1GITATTRIBUTES(5)                  Git Manual                  GITATTRIBUTES(5)


6       gitattributes - defining attributes per path


9       $GIT_DIR/info/attributes, gitattributes


12       A gitattributes file is a simple text file that gives attributes to
13       pathnames.
15       Each line in gitattributes file is of form:
18           glob    attr1 attr2 ...
19       That is, a glob pattern followed by an attributes list, separated by
20       whitespaces. When the glob pattern matches the path in question, the
21       attributes listed on the line are given to the path.
23       Each attribute can be in one of these states for a given path:
25       Set
26           The path has the attribute with special value "true"; this is
27           specified by listing only the name of the attribute in the
28           attribute list.
30       Unset
31           The path has the attribute with special value "false"; this is
32           specified by listing the name of the attribute prefixed with a dash
33           - in the attribute list.
35       Set to a value
36           The path has the attribute with specified string value; this is
37           specified by listing the name of the attribute followed by an equal
38           sign = and its value in the attribute list.
40       Unspecified
41           No glob pattern matches the path, and nothing says if the path has
42           or does not have the attribute, the attribute for the path is said
43           to be Unspecified.
44       When more than one glob pattern matches the path, a later line
45       overrides an earlier line. This overriding is done per attribute.
47       When deciding what attributes are assigned to a path, git consults
48       $GIT_DIR/info/attributes file (which has the highest precedence),
49       .gitattributes file in the same directory as the path in question, and
50       its parent directories (the further the directory that contains
51       .gitattributes is from the path in question, the lower its precedence).
53       Sometimes you would need to override an setting of an attribute for a
54       path to unspecified state. This can be done by listing the name of the
55       attribute prefixed with an exclamation point !.


58       Certain operations by git can be influenced by assigning particular
59       attributes to a path. Currently, the following operations are
60       attributes-aware.
62   Checking-out and checking-in
63       These attributes affect how the contents stored in the repository are
64       copied to the working tree files when commands such as git checkout and
65       git merge run. They also affect how git stores the contents you prepare
66       in the working tree in the repository upon git add and git commit.
68       crlf
69              This attribute controls the line-ending convention.
71              Set
72                  Setting the crlf attribute on a path is meant to mark the
73                  path as a "text" file. core.autocrlf conversion takes place
74                  without guessing the content type by inspection.
76              Unset
77                  Unsetting the crlf attribute on a path is meant to mark the
78                  path as a "binary" file. The path never goes through line
79                  endings conversion upon checkin/checkout.
81              Unspecified
82                  Unspecified crlf attribute tells git to apply the
83                  core.autocrlf conversion when the file content looks like
84                  text.
86              Set to string value "input"
87                  This is similar to setting the attribute to true, but also
88                  forces git to act as if core.autocrlf is set to input for
89                  the path.
90              Any other value set to crlf attribute is ignored and git acts as
91              if the attribute is left unspecified.
93       The core.autocrlf conversion
94              If the configuration variable core.autocrlf is false, no
95              conversion is done.
97              When core.autocrlf is true, it means that the platform wants
98              CRLF line endings for files in the working tree, and you want to
99              convert them back to the normal LF line endings when checking in
100              to the repository.
102              When core.autocrlf is set to "input", line endings are converted
103              to LF upon checkin, but there is no conversion done upon
104              checkout.
106       ident
107              When the attribute ident is set to a path, git replaces $Id$ in
108              the blob object with $Id:, followed by 40-character hexadecimal
109              blob object name, followed by a dollar sign $ upon checkout. Any
110              byte sequence that begins with $Id: and ends with $ in the
111              worktree file is replaced with $Id$ upon check-in.
113       filter
114              A filter attribute can be set to a string value. This names
115              filter driver specified in the configuration.
117              A filter driver consists of clean command and smudge command,
118              either of which can be left unspecified. Upon checkout, when
119              smudge command is specified, the command is fed the blob object
120              from its standard input, and its standard output is used to
121              update the worktree file. Similarly, clean command is used to
122              convert the contents of worktree file upon checkin.
124              Missing filter driver definition in the config is not an error
125              but makes the filter a no-op passthru.
127              The content filtering is done to massage the content into a
128              shape that is more convenient for the platform, filesystem, and
129              the user to use. The keyword here is "more convenient" and not
130              "turning something unusable into usable". In other words, the
131              intent is that if someone unsets the filter driver definition,
132              or does not have the appropriate filter program, the project
133              should still be usable.
135       Interaction between checkin/checkout attributes
136              In the check-in codepath, the worktree file is first converted
137              with filter driver (if specified and corresponding driver
138              defined), then the result is processed with ident (if
139              specified), and then finally with crlf (again, if specified and
140              applicable).
142              In the check-out codepath, the blob content is first converted
143              with crlf, and then ident and fed to filter.
145   Generating diff text
146       The attribute diff affects if git diff generates textual patch for the
147       path or just says Binary files differ. It also can affect what line is
148       shown on the hunk header @@ -k,l +n,m @@ line.
150       Set
151           A path to which the diff attribute is set is treated as text, even
152           when they contain byte values that normally never appear in text
153           files, such as NUL.
155       Unset
156           A path to which the diff attribute is unset will generate Binary
157           files differ.
159       Unspecified
160           A path to which the diff attribute is unspecified first gets its
161           contents inspected, and if it looks like text, it is treated as
162           text. Otherwise it would generate Binary files differ.
164       String
165           Diff is shown using the specified custom diff driver. The driver
166           program is given its input using the same calling convention as
167           used for GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF program. This name is also used for
168           custom hunk header selection.
170       Defining a custom diff driver
171              The definition of a diff driver is done in gitconfig, not
172              gitattributes file, so strictly speaking this manual page is a
173              wrong place to talk about it. However...
175              To define a custom diff driver jcdiff, add a section to your
176              $GIT_DIR/config file (or $HOME/.gitconfig file) like this:
180                  [diff "jcdiff"]
181                          command = j-c-diff
183              When git needs to show you a diff for the path with diff
184              attribute set to jcdiff, it calls the command you specified with
185              the above configuration, i.e. j-c-diff, with 7 parameters, just
186              like GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF program is called. See git(7) for
187              details.
189       Defining a custom hunk-header
190              Each group of changes (called "hunk") in the textual diff output
191              is prefixed with a line of the form:
194                  @@ -k,l +n,m @@ TEXT
195              The text is called hunk header, and by default a line that
196              begins with an alphabet, an underscore or a dollar sign is used,
197              which matches what GNU diff -p output uses. This default
198              selection however is not suited for some contents, and you can
199              use customized pattern to make a selection.
201              First in .gitattributes, you would assign the diff attribute for
202              paths.
206                  *.tex   diff=tex
208              Then, you would define "diff.tex.funcname" configuration to
209              specify a regular expression that matches a line that you would
210              want to appear as the hunk header, like this:
214                  [diff "tex"]
215                          funcname = "^\\(\\\\\\(sub\\)*section{.*\\)$"
217              Note. A single level of backslashes are eaten by the
218              configuration file parser, so you would need to double the
219              backslashes; the pattern above picks a line that begins with a
220              backslash, and zero or more occurrences of sub followed by
221              section followed by open brace, to the end of line.
223              There are a few built-in patterns to make this easier, and tex
224              is one of them, so you do not have to write the above in your
225              configuration file (you still need to enable this with the
226              attribute mechanism, via .gitattributes). Another built-in
227              pattern is defined for java that defines a pattern suitable for
228              program text in Java language.
230   Performing a three-way merge
231       The attribute merge affects how three versions of a file is merged when
232       a file-level merge is necessary during git merge, and other programs
233       such as git revert and git cherry-pick.
235       Set
236           Built-in 3-way merge driver is used to merge the contents in a way
237           similar to merge command of RCS suite. This is suitable for
238           ordinary text files.
240       Unset
241           Take the version from the current branch as the tentative merge
242           result, and declare that the merge has conflicts. This is suitable
243           for binary files that does not have a well-defined merge semantics.
245       Unspecified
246           By default, this uses the same built-in 3-way merge driver as is
247           the case the merge attribute is set. However, merge.default
248           configuration variable can name different merge driver to be used
249           for paths to which the merge attribute is unspecified.
251       String
252           3-way merge is performed using the specified custom merge driver.
253           The built-in 3-way merge driver can be explicitly specified by
254           asking for "text" driver; the built-in "take the current branch"
255           driver can be requested with "binary".
257       Defining a custom merge driver
258              The definition of a merge driver is done in gitconfig not
259              gitattributes file, so strictly speaking this manual page is a
260              wrong place to talk about it. However...
262              To define a custom merge driver filfre, add a section to your
263              $GIT_DIR/config file (or $HOME/.gitconfig file) like this:
267                  [merge "filfre"]
268                          name = feel-free merge driver
269                          driver = filfre %O %A %B
270                          recursive = binary
272              The merge.*.name variable gives the driver a human-readable
273              name.
275              The merge.*.driver variable´s value is used to construct a
276              command to run to merge ancestor´s version (%O), current version
277              (%A) and the other branches´ version (%B). These three tokens
278              are replaced with the names of temporary files that hold the
279              contents of these versions when the command line is built.
281              The merge driver is expected to leave the result of the merge in
282              the file named with %A by overwriting it, and exit with zero
283              status if it managed to merge them cleanly, or non-zero if there
284              were conflicts.
286              The merge.*.recursive variable specifies what other merge driver
287              to use when the merge driver is called for an internal merge
288              between common ancestors, when there are more than one. When
289              left unspecified, the driver itself is used for both internal
290              merge and the final merge.


293       If you have these three gitattributes file:
297           (in $GIT_DIR/info/attributes)
299           a*      foo !bar -baz
301           (in .gitattributes)
302           abc     foo bar baz
304           (in t/.gitattributes)
305           ab*     merge=filfre
306           abc     -foo -bar
307           *.c     frotz
309       the attributes given to path t/abc are computed as follows:
312        1.  By examining t/.gitattributes (which is in the same directory as
313           the path in question), git finds that the first line matches. merge
314           attribute is set. It also finds that the second line matches, and
315           attributes foo and bar are unset.
317        2.  Then it examines .gitattributes (which is in the parent
318           directory), and finds that the first line matches, but
319           t/.gitattributes file already decided how merge, foo and bar
320           attributes should be given to this path, so it leaves foo and bar
321           unset. Attribute baz is set.
323        3.  Finally it examines $GIT_DIR/info/attributes. This file is used to
324           override the in-tree settings. The first line is a match, and foo
325           is set, bar is reverted to unspecified state, and baz is unset.
326       As the result, the attributes assignment to t/abc becomes:
330           foo     set to true
331           bar     unspecified
332           baz     set to false
333           merge   set to string value "filfre"
334           frotz   unspecified


338       Part of the git(7) suite
343Git                       10/09/2007                  GITATTRIBUTES(5)