1DGEBD2(1)                LAPACK routine (version 3.2)                DGEBD2(1)


6       DGEBD2 - reduces a real general m by n matrix A to upper or lower bidi‐
7       agonal form B by an orthogonal transformation


12           INTEGER        INFO, LDA, M, N
14           DOUBLE         PRECISION A( LDA, * ), D( * ), E( * ),  TAUP(  *  ),
15                          TAUQ( * ), WORK( * )


18       DGEBD2 reduces a real general m by n matrix A to upper or lower bidiag‐
19       onal form B by an orthogonal transformation: Q' * A * P = B.  If  m  >=
20       n, B is upper bidiagonal; if m < n, B is lower bidiagonal.


23       M       (input) INTEGER
24               The number of rows in the matrix A.  M >= 0.
26       N       (input) INTEGER
27               The number of columns in the matrix A.  N >= 0.
29       A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)
30               On entry, the m by n general matrix to be reduced.  On exit, if
31               m >= n, the diagonal and the first superdiagonal are  overwrit‐
32               ten  with the upper bidiagonal matrix B; the elements below the
33               diagonal, with the array TAUQ, represent the orthogonal  matrix
34               Q as a product of elementary reflectors, and the elements above
35               the first superdiagonal, with the  array  TAUP,  represent  the
36               orthogonal matrix P as a product of elementary reflectors; if m
37               < n, the diagonal and the  first  subdiagonal  are  overwritten
38               with  the  lower  bidiagonal  matrix  B; the elements below the
39               first subdiagonal, with the array TAUQ, represent the  orthogo‐
40               nal  matrix  Q  as  a product of elementary reflectors, and the
41               elements above the diagonal, with the array TAUP, represent the
42               orthogonal matrix P as a product of elementary reflectors.  See
43               Further Details.  LDA     (input) INTEGER The leading dimension
44               of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).
46       D       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N))
47               The  diagonal  elements  of  the  bidiagonal  matrix  B: D(i) =
48               A(i,i).
50       E       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)-1)
51               The off-diagonal elements of the bidiagonal matrix B: if  m  >=
52               n,  E(i)  =  A(i,i+1)  for  i  =  1,2,...,n-1; if m < n, E(i) =
53               A(i+1,i) for i = 1,2,...,m-1.
55       TAUQ    (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array dimension (min(M,N))
56               The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors which represent
57               the orthogonal matrix Q. See Further Details.  TAUP    (output)
58               DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) The scalar factors
59               of  the  elementary  reflectors  which represent the orthogonal
60               matrix P. See Further Details.  WORK    (workspace) DOUBLE PRE‐
61               CISION array, dimension (max(M,N))
63       INFO    (output) INTEGER
64               = 0: successful exit.
65               < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.


68       The  matrices Q and P are represented as products of elementary reflec‐
69       tors:
70       If m >= n,
71          Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(n)  and  P = G(1) G(2) . . . G(n-1) Each  H(i)
72       and G(i) has the form:
73          H(i)  =  I  - tauq * v * v'  and G(i) = I - taup * u * u' where tauq
74       and taup are real scalars, and v and u are real vectors; v(1:i-1) =  0,
75       v(i)  =  1,  and  v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i); u(1:i) = 0,
76       u(i+1) = 1, and u(i+2:n) is stored  on  exit  in  A(i,i+2:n);  tauq  is
77       stored in TAUQ(i) and taup in TAUP(i).
78       If m < n,
79          Q  = H(1) H(2) . . . H(m-1)  and  P = G(1) G(2) . . . G(m) Each H(i)
80       and G(i) has the form:
81          H(i) = I - tauq * v * v'  and G(i) = I - taup * u *  u'  where  tauq
82       and  taup  are  real scalars, and v and u are real vectors; v(1:i) = 0,
83       v(i+1) = 1, and v(i+2:m) is stored on exit in A(i+2:m,i); u(1:i-1) = 0,
84       u(i)  = 1, and u(i+1:n) is stored on exit in A(i,i+1:n); tauq is stored
85       in TAUQ(i) and taup in TAUP(i).
86       The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following examples:  m
87       = 6 and n = 5 (m > n):          m = 5 and n = 6 (m < n):
88         (  d   e   u1  u1  u1 )           (  d   u1  u1  u1  u1  u1 )
89         (  v1  d   e   u2  u2 )           (  e   d   u2  u2  u2  u2 )
90         (  v1  v2  d   e   u3 )           (  v1  e   d   u3  u3  u3 )
91         (  v1  v2  v3  d   e  )           (  v1  v2  e   d   u4  u4 )
92         (  v1  v2  v3  v4  d  )           (  v1  v2  v3  e   d   u5 )
93         (  v1  v2  v3  v4  v5 )
94       where  d  and  e  denote  diagonal  and  off-diagonal elements of B, vi
95       denotes an element of the vector defining H(i), and ui  an  element  of
96       the vector defining G(i).
100 LAPACK routine (version 3.2)    November 2008                       DGEBD2(1)