1IMAPD.CONF(5)                 File Formats Manual                IMAPD.CONF(5)


9       imapd.conf - IMAP configuration file


12       /etc/imapd.conf  is  the  configuration file for the Cyrus IMAP server.
13       It defines local parameters for IMAP.
15       Each line of the /etc/imapd.conf file has the form
17              option: value
19       where option is the name of the  configuration  option  being  set  and
20       value is the value that the configuration option is being set to.
22       Although there is no limit to the length of a line, a ``\'' (backslash)
23       character may be used as the last character on a line to  force  it  to
24       continue  on the next one.  No additional whitespace is inserted before
25       or after the ``\''.  Note that a line that is split using ``\'' charac‐
26       ter(s) is still considered a single line.  For example
28              option:\
29               value1 value2 \
30                value3
32       is equivalent to
34              option: value1 value2   value3
36       Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored.
38       For  boolean and enumerated options, the values ``yes'', ``on'', ``t'',
39       ``true'' and ``1'' turn the option  on,  the  values  ``no'',  ``off'',
40       ``f'', ``false'' and ``0'' turn the option off.


43       The   sections   below  detail  options  that  can  be  placed  in  the
44       /etc/imapd.conf file, and  show  each  option's  default  value.   Some
45       options  have no default value, these are listed with ``<no default>''.
46       Some options default  to  the  empty  string,  these  are  listed  with
47       ``<none>''.
50       admins: <empty string>
51            The  list  of  userids  with administrative rights.  Separate each
52            userid with a space.  Sites using Kerberos authentication may  use
53            separate "admin" instances.
55       Note  that accounts used by users should not be administrators.  Admin‐
56       istrative accounts should not receive mail.  That is, if user "jbRo" is
57       a  user  reading  mail, he should not also be in the admins line.  Some
58       problems may occur otherwise, most notably the ability  of  administra‐
59       tors  to  create top-level mailboxes visible to users, but not writable
60       by users.
62       afspts_localrealms: <none>
63            The list of realms which are to be  treated  as  local,  and  thus
64            stripped   during  identifier  canonicalization  (for  the  AFSPTS
65            ptloader module).  This is different from loginrealms in  that  it
66            occurs  later  in  the  authorization  process  (as the user id is
67            canonified for PTS lookup)
69       afspts_mycell: <none>
70            Cell to use for AFS PTS lookups.  Defaults to the local cell.
72       allowallsubscribe: 0
73            Allow subscription to nonexistent mailboxes.  This option is typi‐
74            cally  used  on backend servers in a Murder so that users can sub‐
75            scribe to mailboxes that don't  reside  on  their  "home"  server.
76            This  option  can  also  be  used as a workaround for IMAP clients
77            which don't play well with nonexistent or  unselectable  mailboxes
78            (e.g., Microsoft Outlook).
80       allowanonymouslogin: 0
81            Permit  logins  by  the user "anonymous" using any password.  Also
82            allows use of the SASL ANONYMOUS mechanism.
84       allowapop: 1
85            Allow use of the POP3 APOP authentication command.
87       Note that this command requires that SASL is compiled  with  APOP  sup‐
88       port,  that  the  plaintext  passwords  are available in a SASL auxprop
89       backend (e.g., sasldb), and that the system can provide enough  entropy
90       (e.g., from /dev/urandom) to create a challenge in the banner.
92       allownewnews: 0
93            Allow use of the NNTP NEWNEWS command.
95       Note  that  this is a very expensive command and should only be enabled
96       when absolutely necessary.
98       allowplaintext: 0
99            Allow the use of cleartext passwords on the wire.
101       allowusermoves: 0
102            Allow moving user accounts (with associated meta-data) via  RENAME
103            or XFER.
105       Note  that  measures  should  be taken to make sure that the user being
106       moved is not logged in, and cannot login during the move.   Failure  to
107       do  so  may  result in the user's meta-data (seen state, subscriptions,
108       etc) being corrupted or out of date.
110       altnamespace: 0
111            Use the alternate IMAP namespace, where personal folders reside at
112            the same level in the hierarchy as INBOX.
114       This  option  ONLY  applies  where  interaction  takes  place  with the
115       client/user.  Currently this is limited to the  IMAP  protocol  (imapd)
116       and  Sieve  scripts (lmtpd).  This option does NOT apply to admin tools
117       such as cyradm (admins ONLY), reconstruct, quota,  etc.,  NOR  does  it
118       affect  LMTP  delivery  of  messages  directly  to  mailboxes via plus-
119       addressing.
121       annotation_db: skiplist
122            The cyrusdb backend to use for mailbox annotations.
124            Allowed values: berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist
126       anyoneuseracl: 1
127            Should non-admin users be allowed to set  ACLs  for  the  'anyone'
128            user  on  their mailboxes?  In a large organization this can cause
129            support problems, but it's enabled by default.
131       annotation_definitions: <none>
132            File containing external (third-party) annotation definitions.
134       Each line of the file specifies the properties of an annotation and has
135       the following form:
137              name, scope, attrib-type, proxy-type, attrib-names, acl
139       name is  the  hierarchical  name as in the draft standard, typically of
140            the form /vendor/acme/blurdybloop
142       scope
143            specifies whether the annotation is for the server or a mailbox
145       attrib-type
146            specifies the attribute data type which is one of:  string,  bool‐
147            ean, int, uint, or content-type
149       proxy-type
150            specifies  whether  this  attribute  is  for  the backend or proxy
151            servers or both (proxy_and_backend)
153       attrib-names
154            is the space-separated list of available attributes for the  anno‐
155            tation.  Possible  attribute  names  are (where the suffixless foo
156            permits  both  foo.priv  and  foo.shared):   alue,   value.shared,
157            value.priv,  size,  size.shared,  size.priv,  modifiedsince, modi‐
158            fiedsince.shared,   modifiedsince.priv,   content-type,   content-
159            type.shared, content-type.priv
161       acl  is the extra ACL requirements for setting annotations. This is the
162            standard IMAP ACL permission bit string format. Particularly  use‐
163            ful is the a right to require admin privileges. Note that some ACL
164            requirements (read and write on the mailbox) are hard-wired in the
165            server
167       Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored.
170       auth_mech: unix
171            The authorization mechanism to use.
173            Allowed values: unix, pts, krb, krb5
175       autocreatequota: 0
176            If  nonzero,  normal  users  may create their own IMAP accounts by
177            creating the mailbox INBOX.  The user's quota is set to the  value
178            if it is positive, otherwise the user has unlimited quota.
180       berkeley_cachesize: 512
181            Size  (in kilobytes) of the shared memory buffer pool (cache) used
182            by the berkeley environment.  The minimum  allowed  value  is  20.
183            The maximum allowed value is 4194303 (4GB).
185       berkeley_locks_max: 50000
186            Maximum  number  of  locks to be held or requested in the berkeley
187            environment.
189       berkeley_txns_max: 100
190            Maximum number of transactions to be  supported  in  the  berkeley
191            environment.
193       client_timeout: 10
194            Number  of seconds to wait before returning a timeout failure when
195            performing a client connection (e.g., in a murder environment)
197       createonpost: 0
198            If yes, when lmtpd receives an incoming mail  for  an  INBOX  that
199            does not exist, then the INBOX is automatically created by lmtpd.
201       autocreateinboxfolders: <none>
202            If a user does not have an INBOX created then the INBOX as well as
203            some INBOX subfolders are created under two  conditions.   1.  The
204            user  logins  via  the IMAP or the POP3 protocol. (autocreatequota
205            option must have a nonzero value) 2. A  message  arrives  for  the
206            user  through the LMTPD protocol.(createonpost option must be yes)
207            autocreateinboxfolders is a list of INBOX's  subfolders  separated
208            by  a  "|", that are automatically created by the server under the
209            previous two situations.
211       autosubscribeinboxfolders: <none>
212            A list of folder names, separated by "|", that the users get auto‐
213            matically subscribed to, when their INBOX is created. These folder
214            names must have been included in the autocreateinboxfolders option
215            of the imapd.conf.
217       autosubscribesharedfolders: <none>
218            A list of shared folders (bulletin boards), separated by "|", that
219            the users get automatically subscribed to, after  their  INBOX  is
220            created.  The  shared  folder  must have been created and the user
221            must have the required permissions to get subscribed to it. Other‐
222            wise, subscribing to the shared folder fails.
224       autosubscribe_all_sharedfolders: 0
225            If  set to yes, the user is automatically subscribed to all shared
226            folders, one has permission to subscribe to.
228       autocreate_sieve_script: <none>
229            The full path of a file that contains a sieve script. This  script
230            automatically  becomes  a  user's  initial  default  sieve  filter
231            script. When this option is not defined, no default  sieve  filter
232            is created. The file must be readable by the cyrus daemon.
234       autocreate_sieve_compiledscript: <none>
235            The full path of a file that contains a compiled in bytecode sieve
236            script. This script automatically becomes a user's initial default
237            sieve  filter  script.   If  this  option is not specified, or the
238            filename  doesn't  exist  then  the  script  defined  by  autocre‐
239            ate_sieve_script  is  compiled  on  the  fly  and installed as the
240            user's default sieve script
242       generate_compiled_sieve_script: 0
243            If set to yes and no compiled sieve script file exists, the  sieve
244            script which is compiled on the fly will be saved in the file name
245            that autocreate_sieve_compiledscript option points to. In order  a
246            compiled  script  to  be  generated,  autocreate_sieve_script  and
247            autocreate_sieve_compiledscript must have valid values
249       autocreate_users: anyone
250            A space separated list of users and/or  groups  that  are  allowed
251            their INBOX to be automatically created.
253       configdirectory: <none>
254            The  pathname  of the IMAP configuration directory.  This field is
255            required.
257       debug_command: <none>
258            Debug command to be used by processes started with -D option.  The
259            string  is a C format string that gets 3 options: the first is the
260            name of the executable (without path).   The  second  is  the  pid
261            (integer)   and   the   third   is   the   service  ID.   Example:
262            /usr/local/bin/gdb /usr/cyrus/bin/%s %d
264       defaultacl: anyone lrs
265            The Access Control List (ACL) placed on a newly-created (non-user)
266            mailbox that does not have a parent mailbox.
268       defaultdomain: <none>
269            The default domain for virtual domain support
271       defaultpartition: <none>
272            The  partition  name  used  by  default for new mailboxes.  If not
273            specified, the partition with the most free space will be used for
274            new mailboxes.
276       defaultserver: <none>
277            The backend server name used by default for new mailboxes.  If not
278            specified, the server with the most free space will  be  used  for
279            new mailboxes.
281       deletedprefix: DELETED
282            If  "delete_mode"  set to be "delayed", the prefix for the deleted
283            mailboxes hierarchy.  The hierarchy delimiter  will  be  automati‐
284            cally appended.
286       delete_mode: immediate
287            The manner in which mailboxes are deleted. "Immediate" mode is the
288            default behavior in which mailboxes are removed  immediately.   In
289            "delayed"  mode,  mailboxes  are  renamed  to  a  special hiearchy
290            defined by the "deletedprefix"  option  to  be  removed  later  by
291            cyr_expire.
294            Allowed values: immediate, delayed
296       deleteright: c
297            Deprecated  -  only used for backwards compatibility with existing
298            installations.  Lists the old RFC 2086 right  which  was  used  to
299            grant  the  user  the  ability to delete a mailbox.  If a user has
300            this right, they will automatically be given the new 'x' right.
302       disconnect_on_vanished_mailbox: 0
303            If enabled, IMAP/POP3/NNTP clients will  be  disconnected  by  the
304            server  if  the currently selected mailbox is (re)moved by another
305            session.  Otherwise, the missing mailbox is treated as empty while
306            in use by the client.
308       duplicate_db: berkeley-nosync
309            The  cyrusdb backend to use for the duplicate delivery suppression
310            and sieve.
312            Allowed values: berkeley, berkeley-nosync,  berkeley-hash,  berke‐
313            ley-hash-nosync, skiplist, sql
315       duplicatesuppression: 1
316            If enabled, lmtpd will suppress delivery of a message to a mailbox
317            if a message with the same message-id  (or  resent-message-id)  is
318            recorded as having already been delivered to the mailbox.  Records
319            the mailbox and  message-id/resent-message-id  of  all  successful
320            deliveries.
322       expunge_mode: immediate
323            The mode in which messages (and their corresponding cache entries)
324            are expunged.  "Immediate" mode is the default behavior  in  which
325            the  message files and cache entries are purged at the time of the
326            EXPUNGE.  In "delayed" mode, the messages  are  removed  from  the
327            mailbox  index  at  the  time of the EXPUNGE (hiding them from the
328            client), but the message files and cache entries are left  behind,
329            to  be  purged  at a later time by "cyr_expire".  This reduces the
330            amount of I/O that takes place at the time of EXPUNGE  and  should
331            result  in  greater responsiveness for the client, especially when
332            expunging a large number of messages.
334            Allowed values: immediate, delayed
336       flushseenstate: 0
337            If enabled, changes to the seen state  will  be  flushed  to  disk
338            immediately, otherwise changes will be cached and flushed when the
339            mailbox is closed.  This option may be used to fix the problem  of
340            previously  read messages being marked as unread in Microsoft Out‐
341            look, at the expense of a loss of performance/scalability.
343       foolstupidclients: 0
344            If enabled, only list the personal namespace when a  LIST  "*"  is
345            performed (it changes the request to a LIST "INBOX*").
347       force_sasl_client_mech: <none>
348            Force  preference of a given SASL mechanism for client side opera‐
349            tions (e.g., murder environments).  This  is  separate  from  (and
350            overridden  by)  the  ability  to  use  the <host shortname>_mechs
351            option to set preferred mechanisms for a specific host
353       fulldirhash: 0
354            If enabled, uses an improved directory hashing scheme which hashes
355            on  the  entire username instead of using just the first letter as
356            the hash.  This changes hash algorithm used  for  quota  and  user
357            directories  and  if  hashimapspool  is  enabled,  the entire mail
358            spool.
360       Note that this option CANNOT be changed on a live system.   The  server
361       must  be  quiesced and then the directories moved with the rehash util‐
362       ity.
364       guid_mode: off
365            The method used to calculate Globally Unique IDentifiers  of  mes‐
366            sages  (used by the replication engine).  The "sha1" method calcu‐
367            lates a SHA1 hash of the entire message
369            Allowed values: off, sha1
371       hashimapspool: 0
372            If enabled, the partitions will also be hashed, in addition to the
373            hashing done on configuration directories.  This is recommended if
374            one partition has a very bushy mailbox tree.
376       hostname_mechs: <none>
377            Force a particular list of SASL mechanisms to be used when authen‐
378            ticating  to  the  backend  server hostname (where hostname is the
379            short hostname of the server in question). If it is not  specified
380            it  will query the server for available mechanisms and pick one to
381            use. - Cyrus Murder
383       hostname_password: <none>
384            The password to use for authentication to the backend server host‐
385            name  (where hostname is the short hostname of the server) - Cyrus
386            Murder
388       idlesocket: {configdirectory}/socket/idle
389            Unix domain socket that idled listens on.
391       ignorereference: 0
392            For backwards compatibility  with  Cyrus  1.5.10  and  earlier  --
393            ignore the reference argument in LIST or LSUB commands.
395       imapidlepoll: 60
396            The  interval  (in  seconds)  for  polling for mailbox changes and
397            ALERTs while running the IDLE command.  This option is  used  when
398            idled is not enabled or cannot be contacted.  The minimum value is
399            1.  A value of 0 will disable IDLE.
401       imapidresponse: 1
402            If enabled, the server responds to an ID command with a  parameter
403            list  containing:  version,  vendor,  support-url, os, os-version,
404            command, arguments, environment.   Otherwise  the  server  returns
405            NIL.
407       imapmagicplus: 0
408            Only  list  a  restricted  set  of  mailboxes  via  IMAP  by using
409            userid+namespace syntax as  the  authentication/authorization  id.
410            Using  userid+ (with an empty namespace) will list only subscribed
411            mailboxes.
413       implicit_owner_rights: lkxa
414            The implicit Access Control List (ACL) for the owner of a mailbox.
416       @include: <none>
417            Directive which includes the specified file as part of the config‐
418            uration.   If  the path to the file is not absolute, CYRUS_PATH is
419            prepended.
421       improved_mboxlist_sort: 0
422            If enabled, a special comparator will be used which will correctly
423            sort mailbox names that contain characters such as ' ' and '-'.
425       Note  that  this  option  SHOULD  NOT be changed on a live system.  The
426       mailboxes database should be  dumped  before  the  option  is  changed,
427       removed, and then undumped after changing the option.
429       ldap_authz: <none>
430            SASL authorization ID for the LDAP server
432       ldap_base: <empty string>
433            Contains the LDAP base dn for the LDAP ptloader module
435       ldap_bind_dn: <none>
436            Bind  DN  for the connection to the LDAP server (simple bind).  Do
437            not use for anonymous simple binds
439       ldap_deref: never
440            Specify how aliases dereferencing is handled during search.
442            Allowed values: search, find, always, never
444       ldap_filter: (uid=%u)
445            Specify a filter that searches user  identifiers.   The  following
446            tokens can be used in the filter string:
448            %%    = % %u   = user %U   = user portion of %u (%U = test when %u
449            = test@domain.tld) %d   = domain portion of %u if available (%d  =
450            domain.tld  when  %u  = %test@domain.tld), otherwise same as %r %D
451            = user dn.  (use when ldap_member_method: filter)  %1-9  =  domain
452            tokens (%1 = tld, %2 = domain when %d = domain.tld)
454            ldap_filter is not used when ldap_sasl is enabled.
456       ldap_group_base: <empty string>
457            LDAP base dn for ldap_group_filter.
459       ldap_group_filter: (cn=%u)
460            Specify  a  filter  that  searches  for  group  identifiers.   See
461            ldap_filter for more options.
463       ldap_group_scope: sub
464            Specify search scope for ldap_group_filter.
466            Allowed values: sub, one, base
468       ldap_id: <none>
469            SASL authentication ID for the LDAP server
471       ldap_mech: <none>
472            SASL mechanism for LDAP authentication
474       ldap_member_attribute: <none>
475            See ldap_member_method.
477       ldap_member_base: <empty string>
478            LDAP base dn for ldap_member_filter.
480       ldap_member_filter: (member=%D)
481            Specify a filter for "ldap_member_method: filter".  See  ldap_fil‐
482            ter for more options.
484       ldap_member_method: attribute
485            Specify  a  group method.  The "attribute" method retrieves groups
486            from a multi-valued attribute specified in ldap_member_attribute.
488            The "filter" method uses a filter, specified  by  ldap_member_fil‐
489            ter,  to  find  groups;  ldap_member_attribute  is  a single-value
490            attribute group name.
492            Allowed values: attribute, filter
494       ldap_member_scope: sub
495            Specify search scope for ldap_member_filter.
497            Allowed values: sub, one, base
499       ldap_password: <none>
500            Password for the connection to the LDAP server  (SASL  and  simple
501            bind).  Do not use for anonymous simple binds
503       ldap_realm: <none>
504            SASL realm for LDAP authentication
506       ldap_referrals: 0
507            Specify whether or not the client should follow referrals.
509       ldap_restart: 1
510            Specify  whether  or  not  LDAP  I/O  operations are automatically
511            restarted if they abort prematurely.
513       ldap_sasl: 1
514            Use SASL for LDAP binds in the LDAP PTS module.
516       ldap_sasl_authc: <none>
517            Deprecated.  Use ldap_id
519       ldap_sasl_authz: <none>
520            Deprecated.  Use ldap_authz
522       ldap_sasl_mech: <none>
523            Deprecated.  Use ldap_mech
525       ldap_sasl_password: <none>
526            Deprecated.  User ldap_password
528       ldap_sasl_realm: <none>
529            Deprecated.  Use ldap_realm
531       ldap_scope: sub
532            Specify search scope.
534            Allowed values: sub, one, base
536       ldap_servers: ldap://localhost/
537            Deprecated.  Use ldap_uri
539       ldap_size_limit: 1
540            Specify a number of entries for a search request to return.
542       ldap_start_tls: 0
543            Use StartTLS extended operation.  Do not use ldaps: ldap_uri  when
544            this option is enabled.
546       ldap_time_limit: 5
547            Specify a number of seconds for a search request to complete.
549       ldap_timeout: 5
550            Specify a number of seconds a search can take before timing out.
552       ldap_tls_cacert_dir: <none>
553            Path to directory with CA (Certificate Authority) certificates.
555       ldap_tls_cacert_file: <none>
556            File containing CA (Certificate Authority) certificate(s).
558       ldap_tls_cert: <none>
559            File containing the client certificate.
561       ldap_tls_check_peer: 0
562            Require and verify server certificate.  If this option is yes, you
563            must specify ldap_tls_cacert_file or ldap_tls_cacert_dir.
565       ldap_tls_ciphers: <none>
566            List of SSL/TLS ciphers to allow.  The format  of  the  string  is
567            described in ciphers(1).
569       ldap_tls_key: <none>
570            File containing the private client key.
572       ldap_uri: <none>
573            Contains a list of the URLs of all the LDAP servers when using the
574            LDAP PTS module.
576       ldap_version: 3
577            Specify the  LDAP  protocol  version.   If  ldap_start_tls  and/or
578            ldap_use_sasl  are enabled, ldap_version will be automatically set
579            to 3.
581       lmtp_downcase_rcpt: 0
582            If enabled, lmtpd will convert the recipient addresses  to  lower‐
583            case (up to a '+' character, if present).
585       lmtp_fuzzy_mailbox_match: 0
586            If  enabled,  and  the mailbox specified in the detail part of the
587            recipient (everything after the '+') does not  exist,  lmtpd  will
588            try to find the closest match (ignoring case, ignoring whitespace,
589            falling back to parent) to the specified mailbox name.
591       lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure: 0
592            If enabled, lmtpd returns a permanent failure code when  a  user's
593            mailbox  is  over  quota.   By  default, the failure is temporary,
594            causing the MTA to queue the message and retry later.
596       lmtp_strict_quota: 0
597            If enabled, lmtpd returns a failure code when the incoming message
598            will  cause  the  user's mailbox to exceed its quota.  By default,
599            the failure won't occur until the mailbox is already over quota.
601       lmtpsocket: {configdirectory}/socket/lmtp
602            Unix domain socket that lmtpd listens on, used by deliver(8). This
603            should match the path specified in cyrus.conf(5).
605       loginrealms: <empty string>
606            The  list  of  remote  realms  whose  users may authenticate using
607            cross-realm authentication identifiers.  Separate each realm  name
608            by  a  space.   (A cross-realm identity is considered any identity
609            returned by SASL with an "@" in it.).
611       loginuseacl: 0
612            If enabled, any authentication identity which has a  rights  on  a
613            user's INBOX may log in as that user.
615       logtimestamps: 0
616            Include  notations  in  the protocol telemetry logs indicating the
617            number of seconds since the last command or response.
619       mailbox_default_options: 0
620            Default "options" field for the mailbox on create.  You'll want to
621            know  what you're doing before setting this, but it can apply some
622            default annotations like condstore or duplicate supression
624       mailnotifier: <none>
625            Notifyd(8) method to use for "MAIL" notifications.   If  not  set,
626            "MAIL" notifications are disabled.
628       maxheaderlines: 1000
629            Maximum  number  of  lines  of  header that will be processed into
630            cache records.  Default 1000.  If set to zero,  it  is  unlimited.
631            If  a message hits the limit, an error will be logged and the rest
632            of the lines in the header will be skipped.  This is to avoid mal‐
633            formed messages causing giant cache records
635       maxmessagesize: 0
636            Maximum  incoming  LMTP  message  size.   If  non-zero, lmtpd will
637            reject messages larger than maxmessagesize bytes.  If  set  to  0,
638            this will allow messages of any size (the default).
640       maxquoted: 131072
641            Maximum  size  of  a single quoted string for the parser.  Default
642            128k
644       maxword: 131072
645            Maximum size of a single word for the parser.  Default 128k
647       mboxkey_db: skiplist
648            The cyrusdb backend to use for mailbox keys.
650            Allowed values: berkeley, skiplist
652       mboxlist_db: skiplist
653            The cyrusdb backend to use for the mailbox list.
655            Allowed values: flat, berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist
657       metapartition_files: <empty string>
658            Space-separated list of metadata files to be  stored  on  a  meta‐
659            partition  rather  than in the mailbox directory on a spool parti‐
660            tion.
662            Allowed values: header, index, cache, expunge, squat
664       metapartition-name: <none>
665            The pathname of the  metadata  partition  name,  corresponding  to
666            spool  partition  partition-name.   For  any mailbox residing in a
667            directory on partition-name, the metadata files  listed  in  meta‐
668            partition_files  will  be  stored  in a corresponding directory on
669            metapartition-name.   Note that not every partition-name option is
670            required  to  have  a  corresponding metapartition-name option, so
671            that you can selectively choose which spool partitions  will  have
672            separate metadata partitions.
674       mupdate_authname: <none>
675            The SASL username (Authentication Name) to use when authenticating
676            to the mupdate server (if needed).
678       mupdate_config: standard
679            The configuration of the mupdate servers in the Cyrus Murder.  The
680            "standard"  config  is  one  in  which there are discreet frontend
681            (proxy) and backend servers.  The "unified" config is one in which
682            a  server  can  be  both a frontend and backend.  The "replicated"
683            config is one in which multiple backend servers all share the same
684            mailspool,  but  each  have  their  own "replicated" copy of mail‐
685            boxes.db.
687            Allowed values: standard, unified, replicated
689       md5_dir: /var/lib/imap/md5
690            Top level directory for MD5 store manipulated  by  make_md5.  File
691            structure  within  this directory is one file for each user on the
692            system,  hashed  on  the  first  letter  of  the   userid   (e.g.,
693            /var/imap/md5/d/dpc22).
695       Note:  This  Invoca RPM build uses /var/lib/imap/md5 by default instead
696       of /var/imap/md5 for md5_dir.
698       md5_user_map: <none>
699            Map file (cdb) to allow partial make_md5 runs.  Maps  username  to
700            UID
702       munge8bit: 1
703            If  enabled,  lmtpd  munges  messages with 8-bit characters in the
704            headers.  The 8-bit characters are changed to `X'.  If  reject8bit
705            is  enabled,  setting munge8bit has no effect.  (A proper solution
706            to non-ASCII characters in headers is offered by RFC 2047 and  its
707            predecessors.)
709       mupdate_connections_max: 128
710            The  max  number of connections that a mupdate process will allow,
711            this is related to the number of file descriptors in  the  mupdate
712            process.   Beyond  this  number  connections  will  be immediately
713            issued a BYE response.
715       mupdate_password: <none>
716            The SASL password (if needed) to use when  authenticating  to  the
717            mupdate server.
719       mupdate_port: 3905
720            The port of the mupdate server for the Cyrus Murder
722       mupdate_realm: <none>
723            The  SASL realm (if needed) to use when authenticating to the mup‐
724            date server.
726       mupdate_retry_delay: 20
727            The base time to wait between connection retries  to  the  mupdate
728            server.
730       mupdate_server: <none>
731            The mupdate server for the Cyrus Murder
733       mupdate_username: <empty string>
734            The  SASL username (Authorization Name) to use when authenticating
735            to the mupdate server
737       mupdate_workers_max: 50
738            The maximum number of mupdate worker threads (overall)
740       mupdate_workers_maxspare: 10
741            The maximum number of idle mupdate worker threads
743       mupdate_workers_minspare: 2
744            The minimum number of idle mupdate worker threads
746       mupdate_workers_start: 5
747            The number of mupdate worker threads to start
749       netscapeurl: <none>
750            If enabled at compile time, this specifies a  URL  to  reply  when
751            Netscape asks the server where the mail administration HTTP server
752            is.  Administrators should set this to a local resource.
754       newsmaster: news
755            Userid that is used for checking access  controls  when  executing
756            Usenet  control  messages.   For instance, to allow articles to be
757            automatically deleted by cancel messages, give the "news" user the
758            'd'  right  on  the  desired mailboxes.  To allow newsgroups to be
759            automatically created, deleted and renamed  by  the  corresponding
760            control  messages,  give  the  "news"  user  the  'c' right on the
761            desired mailbox hierarchies.
763       newspeer: <none>
764            A list of whitespace-separated news server specifications to which
765            articles  should be fed.  Each server specification is a string of
766            the form [user[:pass]@]host[:port][/wildmat] where 'host'  is  the
767            fully  qualified  hostname  of  the  server, 'port' is the port on
768            which the server is listening, 'user' and 'pass' are the authenti‐
769            cation credentials and 'wildmat' is a pattern that specifies which
770            groups should be fed.  If no 'port'  is  specified,  port  119  is
771            used.   If  no  'wildmat'  is  specified,  all groups are fed.  If
772            'user' is specified (even if empty), then the  NNTP  POST  command
773            will  be  used  to  feed  the article to the server, otherwise the
774            IHAVE command will be used.
776            A '@' may be used in place of '!' in the wildmat to prevent  feed‐
777            ing  articles  cross-posted  to  the given group, otherwise cross-
778            posted articles are fed if any part of the wildmat  matches.   For
779            example, the string "peer.example.com:*,!control.*,@local.*" would
780            feed all groups  except  control  messages  and  local  groups  to
781            peer.example.com.   In  the case of cross-posting to local groups,
782            these articles would not be fed.
784       newspostuser: <none>
785            Userid used to deliver usenet articles to newsgroup folders  (usu‐
786            ally via lmtp2nntp).  For example, if set to "post", email sent to
787            "post+comp.mail.imap" would be delivered to  the  "comp.mail.imap"
788            folder.
790            When  set,  the  Cyrus  NNTP  server will add a To: header to each
791            incoming usenet article.   This  To:  header  will  contain  email
792            delivery  addresses  corresponding  to each newsgroup in the News‐
793            groups: header.  By default, a To: header is not added  to  usenet
794            articles.
796       newsprefix: <none>
797            Prefix  to be prepended to newsgroup names to make the correspond‐
798            ing IMAP mailbox names.
800       nntptimeout: 3
801            Set the length of the NNTP server's inactivity  autologout  timer,
802            in minutes.  The minimum value is 3, the default.
804       notifysocket: {configdirectory}/socket/notify
805            Unix domain socket that the mail notification daemon listens on.
807       partition-name: <none>
808            The  pathname of the partition name.  At least one partition path‐
809            name MUST be specified.  If the defaultpartition option  is  used,
810            then its pathname MUST be specified.  For example, if the value of
811            the defaultpartion option is default, then  the  partition-default
812            field is required.
814       plaintextloginpause: 0
815            Number  of  seconds  to  pause after a successful plaintext login.
816            For systems that support strong authentication, this permits users
817            to  perceive  a cost of using plaintext passwords.  (This does not
818            affect the use of PLAIN in SASL authentications.)
820       plaintextloginalert: <none>
821            Message to send to client after a successful plaintext login.
823       popexpiretime: -1
824            The number of days advertised as being the minimum a  message  may
825            be  left on the POP server before it is deleted (via the CAPA com‐
826            mand, defined in the POP3 Extension Mechanism, which some  clients
827            may support).  "NEVER", the default, may be specified with a nega‐
828            tive number.  The Cyrus POP3 server never deletes mail, no  matter
829            what  the  value  of this parameter is.  However, if a site imple‐
830            ments a less liberal policy, it needs  to  change  this  parameter
831            accordingly.
833       popminpoll: 0
834            Set  the  minimum  amount  of time the server forces users to wait
835            between successive POP logins, in minutes.
837       popsubfolders: 0
838            Allow access to subfolders of INBOX via POP3 by using  userid+sub‐
839            folder syntax as the authentication/authorization id.
841       poppollpadding: 1
842            Create  a  softer minimum poll restriction.  Allows poppollpadding
843            connections before the minpoll restriction  is  triggered.   Addi‐
844            tionally, one padding entry is recovered every popminpoll minutes.
845            This allows for the occasional polling rate  faster  than  popmin‐
846            poll, (i.e., for clients that require a send/receive to send mail)
847            but still enforces the rate long-term.  Default is 1 (disabled).
849            The easiest way to think of it is a  queue  of  past  connections,
850            with  one  slot  being  filled  for every connection, and one slot
851            being cleared every popminpoll minutes. When the  queue  is  full,
852            the  user  will  not  be  able to check mail again until a slot is
853            cleared.  If the user waits a sufficient amount of time, they will
854            get back many or all of the slots.
856       poptimeout: 10
857            Set the length of the POP server's inactivity autologout timer, in
858            minutes.  The minimum value is 10, the default.
860       popuseacl: 0
861            Enforce IMAP ACLs in the pop server.  Due to  the  nature  of  the
862            POP3  protocol,  the  only rights which are used by the pop server
863            are 'r', user to open the mailbox and list/retrieve messages.  The
864            't'  right  allows  the  user  to  delete messages.  The 's' right
865            allows messages retrieved by the user to have the \Seen  flag  set
866            (only if popuseimapflags is also enabled).
868       popuseimapflags: 0
869            If enabled, the pop server will set and obey IMAP flags.  Messages
870            having the \Deleted flag are ignored as  if  they  do  not  exist.
871            Messages that are retrieved by the client will have the \Seen flag
872            set.  All messages will have the \Recent flag unset.
874       postmaster: postmaster
875            Username that is used as the 'From' address in rejection MDNs pro‐
876            duced by sieve.
878       postuser: <empty string>
879            Userid  used  to deliver messages to shared folders.  For example,
880            if set to "bb", email sent to "bb+shared.blah" would be  delivered
881            to  the  "shared.blah"  folder.   By  default, an email address of
882            "+shared.blah" would be used.
884       proxy_authname: proxy
885            The authentication name to use when authenticating  to  a  backend
886            server in the Cyrus Murder.
888       proxy_compress: 0
889            Try  to  enable  protocol-specific  compression  when performing a
890            client connection to a backend server in the Cyrus Murder.
892       Note that this should only be necessary over slow network  connections.
893       Also note that currently only IMAP and MUPDATE support compression.
895       proxy_password: <none>
896            The  default  password  to  use  when  authenticating to a backend
897            server in the Cyrus Murder.  May be overridden on a  host-specific
898            basis using the hostname_password option.
900       proxy_realm: <none>
901            The  authentication  realm to use when authenticating to a backend
902            server in the Cyrus Murder
904       proxyd_allow_status_referral: 0
905            Set to true to allow proxyd to issue  referrals  to  clients  that
906            support it when answering the STATUS command.  This is disabled by
907            default since some clients issue many STATUS commands  in  a  row,
908            and do not cache the connections that these referrals would cause,
909            thus resulting in a higher authentication load on  the  respective
910            backend server.
912       proxyd_disable_mailbox_referrals: 0
913            Set  to  true to disable the use of mailbox-referrals on the proxy
914            servers.
916       proxyservers: <none>
917            A list of users and groups that are allowed  to  proxy  for  other
918            users,  separated  by  spaces.   Any  user  listed in this will be
919            allowed to login for any other user: use with caution.
921       pts_module: afskrb
922            The PTS module to use.
924            Allowed values: afskrb, ldap
926       ptloader_sock: <none>
927            Unix domain socket that ptloader listens on.   (defaults  to  con‐
928            figdir/ptclient/ptsock)
930       ptscache_db: berkeley
931            The cyrusdb backend to use for the pts cache.
933            Allowed values: berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist
935       ptscache_timeout: 10800
936            The timeout (in seconds) for the PTS cache database when using the
937            auth_krb_pts authorization method (default: 3 hours).
939       ptskrb5_convert524: 1
940            When using the AFSKRB ptloader module with Kerberos  5  canonical‐
941            ization,  do  the  final  524 conversion to get a n AFS style name
942            (using '.' instead of '/', and using short names
944       ptskrb5_strip_default_realm: 1
945            When using the AFSKRB ptloader module with Kerberos  5  canonical‐
946            ization,  strip  the  default realm from the userid (this does not
947            affect the stripping of realms specified by the afspts_localrealms
948            option)
950       qosmarking: cs0
951            This  specifies the Class Selector or Differentiated Services Code
952            Point designation on IP headers (in the ToS field).
954            Allowed values: cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3,  cs4,  cs5,  cs6,  cs7,  af11,
955            af12,  af13, af21, af22, af23, af31, af32, af33, af41, af42, af43,
956            ef
958       quota_db: quotalegacy
959            The cyrusdb backend to use for quotas.
961            Allowed values: flat, berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist, sql, quo‐
962            talegacy
964       quotawarn: 90
965            The  percent  of quota utilization over which the server generates
966            warnings.
968       quotawarnkb: 0
969            The maximum amount of free space (in kB) at which to give a  quota
970            warning  (if this value is 0, or if the quota is smaller than this
971            amount, than warnings are always given).
973       reject8bit: 0
974            If enabled, lmtpd rejects messages with 8-bit  characters  in  the
975            headers.
977       rfc2046_strict: 0
978            If enabled, imapd will be strict (per RFC 2046) when matching MIME
979            boundary strings.  This means  that  boundaries  containing  other
980            boundaries  as  substrings  will  be  treated as identical.  Since
981            enabling this option will break some messages  created  by  Eudora
982            5.1  (and  earlier),  it  is  recommended that it be left disabled
983            unless there is good reason to do otherwise.
985       rfc3028_strict: 1
986            If enabled, Sieve will be strict (per RFC 3028)  with  regards  to
987            which  headers  are  allowed  to  be  used in address and envelope
988            tests.  This means that only those headers which  are  defined  to
989            contain  addresses  will be allowed in address tests and only "to"
990            and "from" will be allowed in envelope tests.  When disabled,  ANY
991            grammatically correct header will be allowed.
993       sasl_auto_transition: 0
994            If enabled, the SASL library will automatically create authentica‐
995            tion secrets when given a plaintext password.  See the SASL  docu‐
996            mentation.
998       sasl_maximum_layer: 256
999            Maximum  SSF (security strength factor) that the server will allow
1000            a client to negotiate.
1002       sasl_minimum_layer: 0
1003            The minimum SSF that the server will allow a client to  negotiate.
1004            A  value  of  1  requires  integrity  protection; any higher value
1005            requires some amount of encryption.
1007       sasl_option: 0
1008            Any SASL option can be set by preceding  it  with  "sasl_".   This
1009            file overrides the SASL configuration file.
1011       sasl_pwcheck_method: <none>
1012            The  mechanism  used  by the server to verify plaintext passwords.
1013            Possible values include "auxprop", "saslauthd", and "pwcheck".
1015       seenstate_db: skiplist
1016            The cyrusdb backend to use for the seen state.
1018            Allowed values: flat, berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist
1020       sendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail
1021            The pathname of the sendmail executable.  Sieve  invokes  sendmail
1022            for sending rejections, redirects and vacation responses.
1024       serverlist: <none>
1025            Whitespace separated list of backend server names.  Used for find‐
1026            ing server with the most available free space for proxying CREATE.
1028       servername: <none>
1029            This is the hostname visible in the greeting messages of the  POP,
1030            IMAP  and  LMTP  daemons. If it is unset, then the result returned
1031            from gethostname(2) is used.
1033       serverinfo: on
1034            The server information to display in the greeting  and  capability
1035            responses. Information is displayed as follows:
1037            "off" = no server information in the greeting or capabilities
1038            "min"  =  servername in the greeting; no server information in the
1039            capabilities
1040            "on" = servername and product version  in  the  greeting;  product
1041            version in the capabilities
1043            Allowed values: off, min, on
1045       sha1_dir: <none>
1046            Top  level directory for SHA1 store manipulated by make_sha1. File
1047            structure within this directory is one file for each user  on  the
1048            system,   hashed   on   the  first  letter  of  the  userid  (e.g:
1049            /var/imap/sha1/d/dpc22).
1051       sharedprefix: Shared Folders
1052            If using the alternate IMAP namespace, the prefix for  the  shared
1053            namespace.    The   hierarchy   delimiter  will  be  automatically
1054            appended.
1056       sieve_allowreferrals: 1
1057            If enabled, timsieved will issue referrals  to  clients  when  the
1058            user's  scripts  reside  on a remote server (in a Murder).  Other‐
1059            wise, timsieved will proxy traffic to the remote server.
1061       sieve_extensions: fileinto reject vacation  imapflags  notify  envelope
1062       relational regex subaddress copy
1063            Space-separated  list  of  Sieve  extensions allowed to be used in
1064            sieve scripts, enforced at submission by timsieved(8).  Any previ‐
1065            ously  installed script will be unaffected by this option and will
1066            continue to execute  regardless  of  the  extensions  used.   This
1067            option  has no effect on options that are disabled at compile time
1068            (e.g., "regex").
1070            Allowed values: fileinto,  reject,  vacation,  imapflags,  notify,
1071            include, envelope, body, relational, regex, subaddress, copy
1073       sieve_maxscriptsize: 32
1074            Maximum  size  (in kilobytes) any sieve script can be, enforced at
1075            submission by timsieved(8).
1077       sieve_maxscripts: 5
1078            Maximum number of sieve scripts any user  may  have,  enforced  at
1079            submission by timsieved(8).
1081       sieve_utf8fileinto: 0
1082            If enabled, the sieve engine expects folder names for the fileinto
1083            action in scripts to use UTF8 encoding.  Otherwise, modified  UTF7
1084            encoding should be used.
1086       sieve_sasl_send_unsolicited_capability: 0
1087            If enabled, timsieved will emit a capability response after a suc‐
1088            cessful SASL authentication, per draft-martin-managesieve-12.txt .
1090       sievedir: /usr/sieve
1091            If sieveusehomedir is false, this directory is searched for  Sieve
1092            scripts.
1094       sievenotifier: <none>
1095            Notifyd(8)  method  to use for "SIEVE" notifications.  If not set,
1096            "SIEVE" notifications are disabled.
1098       This method is only used when no method is specified in the script.
1100       sieveusehomedir: 0
1101            If enabled, lmtpd will look  for  Sieve  scripts  in  user's  home
1102            directories: ~user/.sieve.
1104       anysievefolder: 0
1105            It  must be "yes" in order to permit the autocreation of any INBOX
1106            subfolder requested by a  sieve  filter,  through  the  "fileinto"
1107            action. (default = no)
1109       autosievefolders: <none>
1110            It  is  a  "|"  separated list of subfolders of INBOX that will be
1111            automatically created, if requested by a sieve filter, through the
1112            "fileinto"  action. (default = null) i.e. autosievefolders: Junk |
1113            Spam
1115       singleinstancestore: 1
1116            If enabled, imapd, lmtpd and nntpd attempt to only write one  copy
1117            of  a  message per partition and create hard links, resulting in a
1118            potentially large disk savings.
1120       skiplist_always_checkpoint: 1
1121            If enabled, this option forces the  skiplist  cyrusdb  backend  to
1122            always  checkpoint  when  doing  a recovery.  This causes slightly
1123            more IO, but on the other hand leads to more efficient  databases,
1124            and the entire file is already "hot".
1126       skiplist_unsafe: 0
1127            If enabled, this option forces the skiplist cyrusdb backend to not
1128            sync writes to the disk.  Enabling this option is NOT RECOMMENDED.
1130       soft_noauth: 1
1131            If enabled, lmtpd returns temporary failures if  the  client  does
1132            not  successfully authenticate.  Otherwise lmtpd returns permanent
1133            failures (causing the mail to bounce immediately).
1135       sql_database: <none>
1136            Name of the database which contains the cyrusdb table(s).
1138       sql_engine: <none>
1139            Name of the SQL engine to use.
1141            Allowed values: mysql, pgsql, sqlite
1143       sql_hostnames: <empty string>
1144            Comma separated list of SQL servers (in host[:port] format).
1146       sql_passwd: <none>
1147            Password to use for authentication to the SQL server.
1149       sql_user: <none>
1150            Username to use for authentication to the SQL server.
1152       sql_usessl: 0
1153            If enabled, a secure connection will be made to the SQL server.
1155       srvtab: <empty string>
1156            The pathname of srvtab file containing the server's  private  key.
1157            This  option  is  passed  to  the  SASL  library and overrides its
1158            default setting.
1160       submitservers: <none>
1161            A  list  of  users  and  groups  that  are  allowed   to   resolve
1162            "urlauth=submit+" IMAP URLs, separated by spaces.  Any user listed
1163            in this will be  allowed  to  fetch  the  contents  of  any  valid
1164            "urlauth=submit+" IMAP URL: use with caution.
1166       subscription_db: flat
1167            The cyrusdb backend to use for the subscriptions list.
1169            Allowed values: flat, berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist
1171       statuscache: 0
1172            Enable/disable the imap status cache.
1174       statuscache_db: berkeley-nosync
1175            The cyrusdb backend to use for the imap status cache.
1177            Allowed  values:  berkeley, berkeley-nosync, berkeley-hash, berke‐
1178            ley-hash-nosync, skiplist
1180       sync_authname: <none>
1181            The authentication name to  use  when  authenticating  to  a  sync
1182            server.
1184       sync_batch_size: 0
1185            Maximum  number of messages to upload to a replica at one time.  A
1186            batch size of 0, the default, will disable batching (ALL  messages
1187            will be sent).
1189       sync_compress: 0
1190            Enable compression on replication traffic
1192       sync_host: <none>
1193            Name  of the host (replica running sync_server(8)) to which repli‐
1194            cation actions will be sent by sync_client(8).
1196       sync_log: 0
1197            Enable replication action logging by lmtpd(8), imapd(8), pop3d(8),
1198            and  nntpd(8).   The  log  {configdirectory}/sync/log  is  used by
1199            sync_client(8) for "rolling" replication.
1201       sync_password: <none>
1202            The default password to use when authenticating to a sync server.
1204       sync_realm: <none>
1205            The authentication realm to use  when  authenticating  to  a  sync
1206            server.
1208       sync_repeat_interval: 1
1209            Minimum  interval (in seconds) between replication runs in rolling
1210            replication mode. If a replication  run  takes  longer  than  this
1211            time, we repeat immediately.
1213       sync_shutdown_file: <none>
1214            Simple  latch used to tell sync_client(8) that it should shut down
1215            at the next opportunity. Safer than  sending  signals  to  running
1216            processes
1218       syslog_prefix: <none>
1219            String to be prepended to the process name in syslog entries.
1221       temp_path: /tmp
1222            The pathname to store temporary files in
1224       timeout: 30
1225            The  length  of  the IMAP server's inactivity autologout timer, in
1226            minutes.  The minimum value is 30, the default.
1228       tls_ca_file: <none>
1229            File containing one or more Certificate  Authority  (CA)  certifi‐
1230            cates.
1232       tls_ca_path: <none>
1233            Path  to  directory with certificates of CAs.  This directory must
1234            have filenames with the hashed  value  of  the  certificates  (see
1235            openssl(XXX)).
1237       tlscache_db: berkeley-nosync
1238            The cyrusdb backend to use for the TLS cache.
1240            Allowed  values:  berkeley, berkeley-nosync, berkeley-hash, berke‐
1241            ley-hash-nosync, skiplist, sql
1243       tls_cert_file: <none>
1244            File containing the certificate presented for  server  authentica‐
1245            tion during STARTTLS.  A value of "disabled" will disable SSL/TLS.
1247       tls_cipher_list: DEFAULT
1248            The list of SSL/TLS ciphers to allow.  The format of the string is
1249            described in ciphers(1).
1251       tls_key_file: <none>
1252            File containing the private key belonging to the  server  certifi‐
1253            cate.  A value of "disabled" will disable SSL/TLS.
1255       tls_require_cert: 0
1256            Require  a  client certificate for ALL services (imap, pop3, lmtp,
1257            sieve).
1259       tls_session_timeout: 1440
1260            The length of time (in minutes) that a TLS session will be  cached
1261            for  later  reuse.   The  maximum  value  is  1440 (24 hours), the
1262            default.  A value of 0 will disable session caching.
1264       umask: 077
1265            The umask value used by various Cyrus IMAP programs.
1267       userdeny_db: flat
1268            The cyrusdb backend to use for the user access list.
1270            Allowed values: flat, berkeley, berkeley-hash, skiplist, sql
1272       user_folder_limit: 0
1273            Limit the number of folders a user can create in their INBOX.  Set
1274            to 0 (default) for no limit.  Only affects folders in user.
1276       username_tolower: 1
1277            Convert  usernames  to  all lowercase before login/authentication.
1278            This is useful with authentication backends which ignore case dur‐
1279            ing username lookups (such as LDAP).
1281       userprefix: Other Users
1282            If  using  the  alternate IMAP namespace, the prefix for the other
1283            users namespace.  The hierarchy delimiter  will  be  automatically
1284            appended.
1286       unix_group_enable: 1
1287            Should we look up groups when using auth_unix (disable this if you
1288            are not using groups in ACLs for your IMAP  server,  and  you  are
1289            using  auth_unix  with a backend (such as LDAP) that can make get‐
1290            grent() calls very slow)
1292       unixhierarchysep: 0
1293            Use the UNIX separator character  '/'  for  delimiting  levels  of
1294            mailbox  hierarchy.   The  default is to use the netnews separator
1295            character '.'.
1297       virtdomains: off
1298            Enable virtual domain support.  If enabled, the user's domain will
1299            be  determined  by  splitting a fully qualified userid at the last
1300            '@' or '%' symbol.  If the userid is unqualified, and the  virtdo‐
1301            mains option is set to "on", then the domain will be determined by
1302            doing a reverse lookup on the IP address of the  incoming  network
1303            interface,  otherwise  the  user  is  assumed to be in the default
1304            domain (if set).
1306            Allowed values: off, userid, on
1308       normalizeuid: 0
1309            Lowercase uid and strip leading and trailing blanks. It is  recom‐
1310            mended  to  set  this  to  yes,  especially if OpenLDAP is used as
1311            authentication source.


1315       imapd(8), pop3d(8), nntpd(8), lmtpd(8), timsieved(8),  idled(8),  noti‐
1316       fyd(8), deliver(8), cyrus-master(8), ciphers(1)
1321CMU                              Project Cyrus                   IMAPD.CONF(5)