1POE::Wheel::SocketFactoUrsye(r3)Contributed Perl DocumenPtOaEt:i:oWnheel::SocketFactory(3)


6       POE::Wheel::SocketFactory - non-blocking socket creation and management


9         use Socket; # For the constants
11         # Listening Unix domain socket.
12         $wheel = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
13           SocketDomain => AF_UNIX,               # Sets the socket() domain
14           BindAddress  => $unix_socket_address,  # Sets the bind() address
15           SuccessEvent => $event_success,        # Event to emit upon accept()
16           FailureEvent => $event_failure,        # Event to emit upon error
17           # Optional parameters (and default values):
18           SocketType   => SOCK_STREAM,           # Sets the socket() type
19         );
21         # Connecting Unix domain socket.
22         $wheel = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
23           SocketDomain  => AF_UNIX,              # Sets the socket() domain
24           RemoteAddress => $unix_server_address, # Sets the connect() address
25           SuccessEvent  => $event_success,       # Event to emit on connection
26           FailureEvent  => $event_failure,       # Event to emit on error
27           # Optional parameters (and default values):
28           SocketType    => SOCK_STREAM,          # Sets the socket() type
29           # Optional parameters (that have no defaults):
30           BindAddress   => $unix_client_address, # Sets the bind() address
31         );
33         # Listening Internet domain socket.
34         $wheel = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
35           BindAddress    => $inet_address,       # Sets the bind() address
36           BindPort       => $inet_port,          # Sets the bind() port
37           SuccessEvent   => $event_success,      # Event to emit upon accept()
38           FailureEvent   => $event_failure,      # Event to emit upon error
39           # Optional parameters (and default values):
40           SocketDomain   => AF_INET,             # Sets the socket() domain
41           SocketType     => SOCK_STREAM,         # Sets the socket() type
42           SocketProtocol => 'tcp',               # Sets the socket() protocol
43           ListenQueue    => SOMAXCONN,           # The listen() queue length
44           Reuse          => 'on',                # Lets the port be reused
45         );
47         # Connecting Internet domain socket.
48         $wheel = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
49           RemoteAddress  => $inet_address,       # Sets the connect() address
50           RemotePort     => $inet_port,          # Sets the connect() port
51           SuccessEvent   => $event_success,      # Event to emit on connection
52           FailureEvent   => $event_failure,      # Event to emit on error
53           # Optional parameters (and default values):
54           SocketDomain   => AF_INET,             # Sets the socket() domain
55           SocketType     => SOCK_STREAM,         # Sets the socket() type
56           SocketProtocol => 'tcp',               # Sets the socket() protocol
57           Reuse          => 'yes',               # Lets the port be reused
58         );
60         $wheel->event( ... );
62         $wheel->ID();
64         $wheel->pause_accept();
65         $wheel->resume_accept();


68       SocketFactory creates sockets.  It can create connectionless sockets
69       like UDP, or connected sockets like UNIX domain streams and TCP sock‐
70       ets.
72       The SocketFactory manages connecting and listening sockets on behalf of
73       the session that created it.  It will watch a connecting socket and
74       fire a SuccessEvent or FailureEvent event when something happens.  It
75       will watch a listening socket and fire a SuccessEvent or FailureEvent
76       for every connection.


79       new LOTS_OF_THINGS
80         new() creates a new socket.  If necessary, it registers event han‐
81         dlers to manage the socket.  new() has parameters for just about
82         every aspect of socket creation; thankfully they all aren't needed at
83         once.
85         new() always returns a SocketFactory wheel reference, even if a
86         socket couldn't be created.
88         These parameters provide information for the SocketFactory's socket()
89         call.
91         SocketDomain
92           SocketDomain supplies socket() with its DOMAIN parameter.  Sup‐
93           ported values are AF_UNIX, AF_INET, AF_INET6, PF_UNIX, PF_INET, and
94           PF_INET6.  If SocketDomain is omitted, it defaults to AF_INET.
96           Note: AF_INET6 and PF_INET6 are supplied by the Socket6 module,
97           which is available on the CPAN.  You must have Socket6 loaded
98           before SocketFactory can create IPv6 sockets.
100         SocketType
101           SocketType supplies socket() with its TYPE parameter.  Supported
102           values are SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM, although datagram sockets
103           haven't been tested at this time.  If SocketType is omitted, it
104           defaults to SOCK_STREAM.
106         SocketProtocol
107           SocketProtocol supplies socket() with its PROTOCOL parameter.  Pro‐
108           tocols may be specified by number or by a name that can be found in
109           the system's protocol (or equivalent) database.  SocketProtocol is
110           ignored for UNIX domain sockets.  It defaults to 'tcp' if it's
111           omitted from an INET socket factory.
113         These parameters provide information for the SocketFactory's bind()
114         call.
116         BindAddress
117           BindAddress supplies the address where a socket will be bound to.
118           It has different meanings and formats depending on the socket
119           domain.
121           BindAddress may contain either a string or a packed Internet
122           address when it's specified for INET sockets.  The string form of
123           BindAddress should hold a dotted numeric address or resolvable host
124           name.  BindAddress is optional for INET sockets, and SocketFactory
125           will use INADDR_ANY by default.
127           When used to bind a UNIX domain socket, BindAddress should contain
128           a path describing the socket's filename.  This is required for
129           server sockets and datagram client sockets.  BindAddress has no
130           default value for UNIX sockets.
132         BindPort
133           BindPort is only meaningful for INET domain sockets.  It contains a
134           port on the BindAddress interface where the socket will be bound.
135           It defaults to 0 if omitted.
137           BindPort may be a port number or a name that can be looked up in
138           the system's services (or equivalent) database.
140         These parameters are used for outbound sockets.
142         RemoteAddress
143           RemoteAddress specifies the remote address to which a socket should
144           connect.  If present, the SocketFactory will create a connecting
145           socket.  Otherwise, it will make a listening socket, should the
146           protocol warrant it.
148           Like with the bind address, RemoteAddress may be a string contain‐
149           ing a dotted quad or a resolvable host name.  It may also be a
150           packed Internet address, or a UNIX socket path.  It will be packed,
151           with or without an accompanying RemotePort, as necessary for the
152           socket domain.
154         RemotePort
155           RemotePort is the port to which the socket should connect.  It is
156           required for connecting Internet sockets and ignored in all other
157           cases.
159           The remote port may be a number or a name in the /etc/services (or
160           equivalent) database.
162         This parameter is used for listening sockets.
164         ListenQueue
165           ListenQueue specifies the length of the socket's listen() queue.
166           It defaults to SOMAXCONN if omitted.  SocketFactory will ensure
167           that it doesn't exceed SOMAXCONN.
169       event EVENT_TYPE => EVENT_NAME, ...
170         event() is covered in the POE::Wheel manpage.
172       getsockname
173         getsockname() behaves like the built-in function of the same name.
174         Because the SocketFactory's underlying socket is hidden away, it's
175         hard to do this directly.
177         It's useful for finding which address and/or port the SocketFactory
178         has bound to when it's been instructed to use BindAddress =>
179         INADDR_ANY or BindPort => 0.
181       ID
182         The ID method returns a SocketFactory wheel's unique ID.  This ID
183         will be included in every event the wheel generates, and it can be
184         used to match events with the wheels which generated them.
186       pause_accept
187       resume_accept
188         Listening SocketFactory instances will accept connections for as long
189         as they exist.  This may not be desirable in pre-forking servers
190         where the main process must not handle connections.
192         pause_accept() temporarily stops a SocketFactory from accepting new
193         connections.  It continues to listen, however.  resume_accept() ends
194         a temporary pause, allowing a SocketFactory to accept new connec‐
195         tions.
197         In a pre-forking server, the main process would pause_accept() imme‐
198         diately after the SocketFactory was created.  As forked child pro‐
199         cesses start, they call resume_accept() to begin accepting connec‐
200         tions.


203       SuccessEvent
204         SuccessEvent defines the event that will be emitted when a socket has
205         been established successfully.  The SuccessEvent event is fired when
206         outbound sockets have connected or whenever listening sockets accept
207         new connections.
209         SuccessEvent must be the name of a state within the current session.
211         In all cases, "ARG0" holds the new socket handle.  "ARG3" holds the
212         wheel's unique ID.  The parameters between them differ according to
213         the socket's domain and whether it's listening or connecting.
215         For INET sockets, "ARG1" and "ARG2" hold the socket's remote address
216         and port, respectively.  The address is packed; use inet_ntoa() (See
217         Socket) if a human-readable version is necessary.
219         For UNIX client sockets, "ARG1" holds the server address.  It may be
220         undefined on systems that have trouble retrieving a UNIX socket's
221         remote address.  "ARG2" is always undefined for UNIX client sockets.
223         According to _Perl Cookbook_, the remote address returned by accept()
224         on UNIX sockets is undefined, so "ARG1" and "ARG2" are also undefined
225         in this case.
227         A sample SuccessEvent handler:
229           sub server_accept {
230             my $accepted_handle = $_[ARG0];
232             my $peer_host = inet_ntoa($_[ARG1]);
233             print( "Wheel $_[ARG3] accepted a connection from ",
234                    "$peer_host port $peer_port\n"
235                  );
237             # Do something with the new connection.
238             &spawn_connection_session( $accepted_handle );
239           }
241       FailureEvent
242         FailureEvent defines the event that will be emitted when a socket
243         error occurs.  EAGAIN does not count as an error since the SocketFac‐
244         tory knows what to do with it.
246         FailureEvent must be the name of a state within the current session.
248         The FailureEvent event comes with the standard error event parame‐
249         ters.
251         "ARG0" contains the name of the operation that failed.  "ARG1" and
252         "ARG2" hold numeric and string values for $!, respectively.  "ARG3"
253         contains the wheel's unique ID, which may be matched back to the
254         wheel itself via the $wheel->ID call.
256         A sample ErrorEvent handler:
258           sub error_state {
259             my ($operation, $errnum, $errstr, $wheel_id) = @_[ARG0..ARG3];
260             warn "Wheel $wheel_id generated $operation error $errnum: $errstr\n";
261             delete $heap->{wheels}->{$wheel_id}; # shut down that wheel
262           }


265       POE::Wheel, Socket6.
267       The SEE ALSO section in POE contains a table of contents covering the
268       entire POE distribution.


271       Many (if not all) of the croak/carp/warn/die statements should fire
272       back FailureEvent instead.
274       SocketFactory is only tested with UNIX streams and INET sockets using
275       the UDP and TCP protocols.  Others may or may not work, but the latest
276       design is data driven and should be easy to extend.  Patches are wel‐
277       come, as are test cases for new families and protocols.  Even if test
278       cases fail, they'll make nice reference code to test additions to the
279       SocketFactory class.


282       Please see POE for more information about authors and contributors.
286perl v5.8.8                       2006-09-01      POE::Wheel::SocketFactory(3)