1wxGUI(1) Grass User's Manual wxGUI(1)
6 wxGUI
9 To start the wxPython-based GUI automatically with each session run
10 GRASS with 'wxpython' switch
11 grass -wxpython
12 or define in your .grassrc6 file 'GRASS_GUI' variable
13 GRASS_GUI: wxpython
14 The GUI can be quit by selecting the 'File->Exit' menu item. The GUI
15 can be restarted from the GRASS command line prompt by typing
16 g.gui wxpython
17 or
18 g.gui wxpython workspace=file.grc
19 to launch wxGUI and load workspace file on start-up.
21 The GUI is composed by two main components:
23 Layer Manager which allows users to run different GRASS
24 modules from menu, includes map layer management, inte‐
25 grated command-line prompt, and command output window
26 frame.
28 Map Display Window which integrates basic tools for zoom‐
29 ing, panning, data querying, decorations (north arrows,
30 barscale, etc.). The user is allowed to start various map
31 display instances during one session. The Layer Manager
32 registers Map Display Windows using different tabs.
34 Layer Manager
35 The Layer Manager provides an interactive graphical interface to GRASS
36 commands. It includes a set of pull-down menus for all GRASS GIS func‐
37 tions (analysis, file I/O, GIS configuration and management), the tool‐
38 bar to manage display map layers, a layer tree frame in which map lay‐
39 ers to display are organized, command output window frame, and interac‐
40 tive command line prompt.
41 The top left button of the toolbar opens a new Map Display Window. Each
42 map display has a unique set of layers to display and region setting.
43 Other toolbar buttons add layers of different types for display in the
44 selected map display window. There are additional buttons for saving or
45 opening workspace file, and others.
47 Map layers are listed in the window frame below the toolbar. Layers can
48 include raster and vector maps, text, map decorations (scale and north
49 arrow, and grids), and commands (where any GRASS command can be writ‐
50 ten). Layers are displayed in as arranged in the layer tree: the bottom
51 layer is displayed first and the top is displayed last, as if layers
52 are a series of stacked overlays. Any layer can be renamed by double
53 clicking on its name and typing a new name.
55 The check box to the left of each layer makes it active or inactive for
56 display. Only active layers are displayed/redisplayed when the display
57 button is pressed. Layers can be organized into groups; entire groups
58 can be activated or deactivated for display. Layer tree composition can
59 be saved to a workspace file and opened in subsequent sessions, restor‐
60 ing all layers and their display options.
62 Layer Manager Toolbar
64 Opens a new map display and creates empty layer tree tab in
65 Layer Manager.
68 Removes all layers in the layer tree and creates a new, empty
69 tree where new layers can be added.
72 Loads selected raster or vector maps into current layer tree.
75 Opens an previously saved workspace file, containing a set of
76 display layers and their option settings.
78 Save layers composition to workspace
79 file" 4m
80 Saves current set of layers and their options to a workspace
81 file.
84 Adds raster map to layer tree, see d.rast. Includes also shaded
85 relief map, RGB or HIS map or raster flow arrows map.
88 Adds shaded relief raster map layer, see d.shadedmap.
91 Combines and displays three raster maps defined as red, green,
92 and blue channels, see d.rgb.
95 Combines and displays two or three raster maps defined as hue,
96 intensity, and (optionally) saturation channels, see d.his.
99 Adds map of raster cells with directional arrows drawn. Arrow
100 direction and length are determined by separate aspect/direc‐
101 tional map and (optional) slope/intensity map, see d.rast.arrow.
104 Adds a vector map layer, see d.vect. Includes also thematic vec‐
105 tor map or thematic charts layer.
107 Add thematic map layer
108 (for all vector types)" 4m
109 Adds layer for thematic display values from a numeric attribute
110 column associated with a vector map. Options include: thematic
111 display type (graduated colors or point sizes), methods for cre‐
112 ating display intervals, SQL query of attribute column to limit
113 vector objects to display, control of point icon types and
114 sizes, control of thematic color schemes, creation of legend for
115 thematic map, and saving the results of thematic mapping to a
116 ps.map instructions file for later printing, see d.vect.the‐
117 matic.
119 Add thematic charts layer
120 (for vector points)" 4m
121 Adds layer in which pie or bar charts can be automatically cre‐
122 ated at vector point locations. Charts display values from
123 selected columns in the associated attribute table. Options
124 include: chart type, layer and attributes to chart, chart col‐
125 ors, and chart size (fixed or based on attribute column), see
126 d.vect.chart.
129 Adds a layer in which a GRASS GIS command or command list can be
130 entered. For a command list use the pipe symbol as ";" as sepa‐
131 rator. For example:
132 d.rast soils;d.rast -o roads;d.vect streams col=blue
133 Note that when an option of the command contains spaces, you
134 need to escape them with the backslash ('\') character, for
135 example:
136 d.text.freetype text=Population\ density
140 Adds an empty layer group. Layers can then be added to the
141 group.
144 Adds layer to display regular grid (for all locations), or geo‐
145 desic and rhumblines (for latitude/longitude locations only),
146 see d.rhumbline.
148 Add labels layer for vector
149 objects (from existing labels file)" 4m
150 Add raster text layer from a labels file for vector objects cre‐
151 ated with the v.label module (accessed from button in options
152 panel). A labels file can also be created with a text editor,
153 see d.labels.
156 Removes selected layer or layer group from layer tree.
159 Displays attribute data of selected vector map.
161 Map Display Window
162 This component includes toolbar area (set of toolbars), map canvas
163 where a map composition is displayed, and the statusbar.
164 Each Map Display Window has a unique layer tree and region setting. The
165 window contains a toolbar with buttons to manage the map in the display
166 (zoom and pan), providing tools for query and distance measurement, and
167 exporting or printing the display.
169 In the statusbar can be displayed the geographic coordinates under the
170 cursor, current geographical region extent, computational region
171 (including graphical visualization in map display), map display geome‐
172 try (number of rows, columns, resolution) and map scale.
174 It is important to note that zooming in any display will have no effect
175 on the 'computational region' setting (set with g.region). Only by
176 selecting the 'Set current region to match display' item in the zoom
177 menu (in the map display toolbar) will the current display extents be
178 copied to the computational region extents.
180 Map Display Toolbar
182 Displays all active layers from layer tree at current resolution
183 and region extents for that map display window.
185 Re-render and display all active
186 layers and zoom to current region" 4m
187 Resets the region to the display resolution and extents and
188 forces re-display and re-rendering all active layers.
191 Erases the currently selected map display to a white background;
192 also removes all frames, see d.frame -e.
195 Select arrow cursor for map display.
198 Query selected raster, RGB raster (all three map channels will
199 be queried), or vector map(s) using the mouse. Map(s) must be
200 selected before query. Vector charts and thematic vector maps
201 cannot be queried. The results of the query will be displayed in
202 the console window, see v.what.
205 Interactive selection of a new center of view in the active dis‐
206 play monitor. Drag the pan cursor while pressing the left mouse
207 button to pan. Panning changes the location of the region dis‐
208 played but not the size of the area displayed or the resolution.
209 Panning does not affect the computational region for other GIS
210 processes, see g.region.
213 Interactive zooming with the mouse in the active display moni‐
214 tor. Drawing a box or just click with the mouse (left button)
215 and zoom-in cursor causes the display to zoom in so that the
216 area defined by the box fills the display. The map resolution is
217 not changed. Clicking with the zoom-in cursor causes the display
218 to zoom in by 30%, centered on the point where the mouse is
219 clicked. Zooming resets the display region extents (both size
220 and location of area displayed). It does not affect the computa‐
221 tional region for other GIS processes, see g.region.
224 Interactive zooming with the mouse in the active display moni‐
225 tor. Drawing a box or just click with the mouse (left button)
226 and zoom-out cursor causes the display to zoom in so that the
227 area displayed shrinks to fill the area defined by the box. The
228 map resolution is not changed. Clicking with the zoom-out cursor
229 causes the display to zoom out by 30%, centered on the point
230 where the mouse is clicked. Zooming resets the display region
231 extents (both size and location of area displayed). It does not
232 affect the computational region for other GIS processes, see
233 g.region.
236 Returns to the previous zoom. Up to 10 levels of zoom back are
237 maintained, see g.region.
240 Automatic zoom settings menu. Zoom to match the extents of a
241 selected map, zoom to match the computational region (set with
242 g.region), zoom to match the extents of a saved region or save
243 the current extents to a named region file, or to set computa‐
244 tional region (the mapset's WIND file) to match the current dis‐
245 play extents (does not change the resolution). See g.region.
248 Contains functions for distance measurement, creating histogram
249 or profile tool.
252 Interactive measurement of lengths defined with the mouse. The
253 length of each segment and the cumulative length of all segments
254 measuered is displayed in the command output window frame.
255 Lengths are measured in the current measurement unit, see d.mea‐
256 sure.
259 Interactively create profile of a raster map. Profile transect
260 is drawn with the mouse in map display. The profile may be of
261 the displayed map or a different map, see Profile Tool help
262 page.
265 Displays histogram of selected raster map or image in new win‐
266 dow, see d.histogram</a.
269 Adds overlay to map display like barscale, north arrow, text.
272 Adds layer to display a combined scalebar and north arrow.
273 Options include scalebar placement (using screen coordinates or
274 a mouse), scalebar format, and scalebar colors, see d.barscale.
277 Adds layer to display with legend of selected raster map, see
278 d.legend.
281 Adds layer to display a line of text using default GRASS font
282 (selected with d.font). Options include: text placement (screen
283 coordinates); and text size, bolding, and color, see d.text.
286 Exports visible map display to different raster graphic formats.
289 Prints map on the UNIX lpr printer or PostScript device; saves
290 visible map display (including PostScript text and labels) to
291 PDF or EPS file. Requires ghostscript for all output except EPS.
294 User preferences dialog ('Config->Preferences') enables configuration
295 of various options.
297 Icon Theme
298 Currently are supported two icon theme sets:
300 original GRASS theme
302 Silk theme based on Silk icon set, v1.3
305 Digitization tool, Attribute Table Manager
307 Wiki page
309 TCL/TK-based GIS Manager, TCL/TK-based Display Manager
312 (Alphabetically ordered)
313 Michael Barton,
314 Daniel Calvelo Aros,
315 Jachym Cepicky,
316 Martin Landa, FBK-irst, Trento, Italy
318 $Date: 2008-03-16 18:13:00 +0100 (Sun, 16 Mar 2008) $
320 Full index
322 © 2003-2008 GRASS Development Team
326GRASS 6.3.0 wxGUI(1)