1log(7D)                             Devices                            log(7D)


6       log - interface to STREAMS error logging and event tracing


9       #include <sys/strlog.h>
12       #include <sys/log.h>


16       log  is a STREAMS software device driver that provides an interface for
17       console logging and for the STREAMS error  logging  and  event  tracing
18       processes  (see  strerr(1M), and strace(1M)). log presents two separate
19       interfaces: a function call  interface  in  the  kernel  through  which
20       STREAMS drivers and modules submit log messages; and a set of  ioctl(2)
21       requests and STREAMS messages for interaction with a user level console
22       logger, an error logger, a trace logger, or processes that need to sub‐
23       mit their own log messages.
25   Kernel Interface
26       log messages are generated within the kernel by calls to  the  function
27       strlog():
29         strlog(short mid,
30             short sid,
31             char level,
32             ushort_t flags,
33             char *fmt,
34             unsigned arg1...
35         );
39       Required  definitions are contained in <sys/strlog.h>, <sys/log.h>, and
40       <sys/syslog.h>. mid is the STREAMS module id number for the  module  or
41       driver  submitting  the  log  message. sid is an internal sub-id number
42       usually used to identify a particular minor  device of a driver.  level
43       is a tracing level that allows for selective screening out of low  pri‐
44       ority messages from the tracer. flags are any combination of   SL_ERROR
45       (the  message  is  for the error logger),  SL_TRACE (the message is for
46       the tracer), SL_CONSOLE  (the  message  is  for  the  console  logger),
47       SL_FATAL  (advisory  notification  of  a  fatal  error), and  SL_NOTIFY
48       (request that a copy of the message be mailed to the system administra‐
49       tor).  fmt  is  a  printf(3C) style format string, except that  %s, %e,
50       %E, %g, and  %G conversion specifications are not handled. Up to  NLOG‐
51       ARGS  (in  this  release,  three) numeric or character arguments can be
52       provided.
54   User Interface
55       log is implemented as a cloneable  device,  it  clones  itself  without
56       intervention  from  the  system  clone  device.  Each  open of /dev/log
57       obtains a separate stream to log. In order to receive log  messages,  a
58       process must first notify log whether it is an error logger, trace log‐
59       ger, or console logger using a STREAMS  I_STR ioctl call  (see  below).
60       For  the  console  logger,  the   I_STR  ioctl  has an  ic_cmd field of
61       I_CONSLOG, with no accompanying data. For the error logger, the   I_STR
62       ioctl has an  ic_cmd field of  I_ERRLOG, with no accompanying data. For
63       the trace logger, the  ioctl has an  ic_cmd  field  of   I_TRCLOG,  and
64       must be accompanied by a data buffer containing an array of one or more
65       struct trace_ids elements.
67         struct trace_ids {
68             short ti_mid;
69             short ti_sid;
70             char  ti_level;
71         };
75       Each trace_ids structure specifies a mid, sid, and  level   from  which
76       messages  will  be  accepted. strlog(9F) will accept messages whose mid
77       and sid exactly match those in the trace_ids structure, and whose level
78       is  less than or equal to the level given in the trace_ids structure. A
79       value of −1 in any of the fields of the trace_ids  structure  indicates
80       that  any value is accepted for that field.
83       Once the logger process has identified itself using the ioctl call, log
84       will begin sending up messages subject to the restrictions noted above.
85       These  messages are obtained using the  getmsg(2) function. The control
86       part of this message contains a log_ctl structure, which specifies  the
87       mid,  sid, level, flags, time in  ticks since boot that the message was
88       submitted, the corresponding time in seconds  since  Jan.  1,  1970,  a
89       sequence number, and a priority. The time in seconds since 1970 is pro‐
90       vided so that the date and time of the message can be easily  computed,
91       and  the time in ticks since boot is provided so that the relative tim‐
92       ing of log messages can be determined.
94         struct log_ctl {
95             short mid;
96             short sid;
97             char  level;     /* level of message for tracing */
98             short flags;     /* message disposition */
99         #if defined(_LP64)  ||  defined(_I32LPx)
100             clock32_t ltime; /* time in machine ticks since boot */
101             time32_t ttime;  /* time in seconds since 1970 */
102         #else
103             clock_t ltime;
104             time_t  ttime;
105         #endif
106             int  seq_no;     /* sequence number */
107             int  pri;        /* priority = (facility|level) */
108         };
112       The priority consists of a priority code and a facility code, found  in
113       <sys/syslog.h>. If SL_CONSOLE is set in flags, the priority code is set
114       as follows: If SL_WARN is set, the priority code is set to LOG_WARNING;
115       If  SL_FATAL is set, the priority code is set to LOG_CRIT; If  SL_ERROR
116       is set, the priority code is set to  LOG_ERR; If  SL_NOTE is  set,  the
117       priority  code is set to  LOG_NOTICE; If  SL_TRACE is set, the priority
118       code is set to  LOG_DEBUG; If only  SL_CONSOLE  is  set,  the  priority
119       code is set to  LOG_INFO. Messages originating from the kernel have the
120       facility code set to LOG_KERN. Most messages originating from user pro‐
121       cesses will have the facility code set to LOG_USER.
124       Different  sequence numbers are maintained for the error and trace log‐
125       ging streams, and are provided so that gaps in the sequence of messages
126       can  be  determined (during times of high message traffic some messages
127       may not be delivered by the logger to avoid hogging system  resources).
128       The data part of the message contains the unexpanded text of the format
129       string (null terminated), followed by  NLOGARGS words for the arguments
130       to  the format string, aligned on the first word boundary following the
131       format string.
134       A process may also send a message of the same structure to log, even if
135       it  is  not  an  error  or trace logger. The only fields of the log_ctl
136       structure in the control part of the message that are accepted are  the
137       level,  flags,  and  pri  fields; all other fields are filled in by log
138       before being forwarded to the appropriate logger. The data portion must
139       contain a null terminated format string, and any arguments (up to NLOG‐
140       ARGS) must be packed, 32-bits each,  on the next 32-bit  boundary  fol‐
141       lowing the end of the format string.
144       ENXIO  is  returned  for   I_TRCLOG ioctls without any trace_ids struc‐
145       tures, or for any unrecognized ioctl calls. The driver silently ignores
146       incorrectly formatted log messages sent to the driver by a user process
147       (no error results).
150       Processes that wish to write a message to the console logger may direct
151       their output to /dev/conslog, using either write(2) or putmsg(2).
153   Driver Configuration
154       The  following  driver  configuration  properties may be defined in the
155       log.conf file.
157       msgid=1    If msgid=1, each message will be preceded by a message ID as
158                  described in syslogd(1M).
161       msgid=0     If  msgid=0,  message IDs will not be generated. This prop‐
162                  erty is unstable and may be removed in a future release.


166       Example 1 I_ERRLOG registration.
168         struct strioctl ioc;
169         ioc.ic_cmd = I_ERRLOG;
170         ioc.ic_timout = 0;       /* default timeout (15 secs.) */
171         ioc.ic_len = 0;
172         ioc.ic_dp = NULL;
173         ioctl(log, I_STR, &ioc);
176       Example 2 I_TRCLOG registration.
178         struct trace_ids tid[2];
179         tid[0].ti_mid = 2;
180         tid[0].ti_sid = 0;
181         tid[0].ti_level = 1;
182         tid[1].ti_mid = 1002;
183         tid[1].ti_sid = −1;               /* any sub-id will be allowed */
184         tid[1].ti_level = −1;             /* any level will be allowed */
185         ioc.ic_cmd = I_TRCLOG;
186         ioc.ic_timout = 0;
187         ioc.ic_len = 2 * sizeof(struct trace_ids);
188         ioc.ic_dp = (char *)tid;
189         ioctl(log, I_STR, &ioc);
193       Example of submitting a log message (no arguments):
196         struct strbuf ctl, dat;
197         struct log_ctl lc;
198         char *message = "Don't forget to pick up some milk
199                          on the way home";
200         ctl.len = ctl.maxlen = sizeof(lc);
201         ctl.buf = (char *)&lc;
202         dat.len = dat.maxlen = strlen(message);
203         dat.buf = message;
204         lc.level = 0;
205         lc.flags = SL_ERROR|SL_NOTIFY;
206         putmsg(log, &ctl, &dat, 0);


210       /dev/log                Log driver.
213       /dev/conslog            Write only instance of the log driver, for con‐
214                               sole logging.
217       /kernel/drv/log.conf    Log configuration file.


221       strace(1M),   strerr(1M),  Intro(3),  getmsg(2),  ioctl(2),  putmsg(2),
222       write(2), printf(3C), strlog(9F)
225       STREAMS Programming Guide
229SunOS 5.11                        11 Mar 1998                          log(7D)