1edcref(3)                  Library Functions Manual                  edcref(3)


6       edcref - Edje Data Collection reference An Edje Data Collection, it's a
7       plain text file (normally identified with the .edc
8       extension),consisting of instructions for the Edje Compiler.
10       The syntax for the edje data collection files follows a simple
11       structure of 'blocks { .. }' that can contain 'properties: ..', more
12       blocks, or both.
14        Quick access to block descriptions:
16       · Top-Level
17       · Group
18       · State description
20         · Image
21         · Text
22         · Gradient
23         · Box
24         · Table
25         · Map (3d/transformations)
26       · Program block
27       Author:
28           Andres Blanc (dresb) andresblanc@gmail.com
29        Top-Level blocks
30        externals
31               externals {
32                  external: 'name';
33               }
35        The 'externals' block is used to list each external module file that
36       will be used in others programs.
37         external  [external filename]  Used to add a file to the externals
38       list.
39        images
40               images {
41                   image: 'filename1.ext' COMP;
42                   image: 'filename2.ext' LOSSY 99;
43                   set {
44                      name: 'image_name_used';
45                      image {
46                         image: 'filename3.ext' LOSSY 90;
47                         size: 201 201 500 500;
48                      }
49                      image {
50                         image: 'filename4.ext' COMP;
51                         size: 51 51 200 200;
52                      }
53                      image {
54                         image: 'filename5.ext' COMP;
55                         size: 11 11 50 50;
56                      }
57                      image {
58                         image: 'filename6.ext' RAW;
59                         size: 0 0 10 10;
60                      }
61                   }
62                   ..
63               }
64        The 'images' block is used to list each image file that will be used
65       in the theme along with its compression method (if any). Besides the
66       document's root, additional 'images' blocks can be included inside
67       other blocks, normally 'collections', 'group' and 'part', easing
68       maintenance of the file list when the theme is split among multiple
69       files.
70         image  [image file] [compression method] (compression level)  Used to
71       include each image file. The full path to the directory holding the
72       images can be defined later with edje_cc's '-id' option. Compression
73       methods:
75       · RAW: Uncompressed.
76       · COMP: Lossless compression.
77       · LOSSY [0-100]: Lossy comression with quality from 0 to 100.
78       · USER: Do not embed the file, refer to the external file instead.
79        set
80           set {
81              name: 'image_name_used';
82              image {
83                 image: 'filename3.ext' LOSSY 90;
84                 size: 201 201 500 500;
85              }
86              image {
87                 image: 'filename4.ext' COMP;
88                 size: 51 51 200 200;
89              }
90              image {
91                 image: 'filename5.ext' COMP;
92                 size: 11 11 50 50;
93              }
94              image {
95                 image: 'filename6.ext' RAW;
96                 size: 0 0 10 10;
97              }
98           }
99        The 'set' block is used to define an image with different content
100       depending on their size. Besides the document's root, additional 'set'
101       blocks can be included inside other blocks, normally 'collections',
102       'group' and 'part', easing maintenance of the file list when the theme
103       is split among multiple files.
104        name  [image name]  Define the name that refer to this image
105       description.
106        size  [minw minh maxw mawh]  Define the minimal and maximal size that
107       will select the specified image.
108        fonts
109               fonts {
110                   font: 'filename1.ext' 'fontname';
111                   font: 'filename2.ext' 'otherfontname';
112                   ..
113               }
114        The 'fonts' block is used to list each font file with an alias used
115       later in the theme. As with the 'images' block, additional 'fonts'
116       blocks can be included inside other blocks.
117         font  [font filename] [font alias]  Defines each font 'file' and
118       'alias', the full path to the directory holding the font files can be
119       defined with edje_cc's '-fd' option.
120        data
121               data {
122                   item: 'key' 'value';
123                   file: 'otherkey' 'filename.ext';
124                   ..
125               }
126        The 'data' block is used to pass arbitrary parameters from the theme
127       to the application. Unlike the 'images' and 'fonts' blocks, additional
128       'data' blocks can only be included inside the 'group' block.
129         item  [parameter name] [parameter value]  Defines a new parameter,
130       the value will be the string specified next to it.
131        file  [parameter name] [parameter filename]  Defines a new parameter ,
132       the value will be the contents of the specified file formated as a
133       single string of text. This property only works with plain text files.
134        color_classes
135               color_classes {
136                   color_class {
137                       name:  'colorclassname';
138                       color:  [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255];
139                       color2: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255];
140                       color3: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255]
141                   }
142                   ..
143               }
144        The 'color_classes' block contains a list of one or more 'color_class'
145       blocks. Each 'color_class' allows the designer to name an arbitrary
146       group of colors to be used in the theme, the application can use that
147       name to alter the color values at runtime.
148        name  [color class name]  Sets the name for the color class, used as
149       reference by both the theme and the application.
150        color  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]  The main color.
151        color2  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]  Used as shadow in text and
152       textblock parts.
153        color3  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]  Used as outline in text and
154       textblock parts.
155        spectra
156               spectra {
157                   spectrum {
158                       name: 'colorspectrumname';
159                       color: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-?]
160                       color: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-?]
161                       ..
162                   }
163                   ..
164               }
165        The 'spectra' block contains a list of one or more 'spectrum' blocks.
166       Each 'spectrum' block defines a color range used to fill GRADIENT
167       parts. The colors are defined with the red, green, blue, alpha, delta
168       format.
169        name  [spectrum name]  The name of the spectrum used as reference
170       later in the theme.
171        color  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha] [delta]  Each color declaration
172       represents a stop point in the color range. The last parameter (delta)
173       is used to set the proportion of a given stop point higher or lower in
174       contrast with the other color's delta value.
175        styles
176               styles {
177                   style {
178                       name: 'stylename';
179                       base: '..default style properties..';
181                       tag:  'tagname' '..style properties..';
182                       ..
183                   }
184                   ..
185               }
186        The 'styles' block contains a list of one or more 'style' blocks. A
187       'style' block is used to create style <tags> for advanced TEXTBLOCK
188       formatting.
189        name  [style name]  The name of the style to be used as reference
190       later in the theme.
191        base  [style properties string]  The default style properties that
192       will be applied to the complete text.
193        tag  [tag name] [style properties string]  Style to be applied only to
194       text between style <tags>..</tags>.
195        collections
196               collections {
197                   ..
198                   group { }
199                   group { }
200                   ..
201               }
202        The 'collections' block is used to list the groups that compose the
203       theme. Additional 'collections' blocks do not prevent overriding group
204       names.
205        Group sub blocks
206        group
207               collections {
208                   ..
209                   group {
210                       name: 'nameusedbytheapplication';
211                       alias: 'anothername';
212                       min: width height;
213                       max: width height;
215                       data { }
216                       script { }
217                       parts { }
218                       programs { }
219                   }
220                   ..
221               }
223        A 'group' block contains the list of parts and programs that compose a
224       given Edje Object.
225        name  [group name]  The name that will be used by the application to
226       load the resulting Edje object and to identify the group to swallow in
227       a GROUP part. If a group with the same name exists already it will be
228       completely overriden by the new group.
229        script_only  [on/off]  The flag (on/off) as to if this group is
230       defined ONLY by script callbacks such as init(), resize() and
231       shutdown()
232        alias  [aditional group name]  Additional name to serve as identifier.
233       Defining multiple aliases is supported.
234        min  [width] [height]  The minimum size for the container defined by
235       the composition of the parts.
236        max  [width] [height]  The maximum size for the container defined by
237       the totality of the parts.
238        script
239               ..
240               group {
241                   script {
242                       //embryo script
243                   }
244                   ..
245                   program {
246                       script {
247                           //embryo script
248                       }
249                   }
250                   ..
251               }
252               ..
253        This block is used to 'inject' embryo scripts to a given Edje theme
254       and it functions in two modalities. When it's included inside a
255       'program' block, the script will be executed every time the program is
256       run, on the other hand, when included directly into a 'group', 'part'
257       or 'description' block, it will be executed once at load time, in the
258       load order.
259        part
260               group {
261                   parts {
262                       ..
263                       part {
264                           name: 'partname';
265                           type: IMAGE;
266                           mouse_events:  1;
267                           repeat_events: 0;
268                           ignore_flags: NONE;
269                           clip_to: 'anotherpart';
270                           source:  'groupname';
271                           pointer_mode: AUTOGRAB;
272                           use_alternate_font_metrics: 0;
274                           description { }
275                           dragable { }
276                           items { }
277                       }
278                       ..
279                   }
280               }
281        Parts are used to represent the most basic design elements of the
282       theme, for example, a part can represent a line in a border or a label
283       on a button.
284        name  [part name]  The part's name will be used as reference in the
285       theme's relative positioning system, by programs and in some cases by
286       the application. It must be unique within the group.
287        type  [TYPE]  Set the type (all caps) from among the available types,
288       it's set to IMAGE by default. Valid types:
290       · RECT
291       · TEXT
292       · IMAGE
293       · SWALLOW
294       · TEXTBLOCK
295       · GRADIENT
296       · GROUP
297       · BOX
298       · TABLE
299       · EXTERNAL
300        mouse_events  [1 or 0]  Specifies whether the part will emit signals,
301       altought is named 'mouse_events', disabling it (0) will prevent the
302       part from emitting any type of signal at all. Its set to 1 by default.
303        repeat_events  [1 or 0]  Specifies whether a part echoes a mouse event
304       to other parts below the pointer (1), or not (0). Its set to 0 by
305       default.
306        ignore_flags  [FLAG] ...  Specifies whether events with the given
307       flags should be ignored, i.e., will not have the signals emitted to the
308       parts. Multiple flags must be separated by spaces, the effect will be
309       ignoring all events with one of the flags specified. Possible flags:
311       · NONE (default value, no event will be ignored)
312       · ON_HOLD
313        scale  [1 or 0]  Specifies whether the part will scale its size with
314       an edje scaling factor. By default scale is off (0) and the default
315       scale factor is 1.0 - that means no scaling. This would be used to
316       scale properties such as font size, min/max size of the part, and
317       possibly can be used to scale based on DPI of the target device. The
318       reason to be selective is that some things work well being scaled,
319       others do not, so the designer gets to choose what works best.
320        pointer_mode  [MODE]  Sets the mouse pointer behavior for a given
321       part. The default value is AUTOGRAB. Aviable modes:
323       · AUTOGRAB, when the part is clicked and the button remains pressed,
324         the part will be the source of all future mouse signals emitted, even
325         outside the object, until the button is released.
326       · NOGRAB, the effect will be limited to the part's container.
327        precise_is_inside  [1 or 0]  Enables precise point collision detection
328       for the part, which is more resource intensive. Disabled by default.
329        use_alternate_font_metrics  [1 or 0]  Only affects text and textblock
330       parts, when enabled Edje will use different size measurement functions.
331       Disabled by default. (note from the author: I don't know what this is
332       exactlu useful for?)
333        clip_to  [another part's name]  Only renders the area of part that
334       coincides with another part's container. Overflowing content will not
335       be displayed.
336        source  [another group's name]  Only available to GROUP or TEXTBLOCK
337       parts. Swallows the specified group into the part's container if a
338       GROUP. If TEXTBLOCK it is used for the group to be loaded and used for
339       selection display UNDER the selected text. source2 is used for on top
340       of the selected text, if source2 is specified.
341        source2  [another group's name]  Only available to TEXTBLOCK parts. It
342       is used for the group to be loaded and used for selection display OVER
343       the selected text. source is used for under of the selected text, if
344       source is specified.
345        source3  [another group's name]  Only available to TEXTBLOCK parts. It
346       is used for the group to be loaded and used for cursor display UNDER
347       the cursor position. source4 is used for over the cursor text, if
348       source4 is specified.
349        source4  [another group's name]  Only available to TEXTBLOCK parts. It
350       is used for the group to be loaded and used for cursor display OVER the
351       cursor position. source3 is used for under the cursor text, if source4
352       is specified.
353        source5  [another group's name]  Only available to TEXTBLOCK parts. It
354       is used for the group to be loaded and used for anchors display UNDER
355       the anchor position. source6 is used for over the anchors text, if
356       source6 is specified.
357        source6  [another group's name]  Only available to TEXTBLOCK parts. It
358       is used for the group to be loaded and used for anchor display OVER the
359       anchor position. source5 is used for under the anchor text, if source6
360       is specified.
361        effect  [EFFECT]  Causes Edje to draw the selected effect among:
363       · PLAIN
364       · OUTLINE
365       · SOFT_OUTLINE
366       · SHADOW
367       · SOFT_SHADOW
368       · OUTLINE_SHADOW
370       · FAR_SHADOW
371       · FAR_SOFT_SHADOW
372       · GLOW
373        entry_mode  [MODE]  Sets the edit mode for a textblock part to one of:
375       · NONE
376       · PLAIN
377       · EDITABLE
378       · PASSWORD It causes the part be editable if the edje object has the
379         keyboard focus AND the part has the edje focus (or selectable always
380         regardless of focus) and in the event of password mode, not
381         selectable and all text chars replaced with *'s but editable and
382         pastable.
383        select_mode  [MODE]  Sets the selection mode for a textblock part to
384       one of:
386       · DEFAULT
387       · EXPLICIT DEFAULT selection mode is what you would expect on any
388         desktop. Press mouse, drag and release to end. EXPLICIT mode requires
389         the application controlling the edje object has to explicitly begin
390         and end selection modes, and the selection itself is dragable at both
391         ends.
392        multiline  [1 or 0]  It causes a textblock that is editable to allow
393       multiple lines for editing.
394        dragable
395               part {
396                   ..
397                   dragable {
398                       confine: 'another part';
399                       events:  'another dragable part';
400                       x: 0 0 0;
401                       y: 0 0 0;
402                   }
403                   ..
404               }
405        When this block is used the resulting part can be dragged around the
406       interface, do not confuse with external drag & drop. By default Edje
407       (and most applications) will attempt to use the minimal size possible
408       for a dragable part. If the min property is not set in the description
409       the part will be (most likely) set to 0px width and 0px height, thus
410       invisible.
411         x  [enable/disable] [step] [count]  Used to setup dragging events for
412       the X axis. The first parameter is used to enable (1 or -1) and disable
413       (0) dragging along the axis. When enabled, 1 will set the starting
414       point at 0.0 and -1 at 1.0. The second parameter takes any integer and
415       will limit movement to values divisible by it, causing the part to jump
416       from position to position. The third parameter, (question from the
417       author: What is count for?).
418        y  [enable/disable] [step] [count]  Used to setup dragging events for
419       the Y axis. The first parameter is used to enable (1 or -1) and disable
420       (0) dragging along the axis. When enabled, 1 will set the starting
421       point at 0.0 and -1 at 1.0. The second parameter takes any integer and
422       will limit movement to values divisibles by it, causing the part to
423       jump from position to position. The third parameter, (question from the
424       author: What is count for?).
425        confine  [another part's name]  When set, limits the movement of the
426       dragged part to another part's container. When you use confine don't
427       forget to set a min size for the part, or the draggie will not show up.
428        events  [another dragable part's name]  It causes the part to forward
429       the drag events to another part, thus ignoring them for itself.
430        items
431               part {
432                   ..
433                   box {
434                       items {
435                           item {
436                               type: TYPE;
437                               source: 'some source';
438                               min: 1 1;
439                               max: 100 100;
440                               padding: 1 1 2 2;
441                           }
442                           item {
443                               type: TYPE;
444                               source: 'some other source';
445                               name: 'some name';
446                               align: 1.0 0.5;
447                           }
448                           ..
449                       }
450                   }
451                   ..
452               }
453        On a part of type BOX, this block can be used to set other groups as
454       elements of the box. These can be mixed with external objects set by
455       the application through the edje_object_part_box_* API.
456        type  Only GROUP for now (defaults to it)  Sets the type of the object
457       this item will hold.
458        name  [name for the object]  Sets the name of the object via
459       evas_object_name_set().
460        source  [another group's name]  Sets the group this object will be
461       made from.
462        min  [width] [height]  Sets the minimum size hints for this object.
463        prefer  [width] [height]  Sets the preferred size hints for this
464       object.
465        max  [width] [height]  Sets the maximum size hints for this object.
466        padding  [left] [right] [top] [bottom]  Sets the padding hints for
467       this object.
468        align  [x] [y]  Sets the alignment hints for this object.
469        weight  [x] [y]  Sets the weight hints for this object.
470        aspect  [w] [h]  Sets the aspect width and height hints for this
471       object.
472        aspect_mode  NONE, NEITHER, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, BOTH  Sets the
473       aspect control hints for this object.
474        options  [extra options]  Sets extra options for the object. Unused
475       for now.
476        position  [col] [row]  Sets the position this item will have in the
477       table. This is required for parts of type TABLE.
478        span  [col] [row]  Sets how many columns/rows this item will use.
479       Defaults to 1 1.
480        State description sub blocks
481        description
482               description {
483                   inherit: 'another_description' INDEX;
484                   state: 'description_name' INDEX;
485                   visible: 1;
486                   min: 0 0;
487                   max: -1 -1;
488                   align: 0.5 0.5;
489                   fixed: 0 0;
490                   step: 0 0;
491                   aspect: 1 1;
493                   rel1 {
494                       ..
495                   }
497                   rel2 {
498                       ..
499                   }
500               }
502        Every part can have one or more description blocks. Each description
503       is used to define style and layout properties of a part in a given
504       'state'.
505        inherit  [another description's name] [another description's index]
506       When set, the description will inherit all the properties from the
507       named description. The properties defined in this part will override
508       the inherited properties, reducing the amount of necessary code for
509       simple state changes. Note: inheritance in Edje is single level only.
510        state  [a name for the description] [an index]  Sets a name used to
511       identify a description inside a given part. Multiple descriptions are
512       used to declare different states of the same part, like 'clicked' or
513       'invisible'. All states declarations are also coupled with an index
514       number between 0.0 and 1.0. All parts must have at least one
515       description named 'default 0.0'.
516        visible  [0 or 1]  Takes a boolean value specifying whether part is
517       visible (1) or not (0). Non-visible parts do not emit signals. The
518       default value is 1.
519        align  [X axis] [Y axis]  When the displayed object's size is smaller
520       than its container, this property moves it relatively along both axis
521       inside its container. The default value is '0.5 0.5'.
522        fixed  [width, 0 or 1] [height, 0 or 1]  This affects the minimum size
523       calculation. See edje_object_size_min_calc() and
524       edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(). This tells the min size
525       calculation routine that this part does not change size in width or
526       height (1 for it doesn't, 0 for it does), so the routine should not try
527       and expand or contract the part.
528        min  [width] [height]  The minimum size of the state.
529        max  [width] [height]  The maximum size of the state.
530        step  [width] [height]  Restricts resizing of each dimension to values
531       divisibles by its value. This causes the part to jump from value to
532       value while resizing. The default value is '0 0' disabling stepping.
533        aspect  [min] [max]  Normally width and height can be resized to any
534       values independently. The aspect property forces the width to height
535       ratio to be kept between the minimum and maximum set. For example, '1.0
536       1.0' will increase the width a pixel for every pixel added to heigh.
537       The default value is '0.0 0.0' disabling aspect.
538        aspect_preference  [DIMENSION]  Sets the scope of the 'aspect'
539       property to a given dimension. Available options are BOTH, VERTICAL,
540       HORIZONTAL and NONE
541        color_class  [color class name]  The part will use the color values of
542       the named color_class, these values can be overrided by the 'color',
543       'color2' and 'color3' properties set below.
544        color  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]  Sets the main color to the
545       specified values (between 0 and 255).
546        color2  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]  Sets the text shadow color to
547       the specified values (0 to 255).
548        color3  [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]  Sets the text outline color to
549       the specified values (0 to 255).
550        rel1/rel2
551               description {
552                   ..
553                   rel1 {
554                       relative: 0.0 0.0;
555                       offset:     0   0;
556                   }
557                   ..
558                   rel2 {
559                       relative: 1.0 1.0;
560                       offset:    -1  -1;
561                   }
562                   ..
563               }
564        The rel1 and rel2 blocks are used to define the position of each
565       corner of the part's container. With rel1 being the left-up corner and
566       rel2 being the right-down corner.
567         relative  [X axis] [Y axis]  Moves a corner to a relative position
568       inside the container of the relative 'to' part. Values from 0.0 (0%,
569       begining) to 1.0 (100%, end) of each axis.
570        offset  [X axis] [Y axis]  Affects the corner postion a fixed number
571       of pixels along each axis.
572        to  [another part's name]  Causes a corner to be positioned relatively
573       to another part's container.
574        to_x  [another part's name]  Causes a corner to be positioned
575       relatively to the X axis of another part's container. Simply put
576       affects the first parameter of 'relative'.
577        to_y  [another part's name]  Causes a corner to be positioned
578       relatively to the Y axis of another part's container. Simply put,
579       affects the second parameter of 'relative'.
580        Image state description sub blocks
581        image
582               description {
583                   ..
584                   image {
585                       normal: 'filename.ext';
586                       tween:  'filename2.ext';
587                       ..
588                       tween:  'filenameN.ext';
589                       border:  left right top bottom;
590                       middle:  0/1/NONE/DEFAULT/SOLID;
591                   }
592                   ..
593               }
595         normal  [image's filename]  Name of image to be used as previously
596       declared in the images block. In an animation, this is the first and
597       last image displayed. It's required in any image part
598        tween  [image's filename]  Name of an image to be used in an animation
599       loop, an image block can have none, one or multiple tween declarations.
600       Images are displayed in the order they are listed.
601        border  [left] [right] [top] [bottom]  If set, the area (in pixels) of
602       each side of the image will be displayed as a fixed size border, from
603       the side -> inwards, preventing the corners from being changed on a
604       resize.
605        middle  0, 1, NONE, DEFAULT, SOLID  If border is set, this value tells
606       Edje if the rest of the image (not covered by the defined border) will
607       be displayed or not or be assumed to be solid (without alpha). The
608       default is 1/DEFAULT.
609        border_scale  0, 1  If border is set, this value tells Edje if the
610       border should be scaled by the object/global edje scale factors
611        scale_hint  0, NONE, DYNAMIC, STATIC  Sets the evas image scale hint
612       letting the engine more effectively save cached copies of the scaled
613       image if it makes sense
614        fill
615               description {
616                   ..
617                   fill {
618                       smooth: 0-1;
619                       origin {
620                           relative: X-axis Y-axis;
621                           offset:   X-axis Y-axis;
622                       }
623                       size {
624                           relative: width  height;
625                           offset:   width  height;
626                       }
627                   }
628                   ..
629               }
630        The fill method is an optional block that defines the way an IMAGE or
631       GRADIENT part is going to be displayed inside its container.
632         smooth  [0 or 1]  The smooth property takes a boolean value to decide
633       if the image will be smoothed on scaling (1) or not (0). The default
634       value is 1.
635        spread  TODO  TODO
636        angle  [angle]  The angle of rotation of a GRADIENT part. It is
637       invalid in any other part type. The angle is expressed as an int, in
638       the range 0 - 360.
639        type  TODO  TODO
640        origin
641               description {
642                   ..
643                   fill {
644                       ..
645                       origin {
646                           relative: 0.0 0.0;
647                           offset:   0   0;
648                       }
649                       ..
650                   }
651                   ..
652               }
653        The origin block is used to place the starting point, inside the
654       displayed element, that will be used to render the tile. By default,
655       the origin is set at the element's left-up corner.
656         relative  [X axis] [Y axis]  Sets the starting point relatively to
657       displayed element's content.
658        offset  [X axis] [Y axis]  Affects the starting point a fixed number
659       of pixels along each axis.
660        size
661               description {
662                   ..
663                   fill {
664                       ..
665                       size {
666                           relative: 1.0 1.0;
667                           offset:  -1  -1;
668                       }
669                       ..
670                   }
671                   ..
672               }
673        The size block defines the tile size of the content that will be
674       displayed.
675         relative  [width] [height]  Takes a pair of decimal values that
676       represent the a percentual value of the original size of the element.
677       For example, '0.5 0.5' represents half the size, while '2.0 2.0'
678       represents the double. The default value is '1.0 1.0'.
679        offset  [X axis] [Y axis]  Affects the size of the tile a fixed number
680       of pixels along each axis.
681        Text state description sub blocks
682        text
683               part {
684                   description {
685                       ..
686                       text {
687                           text:        'some string of text to display';
688                           font:        'font_name';
689                           size:         SIZE;
690                           text_class:  'class_name';
691                           fit:          horizontal vertical;
692                           min:          horizontal vertical;
693                           max:          horizontal vertical;
694                           align:        X-axis     Y-axis;
695                           source:      'part_name';
696                           text_source: 'text_part_name';
697                           elipsis:      0.0-1.0;
698                           style:       'stylename';
699                       }
700                       ..
701                   }
702               }
704         text  [a string of text, or nothing]  Sets the default content of a
705       text part, normally the application is the one changing its value.
706        text_class  [text class name]  Similar to color_class, this is the
707       name used by the application to alter the font family and size at
708       runtime.
709        font  [font alias]  This sets the font family to one of the aliases
710       set up in the 'fonts' block. Can be overrided by the application.
711        style  [the style name]  Causes the part to use the default style and
712       tags defined in the 'style' block with the specified name.
713        repch  [the replacement character string]  If this is a textblock and
714       is in PASSWORD mode this string is used to replace every character to
715       hide the details of the entry. Normally you would use a '*', but you
716       can use anything you like.
717        size  [font size in points (pt)]  Sets the default font size for the
718       text part. Can be overrided by the application.
719        fit  [horizontal] [vertical]  When any of the parameters is set to 1
720       edje will resize the text for it to fit in it's container. Both are
721       disabled by default.
722        min  [horizontal] [vertical]  When any of the parameters is enabled
723       (1) it forces the minimum size of the container to be equal to the
724       minimum size of the text. The default value is '0 0'.
725        max  [horizontal] [vertical]  When any of the parameters is enabled
726       (1) it forces the maximum size of the container to be equal to the
727       maximum size of the text. The default value is '0 0'.
728        align  [horizontal] [vertical]  Change the position of the point of
729       balance inside the container. The default value is 0.5 0.5.
730        source  [another TEXT part's name]  Causes the part to use the text
731       properties (like font and size) of another part and update them as they
732       change.
733        text_source  [another TEXT part's name]  Causes the part to display
734       the text content of another part and update them as they change.
735        elipsis  [point of balance]  Used to balance the text in a relative
736       point from 0.0 to 1.0, this point is the last section of the string to
737       be cut out in case of a resize that is smaller than the text itself.
738       The default value is 0.0.
739        Gradient state description sub blocks
740        gradient
741               part {
742                   description {
743                       ..
744                       gradient {
745                           type:    'linear';
746                           spectrum 'spectrumName';
747                           rel1 {
748                               relative: 0.0 0.0;
749                               offset:     0   0;
750                           }
751                           rel2
752                               relative: 1.0 1.0;
753                               offset:    -1  -1;
754                           }
755                       }
756                       ..
757                   }
758               }
760        A gradient block is used to display a given 'spectrum' inside a
761       container. The container's shape is a rect but this not mean the
762       gradient is restricted to a rectangular shape. Gradients can use 'rel1'
763       and 'rel2' blocks to layout the initial and final point relatively
764       inside the container.
765         type  [the name of the type]  Alters the gradient's rendering
766       algorithm between:
768       · linear (default)
769       · radial
770       · rectangular
771       · angular
772       · sinusoidal
773        spectrum  [an existing spectrum name]  Causes the gradient to display
774       the colors as defined by a given 'spectrum' in the 'spectra' block.
775        relative  [a relative X coordinate] [a relative Y coordinate]  Inside
776       rel1 places the initial point, or first color, of the gradient
777       relatively to the gradient's container. Inside rel2 places the final
778       point, or last color.
779        offset  [X axis] [Y axis]  Inside rel1 moves the initial point, or
780       first color, of the gradient a fixed number of pixels along either
781       axis. Inside rel2 moves the final point, or last color.
782        Box state description sub blocks
783        box
784               part {
785                   description {
786                       ..
787                       box {
788                           layout: 'vertical';
789                           padding: 0 2;
790                           align: 0.5 0.5;
791                           min: 0 0;
792                       }
793                       ..
794                   }
795               }
797        A box block can contain other objects and display them in different
798       layouts, any of the predefined set, or a custom one, set by the
799       application.
800         layout  [primary layout] [fallback layout]  Sets the layout for the
801       box:
803       · horizontal (default)
804       · vertical
805       · horizontal_homogeneous
806       · vertical_homogeneous
807       · horizontal_max (homogeneous to the max sized child)
808       · vertical_max
809       · horizontal_flow
810       · vertical_flow
811       · stack
812       · some_other_custom_layout_set_by_the_application You could set a
813         custom layout as fallback, it makes very very little sense though,
814         and if that one fails, it will default to horizontal.
815         align  [horizontal] [vertical]  Change the position of the point of
816       balance inside the container. The default value is 0.5 0.5.
817         padding  [horizontal] [vertical]  Sets the space between cells in
818       pixels. Defaults to 0 0.
819         min  [horizontal] [vertical]  When any of the parameters is enabled
820       (1) it forces the minimum size of the box to be equal to the minimum
821       size of the items. The default value is '0 0'.
822        Table state description sub blocks
823        table
824               part {
825                   description {
826                       ..
827                       table {
828                           homogeneous: TABLE;
829                           padding: 0 2;
830                           align: 0.5 0.5;
831                       }
832                       ..
833                   }
834               }
836        A table block can contain other objects packed in multiple columns and
837       rows, and each item can span across more than one column and/or row.
838         homogeneous  [homogeneous mode]  Sets the homogeneous mode for the
839       table:
841       · NONE (default)
842       · TABLE
843       · ITEM
844         align  [horizontal] [vertical]  Change the position of the point of
845       balance inside the container. The default value is 0.5 0.5.
846         padding  [horizontal] [vertical]  Sets the space between cells in
847       pixels. Defaults to 0 0.
848        Map state description sub blocks
849        map
850           description {
851               ..
852               map {
853                   perspective: 'name';
854                   light: 'name';
855                   on: 1;
856                   smooth: 1;
857                   perspective_on: 1;
858                   backface_cull: 1;
859                   alpha: 1;
861                   rotation {
862                       ..
863                   }
864               }
865               ..
866           }
868         perspective  [another part's name]  This sets the part that is used
869       as the 'perspective point' for giving a part a '3d look'. The
870       perspective point should have a perspective section that provides
871       zplane and focal properties. The center of this part will be used as
872       the focal point, so size, color and visibility etc. are not relevant
873       just center point, zplane and focal are used. This also implicitly
874       enables perspective transforms (see the on parameter for the map
875       section).
876        light  [another part's name]  This sets the part that is used as the
877       'light' for calculating the brightness (based on how directly the
878       part's surface is facing the light source point). Like the perspective
879       point part, the center point is used and zplane is used for the z
880       position (0 being the zero-plane where all 2D objects normally live)
881       and positive values being further away into the distance. The light
882       part color is used as the light color (alpha not used for light color).
883       The color2 color is used for the ambient lighting when calculating
884       brightness (alpha also not used).
885        on  [1 or 0]  This enables mapping for the part. Default is 0.
886        smooth  [1 or 0]  This enable smooth map rendering. This may be linear
887       interpolation, anisotropic filtering or anything the engine decides is
888       'smooth'. This is a best-effort hint and may not produce precisely the
889       same results in all engines and situations. Default is 1
890        alpha  [1 or 0]  This enable alpha channel when map rendering. Default
891       is 1.
892        backface_cull  [1 or 0]  This enables backface culling (when the
893       rotated part that normally faces the camera is facing away after being
894       rotated etc.). This means that the object will be hidden when 'backface
895       culled'.
896        perspective_on  [1 or 0]  Enable perspective when rotating even
897       without a perspective point object. This would use perspective set for
898       the object itself or for the canvas as a whole as the global
899       perspective with edje_perspective_set() and
900       edje_perspective_global_set().
901        rotation
902           map {
903               ..
904               rotation {
905                   center: 'name';
906                   x: 45.0;
907                   y: 45.0;
908                   z: 45.0;
909               }
910               ..
911           }
912        Rotates the part, optionally with the center on another part.
913         center  [another part's name]  This sets the part that is used as the
914       center of rotation when rotating the part with this description. The
915       part's center point is used as the rotation center when applying
916       rotation around the x, y and z axes. If no center is given, the parts
917       original center itself is used for the rotation center.
918        x  [X degrees]  This sets the rotation around the x axis of the part
919       considering the center set. In degrees.
920        y  [Y degrees]  This sets the rotation around the u axis of the part
921       considering the center set. In degrees.
922        z  [Z degrees]  This sets the rotation around the z axis of the part
923       considering the center set. In degrees.
924        perspective
925           description {
926               ..
927               perspective {
928                   zplane: 0;
929                   focal: 1000;
930               }
931               ..
932           }
933        Adds focal and plane perspective to the part. Active if perspective_on
934       is true. Must be provided if the part is being used by other part as
935       it's perspective target.
936         zplane  [unscaled Z value]  This sets the z value that will not be
937       scaled. Normally this is 0 as that is the z distance that all objects
938       are at normally.
939        focal  [distance]  This sets the distance from the focal z plane
940       (zplane) and the camera - i.e. very much equating to focal length of
941       the camera
942        Params state description sub blocks
943        params
944           description {
945               ..
946               params {
947                   int: 'name' 0;
948                   double: 'other_name' 0.0;
949                   string: 'another_name' 'some text';
950                   bool: 'name' 1;
951                   choice: 'some_name' 'value';
952               }
953               ..
954           }
956        Set parameters for EXTERNAL parts. The value overwrites previous
957       definitions with the same name.
958        int  [param_name] [int_value]  Adds an integer parameter for an
959       external object
960        double  [param_name] [double_value]  Adds a double parameter for an
961       external object
962        string  [param_name] [string_value]  Adds a string parameter for an
963       external object
964        bool  [param_name] [bool_value]  Adds an boolean parameter for an
965       external object. Value must be 0 or 1.
966        choice  [param_name] [choice_string]  Adds a choice parameter for an
967       external object. The possible choice values are defined by external
968       type at their register time and will be validated at runtime.
969        Program block
970        program
971               group {
972                   programs {
973                      ..
974                         program {
975                            name: 'programname';
976                            signal: 'signalname';
977                            source: 'partname';
978                            filter: 'partname' 'statename';
979                            in: 0.3 0.0;
980                            action: STATE_SET 'statename' state_value;
981                            transition: LINEAR 0.5;
982                            target: 'partname';
983                            target: 'anotherpart';
984                            after: 'programname';
985                            after: 'anotherprogram';
986                         }
987                      ..
988                   }
989               }
991        Programs define how your interface reacts to events. Programs can
992       change the state of parts, react to events or trigger other events.
993        name  [program name]  Symbolic name of program as a unique identifier.
994        signal  [signal name]  Specifies signal(s) that should cause the
995       program to run. The signal received must match the specified source to
996       run. Signals may be globbed, but only one signal keyword per program
997       may be used. ex: signal: 'mouse,clicked,*'; (clicking any mouse button
998       that matches source starts program).
999        source  [source name]  Source of accepted signal. Sources may be
1000       globbed, but only one source keyword per program may be used.
1001       ex:source: 'button-*'; (Signals from any part or program named
1002       'button-*' are accepted).
1003        filter  [part] [state]  Filter signals to be only accepted if the part
1004       [part] is in state named [state]. Only one filter per program can be
1005       used. If [state] is not given, the source of the event will be used
1006       instead.
1007        in  [from] [range]  Wait 'from' seconds before executing the program.
1008       And add a random number of seconds (from 0 to 'range') to the total
1009       waiting time.
1010        action  [type] [param1] [param2]  Action to be performed by the
1011       program. Valid actions are: STATE_SET, ACTION_STOP, SIGNAL_EMIT,
1013       PARAM_SET Only one action can be specified per program. Examples:
1014        action: STATE_SET 'statename' 0.5;
1015        action: ACTION_STOP;
1016        action: SIGNAL_EMIT 'signalname' 'emitter';
1017        action: DRAG_VAL_SET 0.5 0.0;
1018        action: DRAG_VAL_STEP 1.0 0.0;
1019        action: DRAG_VAL_PAGE 0.0 0.0;
1020        action: FOCUS_SET;
1021        action: FOCUS_OBJECT;
1022        action: PARAM_COPY 'src_part' 'src_param' 'dst_part' 'dst_param';
1023        action: PARAM_SET 'part' 'param' 'value';
1025        transition  [type] [length]  Defines how transitions occur using
1026       STATE_SET action.
1027        Where 'type' is the style of the transition and 'length' is a double
1028       specifying the number of seconds in which to preform the transition.
1029        Valid types are: LINEAR, SINUSOIDAL, ACCELERATE, and DECELERATE.
1030        target  [target]  Program or part on which the specified action acts.
1031       Multiple target keywords may be specified, one per target. SIGNAL_EMITs
1032       do not have targets.
1033        after  [after]  Specifies a program to run after the current program
1034       completes. The source and signal parameters of a program run as an
1035       'after' are ignored. Multiple 'after' statements can be specified per
1036       program.
1037        api  [name] [description]  Specifies a hint to let applications (or
1038       IDE's) know how to bind things. The parameter name should contain the
1039       name of the function that the application should use, and description
1040       describes how it should be used.
1041Edje                              2 Jul 2010                         edcref(3)