1LVS(8) System Manager's Manual LVS(8)
6 lvs - Display information about logical volumes
9 lvs
10 [ option_args ]
11 [ position_args ]
14 lvs produces formatted output about LVs.
17 lvs
18 [ -H|--history ]
19 [ -a|--all ]
20 [ -o|--options String ]
21 [ -S|--select String ]
22 [ -O|--sort String ]
23 [ --segments ]
24 [ --aligned ]
25 [ --binary ]
26 [ --configreport log|vg|lv|pv|pvseg|seg ]
27 [ --foreign ]
28 [ --ignorelockingfailure ]
29 [ --logonly ]
30 [ --nameprefixes ]
31 [ --noheadings ]
32 [ --nosuffix ]
33 [ --readonly ]
34 [ --reportformat basic|json ]
35 [ --rows ]
36 [ --separator String ]
37 [ --shared ]
38 [ --trustcache ]
39 [ --unbuffered ]
40 [ --units r|R|h|H|b|B|s|S|k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T|p|P|e|E ]
41 [ --unquoted ]
43 [ VG|LV|Tag ... ]
45 Common options for lvm:
46 [ -d|--debug ]
47 [ -h|--help ]
48 [ -q|--quiet ]
49 [ -t|--test ]
50 [ -v|--verbose ]
51 [ -y|--yes ]
52 [ --commandprofile String ]
53 [ --config String ]
54 [ --driverloaded y|n ]
55 [ --lockopt String ]
56 [ --longhelp ]
57 [ --nolocking ]
58 [ --profile String ]
59 [ --version ]
62 --aligned
63 Use with --separator to align the output columns
65 -a|--all
66 Show information about internal LVs. These are components of
67 normal LVs, such as mirrors, which are not independently acces‐
68 sible, e.g. not mountable.
70 --binary
71 Use binary values "0" or "1" instead of descriptive literal val‐
72 ues for columns that have exactly two valid values to report
73 (not counting the "unknown" value which denotes that the value
74 could not be determined).
76 --commandprofile String
77 The command profile to use for command configuration. See
78 lvm.conf(5) for more information about profiles.
80 --config String
81 Config settings for the command. These override lvm.conf set‐
82 tings. The String arg uses the same format as lvm.conf, or may
83 use section/field syntax. See lvm.conf(5) for more information
84 about config.
86 --configreport log|vg|lv|pv|pvseg|seg
87 See lvmreport(7).
89 -d|--debug ...
90 Set debug level. Repeat from 1 to 6 times to increase the detail
91 of messages sent to the log file and/or syslog (if configured).
93 --driverloaded y|n
94 If set to no, the command will not attempt to use device-mapper.
95 For testing and debugging.
97 --foreign
98 Report/display foreign VGs that would otherwise be skipped. See
99 lvmsystemid(7) for more information about foreign VGs.
101 -h|--help
102 Display help text.
104 -H|--history
105 Include historical LVs in the output. (This has no effect
106 unless LVs were removed while lvm.conf metadata/record_lvs_his‐
107 tory was enabled.
109 --ignorelockingfailure
110 Allows a command to continue with read-only metadata operations
111 after locking failures.
113 --lockopt String
114 Used to pass options for special cases to lvmlockd. See lvm‐
115 lockd(8) for more information.
117 --logonly
118 Suppress command report and display only log report.
120 --longhelp
121 Display long help text.
123 --nameprefixes
124 Add an "LVM2_" prefix plus the field name to the output. Useful
125 with --noheadings to produce a list of field=value pairs that
126 can be used to set environment variables (for example, in udev
127 rules).
129 --noheadings
130 Suppress the headings line that is normally the first line of
131 output. Useful if grepping the output.
133 --nolocking
134 Disable locking.
136 --nosuffix
137 Suppress the suffix on output sizes. Use with --units (except h
138 and H) if processing the output.
140 -o|--options String
141 Comma-separated, ordered list of fields to display in columns.
142 String arg syntax is: [+|-|#]Field1[,Field2 ...] The prefix +
143 will append the specified fields to the default fields, - will
144 remove the specified fields from the default fields, and # will
145 compact specified fields (removing them when empty for all
146 rows.) Use -o help to view the list of all available fields.
147 Use separate lists of fields to add, remove or compact by
148 repeating the -o option: -o+field1,field2 -o-field3,field4
149 -o#field5. These lists are evaluated from left to right. Use
150 field name lv_all to view all LV fields, vg_all all VG fields,
151 pv_all all PV fields, pvseg_all all PV segment fields, seg_all
152 all LV segment fields, and pvseg_all all PV segment columns.
153 See the lvm.conf report section for more config options. See
154 lvmreport(7) for more information about reporting.
156 --profile String
157 An alias for --commandprofile or --metadataprofile, depending on
158 the command.
160 -q|--quiet ...
161 Suppress output and log messages. Overrides --debug and --ver‐
162 bose. Repeat once to also suppress any prompts with answer
163 'no'.
165 --readonly
166 Run the command in a special read-only mode which will read on-
167 disk metadata without needing to take any locks. This can be
168 used to peek inside metadata used by a virtual machine image
169 while the virtual machine is running. No attempt will be made to
170 communicate with the device-mapper kernel driver, so this option
171 is unable to report whether or not LVs are actually in use.
173 --reportformat basic|json
174 Overrides current output format for reports which is defined
175 globally by the report/output_format setting in lvm.conf. basic
176 is the original format with columns and rows. If there is more
177 than one report per command, each report is prefixed with the
178 report name for identification. json produces report output in
179 JSON format. See lvmreport(7) for more information.
181 --rows
182 Output columns as rows.
184 --segments
185 Use default columns that emphasize segment information.
187 -S|--select String
188 Select objects for processing and reporting based on specified
189 criteria. The criteria syntax is described by --select help and
190 lvmreport(7). For reporting commands, one row is displayed for
191 each object matching the criteria. See --options help for
192 selectable object fields. Rows can be displayed with an addi‐
193 tional "selected" field (-o selected) showing 1 if the row
194 matches the selection and 0 otherwise. For non-reporting com‐
195 mands which process LVM entities, the selection is used to
196 choose items to process.
198 --separator String
199 String to use to separate each column. Useful if grepping the
200 output.
202 --shared
203 Report/display shared VGs that would otherwise be skipped when
204 lvmlockd is not being used on the host. See lvmlockd(8) for
205 more information about shared VGs.
207 -O|--sort String
208 Comma-separated ordered list of columns to sort by. Replaces the
209 default selection. Precede any column with - for a reverse sort
210 on that column.
212 -t|--test
213 Run in test mode. Commands will not update metadata. This is
214 implemented by disabling all metadata writing but nevertheless
215 returning success to the calling function. This may lead to
216 unusual error messages in multi-stage operations if a tool
217 relies on reading back metadata it believes has changed but
218 hasn't.
220 --trustcache
221 Avoids certain device scanning during command processing. Do not
222 use.
224 --unbuffered
225 Produce output immediately without sorting or aligning the col‐
226 umns properly.
228 --units r|R|h|H|b|B|s|S|k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T|p|P|e|E
229 All sizes are output in these units: human-(r)eadable with '<'
230 rounding indicator, (h)uman-readable, (b)ytes, (s)ectors,
231 (k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, (g)igabytes, (t)erabytes, (p)etabytes,
232 (e)xabytes. Capitalise to use multiples of 1000 (S.I.) instead
233 of 1024. Custom units can be specified, e.g. --units 3M.
235 --unquoted
236 When used with --nameprefixes, output values in the field=value
237 pairs are not quoted.
239 -v|--verbose ...
240 Set verbose level. Repeat from 1 to 4 times to increase the
241 detail of messages sent to stdout and stderr.
243 --version
244 Display version information.
246 -y|--yes
247 Do not prompt for confirmation interactively but always assume
248 the answer yes. Use with extreme caution. (For automatic no,
249 see -qq.)
252 VG
253 Volume Group name. See lvm(8) for valid names.
255 LV
256 Logical Volume name. See lvm(8) for valid names. An LV posi‐
257 tional arg generally includes the VG name and LV name, e.g.
258 VG/LV.
260 Tag
261 Tag name. See lvm(8) for information about tag names and using
262 tags in place of a VG, LV or PV.
264 String
265 See the option description for information about the string con‐
266 tent.
268 Size[UNIT]
269 Size is an input number that accepts an optional unit. Input
270 units are always treated as base two values, regardless of capi‐
271 talization, e.g. 'k' and 'K' both refer to 1024. The default
272 input unit is specified by letter, followed by |UNIT. UNIT rep‐
273 resents other possible input units: bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE. b|B is
274 bytes, s|S is sectors of 512 bytes, k|K is kilobytes, m|M is
275 megabytes, g|G is gigabytes, t|T is terabytes, p|P is petabytes,
276 e|E is exabytes. (This should not be confused with the output
277 control --units, where capital letters mean multiple of 1000.)
280 See lvm(8) for information about environment variables used by lvm.
281 For example, LVM_VG_NAME can generally be substituted for a required VG
282 parameter.
285 The lv_attr bits are:
287 1 Volume type: (C)ache, (m)irrored, (M)irrored without initial sync,
288 (o)rigin, (O)rigin with merging snapshot, (r)aid, (R)aid without
289 initial sync, (s)napshot, merging (S)napshot, (p)vmove, (v)irtual,
290 mirror or raid (i)mage, mirror or raid (I)mage out-of-sync, mirror
291 (l)og device, under (c)onversion, thin (V)olume, (t)hin pool, (T)hin
292 pool data, v(d)o pool, v(D)o pool data, raid or pool m(e)tadata or
293 pool metadata spare.
295 2 Permissions: (w)riteable, (r)ead-only, (R)ead-only activation of
296 non-read-only volume
298 3 Allocation policy: (a)nywhere, (c)ontiguous, (i)nherited, c(l)ing,
299 (n)ormal This is capitalised if the volume is currently locked
300 against allocation changes, for example during pvmove(8).
302 4 fixed (m)inor
304 5 State: (a)ctive, (h)istorical, (s)uspended, (I)nvalid snapshot,
305 invalid (S)uspended snapshot, snapshot (m)erge failed, suspended
306 snapshot (M)erge failed, mapped (d)evice present without tables,
307 mapped device present with (i)nactive table, thin-pool (c)heck
308 needed, suspended thin-pool (C)heck needed, (X) unknown
310 6 device (o)pen, (X) unknown
312 7 Target type: (C)ache, (m)irror, (r)aid, (s)napshot, (t)hin,
313 (u)nknown, (v)irtual. This groups logical volumes related to the
314 same kernel target together. So, for example, mirror images, mirror
315 logs as well as mirrors themselves appear as (m) if they use the
316 original device-mapper mirror kernel driver; whereas the raid equiv‐
317 alents using the md raid kernel driver all appear as (r). Snapshots
318 using the original device-mapper driver appear as (s); whereas snap‐
319 shots of thin volumes using the new thin provisioning driver appear
320 as (t).
322 8 Newly-allocated data blocks are overwritten with blocks of (z)eroes
323 before use.
325 9 Volume Health, where there are currently three groups of attributes
326 identified:
328 Common ones for all Logical Volumes: (p)artial, (X) unknown.
329 (p)artial signifies that one or more of the Physical Volumes this
330 Logical Volume uses is missing from the system. (X) unknown signi‐
331 fies the status is unknown.
333 Related to RAID Logical Volumes: (r)efresh needed, (m)ismatches
334 exist, (w)ritemostly.
335 (r)efresh signifies that one or more of the Physical Volumes this
336 RAID Logical Volume uses had suffered a write error. The write error
337 could be due to a temporary failure of that Physical Volume or an
338 indication that it is failing. The device should be refreshed or
339 replaced. (m)ismatches signifies that the RAID logical volume has
340 portions of the array that are not coherent. Inconsistencies are
341 detected by initiating a "check" on a RAID logical volume. (The
342 scrubbing operations, "check" and "repair", can be performed on a
343 RAID logical volume via the 'lvchange' command.) (w)ritemostly sig‐
344 nifies the devices in a RAID 1 logical volume that have been marked
345 write-mostly. Re(s)haping signifies a RAID Logical Volume is either
346 undergoing a stripe addition/removal, a stripe size or RAID algo‐
347 rithm change. (R)emove after reshape signifies freed striped raid
348 images to be removed.
350 Related to Thin pool Logical Volumes: (F)ailed, out of (D)ata space,
351 (M)etadata read only.
352 (F)ailed is set if thin pool encounters serious failures and hence
353 no further I/O is permitted at all. The out of (D)ata space is set
354 if thin pool has run out of data space. (M)etadata read only signi‐
355 fies that thin pool encounters certain types of failures but it's
356 still possible to do reads at least, but no metadata changes are
357 allowed.
359 Related to Thin Logical Volumes: (F)ailed.
360 (F)ailed is set when related thin pool enters Failed state and no
361 further I/O is permitted at all.
363 10 s(k)ip activation: this volume is flagged to be skipped during acti‐
364 vation.
367 lvm(8) lvm.conf(5) lvmconfig(8)
369 pvchange(8) pvck(8) pvcreate(8) pvdisplay(8) pvmove(8) pvremove(8)
370 pvresize(8) pvs(8) pvscan(8)
372 vgcfgbackup(8) vgcfgrestore(8) vgchange(8) vgck(8) vgcreate(8) vgcon‐
373 vert(8) vgdisplay(8) vgexport(8) vgextend(8) vgimport(8) vgimport‐
374 clone(8) vgmerge(8) vgmknodes(8) vgreduce(8) vgremove(8) vgrename(8)
375 vgs(8) vgscan(8) vgsplit(8)
377 lvcreate(8) lvchange(8) lvconvert(8) lvdisplay(8) lvextend(8) lvre‐
378 duce(8) lvremove(8) lvrename(8) lvresize(8) lvs(8) lvscan(8)
380 lvm-fullreport(8) lvm-lvpoll(8) lvm2-activation-generator(8) blkdeacti‐
381 vate(8) lvmdump(8)
383 dmeventd(8) lvmpolld(8) lvmlockd(8) lvmlockctl(8) cmirrord(8) lvmd‐
384 busd(8)
386 lvmsystemid(7) lvmreport(7) lvmraid(7) lvmthin(7) lvmcache(7)
390Red Hat, Inc. LVM TOOLS 2.03.02(2)-RHEL8 (2019-01-04) LVS(8)