1RAWSHARK(1)             The Wireshark Network Analyzer             RAWSHARK(1)


6       rawshark - Dump and analyze raw libpcap data


9       rawshark [ -d <encap:dlt>|<proto:protoname> ] [ -F <field to display> ]
10       [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -n ] [ -N <name resolving flags> ]
11       [ -o <preference setting> ] ...  [ -p ] [ -r <pipe>|- ]
12       [ -R <read (display) filter> ] [ -s ] [ -S <field format> ]
13       [ -t ad|a|r|d|e ] [ -v ]


16       Rawshark reads a stream of packets from a file or pipe, and prints a
17       line describing its output, followed by a set of matching fields for
18       each packet on stdout.


21       Unlike TShark, Rawshark makes no assumptions about encapsulation or
22       input. The -d and -r flags must be specified in order for it to run.
23       One or more -F flags should be specified in order for the output to be
24       useful. The other flags listed above follow the same conventions as
25       Wireshark and TShark.
27       Rawshark expects input records with the following format by default.
28       This matches the format of the packet header and packet data in a
29       libpcap-formatted file on disk.
31           struct rawshark_rec_s {
32               uint32_t ts_sec;      /* Time stamp (seconds) */
33               uint32_t ts_usec;     /* Time stamp (microseconds) */
34               uint32_t caplen;      /* Length of the packet buffer */
35               uint32_t len;         /* "On the wire" length of the packet */
36               uint8_t data[caplen]; /* Packet data */
37           };
39       If -p is supplied rawshark expects the following format. This matches
40       the pcap_pkthdr struct and packet data used in libpcap. Note that the
41       time stamp value will match the previous format on some systems but not
42       others.
44           struct rawshark_rec_s {
45               struct timeval ts;    /* Time stamp */
46               uint32_t caplen;      /* Length of the packet buffer */
47               uint32_t len;         /* "On the wire" length of the packet */
48               uint8_t *data;        /* Packet data */
49           };
51       In either case, the endianness (byte ordering) of each integer must
52       match the system on which rawshark is running.


55       If one or more fields are specified via the -F flag, Rawshark prints
56       the number, field type, and display format for each field on the first
57       line as "packet number" 0. For each record, the packet number, matching
58       fields, and a "1" or "0" are printed to indicate if the field matched
59       any supplied display filter. A "-" is used to signal the end of a field
60       description and at the end of each packet line. For example, the flags
61       -F ip.src -F dns.qry.type might generate the following output:
63           0 FT_IPv4 BASE_NONE - 1 FT_UINT16 BASE_HEX -
64           1 1="1" 0="" 1 -
65           2 1="1" 0="" 1 -
66           3 0="" 1 -
67           4 0="" 1 -
69       Note that packets 1 and 2 are DNS queries, and 3 and 4 are not. Adding
70       -R "not dns" still prints each line, but there's an indication that
71       packets 1 and 2 didn't pass the filter:
73           0 FT_IPv4 BASE_NONE - 1 FT_UINT16 BASE_HEX -
74           1 1="1" 0="" 0 -
75           2 1="1" 0="" 0 -
76           3 0="" 1 -
77           4 0="" 1 -
79       Also note that the output may be in any order, and that multiple
80       matching fields might be displayed.


83       -d  <encapsulation>
84           Specify how the packet data should be dissected. The encapsulation
85           is of the form type:value, where type is one of:
87           encap:name Packet data should be dissected using the libpcap data
88           link type name, e.g. encap:EN10MB for Ethernet.
90           encap:name Packet data should be dissected using the libpcap data
91           link type (DLT) name, e.g. encap:EN10MB for Ethernet. Names are
92           converted using pcap_datalink_name_to_val().
94           encap:number Packet data should be dissected using the libpcap DLT
95           number, e.g. encap:105 for raw IEEE 802.11. A complete list of DLTs
96           can be found in pcap-bpf.h in the libpcap sources.
98           proto:protocol Packet data should be passed to the specified
99           Wireshark protocol dissector, e.g. proto:http for HTTP data.
101       -F  <field to display>
102           Add the matching field to the output. Fields are any valid display
103           filter field. More than one -F flag may be specified, and each
104           field can match multiple times in a given packet. A single field
105           may be specified per -F flag. If you want to apply a display
106           filter, use the -R flag.
108       -h  Print the version and options and exits.
110       -l  Flush the standard output after the information for each packet is
111           printed.  (This is not, strictly speaking, line-buffered if -V was
112           specified; however, it is the same as line-buffered if -V wasn't
113           specified, as only one line is printed for each packet, and, as -l
114           is normally used when piping a live capture to a program or script,
115           so that output for a packet shows up as soon as the packet is seen
116           and dissected, it should work just as well as true line-buffering.
117           We do this as a workaround for a deficiency in the Microsoft Visual
118           C++ C library.)
120           This may be useful when piping the output of TShark to another
121           program, as it means that the program to which the output is piped
122           will see the dissected data for a packet as soon as TShark sees the
123           packet and generates that output, rather than seeing it only when
124           the standard output buffer containing that data fills up.
126       -n  Disable network object name resolution (such as hostname, TCP and
127           UDP port names), the -N flag might override this one.
129       -N  <name resolving flags>
130           Turn on name resolving only for particular types of addresses and
131           port numbers, with name resolving for other types of addresses and
132           port numbers turned off. This flag overrides -n if both -N and -n
133           are present. If both -N and -n flags are not present, all name
134           resolutions are turned on.
136           The argument is a string that may contain the letters:
138           m to enable MAC address resolution
140           n to enable network address resolution
142           t to enable transport-layer port number resolution
144           C to enable concurrent (asynchronous) DNS lookups
146       -o  <preference>:<value>
147           Set a preference value, overriding the default value and any value
148           read from a preference file.  The argument to the option is a
149           string of the form prefname:value, where prefname is the name of
150           the preference (which is the same name that would appear in the
151           preference file), and value is the value to which it should be set.
153       -p  Assume that packet data is preceded by a pcap_pkthdr struct as
154           defined in pcap.h. On some systems the size of the timestamp data
155           will be different from the data written to disk. On other systems
156           they are identical and this flag has no effect.
158       -r  <pipe>|-
159           Read packet data from input source. It can be either the name of a
160           FIFO (named pipe) or ``-'' to read data from the standard input,
161           and must have the record format specified above.
163       -R  <read (display) filter>
164           Cause the specified filter (which uses the syntax of read/display
165           filters, rather than that of capture filters) to be applied before
166           printing the output.
168       -s  Allows standard pcap files to be used as input, by skipping over
169           the 24 byte pcap file header.
171       -S  Use the specified format string to print each field. The following
172           formats are supported:
174               %D Field name or description, e.g. "Type" for dns.qry.type
176               %N Base 10 numeric value of the field.
178               %S String value of the field.
180           For something similar to Wireshark's standard display ("Type: A
181           (1)") you could use %D: %S (%N).
183       -t  ad|a|r|d|e
184           Set the format of the packet timestamp printed in summary lines,
185           the default is relative. The format can be one of:
187           ad absolute with date: The absolute date and time is the actual
188           time and date the packet was captured
190           a absolute: The absolute time is the actual time the packet was
191           captured, with no date displayed
193           r relative: The relative time is the time elapsed between the first
194           packet and the current packet
196           d delta: The delta time is the time since the previous packet was
197           captured
199           e epoch: The time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00)
201       -v  Print the version and exit.


204       For a complete table of protocol and protocol fields that are
205       filterable in TShark see the wireshark-filter(4) manual page.


208       These files contains various Wireshark configuration values.
210       Preferences
211           The preferences files contain global (system-wide) and personal
212           preference settings. If the system-wide preference file exists, it
213           is read first, overriding the default settings. If the personal
214           preferences file exists, it is read next, overriding any previous
215           values. Note: If the command line option -o is used (possibly more
216           than once), it will in turn override values from the preferences
217           files.
219           The preferences settings are in the form prefname:value, one per
220           line, where prefname is the name of the preference and value is the
221           value to which it should be set; white space is allowed between :
222           and value.  A preference setting can be continued on subsequent
223           lines by indenting the continuation lines with white space.  A #
224           character starts a comment that runs to the end of the line:
226             # Capture in promiscuous mode?
227             # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
228             capture.prom_mode: TRUE
230           The global preferences file is looked for in the wireshark
231           directory under the share subdirectory of the main installation
232           directory (for example, /usr/local/share/wireshark/preferences) on
233           UNIX-compatible systems, and in the main installation directory
234           (for example, C:\Program Files\Wireshark\preferences) on Windows
235           systems.
237           The personal preferences file is looked for in
238           $HOME/.wireshark/preferences on UNIX-compatible systems and
239           %APPDATA%\Wireshark\preferences (or, if %APPDATA% isn't defined,
240           %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Wireshark\preferences) on Windows
241           systems.
243       Disabled (Enabled) Protocols
244           The disabled_protos files contain system-wide and personal lists of
245           protocols that have been disabled, so that their dissectors are
246           never called.  The files contain protocol names, one per line,
247           where the protocol name is the same name that would be used in a
248           display filter for the protocol:
250             http
251             tcp     # a comment
253           The global disabled_protos file uses the same directory as the
254           global preferences file.
256           The personal disabled_protos file uses the same directory as the
257           personal preferences file.
259       Name Resolution (hosts)
260           If the personal hosts file exists, it is used to resolve IPv4 and
261           IPv6 addresses before any other attempts are made to resolve them.
262           The file has the standard hosts file syntax; each line contains one
263           IP address and name, separated by whitespace. The same directory as
264           for the personal preferences file is used.
266           Capture filter name resolution is handled by libpcap on UNIX-
267           compatible systems and WinPCAP on Windows.  As such the Wireshark
268           personal hosts file will not be consulted for capture filter name
269           resolution.
271       Name Resolution (ethers)
272           The ethers files are consulted to correlate 6-byte hardware
273           addresses to names. First the personal ethers file is tried and if
274           an address is not found there the global ethers file is tried next.
276           Each line contains one hardware address and name, separated by
277           whitespace.  The digits of the hardware address are separated by
278           colons (:), dashes (-) or periods (.).  The same separator
279           character must be used consistently in an address. The following
280           three lines are valid lines of an ethers file:
282             ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff          Broadcast
283             c0-00-ff-ff-ff-ff          TR_broadcast
284             Zero_broadcast
286           The global ethers file is looked for in the /etc directory on UNIX-
287           compatible systems, and in the main installation directory (for
288           example, C:\Program Files\Wireshark) on Windows systems.
290           The personal ethers file is looked for in the same directory as the
291           personal preferences file.
293           Capture filter name resolution is handled by libpcap on UNIX-
294           compatible systems and WinPCAP on Windows.  As such the Wireshark
295           personal ethers file will not be consulted for capture filter name
296           resolution.
298       Name Resolution (manuf)
299           The manuf file is used to match the 3-byte vendor portion of a
300           6-byte hardware address with the manufacturer's name; it can also
301           contain well-known MAC addresses and address ranges specified with
302           a netmask.  The format of the file is the same as the ethers files,
303           except that entries of the form:
305             00:00:0C      Cisco
307           can be provided, with the 3-byte OUI and the name for a vendor, and
308           entries such as:
310             00-00-0C-07-AC/40     All-HSRP-routers
312           can be specified, with a MAC address and a mask indicating how many
313           bits of the address must match. The above entry, for example, has
314           40 significant bits, or 5 bytes, and would match addresses from
315           00-00-0C-07-AC-00 through 00-00-0C-07-AC-FF. The mask need not be a
316           multiple of 8.
318           The manuf file is looked for in the same directory as the global
319           preferences file.
321       Name Resolution (ipxnets)
322           The ipxnets files are used to correlate 4-byte IPX network numbers
323           to names. First the global ipxnets file is tried and if that
324           address is not found there the personal one is tried next.
326           The format is the same as the ethers file, except that each address
327           is four bytes instead of six.  Additionally, the address can be
328           represented as a single hexadecimal number, as is more common in
329           the IPX world, rather than four hex octets.  For example, these
330           four lines are valid lines of an ipxnets file:
332             C0.A8.2C.00              HR
333             c0-a8-1c-00              CEO
334             00:00:BE:EF              IT_Server1
335             110f                     FileServer3
337           The global ipxnets file is looked for in the /etc directory on
338           UNIX-compatible systems, and in the main installation directory
339           (for example, C:\Program Files\Wireshark) on Windows systems.
341           The personal ipxnets file is looked for in the same directory as
342           the personal preferences file.


346           Normally per-packet memory is allocated in large "chunks."  This
347           behavior doesn't work well with debugging tools such as Valgrind or
348           ElectricFence.  Export this environment variable to force
349           individual allocations.  Note: disabling chunks also disables
350           canaries (see below).
353           Normally per-file memory is allocated in large "chunks."  This
354           behavior doesn't work well with debugging tools such as Valgrind or
355           ElectricFence.  Export this environment variable to force
356           individual allocations.  Note: disabling chunks also disables
357           canaries (see below).
360           Normally per-packet memory allocations are separated by "canaries"
361           which allow detection of memory overruns.  This comes at the
362           expense of some extra memory usage.  Exporting this environment
363           variable disables these canaries.
366           Exporting this environment variable causes per-file memory
367           allocations to be protected with "canaries" which allow for
368           detection of memory overruns.  This comes at the expense of
369           significant extra memory usage.
372           If this environment variable is exported, the contents of per-
373           packet and per-file memory is initialized to 0xBADDCAFE when the
374           memory is allocated and is reset to 0xDEADBEEF when the memory is
375           freed.  This functionality is useful mainly to developers looking
376           for bugs in the way memory is handled.
379           This environment variable causes the plugins and other data files
380           to be loaded from the build directory (where the program was
381           compiled) rather than from the standard locations.  It has no
382           effect when the program in question is running with root (or
383           setuid) permissions on *NIX.
386           This environment variable causes the various data files to be
387           loaded from a directory other than the standard locations.  It has
388           no effect when the program in question is running with root (or
389           setuid) permissions on *NIX.
392           This environment variable points to an alternate location for
393           Python.  It has no effect when the program in question is running
394           with root (or setuid) permissions on *NIX.
397           This environment variable controls the number of ERF records
398           checked when deciding if a file really is in the ERF format.
399           Setting this environment variable a number higher than the default
400           (20) would make false positives less likely.
403           If this environment variable is set, Rawshark will call abort(3)
404           when a dissector bug is encountered.  abort(3) will cause the
405           program to exit abnormally; if you are running Rawshark in a
406           debugger, it should halt in the debugger and allow inspection of
407           the process, and, if you are not running it in a debugger, it will,
408           on some OSes, assuming your environment is configured correctly,
409           generate a core dump file.  This can be useful to developers
410           attempting to troubleshoot a problem with a protocol dissector.


413       wireshark-filter(4), wireshark(1), tshark(1), editcap(1), tcpdump(8),
414       pcap(3), dumpcap(1), text2pcap(1)


417       Rawshark is part of the Wireshark distribution. The latest version of
418       Wireshark can be found at <http://www.wireshark.org>.
420       HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at:
421       http://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages
422       <http://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages>.


425       Rawshark uses the same packet dissection code that Wireshark does, as
426       well as using many other modules from Wireshark; see the list of
427       authors in the Wireshark man page for a list of authors of that code.
4311.4.10                            2011-11-01                       RAWSHARK(1)