1pbs_server(8B)                        PBS                       pbs_server(8B)


6       pbs_server - start a pbs batch server


9       pbs_server [-a    active]    [-d config_path] [-p port]   [-A acctfile]
10       [-L logfile]   [-M mom_port]    [-R momRPP_port]    [-S scheduler_port]
11       [-h hostname] [-t type]


14       The  pbs_server  command  starts the operation of a batch server on the
15       local host.  Typically, this command will be in a local boot file  such
16       as  /etc/rc.local  .   If  the  batch  server  is already in execution,
17       pbs_server will exit with an error.  To insure that the pbs_server com‐
18       mand  is  not  runnable  by the general user community, the server will
19       only execute if its real and effective uid is zero.
21       The server will record a diagnostic message in a log file for any error
22       occurrence.   The log files are maintained in the server_logs directory
23       below the home directory of the server.  If  the  log  file  cannot  be
24       opened, the diagnostic message is written to the system console.


27       -a active      Specifies if scheduling is active or not.  This sets the
28                      server attribute scheduling.  If the option argument  is
29                      "true"  ("True", "t", "T", or "1"), the server is active
30                      and the PBS job scheduler will be called.  If the  argu‐
31                      ment  is  "false" ("False", "f", "F", or "0), the server
32                      is idle, and the scheduler will not  be  called  and  no
33                      jobs  will be run.  If this option is not specified, the
34                      server will retain the prior  value  of  the  scheduling
35                      attribute.
37       -d config_path Specifies the path of the directory which is home to the
38                      servers configuration files, PBS_HOME.  A host may  have
39                      multiple  servers.   Each  server  must have a different
40                      configuration  directory.   The  default   configuration
41                      directory  is given by the symbol $PBS_SERVER_HOME which
42                      is typically /usr/spool/PBS.
44       -p port        Specifies the port number on which the server will  lis‐
45                      ten for batch requests.  If multiple servers are running
46                      on a single host, each must have  its  own  unique  port
47                      number.  This option is for use in testing with multiple
48                      batch systems on a single host.
50       -A acctfile    Specifies an absolute path name of the file  to  use  as
51                      the  accounting  file.   If  not  specified, the file is
52                      named    for     the     current     date     in     the
53                      PBS_HOME/server_priv/accounting directory.
55       -L logfile     Specifies  an  absolute  path name of the file to use as
56                      the log file.  If not specified, the file is  one  named
57                      for  the current date in the PBS_HOME/server_logs direc‐
58                      tory, see the -d option.
60       -M mom_port    Specifies the host name and/or port number on which  the
61                      server should connect the job executor, MOM.  The option
62                      argument, mom_conn, is  one  of  the  forms:  host_name,
63                      [:]port_number,  or host_name:port_number.  If host_name
64                      not specified, the local host is assumed.   If port_num‐
65                      ber  is not specified, the default port is assumed.  See
66                      the -M option for pbs_mom(8).
68       -R mom_RPPport Specifies the port number on which the the server should
69                      query  the  up/down  status of Mom.    See the -R option
70                      for pbs_mom(8).
72       -S scheduler_port
73                      Specifies the port number to  which  the  server  should
74                      connect when contacting the Scheduler.  The option argu‐
75                      ment, scheduler_conn, is of the same syntax as under the
76                      -M  option.   +.IP  "-h  hostname"  Causes the server to
77                      start under a different hostname as obtained from  geth‐
78                      ostname(2).  Useful  for  servers  with multiple network
79                      interfaces to support connections from clients  over  an
80                      interface that has a hostname assigned that differs from
81                      the one that is returned by gethostname(2).
83       -t type        Specifies the impact on jobs which  were  in  execution,
84                      running,  when the server shut down.  If the running job
85                      is not  rerunnable  or  restartable  from  a  checkpoint
86                      image,  the job is aborted.  If the job is rerunnable or
87                      restartable, then the actions described below are taken.
88                      When the type argument is:
90                      hot     All jobs are requeued except non-rerunnable jobs
91                              that were executing.  Any rerunnable  job  which
92                              was  executing when the server went down will be
93                              run immediately.  This returns the server to the
94                              same  state  as  when it went down.  After those
95                              jobs are restarted, then normal scheduling takes
96                              place for all remaining queued jobs.
98                              If a job cannot be restarted immediately because
99                              of a missing resource,  such  as  a  node  being
100                              down,   the  server  will  attempt to restart it
101                              periodically for upto 5  minutes.    After  that
102                              period,  the  server  will  revert  to  a normal
103                              state, as if warm started, and  will  no  longer
104                              attempt to restart any remaining jobs which were
105                              running prior to the shutdown.
107                      warm    All rerunnable jobs which were running when  the
108                              server  went  down are requeued.  All other jobs
109                              are maintained.  New  selections  are  made  for
110                              which  jobs  are placed into execution.  Warm is
111                              the default if -t is not specified.
113                      cold    All jobs are deleted.  Positive confirmation  is
114                              required before this direction is accepted.
116                      create  The  server will discard any existing configura‐
117                              tion files, queues and jobs, and initialize con‐
118                              figuration  files  to  the  default values.  The
119                              server is idled.


122       $PBS_SERVER_HOME/server_priv
123                      default directory  for  configuration  files,  typically
124                      /usr/spool/pbs/server_priv
126       $PBS_SERVER_HOME/server_logs
127                      directory for log files recorded by the server.

Signal Handling

130       On  receipt  of  the following signals, the server performs the defined
131       action:
133       SIGHUP The current  server  log  and  accounting  log  are  closed  and
134              reopened.  This allows for the prior log to be renamed and a new
135              log started from the time of the signal.
137       SIGINT Causes an orderly shutdown of pbs_server, identical to "qterm".
139       SIGTERM
140              Causes an orderly shutdown of pbs_server, identical to "qterm".
142       SIGSHUTDN
143              On systems (Unicos) where SIGSHUTDN is defined, it  also  causes
144              an orderly shutdown of the server.
147              These signals are ignored.
149       All other signals have their default behavior installed.


152       If  the server command fails to begin batch operation, the server exits
153       with a value greater than zero.


156       qsub   (1B),    pbs_connect(3B),    pbs_mom(8B),    pbs_sched_basl(8B),
157       pbs_sched_tcl(8B),  pbsnodes(8B),  qdisable(8B), qenable(8B), qmgr(1B),
158       qrun(8B), qstart(8B), qstop(8B), qterm(8B), and the PBS External Refer‐
159       ence Specification.
163Local                                                           pbs_server(8B)