1srec_motorola(5)              File Formats Manual             srec_motorola(5)


6       srec_motorola - Motorola S‐Record hexadecimal file format


9       This format is also known as the Exorciser, Exormacs or Exormax format.
11       Motorola's S‐record format allows binary files to be uploaded and down‐
12       loaded between two computer systems.  This type  of  format  is  widely
13       used  when  transferring  programs  and  data between a computer system
14       (such as a PC, Macintosh, or workstation) and an emulator or evaluation
15       board for Motorola microcontrollers and microprocessors.
17   The Lines
18       Most  S‐Record file contain only S‐Record lines (see the next section),
19       which always start with a capital S character.  Some  systems  generate
20       various  “extensions[rq]  which  usually  manifest as lines which start
21       with something else.  These “extension[rq] lines may or may  not  break
22       other systems made by other vendors.  Caveat emptor.
24   The Fields
25       The  S‐Record  format  consists  of 5 fields. These are the type field,
26       length field, address field, data field, and the checksum.   The  lines
27       always start with a capital S character.
29               ┌──┬──────┬───────────────┬─────────┬──────┬──────────┐
30               │S │ Type │ Record Length │ Address │ Data │ Checksum │
31               └──┴──────┴───────────────┴─────────┴──────┴──────────┘
32       Type    The  type  field  is a 1 character field that specifies whether
33               the record is an S0, S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8 or S9 field.
35       Record Length
36               The record length field is a 2 character (1  byte)  field  that
37               specifies  the number of character pairs (bytes) in the record,
38               excluding the type and record length fields.
40       Address This is a 2‐, 3‐ or 4‐byte address  that  specifies  where  the
41               data in the S‐Record is to be loaded into memory.
43       Data    The  data  field  contains the executable code, memory‐loadable
44               data or descriptive information to be transferred.
46       Checksum
47               The checksum is an 8‐bit field that represents the  least  sig‐
48               nificant  byte of the one's complement of the sum of the values
49               represented by the pairs of characters making up  the  record's
50               length, address, and data fields.
52   Record Types
53       S0      This  type  of record is the header record for each block of S‐
54               Records.  The data field may contain any  descriptive  informa‐
55               tion identifying the following block of S‐Records.  (It is com‐
56               monly “HDR[rq] on many systems.)  The address field is normally
57               zero.
59       S1      A  record  containing  data and the 2‐byte address at which the
60               data is to reside.
62       S2      A record containing data and the 3‐byte address  at  which  the
63               data is to reside.
65       S3      A  record  containing  data and the 4‐byte address at which the
66               data is to reside.
68       S5
69               An optional record containing the  number  of  S1,  S2  and  S3
70               records  transmitted  in a particular block.  The count appears
71               in the two‐byte address field.  There is no data field.
73               This record is optional, you do not have  to  use  it.   Nobody
74               knows  if  you can have more than one in a file; and if you do,
75               nobody knows whether or not the line count  resets  after  each
76               one.
78               The  srec_cat command will only ever use one, provided the num‐
79               ber of lines fits in 16 bits, otherwise it will use S6.
81                      S6
82                              An optional record containing the number of  S1,
83                              S2  and  S3  records transmitted in a particular
84                              block.  The  count  appears  in  the  three‐byte
85                              address field.  There is no data field.
87                              This  record is optional, you do not have to use
88                              it.  Nobody knows if you can have more than  one
89                              in  a  file; and if you do, nobody knows whether
90                              or not the line count resets after each one.
92                              Nobody knows what happens if you mix S5  and  S6
93                              records in a file.
95                              The  srec_cat  command  will  only ever use one,
96                              provided the number of lines fits in 24 bits.
98                      S7      A termination record for a block of S3  records.
99                              The address field may contain the 4‐byte address
100                              of the instruction to which control  is  passed.
101                              There is no data field.
103                      S8      A  termination record for a block of S2 records.
104                              The address field  may  optionally  contain  the
105                              3‐byte  address of the instruction to which con‐
106                              trol is passed.  There is no data field.
108                      S9      A termination record for a block of S1  records.
109                              The  address  field  may  optionally contain the
110                              2‐byte address of the instruction to which  con‐
111                              trol  is  passed.   If  not specified, the first
112                              entry point  specification  encountered  in  the
113                              object  module  input will be used.  There is no
114                              data field.
116   Size Multiplier
117       In general, binary data will expand in sized by approximately 2.4 times
118       when represented with this format.


121       Here  is  an  example  S‐Record  file.   It  contains  the data “Hello,
122       World[rq] to be loaded at address 0.
123              S00600004844521B
124              S110000048656C6C6F2C20576F726C640A9D
125              S5030001FB
126              S9030000FC
129       srec_cat version 1.55
130       Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,  2003,  2004,  2005,  2006,
131       2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Peter Miller
133       The srec_cat program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
134       the 'srec_cat -VERSion License' command.  This is free software and you
135       are  welcome  to  redistribute it under certain conditions; for details
136       use the 'srec_cat -VERSion License' command.


139       Peter Miller   E‐Mail:   pmiller@opensource.org.au
140       /\/\*             WWW:   http://miller.emu.id.au/pmiller/
144Reference Manual                    SRecord                   srec_motorola(5)