1Ezmap_params(3NCARG)             NCAR GRAPHICS            Ezmap_params(3NCARG)


6       Ezmap_params - This document briefly describes all internal parameters
7       of EZMAP.


10       EZMAP has a large group of internal parameters, each of which affects
11       the behavior of one or more of the EZMAP routines. The current values
12       of the internal parameters may be retrieved using the routines MAPGTC,
13       MAPGTI, MAPGTL, and MAPGTR. The values of most of the internal
14       parameters may be reset using the routines MAPSTC, MAPSTI, MAPSTL, and
15       MAPSTR; some of the parameters are intended for retrieval only and may
16       not be given new values in this way.
18       Parameter descriptions, in alphabetical order, of all EZMAP internal
19       parameters follow. Each description begins with a line giving the
20       parameter name and the intrinsic FORTRAN type of the parameter.
22       'AR' - Character
23              For retrieval only. The value of the map limits specifier JLTS
24              from the last call to MAPSET. The default value is 'MA'.
26       'Cn' - Integer
27              The character "n" is a digit between 1 and 8. Each 'Cn', if zero
28              or greater, specifies the color index of some part of the map.
29              The user must do the calls to GKS routines to define the color
30              indices. All default values are -1s, indicating no change in
31              color index from one part of the map to another.
33       'C1' - Integer
34              Color index for perimeter. See 'Cn', above.
36       'C2' - Integer
37              Color index for grid. See 'Cn', above.
39       'C3' - Integer
40              Color index for labels. See 'Cn', above.
42       'C4' - Integer
43              Color index for limb lines. See 'Cn', above.
45       'C5' - Integer
46              Color index for continent outlines. See 'Cn', above.
48       'C6' - Integer
49              Color index for U.S. state outlines. See 'Cn', above.
51       'C7' - Integer
52              Color index for outlines of countries of the world.
54       'C8' - Integer
55              Color index for outlines of counties of the world.  See 'Cn',
56              above.
58       'DA' - Integer
59              Dashed-line pattern for the grids. A 16-bit quantity. The
60              default is 21845 (octal 52525 or binary 0101010101010101).
62       'DD' - Integer or Real
63              Distance between dots along a dotted line drawn by MAPIT. The
64              default value is 12 (out of 4096; see 'RE', below).
66       'DL' - Integer or Logical
67              If true (non-zero), user calls to MAPIT draw dotted lines. The
68              default is false (zero); lines drawn by MAPIT are solid or
69              dashed, depending on the current state of the Dashline package.
70              'DL' may be reset by a user version of MAPUSR or MPCHLN to
71              change the way in which the perimeter, the grid, the limb lines,
72              and the outlines are drawn.
74       'DO' - Integer or Logical
75              If true (non-zero), outlines are dotted. The default is false
76              (zero); outlines are solid.
78       'EL' - Integer or Logical
79              If true (non-zero), only that part of the map which falls inside
80              an ellipse inscribed within the normal rectangular perimeter is
81              drawn. This is particularly appropriate for use with azimuthal
82              projections and angular limits specifying a square, in which
83              case the ellipse becomes a circle, but it will work for any map.
84              The default value is false (zero).
86       'GD' - Real
87              The distance between points used to draw the grid, in degrees.
88              The default value is 1.; user values must fall between 0.001 and
89              10.0.
91       'GP' - Integer or Real
92              Specifies the way in which the grid, if drawn, is to be modified
93              near the poles on projections which map the poles into single
94              points; 'GP' is given a value of the form "1000*GLAT+GLON",
95              where GLAT is an integer between 0 and 90 and GLON is a positive
96              real between 0 and 360.
98              If GLAT is zero, all the latitude lines of the grid are drawn;
99              if GLAT is non-zero, latitude lines at latitudes from GLAT to
100              90, inclusive (South or North) are omitted.
102              If GLON is zero, no longitude lines are drawn near the poles; if
103              GLON is non-zero, only longitude lines of the grid at multiples
104              of GLON are drawn near the poles.
106              Examples: "'GP'=0" says "draw all the latitude lines of the
107              grid; omit longitude lines of the grid near the poles."
108              "'GP'=1" says "draw entire grid."  "'GP'=75045" says "suppress
109              latitude lines of the grid above 75N and below 75S; near the
110              poles, draw the longitude lines of the grid only at multiples of
111              45 degrees."  The default is "'GP'=90", which says "draw all
112              latitude lines of the grid; near the poles, omit longitude lines
113              of the grid except those at multiples of 90 degrees".
115       'GR' - Integer or Real
116              The desired grid spacing, in degrees.  (Note that, when 'GT'
117              and/or 'GN' have values greater than zero, they are used in
118              place of 'GR'.)  Giving 'GR' a value less than or equal to zero
119              suppresses the grid.  The default value of 'GR' is 10 degrees.
121       'GT' and 'GN' - Integer or Real
122              The desired spacings of latitude and longitude grid lines,
123              respectively (in degrees); if either is less than or equal to
124              zero, the value of 'GR' is used instead.
126       'G1' - Integer
127              The group identifier to be used by MAPBLA or MPLNAM when putting
128              into the area map the group of edges that define the division of
129              the plotter frame into the projected images of geographic
130              entities.
132       'G2' - Integer
133              The group identifier to be used by MAPBLA or MPLNAM when putting
134              into the area map the group of edges that define the division of
135              the plotter frame into vertical strips.
137       'IN' - Integer or Logical
138              For retrieval only. Initialization flag. If true (non-zero), it
139              says that EZMAP is in need of initialization (by a CALL MAPINT).
140              The default value is true (non-zero).
142       'LA' - Integer or Logical
143              If true (non-zero), label the meridians and the poles. The
144              default is true (non-zero).
146       'LS' - Integer
147              Controls label size. A character width, to be used in a call to
148              PWRIT. The default value is 1, which gives a character width of
149              12 plotter units.
151       'MV' - Integer or Real
152              Minimum vector length for MAPIT. A point closer to the previous
153              point than this is omitted. The default value is 4 (out of 4096;
154              see 'RE', below).
156       'OU' - Character
157              Says which set of outline data are be used by MAPLOT, MAPBLA,
158              and MAPBLM. The possible values are 'NO' (no outlines), 'CO'
159              (continental outlines), 'US' (U.S.  state outlines), 'PS'
160              (continental outlines plus international outlines plus U.S.
161              outlines), and 'PO' (continental outlines plus international
162              outlines).  Default is 'CO'.
164       'PE' - Integer or Logical
165              If true (non-zero), draw the perimeter. The default is true
166              (non-zero).
168       'PN' - Integer or Real
169              For retrieval only. The value of PLON from the last call to
170              MAPROJ. The default value is zero.
172       'PR' - Character
173              For retrieval only. The value of the projection specifier JPRJ
174              from the last call to MAPROJ. The default value is 'CE'.
176       'PT' - Integer or Real
177              For retrieval only. The value of PLAT from the last call to
178              MAPROJ. The default value is zero.
180       'Pn' - Integer or Real
181              For retrieval only. The character "n" is a digit from 1 to 8,
182              inclusive. Retrieves values from the call to MAPSET.  P1 through
183              P4 specify PLM1(1), PLM2(1), PLM3(1), and PLM4(1), while P5
184              through P8 specify PLM1(2), PLM2(2), PLM3(2), and PLM4(2).
185              Default values are all zero.
187       'RE' - Integer or Real
188              The width of the target plotter, in plotter units.  The default
189              value is 4096.
191       'RO' - Integer or Real
192              For retrieval only. The value of ROTA from the last call to
193              MAPROJ. The default value is zero.
195       'SA' - Integer or Real
196              If 'SA' is greater than 1., a satellite-view projection replaces
197              the orthographic. The value is the distance of the satellite
198              from the center of the earth, in multiples of the earth's
199              radius. The default value is zero. See also 'S1' and 'S2',
200              below.
202       'S1' and 'S2' - Integer or Real
203              Used only when 'SA' is greater than 1. Both are angles, in
204              degrees. 'S1' measures the angle between the line to the center
205              of the earth and the line of sight (to which the projection
206              plane is perpendicular). If 'S1' is zero, the projection shows
207              the earth as seen by a satellite looking straight down; call
208              this the "basic view". If 'S1' is non-zero, 'S2' measures the
209              angle from the positive u axis of the basic view to the line OP,
210              where O is the origin of the basic view and P is the projection
211              of the desired line of sight on the basic view. 'S2' is positive
212              if measured counter-clockwise.
214       'SR' - Real
215              A search radius, in degrees, used by MAPINT in finding the
216              latitude/longitude range of a map. The default value is 1.; user
217              values must lie between 0.001 and 10.0. Should not be changed
218              except by advice of a consultant.
220       'VS' - Integer
221              The vertical-stripping parameter, which determines whether
222              MAPBLA and MPLNAM put into the area map edge group 'G2',
223              defining a set of vertical strips. A negative or zero value of
224              'VS' prevents MAPBLA and MPLNAM from doing this. A value greater
225              than zero requests that it be done and specifies the number of
226              vertical strips to be created. The default value of 'VS' is 1.
228       'XL', 'XR', 'YB', and 'YT' - Real
229              For retrieval only. The parameters XLOW, XROW, YBOW, and YTOW
230              from the last call to MAPPOS. Defaults are 0.05, 0.95, 0.05, and
231              0.95, respectively.


234       Online: mapgtc, mapgti, mapgtl, mapgtr, mappos, maproj, maprst, mapsav,
235       mapset, mapstc, mapsti, mapstl, mapstr, mpchln, mpfnme, mpgetc, mpgeti,
236       mpgetl, mpgetr, mpglty, mpiaty, mpifnb, mpilnb, mpiola, mpiosa, mpipai,
237       mpipan, mpipar, mpisci, mplnam, mplndm, mplndr, mplnri, mpname, mprset,
238       mpsetc, mpseti, mpsetl, mpsetr,
240       Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Contouring and Mapping Tutorial
243       Copyright (C) 1987-2007
244       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
246       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
247       modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
248       published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
249       License, or (at your option) any later version.
251       This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
252       WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
254       General Public License for more details.
256       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
257       with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
258       Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
262UNIX                              March 1993              Ezmap_params(3NCARG)