1AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH.CONF(5)      File Formats Manual     AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH.CONF(5)


6       autofs_ldap_auth.conf - autofs LDAP authentication configuration


9       LDAP  authenticated  binds, TLS encrypted connections and certification
10       may be used by setting appropriate values in the autofs  authentication
11       configuration  file  and  configuring  the LDAP client with appropriate
12       settings.     The    default    location    of     this     file     is
13       /etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf.  If this file exists it will be used to es‐
14       tablish whether TLS or authentication should be used.
16       An example of this file is:
18         <?xml version="1.0" ?>
19         <autofs_ldap_sasl_conf
20                 usetls="yes"
21                 tlsrequired="no"
22                 authrequired="no"
23                 authtype="DIGEST-MD5"
24                 user="xyz"
25                 secret="abc"
26         />
28       If TLS encryption is to be used the location of the Certificate Author‐
29       ity certificate must be set within the LDAP client configuration in or‐
30       der to validate the server certificate. If, in  addition,  a  certified
31       connection  is  to  be used then the client certificate and private key
32       file locations must also be configured within the LDAP client.


35       This files contains a single XML  element,  as  shown  in  the  example
36       above, with several attributes.
38       The possible attributes are:
40       usetls="yes"|"no"
41              Determines  whether  an  encrypted connection to the ldap server
42              should be attempted.
44       tlsrequired="yes"|"no"
45              This flag tells whether the ldap connection must  be  encrypted.
46              If  set  to  "yes", the automounter will fail to start if an en‐
47              crypted connection cannot be established.
49       authrequired="yes"|"no"|"autodetect"|"simple"
50              This option tells whether an  authenticated  connection  to  the
51              ldap server is required in order to perform ldap queries. If the
52              flag is set to yes, only sasl authenticated connections will  be
53              allowed.  If  it  is set to no then authentication is not needed
54              for ldap server connections. If it is set to autodetect then the
55              ldap server will be queried to establish a suitable sasl authen‐
56              tication  mechanism. If no suitable mechanism can be found, con‐
57              nections to the ldap server are made without authentication. Fi‐
58              nally, if it is set to simple, then simple  authentication  will
59              be used instead of SASL.
61       authtype="GSSAPI"|"LOGIN"|"PLAIN"|"ANONYMOUS"|"DIGEST-MD5"
62              This attribute can be used to specify a preferred authentication
63              mechanism.
64               In normal operations, the automounter will attempt to authenti‐
65              cate  to  the  ldap server using the list of supportedSASLmecha‐
66              nisms obtained from the directory  server.   Explicitly  setting
67              the  authtype will bypass this selection and only try the mecha‐
68              nism specified.
70       user="<username>"
71              This attribute holds the authentication identity used by authen‐
72              tication  mechanisms that require it.  Legal values for this at‐
73              tribute include any printable characters that can be used by the
74              selected authentication mechanism.
76       secret="<password>"
77              This  attribute  holds  the secret used by authentication mecha‐
78              nisms that require it. Legal values for this  attribute  include
79              any  printable  characters  that can be used by the selected au‐
80              thentication mechanism.
82       clientprinc="<GSSAPI client principal>"
83              When using GSSAPI authentication, this attribute is consulted to
84              determine  the  principal name to use when authenticating to the
85              directory server. By  default,  this  will  be  set  to  "autof‐
86              sclient/<fqdn>@<REALM>.
88       credentialcache="<external credential cache path>"
89              When  using GSSAPI authentication, this attribute can be used to
90              specify an externally configured credential cache that  is  used
91              during  authentication.   By default, autofs will setup a memory
92              based credential cache.


95       auto.master(5),


98       This manual page was written by Ian Kent <raven@themaw.net>.
102                                  19 Feb 2010         AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH.CONF(5)