1GMT2KML(1)                   Generic Mapping Tools                  GMT2KML(1)


6       gmt2kml - Convert GMT data tables to KML files for Google Earth


9       gmt2kml  [  infile(s) ] [ -Aa|g|s[alt|xscale] ] [ -Ccpt ] [ -Ddescript‐
10       file  ]  [  -E[altitude]  ]  [  -Fe|s[cpt]|t|l|p  ]  [  -Gf|nfill  ]  [
11       -H[i][nrec]  ]  [  -Iicon  ]  [  -K]  [ -Lcol1:name1,col2:name2,... ] [
12       -N[+|name_template|name]  ]  [  -O]   [   -Q[s|l|p]transparency   ]   [
13       -Ra|w/e/s/n ] [ -Sc|nscale] ] [ -Ttitle[/foldername] ] [ -V ] [ -W-|pen
14       ]  [  -Zargs  ]  [  -:[i|o]  ]  [  -bi[s|S|d|D[ncol]|c[var1/...]]  ]  [
15       -f[i|o]colinfo ] [ -m[i|o][flag] ] [ > output.kml ]


18       gmt2kml  reads one or more GMT table file and converts them to a single
19       output file using  Google  Earth's  KML  format.   Data  may  represent
20       points,  lines,  or polygons, and you may specify additional attributes
21       such  as  title,  altitude  mode,  colors,  pen  widths,  transparency,
22       regions,  and  data descriptions.  You may also extend the feature down
23       to ground level (assuming it is above it)  and  use  custom  icons  for
24       point symbols.
25       The input file should contain the following columns:
26       lon lat [ alt ] [ timestart [ timestop ] ]
27       where  lon  and  lat are required for all features, alt is optional for
28       all features (see also -A and -C), and timestart and timestop apply  to
29       events and timespan features.
31       infile(s)
32              ASCII  (or  binary, see -bi) data file(s) to be operated on.  If
33              not given, standard input will be read.


36       No space between the option flag and the associated arguments.
38       -A     Select one of three altitude modes recognized  by  Google  Earth
39              that  determines  the altitude (in m) of the feature: a absolute
40              altitude, g altitude relative to sea surface or ground, s  alti‐
41              tude  relative  to  seafloor.   To  plot the features at a fixed
42              altitude, append an altitude alt (in m). Use 0 to clamp the fea‐
43              tures  to  the chosen reference surface.  Append xscale to scale
44              the altitude from the input file by that factor.  If no value is
45              appended, the altitude (in m) is read from the 3rd column of the
46              input file.  [By default the features are  clamped  to  the  sea
47              surface or ground].
49       -C     Use  color palette for assigning colors to the symbol, event, or
50              timespan icons, based on the value in  the  3rd  column  of  the
51              input file. Ignored when plotting lines or polygons.
53       -D     File  with  HTML  snippets  that will be included as part of the
54              main description content for the KML file [no description].  See
55              SEGMENT INFORMATION below for feature-specific descriptions.
57       -E     Extrude feature down to ground level [no extrusion].
59       -F     Sets  the  feature  type.  Choose from points (event, symbol, or
60              timespan), line, or polygon [symbol].  The first two columns  of
61              the  input  file  should  contain  (lon, lat).  When altitude or
62              value is required (i.e., no altitude value was given with -A, or
63              -C  is  set), the third column needs to contain the altitude (in
64              m).  The event (-Fe) is a symbol that should only be active at a
65              particular  time, given in the next column.  Timespan (-Ft) is a
66              symbol that should only  be  active  during  a  particular  time
67              period  indicated by the next two columns (timestart, timestop).
68              Use NaN to indicate  unbounded  time  limits.   If  used,  times
69              should be in ISO format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.xxx] or in GMT rel‐
70              ative time format (see -f).
72       -G     Set fill  color  for  symbols,  extrusions  and  polygons  (-Gf)
73              [Default  is  lightorange]  or  text  labels  (-Gn)  [Default is
74              white].  Optionally, use -Gf- to turn off polygon fill, and -Gn-
75              to disable labels.  (See SPECIFYING FILL below).
77       -H     Input file(s) has header record(s).  If used, the default number
78              of header records is N_HEADER_RECS.  Use -Hi if only input  data
79              should  have  header  records  [Default  will  write  out header
80              records if the input data have  them].  Blank  lines  and  lines
81              starting with # are always skipped.
83       -I     Specify  the  URL to an alternative icon that should be used for
84              the symbol [Default is a  Google  Earth  circle].   If  the  URL
85              starts  with  + then we will prepend http://maps.google.com/map
86              files/kml/ to the name.  [Default is a local icon with no direc‐
87              tory path].
89       -K     Allow more KML code to be appended to the output later [finalize
90              the KML file].
92       -L     Extended data given.  Append one or more  strings  of  the  form
93              col:name  separated  by  commas.  We will expect the listed data
94              columns to exist in the input and they will be  encoded  in  the
95              KML  file as Extended Data sets, whose attributes will be avail‐
96              able in the Google Earth balloon when the item is selected.
98       -N     By default, if multisegment headers contain a  -L"label  string"
99              then  we use that for the name of the KML feature (polygon, line
100              segment or set of symbols). Default names for these segments are
101              "Line %d" and "Point Set %d", depending on the feature, where %d
102              is a sequence number of line segments within a file.  Each point
103              within  a line segment will be named after the line segment plus
104              a sequence number. Default is simply "Point %d".
105              Alternatively, select one of these options: (1) append + to sup‐
106              ply  individual  symbol  labels  directly at the end of the data
107              record, (2) append a string that may include  %d  or  a  similar
108              integer  format to assign unique name IDs for each feature, with
109              the segment number (for lines  and  polygons)  or  point  number
110              (symbols) appearing where %d is placed, (3) give no arguments to
111              turn symbol labeling off; line segments will still be named.
113       -O     Appended KML code to an existing KML file [initialize a new  KML
114              file].
116       -Q     Set the transparency level for the selected feature (e, s, t, l,
117              or p, plus n for name labels).  Transparency goes from 0  (fully
118              transparent)  to  1  (opaque) [0.75 for polygons, 1 for symbols,
119              lines, and labels].
121       -R     Issue a single Region tag.  Append w/e/s/n to set  a  particular
122              region  (will  ignore points outside the region), or append a to
123              determine and use the actual domain of  the  data  (single  file
124              only) [no region tags issued].
126       -S     Scale  icons  or  labels.  Here, -Sc sets a scale for the symbol
127              icon, whereas -Sn sets a scale for the name labels [1 for both].
129       -T     Sets the document title [GMT Data Document].  Optionally, append
130              /FolderName;  this  allows  you,  with -O, -K, to group features
131              into folders within the KML document.  [The default folder  name
132              is  "Name Features", where Name is Point, Event, Timespan, Line,
133              or Polygon].
135       -V     Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
136              [Default runs "silently"].
138       -W     Set  pen  attributes  for lines or polygon outlines.  Append pen
139              attributes to use [Defaults: width = 1, color = black, texture =
140              solid].   Optionally,  use  -W- to turn off polygon outline (See
141              SPECIFYING PENS below).
143       -Z     Set one or more attributes of  the  Document  and  Region  tags.
144              Append  +aalt_min/alt_max  to specify limits on visibility based
145              on altitude.  Append +llod_min/lod_max to specify limits on vis‐
146              ibility  based  on Level Of Detail, where lod_max == -1 means it
147              is visible to infinite size.  Append +ffade_min/fade_max to fade
148              in  and  out  over a ramp [abrupt].  Append +v to make a feature
149              not visible when loaded [visible].  Append +o to open  a  folder
150              or document in the sidebar when loaded [closed].
152       -:     Toggles  between  (longitude,latitude)  and (latitude,longitude)
153              input and/or output.  [Default is (longitude,latitude)].  Append
154              i  to  select  input  only or o to select output only.  [Default
155              affects both].
157       -bi    Selects binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is
158              d  (double)].   Uppercase  S  or  D  will  force  byte-swapping.
159              Optionally, append ncol, the number of columns  in  your  binary
160              input  file if it exceeds the columns needed by the program.  Or
161              append c  if  the  input  file  is  netCDF.  Optionally,  append
162              var1/var2/...  to specify the variables to be read.  [Default is
163              2 input columns].
165       -f     Special formatting of input and/or output columns (time or  geo‐
166              graphical  data).   Specify  i  or  o to make this apply only to
167              input or output [Default applies to both].   Give  one  or  more
168              columns (or column ranges) separated by commas.  Append T (abso‐
169              lute calendar time), t (relative time in chosen TIME_UNIT  since
170              TIME_EPOCH),  x (longitude), y (latitude), or f (floating point)
171              to each column or column range item.  Shorthand  -f[i|o]g  means
172              -f[i|o]0x,1y (geographic coordinates).
174       -m     Multiple  segment  file(s).  Segments are separated by a special
175              record.  For ASCII  files  the  first  character  must  be  flag
176              [Default  is  '>'].  For binary files all fields must be NaN and
177              -b must set the number of output columns explicitly.  By default
178              the  -m  setting  applies to both input and output.  Use -mi and
179              -mo to give separate settings  to  input  and  output.   The  -m
180              option  make  sure  that  segment headers in the input files are
181              copied to output, but it has no effect on  the  data  selection.
182              Selection is always done point by point, not by segment.
185       pen    The attributes of lines and symbol outlines as defined by pen is
186              a comma delimetered list of width, color and  texture,  each  of
187              which is optional.  width can be indicated as a measure (points,
188              centimeters, inches) or as faint, thin[ner|nest], thick[er|est],
189              fat[ter|test],  or obese.  color specifies a gray shade or color
190              (see SPECIFYING COLOR  below).   texture  is  a  combination  of
191              dashes `-' and dots `.'.
194       color  The  color  of  lines,  areas and patterns can be specified by a
195              valid color name; by a gray shade (in the  range  0-255);  by  a
196              decimal  color  code  (r/g/b, each in range 0-255; h-s-v, ranges
197              0-360, 0-1, 0-1; or c/m/y/k, each in range 0-1); or by  a  hexa‐
198              decimal  color code (#rrggbb, as used in HTML).  See the gmtcol‐
199              ors manpage for more information and a full list of color names.


202       To convert a file with point locations (lon, lat) into a KML file  with
203       red circle symbols, try
205       gmt2kml mypoints.txt -Gfred -Fs > mypoints.kml
207       To  convert a multisegment file with lines (lon, lat) separated by mul‐
208       tisegment headers that contain a -Llabelstring with the  feature  name,
209       selecting a thick white pen, and title the document, try
211       gmt2kml  mylines.txt  -Wthick,white  -Fl -T"Lines from here to there" >
212       mylines.kml
214       To convert a multisegment file with polygons (lon,  lat)  separated  by
215       multisegment  headers  that  contain  a  -Llabelstring with the feature
216       name, selecting a thick black pen  and  semi-transparent  yellow  fill,
217       giving  a  title  to  the document, and prescribing a particular region
218       limit, try
220       gmt2kml   mypolygons.txt   -Gfyellow   -Qp0.5   -Fp   -T"My   polygons"
221       -R30/90/-20/40 > mypolygons.kml
223       To convert a file with point locations (lon, lat, time) into a KML file
224       with green circle symbols that will go active at the specified time and
225       stay active going forward, try
227       awk  '{print  $1, $2, $3, "NaN"}' mypoints.txt | gmt2kml -Gfgreen -Ft >
228       mytimepoints.kml


231       Google Earth has trouble displaying filled polygons  across  the  Date‐
232       line.   For  now you must manually break any polygon crossing the date‐
233       line into a west and east polygon and plot them separately.


236       Using the KMZ format is preferred as it takes less space.  KMZ is  sim‐
237       ply  a  KML file and any data files, icons, or images referenced by the
238       KML, contained in a zip archive.  One way to organize large  data  sets
239       is  to  split  them into groups called Folders.  A Document can contain
240       any number of folders.  Using scripts you can create  a  composite  KML
241       file  using the -K, -O options just like you do with GMT plots.  See -T
242       for switching between folders and documents.


245       GMT stores the different features in hierarchical folders,  by  feature
246       type  (when using -O, -K or -T/foldername), by input file (if not stan‐
247       dard input), and by line segment  (using  the  name  from  the  segment
248       header,  or  -N).  This makes it more easy in Google Earth to switch on
249       or off parts of the contents of the Document. The following is a  crude
250       example:
252       [ KML header information - not present if -O was given ]
253       <Document><name>GMT Data Document</name>
254           <Folder><name>Point Features</name>
255               <!--This level of folder is inserted only when using -O, -K>
256               <Folder><name>file1.dat</name>
257                   <!--One  folder  for  each  input  file  (not when standard
258       input)>
259                   <Folder><name>Point Set 0</name>
260                   <!--One folder per line segment>
261                   <!--Points from the first line segment in file file1.dat go
262       here>
263                   <Folder><name>Point Set 1</name>
264                   <!--Points  from  the second line segment in file file1.dat
265       go here>
266               </Folder>
267           </Folder>
268           <Folder><name>Line Features</name>
269               <Folder><name>file1.dat</name>
270                   <!--One folder for  each  input  file  (not  when  standard
271       input)>
272                   <Placemark><name>Line 0</name>
273                       <!--Here goes the first line segment>
274                   </Placemark>
275                   <Placemark><name>Line 1</name>
276                       <!--Here goes the second line segment>
277                   </Placemark>
278               </Folder>
279           <Folder>
280       </Document>
281       [ KML trailer information - not present if -K was given ]


284       gmt2kml  will  scan  the  segment  headers  for  substrings of the form
285       -L"some label" [also see -N discussion] and -D"some  description".   If
286       present,  these  are parsed to supply name and description tags for the
287       current feature.


290       gmtdefaults(1), GMT(1), img2google(1), kml2gmt(1), ps2raster(1)
294GMT 4.5.6                         10 Mar 2011                       GMT2KML(1)