1Class::AutoClass(3)   User Contributed Perl Documentation  Class::AutoClass(3)


6           1) get and set methods for simple attributes can be automatically
7           generated
9           2) argument lists are handled as described below
11           3) the protocol for object creation and initialization is close to
12           the 'textbook' approach generally suggested for object-oriented Perl
13           (see below)
15           4) object initialization is handled correctly in the presence of multiple inheritance
17           @AUTO_ATTRIBUTES is a list of 'attribute' names: get and set methods
18           are created for each attribute.  By default, the name of the method
19           is identical to the attribute (but see $CASE below).  Values of
20           attributes can be set via the 'new' constructor, %DEFAULTS, or the
21           'set' method as discussed below.
23           @CLASS_ATTRIBUTES is a list of class attributes: get and set methods
24           are created for each attribute. By default, the name of the method
25           is identical to the attribute (but see $CASE below). Values of
26           attributes can be set via the 'new' constructor, %DEFAULTS (initialized
27           at "declare time" (when the declare function is called) versus instance
28           attributes, which are of course initialized at runtime), standard
29           class variable access syntax ($PackageName::AttributeName), or the
30           'set' method as discussed below. Normal inheritance rules apply to
31           class attributes (but of course, instances of the same class share
32               the same class variable).
34           @OTHER_ATTRIBUTES is a list of attributes for which get and set
35           methods are NOT generated, but whose values can be set via the 'new'
36           constructor or the 'set' method as discussed below.
38           %SYNONYMS is a hash that defines synonyms for attribues. Each entry
39           is of the form 'new_attribute_name'=>'old_attribute_name'. get and
40           set methods are generated for the new names; these methods simply
41           call the method for the old name.
43           %DEFAULTS is a hash that defines default values for attributes. Each
44           entry is of the form 'attribute_name'=>'default_value'. get and
45           set methods are generated for each attributes.
47           $CASE controls whether additional methods are generated with all
48           upper or all lower case names.  It should be a string containing the
49           strings 'upper' or 'lower' (case insenstive) if the desired case is
50           desired.
52           The declare function actually generates the method.
53           This should be called once and no where else.
55           AutoClass must be the first class in @ISA !! As usual, you create
56           objects by calling 'new'. Since AutoClass is the first class in @ISA,
57           it's 'new' method is the one that's called.  AutoClass's 'new'
58       examines the rest of @ISA and searches for a superclass that is
59       capable of creating the object.  If no such superclass is found,
60       AutoClass creates the object itself.  Once the object is created,
61       AutoClass arranges to have all subclasses run their initialization
62       methods (_init_self) in a top-down order.
64       Argument Processing
66       We support positional and keyword argument lists, but we strongly urge
67       that each method pick one form or the other, as the combination is
68       inherently ambiguous (see below).
70       Consider a method, foo, that takes two arguments, a first name and a
71       last_name name.  The positional form might be
73         $object->foo('Nat', 'Goodman')
75       while the keyword form might be
77         $object->foo(first_name=>'Nat', last_name=>'Goodman')
79       In keyword form, keywords are insensitive to case and leading dashes:
80       the keywords
82         first_name, -first_name, -FIRST_NAME, --FIRST_NAME, First_Name, -First_Name
84       are all equivalent.  Internally, for those who care, our convention is
85       to use uppercase, un-dashed keys for the attributes of an object.
87       We convert repeated keyword arguments into an ARRAY ref of the values.
88       Thus:
90         $object->foo(first_name=>'Nat', first_name=>'Nathan')
92       is equivalent to
94         $object->foo(first_name=>['Nat', 'Nathan'])
96       Keyword arguments can be specified via ARRAY or HASH refs which are
97       dereferenced back to their elements, e.g.,
99         $object->foo([first_name=>'Nat', last_name=>'Goodman'])
101         $object->foo({first_name=>'Nat', last_name=>'Goodman'})
103       are both equivalent to
105         $object->foo(first_name=>'Nat', last_name=>'Goodman')
107       We can get away with this, because we encourage method writers to
108       choose between positional and keyword argument lists.  If a method uses
109       positional arguments, it will interpret
111         $object->foo($array)
113       as a call that is setting the first_name parameter to $array, while if
114       it uses keyword arguments, it will dereference the array to a list of
115       keyword, value pairs.
117       We also allow the argument list to be an object.  This is often used in
118       new to accomplish what a C++ programmer would call a cast.  In simple
119       cases, the object is just treated as a HASH ref and its attributes are
120       passed to a the method as keyword, value pairs.
122       Why the Combination of Positional and Keyword Forms is Ambiguous
124       The keyword => value notation is just a Perl shorthand for stating two
125       list members with the first one quoted.  Thus,
127         $object->foo(first_name=>'Nat', last_name=>'Goodman')
129       is completely equivalent to
131         $object->foo('first_name', 'Nat', 'last_name', 'Goodman')
133       The ambiguity of allowing both positional and keyword forms should now
134       be apparent. In this example,
136         $object->foo('first_name', 'Nat')
138       there is s no way to tell whether the program is calling foo with the
139       first_name parameter set to the value 'first_name' and the last_name
140       parameter set to 'Nat', vs. calling foo with the first_name parameter
141       set to 'Nat' and the last_name parameter left undefined.
143       If a program wishes to permit both forms, we suggest that keywords be
144       required to start with '-' (and that values do not start with '-').
145       Obviously, this is not fully general. We provide a method, _is_posi‐
146       tional, that checks this convention. Subclasses are free to ignore
147       this.
149       Protocol for Object Creation and Initializaton
151       We expect objects to be created by invoking new on its class.  For
152       example
154         $object = new SomeClass(first=>'Nat', last=>'Goodman')
156       To correctly initialize objects that participate in multiple inheri‐
157       tance, we use a technqiue described in Chapter 10 of Paul Fenwick's
158       excellent
159           tutorial on Object Oriented Perl (see http://perltrain
160       ing.com.au/notes/perloo.pdf).  (We experimented with Damian Conway's
161       interesting NEXT pseudo-pseudo-class discussed in Chapter 11 of Fen‐
162       wick's tutorial
163        available in CPAN at http://search.cpan.org/author/DCON
164       WAY/NEXT-0.50/lib/NEXT.pm,
165        but could not get it to traverse the inheritance structure in the cor‐
166       rect,
167        top-down order.)
169           AutoClass class provides a 'new' method that expects a keyword argument
170           list.  This method processes the argument list as discussed in
171           L<Argument Processing>: it figures out the syntactic form (list of
172                                                                      keyword, value pairs, vs. ARRAY ref vs. HASH ref, etc.).  It then
173           converts the argument list into a canonical form, which is a list of
174           keyword, value pairs with all keywords uppercased and de-dashed.  Once
175           the argument list is in this form, subsequent code treats it as a HASH
176           ref.
178       AutoClass::new initializes the object's class structure from top to
179       bottom, and is careful to initialize each class exactly once even in
180       the presence of multiple inheritance.  The net effect is that objects
181       are initialized top-down as expected; a subclass object can assume that
182       all superior classes are initialized by the time subclass initializa‐
183       tion occurs.
185       AutoClass automatically initializes attributes and synonyms declared
186       when the class is defined.  If additional initialization is required,
187       the class writer can provide an _init_self method.  _init_self is
188       called after all superclasses are initialized and after the automatic
189       initialization for the class has been done.
191       AutoClass initializes attributes and synonyms by calling the set meth‐
192       ods for these elements with the like-named parameter -- it does not
193       simply slam the parameter into a slot in the object''s HASH.  This
194       allows the class writer implement non-standard initialization within
195       the set method.
197       The main case where a subclass needs its own 'new' method is if it
198       wishes to allow positional arguments. In this case, the subclass 'new'
199       is responsible for is responsible for recognizing that positional argu‐
200       ments are being used (if the class permits keyword arguments also), and
201       converting the positional arguments into keyword, value form.  At this
202       point, the method can simply call AutoClass::new with the converted
203       argument list.
205       The subclass should not generally call SUPER::new as this would force
206       redundant argument processing in any super-class that also has its own
207       new.  It would also force the super-class new to be smart enough to
208       handle positional as well as keyword parameters, which as we've noted
209           is inherently ambiguous.
211           =head1 KNOWN BUGS AND CAVEATS
213           This is still a work in progress.
215           =head2 Bugs, Caveats, and ToDos
217           1) There is no way to manipulate the arguments that are sent to the
218           real base class. There should be a way to specify a subroutine that
219           reformats these if needed.
221           2) DESTROY not handled
223           3) Autogeneration of methods is hand crafted.  It may be better to
224           use Class::MakeMethods or Damian Conway's Multimethod class for
225         doing signature-based method dispatch
227         4) Caveat: In order to specify that a class that uses AutoClass should return
228         undef (versus an uninitialized (but blessed) object), one need to set:
229         $self->{__NULLIFY__}=1;

AUTHOR - Nat Goodman

232       Email natg@shore.net

MAINTAINER - Christopher Cavnor

235       Email ccavnor@systemsbiology.net
238       Copyright (c) 2003 Institute for Systems Biology (ISB). All Rights
239       Reserved.
241       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
242       under the same terms as Perl itself.


245       The rest of the documentation describes the methods.  Note that inter‐
246       nal methods are preceded with _
248       new
250        Title   : new
251        Usage   : $object=new Foo(first_name=>'Nat', last_name=>'Goodman')
252                  where Foo is a subclass of AutoClass
253        Function: Create and initialize object
254        Returns : New object of class $class
255        Args    : Any arguments needed by subclasses
256                -->> Arguments must be in keyword form.  See DESCRIPTION for more.
257        Notes   : Tries to invoke superclass to actually create the object
259       _init
261        Title   : _init
262        Usage   : $self->_init($class,$args)
263        Function: Initialize new object
264        Returns : nothing useful
265        Args    : $class -- lexical (static) class being initialized, not the
266                  actual (dynamic) class of $self
267                  $arg -- argument list in canonical keyword form
268        Notes   : Adapted from Chapter 10 of Paul Fenwick''s excellent tutorial on
269                  Object Oriented Perl (see http://perltraining.com.au/notes/perloo.pdf).
271       set
273        Title   : set
274        Usage   : $self->set(-first_name=>'Nat',-last_name=>'Goodman')
275        Function: Set multiple attributes in existing object
276        Args    : Parameter list in same format as for new
277        Returns : nothing
279       set_attributes
281        Title   : set_attributes
282        Usage   : $self->set_attributes([qw(first_name last_name)],$args)
283        Function: Set multiple attributes from a Class::AutoClass::Args object
284                  Any attribute value that is present in $args is set
285        Args    : ARRAY ref of attributes
286                  Class::AutoClass::Args object
287        Returns : nothing
289       get
291        Title   : get
292        Usage   : ($first,$last)=$self->get(qw(-first_name,-last_name))
293        Function: Get values for multiple attributes
294        Args    : Attribute names
295        Returns : List of attribute values
299        Title   : AUTO_ATTRIBUTES
300        Usage   : @auto_attributes=AUTO_ATTRIBUTES('SubClass')
301                  @auto_attributes=$self->AUTO_ATTRIBUTES();
302        Function: Get @AUTO_ATTRIBUTES for lexical class.
303                  @AUTO_ATTRIBUTES is defined by class writer. These are attributes for which get and set methods
304                  are automatically generated.  _init automatically
305                  initializes these attributes from like-named parameters in
306                  the argument list
307        Args : class
311        Title   : OTHER_ATTRIBUTES
312        Usage   : @other_attributes=OTHER_ATTRIBUTES('SubClass')
313                  @other_attributes=$self->OTHER_ATTRIBUTES();
314        Function: Get @OTHER_ATTRIBUTES for lexical class.
315                  @OTHER_ATTRIBUTES is defined by class writer. These are attributes for which get and set methods
316                  are not automatically generated.  _init automatically
317                  initializes these attributes from like-named parameters in
318                  the argument list
319        Args : class
321       SYNONYMS
323        Title   : SYNONYMS
324        Usage   : %synonyms=SYNONYMS('SubClass')
325                  %synonyms=$self->SYNONYMS();
326        Function: Get %SYNONYMS for lexical class.
327                  %SYNONYMS is defined by class writer. These are alternate names for attributes generally
328                  defined in superclasses.  get and set methods are
329                  automatically generated.  _init automatically initializes
330                  these attributes from like-named parameters in the argument
331                  list
332        Args : class
334       declare
336        Title   : declare
337        Usage   : @AUTO_ATTRIBUTES=qw(sex address dob);
338                  @OTHER_ATTRIBUTES=qw(age);
339                  %SYNONYMS=(name=>'id');
340                      AutoClass::declare(__PACKAGE__,'lower⎪upper');
341        Function: Generate get and set methods for simple attributes and synonyms.
342                  Method names are identical to the attribute names including case
343        Returns : nothing
344        Args    : lexical class being created -- should always be __PACKAGE__
345                  ARRAY ref of attributes
346                  HASH ref of synonyms. Keys are new names, values are old
347                  code that indicates whether method should also be generated
348                   with all lower or upper case names
350       _enumerate
352        Title   : _enumerate
353        Usage   : _enumerate($class);
354        Function: locates classes that have a callable constructor
355        Args    : a class reference
356        Returns : list of internal classes, a class with a callable constructor
358       _fix_args
360        Title   : _fix_args
361        Usage   : $args=_fix_args(-name=>'Nat',-name=>Goodman,address=>'Seattle')
362                  $args=$self->_fix_args(@args)
364        Function: Convert argument list into canonical form.  This is a HASH ref in
365                  which keys are uppercase with no leading dash, and repeated
366                  keyword arguments are merged into an ARRAY ref.  In the
367                  example above, the argument list would be converted to this
368                  hash
369                     (NAME=>['Nat', 'Goodman'],ADDRESS=>'Seattle')
370        Returns : argument list in canonical form
371        Args    : argument list in any keyword form
373       _fix_keyword
375        Title   : _fix_keyword
376        Usage   : $keyword=_fix_keyword('-name')
377                  @keywords=_fix_keyword('-name','-address');
378        Function: Convert a keyword or list of keywords into canonical form. This
379                  is uppercase with no leading dash.  In the example above,
380                  '-name' would be converted to 'NAME'. Non-scalars are left
381                  unchanged.
382        Returns : keyword or list of keywords in canonical form
383        Args : keyword or list of keywords
385       _set_attributes
387        Title   : _set_attributes
388        Usage   :   my %synonyms=SYNONYMS($class);
389                    my $attributes=[AUTO_ATTRIBUTES($class),
390                                    OTHER_ATTRIBUTES($class),
391                                    keys %synonyms];
392                    $self->_set_attributes($attributes,$args);
393        Function: Set a list of simple attributes from a canonical argument list
394        Returns : nothing
395        Args    : $attributes -- ARRAY ref of attributes to be set
396                  $args -- argument list in canonical keyword (hash) form
397        Notes   : The function calls the set method for each attribute passing
398                  it the like-named parameter from the argument list
400       _is_positional
402        Title   : _is_positional
403        Usage  : if (_is_positional(@args)) {
404                    ($arg1,$arg2,$arg3)=@args;
405                  }
406        Function: Checks whether an argument list conforms to our convention
407                  for positional arguments. The function returns true if
408                  (1) the argument list has an odd number of elements, or
409                  (2) the first argument starts with a dash ('-').
410                  Obviously, this is not fully general.
411        Returns : boolean
412        Args    : argument list
413        Notes   : As explained in DESCRIPTION, we recommend that methods not
414                  support both positional and keyford argument lists, as this
415                  is inherently ambiguous.
416        BUGS    : NOT YET TESTED in this version
418       set_class_defaults
420        Title   : set_class_defaults
421        Usage   : $self->set_class_defaults($attributes,$class,$args);
422        Function: Set default values for class argument
423        Args    : reference to the class and a Class::AutoClass::Args object
424                  which contains the arguments to set
425        Returns : nothing
429perl v5.8.8                       2006-04-06               Class::AutoClass(3)