1Scrolled_t*_params(3NCARG) NCAR GRAPHICS Scrolled_t*_params(3NCARG)
6 Scrolled_title_params - This document briefly describes all
7 Scrolled_title internal parameters.
10 Parameter descriptions, in alphabetical order, of all Scrolled_title
11 internal parameters follow. Each description begins with a line giving
12 the parameter name and its default value.
14 ´ALN´ - 0
15 Flag to control whether alignment frames with dots in the
16 corners are produced in non-test mode. ´ALN´ = 0 means "suppress
17 them", ´ALN´ = 1 means "produce them", and ´ALN´ = 2 means
18 "produce them and label the frames as ´alignment frames´".
20 ´BGC´ - 0
21 An integer specifying the color index to be used for the
22 background color. If ´BGC´ = 0, GKS is depended upon to fill
23 the background; otherwise, STITLE does a GFA call to fill it.
25 ´BGF´ - -2
26 An integer specifying the type of background fade-in/fade-out.
28 The value "-1" implies that background fades are suppressed.
30 The value "-2" implies a fade from/to black by mapping RGB
31 values to HSV values and varying V.
33 A non-negative value of the form "ni x 1000 + no" implies a
34 fade-in from the color with color index "ni" and a fade-out to
35 the color with color index "no"; for example, the value "11012"
36 implies fading in from color 11 and out to color 12. Use "999"
37 to suppress one of the fades; for example, the value "26999"
38 implies fading in from color 26, but no fade-out, while the
39 value "999026" implies no fade-in, but a fade-out to color 26.
40 These fades are done using linear interpolation in the RGB
41 system.
43 ´BGR´, ´BGG´, and ´BGB´ - Device default.
44 Real values, in the range 0. to 1., to be used for the red,
45 green, and blue components of the background color. When one of
46 these values is set, it defines a component of the color
47 associated with the current value of the color index ´BGC´.
49 ´FGC´ - 1
50 An integer specifying the color index to be used for the default
51 foreground color. All informative information on "test run"
52 frames and all title lines for which no other color index is
53 specified will be in the color specified by this color index.
55 ´FGF´ - -2
56 An integer specifying the type of foreground fade-in/fade-out.
58 The value "-1" implies that foreground fades are suppressed.
60 The value "-2" implies a fade from/to black by mapping RGB
61 values to HSV values and varying V.
63 A non-negative value of the form "ni x 1000 + no" implies a
64 fade-in from the color with color index "ni" and a fade-out to
65 the color with color index "no"; for example, the value "11012"
66 implies fading in from color 11 and out to color 12. Use "999"
67 to suppress one of the fades; for example, the value "26999"
68 implies fading in from color 26, but no fade-out, while the
69 value "999026" implies no fade-in, but a fade-out to color 26.
70 These fades are done using linear interpolation in the RGB
71 system.
73 Fades are done on all foreground colors known to STITLE because
74 SLSETR has been called to define their RGB components or because
75 their color indices have appeared on card images defined by the
76 argument CRDS.
78 ´FGR´,´FGG´, and ´FGB´ - Device default.
79 Real values, in the range 0. to 1., to be used for the red,
80 green, and blue components of a specified foreground color.
82 The index of the color being defined may be specified in
83 parentheses following the ´FGR´, ´FGG´, or ´FGB´; for example,
84 the statement "CALL SLSETR ('FGR(2)',.5)" defines the red
85 component of the color associated with color index 2 to be .5.
86 If no subscript appears, the color index defined by the current
87 value of ´FGC´ is the one whose definition is affected.
89 A color can also be defined by calling the GKS subroutine GSCR
90 and specifying the color index on one of the card images in the
91 CRDS array. Note, however, that any color which is to be used
92 solely in a user-supplied version of the routine SLUBKG and
93 which is desired to be subject to fade-in/fade-out should be
94 defined by means of SLSETR calls.
96 Characters may be drawn in any of the foreground colors.
98 ´FIN´ - 0.
99 Number of seconds during which to fade in titles. The
100 background color and foreground color are faded in
101 independently. Each color is faded in in the manner specified
102 by the value of either ´BGF´ or ´FGF´, whichever is appropriate.
104 ´FOU´ - 0.
105 Number of seconds during which to fade out titles. The
106 background color and foreground color are faded out
107 independently. Each color is faded out in the manner specified
108 by the value of either ´BGF´ or ´FGF´, whichever is appropriate.
110 ´GSZ´ - 40.
111 Value for interline spacing, defined in terms of a 1024x1024
112 grid. Used only by FTITLE.
114 ´ICO´ - 1
115 Centering option. Set to 0 to get left edges lined up at X-
116 coordinate 64, and to 2 to get right edges lined up at X-
117 coordinate 960. Set to 1 for centered text. Used only by FTITLE.
119 ´ICU´ - 5
120 Unit number for reading input. Used only by FTITLE.
122 ´INC´ - 300
123 Vertical spacing between test frames.
125 ´LOG´ - 4
126 FORTRAN logical unit number for opening WISS (Workstation-
127 Independent Segment Storage).
129 ´LX1´ - 0
130 Integer, in the range 0 to 32767, specifying the X coordinate of
131 the lower left corner of the viewport. Use ´VPL´, instead.
133 ´LX2´ - 32767
134 Integer, in the range 0 to 32767, specifying the X coordinate of
135 the upper right corner of the viewport. Use ´VPR´, instead.
137 ´LY1´ - 0
138 Integer, in the range 0 to 32767, specifying the Y coordinate of
139 the lower left corner of the viewport. Use ´VPB´, instead.
141 ´LY2´ - 32767
142 Integer, in the range 0 to 32767, specifying the Y coordinate of
143 the upper right corner of the viewport. Use ´VPT´, instead.
145 ´MAP´ - 100
146 internal parameter ´MA´ is to be set; otherwise, the user will
147 be assumed to have set it. The default values of ´MAP´ and
148 ´ORV´ are such as to create scrolled titles in the normal way;
149 other values may be used to create titles that scroll upwards on
150 the surface of the globe or that scroll off into space (a la
151 Star Wars); the appropriate transformations need to be embedded
152 in a user-written version of the Plotchar routine PCMPXY. (This
153 is still rather new; eventually, there will be an example
154 showing how to do this.)
156 ´NFS´ - 24.
157 The number of frames per second. The default, 24, is
158 appropriate for film. For video, use ´NFS´ = 30.
160 ´NXE´ - 512
161 Analogous to the Scrolled_title argument IYND, to allow for
162 limited scrolling in the X direction. ´NXE´ must be within the
163 current Scrolled_title window.
165 ´NXS´ - 512
166 Analogous to the Scrolled_title argument IYST, to allow for
167 limited scrolling in the X direction. ´NXS´ must be within the
168 current Scrolled_title window.
170 ´ORV´ - 1.E12
171 If non-zero, the value to which Plotchar´s internal parameter
172 ´OR´ is to be set; otherwise, the user will be assumed to have
173 set it. See the discussion of the parameter ´MAP´, above.
175 ´PSZ´ - 21.
176 Default character height on a 1024 by 1024 grid.
178 ´SBK´ - 0
179 Suppresses fade in/out of the background color when a fade
180 in/out time has been specified. If ´SBK´=0, then the fade in/out
181 will be honored; otherwise, the background color will appear at
182 full intensity during a fade in/out. This parameter has been
183 superseded by ´BGF´, which should be used instead. ´SBK´ = 0 is
184 equivalent to ´BGF´ = -2, while ´SBK´ = 1 is equivalent to ´BGF´
185 = -1.
187 ´SFG´ - 0
188 Suppresses fade in/out of the foreground color when a fade
189 in/out time has been specified. If ´SFG´=0, then the fade in/out
190 will be honored; otherwise, the foreground color will appear at
191 full intensity during a fade in/out. This parameter has been
192 superseded by ´FGF´, which should be used instead. ´SFG´ = 0 is
193 equivalent to ´FGF´ = -2, while ´SFG´ = 1 is equivalent to ´FGF´
194 = -1.
196 ´TM1´ - 1.
197 Number of seconds worth of blank frames (at ´NFS´ frames/second)
198 generated before any title frames produced by a call to FTITLE.
199 Used only by FTITLE.
201 ´TM2´ - .5
202 Number of seconds worth of blank frames (at ´NFS´
203 frames/second), between sets of title frames, and after the last
204 set of title frames, produced by a call to FTITLE. Used only by
207 ´TM3´ - 0.
208 Number of additional seconds worth of blank frames (at ´NFS´
209 frames/second) after the last title frame produced by a call to
210 FTITLE. ´TM3´ may be negative to suppress some of the frames
211 specified by ´TM2´; the number of seconds of blank frames after
212 the last title frame will be the sum of ´TM2´ and ´TM3´. Used
213 only by FTITLE.
215 ´VPB´ - 0.
216 A real, in the range from 0. to 1., specifying the Y coordinate
217 of the bottom edge of the STITLE viewport.
219 The STITLE viewport is used in two ways: 1) characters are
220 clipped at its edges; and 2) it defines the rectangle which is
221 filled by STITLE when the value of 'BGC' is non-zero.
223 Changing the values of ´VPL´, ´VPR´, ´VPB´, and ´VPT´ changes
224 the values of ´LX1´, ´LX2´, ´LY1´, and ´LY2´ (and vice-versa);
225 use of the names ´VPL´, ´VPR´, ´VPB´, and ´VPT´ is now
226 preferred.
228 ´VPL´ - 0.
229 A real, in the range from 0. to 1., specifying the X coordinate
230 of the left edge of the STITLE viewport.
232 ´VPR´ - 0.
233 A real, in the range from 0. to 1., specifying the X coordinate
234 of the right edge of the STITLE viewport.
236 ´VPT´ - 0.
237 A real, in the range from 0. to 1., specifying the Y coordinate
238 of the top edge of the STITLE viewport.
240 ´WID´ - 9
241 Workstation identifier for WISS (Workstation-Independent Segment
242 Storage); this is used internally in the calls to Gflash.
245 Online: gflash, plotchar, slgeti, slgetr, slseti, slsetr, ncarg_cbind.
247 Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version; User's Guide for
248 NCAR GKS-0A Graphics
251 Copyright (C) 1987-2007
252 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
254 This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
255 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
256 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
257 License, or (at your option) any later version.
259 This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
260 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
262 General Public License for more details.
264 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
265 with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
266 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
270UNIX July 1995 Scrolled_t*_params(3NCARG)