2tpool(n)                                                              tpool(n)


9       tpool  -  Part  of  the  Tcl  threading extension implementing pools of
10       worker threads.


13       package require Tcl  8.4
15       package require Thread  ?2.6?
17       tpool::create ?options?
19       tpool::names
21       tpool::post ?-detached? ?-nowait? tpool script
23       tpool::wait tpool joblist ?varname?
25       tpool::cancel tpool joblist ?varname?
27       tpool::get tpool job
29       tpool::preserve tpool
31       tpool::release tpool


36       This package creates and manages pools of worker threads. It allows you
37       to  post  jobs  to  worker  threads  and wait for their completion. The
38       threadpool implementation is Tcl event-loop aware. That means that  any
39       time  a caller is forced to wait for an event (job being completed or a
40       worker thread becoming idle or initialized),  the  implementation  will
41       enter  the  event loop and allow for servicing of other pending file or
42       timer (or any other supported) events.


45       tpool::create ?options?
46              This command creates new threadpool. It accepts several  options
47              as  key-value  pairs.  Options  are used to tune some threadpool
48              parameters.  The command returns the ID  of  the  newly  created
49              threadpool.
51              Following options are supported:
53              -minthreads number
54                     Minimum  number  of  threads  needed  for this threadpool
55                     instance.  During threadpool creation, the implementation
56                     will  create  somany worker threads upfront and will keep
57                     at least number of them alive during the lifetime of  the
58                     threadpool  instance.  Default value of this parameter is
59                     0 (zero). which means that a newly threadpool  will  have
60                     no  worker  threads  initialy. All worker threads will be
61                     started on demand by callers running tpool::post  command
62                     and posting jobs to the job queue.
64              -maxthreads number
65                     Maximum  number  of  threads  allowed for this threadpool
66                     instance.  If a new job is pending and there are no  idle
67                     worker  threads available, the implementation will try to
68                     create new worker thread.  If  the  number  of  available
69                     worker threads is lower than the given number, new worker
70                     thread will start. The caller  will  automatically  enter
71                     the  event loop and wait until the worker thread has ini‐
72                     tialized. If. however, the  number  of  available  worker
73                     threads  is  equal  to  the given number, the caller will
74                     enter the event loop and wait for the first worker thread
75                     to get idle, thus ready to run the job.  Default value of
76                     this parameter is 4 (four), which means that the  thread‐
77                     pool instance will allow maximum of 4 worker threads run‐
78                     ning jobs or being idle  waiting  for  new  jobs  to  get
79                     posted to the job queue.
81              -idletime seconds
82                     Time  in  seconds an idle worker thread waits for the job
83                     to get posted to the job queue. If no job arrives  during
84                     this  interval  and  the  time expires, the worker thread
85                     will check  the  number  of  currently  available  worker
86                     threads  and  if the number is higher than the number set
87                     by the minthreads option, it will exit.  If an exitscript
88                     has  been  defined,  the exiting worker thread will first
89                     run the script  and  then  exit.  Errors  from  the  exit
90                     script, if any, are ignored.
92                     The  idle  worker thread is not servicing the event loop.
93                     If you, however, put the worker  thread  into  the  event
94                     loop,  by  evaluating the vwait or other related Tcl com‐
95                     mands, the worker thread will not be in the  idle  state,
96                     hence  the  idle  timer  will  not be taken into account.
97                     Default value for this option is unspecified, hence,  the
98                     Tcl  interpreter  of  the worker thread will contain just
99                     the initial set of Tcl commands.
101              -initcmd script
102                     Sets a Tcl script used to initialize new  worker  thread.
103                     This is usually used to load packages and commands in the
104                     worker, set default  variables,  create  namespaces,  and
105                     such.  If  the  passed  script runs into a Tcl error, the
106                     worker will not be created  and  the  initiating  command
107                     (either  the  tpool::create  or  tpool::post)  will throw
108                     error.  Default value for  this  option  is  unspecified,
109                     hence, the Tcl interpreter of the worker thread will con‐
110                     tain just the initial set of Tcl commands.
112              -exitcmd script
113                     Sets a Tcl script run when the idle worker thread  exits.
114                     This  is  normaly used to cleanup the state of the worker
115                     thread, release reserved resources,  cleanup  memory  and
116                     such.  Default value for this option is unspecified, thus
117                     no Tcl script will run on the worker thread exit.
120       tpool::names
121              This command returns a list of IDs of threadpools  created  with
122              the  tpool::create  command.  If  no threadpools were found, the
123              command will return empty list.
125       tpool::post ?-detached? ?-nowait? tpool script
126              This command sends a script to the target tpool  threadpool  for
127              execution.  The  script  will be executed in the first available
128              idle worker thread. If there are no idle worker  threads  avail‐
129              able,  the command will create new one, enter the event loop and
130              service events until the newly created thread is initialized. If
131              the  current  number  of  worker threads is equal to the maximum
132              number of worker threads, as defined during the threadpool  cre‐
133              ation,  the command will enter the event loop and service events
134              while waiting for one of the worker threads to become idle.   If
135              the  optional  ?-nowait? argument is given, the command will not
136              wait for one idle worker. It will just  place  the  job  in  the
137              pool's job queue and return immediately.
139              The  command  returns  the ID of the posted job. This ID is used
140              for subsequent tpool::wait, tpool::get  and  tpool::cancel  com‐
141              mands  to  wait for and retrieve result of the posted script, or
142              cancel the posted job respectively. If the optional  ?-detached?
143              argument  is  specified, the command will post a detached job. A
144              detached job can not be cancelled or  waited  upon  and  is  not
145              identified by the job ID.
147              If  the  threadpool  tpool  is  not  found in the list of active
148              thread pools, the command will throw error. The error will  also
149              be  triggered  if  the newly created worker thread fails to ini‐
150              tialize.
152       tpool::wait tpool joblist ?varname?
153              This command waits for one or many jobs, whose job IDs are given
154              in the joblist to get processed by the worker thread(s). If none
155              of the specified jobs are ready,  the  command  will  enter  the
156              event  loop,  service  events  and wait for the first job to get
157              ready.
159              The command returns the  list  of  completed  job  IDs.  If  the
160              optional variable ?varname? is given, it will be set to the list
161              of jobs in the joblist which are still pending. If  the  thread‐
162              pool  tpool is not found in the list of active thread pools, the
163              command will throw error.
165       tpool::cancel tpool joblist ?varname?
166              This command cancels the previously posted  jobs  given  by  the
167              joblist  to  the  pool tpool. Job cancellation succeeds only for
168              job still waiting to be processed. If the job is  already  being
169              executed  by one of the worker threads, the job will not be can‐
170              celled.  The command returns the list of cancelled job  IDs.  If
171              the  optional variable ?varname? is given, it will be set to the
172              list of jobs in the joblist which were  not  cancelled.  If  the
173              threadpool  tpool  is  not  found  in  the list of active thread
174              pools, the command will throw error.
176       tpool::get tpool job
177              This command retrieves the result of the previously posted  job.
178              Only  results  of  jobs waited upon with the tpool::wait command
179              can be retrieved. If the execution of  the  script  resulted  in
180              error, the command will throw the error and update the errorInfo
181              and errorCode variables correspondingly. If the  pool  tpool  is
182              not  found  in  the  list of threadpools, the command will throw
183              error.  If the job job is not ready for retrieval, because it is
184              currently  being executed by the worker thread, the command will
185              throw error.
187       tpool::preserve tpool
188              Each call to this command increments the  reference  counter  of
189              the  threadpool  tpool  by one (1). Command returns the value of
190              the reference counter after the increment.  By incrementing  the
191              reference  counter,  the caller signalizes that he/she wishes to
192              use the resource for a longer period of time.
194       tpool::release tpool
195              Each call to this command decrements the  reference  counter  of
196              the threadpool tpool by one (1).Command returns the value of the
197              reference counter  after  the  decrement.   When  the  reference
198              counter  reaches  zero  (0),  the threadpool tpool is marked for
199              termination. You should not reference the threadpool  after  the
200              tpool::release  command  returns zero. The tpool handle goes out
201              of scope and should not be used any more. Any  following  refer‐
202              ence to the same threadpool handle will result in Tcl error.


205       Threadpool  is  one of the most common threading paradigm when it comes
206       to server applications handling a  large  number  of  relatively  small
207       tasks.  A very simplistic model for building a server application would
208       be to create a new thread each time a request arrives and  service  the
209       request in the new thread. One of the disadvantages of this approach is
210       that the overhead of creating a new thread for each request is signifi‐
211       cant;  a  server that created a new thread for each request would spend
212       more time and consume more system resources in creating and  destroying
213       threads  than  in  processing  actual user requests. In addition to the
214       overhead of creating and destroying  threads,  active  threads  consume
215       system  resources.   Creating  too many threads can cause the system to
216       run out of memory or trash due to excessive memory consumption.
218       A thread pool offers a solution to both the  problem  of  thread  life-
219       cycle overhead and the problem of resource trashing. By reusing threads
220       for multiple tasks, the thread-creation overhead is  spread  over  many
221       tasks.   As  a  bonus, because the thread already exists when a request
222       arrives, the delay introduced by thread creation is  eliminated.  Thus,
223       the  request can be serviced immediately. Furthermore, by properly tun‐
224       ing the number of threads in the thread pool,  resource  thrashing  may
225       also  be  eliminated  by  forcing any request to wait until a thread is
226       available to process it.


229       thread, tsv, ttrace


232       thread, threadpool
236Tcl Threading                         2.6                             tpool(n)