1funview(n)                    SAORD Documentation                   funview(n)


6       Funview: Database View Support for Tables


9       This document contains a summary of the options for utilizing database-
10       inspired Views of tables.


13       Database Views
15       In database parlance, a View defines a "virtual table", i.e., a
16       description of row and/or column selection filters (but with no perma‐
17       nent storage space allocated). When used in place of a table, a View
18       selects the specified rows and/or columns from one or more real tables.
19       Views enable you to see complicated data tables in a more convenient
20       format. They also can be used as a security mechanism, by restricting
21       user access to specific columns and/or rows.  [See:
23       http://www.cs.unibo.it/~ciaccia/COURSES/RESOURCES/SQLTuto‐
24       rial/sqlch5.htm
26       for a good discussion of SQL Views.]
28       Funtools supports an expanded notion of Views for all tabular data
29       (FITS tables, raw binary tables, and ASCII column files). Funtools
30       Views allow you to pre-set values for the filter specification, the
31       columns to activate, and display format (though the latter is for
32       fundisp only).  Setting the filter and column activation values pro‐
33       vides functionality equivalent to that of a classical database View,
34       while the ability to set the format is similar to classical report
35       writing capabilities.
37       Funtools View Attributes
39       A Funtools View is a text file containing one or more of the following
40       columns:
42         column         description
43         ------         -----------------------------
44         view           name of view
45         file           data file name or template
46         filter         filter specification
47         columns        columns to activate
48         format         fundisp format specification
50       All of the attribute columns are optional, including the view name
51       itself. This means that a View can be named or unnamed. Unnamed Views
52       can refer to a specific file or a template of files (obviously if nei‐
53       ther the view or the file column is specified, the input View specifi‐
54       cation will never be used). You can specify any combination of filter,
55       column, and format parameters. (It also is possible to apply file-spe‐
56       cific View to other files; see the discussion on View Lists below).
57       Each column has a size limit of 1024 characters.
59       For example, consider the following View file:
61         view    file                    format  columns       filter
62         ----    ----------------------  ------  ------------  -------
63         x3      ${HOME}/data/snr.ev     I=%4d   x y pi pha    cir 512 512 .1
64         x2      ${HOME}/data/snr.ev             x y pi pha    cir 512 512 .1
65         x1      ${HOME}/data/snr.ev                           cir 512 512 .1
66         x1a     ${HOME}/data/snr.ev             x y pi pha
67         x0      ${HOME}/data/snr.ev
68         xf                              I=%4d
69         xc                                      x y pi pha
70         xr                                                    cir 512 512 .1
71                 *.ev                            x y pi pha
72                 *.fit                           x y dx dy     cir 400 400  3
73                 *.fits                  I=%3d   x y dx dy     cir 400 400  3
75       This database example is in rdb format, i.e. using tab delimiters and
76       permitting null values. Any valid ASCII table format is acceptable, but
77       if you use a format that does not permit null values, it will be neces‐
78       sary to quote the null strings.
80       The first five entries (x3, x2, x1, x1a, x0) are named entries defining
81       default values specifically for the snr.ev data file. Typically, you
82       would use these Views by specifying View name, and the corresponding
83       file, filter, column, and format values would be used. Note that the x0
84       View is essentially an alias for the pathname of this file.
86       The next three entries define defaults that can be applied to any file.
87       You typically would use these View names in conjunction with a specific
88       file name (see View Lists below) so that the associated parameter(s)
89       were applied to that file.
91       The last three entry in the database define unnamed Views that pertains
92       to all files ending with the specified templates. In these cases, any
93       View that specifies a file name matching the file template would be
94       processed with the associated parameter attributes.
96       Invoking a Funtools View (in Place of an Input File)
98       To use a Funtools View, you simply pre-pend the "v:" prefix to a View
99       name or a file name where an input file name usually is specified. For
100       example:
102         fundisp v:x3
104       specifies that the View named x3 (with its file name and associated
105       parameters) is processed as the input file to fundisp. Using the exam‐
106       ple database, above, this is equivalent to:
108         fundisp  -f "I=%4d" ${HOME}/data/snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]'  "x y pi pha"
110       That is, the format is used with fundisp's -f (format) switch, while
111       the filename and extension are composed of the x3 View's filename and
112       region filter.
114       Similarly, executing a command such as:
116         fundisp v:foo.fit
118       will match the unnamed View associated with the template "*.fit".  This
119       is equivalent to executing:
121         fundisp foo.fit'[cir 400 400 3]' "x y dx dy"
123       Of course, if you omit the "v:" prefix, then no View processing takes
124       place:
126         fundisp foo.fit    # process foo.fit without any View parameters
127         fundisp x3         # error (assuming there is no file named x3)
129       Basic View Matching Rules
131       When a "v:" prefix is recognized, Funtools searches for a View database
132       file in the following order:
134         location             description
135         ------------         ------------------------------------
136         FUN_VIEWFILE         environment variable (any file name)
137         ./.funtools.vu       hidden file, default name
138         $HOME/.funtools.vu   hidden file, default name
140       The first View database file located is used to construct a new file‐
141       name, as well as an activation column specification and a format speci‐
142       fication. The following rules are used:
144       1. An attempt is made to match the input name (i.e., the part of the
145       input View after the "v:" prefix) against the view column value (if
146       present) of each row in the database. If a match is found, the values
147       of all non-blank columns are saved for later use.  Also note that the
148       first match terminates the search: i.e., the order of the database rows
149       matters.
151       2. If no view match is made, an attempt is made to match the input name
152       against the file column value (if present). Matching is performed on
153       the full pathname of both the input name and the database file name,
154       and on the non-directory (root) part of these files. This means that
155       the root specification:
157         fundisp v:snr.ev
159       will match a row in the database that has a full pathname in the file,
160       allowing you to use a file-matched View without having to specify the
161       full pathname. In this example, the "v:snr.ev" View specification will
162       match the first row (v:x3) in the database:
164         x3   ${HOME}/data/snr.ev     I=%4d   x y pi pha    cir 512 512 .1
166       even though the row contains a fully qualified pathname as the file
167       value. Once again, values of all non-blank columns are saved, and the
168       first match terminates the search.
170       3. If neither a view or a view match has been found, then a simple tem‐
171       plate match is attempted against the view values. Template matching
172       supports a simplified version of file globbing (not a regular expres‐
173       sion), with support for a single "*" (all characters), "?" (single
174       character), or "[...]" (range) specification.
176       4. If no template match was found on the view column, then a simple
177       template match is attempted against the file columns.
179       5. If no match is found, then the filename (minus the "v:" prefix) is
180       returned.
182       More on View Matching Rules: Single vs. Multiple Matches
184       The matching rules described above stop after the first match, regard‐
185       less of whether that match provides values for all three parameters
186       (filter, columns, and format). In cases where a view or file match does
187       not provide all three values, it is possible that a template match
188       might do so. With regard to the example View database above, the x1
189       View provides only a filter, while omitting both the format and columns
190       values. But note that the final rows in the database could provide the
191       values via a template match on the filename. This sort of multiple
192       matching is especially valuable in order to provide "global" values to
193       several Views.
195       Obviously, multiple matching might not be wanted in every case. There‐
196       fore, we support both multiple matching and single matching according
197       to the value of the FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable.  If the
198       FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable exists and if its value begins with
199       "s", then a single match is used and missing parameters are not filled
200       in with subsequent template matches on the file name. That is, matching
201       rules above are followed exactly as explained above.  If the value of
202       this environment variable begins with "m" (or does not exist), then
203       multiple matches are used to try to fill in missing parameters.  In
204       this case, template matching always takes place and missing values are
205       taken from these template matches.
207       Thus, in the example above, the View specification:
209         fundisp v:x1
211       will take the file name and filter value from the x1 View:
213         x1      ${HOME}/data/snr.ev                           cir 512 512 .1
215       The column value then will be taken from the "*.ev" file template match
216       against the x1 file name:
218                 *.ev                            x y pi pha
220       Note once again that order is important: missing values are taken in
221       the order in which the template matches are processed.
223       View Lists: Applying a View to Any File
225       It is possible to apply a named View, or even several Views, to any
226       data file by appending a viewlist immediately after the standard "v:"
227       prefix. A viewlist takes the form:
229         :v1,v2,...vn:
231       where v1, v2, etc. are named Views. The two ":" colon characters sur‐
232       rounding the list are required. Thus, the syntax for applying a
233       viewlist to a file is:
235         v::view1,view2,...viewn:filename
237       Note that the name after the last ":" is assumed to be a file; it is
238       not permissible (or sensible) to use a View name.
240       For example, the View specification:
242         fundisp v::x2:foo
244       applies the x2 View to the file foo (even if there is a View named foo)
245       and (in using our example database) is equivalent to:
247         ./fundisp foo'[cir 512 512 .1] "x y pi pha"
249       The same command can be effected using a list of Views:
251         fundisp v::x1,x1a:foo
253       What happens if a viewlist is used and the file also matches a tem‐
254       plate? Consider, for example, this View specification:
256         fundisp v::x2:foo.fit
258       Here, the x2 View will supply filter and column values, while the tem‐
259       plate *.fit can also supply (different) filter and column values. In
260       this case, the explicitly specified Views of the viewlist trump the
261       matched view values.
263       On the other hand, if a file template match can supply a View value
264       that is not supplied by the viewlist, then that value will be taken
265       from the file template match. For example:
267         fundisp v::x2:foo.fits
269       does not explicitly supply a format value, but the file match on *.fits
270       can and does. You can avoid supplying missing values using file tem‐
271       plate matching by replacing the first ":" with a "-" in a viewlist
272       specification:
274         fundisp v:-x2:foo.fits
276       The use of ":+" to explicitly allow file template matching is also sup‐
277       ported, but is the same as the default case. Note that the nuances of
278       viewlist support are subject to change as our experience and under‐
279       standing grow.
281       Overriding Values Associated with a View
283       To override values associated with a View, simply supply the override
284       values in the correct place on the command line. Thus, given the exam‐
285       ple database described above, the command:
287         fundisp v:x3
289       specifies that the View named x3, along with its file name and associ‐
290       ated parameters, be processed as the input file to fundisp in this way:
292         fundisp  -f "I=%4d" ${HOME}/data/snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]'  "x y pi pha"
294       To override one or more of these values, simply specify a new value for
295       the format, filter, or columns.  For example, if your input View file
296       contains a filter, then the View will use that filter as an override of
297       the View filter:
299         fundisp v:x3'[cir 400 400 3]'
301       will use the columns and format of the x3 View but not the x3 filter.
302       Further examples are:
304         fundisp v:x3 "x y dx dy"    # activate a different set of columns
305         fundisp -f "I=%3d" v:x3     # use a different format statement
307       Note that extension names, extension index values, and other non-filter
308       specifications do not override the View filter. Thus:
310         fundisp v:foo.fit[3]
312       will still use the filter associated with the .fit template (see
313       above), since the "3" is an extension index, not a filter.
315       Environment Variables
317       The following environment variables are used by Funtools Views:
319       ·   FUN_VIEWNAME
321           The FUN_VIEWNAME environment variable specifies the name and loca‐
322           tion of the View database file. If not present, the files ./.fun‐
323           tools.vu and $HOME/.funtools.vu are searched for, in that order.
325       ·   FUN_VIEWMATCH
327           The FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable specifies whether a single
328           match or multiple match algorithm is used to locate parameter val‐
329           ues. If the value of this environment variable begins with "s",
330           then a single match is used and missing parameters are not filled
331           in with subsequent template matches on the file name. If the value
332           begins with "m", then multiple matches are used to try to fill in
333           missing parameters. The default is to use multiple matches.
335       Restrictions and Problems
337       Support for overriding a filter (while not overriding extension names,
338       extension indexes, etc.) requires that we can sense the presence of a
339       filter in a bracket specification. It is unclear yet whether our algo‐
340       rithm is perfect.
342       Go to Funtools Help Index
344       Last updated: August 3, 2007
348version 1.4.0                   August 15, 2007                     funview(n)