1Maypole::Manual::CookboUoske(r3)Contributed Perl DocumenMtaaytpioolne::Manual::Cookbook(3)


6       Maypole::Manual::Cookbook - Maypole Cookbook


9       Hacks; design patterns; recipes: call it what you like, this chapter is
10       a developing collection of techniques which can be slotted in to May‐
11       pole applications to solve common problems or make the development
12       process easier.
14       As Maypole developers, we don't necessarily know the "best practice"
15       for developing Maypole applications ourselves, in the same way that
16       Larry Wall didn't know all about the best Perl programming style as
17       soon as he wrote Perl. These techniques are what we're using at the
18       moment, but they may be refined, modularized, or rendered irrelevant
19       over time. But they've certainly saved us a bunch of hours work.
21       Frontend hacks
23       These hacks deal with changing the way Maypole relates to the outside
24       world; alternate front-ends to the Apache and CGI interfaces, or sub‐
25       classing chunks of the front-end modules to alter Maypole's behaviour
26       in particular ways.
28       Separate model class modules
30       You want to put all the "BeerDB::Beer" routines in a separate module,
31       so you say:
33           package BeerDB::Beer;
34           BeerDB::Beer->has_a(brewery => "BeerDB::Brewery");
35           sub foo :Exported {}
37       And in BeerDB.pm, you put:
39           use BeerDB::Beer;
41       It doesn't work.
43       Solution: It doesn't work because of the timing of the module loading.
44       "use BeerDB::Beer" will try to set up the "has_a" relationships at com‐
45       pile time, when the database tables haven't even been set up, since
46       they're set up by
48           BeerDB->setup("...")
50       which does its stuff at runtime. There are two ways around this; you
51       can either move the "setup" call to compile time, like so:
53           BEGIN { BeerDB->setup("...") }
55       or move the module loading to run-time (my preferred solution):
57           BeerDB->setup("...");
58           BeerDB::Beer->require;
60       Redirecting to SSL for sensitive information
62       You have a website with forms that people will be entering sensitive
63       information into, such as credit cards or login details. You want to
64       make sure that they aren't sent in plain text but over SSL instead.
66       Solution
68       The solution is a bit tricky for 2 reasons :
70       Firstly -- Many browsers and web clients will change a redirected POST
71       request into a GET request (which displays all that sensitive informa‐
72       tion in the browser, or access logs and possibly elsewhere) and/or
73       drops the values on the floor.
75       Secondly -- If somebody has sent that sensitive information in plain
76       text already, then sending it again over SSL won't solve the problem.
78       Redirecting a request is actually rather simple :
80       $r->redirect_request('https://www.example.com/path'); # perldoc Maypole
81       for API
83       .. as is checking the protocol :
85       $r->get_protocol(); # returns 'http' or 'https'
87       You should check that the action that generates the form that people
88       will enter the sensitive information into is https and redirect if not.
90       You should also check that no information is lost when redirecting,
91       possibly by storing it in a session and retrieving it later - see May‐
92       pole::Plugin::Session
94       Debugging with the command line
96       You're seeing bizarre problems with Maypole output, and you want to
97       test it in some place outside of the whole Apache/mod_perl/HTTP/Inter‐
98       net/browser circus.
100       Solution: Use the Maypole::CLI module to go directly from a URL to
101       standard output, bypassing Apache and the network altogether.
103       Maypole::CLI is not a standalone front-end, but to allow you to debug
104       your applications without having to change the front-end they use, it
105       temporarily "borgs" an application. If you run it from the command
106       line, you're expected to use it like so:
108           perl -MMaypole::CLI=Application -e1 'http://your.server/path/table/action'
110       For example:
112           perl -MMaypole::CLI=BeerDB -e1 'http://localhost/beerdb/beer/view/1?o2=desc'
114       You can also use the "Maypole::CLI" module programatically to create
115       test suites for your application. See the Maypole tests themselves or
116       the documentation to "Maypole::CLI" for examples of this.
118       Don't forget also to turn on debugging output in your application:
120           package BeerDB;
121           use strict;
122           use warnings;
123           use Maypole::Application qw(-Debug);
125       Changing how URLs are parsed
127       You don't like the way Maypole URLs look, and want something that
128       either fits in with the rest of your site or hides the internal work‐
129       ings of the system.
131       Solution: So far we've been using the "/table/action/id/args" form of a
132       URL as though it was "the Maypole way"; well, there is no Maypole way.
133       Maypole is just a framework and absolutely everything about it is over‐
134       ridable.
136       If we want to provide our own URL handling, the method to override in
137       the driver class is "parse_path". This is responsible for taking
138       "$r->path" and filling the "table", "action" and "args" slots of the
139       request object. Normally it does this just by splitting the path on
140       '"/"' characters, but you can do it any way you want, including getting
141       the information from "POST" form parameters or session variables.
143       For instance, suppose we want our URLs to be of the form "ProductDis‐
144       play.html?id=123", we could provide a "parse_path" method like so:
146           sub parse_path {
147               my $r = shift;
148               $r->path("ProductList.html") unless $r->path;
149               ($r->path =~ /^(.*?)([A-Z]\w+)\.html/);
150               $r->table(lc $1);
151               $r->action(lc $2);
152               my %query = $r->ar->args;
153               $self->args([ $query{id} ]);
154           }
156       This takes the path, which already has the query parameters stripped
157       off and parsed, and finds the table and action portions of the file‐
158       name, lower-cases them, and then grabs the "id" from the query. Later
159       methods will confirm whether or not these tables and actions exist.
161       See the iBuySpy Portal for another example of custom URL processing.
163       Maypole for mobile devices
165       You want Maypole to use different templates to display on particular
166       browsers.
168       Solution: There are several ways to do this, but here's the neatest
169       we've found. Maypole chooses where to get its templates either by look‐
170       ing at the "template_root" config parameter or, if this is not given,
171       calling the "get_template_root" method to ask the front-end to try to
172       work it out. We can give the front-end a little bit of help, by putting
173       this method in our driver class:
175           sub get_template_root {
176               my $r = shift;
177               my $browser = $r->headers_in->get('User-Agent');
178               if ($browser =~ /mobile⎪palm⎪nokia/i) {
179                   "/home/myapp/templates/mobile";
180               } else {
181                   "/home/myapp/templates/desktop";
182               }
183           }
185       (Maybe there's a better way to detect a mobile browser, but you get the
186       idea.)
188       Content display hacks
190       These hacks deal primarily with the presentation of data to the user,
191       modifying the view template or changing the way that the results of
192       particular actions are displayed.
194       Null Action
196       You need an "action" which doesn't really do anything, but just formats
197       up a template.
199       Solution: There are two ways to do this, depending on what precisely
200       you need. If you just need to display a template, "Apache::Template"
201       style, with no Maypole objects in it, then you don't need to write any
202       code; just create your template, and it will be available in the usual
203       way.
205       If, on the other hand, you want to display some data, and what you're
206       essentially doing is a variant of the "view" action, then you need to
207       ensure that you have an exported action, as described in the templates
208       and actions chapter:
210           sub my_view :Exported { }
212       Template Switcheroo
214       An action doesn't have any data of its own to display, but needs to
215       display something.
217       Solution: This is an extremely common hack. You've just issued an
218       action like "beer/do_edit", which updates the database. You don't want
219       to display a page that says "Record updated" or similar. Lesser appli‐
220       cation servers would issue a redirect to have the browser request
221       "/beer/view/id" instead, but we can actually modify the Maypole request
222       on the fly and, after doing the update, pretend that we were going to
223       "/beer/view/id" all along. We do this by setting the objects in the
224       "objects" slot and changing the "template" to the one we wanted to go
225       to.
227       In this example from Flox, we've just performed an "accept" method on a
228       "Flox::Invitation" object and we want to go back to viewing a user's
229       page.
231           sub accept :Exported {
232               my ($self, $r) = @_;
233               my $invitation = $r->objects->[0];
234               # [... do stuff to $invitation ...]
235               $r->objects([$r->user]);
236               $r->model_class("Flox::User");
237               $r->template("view");
238           }
240       This hack is so common that it's expected that there'll be a neater way
241       of doing this in the future.
243       XSLT
245       Here's a hack I've used a number of times. You want to store structured
246       data in a database and to abstract out its display.
248       Solution: You have your data as XML, because handling big chunks of XML
249       is a solved problem. Build your database schema as usual around the
250       important elements that you want to be able to search and browse on.
251       For instance, I have an XML format for songs which has a header section
252       of the key, title and so on, plus another section for the lyrics and
253       chords:
255           <song>
256               <header>
257                   <title>Layla</title>
258                   <artist>Derek and the Dominos</artist>
259                   <key>Dm</key>
260               </header>
261               <lyrics>
262                 <verse>...</verse>
263                 <chorus>
264                   <line> <sup>A</sup>Lay<sup>Dm</sup>la <sup>Bb</sup> </line>
265                   <line> <sup>C</sup>Got me on my <sup>Dm</sup>knees </line>
266                   ...
268       I store the title, artist and key in the database, as well as an "xml"
269       field which contains the whole song as XML.
271       To load the songs into the database, I can "use" the driver class for
272       my application, since that's a handy way of setting up the database
273       classes we're going to need to use. Then the handy XML::TreeBuilder
274       will handle the XML parsing for us:
276           use Songbook;
277           use XML::TreeBuilder;
278           my $t = XML::TreeBuilder->new;
279           $t->parse_file("songs.xml");
281           for my $song ($t->find("song")) {
282               my ($key) = $song->find("key"); $key &&= $key->as_text;
283               my ($title) = $song->find("title"); $title = $title->as_text;
284               my ($artist) = $song->find("artist"); $artist = $artist->as_text;
285               my ($first_line) = $song->find("line");
286               $first_line = join "", grep { !ref } $first_line->content_list;
287               $first_line =~ s/[,\.\?!]\s*$//;
288               Songbook::Song->find_or_create({
289                   title => $title,
290                   first_line => $first_line,
291                   song_key => Songbook::SongKey->find_or_create({name => $key}),
292                   artist => Songbook::Artist->find_or_create({name => $artist}),
293                   xml => $song->as_XML
294               });
295           }
297       Now we need to set up the custom display for each song; thankfully,
298       with the Template::Plugin::XSLT module, this is as simple as putting
299       the following into templates/song/view:
301           [%
302               USE transform = XSLT("song.xsl");
303               song.xml ⎪ $transform
304           %]
306       We essentially pipe the XML for the selected song through to an XSL
307       transformation, and this will fill out all the HTML we need. Job done.
309       Displaying pictures
311       You want to serve a picture, a Word document, or something else which
312       doesn't have a content type of "text/html", out of your database.
314       Solution: Fill the content and content-type yourself.
316       Here's a subroutine which displays the "photo" for either a specified
317       user or the currently logged in user. We set the "output" slot of the
318       Maypole request object: if this is done then the view class is not
319       called upon to process a template, since we already have some output to
320       display.  We also set the "content_type" using one from the database.
322           sub view_picture :Exported {
323               my ($self, $r) = @_;
324               my $user = $r->objects->[0];
325               $r->content_type($user->photo_type);
326               $r->output($user->photo);
327           }
329       Of course, the file doesn't necessarily need to be in the database
330       itself; if your file is stored in the filesystem, but you have a file
331       name or some other pointer in the database, you can still arrange for
332       the data to be fetched and inserted into "$r->output".
334       REST
336       You want to provide a programmatic interface to your Maypole site.
338       Solution: The best way to do this is with "REST", which uses a descrip‐
339       tive URL to encode the request. For instance, in Flox we describe a
340       social networking system. One neat thing you can do with social net‐
341       works is to use them for reputation tracking, and we can use that
342       information for spam detection. So if a message arrives from "per‐
343       son@someco.com", we want to know if they're in our network of friends
344       or not and mark the message appropriately. We'll do this by having a
345       web agent (say, WWW::Mechanize or LWP::UserAgent) request a URL of the
346       form "http://flox.simon-cozens.org/user/relationship_by_email/per
347       son%40someco.com".  Naturally, they'll need to present the appropriate
348       cookie just like a normal browser, but that's a solved problem. We're
349       just interested in the REST request.
351       The request will return a single integer status code: 0 if they're not
352       in the system at all, 1 if they're in the system, and 2 if they're our
353       friend.
355       All we need to do to implement this is provide the "relation‐
356       ship_by_email" action, and use it to fill in the output in the same way
357       as we did when displaying a picture. Since "person%40someco.com" is not
358       the ID of a row in the user table, it will appear in the "args" array:
360           use URI::Escape;
361           sub relationship_by_email :Exported {
362               my ($self, $r) = @_;
363               my $email = uri_unescape($r->args->[0]);
364               $r->content_type("text/plain");
365               my $user;
366               unless (($user) = Flox::User->search(email => $email)) {
367                   $r->content("0\n"); return;
368               }
370               if ($r->user->is_friend($user)) { $r->contenti("2\n"); return; };
371               $r->content("1\n"); return;
372           }
374       Component-based Pages
376       You're designing something like a portal site which has a number of
377       components, all displaying different bits of information about differ‐
378       ent objects. You want to include the output of one Maypole request call
379       while building up another.
381       Solution: Use Maypole::Plugin::Component. By inheriting like this:
383           package BeerDB;
384           use Maypole::Application qw(Component);
386       you can call the "component" method on the Maypole request object to
387       make a "sub-request". For instance, if you have a template
389           <DIV class="latestnews">
390           [% request.component("/news/latest_comp") %]
391           </DIV>
393           <DIV class="links">
394           [% request.component("/links/list_comp") %]
395           </DIV>
397       then the results of calling the "/news/latest_comp" action and template
398       will be inserted in the "latestnews" DIV, and the results of calling
399       "/links/list_comp" will be placed in the "links" DIV. Naturally, you're
400       responsible for exporting actions and creating templates which return
401       fragments of HTML suitable for inserting into the appropriate loca‐
402       tions.
404       Alternatively, if you've already got all the objects you need, you can
405       probably just "[% PROCESS %]" the templates directly.
407       Bailing out with an error
409       Maypole's error handling sucks. Something really bad has happened to
410       the current request, and you want to stop processing now and tell the
411       user about it.
413       Solution: Maypole's error handling sucks because you haven't written it
414       yet. Maypole doesn't know what you want to do with an error, so it
415       doesn't guess. One common thing to do is to display a template with an
416       error message in it somewhere.
418       Put this in your driver class:
420           sub error {
421               my ($r, $message) = @_;
422               $r->template("error");
423               $r->template_args->{error} = $message;
424               return OK;
425           }
427       And then have a custom/error template like so:
429           [% PROCESS header %]
430           <H2> There was some kind of error... </H2>
431           <P>
432           I'm sorry, something went so badly wrong, we couldn't recover. This
433           may help:
434           </P>
435           <DIV CLASS="messages"> [% error %] </DIV>
437       Now in your actions you can say things like this:
439           if (1 == 0) { return $r->error("Sky fell!") }
441       This essentially uses the template switcheroo hack to always display
442       the error template, while populating the template with an "error"
443       parameter.  Since you "return $r->error", this will terminate the pro‐
444       cessing of the current action.
446       The really, really neat thing about this hack is that since "error"
447       returns "OK", you can even use it in your "authenticate" routine:
449           sub authenticate {
450               my ($self, $r) = @_;
451               $r->get_user;
452               return $r->error("You do not exist. Go away.")
453                   if $r->user and $r->user->status ne "real";
454               ...
455           }
457       This will bail out processing the authentication, the model class, and
458       everything, and just skip to displaying the error message.
460       Non-showstopper errors or other notifications are best handled by tack‐
461       ing a "messages" template variable onto the request:
463           if ((localtime)[6] == 1) {
464               push @{$r->template_args->{messages}}, "Warning: Today is Monday";
465           }
467       Now custom/messages can contain:
469           [% IF messages %]
470           <DIV class="messages">
471           <UL>
472               [% FOR message = messages %]
473                  <LI> [% message %] </LI>
474               [% END %]
475           </UL>
476           </DIV>
477           [% END %]
479       And you can display messages to your user by adding "PROCESS messages"
480       at an appropriate point in your template; you may also want to use a
481       template switcheroo to ensure that you're displaying a page that has
482       the messages box in it.
484       Authentication and Authorization hacks
486       The next series of hacks deals with providing the concept of a "user"
487       for a site, and what you do with one when you've got one.
489       Logging In
491       You need the concept of a "current user".
493       Solution: Use something like Maypole::Plugin::Authentication::UserSes‐
494       sionCookie to authenticate a user against a user class and store a cur‐
495       rent user object in the request object.
497       "UserSessionCookie" provides the "get_user" method which tries to get a
498       user object, either based on the cookie for an already authenticated
499       session, or by comparing "user" and "password" form parameters against
500       a "user" table in the database. Its behaviour is highly customizable
501       and described in its documentation.
503       Pass-through login
505       You want to intercept a request from a non-logged-in user and have them
506       log in before sending them on their way to wherever they were origi‐
507       nally going. Override "Maypole::authenticate" in your driver class,
508       something like this:
510       Solution:
512           use Maypole::Constants; # Otherwise it will silently fail!
514           sub authenticate {
515               my ($self, $r) = @_;
516               $r->get_user;
517               return OK if $r->user;
518               # Force them to the login page.
519               $r->template("login");
520               return OK;
521           }
523       This will display the "login" template, which should look something
524       like this:
526           [% INCLUDE header %]
528             <h2> You need to log in </h2>
530           <DIV class="login">
531           [% IF login_error %]
532              <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"> [% login_error %] </FONT>
533           [% END %]
534             <FORM ACTION="[% base ; '/' ; request.path %]" METHOD="post">
535           Username:
536               <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="[% config.auth.user_field ⎪⎪ "user" %]"><BR>
537           Password: <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password"> <BR>
538           <INPUT TYPE="submit">
539           </FORM>
540           </DIV>
541           [% INCLUDE footer %]
543       Notice that this request gets "POST"ed back to wherever it came from,
544       using "request.path". This is because if the user submits correct cre‐
545       dentials, "get_user" will now return a valid user object, and the
546       request will pass through unhindered to the original URL.
548       Logging Out
550       Now your users are logged in, you want a way of having them log out
551       again and taking the authentication cookie away from them, sending them
552       back to the front page as an unprivileged user.
554       Solution: Just call the "logout" method of "Maypole::Plugin::Authenti‐
555       cation::UserSessionCookie". You may also want to use the template
556       switcheroo hack to send them back to the frontpage.
558       Multi-level Authorization
560       You have both a global site access policy (for instance, requiring a
561       user to be logged in except for certain pages) and a policy for partic‐
562       ular tables. (Only allowing an admin to delete records in some tables,
563       say, or not wanting people to get at the default set of methods pro‐
564       vided by the model class.)
566       You don't know whether to override the global "authenticate" method or
567       provide one for each class.
569       Solution: Do both.  Maypole checks whether there is an "authenticate"
570       method for the model class (e.g. BeerDB::Beer) and if so calls that. If
571       there's no such method, it calls the default global "authenticate"
572       method in "Maypole", which always succeeds. You can override the global
573       method as we saw above, and you can provide methods in the model
574       classes.
576       To use per-table access control you can just add methods to your model
577       subclasses that specify individual policies, perhaps like this:
579           sub authenticate { # Ensure we can only create, reject or accept
580               my ($self, $r) = @_;
581               return OK if $r->action =~ /^(issue⎪accept⎪reject⎪do_edit)$/;
582               return; # fail if any other action
583           }
585       If you define a method like this, the global "authenticate" method will
586       not be called, so if you want it to be called you need to do so explic‐
587       itly:
589           sub authenticate { # Ensure we can only create, reject or accept
590               my ($self, $r) = @_;
591               return unless $r->authenticate($r) == OK; # fail if not logged in
592               # now it's safe to use $r->user
593               return OK if $r->action =~ /^(accept⎪reject)$/
594                   or ($r->user eq 'fred' and $r->action =~ /^(issue⎪do_edit)$/);
595               return; # fail if any other action
596           }
598       Creating and editing hacks
600       These hacks particularly deal with issues related to the "do_edit"
601       built-in action.
603       Limiting data for display
605       You want the user to be able to type in some text that you're later
606       going to display on the site, but you don't want them to stick images
607       in it, launch cross-site scripting attacks or otherwise insert messy
608       HTML.
610       Solution: Use the CGI::Untaint::html module to sanitize the HTML on
611       input. "CGI::Untaint::html" uses HTML::Sanitizer to ensure that tags
612       are properly closed and can restrict the use of certain tags and
613       attributes to a pre-defined list.
615       Simply replace:
617           App::Table->untaint_columns(
618               text      => [qw/name description/]
619           );
621       with:
623           App::Table->untaint_columns(
624               html      => [qw/name description/]
625           );
627       And incoming HTML will be checked and cleaned before it is written to
628       the database.
630       Getting data from external sources
632       You want to supplement the data received from a form with additional
633       data from another source.
635       Solution: Munge the contents of " $r->params " before jumping to the
636       original "do_edit" routine. For instance, in this method, we use a
637       Net::Amazon object to fill in some fields of a database row based on an
638       ISBN:
640           use Net::Amazon;
641           my $amazon = Net::Amazon->new(token => 'YOUR_AMZN_TOKEN');
643           ...
645           sub create_from_isbn :Exported {
646              my ($self, $r) = @_;
647              my $book_info = $amazon->search(asin => $r->params->{isbn})->properties;
649              # Rewrite the CGI parameters with the ones from Amazon
650              $r->params->{title} = $book_info->title;
651              $r->params->{publisher} = $book_info->publisher;
652              $r->params->{year} = $book_info->year;
653              $r->params->{author} = join('and', $book_info->authors());
655              # And jump to the usual edit/create routine
656              $self->do_edit($r);
657           }
659       The request will carry on as though it were a normal "do_edit" POST,
660       but with the additional fields we have provided.  You might also want
661       to add a template switcheroo so the user can verify the details you
662       imported.
664       Catching errors in a form
666       A user has submitted erroneous input to an edit/create form. You want
667       to send him back to the form with errors displayed against the erro‐
668       neous fields, but have the other fields maintain the values that the
669       user submitted.
671       Solution: This is basically what the default "edit" template and
672       "do_edit" method conspire to do, but it's worth highlighting again how
673       they work.
675       If there are any errors, these are placed in a hash, with each error
676       keyed to the erroneous field. The hash is put into the template as
677       "errors", and we process the same edit template again:
679               $r->template_args->{errors} = \%errors;
680               $r->template("edit");
682       This throws us back to the form, and so the form's template should take
683       note of the errors, like so:
685            FOR col = classmetadata.columns;
686               NEXT IF col == "id";
687               "<P>";
688               "<B>"; classmetadata.colnames.$col; "</B>";
689               ": ";
690                   item.to_field(col).as_HTML;
691               "</P>";
692               IF errors.$col;
693                   "<FONT COLOR=\"#ff0000\">"; errors.$col; "</FONT>";
694               END;
695           END;
697       If we're designing our own templates, instead of using generic ones, we
698       can make this process a lot simpler. For instance:
700           <TR><TD>
701           First name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="forename">
702           </TD>
703           <TD>
704           Last name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="surname">
705           </TD></TR>
707           [% IF errors.forename OR errors.surname %]
708               <TR>
709               <TD><SPAN class="error">[% errors.forename %]</SPAN> </TD>
710               <TD><SPAN class="error">[% errors.surname %]</SPAN> </TD>
711               </TR>
712           [% END %]
714       The next thing we want to do is to put the originally-submitted values
715       back into the form. We can do this relatively easily because Maypole
716       passes the Maypole request object to the form, and the POST parameters
717       are going to be stored in a hash as "request.params". Hence:
719           <TR><TD>
720           First name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="forename"
721           VALUE="[%request.params.forename%]">
722           </TD>
723           <TD>
724           Last name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="surname"
725           VALUE="[%request.params.surname%]">
726           </TD></TR>
728       Finally, we might want to only re-fill a field if it is not erroneous,
729       so that we don't get the same bad input resubmitted. This is easy
730       enough:
732           <TR><TD>
733           First name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="forename"
734           VALUE="[%request.params.forename UNLESS errors.forename%]">
735           </TD>
736           <TD>
737           Last name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="surname"
738           VALUE="[%request.params.surname UNLESS errors.surname%]">
739           </TD></TR>
741       Uploading files and other data
743       You want the user to be able to upload files to store in the database.
745       Solution: It's messy.
747       First, we set up an upload form, in an ordinary dummy action. Here's
748       the action:
750           sub upload_picture : Exported {}
752       And here's the custom/upload_picture template:
754           <FORM action="/user/do_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
756           <P> Please provide a picture in JPEG, PNG or GIF format:
757           </P>
758           <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="picture">
759           <BR>
760           <INPUT TYPE="submit">
761           </FORM>
763       (Although you'll probably want a bit more HTML around it than that.)
765       Now we need to write the "do_upload" action. At this point we have to
766       get a little friendly with the front-end system. If we're using
767       Apache::Request, then the "upload" method of the "Apache::Request"
768       object (which Apache::MVC helpfully stores in "$r->{ar}") will work for
769       us:
771           sub do_upload :Exported {
772               my ($class, $r) = @_;
773               my $user = $r->user;
774               my $upload = $r->ar->upload("picture");
776       This returns a Apache::Upload object, which we can query for its con‐
777       tent type and a file handle from which we can read the data. It's also
778       worth checking the image isn't going to be too massive before we try
779       reading it and running out of memory, and that the content type is
780       something we're prepared to deal with.
782           if ($upload) {
783               my $ct = $upload->info("Content-type");
784               return $r->error("Unknown image file type $ct")
785                   if $ct !~ m{image/(jpeg⎪gif⎪png)};
786               return $r->error("File too big! Maximum size is ".MAX_IMAGE_SIZE)
787                   if $upload->size > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE;
789               my $fh = $upload->fh;
790               my $image = do { local $/; <$fh> };
792       Don't forget "binmode()" in there if you're on a platform that needs
793       it.  Now we can store the content type and data into our database,
794       store it into a file, or whatever:
796               $r->user->photo_type($ct);
797               $r->user->photo($image);
798           }
800       And finally, we use our familiar template switcheroo hack to get back
801       to a useful page:
803               $r->objects([ $user ]);
804               $r->template("view");
805           }
807       Now, as we've mentioned, this only works because we're getting familiar
808       with "Apache::Request" and its "Apache::Upload" objects. If we're using
809       CGI::Maypole instead, we can write the action in a similar style:
811           sub do_upload :Exported {
812               my ($class, $r) = @_;
813               my $user = $r->user;
814               my $cgi = $r->cgi;
815               if ($cgi->upload == 1) { # if there was one file uploaded
816                   my $filename = $cgi->param('picture');
817                   my $ct = $cgi->upload_info($filename, 'mime');
818                   return $r->error("Unknown image file type $ct")
819                       if $ct !~ m{image/(jpeg⎪gif⎪png)};
820                   return $r->error("File too big! Maximum size is ".MAX_IMAGE_SIZE)
821                       if $cgi->upload_info($filename, 'size') > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE;
822                   my $fh = $cgi->upload($filename);
823                   my $image = do { local $/; <$fh> };
824                   $r->user->photo_type($ct);
825                   $r->user->photo($image);
826               }
828               $r->objects([ $user ]);
829               $r->template("view");
830           }
832       It's easy to adapt this to upload multiple files if desired.  You will
833       also need to enable uploads in your driver initialization, with the
834       slightly confusing statement:
836           $CGI::Simple::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0; # enable uploads
838       Combine with the "Displaying pictures" hack above for a happy time.
840       Links
842       Contents, Next Flox, Previous The Beer Database, Twice
846perl v5.8.8                       2005-11-23      Maypole::Manual::Cookbook(3)