1r3.out.vtk(1)                 Grass User's Manual                r3.out.vtk(1)


6       r3.out.vtk  - Converts 3D raster maps (G3D) into the VTK-Ascii format


9       raster3d, voxel


12       r3.out.vtk
13       r3.out.vtk help
14       r3.out.vtk     [-psmoc]      [input=name[,name,...]]      [output=name]
15       [null=float]                [top=string]                [bottom=string]
16       [rgbmaps=string[,string,...]]          [vectormaps=string[,string,...]]
17       [elevscale=float]   [dp=integer]   [--verbose]  [--quiet]
19   Flags:
20       -p
21           Create VTK pointdata instead of VTK celldata (celldata is default)
23       -s
24           Create 3d elevation output with a top and a  bottom  surface,  both
25           raster maps are required.
27       -m
28           Use g3d mask (if exists) with input maps
30       -o
31           Scale factor effects the origin
33       -c
34           Correct the coordinates to fit the VTK-OpenGL precision
36       --verbose
37           Verbose module output
39       --quiet
40           Quiet module output
42   Parameters:
43       input=name[,name,...]
44           G3D map(s) to be converted to VTK-ASCII data format
46       output=name
47           Name for VTK-ASCII output file
49       null=float
50           Float value to represent no data cell/points
51           Default: -99999.99
53       top=string
54           top surface 2D raster map
56       bottom=string
57           bottom surface 2D raster map
59       rgbmaps=string[,string,...]
60           Three  (r,g,b)  3d  raster maps to create rgb values [redmap,green‐
61           map,bluemap]
63       vectormaps=string[,string,...]
64           Three  (x,y,z)   3d   raster   maps   to   create   vector   values
65           [xmap,ymap,zmap]
67       elevscale=float
68           Scale factor for elevation
69           Default: 1.0
71       dp=integer
72           Number of significant digits (floating point only)
73           Options: 0-20
74           Default: 12


77       Outputs  G3D  maps into VTK-ASCII format.  Map's are valid G3D map's in
78       the current mapset.  output is the name of a VTK-ASCII file which  will
79       be  written  in the current working directory.  If output is not speci‐
80       fied then stdout is used.  The module is sensitive to  region  settings
81       (set with g.region).


84       This  filter  generates  structured  points  with celldata (default) or
85       pointdata. If top and bottom surfaces are requested a unstructured grid
86       with  celldata  or a structured grid with pointdata is generated.  This
87       data is put in a simple VTK-ASCII file. Neither XML nor  binary  output
88       are  supported.  It  is  possible to choose more then one G3D map to be
89       written in the VTK-ASCII file. Each celldata is named as the G3D map it
90       represents.  You can visualize this file with the VTK Toolkit, Paraview
91       and MayaVi which are based on VTK.  If you have a G3D map  with  partly
92       no  data,  use  the threshold filter in paraview to visualize the valid
93       data. Just filter all data which is  greater/lesser  than  the  choosen
94       null value in the VTK-ASCII file.
95       The  top and bottom region settings are expected in meters.  If a Lati‐
96       tude-Longitude (LL) coordinates are used, the elevation value for  each
97       voxel will be converted into degree.
98       The  input,  rgbmaps  and vectormaps are optional, so only the geometry
99       can be exported.
100       If you use top and bottom and the 2d and 3d region settings are differ‐
101       ent,  the 2d resolution will be adjust to the 3d resolution. The eleva‐
102       tion maps are expected in meters. If LL coordinates are used, the  ele‐
103       vation  will  automatically  converted into degree.  If the surface and
104       bottom maps are in a different unit than meters, use the scale  parame‐
105       ter to convert them into meters.
106       The  RGB  voxel  data  can  be  created from 2d raster maps (Landsat TM
107       images) with r.to.rast3. The values of the RGB maps must  be  within  0
108       and  255.  If  not,  the values are automatically set to 0 and warnings
109       will be printed to stderr.
110       The vector data is created from three 3d raster maps. Each  map  repre‐
111       sents  a  vector  component.   So x, y and z components are required in
112       this order. This data can be visualized with  Glyph3d  or  StreamTracer
113       filters within Paraview.
114       If  the -c flag is used and the data should be visualised together with
115       other data exported via *.out.vtk modules, be sure the -c flag was also
116       set  in  these modules. But this will only work with data from the SAME
117       location (the reference point for  the  coordinates  transformation  is
118       based on the center point of the default region).
120   Difference between point- and celldata
121       r3.out.vtk can export G3D cells with different representations.
123                     pointdata -- the cells/values are represented by the cen‐
124                     ter of the cell.  Instead of cells, points  are  created.
125                     Each  point  can  hold different values, but the user can
126                     only visualize one value at a time.
128                     celldata The cells are created with the same hight, width
129                     and  depth as in GRASS. Each cell can hold different val‐
130                     ues, but the user can only visualize one value at a time.


133   Simple Spearfish example
135       g.region -d
136       g.region res=150 res3=150 t=80 b=0 tbres=10
137       r.mapcalc "bottom=1800. - elevation.10m"
138       # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
139       r3.mapcalc "map3d=row()+col()+depth()"
140       #export of volume to VTK:
141       r3.out.vtk  -s   input=map3d   top=elevation.10m   bottom=bottom   out‐
142       put=/tmp/out.vtk
143       # visualize in paraview or other VTK viewer:
144       paraview --data=/tmp/out.vtk
147   Spearfish example with RGB data
149       #set the region
150       g.region -d
151       g.region  n=4926970 s=4914857 w=591583 e=607793 res=50 res3=50 t=80 b=0
152       tbres=10
153       #create a bottom surface
154       r.mapcalc "bottom=1800. - elevation.10m"
155       # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
156       r3.mapcalc "map3d=row()+col()+depth()"
157       #get some satellite images with r.in.onearth
158       r.in.onearth -l output=Sat tmband=Red
159       r.in.onearth -l output=Sat tmband=IR1
160       r.in.onearth -l output=Sat tmband=IR2
161       #Convert the 2d maps to 3d raster maps with r.to.rast3
162       r.to.rast3 input=SatLandsatTM_Red output=SatLandsatTM_Red
163       r.to.rast3 input=SatLandsatTM_IR1 output=SatLandsatTM_IR1
164       r.to.rast3 input=SatLandsatTM_IR2 output=SatLandsatTM_IR2
165       #export of volume to VTK:
166       r3.out.vtk    -s     rgbmaps=SatLandsatTM_IR1,SatLandsatTM_IR2,SatLand‐
167       satTM_Red     input=map3d    top=elevation.10m    bottom=bottom    out‐
168       put=/tmp/out.vtk
169       # visualize in paraview or other VTK viewer:
170       paraview --data=/tmp/out.vtk
173   Spearfish example with vector data
175       # set the region
176       g.region -d
177       g.region n=4926970 s=4914857 w=591583 e=607793 res=50 res3=50 t=80  b=0
178       tbres=10
179       # create a bottom surface
180       r.mapcalc "bottom=1800. - elevation.10m"
181       # synthetic data, could be geological structures:
182       r3.mapcalc "map3d=row()+col()+depth()"
183       # synthetic vector data, could be groundwater stream vectors
184       r3.mapcalc "x_part =sin(row())"
185       r3.mapcalc "y_part =cos(col())"
186       r3.mapcalc "z_part =sin(depth())"
187       # export the stuff data to VTK:
188       r3.out.vtk  -s  vectormaps=x_part,y_part,z_part  input=map3d top=eleva‐
189       tion.10m bottom=bottom output=/tmp/out.vtk
190       # visualize in paraview or other VTK viewer:
191       paraview --data=/tmp/out.vtk
192       # Now use the Glyph and Stream-Trace Filter to  get  nice  vectors  and
193       streamlines
196   Slovakia3d example
198       #reduce resolution:
199       g.region -dp3 res=1000 res3=1000
200       r.mapcalc "bottom=100"
201       #export of volume to VTK:
202       r3.out.vtk -s in=precip3d.500z50 top=dem500 bottom=bottom out=/tmp/slo‐
203       vakia3d.vtk
204       # visualize in paraview or other VTK viewer:
205       paraview --data=/tmp/slovakia3d.vtk
206       # set Display style to 'surface#
207       # set Actor Control z to 10


211       r.out.vtk
212       r3.out.ascii
213       g.region


216       Soeren Gebbert
218       Last changed: $Date: 2007-07-04 09:51:08 +0200 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007) $
220       Full index
222       © 2003-2008 GRASS Development Team
226GRASS 6.3.0                                                      r3.out.vtk(1)