370              value as would be produced with a larger value.  There are two
1371              situations in which it becomes of more interest: 1) When the
1372              penalty scheme is used to position labels, the length of the
1373              portion of the contour line over which the penalty function is
1374              evaluated is limited by the value of 'RWC'. If 'RWC' is set too
1375              small, too many labels may be put on a given contour line and
1376              some of them may be too close to each other. 2) When hachuring
1377              has been activated (by setting the value of 'HCF' non-zero), it
1378              is important that the internal routine that does the hachuring
1379              see entire contours at once, so that it may properly decide
1380              whether a contour is open or closed and, in the latter case,
1381              where the interior of the closed contour is. In both of these
1382              cases, the solution is to increase the value of 'RWC'.
1384              The default value of 'RWC' is 100.
1386       'RWG' - Real Workspace for Gradients - Integer
1387              The parameter 'RWG' specifies the amount of real workspace to be
1388              allotted to hold gradients which are to be computed and used in
1389              positioning labels using the penalty scheme.  Using a larger
1390              value provides for a more accurate representation of the
1391              gradient field, up to the point at which it exceeds 'ZDM' x
1392              'ZDN'.
1394              The default value of 'RWG' is 1000.
1396       'RWM' - Real Workspace for Masking - Integer
1397              The parameter 'RWM' specifies the amount of real workspace to be
1398              allotted for use by CPCLDM, which draws contour lines masked by
1399              an area map, in calls to the routine ARDRLN, in the package
1400              Areas. Assume a parameter value "n"; the space used will be "2n"
1401              ("n" for the X-coordinate array XCS and "n" for the Y-coordinate
1402              array YCS, in calls to ARDRLN).  Any value of "n" greater than
1403              or equal to 2 will work; smaller values will cause the
1404              generation of more calls to the user routine RTPL (one of the
1405              arguments of CPCLDM).
1407              The default value of 'RWM' is 100.
1409       'RWU' - Real Workspace Usage - Integer
1410              The parameter 'RWU' is intended for retrieval only. It is zeroed
1411              by the call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2.  Thereafter, as
1412              Conpack routines are called, the value of 'RWU' is updated to
1413              reflect the largest number of words of real workspace needed at
1414              any one time. Therefore, by retrieving its value after an entire
1415              plot has been constructed, one may find out how large a real
1416              workspace was actually required.
1418       'SET' - Do-SET-Call Flag - Integer
1419              Giving 'SET' the value 0 says that no SET call is to be done by
1420              Conpack; the value 1 says that it is to be done. In the latter
1421              case, the call is done by CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2.
1423              Arguments 5-8 of a SET call done by the user must be consistent
1424              with the ranges of the X and Y coordinates being used by
1425              Conpack, as specified by the values of the parameters 'XC1',
1426              'XCM', 'YC1', 'YCN', and 'MAP'. See the descriptions of those
1427              parameters.
1429              The default value of 'SET' is 1.
1431       'SFS' - Scale Factor Selector - Real
1432              The scale factor is that value (usually, but not necessarily, a
1433              power of 10) by which the actual values of contour field values
1434              are to be divided to get the value of a numeric label. If 'SFS'
1435              is given a value greater than zero, that value is the scale
1436              factor to be used. If 'SFS' is given a value less than or equal
1437              to zero, it is truncated to form an integer directing Conpack to
1438              select a scale factor, as follows:
1440              0      Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such
1441                     a way as to reduce the ZDAT element having the largest
1442                     absolute value to the range from 0.1 to 0.999...
1444              -1     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such
1445                     a way as to reduce the ZDAT element having the largest
1446                     absolute value to the range from 1. to 9.999...
1448              -2     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such
1449                     a way as to place the decimal point in the ZDAT element
1450                     having the largest absolute value after the rightmost
1451                     significant digit of that value (as defined by the values
1452                     of 'NSD' and 'NLS').
1454              -3     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such
1455                     a way as to remove extra zeroes from the ends of the ZDAT
1456                     element having the largest absolute value. For example,
1457                     if that element were 0.000136, the scale factor would be
1458                     10 to the power -3; if that element were 136000 (assuming
1459                     three significant digits are desired), the scale factor
1460                     would be 10 to the power 3. If there are no extra zeroes
1461                     on either end of the ZDAT element having the largest
1462                     absolute value, the scale factor will be 1.
1464              -4 or less
1465                     Implies that the scale factor should be selected in such
1466                     a way as to reduce all contour labels to integers.
1468                     The default value of 'SFS' is 1.
1470              'SFU' - Scale Factor Used - Real
1471                     The parameter 'SFU' is intended for retrieval only; it
1472                     gives the value of the scale factor selected for use by
1473                     Conpack.
1475              'SPV' - Special Value - Real
1476                     If 'SPV' is non-zero, it specifies a "special value",
1477                     which may be used in data fields to signal missing data.
1478                     No contour lines will be drawn within any grid cell with
1479                     a special value at one or more of its four corners.
1481                     The default value of 'SPV' is 0.
1483              'SSL' - Smoothed Segment Length - Real
1484                     The parameter 'SSL' specifies the distance between points
1485                     used to draw the curves generated by 2D smoothing; it is
1486                     expressed as a fraction of the width of the window in the
1487                     coordinate system in which the smoothing is being done.
1489                     The default value of 'SSL' is 0.01.
1491              'T2D' - Tension on 2-Dimensional Splines - Real
1492                     A non-zero value of 'T2D' says that 2D smoothing (using
1493                     cubic splines under tension) should be done; the absolute
1494                     value of 'T2D' is the desired tension. If 'T2D' is
1495                     negative, smoothing will be done before the mapping, if
1496                     any, requested by the flag 'MAP'; if 'T2D' is positive,
1497                     smoothing will be done after the mapping.
1499                     The default value of 'T2D' is 0.
1501              'T3D' - Tension on 3-Dimensional Splines - Real
1502                     The parameter 'T3D' specifies the tension on the 3D
1503                     (bicubic) splines used by CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 to smooth the
1504                     data being contoured.
1506                     The default value of 'T3D' is 1.
1508              'VPB' - Viewport Bottom - Real
1509                     The parameter 'VPB' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero,
1510                     saying that Conpack should do the call to SET; it
1511                     specifies the position of the bottom edge of the area in
1512                     which the viewport is to be placed, expressed as a
1513                     fraction between 0 (the bottom edge of the plotter frame)
1514                     and 1 (the top edge of the plotter frame). See also the
1515                     description of 'VPS'.
1517                     The default value of 'VPB' is 0.05.
1519              'VPL' - Viewport Left - Real
1520                     The parameter 'VPL' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero,
1521                     saying that Conpack should do the call to SET; it
1522                     specifies the position of the left edge of the area in
1523                     which the viewport is to be placed, expressed as a
1524                     fraction between 0 (the left edge of the plotter frame)
1525                     and 1 (the right edge of the plotter frame). See also the
1526                     description of 'VPS'.
1528                     The default value of 'VPL' is 0.05.
1530              'VPR' - Viewport Right - Real
1531                     The parameter 'VPR' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero,
1532                     saying that Conpack should do the call to SET; it
1533                     specifies the position of the right edge of the area in
1534                     which the viewport is to be placed, expressed as a
1535                     fraction between 0 (the left edge of the plotter frame)
1536                     and 1 (the right edge of the plotter frame). See also the
1537                     description of 'VPS'.
1539                     The default value of 'VPR' is 0.95.
1541              'VPS' - Viewport Shape - Real
1542                     The parameter 'VPS' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero,
1543                     saying that Conpack should do the call to SET; it
1544                     specifies the desired viewport shape, as follows:
1546                     ·      A negative value specifies the exact shape of the
1547                            viewport; the absolute value is the ratio of the
1548                            width of the viewport to its height.
1550                     ·      The value 0 specifies a viewport completely
1551                            filling the area specified by 'VPL', 'VPR', 'VPB',
1552                            and 'VPT'.
1554                     ·      A value "s" between 0 and 1 specifies a plot of
1555                            the shape determined by the values of 'XC1',
1556                            'XCM', 'YC1', and 'YCN', reverting to the shape
1557                            specified by 'VPL', 'VPR', 'VPB', and 'VPT' if the
1558                            ratio of the shorter side to the longer side would
1559                            be less than "s".
1561                     ·      A value "s" greater than or equal to 1 specifies a
1562                            plot of the shape determined by the values of
1563                            'XC1', 'XCM', YC1', and 'YCN', reverting to a
1564                            square if the ratio of the longer side to the
1565                            shorter side would be greater than "s".
1567                     The viewport, whatever its final shape, is centered in,
1568                     and made as large as possible in, the area specified by
1569                     the parameters 'VPB', 'VPL', 'VPR', and 'VPT'.
1571                     The default value of 'VPS' is 0.25.
1573              'VPT' - Viewport Top - Real
1574                     The parameter 'VPT' is only used when 'SET' is non-zero,
1575                     saying that Conpack should do the call to SET; it
1576                     specifies the position of the top edge of the area in
1577                     which the viewport is to be placed, expressed as a
1578                     fraction between 0 (the bottom edge of the plotter frame)
1579                     and 1 (the top edge of the plotter frame). See also the
1580                     description of 'VPS'.
1582                     The default value of 'VPT' is 0.95.
1584              'WDB' - Window Bottom - Real
1585                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDB'
1586                     is used to determine argument number 7, the user Y
1587                     coordinate at the bottom of the window. If 'WDB' is not
1588                     equal to 'WDT', 'WDB' is used. If 'WDB' is equal to
1589                     'WDT', but 'YC1' is not equal to 'YCN', then 'YC1' is
1590                     used. Otherwise, the value 1 is used.
1592                     The default value of 'WDB' is 0.
1594              'WDL' - Window Left - Real
1595                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDL'
1596                     is used to determine argument number 5, the user X
1597                     coordinate at the left edge of the window. If 'WDL' is
1598                     not equal to 'WDR', 'WDL' is used. If 'WDL' is equal to
1599                     'WDR', but 'XC1' is not equal to 'XCM', then 'XC1' is
1600                     used. Otherwise, the value 1 is used.
1602                     The default value of 'WDL' is 0.
1604              'WDR' - Window Right - Real
1605                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDR'
1606                     is used to determine argument number 6, the user X
1607                     coordinate at the right edge of the window. If 'WDR' is
1608                     not equal to 'WDL', 'WDR' is used. If 'WDR' is equal to
1609                     'WDL', but 'XCM' is not equal to 'XC1', then 'XCM' is
1610                     used. Otherwise, the value REAL('ZDM') is used.
1612                     The default value of 'WDR' is 0.
1614              'WDT' - Window Top - Real
1615                     When Conpack does the call to 'SET', the parameter 'WDB'
1616                     is used to determine argument number 8, the user Y
1617                     coordinate at the top of the window. If 'WDT' is not
1618                     equal to 'WDB', 'WDT' is used. If 'WDT' is equal to
1619                     'WDB', but 'YCN' is not equal to 'YC1', then 'YCN' is
1620                     used. Otherwise, the value REAL('ZDN') is used.
1622                     The default value of 'WDT' is 0.
1624              'WSO' - Workspace Overflow Flag - Integer
1625                     The parameter 'WSO' says what to do when a real or
1626                     integer workspace overflow occurs, as follows:
1628                     ·      The value 0 indicates that execution will
1629                            terminate with a fatal-error call to SETER.
1631                     ·      The value 1 indicates that an error message will
1632                            be written to the error file, after which
1633                            execution will continue.
1635                     ·      The value 2 indicates that no error message will
1636                            be written, and that execution will continue.
1638                     When execution continues, the resulting plot will be
1639                     incomplete. The values of 'IWU' and 'RWU' may be
1640                     retrieved to find out how much workspace would have been
1641                     used if the call on which the workspace overflow occurred
1642                     had succeeded; note that, if these amounts are provided
1643                     on a subsequent run, one is not assured that the
1644                     workspace overflow will be averted.
1646                     The default value of 'WSO' is 1.
1648              'XC1' - X Coordinate at Index 1 - Real
1649                     The parameter 'XC1' specifies the X coordinate value
1650                     which corresponds to a value of 1 for the first subscript
1651                     of the data array, prior to any mapping implied by a non-
1652                     zero value of 'MAP'. If 'XC1' is equal to 'XCM', 1 will
1653                     be used.
1655                     The default value of 'XC1' is 0.
1657              'XCM' - X Coordinate at Index M - Real
1658                     The parameter 'XCM' specifies the X coordinate value
1659                     which corresponds to a value of 'ZDM' for the first
1660                     subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied
1661                     by a non-zero value of 'MAP'. If 'XC1' is equal to 'XCM',
1662                     REAL('ZDM') will be used.
1664                     The default value of 'XCM' is 0.
1666              'YC1' - Y Coordinate at Index 1 - Real
1667                     The parameter 'YC1' specifies the Y coordinate value
1668                     which corresponds to a value of 1 for the second
1669                     subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied
1670                     by a non-zero value of 'MAP'. If 'YC1' is equal to 'YCM',
1671                     1 will be used.
1673                     The default value of 'YC1' is 0.
1675              'YCN' - Y Coordinate at Index N - Real
1676                     The parameter 'YCN' specifies the Y coordinate value
1677                     which corresponds to a value of 'ZDN' for the second
1678                     subscript of the data array, prior to any mapping implied
1679                     by a non-zero value of 'MAP'. If 'YC1' is equal to 'YCN',
1680                     REAL('ZDN') will be used.
1682                     The default value of 'YCN' is 0.
1684              'ZD1' - ZDAT 1st Dimension - Integer
1685                     The parameter 'ZD1' specifies the first dimension of the
1686                     array ZDAT, which contains the data to be contoured. If
1687                     CPRECT is called, it sets 'ZD1' (the argument KZDT is the
1688                     desired value). If CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 is called, it either
1689                     picks a value of 'ZD1' (if 'ZDS' is non-zero) or expects
1690                     the user to have done so (if 'ZDS' is zero).
1692                     The default value of 'ZD1' is 1.
1694              'ZDM' - Z Data Array Dimension M - Integer
1695                     The parameter 'ZDM' specifies the first dimension of the
1696                     array of data to be contoured. Its value will be less
1697                     than or equal to the value of 'ZD1'. If CPRECT is called,
1698                     it sets 'ZDM' (the argument MZDT is the desired value).
1699                     If CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 is called, it either picks a value of
1700                     'ZDM' (if 'ZDS' is non-zero) or expects the user to have
1701                     done so (if 'ZDS' is zero).
1703                     The default value of 'ZDM' is 1.
1705              'ZDN' - Z Data Array Dimension N - Integer
1706                     The parameter 'ZDN' specifies the second dimension of the
1707                     array of data to be contoured. If CPRECT is called, it
1708                     sets 'ZDN' (the argument NZDT is the desired value). If
1709                     CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 is called, it either picks a value of
1710                     'ZDN' (if 'ZDS' is non-zero) or expects the user to have
1711                     done so (if 'ZDS' is zero).
1713                     The default value of 'ZDN' is 1.
1715              'ZDS' - ZDAT Dimension Selector - Integer
1716                     If 'ZDS' is non-zero, CPSPS1 or CPSPS2 will select values
1717                     for 'ZD1', 'ZDM', and 'ZDN'; otherwise, they will be
1718                     expected to have been set by the user. Note that, if the
1719                     size of the dense array is not a product of the size of
1720                     the sparse array and some perfect square, the aspect
1721                     ratio of the dense grid may be slightly different from
1722                     that of the sparse grid.
1724                     The default value of 'ZDS' is 1.
1726              'ZDU' - Z Data Value, Unscaled - Real
1727                     The parameter 'ZDU' is just like 'ZDV' (which see,
1728                     below), but the value is unscaled.
1730              'ZDV' - Z Data Value - Real
1731                     The parameter 'ZDV' is mostly for output. Its value may
1732                     be retrieved in a user version of CPCHHL to retrieve the
1733                     value of the high or low which is being labeled. If a
1734                     character string representing the value is desired,
1735                     CPGETC may be used to obtain it (as modified by the
1736                     current scale factor); thus, to obtain the character
1737                     representation of an arbitrary value in a form consistent
1738                     with the other values on a contour plot, set 'ZDV' with a
1739                     call to CPSETR and retrieve the value of 'ZDV' with a
1740                     call to CPGETC; if an unscaled value is desired, use the
1741                     parameter name 'ZDU' in the call to CPGETC.
1743              'ZMN' - Z Minimum Value - Real
1744                     The minimum value in the field, as found by CPRECT,
1745                     CPSPS1, or CPSPS2. For output only.
1747              'ZMX' - Z Maximum Value - Real
1748                     The maximum value in the field, as found by CPRECT,
1749                     CPSPS1, or CPSPS2. For output only.


1752       Online: cpgetc, cpgeti, cpgetr, cprset, cpsetc, cpseti, cpsetr
1754       Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Contouring and Mapping Tutorial
1757       Copyright (C) 1987-2007
1758       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
1760       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
1761       modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
1762       published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
1763       License, or (at your option) any later version.
1765       This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
1766       WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
1768       General Public License for more details.
1770       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
1771       with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
1772       Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
1776UNIX                              March 1993            Conpack_params(3NCARG)