1UDUNITS(3)                 UNIDATA LIBRARY FUNCTIONS                UDUNITS(3)


6       udunits, utInit, utScan, utCalendar, utInvCalendar, utConvert, utPrint,
7       utIsTime, utHasOrigin, utClear, utCopy,  utScale,  utDivide,  utInvert,
8       utMultiply, utRaise, utTerm - Unidata units library


11       cc -Iunidata_inc ...
13       #include <udunits.h>
15       int utInit(
16           const char   *path);
18       int utIsInit();
20       int utScan(
21           const char   *spec,
22           utUnit       *unit);
24       int utCalendar(
25           double       value;
26           utUnit       *unit,
27           int          *year,
28           int          *month,
29           int          *day,
30           int          *hour,
31           int          *minute,
32           float        *second);
34       int utInvCalendar(
35           int          year,
36           int          month,
37           int          day,
38           int          hour,
39           int          minute,
40           double       second,
41           utUnit       *unit,
42           double       *value);
44       int utConvert(
45           const utUnit *from,
46           const utUnit *to,
47           double       *slope,
48           double       *intercept);
50       int *utPrint(
51           const utUnit *unit,
52           char         **s);
54       utUnit *utClear(
55           utUnit       *unit);
57       int *utIsTime(
58           const utUnit *unit);
60       int *utHasOrigin(
61           const utUnit *unit);
63       utUnit *utCopy(
64           const utUnit *source,
65           utUnit       *dest);
67       utUnit *utScale(
68           utUnit       *source,
69           double       factor,
70           utUnit       *result);
72       utUnit *utDivide(
73           utUnit       *numer,
74           utUnit       *denom,
75           utUnit       *result);
77       utUnit *utInvert(
78           utUnit       *source,
79           utUnit       *result);
81       utUnit *utMultiply(
82           utUnit       *term1,
83           utUnit       *term2,
84           utUnit       *result);
86       utUnit *utRaise(
87           utUnit       *source,
88           int          power,
89           utUnit       *result);
91       void utTerm();


94       The  Unidata units library, udunits, supports conversion of unit speci‐
95       fications between formatted and binary forms,  arithmetic  manipulation
96       of  unit  specifications,  and  conversion of values between compatible
97       scales of measurement.
99       A unit is the amount by which a physical  quantity  is  measured.   For
100       example:
104       A  unit can have an origin associated with it -- in which case the unit
105       and origin together define a scale.  For example, the phrase "the  tem‐
106       perature  is 25 degrees Celsius" specifies a particular point on a mea‐
107       surement scale; whereas the phrase "the temperature  difference  is  25
108       degrees Celsius" specifies a unit with no origin and, hence, no associ‐
109       ated scale.  If not remembered, this subtle distinction can cause prob‐
110       lems when handling units.
112       utInit()  initializes  the  units package.  If path is non-NULL and not
113       empty, then it specifies a units file containing initializing unit def‐
114       initions;  otherwise,  the environment variable UDUNITS_PATH is checked
115       and, if it exists and is not empty, then it is assumed to  contain  the
116       pathname  of the units file; otherwise, a compile-time default pathname
117       is used.
119       The definitions in the units file are read into memory.  This  function
120       returns  0  on  success,  UT_ENOFILE  if  the units file doesn't exist,
121       UT_ESYNTAX if the units file contains a syntax  error,  UT_EUNKNOWN  if
122       the  units  file  contains  an  unknown specification, UT_EIO if an I/O
123       error occurred while accessing the units file, and UT_EALLOC if a  mem‐
124       ory allocation failure occurred.
126       utIsInit() indicates whether or not the units package has been initial‐
127       ized.
129       This function returns 0 if the package hasn't been initialized  and  !0
130       if the package has been initialized.
132       utScan()  converts  the formatted unit specification spec into a binary
133       unit structure and stores the result in unit.  The  binary  representa‐
134       tion  is  used  for algebraic manipulation.  This function returns 0 on
135       success, UT_ENOINIT if the package hasn't been initialized, UT_EINVALID
136       if  the  unit argument is a null pointer, UT_EUNKNOWN if the specifica‐
137       tion contains an unknown unit, and UT_ESYNTAX if the specification con‐
138       tains a syntax error.
140       utCalendar()  converts  the  amount, value, of the temporal unit, unit,
141       into a UTC-referenced date and time (see, however, the section on  HAN‐
142       DLING  TIME).  The reference unit shall be a time unit and have an ori‐
143       gin.  This function returns 0 on success,  UT_ENOINIT  if  the  package
144       hasn't  been initialized and UT_EINVALID if the unit structure is not a
145       temporal one.
147       utInvCalendar() converts  a  UTC-referenced  date  and  time  into  the
148       amount, value, of the temporal unit, unit (see, however, the section on
149       HANDLING TIME).  The reference unit shall be a time unit  and  have  an
150       origin.   This function returns 0 on success, UT_ENOINIT if the package
151       hasn't been initialized and UT_EINVALID if the unit structure is not  a
152       temporal one.
154       utConvert()  returns  the  coefficients  of the Galilean transformation
155       (i.e. y = a*x + b) necessary to convert the from unit into the to unit.
156       The  units  must be compatible (i.e., their quotient must be dimension‐
157       less).  On successful return, slope and intercept will contain the val‐
158       ues for the slope and intercept coefficients, respectively.  This func‐
159       tion returns 0 on success, UT_ENOINIT if the package hasn't  been  ini‐
160       tialized,  UT_EINVALID  if  one  of the unit structures is invalid, and
161       UT_ECONVERT if the units are not convertible.
163       utPrint() converts the binary unit structure unit into a formatted unit
164       specification and stores the string into a static buffer.  The argument
165       s is set to point to the static buffer.  The string should not be modi‐
166       fied (it may, however, be copied) and will be overwritten by subsequent
167       calls to this function.  This function returns 0 on success, UT_ENOINIT
168       if  the  package  hasn't  been initialized, and UT_EINVALID if the unit
169       structure is invalid.  On error, the string argument is set to NULL.
171       utClear() clears a unit structure by setting it  to  the  dimensionless
172       value 1.
174       utIsTime()  returns  true  if the given unit structure refers to a time
175       unit and false otherwise.  This function ignores  whether  or  not  the
176       unit has an origin.
178       utHasOrigin()  returns  true  of the given unit structure has an origin
179       (i.e. defines a scale) and false otherwise.
181       utCopy() copies the unit structure source to the unit  structure  dest.
182       This  function correctly handles the case where the same unit structure
183       is referenced by the source and destination units.  The address of  the
184       destination unit structure is returned.
186       utScale()  scales  the  unit  structure  source  by factor, storing the
187       result in the unit structure result.  This function  correctly  handles
188       the  case where the same unit structure is referenced by the source and
189       result units.  The address of the result unit structure is returned.
191       utInvert() inverts the unit structure source,  storing  the  result  in
192       unit structure result.  Multiplying a unit by its reciprocal yields the
193       dimensionless value 1.  This function correctly handles the case  where
194       the source and result unit refer to the same structure.  If successful,
195       this function returns the address of the result unit structure;  other‐
196       wise, it returns NULL.
198       utDivide()  divides  unit  structure  numer by unit structure denom and
199       stores the result in unit structure result.   This  function  correctly
200       handles  the case where the same unit structure is referenced by two or
201       more arguments.  If successful, this function returns  the  address  of
202       the result unit structure; otherwise, it returns NULL.
204       utMultiply()  multiplies  unit  structure term1 by unit structure term2
205       and stores the result in unit structure  result.   This  function  cor‐
206       rectly  handles the case where the same unit structure is referenced by
207       two or more  arguments.   If  successful,  this  function  returns  the
208       address of the result unit structure; otherwise, it returns NULL.
210       utRaise()  raises the unit structure source by the power power, storing
211       the result in the unit structure result.  This function correctly  han‐
212       dles the case where the same unit structure is referenced by the source
213       and result units.  If successful, this function returns the address  of
214       the result unit structure; otherwise, it returns NULL.
216       utTerm() terminates usage of this package.  In particular, it frees all
217       allocated memory.  It should be called when the library  is  no  longer
218       needed.


221       The  udunits(3)  package uses a mixed Gregorian/Julian calendar system.
222       Dates prior to 1582-10-15 are assumed to use the Julian calendar, which
223       was  introduced  by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE and is based on a year that
224       is exactly 365.25 days long.  Dates on and after 1582-10-15 are assumed
225       to use the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced on that date and is
226       based on a year that is exactly 365.2425 days long.  (A year  is  actu‐
227       ally  approximately 365.242198781 days long.)  Seemingly strange behav‐
228       ior of the udunits(3) package can result if a user-given time  interval
229       includes  the changeover date.  For example, utCalendar() and utInvCal‐
230       endar() can be used to show that 1582-10-15 *preceeded* 1582-10-14 by 9
231       days.


234       Convert  two  data  sets to a common unit, subtract one from the other,
235       then save the result in a (different) output unit:
237           if (utInit("") != 0) {
238               /* handle initialization error */
239           } else {
240               char   *UnitString1, *UnitString2, *OutputUnitString;
241               utUnit unit1, unit2, OutputUnit;
242               ...
243               if (utScan(UnitString1, &unit1) != 0 ||
244                      utScan(UnitString2, &unit2) != 0 ||
245                      utScan(OutputUnitString2, &OutputUnit) != 0) {
246                      /*
247                       * handle decode error
248                       */
249               } else {
250                      double InSlope, InIntercept;
251                      double OutSlope, OutIntercept;
252                      ...
253                      if (utConvert(&unit2, &unit1, &InSlope,
254                             &InIntercept) != 0 ||
255                          utConvert(&unit1, &OutputUnit, &OutSlope,
256                             &OutIntercept) != 0) {
257                             /*
258                              * handle data-incompatibility
259                              */
260                      } else {
261                             /*
262                              * process data using:
263                              *  OutputValue = OutSlope*(Data1Value -
264                              *      (InSlope*Data2Value + InIntercept))
265                              *      + OutIntercept
266                              */
267                      }
268               }
269               utTerm();
270           }
272       the above example could be made more efficient by testing the  returned
273       conversion  factors  for  nearness  to  1 and 0 and using appropriately
274       streamlined processing expressions.
277       Compute a threshold value corresponding to an input data value  plus  a
278       user-specified  delta  (the units of the input data value and delta can
279       differ):
281           char       *input_unit_string, *delta_unit_string;
282           float      input_value;
283           utUnit     input_unit, delta_unit;
284           ...
285           if (utScan(input_unit_string, &input_unit) != 0 ||
286               utScan(delta_unit_string, &delta_unit) != 0) {
287               /*
288                * handle decode error
289                */
290           } else {
291               double slope, intercept;
292               ...
293               if (utConvert(&delta_unit, &input_unit, &slope, &intercept) != 0) {
294                      /*
295                       * handle units incompatibility
296                       */
297               } else {
298                      float  threshold = input_value + slope*delta_value
299                                     + intercept;
300                      ...
301               }
302           }
303           utTerm();
306       Compute the number of time intervals from a start time to  a  reference
307       time:
309           #include <stdio.h>
310           #include <stdlib.h>
311           #include "udunits.h"
313           main()
314           {
315               if (utInit("/upc/cur/udunits/etc/udunits.dat") != 0) {
316                   (void) fputs("utInit() error0, stderr);
317               } else {
318                   utUnit  timecenters_unit;
320                   /*
321                    * NB: The following "time centers" specification gives both
322                    * the start time (January 1, 1990 at 00:00 UTC) and the
323                * sampling interval (2 minutes).
324                    */
325                   if (utScan("2 minutes since 1990-1-1", &timecenters_unit)
326                           != 0) {
327                       (void) fputs("utScan() error0, stderr);
328                   } else {
329                       /*
330                        * The following reference time is 1 hour later than
331                        * the above start time.
332                        */
333                       int         ref_year        = 1990;
334                       int         ref_month       = 1;
335                       int         ref_day         = 1;
336                       int         ref_hour        = 1;
337                       int         ref_minute      = 0;
338                       float       ref_second      = 0;/* could be `double'
339                       double      ref_value;
341                       (void) utInvCalendar(ref_year, ref_month, ref_day,
342                                            ref_hour, ref_minute, ref_second,
343                                            &timecenters_unit, &ref_value);
344                       /*
345                        * Exit successfully if the number of time intervals
346                        * between the start and reference times is correct.
347                        */
348                       if (30 == ref_value)
349                           exit(0);
350                   }
351               }
352               abort();
353           }


357       The following are examples of formatted unit specifications that can be
358       interpreted by the utScan() function:
360           10 kilogram.meters/seconds2
361           10 kg-m/sec2
362           10 kg m/s^2
363           (PI radian)2
364           degF
365           100rpm
366           geopotential meters
367           33 feet water
369       A unit is specified as an arbitrary product of constants and unit names
370       raised  to arbitrary integral powers.  Division is indicated by a slash
371       `/'.  Multiplication is indicated by whitespace, a  period  `.',  or  a
372       hyphen `-'.  Exponentiation is indicated by an integer suffix or by the
373       exponentiation operators `^' and `**'.  Parentheses  may  be  used  for
374       grouping and disambiguation.
376       Arbitrary Galilean transformations (i.e. y = ax + b) are supported.  In
377       particular, temperature and time  conversions  are  correctly  handled.
378       The specification:
380              degF @ 32
382       indicates  a  Fahrenheit  scale  with  the origin shifted to thirty-two
383       degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. to zero degrees Celsius).  The  Celsius  scale
384       is equivalent to the following unit:
386              1.8 degR @ 273.15
388       Besides  the  character  `@',  the  words  `after',  `from', `ref', and
389       `since' may also be used.  Note that  multiplication  takes  precedence
390       over  origin-shift.   In order of increasing precedence, the operations
391       are origin-shift, division, multiplication, and exponentiation.
393       Units of time are similarly handled.  The specification:
395              seconds since 1992-10-8 15:15:42.5 -6:00
397       indicates seconds since October 8th, 1992 at 3 hours,  15  minutes  and
398       42.5  seconds  in  the afternoon in the time zone which is six hours to
399       the west of Coordinated Universal Time (i.e. Mountain  Daylight  Time).
400       The  time  zone specification can also be written without a colon using
401       one or two-digits (indicating hours) or three or four digits  (indicat‐
402       ing hours and minutes).
404       utScan() understands most conventional prefixes and abbreviations:
408       The function utPrint() always encodes a unit specification one way.  To
409       reduce misunderstandings, it is recommended that this encoding style be
410       used  as  the default.  In general, a unit is printed in terms of basic
411       units, factors, and exponents.  Basic units are  separated  by  spaces;
412       and any exponent directly appends its associated unit.  The above exam‐
413       ples would be printed as follows:
415           10 kilogram meter second-2
416           9.8696044 radian2
417           0.555556 kelvin @ 255.372
418           10.471976 radian second-1
419           9.80665 meter2 second-2
420           98636.5 kilogram meter-1 second-2
422       Note that the Fahrenheit unit is encoded as a deviation, in  fractional
423       kelvins, from an origin at 255.372 kelvin.


426       The  units  file is a formatted file containing unit definitions and is
427       used to initialize this package.  It is the first place to look to dis‐
428       cover  the  set  of valid names and symbols (of which there are many --
429       On October 9, 1992, it contained 446 entries).
431       The format for the units file is documented internally and the file may
432       be  modified by the user as necessary.  In particular, additional units
433       and constants may be  easily  added  (including  variant  spellings  of
434       existing units or constants).


437       UDUNITS_PATH   If  utInit()  is called without a pathname argument, and
438                      if this environment  variable  is  non-empty,  then  its
439                      value overrides the default pathname for the units file.


442       This  package  prints  (hopefully)  self-explanatory  error-messages to
443       standard error.


446       udunits(1).


449       utScan() is case-sensitive.  If this causes difficulties, you might try
450       making appropriate additional entries to the units file.
452       Some  unit  abbreviations in the default units file might seem counter-
453       intuitive.  In particular, note the following:
455           For       Use               Not     Which Instead Means
457           Celsius   `Celsius'         `C'     coulomb
458           gram      `gram'            `g'     <standard free fall>
459           gallon    `gallon'          `gal'   <acceleration>
460           radian    `radian'          `rad'   <absorbed dose>
461           Newton    `newton' or `N'   `nt'    nit (unit of photometry)


464       NIST Special Publication 811, 1995 Edition: "Guide for the Use  of  the
465       International   System   of  Units  (SI)"  by  Barry  N.  Taylor.   URL
466       <http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div840/SI.html>.
468       ANSI/IEEE Std 260-1978: "IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Units of Mea‐
469       surement".
471       ASTM Designation: E 380 - 85: "Standard for METRIC PRACTICE".
473       International Standard (ISO) 2955: "Information processing -- Represen‐
474       tation of SI and other units in systems with limited  character  sets",
475       Ref. No. ISO 2955-1983 (E).
479Printed: 119.6.22        $Date: 2003/08/29 18:29:55 $               UDUNITS(3)