1TDX-UTIL(8)               InterNetNews Documentation               TDX-UTIL(8)


6       tdx-util - Tradindexed overview manipulation utility


9       tdx-util [-AFgio] [-a article] [-n newsgroup] [-p path] [-R path]


12       tdx-util is an administrative interface to the tradindexed overview
13       method for INN.  It only works on tradindexed overview databases, not
14       on any other type of INN overview.  It allows the administrator to dump
15       various information about the internal state of the overview, audit it
16       for errors, and rebuild portions of the overview database.
18       The tradindexed overview method should lock properly and therefore it
19       should be safe to run this utility and perform any operation it per‐
20       forms, including full repairs or per-group overview rebuilds, while the
21       server is running.  However, note that some of the operations performed
22       by this utility can take an extended period of time and will hold locks
23       in the overview database during that period, which depending on what
24       the server is doing may cause the server to stall until tdx-util com‐
25       pletes its operation.
27       The dump operations are -i, which dumps the master index for the over‐
28       view database, -g, which dumps the index for an individual group, and
29       -o, which dumps the overview information for a particular group
30       (including the additional metadata stored in the index).  For -g and
31       -o, the -n option must also be given to specify a newsgroup to operate
32       on.
34       To audit the entire overview database for problems, use -A.  Any prob‐
35       lems found will be reported to standard error.  There is not (yet) a
36       corresponding option to correct the errors found.
38       To rebuild the database for a particular newsgroup, use -R.  The -R
39       option takes a path to a directory which contains all of the articles
40       for that newsgroup, one per file.  The names of the files must be the
41       numbers of the articles in that group.  (In other words, this directory
42       must be a traditional spool directory for that group.)  The -n option
43       must also be given to specify the newsgroup for which the overview is
44       being rebuilt.
46       For all operations performed by tdx-util, a different overview database
47       than the one specified in inn.conf may be specified using the -p
48       option.


51       -A  Audit the entire overview database for problems.  This runs the
52           internal consistency checks built into the tradindexed overview
53           implementation, checking such things as the validity and reachabil‐
54           ity of all group index entries, the format of the individual over‐
55           view entries, the correspondance of index entries to overview data,
56           and similar such things.  No changes will be made to the database,
57           but problems will be reported to standard error.
59       -a article
60           The article number to act on.  Only useful in combination with the
61           -o option to dump overview information.
63       -F  Audit the entire overview database for problems, fixing them as
64           they're detected where possible. This runs the internal consistency
65           checks built into the tradindexed overview implementation, checking
66           such things as the validity and reachability of all group index
67           entries, the format of the individual overview entries, the corre‐
68           spondance of index entries to overview data, and similar such
69           things.  The strategy used when fixing problems is to throw away
70           data that's unrecoverable, so be warned that using this option may
71           result in inaccessible articles if their overview data has been
72           corrupted.
74           To see what would be changed by -F, run tdx-util with -A first.
76       -g  Dump the master index of the overview database.  This contains sim‐
77           ilar information to the server active file, such as high and low
78           water marks and moderation status, and is the information that
79           nnrpd hands out to clients.
81           The fields are, in order, the newsgroup name, the high water mark,
82           the low water mark, the base article number (the point at which the
83           group index begins), the count of articles in the group, the group
84           status flag, the time (in seconds since epoch) when that newsgroup
85           was deleted or 0 if it hasn't been, and the inode of the index file
86           for that group.
88       -i  Dump the index of a particular group.  The fields are, in order,
89           the article number, the offset of the data for that article in the
90           overview data file for that group, the length of the overview data,
91           the time (in seconds since epoch) when the article arrived on the
92           server, the time (in seconds since epoch) when the article should
93           expire based on its Expires header (or 0 if there is no Expires
94           header), and the storage API token of the article.
96           If this option is given, the -n option must also be given to spec‐
97           ify the newsgroup on which to act.
99       -n newsgroup
100           Specify the newsgroup on which to act, required for the -i, -o, and
101           -R options.
103       -o  Dump the overview information for a newsgroup, in the same format
104           as it would be returned to clients but with one modification.
105           Appended to the end of each entry will be four additional pieces of
106           data:  the article number according to the index file for that
107           group, the storage API token for that article, the arrival date for
108           that article on the server in RFC 822 date format, and the expira‐
109           tion date for that article (from the Expires header) in RFC 822
110           date format if there is any.
112           If this option is given, the -n option must also be given to spec‐
113           ify the newsgroup on which to act.  By default, all of the overview
114           information for that newsgroup is dumped, but the -a option may be
115           given to restrict the dump to the information for a single article.
117       -p path
118           Act on the overview database rooted in path, overriding the over‐
119           view path specified in inn.conf.
121       -R path
122           Rebuild the overview for a given group from the articles stored in
123           path.  The articles must be in the form of a traditional spool
124           directory; in other words, each article must be in a separate file
125           and the name of the file must match the article number of the arti‐
126           cle.
128           If this option is given, the -n option must also be given to spec‐
129           ify the newsgroup on which to act.


132       Dump the master index for the overview database in /news/overview,
133       regardless of the overview path specified in inn.conf:
135           tdx-util -i -p /news/overview
137       Dump the group index for example.test:
139           tdx-util -g -n example.test
141       Dump the complete overview information for example.test:
143           tdx-util -o -n example.test
145       Audit the entire overview database for any problems:
147           tdx-util -A
149       Rebuild the overview information for example.test from a traditional
150       spool directory:
152           tdx-util -R /news/spool/articles/example/test -n example.test
154       The last command may be useful for recovering from a bad crash or cor‐
155       rupted overview information for a particular group, if you are also
156       using the tradspool article storage method.


159       Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> for InterNetNews.
161       $Id: tdx-util.8 7047 2004-12-19 19:41:49Z rra $


164       makehistory(8)
168INN 2.4.2                         2004-12-19                       TDX-UTIL(8)