1AUTO-BUILD.CONF(5)    User Contributed Perl Documentation   AUTO-BUILD.CONF(5)


6       auto-build.conf - Test-AutoBuild configuration file


9       The "auto-build.conf" file contains the configuration information for a
10       build instance. It is used to define general metadata such as the host
11       name of build machine, the administrator / developer email addresses,
12       email alerts; the parameters for accessing source control repositories;
13       the modules to be checked out from source control and built.
15       The configuration file is processed by the Config::Record(3pm) module,
16       so refer to that manual page for formal syntax rules. Prior to loading
17       it is also run through the Template(3pm) module - the Template::Man‐
18       ual::Syntax(3pm) manual page details the syntax for the pre-processor.
19       The pre-processor is most useful if there are a large number of modules
20       to be defined, each with pretty much identical configuration parame‐
21       ters.


24       The example configuration file contains inline comments summarizing
25       important points, however, the full details are as follows:
29       engine = /etc/auto-build.d/engine/host-build.conf
30           The fully qualified path to the build engine definition. There is
31           only one build engine setup currently provided, so this can be left
32           on its default setting of "/etc/auto-build.d/engine/host-main.conf"
33           At a later date extra engines will be provided for doing builds
34           with chroot, or virtual machines.
36       templateDir = /etc/auto-build.d/templates
37           The fully qualified path to the directory containing template files
38           for the HTML status pages, RSS feed and email alerts. The template
39           files are all processed using the "Template(3pm)" module, so refer
40           to the "Template::Manual::Syntax(3pm)" manual page for details on
41           the syntax.
43       buildRoot = /var/lib/builder
44           The path to the directory within which the build instance will
45           operate.  This directory should previously have been populated with
46           pre-requisite sub-dirs by running the "auto-build-make-root(1)"
47           script. The RPM install "perl-Test-AutoBuild-account" installs the
48           correct directory structure under "/var/lib/builder", so if the
49           build host only needs to run a sigle instance of the builder, this
50           parameter can be left unchanged.
52       label = Continous Automatic Builder
53           A short descriptive name for this build configuration. This label
54           is used as the page title for HTML status pages, the subject in the
55           email alerts, and the title of the RSS feed.
57       adminEmail = admin@example.com
58           The email address for the person responsible for administering the
59           build instance.
61       adminName = Build Administrator
62           The name of the person responsible for administering the build
63           instance.
65       groupEmail = dev@example.com
66           The email address for the development team whose software is being
67           built.  This would typically be the address of the main developers
68           mailing list.
70       groupName = Build Developers
71           The name of the development team whose software is being built, or
72           alternatively the name of the developers mailing list.
74       hostname = example.com
75           When the build host has multiple hostname aliases configured (for
76           virtual hosting), specifies the preferred hostname for accessing
77           the FTP / HTTP sites. This is used for generating links within the
78           email alerts and RSS feeds.
80       httpPrefix  = /~builder
81           The URL path prefix under which the HTML status pages are accessi‐
82           ble. If using the "/etc/auto-build.d/http/aliased.conf" HTTP config
83           file, then this would be set to "/builder". If the user.conf HTTP
84           config file is used, then this would be set to "/~builder".
85           Finally, if the vhost.conf HTTP config file is used, then this is
86           simply set to the empty string.
88       lockMethod = fcntl
89           The method used for acquiring a lock file to prevent multiple build
90           instances running at the same time against the same buildRoot
91           directory.
93           fcntl
94               This is the best option, but is only implemented for Linux,
95               SunOS and FreeBSD. It correctly protects from multiple build
96               instances running against a single build root, even if the
97               build root is on NFS and accessed from multiple hosts.
99           flock
100               This is more portable than "fcntl", working on any UNIX plat‐
101               form, but it does not protect a NFS hosted build root from
102               being accessed by multiple hosts.
104           file
105               This uses a simple file creation/deletion test. The downside is
106               that if the build engine or host machine crashes, it will be
107               neccessary to manually delete the lock file ($build‐
108               Root/.build.mutex) before the builder will run again.
110       FEATURES
112       There are various features available in the build engine workflow which
113       can be turned on/off as desired. They are all contained within a nested
114       "features" block.
116       cache = 1
117           If the cache is enabled, then modules will only be built if their
118           sources have changed since the previous build cycle. This provides
119           much faster cycle times if there are many modules in the build con‐
120           fig, only a few of which ever change
122       checkout = 1
123           Whether to try and checkout the latest sources from version control
124           If checkout is disabled, the build will run with whatever sources
125           #were checked out on the previous cycle.
127       createrepo_index = 1
128           Whether to run the 'createrepo' tool against the RPMs on the HTTP
129           distribution site. The XML metadata files created are used by pack‐
130           age update tools such as Yum for resolving dependancies between
131           RPMs.
133       yum_index = 1
134           Whether to run the 'yum-arch' tool against the RPMs on the HTTP
135           distribution site. This tool is now deprecated in favour of the
136           'createrepo' tool, so this module is only provided for backwards
137           compatability with old YUM versions.
139       apt_index = 1
140           Whether to generate an APT index of RPMs / Debian packages on the
141           HTTP distribution site.
143       email_alerts = 1
144           Whether to send email alerts at the end of each build cycle. The
145           alerts contain details of which modules successfully built, or
146           failed to build.
148       EMAIL ALERTS
150       The parameters for email alerts are grouped within a nested configura‐
151       tion block with the name "alert". For example
153         alert = {
154           ...parameters..
155         }
157       scope = builder
158           The scope can be either "builder" in which case a single email is
159           sent containing details of all modules, or it can be "module" in
160           which case a separate email is sent for each module. This latter
161           option is useful in the case where a single builder instance is
162           building modules maintained by a number of distinct development
163           teams.
165       trigger = first-fail
166           The trigger defines the conditions under which an alert will be
167           generated.  If the trigger is "always", alerts will be sent on
168           every build cycle. If the trigger is "fail", alerts will be sent
169           whenever the a module fails to build. If the trigger is
170           "first-fail", alerts will be sent the first time a module fails,
171           but no further alerts will be sent until the module has been fixed.
172           This latter option prevents a single coding error, generating a
173           long series of duplicated build alerts.
175       to = group
176           This specifies the recipient of the email alerts. It can either be
177           an explicit email address, or one of two "magic" addresses. The
178           first magic address is "admin" which is substituted by the value of
179           the "adminEmail" configuration parameter. The second magic address
180           is "group" which is substituted by the value of the "groupEmail"
181           configuration parameter.
183       from = builder@example.com
184           This specifies the address to use in the "From:" field of the
185           email.
187       smtpServer = mail.example.com
188           If the build host machine is not running an SMTP relay process on
189           port 25, then this parameter is required to specify the hostname of
190           the STMP sever to relay alerts via.
192       CACHE LIMITS
194       If the "cCache" feature is set to 1, then various files and pieces of
195       metadata are cached across build cycles. Since disk space is a finite
196       resource it is neccessary to limit the size of the cache. The suitable
197       size will depend on the size of particular modules being built. The
198       cache should be sized such that the output of at least 1 complete cycle
199       be saved.
201       maxCacheSize = 100M
202           The maximum size of the cache, can be specified in megabytes by
203           postfixing the letter "M", or in gigabytes by postfixing the letter
204           "G".
206       maxCacheAge = 7d
207           The maximum age sets a limit on how long a cache will be considered
208           valid, before a module is forced to be re-built from scratch.
212       The nested "env" configuration block provides the ability to specify
213       arbitrary environment variables which will be set whenever the build
214       engine executes a command.
216         env = {
217           ENV-NAME = ENV-VALUE
218           ...
219         }
223       For large development projects, multiple projects will be checked out
224       for building from a single source repository. Thus, the parameters
225       required to access particular source repositories are defined sepa‐
226       rately to the modules themselves. The definition is within the nested
227       "repositories" block.
229         repositories = {
230           repo-name = {
231              ...repository params...
232           }
233         }
235       The available repository configuration parameters are:
237       label = Repository Name
238           The arbitrary descriptive name for the repository, used to identify
239           repositories in the HTML status pages.
241       type = cvs
242           Specifies the source control tool used to access files within the
243           repository.  There are many source control tools supported
245           cvs The CVS repository type requires that the command "cvs" be
246               present in the $PATH. The "CVSROOT" environment variable should
247               be set in the "env" configuration block to identify the loca‐
248               tion of the repository. For remote repositories it may also be
249               neccessary to specify the "CVS_RSH" environment variable. For
250               example
252                 env = {
253                   CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@cvs.gna.org:/cvs/testautobuild
254                 }
256           p4  The Perforce repository type requires that the command "p4" be
257               present in the $PATH. The "P4CONFIG" environment variable
258               should to set to point to a client view. The paths in the view
259               spec will be filled in automatically by the build engine. For
260               example
262                 env = {
263                   P4CONFIG = /var/lib/builder/.p4config
264                 }
266           tla The GNU Arch repository type requires that the command "tla" be
267               present in the $PATH. The 'archive-name' and 'archive-uri'
268               options should be set to identify the remote repository. For
269               example
271                 options = {
272                   archive-name = lord@emf.net--2004
273                   archive-uri = http://arch.quackerhead.com/~lord/archives/lord@emf.net--2004
274                 }
276           hg  The Mercurial repository type requires that the command "hg" be
277               present in the $PATH. Additionally, it must be at least version
278               0.7 or later. The 'base-url' option should be set to identify
279               the base URL under which the repositories are located. For
280               example
282                 options = {
283                   base-url = http://www.selenic.com/
284                 }
286           git The GIT repository type requires that the command "git" be
287               present in the $PATH. Additionally, it must be at least version
288      or later. The 'base-url' option should be set to iden‐
289               tify the base URL under which the repositories are located. For
290               example
292                 options = {
293                   base-url = git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/
294                 }
296           bzr The Bazaar repository type requires that the command "gbzr" be
297               present in the $PATH. Additionally, it must be at least version
298               0.91 or later. The 'base-url' option should be set to identify
299               the base URL under which the repositories are located. For
300               example
302                 options = {
303                   base-url = http://www.darcs.net/repos/
304                 }
306           mtn The Monotone repository type requires that the command "mtn" be
307               present in the $PATH. Additionally, it must be at least version
308               0.37 or later. The 'server' option should be set to identify
309               the hostname & port number at which the repository is located.
310               For example
312                 options = {
313                   server = guitone.thomaskeller.biz
314                 }
316               The module path will simply be the name of the branch to check‐
317               out
319           darcs
320               The Darcs repository type requires that the command "darcs" be
321               present in the $PATH. Additionally, it must be at least version
322               1.0.0 or later. The 'base-url' option should be set to identify
323               the base URL under which the repositories are located. For
324               example
326                 options = {
327                   base-url = http://www.darcs.net/repos/
328                 }
330           svn The Subversion repository type requires that the command "svn"
331               be present in the $PATH. The 'url' option should be set to
332               identify the base URL at which the repository is accessed.
334                 options = {
335                   url = http://aplaws.redhat.com/svn/aplaws/
336                 }
338           svk The SVK repository type requires that the command "svk" be
339               present in the $PATH. It (currently) requires no special
340               options to be set, rather expecting the modules to specify
341               their full checkout URL. This will, however, likely change in
342               the future.
344           disk
345               The local disk repository type bypasses all version control,
346               allowing source files to be simply copied straight from another
347               directory. The 'directory' otion to refer to the base directory
348               containing the source files.
350                 options = {
351                   directory = /var/lib/builder/local-files
352                 }
354       options
355           The nested "options" configuration block is used to set parameters
356           which are specific to each repository type. Refer to the descrip‐
357           tion of the "type" parameter for details of what options are valid
358           for a particular type.
360       env The nested "env" configuration block is used to set environment
361           variables which are specific to each repository type. Refer to the
362           description of the "type" parameter for details of what variables
363           are relevant for a particular type.
365       MODULES
367       The modules block is where the applications / tools / libraries to be
368       built are defined. The definitions for each module are within the
369       nested "modules" block:
371         modules = {
372           module-name = {
373              ...module params...
374           }
375         }
377       label = Module name
378           This defines a free text display name for the module, and will be
379           used in email alerts, web status pages & related areas.
381       admin-email = admin@example.com
382           Define the email address of a module-specific build administrator.
383           If this is omitted, it defaults to the global administrator email
384           address.
386       admin-name = Module Administrator
387           Define a name for the module-specific administrator. As with the
388           "admin-email", if this is omitted, the global administrator name is
389           used as a default.
391       group-email = developers@example.com
392           Define the email address of a mailing list for the module specific
393           development team. If this is omitted, it defaults to the global
394           developers email address.
396       group-name = Module developers
397           Define a name for the module-specific development team. If this is
398           omitted it defaults to the global development team name.
400       source
401           The nested "source" block defines the location from which the
402           source code for the module will be checked out.
404             source = {
405               ... source location options ...
406             }
408           There are two entries required to be presented in the "source"
409           block:
411           repository = gna-cvs
412               This defines the name of the repository from which the source
413               will be checked out. This repository must be defined earlier in
414               the configuration file.
416           path = /testautobuild
417               This defines the path from which to check out the module. The
418               syntax for the path varies depending on the type of repository,
419               and will typically be specified relative to the root of the
420               repository.
422       env The nested "env" configuration block provides the ability to spec‐
423           ify arbitrary environment variables which will be set whenever the
424           build engine executes a command for this module.
426             env = {
427               ENV-NAME = ENV-VALUE
428               ...
429             }
431       links
432           The nested "links" configuration block defines a list of 'interest‐
433           ing' hyperlinks pertaining to this module. No functional interpre‐
434           tation is placed on the links, they are simply passed through to
435           the HTML template engine when generating the status pages. It is
436           common to provide links to the project's homepage, and a URL for
437           browsing the source code online.
439             links = (
440               {
441                  ...first link...
442               }
443               {
444                  ... second link...
445               }
446             )
448           Within the block for each link, there are two required entries:
450           href
451               The fully-qualified URL for the link, which will typically be
452               used in the "href" tag of an HTML hyperlink.
454           label
455               The free-text string to use as the title of the link - the text
456               a user will click on to follow the link.
458       groups
459           The nested "groups" configuration block defines the list of groups
460           of which the module is a member. The entries in the list are simply
461           names of groups defined earlier in the configuration block. The
462           group membership is primarily used to control generation of the
463           HTML pages.
465             groups = (
466               group-name-a
467               group-name-b
468               ...
469             )
471       artifacts
472           The nested "artifacts" configuration block defines a list of build
473           artifacts to publish to the distribution servers. A build artifact
474           can be anything which is generated during the course of a build,
475           test logs, documentation files, code coverage reports. Each entry
476           in the artifacts list is a block with the following keys
478           src = blib/html/*
479               The path to the source files for the artifact, relative to the
480               module's build root. The source can be a file, a directory, or
481               a BSD glob.
483           dst = apidocs/
484               The destination path at which to publish the artifacts, if the
485               source is a file, this parameter will be treated as a filename.
486               If the source is a glob, or directory, this parameter will be
487               treated as the base directory.
489           path = apidocs/Test/AutoBuild.html
490               An optional parameter providing an alternate link to the pub‐
491               lished artifacts. This is useful if the web server does not
492               allow directory browsing, and there is no index.html file.
494           label = API Documentation
495               The label to use when displaying a link to the artifacts.
497       CD ISO IMAGES
499       XXX


502         engine = /etc/auto-build.d/engine/main.conf
503         templateDir = /etc/auto-build.d/templates
505         buildRoot = /var/lib/builder
507         label = Continous Automatic Builder
509         adminEmail = admin@example.com
510         adminName = Build Administrator
512         groupEmail = dev@example.com
513         groupName = Build Developers
515         hostname = example.com
516         httpPrefix  = /~builder
518         lockMethod = fcntl
520         features = {
521           cache = 1
522           checkout = 1
523           createrepo_index = 1
524           yum_index = 1
525           apt_index = 1
526           email_alerts = 1
527         }
529         alert = {
530           scope = builder
531           trigger = first-fail
532           to = group
533           from = builder@example.com
534           smtpServer = mail.example.com
535         }
537         maxCacheSize = 100M
538         maxCacheAge = 7d
540         groups = {
541           software = {
542             label = Software
543           }
544           autobuild = {
545             label = Test-AutoBuild
546           }
547           docs = {
548             label = Documentation
549           }
550         }
552         env = {
553           USER = builder
554         }
556         repositories = {
557           gna-cvs = {
558             label = GNA Anonymous CVS Server
559             type = cvs
560             env = {
561               CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@cvs.gna.org:/cvs/testautobuild
562             }
563           }
564         }
566         modules = {
567           autobuild-dev = {
568             label = Test AutoBuild Unstable
570             admin-email = autobuild-admin@example.com
571             admin-name = Module Administrator
572             group-email = autobuild-dev@example.com
573             group-name = Module Developers
575             source = {
576               repository = gna-cvs
577               path = testautobuild
578             }
580             env = {
581               HTMLURLPREFIX = /~builder/artifacts/autobuild-dev/apidocs
582             }
584             groups = (
585               autobuild
586               software
587             )
589             links = (
590               {
591                 href = http://www.autobuild.org/
592                 label = Homepage
593               }
594               {
595                 href = http://cvs.gna.org/viewcvs/testautobuild/testautobuild/
596                 label = Browse CVS Repository
597               }
598             )
600             artifacts = (
601               {
602                 src = README
603                 dst = README
604                 label = Readme
605               }
606               {
607                 src = blib/coverage/*
608                 dst = coverage/
609                 label = Code Test & POD coverage Reports
610               }
611               {
612                 src = blib/html/*
613                 dst = apidocs/
614                 path = apidocs/Test/AutoBuild.html
615                 label = Module API documentation
616               }
617             )
618           }
619         }
621         isos = {
622           autobuild-unstable = {
623             name = autobuild-unstable.iso
624             label = Test-AutoBuild Unstable
626             packageTypes = (
627               rpm
628               zip
629             )
631             modules = (
632               autobuild-dev
633             )
634           }
635         }


638         /etc/auto-build.d/templates/*    - templates for HTML status pages & email alerts
639         /etc/auto-build.d/engine/*.conf  - definitions for build engine runtime setup
640         /etc/auto-build.d/httpd/*.conf   - example apache configuration files
641         /etc/auto-build.d/cron/*.conf    - example crontab entries for automating builder
642         /var/lib/builder                 - default build working directory


645       auto-build(1), Config::Record(3pm), Template(3pm)


648       Daniel P. Berrange <dan@berrange.com>
652perl v5.8.8                       2007-12-16                AUTO-BUILD.CONF(5)