1Perl::Critic(3)       User Contributed Perl Documentation      Perl::Critic(3)


6       Perl::Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices


9         use Perl::Critic;
10         my $file = shift;
11         my $critic = Perl::Critic->new();
12         my @violations = $critic->critique($file);
13         print @violations;


16       Perl::Critic is an extensible framework for creating and applying cod‐
17       ing standards to Perl source code.  Essentially, it is a static source
18       code analysis engine.  Perl::Critic is distributed with a number of
19       Perl::Critic::Policy modules that attempt to enforce various coding
20       guidelines.  Most Policy modules are based on Damian Conway's book Perl
21       Best Practices.  However, Perl::Critic is not limited to PBP and will
22       even support Policies that contradict Conway.  You can enable, disable,
23       and customize those Polices through the Perl::Critic interface.  You
24       can also create new Policy modules that suit your own tastes.
26       For a command-line interface to Perl::Critic, see the documentation for
27       perlcritic.  If you want to integrate Perl::Critic with your build
28       process, Test::Perl::Critic provides an interface that is suitable for
29       test scripts.  For the ultimate convenience (at the expense of some
30       flexibility) see the criticism pragma.
32       Win32 and ActivePerl users can find PPM distributions of Perl::Critic
33       at <http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/>.
35       If you'd like to try Perl::Critic without installing anything, there is
36       a web-service available at <http://perlcritic.com>.  The web-service
37       does not yet support all the configuration features that are available
38       in the native Perl::Critic API, but it should give you a good idea of
39       what it does.  You can also invoke the perlcritic web-service from the
40       command-line by doing an HTTP-post, such as one of these:
42          $> POST http://perlcritic.com/perl/critic.pl < MyModule.pm
43          $> lwp-request -m POST http://perlcritic.com/perl/critic.pl < MyModule.pm
44          $> wget -q -O - --post-file=MyModule.pm http://perlcritic.com/perl/critic.pl
46       Please note that the perlcritic web-service is still alpha code.  The
47       URL and interface to the service are subject to change.


50       "new( [ -profile => $FILE, -severity => $N, -theme => $string, -include
51       => \@PATTERNS, -exclude => \@PATTERNS, -top => $N, -only => $B, -force
52       => $B, -verbose => $N ] )"
53       "new( -config => Perl::Critic::Config->new() )"
54       "new()" Returns a reference to a new Perl::Critic object.  Most argu‐
55               ments are just passed directly into Perl::Critic::Config, but I
56               have described them here as well.  The default value for all
57               arguments can be defined in your .perlcriticrc file.  See the
58               "CONFIGURATION" section for more information about that.  All
59               arguments are optional key-value pairs as follows:
61               -profile is a path to a configuration file. If $FILE is not
62               defined, Perl::Critic::Config attempts to find a .perlcriticrc
63               configuration file in the current directory, and then in your
64               home directory.  Alternatively, you can set the "PERLCRITIC"
65               environment variable to point to a file in another location.
66               If a configuration file can't be found, or if $FILE is an empty
67               string, then all Policies will be loaded with their default
68               configuration.  See "CONFIGURATION" for more information.
70               -severity is the minimum severity level.  Only Policy modules
71               that have a severity greater than $N will be applied.  Severity
72               values are integers ranging from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most
73               severe).  The default is 5.  For a given "-profile", decreasing
74               the "-severity" will usually reveal more Policy violations.
75               You can set the default value for this option in your .perl‐
76               criticrc file.  Users can redefine the severity level for any
77               Policy in their .perlcriticrc file.  See "CONFIGURATION" for
78               more information.
80               If it is difficult for you to remember whether severity "5" is
81               the most or least restrictive level, then you can use one of
82               these named values:
84                   SEVERITY NAME   ...is equivalent to...   SEVERITY NUMBER
85                   --------------------------------------------------------
86                   -severity => 'gentle'                     -severity => 5
87                   -severity => 'stern'                      -severity => 4
88                   -severity => 'harsh'                      -severity => 3
89                   -severity => 'cruel'                      -severity => 2
90                   -severity => 'brutal'                     -severity => 1
92               -theme is special expression that determines which Policies to
93               apply based on their respective themes.  For example, the fol‐
94               lowing would load only Policies that have a 'bugs' AND 'pbp'
95               theme:
97                 my $critic = Perl::Critic->new( -theme => 'bugs && pbp' );
99               Unless the "-severity" option is explicitly given, setting
100               "-theme" silently causes the "-severity" to be set to 1.  You
101               can set the default value for this option in your .perlcriticrc
102               file.  See the "POLICY THEMES" section for more information
103               about themes.
105               -include is a reference to a list of string @PATTERNS.  Policy
106               modules that match at least one "m/$PATTERN/imx" will always be
107               loaded, irrespective of all other settings.  For example:
109                 my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-include => ['layout'] -severity => 4);
111               This would cause Perl::Critic to apply all the "CodeLayout::*"
112               Policy modules even though they have a severity level that is
113               less than 4.  You can set the default value for this option in
114               your .perlcriticrc file.  You can also use "-include" in con‐
115               junction with the "-exclude" option.  Note that "-exclude"
116               takes precedence over "-include" when a Policy matches both
117               patterns.
119               -exclude is a reference to a list of string @PATTERNS.  Policy
120               modules that match at least one "m/$PATTERN/imx" will not be
121               loaded, irrespective of all other settings.  For example:
123                 my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-exclude => ['strict'] -severity => 1);
125               This would cause Perl::Critic to not apply the "RequireUseS‐
126               trict" and "ProhibitNoStrict" Policy modules even though they
127               have a severity level that is greater than 1.  You can set the
128               default value for this option in your .perlcriticrc file.  You
129               can also use "-exclude" in conjunction with the "-include"
130               option.  Note that "-exclude" takes precedence over "-include"
131               when a Policy matches both patterns.
133               -singlepolicy is a string "PATTERN".  Only one policy that
134               matches "m/$PATTERN/imx" will be used.  Policies that do not
135               match will be excluded.  This option has precedence over the
136               "-severity", "-theme", "-include", "-exclude", and "-only"
137               options.  You can set the default value for this option in your
138               .perlcriticrc file.
140               -top is the maximum number of Violations to return when ranked
141               by their severity levels.  This must be a positive integer.
142               Violations are still returned in the order that they occur
143               within the file.  Unless the "-severity" option is explicitly
144               given, setting "-top" silently causes the "-severity" to be set
145               to 1.  You can set the default value for this option in your
146               .perlcriticrc file.
148               -only is a boolean value.  If set to a true value, Perl::Critic
149               will only choose from Policies that are mentioned in the user's
150               profile.  If set to a false value (which is the default), then
151               Perl::Critic chooses from all the Policies that it finds at
152               your site.  You can set the default value for this option in
153               your .perlcriticrc file.
155               -force is a boolean value that controls whether Perl::Critic
156               observes the magical "## no critic" pseudo-pragmas in your
157               code.  If set to a true value, Perl::Critic will analyze all
158               code.  If set to a false value (which is the default)
159               Perl::Critic will ignore code that is tagged with these com‐
160               ments.  See "BENDING THE RULES" for more information.  You can
161               set the default value for this option in your .perlcriticrc
162               file.
164               -verbose can be a positive integer (from 1 to 11), or a literal
165               format specification.  See Perl::Critic::Violations for an
166               explanation of format specifications.  You can set the default
167               value for this option in your .perlcriticrc file.
169               -config is a reference to a Perl::Critic::Config object.  If
170               you have created your own Config object for some reason, you
171               can pass it in here instead of having Perl::Critic create one
172               for you.  Using the "-config" option causes all the other
173               options to be silently ignored.


176       "critique( $source_code )"
177               Runs the $source_code through the Perl::Critic engine using all
178               the Policies that have been loaded into this engine.  If
179               $source_code is a scalar reference, then it is treated as a
180               string of actual Perl code.  If $source_code is a reference to
181               an instance of PPI::Document, then that instance is used
182               directly.  Otherwise, it is treated as a path to a local file
183               containing Perl code.  This method returns a list of
184               Perl::Critic::Violation objects for each violation of the
185               loaded Policies.  The list is sorted in the order that the Vio‐
186               lations appear in the code.  If there are no violations, this
187               method returns an empty list.
189       "add_policy( -policy => $policy_name, -params => \%param_hash )"
190               Creates a Policy object and loads it into this Critic.  If the
191               object cannot be instantiated, it will throw a fatal exception.
192               Otherwise, it returns a reference to this Critic.
194               -policy is the name of a Perl::Critic::Policy subclass module.
195               The 'Perl::Critic::Policy' portion of the name can be omitted
196               for brevity.  This argument is required.
198               -params is an optional reference to a hash of Policy parame‐
199               ters.  The contents of this hash reference will be passed into
200               to the constructor of the Policy module.  See the documentation
201               in the relevant Policy module for a description of the argu‐
202               ments it supports.
204       " policies() "
205               Returns a list containing references to all the Policy objects
206               that have been loaded into this engine.  Objects will be in the
207               order that they were loaded.
209       " config() "
210               Returns the Perl::Critic::Config object that was created for or
211               given to this Critic.


214       For those folks who prefer to have a functional interface, The "cri‐
215       tique" method can be exported on request and called as a static func‐
216       tion.  If the first argument is a hashref, its contents are used to
217       construct a new Perl::Critic object internally.  The keys of that hash
218       should be the same as those supported by the "Perl::Critic::new"
219       method.  Here are some examples:
221         use Perl::Critic qw(critique);
223         # Use default parameters...
224         @violations = critique( $some_file );
226         # Use custom parameters...
227         @violations = critique( {-severity => 2}, $some_file );
229         # As a one-liner
230         %> perl -MPerl::Critic=critique -e 'print critique(shift)' some_file.pm
232       None of the other object-methods are currently supported as static
233       functions.  Sorry.


236       Most of the settings for Perl::Critic and each of the Policy modules
237       can be controlled by a configuration file.  The default configuration
238       file is called .perlcriticrc.  Perl::Critic will look for this file in
239       the current directory first, and then in your home directory.  Alterna‐
240       tively, you can set the "PERLCRITIC" environment variable to explicitly
241       point to a different file in another location.  If none of these files
242       exist, and the "-profile" option is not given to the constructor, then
243       all the modules that are found in the Perl::Critic::Policy namespace
244       will be loaded with their default configuration.
246       The format of the configuration file is a series of INI-style blocks
247       that contain key-value pairs separated by '='. Comments should start
248       with '#' and can be placed on a separate line or after the name-value
249       pairs if you desire.
251       Default settings for Perl::Critic itself can be set before the first
252       named block. For example, putting any or all of these at the top of
253       your configuration file will set the default value for the correspond‐
254       ing constructor argument.
256           severity  = 3                                     #Integer or named level
257           only      = 1                                     #Zero or One
258           force     = 0                                     #Zero or One
259           verbose   = 4                                     #Integer or format spec
260           top       = 50                                    #A positive integer
261           theme     = (pbp ⎪⎪ security) && bugs             #A theme expression
262           include   = NamingConventions ClassHierarchies    #Space-delimited list
263           exclude   = Variables  Modules::RequirePackage    #Space-delimited list
265       The remainder of the configuration file is a series of blocks like
266       this:
268           [Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName]
269           severity = 1
270           set_themes = foo bar
271           add_themes = baz
272           arg1 = value1
273           arg2 = value2
275       "Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName" is the full name of a mod‐
276       ule that implements the policy.  The Policy modules distributed with
277       Perl::Critic have been grouped into categories according to the table
278       of contents in Damian Conway's book Perl Best Practices. For brevity,
279       you can omit the 'Perl::Critic::Policy' part of the module name.
281       "severity" is the level of importance you wish to assign to the Policy.
282       All Policy modules are defined with a default severity value ranging
283       from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe).  However, you may disagree
284       with the default severity and choose to give it a higher or lower
285       severity, based on your own coding philosophy.  You can set the "sever‐
286       ity" to an integer from 1 to 5, or use one of the equivalent names:
288           SEVERITY NAME ...is equivalent to... SEVERITY NUMBER
289           ----------------------------------------------------
290           gentle                                             5
291           stern                                              4
292           harsh                                              3
293           cruel                                              2
294           brutal                                             1
296       "set_themes" sets the theme for the Policy and overrides its default
297       theme.  The argument is a string of one or more whitespace-delimited
298       alphanumeric words.  Themes are case-insensitive.  See "POLICY THEMES"
299       for more information.
301       "add_themes" appends to the default themes for this Policy.  The argu‐
302       ment is a string of one or more whitespace-delimited words.  Themes are
303       case-insensitive.  See "POLICY THEMES" for more information.
305       The remaining key-value pairs are configuration parameters that will be
306       passed into the constructor for that Policy.  The constructors for most
307       Policy objects do not support arguments, and those that do should have
308       reasonable defaults.  See the documentation on the appropriate Policy
309       module for more details.
311       Instead of redefining the severity for a given Policy, you can com‐
312       pletely disable a Policy by prepending a '-' to the name of the module
313       in your configuration file.  In this manner, the Policy will never be
314       loaded, regardless of the "-severity" given to the Perl::Critic con‐
315       structor.
317       A simple configuration might look like this:
319           #--------------------------------------------------------------
320           # I think these are really important, so always load them
322           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict]
323           severity = 5
325           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings]
326           severity = 5
328           #--------------------------------------------------------------
329           # I think these are less important, so only load when asked
331           [Variables::ProhibitPackageVars]
332           severity = 2
334           [ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls]
335           allow = if unless  # My custom configuration
336           severity = cruel   # Same as "severity = 2"
338           #--------------------------------------------------------------
339           # Give these policies a custom theme.  I can activate just
340           # these policies by saying `perlcritic -theme larry`
342           [Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage]
343           add_themes = larry
345           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLables]
346           add_themes = larry curly moe
348           #--------------------------------------------------------------
349           # I do not agree with these at all, so never load them
351           [-NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseVars]
352           [-NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseSubs]
354           #--------------------------------------------------------------
355           # For all other Policies, I accept the default severity,
356           # so no additional configuration is required for them.
358       For additional configuration examples, see the perlcriticrc file that
359       is included in this examples directory of this distribution.
361       Damian Conway's own Perl::Critic configuration is also included in this
362       distribution as examples/perlcriticrc-conway.


365       A large number of Policy modules are distributed with Perl::Critic.
366       They are described briefly in the companion document Perl::Critic::Pol‐
367       icySummary and in more detail in the individual modules themselves.
368       Say ""perlcritic -doc PATTERN"" to see the perldoc for all Policy mod‐
369       ules that match the regex "m/PATTERN/imx"


372       Each Policy is defined with one or more "themes".  Themes can be used
373       to create arbitrary groups of Policies.  They are intended to provide
374       an alternative mechanism for selecting your preferred set of Policies.
375       For example, you may wish disable a certain subset of Policies when
376       analyzing test scripts.  Conversely, you may wish to enable only a spe‐
377       cific subset of Policies when analyzing modules.
379       The Policies that ship with Perl::Critic are have been broken into the
380       following themes.  This is just our attempt to provide some basic logi‐
381       cal groupings.  You are free to invent new themes that suit your needs.
383           THEME             DESCRIPTION
384           --------------------------------------------------------------------------
385           core              All policies that ship with Perl::Critic
386           pbp               Policies that come directly from "Perl Best Practices"
387           bugs              Policies that that prevent or reveal bugs
388           maintenance       Policies that affect the long-term health of the code
389           cosmetic          Policies that only have a superficial effect
390           complexity        Policies that specificaly relate to code complexity
391           security          Policies that relate to security issues
392           tests             Policies that are specific to test scripts
394       Any Policy may fit into multiple themes.  Say "perlcritic -list" to get
395       a listing of all available Policies and the themes that are associated
396       with each one.  You can also change the theme for any Policy in your
397       .perlcriticrc file.  See the "CONFIGURATION" section for more informa‐
398       tion about that.
400       Using the "-theme" option, you can create an arbitrarily complex rule
401       that determines which Policies will be loaded.  Precedence is the same
402       as regular Perl code, and you can use parens to enforce precedence as
403       well.  Supported operators are:
405          Operator    Altertative    Example
406          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
407          &&          and            'pbp && core'
408          ⎪⎪          or             'pbp ⎪⎪ (bugs && security)'
409          !           not            'pbp && ! (portability ⎪⎪ complexity)'
411       Theme names are case-insensitive.  If the "-theme" is set to an empty
412       string, then it evaluates as true all Policies.


415       Perl::Critic takes a hard-line approach to your code: either you comply
416       or you don't.  In the real world, it is not always practical (nor even
417       possible) to fully comply with coding standards.  In such cases, it is
418       wise to show that you are knowingly violating the standards and that
419       you have a Damn Good Reason (DGR) for doing so.
421       To help with those situations, you can direct Perl::Critic to ignore
422       certain lines or blocks of code by using pseudo-pragmas:
424           require 'LegacyLibaray1.pl';  ## no critic
425           require 'LegacyLibrary2.pl';  ## no critic
427           for my $element (@list) {
429               ## no critic
431               $foo = "";               #Violates 'ProhibitEmptyQuotes'
432               $barf = bar() if $foo;   #Violates 'ProhibitPostfixControls'
433               #Some more evil code...
435               ## use critic
437               #Some good code...
438               do_something($_);
439           }
441       The "## no critic" comments direct Perl::Critic to ignore the remaining
442       lines of code until the end of the current block, or until a ""## use
443       critic"" comment is found (whichever comes first).  If the "## no
444       critic" comment is on the same line as a code statement, then only that
445       line of code is overlooked.  To direct perlcritic to ignore the "## no
446       critic" comments, use the "-force" option.
448       A bare "## no critic" comment disables all the active Policies.  If you
449       wish to disable only specific Policies, add a list of Policy names as
450       arguments, just as you would for the "no strict" or "no warnings" prag‐
451       mas.  For example, this would disable the "ProhibitEmptyQuotes" and
452       "ProhibitPostfixControls" policies until the end of the block or until
453       the next "## use critic" comment (whichever comes first):
455         ## no critic (EmptyQuotes, PostfixControls)
457         # Now exempt from ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEmptyQuotes
458         $foo = "";
460         # Now exempt ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls
461         $barf = bar() if $foo;
463         # Still subjected to ValuesAndExpression::RequireNumberSeparators
464         $long_int = 10000000000;
466       Since the Policy names are matched against the "## no critic" arguments
467       as regular expressions, you can abbreviate the Policy names or disable
468       an entire family of Policies in one shot like this:
470         ## no critic (NamingConventions)
472         # Now exempt from NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseVars
473         my $camelHumpVar = 'foo';
475         # Now exempt from NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseSubs
476         sub camelHumpSub {}
478       The argument list must be enclosed in parens and must contain one or
479       more comma-separated barewords (e.g. don't use quotes).  The "## no
480       critic" pragmas can be nested, and Policies named by an inner pragma
481       will be disabled along with those already disabled an outer pragma.
483       Some Policies like "Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity" apply to an
484       entire block of code.  In those cases, "## no critic" must appear on
485       the line where the violation is reported.  For example:
487         sub complicated_function {  ## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity)
488             # Your code here...
489         }
491       Policies such as "Documentation::RequirePodSections" apply to the
492       entire document, in which case violations are reported at line 1.  But
493       if the file requires a shebang line, it is impossible to put "## no
494       critic" on the first line of the file.  This is a known limitation and
495       it will be addressed in a future release.  As a workaround, you can
496       disable the affected policies at the command-line or in your .perl‐
497       criticrc file.  But beware that this will affect the analysis of all
498       files.
500       Use this feature wisely.  "## no critic" should be used in the smallest
501       possible scope, or only on individual lines of code. And you should
502       always be as specific as possible about which policies you want to dis‐
503       able (i.e. never use a bare "## no critic").  If Perl::Critic complains
504       about your code, try and find a compliant solution before resorting to
505       this feature.


508       Perl-Critic is evolving rapidly, so some of the interfaces have changed
509       in ways that are not backward-compatible.  If you have been using an
510       older version of Perl-Critic and/or you have been developing custom
511       Policy modules, please read this section carefully.
513       VERSION 0.23
515       In version 0.23, the syntax for theme rules changed.  The mathematical
516       operators ( "*", "+", "-" ) are no longer supported.  You must use log‐
517       ical operators instead ( "&&", "!", "⎪⎪" ).  However the meanings of
518       these operators is effectively the same.  See "POLICY THEMES" for more
519       details.
521       VERSION 0.21
523       In version 0.21, we introduced the concept of policy "themes".  All you
524       existing custom Policies should still be compatible.  But to take
525       advantage of the theme feature, you should add a "default_themes"
526       method to your custom Policy modules.  See Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER for
527       an up-to-date guide on creating Policy modules.
529       The internals of Perl::Critic were also refactored significantly.  The
530       public API is largely unchanged, but if you've been accessing bits
531       inside Perl::Critic, then you may be in for a surprise.
533       VERSION 0.16
535       Starting in version 0.16, you can add a list Policy names as arguments
536       to the "## no critic" pseudo-pragma.  This feature allows you to dis‐
537       able specific policies.  So if you have been in the habit of adding
538       additional words after "no critic", then those words might cause unex‐
539       pected results.  If you want to append other stuff to the "## no
540       critic" comment, then terminate the pseudo-pragma with a semi-colon,
541       and then start another comment.  For example:
543           #This may not work as expected.
544           $email = 'foo@bar.com';  ## no critic for literal '@'
546           #This will work.
547           $email = 'foo@bar.com';  ## no critic; #for literal '@'
549           #This is even better.
550           $email = 'foo@bar.com'; ## no critic (RequireInterpolation);
552       VERSION 0.14
554       Starting in version 0.14, the interface to Perl::Critic::Violation
555       changed.  This will also break any custom Policy modules that you might
556       have written for earlier modules. See Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER for an
557       up-to-date guide on creating Policy modules.
559       The notion of "priority" was also replaced with "severity" in version
560       0.14.  Consequently, the default behavior of Perl::Critic is to only
561       load the most "severe" Policy modules, rather than loading all of them.
562       This decision was based on user-feedback suggesting that Perl-Critic
563       should be less critical for new users, and should steer them toward
564       gradually increasing the strictness as they progressively adopt better
565       coding practices.
567       VERSION 0.11
569       Starting in version 0.11, the internal mechanics of Perl-Critic were
570       rewritten so that only one traversal of the PPI document tree is
571       required.  Unfortunately, this will break any custom Policy modules
572       that you might have written for earlier versions.  Converting your
573       policies to work with the new version is pretty easy and actually
574       results in cleaner code.  See Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER for an up-to-date
575       guide on creating Policy modules.


578         Coding standards are deeply personal and highly subjective.  The
579         goal of Perl::Critic is to help you write code that conforms with a
580         set of best practices.  Our primary goal is not to dictate what
581         those practices are, but rather, to implement the practices
582         discovered by others.  Ultimately, you make the rules --
583         Perl::Critic is merely a tool for encouraging consistency.  If there
584         is a policy that you think is important or that we have overlooked,
585         we would be very grateful for contributions, or you can simply load
586         your own private set of policies into Perl::Critic.


589       The modular design of Perl::Critic is intended to facilitate the addi‐
590       tion of new Policies.  You'll need to have some understanding of PPI,
591       but most Policy modules are pretty straightforward and only require
592       about 20 lines of code.  Please see the Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER file
593       included in this distribution for a step-by-step demonstration of how
594       to create new Policy modules.
596       If you develop any new Policy modules, feel free to send them to
597       "<thaljef@cpan.org>" and I'll be happy to put them into the
598       Perl::Critic distribution.  Or if you would like to work on the
599       Perl::Critic project directly, check out our repository at
600       <http://perlcritic.tigris.org>.  To subscribe to our mailing list, send
601       a message to "<dev-subscribe@perlcritic.tigris.org>".
603       The Perl::Critic team is also available for hire.  If your organization
604       has its own coding standards, we can create custom Policies to enforce
605       your local guidelines.  Or if your code base is prone to a particular
606       defect pattern, we can design Policies that will help you catch those
607       costly defects before they go into production.  To discuss your needs
608       with the Perl::Critic team, just contact "<thaljef@cpan.org>".


611       Perl::Critic requires the following modules:
613       B::Keywords
615       Config::Tiny
617       File::Spec
619       IO::String
621       List::Util
623       List::MoreUtils
625       Module::Pluggable
627       PPI
629       Pod::Usage
631       Pod::PlainText
633       String::Format
635       The following modules are optional, but recommended for complete test‐
636       ing:
638       Test::Pod
640       Test::Pod::Coverage


643       Scrutinizing Perl code is hard for humans, let alone machines.  If you
644       find any bugs, particularly false-positives or false-negatives from a
645       Perl::Critic::Policy, please submit them to
646       <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Perl-Critic>.  Thanks.


649       Adam Kennedy - For creating PPI, the heart and soul of Perl::Critic.
651       Damian Conway - For writing Perl Best Practices, finally :)
653       Chris Dolan - For contributing the best features and Policy modules.
655       Andy Lester - Wise sage and master of all-things-testing.
657       Elliot Shank - The self-proclaimed quality freak.
659       Giuseppe Maxia - For all the great ideas and positive encouragement.
661       and Sharon, my wife - For putting up with my all-night code sessions.


664       Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <thaljef@cpan.org>
667       Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer.  All rights reserved.
669       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
670       under the same terms as Perl itself.  The full text of this license can
671       be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
675perl v5.8.8                       2007-03-20                   Perl::Critic(3)