1Further options for FSVS.(1)         fsvs         Further options for FSVS.(1)


6       Further options for FSVS. - FSVS understands some other options, that
7       modify its behaviour.

Short list of options

10       FSVS currently knows:
12       · colordiff - Using colordiff
13       · commit_to - Destination URL for commit
14       · conflict - How to resolve conflicts on update
15       · copyfrom_exp - Avoiding expensive compares on copyfrom-detect
16       · debug_output - Destination for debug output
17       · delay - Waiting for a time change after working copy operations
18       · diff_prg, diff_opt, diff_extra - Options relating to the 'diff'
19         action
20       · dir_sort - Directory sorting
21       · empty_commit - Doing empty commits
22       · filter - Filtering entries, but see -f.
23       · log_output - 'fsvs log' output format
24       · merge_prg, merge_opt - Options regarding the 'merge' programm
25       · path - Displaying paths
26       · softroot - Using an alternate root directory
27       · stat_color - Status output coloring
28       · warning - Setting warning behaviour, but see -W.

Priorities for option setting

30       The priorities are
32       · Command line (highest)
33       · Environment variables. These are named as FSVS_{upper-case option
34         name}.
35       · $HOME/.fsvs/wc-dir/config
36       · $FSVS_CONF/wc-dir/config
37       · $HOME/.fsvs/config
38       · $FSVS_CONF/config
39       · Default value, compiled in (lowest)
40       Note:
41           The $HOME-dependent configuration files are not implemented
42           currently. Volunteers?
43       Furthermore there are 'intelligent' run-time dependent settings, like
44       turning off colour output when the output is redirected. Their priority
45       is just below the command line - so they can always be overridden if
46       necessary.


48       Using the commandline:
49            fsvs -o path=environment
50            fsvs -opath=environment
52        Using environment variables:
53            FSVS_PATH=absolute fsvs st
55        A configuration file:
56            # FSVS configuration file
57            path=wcroot

Displaying paths

60       You can specify how paths printed by FSVS should look like; this is
61       used for the entry status output of the various actions, and for the
62       diff header lines.
63       There are several possible settings, of which one can be chosen via the
64       path option.
65       ·
66          wcroot
67          This is the old, traditional FSVS setting, where all paths are
68         printed relative to the working copy root.
69       ·
70          parameter
71          With this setting FSVS works like most other programs - it uses the
72         first best-matching parameter given by the user, and appends the rest
73         of the path.
74          This is the new default.
75       Note:
76           Internally FSVS still first parses all arguments, and then does a
77           single run through the entries. So if some entry matches more than
78           one parameter, it is printed using the first.
79       ·
80          absolute
81          All paths are printed in absolute form. This is useful if you want
82         to paste them into other consoles without worrying whether the
83         current directory matches.
84       The next two are nearly identical to absolute, but the beginning of
85       paths are substituted by environment variables. This makes sense if you
86       want the advantage of full paths, but have some of them abbreviated.
87       ·
88          environment
89          Match variables to directories after reading the known entries, and
90         use this cached information. This is faster, but might miss the best
91         case if new entries are found (which would not be checked against
92         possible longer hits).
93          Furthermore, as this works via associating environment variables to
94         entries, the environment variables must at least match the working
95         copy base - shorter paths won't be substituted.
96       · full-environment
97          Check for matches just before printing the path.
98          This is slower, but find the best fit.
99       Note:
100           The string of the environment variables must match a directory
101           name; the filename is always printed literally, and partial string
102           matches are not allowed. Feedback wanted.
103           Only environment variables whose names start with WC are used for
104           substitution, to avoid using variables like $PWD, $OLDPWD, $HOME
105           and similar which might differ between sessions. Maybe the allowed
106           prefixes for the environment variables should be settable in the
107           configuration. Opinions to the users mailing list, please.
108       Example, with / as working copy base:
109       $ cd /etc
111       $ fsvs -o path=wcroot st
113       $ fsvs -o path=absolute st
115       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st
116       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st .
117       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st /
118       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st X11
119       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st ../dev/..
120       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st X11 ../etc
121       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st ../etc X11
123       $ fsvs -o path=environ st
124       $ WCBAR=/etc fsvs -o path=wcroot st
125       $ WCBAR=/etc fsvs -o path=wcroot st /
126       $ WCBAR=/e fsvs -o path=wcroot st
127       $ WCBAR=/etc WCFOO=/etc/X11 fsvs -o path=wcroot st
129       $ touch /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
130       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st
131       $ fsvs -o path=parameters st X11 /etc/X11/xinit
133       Note:
134           At least for the command line options the strings can be
135           abbreviated, as long as they're still identifiable. Please use the
136           full strings in the configuration file, to avoid having problems in
137           future versions when more options are available.

Options relating to the 'diff' action

139       The diff is not done internally in FSVS, but some other program is
140       called, to get the highest flexibility.
141       There are several option values:
142       · diff_prg: The executable name, default 'diff'.
143       · diff_opt: The default options, default '-pu'.
144       · diff_extra: Extra options, no default.
145       The call is done as
146           $diff_prg $diff_opt $file1 --label '$label1' $file2 --label '$label2' diff_extra
148       Note:
149           In diff_opt you should use only use command line flags without
150           parameters; in diff_extra you can encode a single flag with
151           parameter (like '-U5'). If you need more flexibility, write a shell
152           script and pass its name as diff_prg.

Using colordiff

154       If you have colordiff installed on your system, you might be interested
155       in the colordiff option.
156       It can take on of these values:
157       · no, off or false: Don't use colordiff.
158       · yes, true or on: If this option is set on the commandline, or the
159         output is a tty, pipe the output of the diff program (see Options
160         relating to the 'diff' action) to colordiff.
161       · auto: Like yes, but don't throw an error if colordiff can't be
162         started; just pipe the data as-is to STDOUT.
163       The default value is auto.

Filtering entries

165       Please see the command line parameter for -f, which is identical.
166           fsvs -o filter=mtime

Setting warning behaviour

168       Please see the command line parameter -W, which is identical.
169           fsvs -o warning=diff-status=ignore

Using an alternate root directory

171       This is a path that is prepended to $FSVS_WAA and $FSVS_CONF (or their
172       default values, see envs), if they do not already start with it, and it
173       is cut off for the directory-name MD5 calculation.
174       When is that needed? Imagine that you've booted from some Live-CD like
175       Knoppix; if you want to setup or restore a non-working system, you'd
176       have to transfer all files needed by the fsvs binary to it, and then
177       start in some kind of chroot environment.
178       With this parameter you can tell fsvs that it should load its libraries
179       from the current filesystem, but use the given path as root directory
180       for its administrative data.
181       This is used for recovery; see the example in Recovery for a non-
182       booting system.
183       So how does this work?
184       · The internal data paths derived from $FSVS_WAA and $FSVS_CONF use the
185         value given for softroot as a base directory, if they do not already
186         start with it. (If that creates a conflict for you, eg. in that you
187         want to use /var as the softroot, and your $FSVS_WAA should be
188         /var/fsvs, you can make the string comparison fail by using /./var
189         for either path.)
190       · When a directory name for $FSVS_CONF or $FSVS_WAA is derived from
191         some file path, the part matching softroot is cut off, so that the
192         generated names match the situation after rebooting.
193       Previously you'd have to export your data back to the filesystem and
194       call urls 'fsvs urls' and fsvs sync-repos again, to get the WAA data
195       back.
196       Note:
197           A plain chroot() would not work, as some needed programs (eg. the
198           decoder for update, see Special property names) would not be
199           available.
200           The easy way to understand softroot is: If you want to do a
201           chroot() into the given directory (or boot with it as /), you'll
202           want this set.

'fsvs log' output format

204       You can modify aspects of the fsvs log output format by setting the
205       log_output option to a combination of these flags:
206       · color: This uses color in the output, similar to cg-log (cogito-log);
207         the header and separator lines are highlighted.
208       Note:
209           This uses ANSI escape sequences, and tries to restore the default
210           color; if you know how to do that better (and more compatible),
211           please tell the developer mailing list.
212       · indent: Additionally you can shift the log message itself a space to
213         the right, to make the borders clearer.
214       Furthermore the value normal is available; this turns off all special
215       handling.
216       Note:
217           If you start such an option, the value is reseted; so if you
218           specify log_output=color,indent in the global config file, and use
219           log_output=color on the commandline, only colors are used. This is
220           a difference to the Filtering entries option, which is cumulating.

Status output coloring

222       FSVS can colorize the output of the status lines; removed entries will
223       be printed in red, new ones in green, and otherwise changed in blue.
224       Unchanged (for -v) will be given in the default color.
225       For this you can set stat_color=yes; this is turned off per default.
226       As with the other colorizing options this gets turned off automatically
227       if the output is not on a tty; on the command line you can override
228       this, though.

Directory sorting

230       If you'd like to have the output of status sorted, you can use the
231       option dir_sort=yes. FSVS will do a run through the tree, to read the
232       status of the entries, and then go through it again, but sorted by
233       name. (See dir_enumerator().)
234       Note:
235           If fsvs aborts with an error during status output, you might want
236           to turn this option off again (eg. on the commandline with
237           -odir_sort=no) to see where fsvs stops.

Destination URL for commit

239       If you defined multiple URLs for your working copy, FSVS needs to know
240       which URL to commit to.
241       For this you would set commit_to to the name of the URL; see this
242       example:
243               fsvs urls N:master,P:10,http://... N:local,P:20,file:///...
244               fsvs ci /etc/passwd -m 'New user defined' -ocommit_to=local

Destination for debug output

247       See -d.
248       Example:
249            fsvs -o debug_output=/tmp/debug.out -d st /etc

Doing empty commits

252       In the default settings FSVS will happily create empty commits, ie.
253       revisions without any changed entry. These just have a revision number,
254       an author and a timestamp; this is nice if FSVS is run via CRON, and
255       you want to see when FSVS gets run.
256       If you would like to avoid such revisions, set this option to no; then
257       such commits will be avoided.
258       Example:
259               fsvs commit -o empty_commit=no -m 'cron' /etc
260                               ef cpfd 'copyfrom-detect'

Avoiding expensive compares on

262       If you've got big files that are seen as new, doing the MD5 comparison
263       can be time consuming. So there's the option copyfrom_exp, which takes
264       the usual yes (default) and no arguments.
265               fsvs copyfrom-detect -o copyfrom_exp=no some_directory

Waiting for a time change after working copy operations

267       If you're using fsvs in automated systems, you might see that changes
268       that happen in the same second as a commit are not seen with status
269       later; this is because the timestamp granularity of fsvs is 1 second.
270       For backward compatibility the default value is no (don't delay). You
271       can set it to any combination of
273       · commit,
274       · update,
275       · revert and/or
276       · checkout;
277       for yes all of these actions are delayed until the clock seconds
278       change.
279       Example how to set that option via an environment variable:
280               export FSVS_DELAY=commit,revert

How to resolve conflicts on update

283       If you start an update, but one of the entries that was changed in the
284       repository is changed locally too, you get a conflict.
285       There are some ways to resolve a conflict:
287       · local - Just take the local entry, ignore the repository.
288       · remote - Overwrite any local change with the remote version.
289       · both - Keep the local modifications in the file renamed to
290         filename.mine, and save the repository version as filename.rXXX, ie.
291         put the revision number after the filename.
292       These files will be seen as New; the conflict must be solved manually,
293       and the resolution made known to FSVS via resolve.
294       Note:
295           As there's no known good version after this renaming, a zero byte
296           file gets created.
297            Any resolve or revert command would make that current, and the
298           changes that are kept in filename.mine would be lost!
299            You could only revert to the last repository version, ie. the data
300           of filename.rXXX.
301       · merge - Call the program merge with the common ancestor, the local
302         and the remote version.
303       If it is a clean merge, no further work is necessary; else you'll get
304       the (partly) merged file, and the two other versions just like with the
305       both variant, and have to tell FSVS that the conflict is resolved by
306       resolve.
307       Note:
308           As in the subversion command line client svn the auxiliary files
309           are seen as new, although that might change in the future (so that
310           they automatically get ignored).

Options regarding the 'merge' programm

312       Like with diff, the merge operation is not done internally in FSVS.
313       To have better control
314       · merge_prg: The executable name, default 'merge'.
315       · merge_opt: The default options, default '-A'.
316       The option '-p' is always used:
317           $merge_prg $merge_opt -p $file1 $common $file2
319Version trunk:2078                1 Apr 2008      Further options for FSVS.(1)