1Perl::Critic::Config(3)User Contributed Perl DocumentatioPnerl::Critic::Config(3)


6       Perl::Critic::Config - Find and load Perl::Critic user-preferences


9       Perl::Critic::Config takes care of finding and processing user-prefer‐
10       ences for Perl::Critic.  The Config object defines which Policy modules
11       will be loaded into the Perl::Critic engine and how they should be con‐
12       figured.  You should never really need to instantiate
13       Perl::Critic::Config directly because the Perl::Critic constructor will
14       do it for you.


17       "new( [ -profile => $FILE, -severity => $N, -theme => $string, -include
18       => \@PATTERNS, -exclude => \@PATTERNS, -singlepolicy => $PATTERN, -top
19       => $N, -only => $B, -force => $B, -verbose => $N ] )"
20       "new()" Returns a reference to a new Perl::Critic::Config object.  The
21               default value for all arguments can be defined in your .perl‐
22               criticrc file.  See the "CONFIGURATION" section for more infor‐
23               mation about that.  All arguments are optional key-value pairs
24               as follows:
26               -profile is a path to a configuration file. If $FILE is not
27               defined, Perl::Critic::Config attempts to find a .perlcriticrc
28               configuration file in the current directory, and then in your
29               home directory.  Alternatively, you can set the "PERLCRITIC"
30               environment variable to point to a file in another location.
31               If a configuration file can't be found, or if $FILE is an empty
32               string, then all Policies will be loaded with their default
33               configuration.  See "CONFIGURATION" for more information.
35               -severity is the minimum severity level.  Only Policy modules
36               that have a severity greater than $N will be loaded into this
37               Config.  Severity values are integers ranging from 1 (least
38               severe) to 5 (most severe).  The default is 5.  For a given
39               "-profile", decreasing the "-severity" will usually result in
40               more Policy violations.  Users can redefine the severity level
41               for any Policy in their .perlcriticrc file.  See "CONFIGURA‐
42               TION" for more information.
44               -theme is special string that defines a set of Policies based
45               on their respective themes.  If "-theme" is given, only poli‐
46               cies that are members of that set will be loaded.  See the
47               "POLICY THEMES" section for more information about themes.
48               Unless the "-severity" option is explicitly given, setting
49               "-theme" causes the "-severity" to be set to 1.
51               -include is a reference to a list of string @PATTERNS.  Poli‐
52               cies that match at least one "m/$PATTERN/imx" will be loaded
53               into this Config, irrespective of the severity settings.  You
54               can use it in conjunction with the "-exclude" option.  Note
55               that "-exclude" takes precedence over "-include" when a Policy
56               matches both patterns.
58               -exclude is a reference to a list of string @PATTERNS.  Polices
59               that match at least one "m/$PATTERN/imx" will not be loaded
60               into this Config, irrespective of the severity settings.  You
61               can use it in conjunction with the "-include" option.  Note
62               that "-exclude" takes precedence over "-include" when a Policy
63               matches both patterns.
65               -singlepolicy is a string "PATTERN".  Only the policy that
66               matches "m/$PATTERN/imx" will be used.  This value overrides
67               the "-severity", "-theme", "-include", "-exclude", and "-only"
68               options.
70               -top is the maximum number of Violations to return when ranked
71               by their severity levels.  This must be a positive integer.
72               Violations are still returned in the order that they occur
73               within the file.  Unless the "-severity" option is explicitly
74               given, setting "-top" silently causes the "-severity" to be set
75               to 1.
77               -only is a boolean value.  If set to a true value, Perl::Critic
78               will only choose from Policies that are mentioned in the user's
79               profile.  If set to a false value (which is the default), then
80               Perl::Critic chooses from all the Policies that it finds at
81               your site.
83               -force controls whether Perl::Critic observes the magical ""##
84               no critic"" pseudo-pragmas in your code.  If set to a true
85               value, Perl::Critic will analyze all code.  If set to a false
86               value (which is the default) Perl::Critic will ignore code that
87               is tagged with these comments.  See "BENDING THE RULES" for
88               more information.
90               -verbose can be a positive integer (from 1 to 10), or a literal
91               format specification.  See Perl::Critic::Violations for an
92               explanation of format specifications.


95       "add_policy( -policy => $policy_name, -params => \%param_hash )"
96               Creates a Policy object and loads it into this Config.  If the
97               object cannot be instantiated, it will throw a fatal exception.
98               Otherwise, it returns a reference to this Critic.
100               -policy is the name of a Perl::Critic::Policy subclass module.
101               The 'Perl::Critic::Policy' portion of the name can be omitted
102               for brevity.  This argument is required.
104               -params is an optional reference to a hash of Policy parame‐
105               ters.  The contents of this hash reference will be passed into
106               to the constructor of the Policy module.  See the documentation
107               in the relevant Policy module for a description of the argu‐
108               ments it supports.
110       " policies() "
111               Returns a list containing references to all the Policy objects
112               that have been loaded into this Config.  Objects will be in the
113               order that they were loaded.
115       " exclude() "
116               Returns the value of the "-exclude" attribute for this Config.
118       " include() "
119               Returns the value of the "-include" attribute for this Config.
121       " force() "
122               Returns the value of the "-force" attribute for this Config.
124       " only() "
125               Returns the value of the "-only" attribute for this Config.
127       " severity() "
128               Returns the value of the "-severity" attribute for this Config.
130       " singlepolicy() "
131               Returns the value of the "-singlepolicy" attribute for this
132               Config.
134       " theme() "
135               Returns the Perl::Critic::Theme object that was created for
136               this Config.
138       " top() "
139               Returns the value of the "-top" attribute for this Config.
141       " verbose() "
142               Returns the value of the "-verbose" attribute for this Config.


145       Perl::Critic::Config has a few static subroutines that are used inter‐
146       nally, but may be useful to you in some way.
148       "site_policy_names()"
149               Returns a list of all the Policy modules that are currently
150               installed in the Perl::Critic:Policy namespace.  These will
151               include modules that are distributed with Perl::Critic plus any
152               third-party modules that have been installed.


155       Most of the settings for Perl::Critic and each of the Policy modules
156       can be controlled by a configuration file.  The default configuration
157       file is called .perlcriticrc.  Perl::Critic::Config will look for this
158       file in the current directory first, and then in your home directory.
159       Alternatively, you can set the "PERLCRITIC" environment variable to
160       explicitly point to a different file in another location.  If none of
161       these files exist, and the "-profile" option is not given to the con‐
162       structor, then all Policies will be loaded with their default configu‐
163       ration.
165       The format of the configuration file is a series of INI-style blocks
166       that contain key-value pairs separated by '='. Comments should start
167       with '#' and can be placed on a separate line or after the name-value
168       pairs if you desire.
170       Default settings for Perl::Critic itself can be set before the first
171       named block.  For example, putting any or all of these at the top of
172       your configuration file will set the default value for the correspond‐
173       ing Perl::Critic constructor argument.
175           severity  = 3                                     #Integer from 1 to 5
176           only      = 1                                     #Zero or One
177           force     = 0                                     #Zero or One
178           verbose   = 4                                     #Integer or format spec
179           top       = 50                                    #A positive integer
180           theme     = risky + (pbp * security) - cosmetic   #A theme expression
181           include   = NamingConventions ClassHierarchies    #Space-delimited list
182           exclude   = Variables  Modules::RequirePackage    #Space-delimited list
184       The remainder of the configuration file is a series of blocks like
185       this:
187           [Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName]
188           severity = 1
189           set_themes = foo bar
190           add_themes = baz
191           arg1 = value1
192           arg2 = value2
194       "Perl::Critic::Policy::Category::PolicyName" is the full name of a mod‐
195       ule that implements the policy.  The Policy modules distributed with
196       Perl::Critic have been grouped into categories according to the table
197       of contents in Damian Conway's book Perl Best Practices. For brevity,
198       you can omit the 'Perl::Critic::Policy' part of the module name.
200       "severity" is the level of importance you wish to assign to the Policy.
201       All Policy modules are defined with a default severity value ranging
202       from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe).  However, you may disagree
203       with the default severity and choose to give it a higher or lower
204       severity, based on your own coding philosophy.
206       The remaining key-value pairs are configuration parameters that will be
207       passed into the constructor of that Policy.  The constructors for most
208       Policy modules do not support arguments, and those that do should have
209       reasonable defaults.  See the documentation on the appropriate Policy
210       module for more details.
212       Instead of redefining the severity for a given Policy, you can com‐
213       pletely disable a Policy by prepending a '-' to the name of the module
214       in your configuration file.  In this manner, the Policy will never be
215       loaded, regardless of the "-severity" given to the Perl::Critic::Config
216       constructor.
218       A simple configuration might look like this:
220           #--------------------------------------------------------------
221           # I think these are really important, so always load them
223           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict]
224           severity = 5
226           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings]
227           severity = 5
229           #--------------------------------------------------------------
230           # I think these are less important, so only load when asked
232           [Variables::ProhibitPackageVars]
233           severity = 2
235           [ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls]
236           allow = if unless  #My custom configuration
237           severity = 2
239           #--------------------------------------------------------------
240           # Give these policies a custom theme.  I can activate just
241           # these policies by saying (-theme => 'larry + curly')
243           [Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage]
244           add_themes = larry
246           [TestingAndDebugging::RequireTestLables]
247           add_themes = curly moe
249           #--------------------------------------------------------------
250           # I do not agree with these at all, so never load them
252           [-NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseVars]
253           [-NamingConventions::ProhibitMixedCaseSubs]
255           #--------------------------------------------------------------
256           # For all other Policies, I accept the default severity, theme
257           # and other parameters, so no additional configuration is
258           # required for them.
260       For additional configuration examples, see the perlcriticrc file that
261       is included in this t/examples directory of this distribution.


264       A large number of Policy modules are distributed with Perl::Critic.
265       They are described briefly in the companion document Perl::Critic::Pol‐
266       icySummary and in more detail in the individual modules themselves.


269       Each Policy is defined with one or more "themes".  Themes can be used
270       to create arbitrary groups of Policies.  They are intended to provide
271       an alternative mechanism for selecting your preferred set of Policies.
272       For example, you may wish disable a certain subset of Policies when
273       analyzing test scripts.  Conversely, you may wish to enable only a spe‐
274       cific subset of Policies when analyzing modules.
276       The Policies that ship with Perl::Critic are have been broken into the
277       following themes.  This is just our attempt to provide some basic logi‐
278       cal groupings.  You are free to invent new themes that suit your needs.
280           THEME             DESCRIPTION
281           --------------------------------------------------------------------------
282           core              All policies that ship with Perl::Critic
283           pbp               Policies that come directly from "Perl Best Practices"
284           bugs              Policies that that prevent or reveal bugs
285           maintenance       Policies that affect the long-term health of the code
286           cosmetic          Policies that only have a superficial effect
287           complexity        Policies that specificaly relate to code complexity
288           security          Policies that relate to security issues
289           tests             Policies that are specific to test scripts
291       Say `perlcritic -list` to get a listing of all available policies and
292       the themes that are associated with each one.  You can also change the
293       theme for any Policy in your .perlcriticrc file.  See the "CONFIGURA‐
294       TION" section for more information about that.
296       Using the "-theme" option, you can combine theme names with mathemati‐
297       cal and boolean operators to create an arbitrarily complex expression
298       that represents a custom "set" of Policies.  The following operators
299       are supported
301          Operator       Alternative         Meaning
302          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
303          *              and                 Intersection
304          -              not                 Difference
305          +              or                  Union
307       Operator precedence is the same as that of normal mathematics.  You can
308       also use parenthesis to enforce precedence.  Here are some examples:
310          Expression                  Meaning
311          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312          pbp * bugs                  All policies that are "pbp" AND "bugs"
313          pbp and bugs                Ditto
315          bugs + cosmetic             All policies that are "bugs" OR "cosmetic"
316          bugs or cosmetic            Ditto
318          pbp - cosmetic              All policies that are "pbp" BUT NOT "cosmetic"
319          pbp not cosmetic            Ditto
321          -maintenance                All policies that are NOT "maintenance"
322          not maintenance             Ditto
324          (pbp - bugs) * complexity     All policies that are "pbp" BUT NOT "bugs",
325                                           AND "complexity"
326          (pbp not bugs) and complexity  Ditto
328       Theme names are case-insensitive.  If "-theme" is set to an empty
329       string, then it is equivalent to the set of all Policies.  A theme name
330       that doesn't exist is equivalent to an empty set.  Please See
331       <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set> for a discussion on set theory.


334       Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <thaljef@cpan.org>
337       Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer.  All rights reserved.
339       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
340       under the same terms as Perl itself.  The full text of this license can
341       be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
345perl v5.8.8                       2007-03-20           Perl::Critic::Config(3)