1CGI::Ex::Validate(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation CGI::Ex::Validate(3)
6 CGI::Ex::Validate - another form validator - but it does javascript in
7 parallel
10 use CGI::Ex::Validate;
12 ### THE SHORT
14 my $errobj = CGI::Ex::Validate->new->validate($form, $val_hash);
16 ### THE LONG
18 my $form = CGI->new;
19 # OR #
20 my $form = CGI::Ex->new; # OR CGI::Ex->get_form;
21 # OR #
22 my $form = {key1 => 'val1', key2 => 'val2'};
24 ### simplest
25 my $val_hash = {
26 username => {
27 required => 1,
28 max_len => 30,
29 field => 'username',
30 # field is optional in this case - will use key name
31 },
32 email => {
33 required => 1,
34 max_len => 100,
35 },
36 email2 => {
37 validate_if => 'email',
38 equals => 'email',
39 },
40 };
42 ### ordered
43 my $val_hash = {
44 'group order' => [qw(username email email2)],
45 username => {required => 1, max_len => 30},
46 email => ...,
47 email2 => ...,
48 };
50 ### ordered again
51 my $val_hash = {
52 'group fields' => [{
53 field => 'username', # field is not optional in this case
54 required => 1,
55 max_len => 30,
56 }, {
57 field => 'email',
58 required => 1,
59 max_len => 100,
60 }, {
61 field => 'email2',
62 validate_if => 'email',
63 equals => 'email',
64 }],
65 };
67 my $vob = CGI::Ex::Validate->new;
68 my $errobj = $vob->validate($form, $val_hash);
69 # OR #
70 my $errobj = $vob->validate($form, "/somefile/somewhere.val"); # import config using yaml file
71 # OR #
72 my $errobj = $vob->validate($form, "/somefile/somewhere.pl"); # import config using perl file
73 # OR #
74 my $errobj = $vob->validate($form, "--- # a yaml document\n"); # import config using yaml str
76 if ($errobj) {
77 my $error_heading = $errobj->as_string; # OR "$errobj";
78 my $error_list = $errobj->as_array; # ordered list of what when wrong
79 my $error_hash = $errobj->as_hash; # hash of arrayrefs of errors
80 } else {
81 # form passed validation
82 }
84 ### will add an error for any form key not found in $val_hash
85 my $vob = CGI::Ex::Validate->new({no_extra_keys => 1});
86 my $errobj = $vob->validate($form, $val_hash);
89 CGI::Ex::Validate is one of many validation modules. It aims to have
90 all of the basic data validation functions, avoid adding all of the
91 millions of possible types, while still giving the capability for the
92 developer to add their own types.
94 It also has full support for providing the same validation in
95 javascript. It provides methods for attaching the javascript to exist‐
96 ing forms.
98 As opposed to other kitchen sync validation modules, CGI::Ex::Validate
99 offers the simple types of validation, and makes it easy to add your
100 own custom types.
103 "new"
104 Used to instantiate the object. Arguments are either a hash, or
105 hashref, or nothing at all. Keys of the hash become the keys of
106 the object.
108 "get_validation"
109 Given a filename or YAML string will return perl hash. If more
110 than one group is contained in the file, it will return an arrayref
111 of hashrefs.
113 my $ref = $self->get_validation($file);
115 "get_validation_keys"
116 Given a filename or YAML string or a validation hashref, will
117 return all of the possible keys found in the validation hash. This
118 can be used to check to see if extra items have been passed to val‐
119 idate. If a second argument contains a form hash is passed,
120 get_validation_keys will only return the keys of groups that were
121 validated.
123 my $key_hashref = $self->get_validation_keys($val_hash);
125 The values of the hash are the names of the fields.
127 "validate"
128 Arguments are a form hashref or cgi object, a validation hashref or
129 filename, and an optional what_was_validated arrayref (discussed
130 further later on). If a CGI object is passed, CGI::Ex::get_form
131 will be called on that object to turn it into a hashref. If a
132 filename is given for the validation, get_validation will be called
133 on that filename. If the what_was_validated_arrayref is passed -
134 it will be populated (pushed) with the field hashes that were actu‐
135 ally validated (anything that was skipped because of validate_if
136 will not be in the array).
138 If the form passes validation, validate will return undef. If it
139 fails validation, it will return a CGI::Ex::Validate::Error object.
140 If the 'raise_error' option has been set, validate will die with a
141 CGI::Ex::validate::Error object as the value.
143 my $err_obj = $self->validate($form, $val_hash);
145 # OR #
147 $self->{raise_error} = 1; # can also be listed in the val_hash
148 eval { $self->validate($form, $val_hash) };
149 if ($@) { my $err_obj = $@; }
151 "generate_js"
152 Works with CGI::Ex::JSONDump, but can also work with JSON or YAML
153 if desired (see JSON or YAML).
155 Takes a validation hash, a form name, and an optional javascript
156 uri path and returns Javascript that can be embedded on a page and
157 will perform identical validations as the server side. The form
158 name must be the name of the form that the validation will act upon
159 - the name is used to register an onsubmit function. The
160 javascript uri path is used to embed the locations of javascript
161 source files included with the CGI::Ex distribution.
163 The javascript uri path is highly dependent upon the server config‐
164 uration and therefore must be configured manually. It may be
165 passed to generate_js, or it may be specified in $JS_URI_PATH.
166 There are two files included with this module that are needed -
167 CGI/Ex/yaml_load.js and CGI/Ex/validate.js. When generating the js
168 code, generate_js will look in $JS_URI_PATH_YAML and
169 $JS_URI_PATH_VALIDATE. If either of these are not set, generate_js
170 will default to "$JS_URI_PATH/CGI/Ex/yaml_load.js" and
171 "$JS_URI_PATH/CGI/Ex/validate.js" (Note: yaml_load is only needed
172 if the flags no_jsondump and no_json have been set).
174 $self->generate_js($val_hash, 'my_form', "/cgi-bin/js")
176 # would generate something like the following...
178 <script src="/cgi-bin/js/CGI/Ex/validate.js"></script>
179 ... more js follows ...
181 $CGI::Ex::Validate::JS_URI_PATH = "/stock/js";
182 $self->generate_js($val_hash, 'my_form')
184 # would generate something like the following...
186 <script src="/stock/js/CGI/Ex/validate.js"></script>
187 ... more js follows ...
189 Referencing yaml_load.js and validate.js can be done in any of sev‐
190 eral ways. They can be copied to or symlinked to a fixed location
191 in the server's html directory. They can also be printed out by a
192 cgi. The method "->print_js" has been provided in CGI::Ex for
193 printing js files found in the perl hierarchy. See CGI::Ex for
194 more details. The $JS_URI_PATH of "/cgi-bin/js" could contain the
195 following:
197 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
199 use strict;
200 use CGI::Ex;
202 ### path_info should contain something like /CGI/Ex/yaml_load.js
203 my $info = $ENV{PATH_INFO} ⎪⎪ '';
204 die "Invalid path" if $info !~ m⎪^(/\w+)+.js$⎪;
205 $info =~ s⎪^/+⎪⎪;
207 CGI::Ex->new->print_js($info);
208 exit;
210 The print_js method in CGI::Ex is designed to cache the javascript
211 in the browser (caching is suggested as they are medium sized
212 files).
214 "->cgix"
215 Returns a CGI::Ex object. Used internally.
218 The validation hash may be passed as a hashref or as a filename, or as
219 a YAML document string. If it is a filename, it will be translated
220 into a hash using the %EXT_HANDLER for the extension on the file. If
221 there is no extension, it will use $DEFAULT_EXT as a default.
222 CGI::Ex::Conf is used for the reading of files.
224 Keys matching the regex m/^(general⎪group)\s+(\w+)$/ are reserved and
225 are counted as GROUP OPTIONS. Other keys (if any, should be field
226 names that need validation).
228 If the GROUP OPTION 'group validate_if' is set, the validation will
229 only be validated if the conditions are met. If 'group validate_if' is
230 not specified, then the validation will proceed.
232 Each of the items listed in the validation will be validated. The val‐
233 idation order is determined in one of three ways:
235 Specify 'group fields' arrayref.
236 # order will be (username, password, 'm/\w+_foo/', somethingelse)
237 {
238 'group title' => "User Information",
239 'group fields' => [
240 {field => 'username', required => 1},
241 {field => 'password', required => 1},
242 {field => 'm/\w+_foo/', required => 1},
243 ],
244 somethingelse => {required => 1},
245 }
247 Specify 'group order' arrayref.
248 # order will be (username, password, 'm/\w+_foo/', somethingelse)
249 {
250 'group title' => "User Information",
251 'group order' => [qw(username password), 'm/\w+_foo/'],
252 username => {required => 1},
253 password => {required => 1},
254 'm/\w+_foo/' => {required => 1},
255 somethingelse => {required => 1},
256 }
258 Do nothing - use sorted order.
259 # order will be ('m/\w+_foo/', password, somethingelse, username)
260 {
261 'group title' => "User Information",
262 username => {required => 1},
263 password => {required => 1},
264 'm/\w+_foo/' => {required => 1},
265 somethingelse => {required => 1},
266 }
268 Optionally the 'group fields' or the 'group order' may contain the word
269 'OR' as a special keyword. If the item preceding 'OR' fails validation
270 the item after 'OR' will be tested instead. If the item preceding 'OR'
271 passes validation the item after 'OR' will not be tested.
273 'group order' => [qw(zip OR postalcode state OR region)],
275 Each individual field validation hashref will operate on the field con‐
276 tained in the 'field' key. This key may also be a regular expression
277 in the form of 'm/somepattern/'. If a regular expression is used, all
278 keys matching that pattern will be validated. If the field key is not
279 specified, the key from the top level hash will be used.
281 foobar => { # "foobar" is not used as key because field is specified
282 field => 'real_key_name',
283 required => 1,
284 },
285 real_key_name2 => {
286 required => 1,
287 },
289 Each of the individual field validation hashrefs should contain the
290 types listed in VALIDATION TYPES.
293 This section lists the available validation types. Multiple instances
294 of the same type may be used for some validation types by adding a num‐
295 ber to the type (ie match, match2, match232, match_94). Multiple
296 instances are validated in sorted order. Types that allow multiple
297 values are:
299 compare
300 custom
301 equals
302 match
303 max_in_set
304 min_in_set
305 replace
306 required_if
307 sql
308 type
309 validate_if
311 "validate_if"
312 If validate_if is specified, the field will only be validated if
313 the conditions are met. Works in JS.
315 validate_if => {field => 'name', required => 1, max_len => 30}
316 # Will only validate if the field "name" is present and is less than 30 chars.
318 validate_if => 'name',
319 # SAME as
320 validate_if => {field => 'name', required => 1},
322 validate_if => '! name',
323 # SAME as
324 validate_if => {field => 'name', max_in_set => '0 of name'},
326 validate_if => {field => 'country', compare => "eq US"},
327 # only if country's value is equal to US
329 validate_if => {field => 'country', compare => "ne US"},
330 # if country doesn't equal US
332 validate_if => {field => 'password', match => 'm/^md5\([a-z0-9]{20}\)$/'},
333 # if password looks like md5(12345678901234567890)
335 {
336 field => 'm/^(\w+)_pass/',
337 validate_if => '$1_user',
338 required => 1,
339 }
340 # will validate foo_pass only if foo_user was present.
342 The validate_if may also contain an arrayref of validation items.
343 So that multiple checks can be run. They will be run in order.
344 validate_if will return true only if all options returned true.
346 validate_if => ['email', 'phone', 'fax']
348 Optionally, if validate_if is an arrayref, it may contain the word
349 'OR' as a special keyword. If the item preceding 'OR' fails vali‐
350 dation the item after 'OR' will be tested instead. If the item
351 preceding 'OR' passes validation the item after 'OR' will not be
352 tested.
354 validate_if => [qw(zip OR postalcode)],
356 "required_if"
357 Requires the form field if the condition is satisfied. The condi‐
358 tions available are the same as for validate_if. This is somewhat
359 the same as saying:
361 validate_if => 'some_condition',
362 required => 1
364 required_if => 'some_condition',
366 If a regex is used for the field name, the required_if field will
367 have any match patterns swapped in.
369 {
370 field => 'm/^(\w+)_pass/',
371 required_if => '$1_user',
372 }
374 This example would require the "foobar_pass" field to be set if the
375 "foobar_user" field was passed.
377 "required"
378 Requires the form field to have some value. If the field is not
379 present, no other checks will be run.
381 "min_values" and "max_values"
382 Allows for specifying the maximum number of form elements passed.
383 max_values defaults to 1 (You must explicitly set it higher to
384 allow more than one item by any given name).
386 "min_in_set" and "max_in_set"
387 Somewhat like min_values and max_values except that you specify the
388 fields that participate in the count. Also - entries that are not
389 defined or do not have length are not counted. An optional "of"
390 can be placed after the number for human readability.
392 min_in_set => "2 of foo bar baz",
393 # two of the fields foo, bar or baz must be set
394 # same as
395 min_in_set => "2 foo bar baz",
396 # same as
397 min_in_set => "2 OF foo bar baz",
399 validate_if => {field => 'whatever', max_in_set => '0 of whatever'},
400 # only run validation if there were zero occurrences of whatever
402 "enum"
403 Allows for checking whether an item matches a set of options. In
404 perl the value may be passed as an arrayref. In the conf or in
405 perl the value may be passed of the options joined with ⎪⎪.
407 {
408 field => 'password_type',
409 enum => 'plaintext⎪⎪crypt⎪⎪md5', # OR enum => [qw(plaintext crypt md5)],
410 }
412 "equals"
413 Allows for comparison of two form elements. Can have an optional
414 !.
416 {
417 field => 'password',
418 equals => 'password_verify',
419 },
420 {
421 field => 'domain1',
422 equals => '!domain2', # make sure the fields are not the same
423 }
425 "min_len and max_len"
426 Allows for check on the length of fields
428 {
429 field => 'site',
430 min_len => 4,
431 max_len => 100,
432 }
434 "match"
435 Allows for regular expression comparison. Multiple matches may be
436 concatenated with ⎪⎪. Available in JS.
438 {
439 field => 'my_ip',
440 match => 'm/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3})3$/',
441 match_2 => '!/^0\./ ⎪⎪ !/^192\./',
442 }
444 "compare"
445 Allows for custom comparisons. Available types are >, <, >=, <=,
446 !=, ==, gt, lt, ge, le, ne, and eq. Comparisons also work in the
447 JS.
449 {
450 field => 'my_number',
451 match => 'm/^\d+$/',
452 compare1 => '> 100',
453 compare2 => '< 255',
454 compare3 => '!= 150',
455 }
457 "sql"
458 SQL query based - not available in JS. The database handle will be
459 looked for in the value $self->{dbhs}->{foo} if sql_db_type is set
460 to 'foo', otherwise it will default to $self->{dbh}. If
461 $self->{dbhs}->{foo} or $self->{dbh} is a coderef - they will be
462 called and should return a dbh.
464 {
465 field => 'username',
466 sql => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username = ?',
467 sql_error_if => 1, # default is 1 - set to 0 to negate result
468 # sql_db_type => 'foo', # will look for a dbh under $self->{dbhs}->{foo}
469 }
471 "custom"
472 Custom value - not available in JS. Allows for extra programming
473 types. May be either a boolean value predetermined before calling
474 validate, or may be a coderef that will be called during valida‐
475 tion. If coderef is called, it will be passed the field name, the
476 form value for that name, and a reference to the field validation
477 hash. If the custom type returns false the element fails valida‐
478 tion and an error is added.
480 {
481 field => 'username',
482 custom => sub {
483 my ($key, $val, $type, $field_val_hash) = @_;
484 # do something here
485 return 0;
486 },
487 }
489 "custom_js"
490 Custom value - only available in JS. Allows for extra programming
491 types. May be either a boolean value pre-determined before calling
492 validate, or may be section of javascript that will be eval'ed.
493 The last value (return value) of the eval'ed javascript will deter‐
494 mine if validation passed. A false value indicates the value did
495 not pass validation. A true value indicates that it did. See the
496 t/samples/js_validate_3.html page for a sample of usage.
498 {
499 field => 'date',
500 required => 1,
501 match => 'm⎪^\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d$⎪',
502 match_error => 'Please enter date in YYYY/MM/DD format',
503 custom_js => "
504 var t=new Date();
505 var y=t.getYear()+1900;
506 var m=t.getMonth() + 1;
507 var d=t.getDate();
508 if (m<10) m = '0'+m;
509 if (d<10) d = '0'+d;
510 (value > ''+y+'/'+m+'/'+d) ? 1 : 0;
511 ",
512 custom_js_error => 'The date was not greater than today.',
513 }
515 "type"
516 Allows for more strict type checking. Currently supported types
517 include CC (credit card). Other types will be added upon request
518 provided we can add a perl and a javascript version.
520 {
521 field => 'credit_card',
522 type => 'CC',
523 }
526 "field"
527 Specify which field to work on. Key may be a regex in the form
528 'm/\w+_user/'. This key is required if 'group fields' is used or
529 if validate_if or required_if are used. It can optionally be used
530 with other types to specify a different form element to operate on.
531 On errors, if a non-default error is found, $field will be swapped
532 with the value found in field.
534 The field name may also be a regular expression in the form of
535 'm/somepattern/'. If a regular expression is used, all keys match‐
536 ing that pattern will be validated.
538 "name"
539 Name to use for errors. If a name is not specified, default errors
540 will use "The field $field" as the name. If a non-default error is
541 found, $name will be swapped with this name.
543 "delegate_error"
544 This option allows for any errors generated on a field to delegate
545 to a different field. If the field name was a regex, any patterns
546 will be swapped into the delegate_error value. This option is gen‐
547 erally only useful with the as_hash method of the error object (for
548 inline errors).
550 {
551 field => 'zip',
552 match => 'm/^\d{5}/',
553 },
554 {
555 field => 'zip_plus4',
556 match => 'm/^\d{4}/',
557 delegate_error => 'zip',
558 },
559 {
560 field => 'm/^(id_[\d+])_user$/',
561 delegate_error => '$1',
562 },
564 "exclude_js"
565 This allows the cgi to do checking while keeping the checks from
566 being run in JavaScript
568 {
569 field => 'cgi_var',
570 required => 1,
571 exclude_js => 1,
572 }
574 "exclude_cgi"
575 This allows the js to do checking while keeping the checks from
576 being run in the cgi
578 {
579 field => 'js_var',
580 required => 1,
581 exclude_cgi => 1,
582 }
585 The following types will modify the form value before it is processed.
586 They work in both the perl and in javascript as well. The javascript
587 version changes the actual value in the form on appropriate form types.
589 "do_not_trim"
590 By default, validate will trim leading and trailing whitespace from
591 submitted values. Set do_not_trim to 1 to allow it to not trim.
593 {field => 'foo', do_not_trim => 1}
595 "trim_control_chars"
596 Off by default. If set to true, removes characters in the \x00 to
597 \x31 range (Tabs are translated to a single space).
599 {field => 'foo', trim_control_chars => 1}
601 "replace"
602 Pass a swap pattern to change the actual value of the form. Any
603 perl regex can be passed but it is suggested that javascript com‐
604 patible regexes are used to make generate_js possible.
606 {field => 'foo', replace => 's/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})/($1) $2-$3/'}
608 "default"
609 Set item to default value if there is no existing value (undefined
610 or zero length string).
612 {field => 'country', default => 'EN'}
614 "to_upper_case" and "to_lower_case"
615 Do what they say they do.
617 "untaint"
618 Requires that the validated field has been also checked with an
619 enum, equals, match, compare, custom, or type check. If the field
620 has been checked and there are no errors - the field is
621 "untainted."
623 This is for use in conjunction with perl's -T switch.
625 "clear_on_error"
626 Clears the form field should a validation error occur. Only sup‐
627 ported on the Javascript side (no affect on the server side).
630 Failed validation results in an error an error object created via the
631 new_error method. The default error class is CGI::Ex::Validate::Error.
633 The error object has several methods for determining what the errors
634 were.
636 "as_array"
637 Returns an array or arrayref (depending on scalar context) of
638 errors that occurred in the order that they occurred. Individual
639 groups may have a heading and the entire validation will have a
640 heading (the default heading can be changed via the
641 'as_array_title' group option). Each error that occurred is a sep‐
642 arate item and are pre-pended with 'as_array_prefix' (which is a
643 group option - default is ' '). The as_array_ options may also be
644 set via a hashref passed to as_array. as_array_title defaults to
645 'Please correct the following items:'.
647 ### if this returns the following
648 my $array = $err_obj->as_array;
649 # $array looks like
650 # ['Please correct the following items:', ' error1', ' error2']
652 ### then this would return the following
653 my $array = $err_obj->as_array({
654 as_array_prefix => ' - ',
655 as_array_title => 'Something went wrong:',
656 });
657 # $array looks like
658 # ['Something went wrong:', ' - error1', ' - error2']
660 "as_string"
661 Returns values of as_array joined with a newline. This method is
662 used as the stringification for the error object. Values of
663 as_array are joined with 'as_string_join' which defaults to "\n".
664 If 'as_string_header' is set, it will be pre-pended onto the error
665 string. If 'as_string_footer' is set, it will be appended onto the
666 error string.
668 ### if this returns the following
669 my $string = $err_obj->as_string;
670 # $string looks like
671 # "Please correct the following items:\n error1\n error2"
673 ### then this would return the following
674 my $string = $err_obj->as_string({
675 as_array_prefix => ' - ',
676 as_array_title => 'Something went wrong:',
677 as_string_join => '<br />',
678 as_string_header => '<span class="error">',
679 as_string_footer => '</span>',
680 });
681 # $string looks like
682 # '<span class="error">Something went wrong:<br /> - error1<br /> - error2</span>'
684 "as_hash"
685 Returns a hash or hashref (depending on scalar context) of errors
686 that occurred. Each key is the field name of the form that failed
687 validation with 'as_hash_suffix' added on as a suffix.
688 as_hash_suffix is available as a group option and may also be
689 passed in via a hashref as the only argument to as_hash. The
690 default value is '_error'. The values of the hash are arrayrefs of
691 errors that occurred to that form element.
693 By default as_hash will return the values of the hash as arrayrefs
694 (a list of the errors that occurred to that key). It is possible
695 to also return the values as strings. Three options are available
696 for formatting: 'as_hash_header' which will be pre-pended onto the
697 error string, 'as_hash_footer' which will be appended, and
698 'as_hash_join' which will be used to join the arrayref. The only
699 argument required to force the stringification is 'as_hash_join'.
701 ### if this returns the following
702 my $hash = $err_obj->as_hash;
703 # $hash looks like
704 # {key1_error => ['error1', 'error2']}
706 ### then this would return the following
707 my $hash = $err_obj->as_hash({
708 as_hash_suffix => '_foo',
709 as_hash_join => '<br />',
710 as_hash_header => '<span class="error">'
711 as_hash_footer => '</span>'
712 });
713 # $hash looks like
714 # {key1_foo => '<span class="error">error1<br />error2</span>'}
717 Any key in a validation hash matching the pattern m/^(group⎪gen‐
718 eral)\s+(\w+)$/ is considered a group option (the reason that either
719 group or general may be used is that CGI::Ex::Validate used to have the
720 concept of validation groups - these were not commonly used so support
721 has been deprecated as of the 2.10 release). Group options will also
722 be looked for in the Validate object ($self) and can be set when
723 instantiating the object ($self->{raise_error} is equivalent to $val‐
724 hash->{'group raise_error'}). The current know options are:
726 Options may also be set globally before calling validate by populating
727 the %DEFAULT_OPTIONS global hash.
729 "title"
730 Used as a group section heading when as_array or as_string is
731 called by the error object.
733 'group title' => 'Title of errors',
735 "order"
736 Order in which to validate key/value pairs of group.
738 'group order' => [qw(user pass email OR phone)],
740 "fields"
741 Arrayref of validation items to validate.
743 'group fields' => [{
744 field => 'field1',
745 required => 1,
746 }, {
747 field => 'field2',
748 required => 1,
749 }],
751 "validate_if"
752 If specified - the entire hashref will only be validated if the
753 "if" conditions are met.
755 'group validate_if => {field => 'email', required => 1},
757 This group would only validate all fields if the email field was
758 present.
760 "raise_error"
761 If raise_error is true, any call to validate that fails validation
762 will die with an error object as the value.
764 "no_extra_fields"
765 If no_extra_fields is true, validate will add errors for any field
766 found in form that does not have a field_val hashref in the valida‐
767 tion hash. Default is false. If no_extra_fields is set to 'used',
768 it will check for any keys that were not in a group that was vali‐
769 dated.
771 An important exception to this is that field_val hashrefs or field
772 names listed in a validate_if or required_if statement will not be
773 included. You must have an explicit entry for each key.
775 "\w+_error"
776 These items allow for an override of the default errors.
778 'group required_error' => '$name is really required',
779 'group max_len_error' => '$name must be shorter than $value characters',
780 # OR #
781 my $self = CGI::Ex::Validate->new({
782 max_len_error => '$name must be shorter than $value characters',
783 });
785 "as_array_title"
786 Used as the section title for all errors that occur, when as_array
787 or as_string is called by the error object.
789 "as_array_prefix"
790 Used as prefix to individual errors that occur, when as_array or
791 as_string is called by the error object. Each individual error
792 will be prefixed with this string. Headings will not be prefixed.
793 Default is ' '.
795 "as_string_join"
796 When as_string is called, the values from as_array will be joined
797 with as_string_join. Default value is "\n".
799 "as_string_header"
800 If set, will be pre-pended onto the string when as_string is
801 called.
803 "as_string_footer"
804 If set, will be pre-pended onto the string when as_string is
805 called.
807 "as_hash_suffix"
808 Added on to key names during the call to as_hash. Default is
809 '_error'.
811 "as_hash_join"
812 By default, as_hash will return hashref values that are errors
813 joined with the default as_hash_join value of <br />. It can also
814 return values that are arrayrefs of the errors. This can be done
815 by setting as_hash_join to a non-true value (for example '')
817 "as_hash_header"
818 If as_hash_join has been set to a true value, as_hash_header may be
819 set to a string that will be pre-pended on to the error string.
821 "as_hash_footer"
822 If as_hash_join has been set to a true value, as_hash_footer may be
823 set to a string that will be postpended on to the error string.
825 "no_inline"
826 If set to true, the javascript validation will not attempt to gen‐
827 erate inline errors. Default is true. Inline errors are indepen‐
828 dent of confirm and alert errors.
830 'general no_inline' => 1,
832 "no_confirm"
833 If set to true, the javascript validation will try to use an alert
834 instead of a confirm to inform the user of errors. Alert and con‐
835 firm are independent or inline errors. Default is false.
837 'general no_confirm' => 1,
839 "no_alert"
840 If set to true, the javascript validation will not show an alert
841 box when errors occur. Default is false. This option only comes
842 into play if no_confirm is also set. This option is independent of
843 inline errors. Although it is possible to turn off all errors by
844 setting no_inline, no_confirm, and no_alert all to 1, it is sug‐
845 gested that at least one of the error reporting facilities is left
846 on.
848 'general no_alert' => 1,
851 CGI::Ex::Validate provides for having duplicate validation on the
852 client side as on the server side. Errors can be shown in any combina‐
853 tion of inline and confirm, inline and alert, inline only, confirm
854 only, alert only, and none. These combinations are controlled by the
855 group options no_inline, no_confirm, and no_alert. Javascript valida‐
856 tion can be generated for a page using the "->generate_js" Method of
857 CGI::Ex::Validate. It is also possible to store the validation inline
858 with the html. This can be done by giving each of the elements to be
859 validated an attribute called "validation", or by setting a global
860 javascript variable called "document.validation" or "var validation".
861 An html file containing this validation will be read in using
862 CGI::Ex::Conf::read_handler_html.
864 All inline html validation must be written in yaml.
866 It is anticipated that the html will contain something like either of
867 the following examples:
869 <script src="/cgi-bin/js/CGI/Ex/yaml_load.js"></script>
870 <script src="/cgi-bin/js/CGI/Ex/validate.js"></script>
871 <script>
872 // \n\ allows all browsers to view this as a single string
873 document.validation = "\n\
874 general no_confirm: 1\n\
875 general no_alert: 1\n\
876 group order: [username, password]\n\
877 username:\n\
878 required: 1\n\
879 max_len: 20\n\
880 password:\n\
881 required: 1\n\
882 max_len: 30\n\
883 ";
884 if (document.check_form) document.check_form('my_form_name');
885 </script>
887 Alternately we can use element attributes:
889 <form name="my_form_name">
891 Username: <input type=text size=20 name=username validation="
892 required: 1
893 max_len: 20
894 "><br>
895 <span class=error id=username_error>[% username_error %]</span><br>
897 Password: <input type=text size=20 name=password validation="
898 required: 1
899 max_len: 30
900 "><br>
901 <span class=error id=password_error>[% password_error %]</span><br>
903 <input type=submit>
905 </form>
907 <script src="/cgi-bin/js/CGI/Ex/yaml_load.js"></script>
908 <script src="/cgi-bin/js/CGI/Ex/validate.js"></script>
909 <script>
910 if (document.check_form) document.check_form('my_form_name');
911 </script>
913 The read_handler_html from CGI::Ex::Conf will find either of these
914 types of validation.
916 If inline errors are asked for, each error that occurs will attempt to
917 find an html element with its name as the id. For example, if the
918 field "username" failed validation and created a "username_error", the
919 javascript would set the html of <span id="username_error"></span> to
920 the error message.
922 It is suggested to use something like the following so that you can
923 have inline javascript validation as well as report validation errors
924 from the server side as well.
926 <span class=error id=password_error>[% password_error %]</span><br>
928 If the javascript fails for some reason, the form should still be able
929 to submit as normal (fail gracefully).
931 If the confirm option is used, the errors will be displayed to the
932 user. If they choose OK they will be able to try and fix the errors.
933 If they choose cancel, the form will submit anyway and will rely on the
934 server to do the validation. This is for fail safety to make sure that
935 if the javascript didn't validate correctly, the user can still submit
936 the data.
939 Thanks to Eamon Daly for providing bug fixes for bugs in validate.js
940 caused by HTML::Prototype.
943 This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
946 Paul Seamons <perl at seamons dot com>
950perl v5.8.8 2007-10-18 CGI::Ex::Validate(3)