1bmc-config.conf(5)              System Commands             bmc-config.conf(5)


6       bmc-config - BMC configuration file format and details


9       Before  many  IPMI  tools can be used over a network, a machine's Base‐
10       board Management Controller (BMC) must be configured. The configuration
11       of  a  BMC  can  be quite daunting for those who do not know much about
12       IPMI. This manpage hopes to provide enough information on BMC  configu‐
13       ration  so that you can configure the BMC for your system.  When appro‐
14       priate, typical BMC configurations will be suggested.
16       The following is an example BMC configuration file partially  generated
17       from  the  bmc-config(1)  command. This example configuration should be
18       sufficient for most users  after  the  appropriate  local  IP  and  MAC
19       addresses are input.  Following this example, separate sections of this
20       manpage will discuss the different sections of  the  BMC  configuration
21       file  in more detail with explanations of how the BMC can be configured
22       for different environments.
24       Note that many options may or may not be available on  your  particular
25       machine.  For  example, Serial-Over-Lan (SOL) is available only on IPMI
26       2.0 machines. Therefore, if you are looking to configure  an  IPMI  1.5
27       machine,  many  of  the  SOL  or  IPMI  2.0  related options will be be
28       unavailable to you. The number of configurable users may also vary  for
29       your particular machine.
31       The  below  configuration file and most of this manpage assume the user
32       is interested in configuring a BMC for use with IPMI over LAN.  Various
33       configuration  options from bmc-config(1) have been left out or skipped
34       because it is considered unnecessary.  Future versions of this  manpage
35       will try to include more information.
37            Section User1
38             ## Give username
39             ## Username NULL
40             ## Give password or leave it blank to clear password
41             Password mypassword
42             ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
43             Enable_User Yes
44             ## Possible values: Yes/No
45             Lan_Enable_Ipmi_Msgs Yes
46             ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
47             Lan_Privilege_Limit Administrator
48               ## Possible values: 0-17, 0 is unlimited; May be reset to 0 if not specified
49               ## Lan_Session_Limit
50             ## Possible values: Yes/No
51             SOL_Payload_Access Yes
52            EndSection
53            Section User2
54             ## Give username
55             Username user2
56             ## Give password or leave it blank to clear password
57             Password userpass
58             ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
59             Enable_User No
60             ## Possible values: Yes/No
61             Lan_Enable_Ipmi_Msgs No
62             ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
63             Lan_Privilege_Limit No_Access
64               ## Possible values: 0-17, 0 is unlimited; May be reset to 0 if not specified
65               ## Lan_Session_Limit
66               ## Possible values: Yes/No
67               SOL_Payload_Access No
68            EndSection
69            Section Lan_Channel
70             ## Possible values: Disabled/Pre_Boot_Only/Always_Available/Shared
71             Volatile_Access_Mode Always_Available
72             ## Possible values: Yes/No
73             Volatile_Enable_User_Level_Auth Yes
74             ## Possible values: Yes/No
75             Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth Yes
76             ## Possible values: Yes/No
77             Volatile_Enable_Pef_Alerting No
78             ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
79             Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit Administrator
80             ## Possible values: Disabled/Pre_Boot_Only/Always_Available/Shared
81             Non_Volatile_Access_Mode Always_Available
82             ## Possible values: Yes/No
83             Non_Volatile_Enable_User_Level_Auth Yes
84             ## Possible values: Yes/No
85             Non_Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth Yes
86             ## Possible values: Yes/No
87             Non_Volatile_Enable_Pef_Alerting No
88             ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
89             Non_Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit Administrator
90            EndSection
91            Section Lan_Conf
92             ## Possible values: Unspecified/Static/Use_DHCP/Use_BIOS/Use_Others
93             Ip_Address_Source Static
94             ## Give valid IP Address
95             Ip_Address
96             ## Give valid MAC Address
97             Mac_Address 00:0E:0E:FF:AA:12
98             ## Give valid Subnet mask
99             Subnet_Mask
100             ## Give valid IP Address
101             Default_Gateway_Ip_Address
102             ## Give valid MAC Address
103             Default_Gateway_Mac_Address 00:0E:0E:FF:AA:18
104             ## Give valid IP Address
105             Backup_Gateway_Ip_Address
106             ## Give valid MAC Address
107             Backup_Gateway_Mac_Address 00:0E:0E:FF:AA:15
108            EndSection
109            Section Lan_Conf_Auth
110             ## Possible values: Yes/No
111             Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_None No
112             ## Possible values: Yes/No
113             Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Md2 No
114             ## Possible values: Yes/No
115             Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Md5 No
116             ## Possible values: Yes/No
117             Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password No
118             ## Possible values: Yes/No
119             Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Oem_Proprietary No
120             ## Possible values: Yes/No
121             User_Enable_Auth_Type_None No
122             ## Possible values: Yes/No
123             User_Enable_Auth_Type_Md2 Yes
124             ## Possible values: Yes/No
125             User_Enable_Auth_Type_Md5 Yes
126             ## Possible values: Yes/No
127             User_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password No
128             ## Possible values: Yes/No
129             User_Enable_Auth_Type_Oem_Proprietary No
130             ## Possible values: Yes/No
131             Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_None No
132             ## Possible values: Yes/No
133             Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Md2 Yes
134             ## Possible values: Yes/No
135             Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Md5 Yes
136             ## Possible values: Yes/No
137             Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password No
138             ## Possible values: Yes/No
139             Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Oem_Proprietary No
140             ## Possible values: Yes/No
141             Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_None No
142             ## Possible values: Yes/No
143             Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Md2 Yes
144             ## Possible values: Yes/No
145             Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Md5 Yes
146             ## Possible values: Yes/No
147             Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password No
148             ## Possible values: Yes/No
149             Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Oem_Proprietary No
150             ## Possible values: Yes/No
151             Oem_Enable_Auth_Type_None No
152             ## Possible values: Yes/No
153             Oem_Enable_Auth_Type_Md2 No
154             ## Possible values: Yes/No
155             Oem_Enable_Auth_Type_Md5 No
156             ## Possible values: Yes/No
157             Oem_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password No
158             ## Possible values: Yes/No
159             Oem_Enable_Auth_Type_Oem_Proprietary No
160            EndSection
161            Section Lan_Conf_Security_Keys
162               ## Give string or blank to clear. Max 20 chars
163               K_G
164            EndSection
165            Section Lan_Conf_Misc
166             ## Possible values: Yes/No
167             Enable_Gratuitous_Arps Yes
168             ## Possible values: Yes/No
169             Enable_Arp_Response No
170             ## Give valid number. Intervals are 500 ms.
171             Gratuitous_Arp_Interval 4
172            EndSection
173            Section Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege
174             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
175             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_0 Unused
176             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
177             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_1 Unused
178             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
179             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_2 Unused
180             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
181             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_3 Administrator
182             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
183             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_4 Administrator
184             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
185             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_5 Administrator
186             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
187             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_6 Unused
188             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
189             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_7 Unused
190             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
191             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_8 Administrator
192             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
193             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_9 Administrator
194             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
195             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_10 Administrator
196             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
197             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_11 Unused
198             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
199             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_12 Administrator
200             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
201             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_13 Administrator
202             ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
203             Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_14 Administrator
204            EndSection
205            Section SOL_Conf
206             ## Possible values: Yes/No
207             Enable_SOL Yes
208             ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
209             SOL_Privilege_Level Administrator
210             ## Possible values: Yes/No
211             Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication Yes
212             ## Possible values: Yes/No
213             Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption Yes
214             ## Give a valid integer. Each unit is 5ms
215             Character_Accumulate_Interval 50
216             ## Give a valid number
217             Character_Send_Threshold 100
218             ## Give a valid integer
219             SOL_Retry_Count 5
220             ## Give a valid integer. Interval unit is 10ms
221             SOL_Retry_Interval 50
222             ## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
223             Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate 115200
224             ## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
225             Volatile_Bit_Rate 115200
226            EndSection
227            Section Misc
228             ## Possible Values: Off_State_AC_Apply/Restore_State_AC_Apply/On_State_AC_Apply
229             Power_Restore_Policy Restore_State_Ac_Apply
230            EndSection

Section User1, User2, ...

234       The  User  sections of the BMC configuration file are for username con‐
235       figuration for IPMI over LAN communication. The number of users  avail‐
236       able  to  be configured on your system will vary by manufacturer.  With
237       the exception of the Username for User1, all sections are identical.
239       The username(s) you wish to configure the BMC  with  are  defined  with
240       Username.  The first username under Section User1 is typically the NULL
241       username and cannot be modified. The password for the username  can  be
242       specified  with  Password.  It can be left empty to define a NULL pass‐
243       word. Each user  you  wish  to  enable  must  be  enabled  through  the
244       Enable_User  configuration option. It is recommended that all usernames
245       have non-NULL passwords or be disabled for security reasons.
247       Lan_Enable_Ipmi_Msgs is used to enable or disable IPMI over LAN  access
248       for  the user. This should be set to "Yes" to allow IPMI over LAN tools
249       to work.
251       Lan_Privilege_Limit specifies the maximum  privilege  level  limit  the
252       user  is  allowed.  Different  IPMI  commands  have different privilege
253       restrictions. For example, determining the power status  of  a  machine
254       only  requires  the  "User"  privilege  level.  However,  power cycling
255       requires the "Operator" privilege. Typically, you will want  to  assign
256       atleast  one user with a privilege limit of "Administrator" so that all
257       system functions are available to atleast one user via IPMI over LAN.
259       Lan_Session_Limit specifies the number of  simultaneous  IPMI  sessions
260       allowed  for the user. Most users will wish to set this to "0" to allow
261       unlimited simultaneous IPMI sessions. This field is considered optional
262       by  IPMI standards, and may result in errors when attempting to config‐
263       ure it to a non-zero value. If errors to occur, setting the value  back
264       to 0 should resolve problems.
266       SOL_Payload_Access specifies if a particular user is allowed to connect
267       with Serial-Over-LAN (SOL). This should be set to "Yes" to  allow  this
268       username to use SOL.
270       The  example  configuration  above  disables  "User2"  but  enables the
271       default "NULL" (i.e. anonymous) user. Many IPMI tools (both open-source
272       and  vendor)  do  not allow the user to input a username and assume the
273       NULL username by default. If the tools  you  are  interested  in  using
274       allow  usernames  to  be  input, then it is recommended that one of the
275       non-NULL usernames be enabled and the NULL username disabled for  secu‐
276       rity  reasons. It is recommeneded that you disable the NULL username in
277       section User1, so that users are required to  specify  a  username  for
278       IPMI over LAN communication.
280       Some  motherboards  may  require  a  Username to be configured prior to
281       other fields being read/written. If this is the case, those fields will
282       be set to <username-not-set-yet>.

Section Lan_Channel

286       The  Lan_Channel section configures a variety of IPMI over LAN configu‐
287       ration parameters. Both Volatile and Non_Volatile configurations can be
288       set.  Volatile  configurations  are immediately configured onto the BMC
289       and will have immediate effect on the system.  Non_Volatile  configura‐
290       tions  are  only available after the next system reset. Generally, both
291       the Volatile and Non_Volatile should be configured identically.
293       The Access_Mode parameter configures the availability of IPMI over  LAN
294       on  the  system.  Typically this should be set to "Always_Available" to
295       enable IPMI over LAN.
297       The Privilege_Limit sets the maximum privilege any user of  the  system
298       can have when performing IPMI over LAN. This should be set to the maxi‐
299       mum privilege level configured to a username. Typically, this should be
300       set to "Administrator".
302       Typically  User_Level_Auth  and Per_Message_Auth should be set to "Yes"
303       for additional security. Disabling User_Level_Auth allows "User" privi‐
304       leged  IPMI  commands  to be executed without authentication. Disabling
305       Per_Message_Auth allows  fewer  individual  IPMI  messages  to  require
306       authentication.

Section Lan_Conf

310       Those  familiar with setting up networks should find most of the fields
311       in this section self explanatory. The example BMC  configuration  above
312       illustrates   the   setup   of   a   static   IP   address.  The  field
313       IP_Address_Source is configured with "Static". The IP  address,  subnet
314       mask,  and gateway IP addresses of the machine are respecitvely config‐
315       ured with the IP_Address, Subnet_Mask, Default_Gateway_Ip_Address,  and
316       Backup_Gateway_Ip_Address  fields. The respective MAC addresses for the
317       IP  addresses   are   configured   under   Mac_Address,   Default_Gate‐
318       way_Mac_Address, and Backup_Gateway_Mac_Address.
320       It is not required to setup the BMC IP_Address to be the same P_Address
321       used by your operating system for that network interface.  However,  if
322       you  choose  to use a different address, an alternate ARP configuration
323       may need to be setup.
325       To instead setup your BMC  network  information  via  DHCP,  the  field
326       IP_Address_Source should be configured with "Use_DHCP".
328       It  is  recommended  that static IP addresses be configured for address
329       resolution reasons. See Lan_Conf_Misc below for a more detailed  expla‐
330       nation.

Section Lan_Conf_Auth

334       This  section  determines  what types of password authentication mecha‐
335       nisms are allowed for users at different  privilege  levels  under  the
336       IPMI  1.5  protocol. The currently supported authentication methods for
337       IPMI 1.5 are None (no  username/password  required),  Straight_Password
338       (passwords  are sent in the clear), MD2 (passwords are MD2 hashed), and
339       MD5 (passwords are MD5 hashed).  Different usernames at different priv‐
340       ilege  levels  may  be allowed to authenticate differently through this
341       configuration. For example, a username with "User"  privileges  may  be
342       allowed  to  authenticate with a straight password, but a username with
343       "Administrator" privileges may be allowed only authenticate with MD5.
345       The above example configuration supports MD2 and MD5 authentication for
346       all users at the "User", "Operator", and "Administrator" privilege lev‐
347       els. All authentication mechanisms have been disabled  for  the  "Call‐
348       back" privilege level.
350       Generally  speaking,  you do not want to allow any user to authenticate
351       with None or Straight_Password for security reasons.  MD2 and  MD5  are
352       digital  signature  algorithms that can minimally encrypt passwords. If
353       you have chosen to support the NULL username (enabled User1)  and  NULL
354       passwords  (NULL  password for User1), you will have to enable the None
355       authentication fields above to allow users to connect via None.

Section Lan_Conf_Security_Keys

359       This section supports configuration of the IPMI 2.0 (including  Serial-
360       over-LAN)  K_g  key.  If  your  machine does not support IPMI 2.0, this
361       field will not be configurable.
363       The key is used for two-key authentication in IPMI 2.0. In most  tools,
364       when  doing  IPMI  2.0,  the K_g can be optionally specified. It is not
365       required for IPMI 2.0 operation.
367       In the above example, we have elected to leave this field blank so  the
368       K_g key is not used.

Section Lan_Conf_Misc

372       This  section  lists miscellaneous IPMI over LAN configuration options.
373       These are optional IPMI configuration options that are not  implemented
374       on all BMCs.
376       Normally,  a client cannot resolve the ethernet MAC address without the
377       remote operating system running. However, IPMI over LAN would not  work
378       when  a machine is powered off or if the IP address used by the operat‐
379       ing system for that network interface differs from the BMC IP  Address.
380       One  way  to  work  around this is through gratuitous ARPs.  Gratuitous
381       ARPs are ARP packets generated by the BMC and sent out to advertise the
382       BMC's IP and MAC address.  Other machines on the network can store this
383       information in their local ARP cache for later IP/hostname  resolution.
384       This  would allow IPMI over LAN to work when the remote machine is pow‐
385       ered off. The Enable_Gratuitous_Arps option allows  you  to  enable  or
386       disable  this feature. The Gratuitous_Arp_Interval option allows you to
387       configure the frequency at which gratuitous ARPs are sent onto the net‐
388       work.
390       Instead  of  gratuitous  ARPs  some  BMCs  are  able  to respond to ARP
391       requests, even when powered off.  If  offerred,  this  feature  can  be
392       enabled through the Enable_Arp_Response option.
394       Generally speaking, turning on gratuitous ARPs is acceptable.  However,
395       it will increase traffic on your network.  If you are using IPMI  on  a
396       large  cluster, the gratuitous ARPs may easily flood your network. They
397       should be tuned to occur less frequently or disabled. If disabled,  the
398       remote  machine's MAC address should be permanently stored in the local
399       ARP cache through arp(8).
401       See bmc-watchdog(8) for a method which allows  gratuitous  ARPs  to  be
402       disabled  when  the  operating  system is running, but enabled when the
403       system is down.

Section Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege

407       This section supports configuration of the IPMI 2.0 (including  Serial-
408       over-LAN)  cipher suite IDs. If your machine does not support IPMI 2.0,
409       the fields will not be configurable.
411       Each cipher suite ID describes a combination of an authentication algo‐
412       rithm, integrity algorithm, and encryption algorithm for IPMI 2.0.  The
413       authentication algorithm is used for user authentication with the  BMC.
414       The integrity algorithm is used for generating signatures on IPMI pack‐
415       ets. The confidentiality algorithm is used  for  encrypting  data.  The
416       configuration  in  this  section enables certain cipher suite IDs to be
417       enabled or disabled, and the maximum privilege  level  a  username  can
418       authenticate with.
420       The following table shows the cipher suite ID to algorithms mapping:
422       0 - Authentication Algorithm = None; Integrity Algorithm = None; Confi‐
423       dentiality Algorithm = None
425       1 - Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-SHA1; Integrity Algorithm  =  None;
426       Confidentiality Algorithm = None
428       2  -  Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-SHA1; Integrity Algorithm = HMAC-
429       SHA1-96; Confidentiality Algorithm = None
431       3 - Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-SHA1; Integrity Algorithm  =  HMAC-
432       SHA1-96; Confidentiality Algorithm = AES-CBC-128
434       4  -  Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-SHA1; Integrity Algorithm = HMAC-
435       SHA1-96; Confidentiality Algorithm = xRC4-128
437       5 - Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-SHA1; Integrity Algorithm  =  HMAC-
438       SHA1-96; Confidentiality Algorithm = xRC4-40
440       6  -  Authentication  Algorithm = HMAC-MD5; Integrity Algorithm = None;
441       Confidentiality Algorithm = None
443       7 - Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-MD5; Integrity  Algorithm  =  HMAC-
444       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = None
446       8  -  Authentication  Algorithm = HMAC-MD5; Integrity Algorithm = HMAC-
447       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = AES-CBC-128
449       9 - Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-MD5; Integrity  Algorithm  =  HMAC-
450       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = xRC4-128
452       10  -  Authentication Algorithm = HMAC-MD5; Integrity Algorithm = HMAC-
453       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = xRC4-40
455       11  -  Authentication  Algorithm  =  HMAC-MD5;  Integrity  Algorithm  =
456       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = None
458       12  -  Authentication  Algorithm  =  HMAC-MD5;  Integrity  Algorithm  =
459       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = AES-CBC-128
461       13  -  Authentication  Algorithm  =  HMAC-MD5;  Integrity  Algorithm  =
462       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = xRC4-128
464       14  -  Authentication  Algorithm  =  HMAC-MD5;  Integrity  Algorithm  =
465       MD5-128; Confidentiality Algorithm = xRC4-40
467       Generally speaking, HMAC-SHA1 based algorithms are stronger than  HMAC-
468       MD5,  which  are  better than MD5-128 algorithms. AES-CBC-128 confiden‐
469       tiality algorithms are stronger than  xRC4-128  algorithms,  which  are
470       better  than  xRC4-40  algorithms. Cipher suite ID 3 is therefore typi‐
471       cally considered the most secure. Some users may  wish  to  set  cipher
472       suite  ID 3 to a privilege level and disable all remaining cipher suite
473       IDs.
475       The above example configuration has decided  to  allow  any  user  with
476       "Administrator"  privileges  use any Cipher Suite algorithm suite which
477       requires an authentication, integrity, and  confidentiality  algorithm.
478       Typically,  the maximum privilege level configured to a username should
479       be set for atleast one cipher suite ID. Typically, this is the  "Admin‐
480       istrator" privilege.
482       A  number of cipher suite IDs are optionally implemented, so the avail‐
483       able cipher suite IDs available your system may vary.

Section SOL_Conf

487       This section is for setting up Serial-Over-Lan (SOL) and will  only  be
488       available  for configuration on those machines. SOL can be enabled with
489       the Enable_SOL field. The minimum privilege level required for connect‐
490       ing  with  SOL is specified by SOL_Privilege_Level.  This should be set
491       to the maximum privilege level configured to a username  that  has  SOL
492       enabled.  Typically, this is the "Administrator" privilege. Authentica‐
493       tion  and  Encryption  can  be  forced  or   not   using   the   fields
494       Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication    and    Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption
495       respectively. It is recommended that these be set on.  However,  forced
496       authentication and/or encryption support depend on the cipher suite IDs
497       supported.
499       The    Character_Accumulate_Interval,    Character_Send_Threshold     ,
500       SOL_Retry_Count  and  ,  SOL_Retry_Interval options are used to set SOL
501       character output speeds. Character_Accumulate_Interval  determines  how
502       often serial data should be regularly sent and Character_Send_Threshold
503       indicates the character count that if passed, will force serial data to
504       be  sent.  SOL_Retry_Count  indicates  how  many  times packets must be
505       retransmitted if acknowledgements are not received.  SOL_Retry_Interval
506       indicates the timeout interval. Generally, the manufacturer recommended
507       numbers will be sufficient. However, you may wish  to  experiment  with
508       these values for faster SOL throughput.
510       The  Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate and Volatile_Bit_Rate determine the baudrate
511       the BMC should use. This should match the baudrate set in the BIOS  and
512       operating  system,  such  as  agetty(8).   Generally speaking, both the
513       Volatile and Non_Volatile options should be set identically.
515       In addition to enabling SOL in this section, individual users most also
516       be  capable  of  connecting  with  SOL.  See the section Section User1,
517       User2, ...  above for details.

Section Misc

521       The Power_Restore_Policy determines the behavior of the machine when AC
522       power  returns  after  a  power loss. The behavior can be set to always
523       power on the  machine  ("On_State_AC_Apply"),  power  off  the  machine
524       ("Off_State_AC_Apply"),  or  return the power to the state that existed
525       before the power loss ("Restore_State_AC_Apply").


528       Report bugs to <freeipmi-users@gnu.org> or <freeipmi-devel@gnu.org>.


531       freeipmi(7), bmc-config(8), bmc-watchdog(8), agetty(8)
533       http://www.gnu.org/software/freeipmi/
537bmc-config 1.2.1                  2017-03-22                bmc-config.conf(5)