1LATEXMK(1L)                                                        LATEXMK(1L)


6       latexmk - generate LaTeX document


9       latexmk [options] [file ...]


12       Latexmk completely automates the process of compiling a LaTeX document.
13       Essentially, it is like a specialized  relative  of  the  general  make
14       utility,  but  one  which determines dependencies automatically and has
15       some other very useful  features.   In  its  basic  mode  of  operation
16       latexmk  is  given  the name of the primary source file for a document,
17       and it issues the appropriate sequence of commands to generate a  .dvi,
18       .ps, .pdf and/or hardcopy version of the document.
20       By  default  latexmk will run the commands necessary to generate a .dvi
21       file.
23       Latexmk can also be set to run continuously with a suitable  previewer.
24       In  that  case  the  LaTeX  program, etc, are rerun whenever one of the
25       source files is modified, and the previewer automatically  updates  the
26       on-screen view of the compiled document.
28       Latexmk  determines  which  are  the  source files by examining the log
29       file.  (Optionally, it also examines the list of input and output files
30       generated  by  the  -recorder  option  of  modern versions of latex and
31       pdflatex.  See the documentation for the -recorder  option  of  latexmk
32       below.)   When  latexmk  is  run,  it examines properties of the source
33       files, and if any have been changed since the last document generation,
34       latexmk  will  run  the various LaTeX processing programs as necessary.
35       In particular, it will repeat the run  of  LaTeX  (or  pdflatex)  often
36       enough to resolve all cross references; depending on the macro packages
37       used.  With some macro packages and document  classes,  four,  or  even
38       more,  runs  may be needed. If necessary, latexmk will also run bibtex,
39       biber, and/or makeindex.  In addition, latexmk  can  be  configured  to
40       generate  other  necessary  files.  For example, from an updated figure
41       file it can automatically generate a file in encapsulated postscript or
42       another suitable format for reading by LaTeX.
44       Latexmk  has  two  different  previewing  options.   In  the simple -pv
45       option, a dvi, postscript or pdf previewer is automatically  run  after
46       generating  the  dvi,  postscript  or pdf version of the document.  The
47       type of file to view is selected according  to  configuration  settings
48       and command line options.
50       The  second  previewing  option  is the powerful -pvc option (mnemonic:
51       "preview continuously").  In this case, latexmk runs continuously, reg‐
52       ularly  monitoring  all  the  source  files to see if any have changed.
53       Every time a change is detected, latexmk runs all the  programs  neces‐
54       sary to generate a new version of the document.  A good previewer (like
55       gv) will then automatically update its display.  Thus the user can sim‐
56       ply edit a file and, when the changes are written to disk, latexmk com‐
57       pletely automates the cycle of updating the .dvi (and possibly the  .ps
58       and .pdf) file, and refreshing the previewer's display.  It's not quite
59       WYSIWYG, but usefully close.
61       For other previewers, the user may have to manually make the  previewer
62       update  its display, which can be (some versions of xdvi and gsview) as
63       simple as forcing a redraw of its display.
65       Latexmk has the ability to print a banner  in  gray  diagonally  across
66       each  page  when  making  the postscript file.  It can also, if needed,
67       call an external program to do other postprocessing  on  the  generated
68       files.
70       Latexmk  is highly configurable, both from the command line and in con‐
71       figuration files, so that it can accommodate a  wide  variety  of  user
72       needs  and  system configurations.  Default values are set according to
73       the operating system, so latexmk often works without special configura‐
74       tion  on  MS-Windows,  cygwin,  Linux,  OS-X,  and  other  UNIX systems
75       (notably Solaris).
77       A very annoying complication handled very reliably by Latexmk, is  that
78       LaTeX  is a multiple pass system.  On each run, LaTeX reads in informa‐
79       tion generated on a previous run, for things like cross referencing and
80       indexing.   In  the simplest cases, a second run of LaTeX suffices, and
81       often the log file contains a message about the need for another  pass.
82       However,  there  is  a  wide variety of add-on macro packages to LaTeX,
83       with a variety of behaviors.  The  result  is  to  break  simple-minded
84       determinations  of  how many runs are needed and of which programs.  In
85       its new version, latexmk has a highly general and efficient solution to
86       these issues.  The solution involves retaining between runs information
87       on the source files, and a symptom is that latexmk generates  an  extra
88       file (with extension .fdb_latexmk, by default) that contains the source
89       file information.


93       (All options can be introduced by  single  or  double  "-"  characters,
94       e.g., "latexmk -help" or "latexmk --help".)
96       file   One  or more files can be specified.  If no files are specified,
97              latexmk will, by default, run on all files in the current  work‐
98              ing  directory  with  a  ".tex" extension.  This behavior can be
99              changed: see the description concerning the @default_files vari‐
100              able  in  the section "List of configuration variables usable in
101              initialization files".
103       If a file is specified without an extension, then the ".tex"  extension
104       is automatically added, just as LaTeX does.  Thus, if you specify:
106            latexmk foo
108       then latexmk will operate on the file "foo.tex".
110       -bibtex
111              When the source file uses bbl files for bibliography, run bibtex
112              or biber as needed to regenerate the bbl files.
114              This property can also be configured by setting the  $bibtex_use
115              variable to 2 in a configuration file
117       -bibtex-
118              Never run bibtex or biber.
120              A  common  use  for this option is when a document comes from an
121              external source, complete with its bbl  file(s),  and  the  user
122              does  not  have  the corresponding bib files available.  In this
123              situation use of the -bibtex- option will prevent  latexmk  from
124              trying to run bibtex or biber, which would result in overwriting
125              of the bbl files.
127       -bibtex-cond
128              When the source file uses bbl file(s) for the bibliography,  run
129              bibtex  or biber as needed to regenerate the bbl files, but only
130              if the relevant bib file(s) exist.  Thus when the bib files  are
131              not  available,  bibtex  or  biber  is not run, thereby avoiding
132              overwriting of the bbl file(s).  This is the default setting.
134              (Note that it is possible for latexmk to  decide  that  the  bib
135              file  does  not  exist,  even though the bib file does exist and
136              bibtex or biber finds it.  The problem is that the bib file  may
137              not  be  in  the  current directory but in some search path; the
138              places latexmk and bibtex or biber cause to be searched need not
139              be  identical.   On modern installations of TeX and related pro‐
140              grams this problem should not  arise,  since  latexmk  uses  the
141              kpsewhich program to do the search, and kpsewhich should use the
142              same search path as bibtex and biber.  If this  problem  arises,
143              use the -bibtex option when invoking latexmk.)
145       -bm <message>
146              A  banner message to print diagonally across each page when con‐
147              verting the dvi file to postscript.  The message must be a  sin‐
148              gle argument on the command line so be careful with quoting spa‐
149              ces and such.
151              Note that if the -bm option is  specified,  the  -ps  option  is
152              assumed.
154       -bi <intensity>
155              How  dark to print the banner message.  A decimal number between
156              0 and 1.  0 is black and 1 is white.  The default is 0.95, which
157              is OK unless your toner cartridge is getting low.
159       -bs <scale>
160              A  decimal  number  that  specifies how large the banner message
161              will be printed.  Experimentation is necessary to get the  right
162              scale  for  your message, as a rule of thumb the scale should be
163              about equal to 1100 divided by the number of characters  in  the
164              message.  The default is 220.0 which is just right for 5 charac‐
165              ter messages.
167       -commands
168              List the commands used by latexmk for processing files, and then
169              exit.
171       -c     Clean up (remove) all regeneratable files generated by latex and
172              bibtex or biber except dvi, postscript and pdf.  These files are
173              a  combination  of log files, aux files, latexmk's database file
174              of source file information, and those with extensions  specified
175              in  the  @generated_exts  configuration  variable.  In addition,
176              files with extensions by the $clean_ext  configuration  variable
177              are removed.
179              This  cleanup  is instead of a regular make.  See the -gg option
180              if you want to do a cleanup then a make.
182              If $bibtex_use is set to 0 or 1, bbl files are counted  as  non-
183              regeneratable.
185              If  $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated is nonzero, regeneratable
186              files are considered as  including  those  generated  by  custom
187              dependencies  and  are  also deleted.  Otherwise these files are
188              not deleted.
190       -C     Clean up (remove) all regeneratable files generated by latex and
191              bibtex  or  biber.   This  is the same as the -c option with the
192              addition of dvi, postscript and pdf files, and those with exten‐
193              sions in the $clean_full_ext configuration variable.
195              This  cleanup  is instead of a regular make.  See the -gg option
196              if you want to do a cleanup than a make.
198              If $bibtex_use is set to 0 or 1, bbl files are counted  as  non-
199              regeneratable.
201              If  $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated is nonzero, regeneratable
202              files are considered as  including  those  generated  by  custom
203              dependencies  and  are  also deleted.  Otherwise these files are
204              not deleted.
206       -CA    (Obsolete).  Now equivalent to the -C option.  See  that  option
207              for details.
209       -CF    Remove  the file containing the database of source file informa‐
210              tion, before doing the other actions requested.
212       -d     Set draft mode.  This prints the banner message  "DRAFT"  across
213              your  page when converting the dvi file to postscript.  Size and
214              intensity can be modified with the -bs and -bi options.  The -bm
215              option  will override this option as this is really just a short
216              way of specifying:
218                   latexmk -bm DRAFT
220              Note that if the -d option  is  specified,  the  -ps  option  is
221              assumed.
223       -deps  Show a list of dependent files after processing.  This is in the
224              form of a dependency list of the form used by the make  program,
225              and it is therefore suitable for use in a Makefile.  It gives an
226              overall view of the files without listing intermediate files, as
227              well as latexmk can determine them.
229              By  default the list of dependent files is sent to stdout (i.e.,
230              normally to the screen unless you've redirected  latexmk's  out‐
231              put).   But  you  can set the filename where the list is sent by
232              the -deps-out= option.
234              See the section "USING latexmk WITH make" for an example of  how
235              to use a dependency list with make.
237              Users  familiar  with  GNU  automake  and gcc will find that the
238              -deps option is very similar in its purpose and results  to  the
239              -M option to gcc.
241       -dependents
242              Equivalent to -deps.
244       -deps- Do  not  show a list of dependent files after processing.  (This
245              is the default.)
247       -dependents-
248              Equivalent to -deps-.
250       -deps-out=FILENAME
251              Set the filename to which the list of dependent files  is  writ‐
252              ten.   If  the  FILENAME argument is omitted or set to '-', then
253              the output is sent to stdout.
255              Use of this option also turns on  the  output  of  the  list  of
256              dependent files after processing.
258       -dF    Dvi  file  filtering.   The  argument to this option is a filter
259              which will generate a  filtered  dvi  file  with  the  extension
260              ".dviF".   All  extra processing (e.g. conversion to postscript,
261              preview, printing) will then be performed on this  filtered  dvi
262              file.
264              Example usage: To use dviselect to select only the even pages of
265              the dvi file:
267                   latexmk -dF 'dviselect even' foo.tex
269       -diagnostics
270              Print detailed diagnostics during a  run.   This  may  help  for
271              debugging problems or to understand latexmk's behavior in diffi‐
272              cult situations.
274       -dvi   Generate dvi version of document.
276       -dvi-  Turn off generation of dvi version of document.  (This  may  get
277              overridden,  if  some other file is made (e.g., a .ps file) that
278              is generated from the dvi file, or if no generated file  at  all
279              is requested.)
281       -e <code>
282              Execute  the  specified  initialization  code before processing.
283              The code is Perl code of the same form as is used  in  latexmk's
284              initialization files -- for more details, see the information on
285              the -r option, and the section about  "Configuration/initializa‐
286              tion  (RC)  files".  The code is typically a sequence of assign‐
287              ment statements separated by semicolons.
289              The code is executed when the -e option  is  encountered  during
290              latexmk's  parsing of its command line.  See the -r option for a
291              way of executing initialization code  from  a  file.   An  error
292              results  in  latexmk stopping.  Multiple instances of the -r and
293              -e options can be used, and they are executed in the order  they
294              appear on the command line.
296              Some care is needed to deal with proper quoting of special char‐
297              acters in the code on the command line.   For  example,  suppose
298              you  want  to  set  the  latex  command to use its -shell-escape
299              option, then under UNIX/LINUX you could use the line
301                   latexmk -e '$latex=q/latex %O -shell-escape %S/' file.tex
303              Note that the single  quotes  block  normal  UNIX/LINUX  command
304              shells  from  treating  the characters inside the quotes as spe‐
305              cial.  (In this example, the q/.../ construct is  a  Perl  idiom
306              equivalent  to  using  single quotes.  This avoids the complica‐
307              tions of getting a quote  character  inside  an  already  quoted
308              string  in  a  way that is independent of both the shell and the
309              operating-system.)
311              The above command line  will  NOT  work  under  MS-Windows  with
312              cmd.exe  or  command.com  or 4nt.exe.  For MS-Windows with these
313              command shells you could use
315                   latexmk -e "$latex=q/latex %O -shell-escape %S/" file.tex
317              or
319                   latexmk -e "$latex='latex %O -shell-escape %S'" file.tex
321              The last two examples will  NOT  work  with  UNIX/LINUX  command
322              shells.
324       -f     Force  latexmk  to  continue document processing despite errors.
325              Normally, when latexmk detects that LaTeX or another program has
326              found an error which will not be resolved by further processing,
327              no further processing is carried out.
329       -f-    Turn off the forced processing-past-errors such as is set by the
330              -f  option.   This could be used to override a setting in a con‐
331              figuration file.
333       -g     Force latexmk to process document fully, even  under  situations
334              where  latexmk  would  normally  decide  that  no changes in the
335              source files have occurred since the previous run.  This  option
336              is  useful,  for example, if you change some options and wish to
337              reprocess the files.
339       -g-    Turn off -g.
341       -gg    "Super go mode" or "clean make": clean out generated files as if
342              -C had been given, and then do a regular make.
344       -h, -help
345              Print help information.
347       -l     Run in landscape mode, using the landscape mode for the preview‐
348              ers and the dvi to postscript converters.  This  option  is  not
349              normally  needed  nowadays,  since  current  previewers normally
350              determine this information automatically.
352       -l-    Turn off -l.
354       -new-viewer
355              When in continuous-preview mode, always start a  new  viewer  to
356              view  the generated file.  By default, latexmk will, in continu‐
357              ous-preview mode, test for a previously  running  previewer  for
358              the same file and not start a new one if a previous previewer is
359              running.  However, its test sometimes fails (notably if there is
360              an  already-running previewer that is viewing a file of the same
361              name as the current file, but in a different  directory).   This
362              option turns off the default behavior.
364       -new-viewer-
365              The  inverse  of the -new-viewer option.  It puts latexmk in its
366              normal behavior that in preview-continuous mode it checks for an
367              already-running previewer.
369       -nobibtex
370              Never run bibtex or biber.
372              A  common  use  for this option is when a document comes from an
373              external source, complete with its bbl  file(s),  and  the  user
374              does  not  have  the corresponding bib files available.  In this
375              situation use of the -nobibtex option will prevent latexmk  from
376              trying to run bibtex or biber, which would result in overwriting
377              of the bbl files.
379       -p     Print out the document.  By default it is  the  generated  post‐
380              script  file  that  is  printed.  But you can use the -print=...
381              option to print the dvi or pdf files instead, and you  can  con‐
382              figure this in a start up file (by setting the $print_type vari‐
383              able).
385              However, printing is enabled by default  only  under  UNIX/LINUX
386              systems,  where  the default is to use the lpr command.  In gen‐
387              eral, the correct behavior for printing  very  much  depends  on
388              your  system's  software.   In  particular, under MS-Windows you
389              must have suitable program(s) available, and you must have  con‐
390              figured  the  print  commands used by latexmk.  This can be non-
391              trivial.  See the  documentation  on  the  $lpr,  $lpr_dvi,  and
392              $lpr_pdf  configuration variables to see how to set the commands
393              for printing.
395              This option is incompatible with the -pv and -pvc options, so it
396              turns them off.
398       -pdf   Generate pdf version of document using pdflatex.
400       -pdfdvi
401              Generate  pdf  version of document from the dvi file, by default
402              using dvipdf.
404       -pdfps Generate pdf version of document from the ps  file,  by  default
405              using ps2pdf.
407       -pdf-  Turn  off  generation  of pdf version of document.  (This can be
408              used to override a setting in a configuration file.  It may  get
409              overridden if some other option requires the generation of a pdf
410              file.)
412       -print=dvi, -print=ps, -print=pdf
413              Define which kind of file is printed.  This option also  ensures
414              that  the  requisite  file  is made, and turns on printing.  The
415              default is to print a postscript file.
417       -ps    Generate postscript version of document.
419       -ps-   Turn off generation of postscript version of document.  This can
420              be  used to override a setting in a configuration file.  (It may
421              get overridden by some other option that requires  a  postscript
422              file, for example a request for printing.)
424       -pF    Postscript  file  filtering.   The  argument to this option is a
425              filter which will generate a filtered postscript file  with  the
426              extension ".psF".  All extra processing (e.g. preview, printing)
427              will then be performed on this filtered postscript file.
429              Example of usage: Use psnup to print two pages on the one page:
431                   latexmk -ps -pF 'psnup -2' foo.tex
433              or
435                   latexmk -ps -pF "psnup -2" foo.tex
437              Whether to use single or double quotes round the "psnup -2" will
438              depend  on  your  command interpreter, as used by the particular
439              version of perl and the operating system on your computer.
441       -pv    Run file previewer.  If the -view  option  is  used,  this  will
442              select  the kind of file to be previewed (dvi, ps or pdf).  Oth‐
443              erwise the viewer views the "highest" kind of file selected,  by
444              the  -dvi,  -ps, -pdf, -pdfps options, in the order dvi, ps, pdf
445              (low to high).  If no file type has been selected, the dvi  pre‐
446              viewer  will  be  used.  This option is incompatible with the -p
447              and -pvc options, so it turns them off.
449       -pv-   Turn off -pv.
451       -pvc   Run a file previewer  and  continually  update  the  .dvi,  .ps,
452              and/or .pdf files whenever changes are made to source files (see
453              the Description above).  Which of these files is  generated  and
454              which  is  viewed  is  governed by the other options, and is the
455              same as for the -pv option.  The preview-continuous option  -pvc
456              can  only work with one file.  So in this case you will normally
457              only specify one filename on  the  command  line.   It  is  also
458              incompatible  with  the  -p  and  -pv options, so it turns these
459              options off.
461              The -pvc option also turns off force mode (-f), as  is  normally
462              best  for  continuous  preview  mode.   If you really want force
463              mode, use the options in the order -pvc -f.
465              With a good previewer the display will be automatically updated.
466              (Under  some but not all versions of UNIX/Linux "gv -watch" does
467              this for postscript files; this can be set  by  a  configuration
468              variable.   This  would  also  work  for pdf files except for an
469              apparent bug in gv that causes an error when the  newly  updated
470              pdf  file  is  read.)   Many other previewers will need a manual
471              update.
473              Important note: the acroread program on MS-Windows locks the pdf
474              file,  and  prevents  new versions being written, so it is a bad
475              idea to use acroread to view  pdf  files  in  preview-continuous
476              mode.   It is better to use a dvi or ps viewer, as set by one of
477              the -view=dvi and -view=ps options.
479              There are some other methods for arranging  an  update,  notably
480              useful  for  many versions of xdvi and xpdf.  These are best set
481              in latexmk's configuration; see below.
483              Note that if latexmk  dies  or  is  stopped  by  the  user,  the
484              "forked" previewer will continue to run.  Successive invocations
485              with the -pvc option will not fork new previewers,  but  latexmk
486              will  normally  use the existing previewer.  (At least this will
487              happen when latexmk is running under an operating  system  where
488              it  knows how to determine whether an existing previewer is run‐
489              ning.)
491       -pvc-  Turn off -pvc.
493       -quiet Same as -silent
495       -r <rcfile>
496              Read the specified initialization file ("RC file")  before  pro‐
497              cessing.
499              Be careful about the ordering: (1) Standard initialization files
500              -- see the section below on  "Configuration/initialization  (RC)
501              files"  --  are read first.  (2) Then the options on the command
502              line are acted on in the order they are given.  Therefore if  an
503              initialization  file  is  specified by the -r option, it is read
504              during this second step.  Thus an initialization file  specified
505              with the -r option can override both the standard initialization
506              files and previously specified options.  But all of these can be
507              overridden by later options.
509              The contents of the RC file just comprise a piece of code in the
510              Perl programming language (typically a  sequence  of  assignment
511              statements); they are executed when the -r option is encountered
512              during latexmk's parsing of its command line.  See the -e option
513              for  a  way  of giving initialization code directly on latexmk's
514              command line.  An error results in latexmk  stopping.   Multiple
515              instances  of  the  -r  and -e options can be used, and they are
516              executed in the order they appear on the command line.
518       -recorder
519              Use the -recorder option with latex  and  pdflatex.   In  (most)
520              modern  versions  of  these  programs, this results in a file of
521              extension .fls containing a list of the files  that  these  pro‐
522              grams have read and written.  Latexmk will then use this file to
523              improve its detection of source files and generated files  after
524              a run of latex or pdflatex.
526              For further information, see the documentation for the $recorder
527              configuration variable.
529       -recorder-
530              Do not use the -recorder option with latex and pdflatex.
532       -rules Show a list of latemk's rules and dependencies after processing.
534       -rules-
535              Do not show a list of latexmk's  rules  and  dependencies  after
536              processing.  (This is the default.)
538       -silent
539              Run commands silently, i.e., with options that reduce the amount
540              of diagnostics generated.  For example, with  the  default  set‐
541              tings,  the  command  "latex -interaction=batchmode" is used for
542              latex.
544              Also reduce the number of informational  messages  that  latexmk
545              generates.
547              To  change  the  options used to make the commands run silently,
548              you need to configure latexmk with changed values of its config‐
549              uration    variables,    the    relevant    ones   being   $bib‐
550              tex_silent_switch,  $biber_silent_switch,  $dvips_silent_switch,
551              $latex_silent_switch, and $pdflatex_silent_switch.
553       -use-make
554              When  after a run of latex or pdflatex, there are warnings about
555              missing files (e.g., as requested by the LaTeX \input, \include,
556              and  \includgraphics),  latexmk  tries  to make them by a custom
557              dependency. If no relevant custom dependency with an appropriate
558              source  file  is found, and if the -use-make option is set, then
559              latexmk will try as a resort using the make program  to  try  to
560              make the missing files.
562              Note  that  the  filename may be specified without an extension,
563              e.g., by \includegraphics{drawing} in a  LaTeX  file.   In  that
564              case,  latexmk  will try making drawing.ext with ext set in turn
565              to the possible extensions that are relevant for  latex  (or  as
566              appropriate pdflatex).
568              See  also  the documentation for the $use_make_for_missing_files
569              configuration variable.
571       -use-make-
572              Do not use the make  program  to  try  to  make  missing  files.
573              (Default.)
575       -v, -version
576              Print version number of latexmk.
578       -verbose
579              Opposite of -silent.  This is the default setting.
581       -view=default, -view=dvi, -view=ps, -view=pdf
582              Set the kind of file used when previewing is requested (e.g., by
583              the -pv or -pvc switches).  The default is to view the "highest"
584              kind of requested file (in the order dvi, ps, pdf).
586       The  preview-continuous option -pvc can only work with one file.  So in
587       this case you will normally only specify one filename  on  the  command
588       line.
590       Options  -p,  -pv  and  -pvc  are mutually exclusive.  So each of these
591       options turns the others off.


595       % latexmk thesis    # run latex enough times to resolve
596                           cross-references
598       % latexmk -pvc -ps thesis# run latex enough times to resolve
599                           cross-references, make a postscript
600                           file, start a previewer.  Then
601                           watch for changes in the source
602                           file thesis.tex and any files it
603                           uses.  After any changes rerun latex
604                           the appropriate number of times and
605                           remake the postscript file.  If latex
606                           encounters an error, latexmk will
607                           keep running, watching for
608                           source file changes.
610       % latexmk -c        # remove .aux, .log, .bbl, .blg, .dvi,
611                           .pdf, .ps & .bbl files


616       Latexmk can be customized using initialization files, which are read at
617       startup in the following order:
619       1) The system RC file, if it exists.
620          On a UNIX system, latexmk searches for following places for its sys‐
621       tem RC file, in the following order, and reads the first it finds:
622          "/opt/local/share/latexmk/LatexMk",
623          "/usr/local/share/latexmk/LatexMk",
624          "/usr/local/lib/latexmk/LatexMk".
625          On a Fedora system, it only looks for "/etc/latexmk.conf".
626          On a MS-WINDOWS system it looks for "C:\latexmk\LatexMk".
627          On a cygwin system (i.e., a MS-Windows system in which perl is
628          that of cygwin), latexmk reads for the first it finds of
629          "/cygdrive/c/latexmk/LatexMk",
630          "/opt/local/share/latexmk/LatexMk",
631          "/usr/local/share/latexmk/LatexMk",
632          "/usr/local/lib/latexmk/LatexMk".
634       2) The user's RC file, "$HOME/.latexmkrc", if it exists.  Here $HOME is
635       the  value  of  the  environment  variable  HOME.   On  UNIX and clones
636       (including LINUX), this variable is set by the system;  on  MS-Windows,
637       the user may choose to set it.
639       3)  The  RC  file  in  the current working directory.  This file can be
640       named either "latexmkrc" or ".latexmkrc", and the first of these to  be
641       found is used, if any.
643       4) Any RC file(s) specified on the command line with the -r option.
645       Each RC file is a sequence of Perl commands.  Naturally, a user can use
646       this in creative ways.  But  for  most  purposes,  one  simply  uses  a
647       sequence  of  assignment  statements that override some of the built-in
648       settings of Latexmk.  Straightforward  cases  can  be  handled  without
649       knowledge  of  the Perl language by using the examples in this document
650       as templates.  Comment lines are introduced by the "#" character.
652       Note that command line options are obeyed in the order  in  which  they
653       are written; thus any RC file specified on the command line with the -r
654       option can override previous options but can be  itself  overridden  by
655       later  options on the command line.  There is also the -e option, which
656       allows initialization code to be specified in latexmk's command line.


660       The important variables that can be configured  are  described  in  the
661       section  "List  of  configuration  variables  usable  in initialization
662       files".  Syntax for setting these variables is of the following forms:
664                           $bibtex = 'bibtex %O %B';
666       for the setting of a string variable,
668                           $preview_mode = 1;
670       for the setting of a numeric variable, and
672                           @default_files = ('paper', 'paper1');
674       for the setting of an array of strings.  It is possible  to  append  an
675       item to an array variable as follows:
677                           push @default_files, 'paper2';
679       Note  that  simple  "scalar"  variables  have names that begin with a $
680       character and array variables have names that begin with a @ character.
681       Each statement ends with a semicolon.
683       Strings  should  be  enclosed  in single quotes.  (You could use double
684       quotes, as in many programming languages.  But then the  Perl  program‐
685       ming  language  brings  into  play some special rules for interpolating
686       variables into strings.  People not fluent in Perl will want  to  avoid
687       these complications.)
689       You  can do much more complicated things, but for this you will need to
690       consult a manual for the Perl programming language.


696       Some of the variables set the commands that latexmk uses  for  carrying
697       out  its work, for example to generate a dvi file from a tex file or to
698       view a postscript file.  This section describes some important features
699       of how the commands are specified.
701       Placeholders:  Supposed you wanted latexmk to use the command elatex in
702       place of the regular latex  command,  and  suppose  moreover  that  you
703       wanted  to  give  it the option "--shell-escape".  You could do this by
704       the following setting:
706            $latex = 'elatex --shell-escape %O %S';
708       The two items starting with the % character  are  placeholders.   These
709       are  substituted by appropriate values before the command is run.  Thus
710       %S will be replaced by the source file that elatex will be applied  to,
711       and  %O will be replaced by any options that latexmk has decided to use
712       for this command.  (E.g., if you  used  the  -silent  option  it  would
713       replace %O by "-interaction=batchmode".)
715       The available placeholders are:
717       %B     base  of  filename  for  current command.  E.g., if a postscript
718              file document.ps is being made from the dvi  file  document.dvi,
719              then the basename is document.
721       %D     destination  file  (e.g.,  the  name of the postscript file when
722              converting a dvi file to postscript).
724       %O     options
726       %R     root filename.  This is the base name for the main tex file.
728       %S     source file (e.g., the name of the dvi file  when  converting  a
729              dvi file to ps).
731       %T     The name of the primary tex file.
733       If  for  some  reason you need a literal % character in your string not
734       subject to the above rules, use a pair of these characters.  Thus  with
735       the  command  specification  $ps_previewer = 'latex -ad=%%Sfile.ad %S',
736       the %%S will become %S when the command is executed, but the %S will be
737       replaced  by  the source filename, which in this case would be the name
738       of a postscript file to be viewed.
740       Appropriate quoting will be applied to the filename  substitutions,  so
741       you  mustn't  supply  them  yourself even if you the names of your have
742       spaces in them.  (But if your TeX filenames have spaces in them, beware
743       that many versions of the TeX program cannot correctly handle filenames
744       containing spaces.)  In case latexmk's quoting does not work  correctly
745       on  your  system,  you can turn it off -- see the documentation for the
746       variable $quote_filenames.
748       The distinction between %B and %R needs a bit of care, since  they  are
749       often  the same, but not always.  For example on a simple document, the
750       basename of a bibtex run is the same as for the texfile.  But in a doc‐
751       ument  with  several bibliographies, the bibliography files will have a
752       variety of names.  Since bibtex is invoked with  the  basename  of  the
753       bibliography  file, the setting for the bibtex command should therefore
754       be
756            $bibtex = 'bibtex %O %B';
758       Generally, you should use %B rather than %R.  Similarly for  most  pur‐
759       poses, the name %T of the primary texfile is not a useful placeholder.
761       See  the default values in the section "List of configuration variables
762       usable in initialization files" for what is normally the most appropri‐
763       ate usage.
765       If you omit to supply any placeholders whatever in the specification of
766       a command, latexmk will supply what its author thinks  are  appropriate
767       defaults.  This gives compatibility with configuration files for previ‐
768       ous versions of latexmk, which didn't use placeholders.
770       "Detaching" a command: Normally when latexmk runs a command,  it  waits
771       for the command to run to completion.  This is appropriate for commands
772       like latex, of course.  But for previewers, the command should normally
773       run  detached,  so  that  latexmk  gets  the previewer running and then
774       returns to its next task (or exits if there is nothing else to do).  To
775       achieve  this  effect  of  detaching a command, you need to precede the
776       command name with "start ", as in
778            $dvi_previewer = 'start xdvi %O %S';
780       This will be translated to whatever is appropriate for  your  operating
781       system.
783       Notes:  (1)  In  some  circumstances,  latex  will always run a command
784       detached.  This is the case for a previewer in preview continuous mode,
785       since  otherwise previewing continuously makes no sense.  (2) This pre‐
786       cludes the possibility of running a command named start.   (3)  If  the
787       word  start  occurs  more  than  once  at  the beginning of the command
788       string, that is equivalent to having just one.  (4) Under cygwin,  some
789       complications  happen, since cygwin amounts to a complicated merging of
790       UNIX and MS-Windows.  See the source code  for  how  I've  handled  the
791       problem.
793       Command names containing spaces: Under MS-Windows it is common that the
794       name of a command includes spaces, since software is often installed in
795       a  subdirectory  of  "C:\Program  Files".  Such command names should be
796       enclosed in double quotes, as in
798            $lpr_pdf  =  '"c:/Program  Files/Ghostgum/gsview/gsview32.exe"  /p
799       %S';
800            $pdf_previewer   =   'start   "c:/Program   Files/SumatraPDF/Suma‐
801       traPDF.exe" %O %S';
802            $pdf_previewer = 'start "c:/Program  Files/SumatraPDF  (x86)/Suma‐
803       traPDF.exe" %O %S';
806       (Note  about the above example: Forward slashes are equivalent to back‐
807       slashes in filenames under MS-Windows, provided that  the  filename  is
808       inside  double quotes.  It is easier to use forward slashes in examples
809       like the one above, since then one does not have  to  worry  about  the
810       rules  for  dealing  with  forward  slashes in strings in the Perl lan‐
811       guage.)
813       Command names under Cygwin: If latexmk is executed  by  Cygwin's  perl,
814       be particularly certain that pathnames in commands have forward slashes
815       not the usual backslashes for the  separator  of  pathname  components.
816       See  the  above  examples.  Backslashes often get misinterpreted by the
817       Unix shell used by Cygwin's Perl to execute external commands.  Forward
818       slashes don't suffer from this problem, and (when quoted, as above) are
819       equally acceptable to MS-Windows.
821       Using MS-Windows file associations: A useful trick  under  modern  ver‐
822       sions of MS-Windows (e.g., WinXP) is to use just the command 'start' by
823       itself:
825            $dvi_previewer = 'start %S';
827       Under recent versions of MS-Windows, this will cause to be run whatever
828       program  the  system  has associated with dvi files.  (The same applies
829       for a postscript viewer and a pdf viewer.)  But note that this trick is
830       not  always  suitable for the pdf previwer, if your system has acroread
831       for the default pdf viewer.  As explained elsewhere, acroread under MS-
832       Windows  does  not  work  well with latex and latexmk, because acroread
833       locks the pdf file.
835       Not using a certain command: If a command is not to be run, the command
836       name NONE is used, as in
838            $lpr  = 'NONE lpr';
840       This  typically  is  used when an appropriate command does not exist on
841       your system.  The string after the "NONE" is effectively a comment.
843       Options to commands: Setting the name of a command can be used not only
844       for changing the name of the command called, but also to add options to
845       command.  Suppose you want latexmk to use latex  with  source  specials
846       enabled.   Then  you  might use the following line in an initialization
847       file:
849            $latex = 'latex --src-specials %O %S';
851       Advanced tricks: Normally one specifies a single command for  the  com‐
852       mands  invoked  by  latexmk.   Naturally,  if there is some complicated
853       additional processing you need to do in your special situation, you can
854       write a script (or batch file) to do the processing, and then configure
855       latexmk to use your script in place of the standard program.
857       It is also possible to configure latexmk to run multiple commands.  For
858       example,  if  when  running  pdflatex to generate a pdf file from a tex
859       file you need to run another program after  pdflatex  to  perform  some
860       extra processing, you could do something like:
862            $pdflatex  =  'pdflatex  --shell-escape %O %S; pst2pdf_for_latexmk
863       %B';
865       This definition assumes you are using a UNIX-like system, so  that  the
866       two  commands to be run are separated by the semicolon in the middle of
867       the string.


872       Default values are indicated in brackets.
874       $always_view_file_via_temporary [0]
875              Whether ps and pdf files are initially to be made in a temporary
876              directory  and  then moved to the final location.  (This applies
877              to dvips, dvipdf, and ps2pdf operations, and the filtering oper‐
878              ators  on  dvi  and  ps  files.   It does not apply to pdflatex,
879              unfortunately.)
881              This use of a temporary file solves a problem that the making of
882              these  files  can  occupy  a substantial time.  If a viewer sees
883              that the file has changed, it reads the new file, and  this  can
884              cause havoc if the program writing the file has not yet finished
885              its work.
887              See the $pvc_view_file_via_temporary variable for a setting that
888              applies  only  if preview-continuous mode (-pvc option) is used.
889              See $tmpdir for the setting of the directory where the temporary
890              file is created.
893       $banner [0]
894              If  nonzero, the banner message is printed across each page when
895              converting the dvi file to postscript.   Without  modifying  the
896              variable  $banner_message,  this is equivalent to specifying the
897              -d option.
899              Note that if $banner is nonzero, the $postscript_mode is assumed
900              and the postscript file is always generated, even if it is newer
901              than the dvi file.
903       $banner_intensity [0.95]
904              Equivalent to the -bi option, this is a decimal number between 0
905              and  1 that specifies how dark to print the banner message. 0 is
906              black, 1 is white.  The default is just right if your toner car‐
907              tridge isn't running too low.
909       $banner_message ["DRAFT"]
910              The banner message to print across each page when converting the
911              dvi file to postscript.  This is equivalent to the -bm option.
913       $banner_scale [220.0]
914              A decimal number that specifies how  large  the  banner  message
915              will  be printed.  Experimentation is necessary to get the right
916              scale for your message, as a rule of thumb the scale  should  be
917              about  equal  to 1100 divided by the number of characters in the
918              message.  The Default is just right for  5  character  messages.
919              This is equivalent to the -bs option.
921       @BIBINPUTS
922              This  is  an array variable, now mostly obsolete, that specifies
923              directories where  latexmk  should  look  for  .bib  files.   By
924              default it is set from the BIBINPUTS environment variable of the
925              operating system.  If that environment variable is  not  set,  a
926              single  element list consisting of the current directory is set.
927              The format of the directory names depends on your operating sys‐
928              tem, of course.  Examples for setting this variable are:
930                      @BIBINPUTS = ( ".", "C:\bibfiles" );
931                      @BIBINPUTS = ( ".", "\\server\bibfiles" );
932                      @BIBINPUTS = ( ".", "C:/bibfiles" );
933                      @BIBINPUTS = ( ".", "//server/bibfiles" );
934                      @BIBINPUTS = ( ".", "/usr/local/texmf/bibtex/bib" );
936              Note  that  under  MS  Windows,  either a forward slash "/" or a
937              backward slash "\" can be used to separate pathname  components,
938              so  the  first  two  and the second two examples are equivalent.
939              Each backward slash should be doubled to avoid running afoul  of
940              Perl's rules for writing strings.
942       Important  note:  This  variable  is now mostly obsolete in the current
943       version of latexmk, since it has a better method of searching for files
944       using the kpsewhich command.  However, if your system is an unusual one
945       without the kpsewhich command, you may need to set the variable @BIBIN‐
946       PUTS.
948       $biber ["biber %O %S"]
949              The biber processing program.
951       $biber_silent_switch ["--onlylog"]
952              Switch(es)  for the biber processing program when silent mode is
953              on.
955       $bibtex ["bibtex %O %S"]
956              The BibTeX processing program.
958       $bibtex_silent_switch ["-terse"]
959              Switch(es) for the BibTeX processing program when silent mode is
960              on.
962       $bibtex_use [1]
963              Under what conditions to run BibTeX or biber.  When latexmk dis‐
964              covers from the log file that one (or more)  BibTeX/biber-gener‐
965              ated  bibliographies  are used, it can run BibTeX or biber when‐
966              ever it appears necessary to regenerate  the  bbl  file(s)  from
967              their source bib database file(s).
969              But  sometimes,  the  bib file(s) are not available (e.g., for a
970              document obtained from an external archive), but the  bbl  files
971              are  provided.   In that case use of BibTeX or biber will result
972              in incorrect overwriting of the precious bbl files.   The  vari‐
973              able  $bibtex_use  controls  whether this happens.  Its possible
974              values are: 0: never use BibTeX or biber.  1: only use BibTeX or
975              biber  if  the bib files exist.  2: run BibTeX or biber whenever
976              it appears necessary to update the bbl  files,  without  testing
977              for the existence of the bib files.
979       $cleanup_includes_cusdep_generated [0]
980              If  nonzero,  specifies that cleanup also deletes files that are
981              generated by custom dependencies.  (When doing a clean up, e.g.,
982              by use of the -C option, custom dependencies are those listed in
983              the .fdb_latexmk file from a previous run.)
985       $cleanup_includes_generated [0]
986              If nonzero, specifies that cleanup also deletes files  that  are
987              detected  in log file as being generated (see the \openout lines
988              in the log file).  It will also include files  made  from  these
989              first generation generated files.
991       $cleanup_mode [0]
992              If  nonzero,  specifies  cleanup mode: 1 for full cleanup, 2 for
993              cleanup except for dvi, ps and pdf files, 3 for  cleanup  except
994              for  dep and aux files.  (There is also extra cleaning as speci‐
995              fied by  the  $clean_ext,  $clean_full_ext  and  @generated_exts
996              variables.)
998       This  variable is equivalent to specifying one of the -c or -C options.
999       But there should be no need to set this variable from an RC file.
1001       $clean_ext [""]
1002              Extra extensions of files for latexmk to remove when any of  the
1003              clean-up  options  (-c  or  -C)  is selected.  The value of this
1004              variable is a string containing the extensions separated by spa‐
1005              ces.
1007              It is also possible to specify a more general pattern of file to
1008              be deleted, by using the place holder %R, as in commands.   Thus
1009              setting
1011                 $clean_ext = "out %R-blx.bib";
1013              in an initialization file will imply that when a clean-up opera‐
1014              tion is specified,  not  only  is  the  standard  set  of  files
1015              deleted,  but  also  files  of the form FOO.out and FOO-blx.bib,
1016              where FOO stands for the basename of the  file  being  processed
1017              (as in FOO.tex).
1020       $clean_full_ext [""]
1021              Extra  extensions  of  files  for  latexmk to remove when the -C
1022              option is selected, i.e., extensions of files to remove when the
1023              .dvi, etc files are to be cleaned-up.
1025       @cus_dep_list [()]
1026              Custom dependency list -- see section on "Custom Dependencies".
1028       @default_files [("*.tex")]
1029              Default list of files to be processed.
1031              Normally,  if  no  filenames  are specified on the command line,
1032              latexmk processes all tex files specified in the  @default_files
1033              variable,  which by default is set to all tex files ("*.tex") in
1034              the current directory.  This is a convenience: just run  latexmk
1035              and  it will process an appropriate set of files.  But sometimes
1036              you want only some of these files to be processed.  In this case
1037              you  set the @default_files in an initialization file (e.g., the
1038              file "latexmkrc" in the current directory).  Then  if  no  files
1039              are  specified on the command line then the files you specify by
1040              setting @default_files are processed.
1042              Three examples:
1044                   @default_files = ("paper_current");
1046                   @default_files = ("paper1", "paper2.tex");
1048                   @default_files = ("*.tex", "*.dtx");
1050              Note that more than file may be  given,  and  that  the  default
1051              extension  is  ".tex".  Wild cards are allowed.  The parentheses
1052              are  because  @default_files  is  an  array  variable,  i.e.,  a
1053              sequence of filename specifications is possible.
1055       $dependents_list [0]
1056              Whether  to  display  a  list(s) of dependencies at the end of a
1057              run.
1059       $dvi_filter [empty]
1060              The dvi file filter to be run on the  newly  produced  dvi  file
1061              before  other  processing.   Equivalent  to  specifying  the -dF
1062              option.
1064       $dvi_mode [See below for default]
1065              If nonzero, generate a dvi version of the document.   Equivalent
1066              to the -dvi option.
1068       The  variable  $dvi_mode defaults to 0, but if no explicit requests are
1069       made for other types of file (postscript, pdf), then $dvi_mode will  be
1070       set  to  1.  In addition, if a request for a file for which a .dvi file
1071       is a prerequisite, then $dvi_mode will be set to 1.
1073       $dvi_previewer ["start xdvi %O %S" under UNIX]
1074              The command to invoke  a  dvi-previewer.   [Default  is  "start"
1075              under  MS-WINDOWS;  under  more recent versions of Windows, this
1076              will cause to be run whatever command the system has  associated
1077              with .dvi files.]
1079       $dvi_previewer_landscape ["start xdvi %O %S"]
1080              The  command  to  invoke  a  dvi-previewer  in  landscape  mode.
1081              [Default is "start" under MS-WINDOWS; under more recent versions
1082              of  Windows, this will cause to be run whatever command the sys‐
1083              tem has associated with .dvi files.]
1085       $dvipdf ["dvipdf %O %S %D"]
1086              Command to convert dvi to pdf file.  A common reconfiguration is
1087              to  use the dvipdfm command, which needs its arguments in a dif‐
1088              ferent order:
1090                   $dvipdf = "dvipdfm %O -o %D %S";
1092              WARNING: The default dvipdf  script  generates  pdf  files  with
1093              bitmapped fonts, which do not look good when viewed by acroread.
1094              That script should be modified to give  dvips  the  options  "-P
1095              pdf" to ensure that type 1 fonts are used in the pdf file.
1097       $dvips ["dvips %O -o %D %S"]
1098              The  program to used as a filter to convert a .dvi file to a .ps
1099              file.  If pdf is going to be generated from pdf, then the  value
1100              of the $dvips_pdf_switch -- see below -- will be included in the
1101              options substituted for "%O".
1103       $dvips_landscape ["dvips -tlandscape %O -o %D %S"]
1104              The program to used as a filter to convert a .dvi file to a  .ps
1105              file in landscape mode.
1107       $dvips_pdf_switch ["-P pdf"]
1108              Switch(es)  for  dvips  program when pdf file is to be generated
1109              from ps file.
1111       $dvips_silent_switch ["-q"]
1112              Switch(es) for dvips program when silent mode is on.
1114       $dvi_update_command [""]
1115              When the dvi previewer is set to be updated by  running  a  com‐
1116              mand,  this is the command that is run.  See the information for
1117              the variable $dvi_update_method for further information, and see
1118              information  on  the  variable $pdf_update_method for an example
1119              for the analogous case of a pdf previewer.
1121       $dvi_update_method [2 under UNIX, 1 under MS-Windows]
1122              How the dvi viewer updates its display when  the  dvi  file  has
1123              changed.     The    values    here    apply   equally   to   the
1124              $pdf_update_method and to the $ps_update_method variables.
1125                  0 => update is automatic,
1126                  1=> manual update by user, which may only mean a mouse click
1127              on the viewer's window or may mean a more serious action.
1128                  2  =>  Send  the  signal,  whose  number  is in the variable
1129              $dvi_update_signal.  The default value under  UNIX  is  suitable
1130              for xdvi.
1131                  3  => Viewer cannot do an update, because it locks the file.
1132              (As with acroread under MS-Windows.)
1133                  4 => run a command to do the update.  The command is  speci‐
1134              fied by the variable $dvi_update_command.
1136              See  information on the variable $pdf_update_method for an exam‐
1137              ple of updating by command.
1139       $dvi_update_signal [Under UNIX: SIGUSR1, which  is  a  system-dependent
1140       value]
1141              The  number of the signal that is sent to the dvi viewer when it
1142              is updated by sending a signal -- see  the  information  on  the
1143              variable  $dvi_update_method.   The  default  value  is  the one
1144              appropriate for xdvi on a UNIX system.
1146       $fdb_ext ["fdb_latexmk"]
1147              The extension of the file which latexmk generates to  contain  a
1148              database  of information on source files.  You will not normally
1149              need to change this.
1151       $force_mode [0]
1152              If nonzero, continue processing past minor latex errors  includ‐
1153              ing unrecognized cross references.  Equivalent to specifying the
1154              -f option.
1156       @generated_exts [( aux , bbl , idx , ind , lof , lot  ,  out  ,  toc  ,
1157       $fdb_ext )]
1158              This  contains a list of extensions for files that are generated
1159              during a LaTeX run and that are read in by LaTeX in later  runs,
1160              either directly or indirectly.
1162              This  list  has  two  uses:  (a)  to set the kinds of file to be
1163              deleted in a cleanup operation (with the -c, -C, -CA, -g and -gg
1164              options),  and  (b)  in  the determination of whether a rerun of
1165              (pdf)LaTeX is needed after a run that gives an error.
1167              (Normally, a change of a source file during a run should provoke
1168              a  rerun.  This includes a file generated by LaTeX, e.g., an aux
1169              file, that is read in on subsequent runs.  But after a run  that
1170              results  in  an error, a new run should occur until the user has
1171              made a change in the files.  But the user may have corrected  an
1172              error in a source .tex file during the run.  So latexmk needs to
1173              distinguish user-generated and automatically generated files; it
1174              determines  the  automatically  generated  files  as  those with
1175              extensions in the list in @generated_exts.)
1177              A convenient way to add an extra extension to the list,  without
1178              losing  the already defined ones is to use a push command in the
1179              line in an RC file.  E.g.,
1181                              push @generated_exts, "end";
1183              adds the extension "end" to the  list  of  predefined  generated
1184              extensions.   (This extension is used by the RevTeX package, for
1185              example.)
1187       $go_mode [0]
1188              If nonzero, process files regardless of timestamps, and is  then
1189              equivalent to the -g option.
1191       %hash_calc_ignore_pattern
1192              !!!This variable is for experts only!!!
1194              The  general rule latexmk uses for determining when an extra run
1195              of some program is needed is that one of the  source  files  has
1196              changed.   But  consider for example a latex package that causes
1197              an encapsulated postscript file (an "eps" file) to be made  that
1198              is  to  be read in on the next run.  The file contains a comment
1199              line giving its creation date and time.  On  the  next  run  the
1200              time  changes,  latex  sees  that  the eps file has changed, and
1201              therefore reruns latex.  This causes an infinite loop,  that  is
1202              only  terminated  becaues  latexmk  has a limit on the number of
1203              runs to guard against pathological situations.
1205              But the changing line has no real effect, since it is a comment.
1206              You can instruct latex to ignore the offending line as follows:
1208                 $hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'eps'} = '^%%CreationDate: ';
1210              This creates a rule for files with extension .eps about lines to
1211              ignore.  The left-hand side is a Perl idiom for setting an  item
1212              in  a hash.  Note that the file extension is specified without a
1213              period.  The value, on the right-hand side, is a string contain‐
1214              ing  a  regular expresssion.  (See documentation on Perl for how
1215              they are to be specified in general.)  This  particular  regular
1216              expression  specifies that lines beginning with "%%CreationDate:
1217              " are to be ignored in deciding whether  a  file  of  the  given
1218              extension .eps has changed.
1220              There  is  only one regular expression available for each exten‐
1221              sion.  If you need more one pattern to specify lines to  ignore,
1222              then  you  need  to  combine  the patterns into a single regular
1223              expression.  The simplest method is separate the different  sim‐
1224              ple  patterns  by a vertical bar character (indicating "alterna‐
1225              tion" in the jargon of regular expressions).  For example,
1227                 $hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'eps'}     =      '^%%CreationDate:
1228              |^%%Title: ';
1230              causes   lines  starting  with  either  "^%%CreationDate:  "  or
1231              "^%%Title: " to be ignored.
1233              It may happen that a pattern to be ignored is specified in,  for
1234              example,  in  a system or user initialization file, and you wish
1235              to remove this in a file read later.  To do this, you use perl's
1236              delete function, e.g.,
1238                  delete $hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'eps'};
1241       $kpsewhich ["kpsewhich %S"]
1242              The  program  called to locate a source file when the name alone
1243              is not sufficient.  Most filenames used by latexmk  have  suffi‐
1244              cient  path  information  to  be found directly.  But sometimes,
1245              notably when .bib files are found from the log file of a  bibtex
1246              or  biber  run, the name of the file, but not its path is known.
1247              The program specified by $kpsewhich is used to find it.
1249              See also the @BIBINPUTS variable for another  way  that  latexmk
1250              also uses to try to locate files; it applies only in the case of
1251              .bib files.
1253       $landscape_mode [0]
1254              If nonzero, run in landscape mode, using the landscape mode pre‐
1255              viewers  and dvi to postscript converters.  Equivalent to the -l
1256              option.  Normally not needed with current previewers.
1258       $latex ["latex %O %S"]
1259              The LaTeX processing program.  Note that as with other programs,
1260              you  can  use  this  variable not just to change the name of the
1261              program used, but also specify options to the program.  E.g.,
1263                                  $latex = "latex --src-specials";
1265       %latex_input_extensions
1266              This variable specifies the extensions tried by latexmk when  it
1267              finds  that a LaTeX run resulted in an error that a file has not
1268              been found, and the file is given without  an  extension.   This
1269              typically  happens  when LaTeX commands of the form \input{file}
1270              or \includegraphics{figure}, when the relevant source file  does
1271              not exist.
1273              In  this  situation, latexmk searches for custom dependencies to
1274              make the missing file(s), but restricts  it  to  the  extensions
1275              specified  by the variable %latex_input_extensions.  The default
1276              extensions are 'tex' and 'eps'.
1278              (For Perl experts: %latex_input_extensions is a hash whose  keys
1279              are  the  extensions.   The values are irrelevant.)  Two subrou‐
1280              tines are provided for manipulating this and the  related  vari‐
1281              able      %pdflatex_input_extensions,      add_input_ext     and
1282              remove_input_ext.  They are used as in  the  following  examples
1283              are possible lines in an initialization file:
1285                  remove_input_ext( 'latex', 'tex' );
1287              removes the extension 'tex' from latex_input_extensions
1289                  add_input_ext( 'latex', 'asdf' );
1291              add  the  extension 'asdf to latex_input_extensions.  (Naturally
1292              with such an extension, you should have made an appropriate cus‐
1293              tom dependency for latexmk, and should also have done the appro‐
1294              priate programming in the LaTeX source file to enable  the  file
1295              to  be  read.   The standard extensions are handled by LaTeX and
1296              its graphics/graphicx packages.
1299       $latex_silent_switch ["-interaction=batchmode"]
1300              Switch(es) for the LaTeX processing program when silent mode  is
1301              on.
1303              If  you  use MikTeX, you may prefer the results if you configure
1304              the options to include -c-style-errors, e.g., by  the  following
1305              line in an initialization file
1307                $latex_silent_switch   =   "-interaction=batchmode   -c-style-
1308              errors";
1311       $lpr ["lpr %O %S" under UNIX/LINUX, "NONE lpr" under MS-WINDOWS]
1312              The command to print postscript files.
1314              Under MS-Windows (unlike UNIX/LINUX), there is no standard  pro‐
1315              gram for printing files.  But there are ways you can do it.  For
1316              example, if you have gsview installed, you could use it with the
1317              option "/p":
1319                  $lpr = '"c:/Program Files/Ghostgum/gsview/gsview32.exe" /p';
1321              If  gsview  is installed in a different directory, you will need
1322              to make the appropriate change.  Note the combination of  single
1323              and  double  quotes  around the name.  The single quotes specify
1324              that this is a string to be assigned to the configuration  vari‐
1325              able  $lpr.   The double quotes are part of the string passed to
1326              the operating system to get the command obeyed; this  is  neces‐
1327              sary because one part of the command name ("Program Files") con‐
1328              tains a space which would otherwise be misinterpreted.
1330       $lpr_dvi ["NONE lpr_dvi"]
1331              The printing program to print dvi files.
1333       $lpr_pdf ["NONE lpr_pdf"]
1334              The printing program to print pdf files.
1336              Under MS-Windows you could set this to  use  gsview,  if  it  is
1337              installed, e.g.,
1339                  $lpr = '"c:/Program Files/Ghostgum/gsview/gsview32.exe" /p';
1341              If  gsview  is installed in a different directory, you will need
1342              to make the appropriate change.  Note the double  quotes  around
1343              the name: this is necessary because one part of the command name
1344              ("Program Files") contains a space which would otherwise be mis‐
1345              interpreted.
1348       $make ["make"]
1349              The make processing program.
1352       $makeindex ["makeindex %O -o %D %S"]
1353              The index processing program.
1355       $max_repeat [5]
1356              The  maximum  number  of  times  latexmk will run latex/pdflatex
1357              before deciding that there may be an infinite loop and  that  it
1358              needs to bail out, rather than rerunning latex/pdflatex again to
1359              resolve cross-references, etc.  The  default  value  covers  all
1360              normal cases.
1362              (Note  that  the  "etc"  covers  a lot of cases where one run of
1363              latex/pdflatex generates files to be read in on a later run.)
1365       $new_viewer_always [0]
1366              This variable applies  to  latexmk  only  in  continuous-preview
1367              mode.  If $new_viewer_always is 0, latexmk will check for a pre‐
1368              viously running previewer on the same file, and if one  is  run‐
1369              ning  will  not  start a new one.  If $new_viewer_always is non-
1370              zero, this check will be skipped, and latexmk will behave as  if
1371              no viewer is running.
1373       $pdf_mode [0]
1374              If  zero,  do  NOT  generate  a pdf version of the document.  If
1375              equal to 1, generate a pdf version of the document using  pdfla‐
1376              tex.  If equal to 2, generate a pdf version of the document from
1377              the ps file, by using the command specified by the $ps2pdf vari‐
1378              able.   If  equal  to  3, generate a pdf version of the document
1379              from the dvi file, by using the command specified by the $dvipdf
1380              variable.
1382              Equivalent to the -pdf-, -pdf, -pdfdvi, -pdfps options.
1384       $pdflatex ["pdflatex %O %S"]
1385              The  LaTeX  processing  program  in the version that makes a pdf
1386              file instead of a dvi file.
1388       %pdflatex_input_extensions
1389              This variable specifies the extensions tried by latexmk when  it
1390              finds  that  a pdfLaTeX run resulted in an error that a file has
1391              not been found, and the file  is  given  without  an  extension.
1392              This   typically   happens  when  LaTeX  commands  of  the  form
1393              \input{file}  or  \includegraphics{figure},  when  the  relevant
1394              source file does not exist.
1396              In  this  situation, latexmk searches for custom dependencies to
1397              make the missing file(s), but restricts  it  to  the  extensions
1398              specified   by  the  variable  %pdflatex_input_extensions.   The
1399              default extensions are 'tex', 'pdf', 'jpg, and 'png'.
1401              (For Perl experts: %pdflatex_input_extensions is  a  hash  whose
1402              keys  are the extensions.  The values are irrelevant.)  Two sub‐
1403              routines are provided for  manipulating  this  and  the  related
1404              variable      %latex_input_extensions,     add_input_ext     and
1405              remove_input_ext.  They are used as in  the  following  examples
1406              are possible lines in an initialization file:
1408                  remove_input_ext( 'pdflatex', 'tex' );
1410              removes the extension 'tex' from pdflatex_input_extensions
1412                  add_input_ext( 'pdflatex', 'asdf' );
1414              add  the  extension  'asdf to pdflatex_input_extensions.  (Natu‐
1415              rally with such an extension, you should have made an  appropri‐
1416              ate custom dependency for latexmk, and should also have done the
1417              appropriate programming in the LaTeX source file to  enable  the
1418              file  to be read.  The standard extensions are handled by pdfla‐
1419              tex and its graphics/graphicx packages.)
1422       $pdflatex_silent_switch ["-interaction=batchmode"]
1423              Switch(es) for the pdflatex program (specified in  the  variable
1424              $pdflatex when silent mode is on.
1426              If  you  use MikTeX, you may prefer the results if you configure
1427              the options to include -c-style-errors, e.g., by  the  following
1428              line in an initialization file
1430                $latex_silent_switch   =   "-interaction=batchmode   -c-style-
1431              errors";
1434       $pdf_previewer ["start acroread %O %S"]
1435              The command to invoke a pdf-previewer.  [Default is  changed  to
1436              "start"  on  MS-WINDOWS;  under more recent versions of Windows,
1437              this will cause to be run whatever command the system has  asso‐
1438              ciated with .pdf files.]
1440              WARNING: Potential problem under MS-Windows: if acroread is used
1441              as the pdf previewer, and it is actually viewing a pdf file, the
1442              pdf file cannot be updated.  Thus makes acroread a bad choice of
1443              previewer if you use latexmk's previous-continuous mode  (option
1444              -pvc)  under  MS-windows.  This problem does not occur if ghost‐
1445              view, gv or gsview is used to view pdf files.
1447       $pdf_update_command [""]
1448              When the pdf previewer is set to be updated by  running  a  com‐
1449              mand,  this is the command that is run.  See the information for
1450              the variable $pdf_update_method.
1452       $pdf_update_method [1 under UNIX, 3 under MS-Windows]
1453              How the pdf viewer updates its display when  the  pdf  file  has
1454              changed.  See the information on the variable $dvi_update_method
1455              for the codes.  (Note that information needs be changed slightly
1456              so  that for the value 4, to run a command to do the update, the
1457              command is specified by the  variable  $pdf_update_command,  and
1458              for  the  value  2,  to  specify update by signal, the signal is
1459              specified by $pdf_update_signal.)
1461              Note that acroread under MS-Windows (but not UNIX) locks the pdf
1462              file, so the default value is then 3.
1464              Arranging to use a command to get a previewer explicitly updated
1465              requires three variables to be set.  For example:
1467                  $pdf_previewer = "start xpdf -remote %R %O %S";
1468                  $pdf_update_method = 4;
1469                  $pdf_update_command = "xpdf -remote %R -reload";
1471              The first setting arranges for the xpdf program to  be  used  in
1472              its  "remote server mode", with the server name specified as the
1473              rootname of the TeX  file.   The  second  setting  arranges  for
1474              updating to be done in response to a command, and the third set‐
1475              ting sets the update command.
1478       $pdf_update_signal [Under UNIX: SIGHUP,  which  is  a  system-dependent
1479       value]
1480              The  number of the signal that is sent to the pdf viewer when it
1481              is updated by sending a signal -- see  the  information  on  the
1482              variable  $pdf_update_method.   The  default  value  is  the one
1483              appropriate for gv on a UNIX system.
1485       $pid_position[1 under UNIX, -1 under MS-Windows]
1486              The variable $pid_position is used  to  specify  which  word  in
1487              lines  of  the output from $pscmd corresponds to the process ID.
1488              The first word in the line is numbered 0.  The default value  of
1489              1 (2nd word in line) is correct for Solaris 2.6 and Linux.  Set‐
1490              ting the variable to -1 is used to indicate that $pscmd  is  not
1491              to be used.
1493       $postscript_mode [0]
1494              If  nonzero,  generate  a  postscript  version  of the document.
1495              Equivalent to the -ps option.
1497       If some other request is made for which a postscript  file  is  needed,
1498       then $postscript_mode will be set to 1.
1500       $preview_continuous_mode [0]
1501              If  nonzero,  run a previewer to view the document, and continue
1502              running latexmk to keep .dvi up-to-date.  Equivalent to the -pvc
1503              option.   Which  previewer is run depends on the other settings,
1504              see the command line options -view=, and the variable $view.
1506       $preview_mode [0]
1507              If nonzero, run a previewer to preview the document.  Equivalent
1508              to  the -pv option.  Which previewer is run depends on the other
1509              settings, see the command line options -view=, and the  variable
1510              $view.
1512       $printout_mode [0]
1513              If  nonzero, print the document using lpr.  Equivalent to the -p
1514              option.  This is recommended not to be set from an RC file, oth‐
1515              erwise you could waste lots of paper.
1517       $print_type = ["ps"]
1518              Type  of  file  to  printout:  possibilities  are "dvi", "none",
1519              "pdf", or "ps".
1521       $pscmd Command used to get all the processes currently run by the user.
1522              The  -pvc  option  uses  the  command  specified by the variable
1523              $pscmd to determine if there is an  already  running  previewer,
1524              and  to  find  the process ID (needed if latexmk needs to signal
1525              the previewer about file changes).
1527              Each line of the output of this command is assumed to correspond
1528              to  one  process.   See  the  $pid_position variable for how the
1529              process number is determined.
1531              The default for pscmd is  "NONE"  under  MS-Windows  and  cygwin
1532              (i.e.,  the  command  is  not  used),  "ps  --width  200  -f  -u
1533              $ENV{USER}" under linux, "ps -ww  -u  $ENV{USER}"  under  darwin
1534              (Macintosh  OS-X), and "ps -f -u $ENV{USER}" under other operat‐
1535              ing systems (including other flavors of UNIX).  In these  speci‐
1536              fications "$ENV{USER}" is substituted by the username.
1538       $ps2pdf ["ps2pdf %O %S %D"]
1539              Command to convert ps to pdf file.
1541       $ps_filter [empty]
1542              The postscript file filter to be run on the newly produced post‐
1543              script file before other processing.  Equivalent  to  specifying
1544              the -pF option.
1546       $ps_previewer ["start gv %O %S", but "start %O %S" under MS-WINDOWS]
1547              The  command  to  invoke a ps-previewer.  (The default under MS-
1548              WINDOWS will cause to be run whatever  command  the  system  has
1549              associated with .ps files.)
1551              Note  that  gv  could be used with the -watch option updates its
1552              display whenever the postscript file changes, whereas  ghostview
1553              does  not.  However, different versions of gv have slightly dif‐
1554              ferent ways of writing this  option.   You  can  configure  this
1555              variable apppropriately.
1557              WARNING: Linux systems may have installed one (or more) versions
1558              of gv under different names, e.g.,  ggv,  kghostview,  etc,  but
1559              perhaps not one called gv.
1561       $ps_previewer_landscape  ["start  gv  -swap  %O  %S", but "start %O %S"
1562       under MS-WINDOWS]
1563              The command to invoke a ps-previewer in landscape mode.
1565       $ps_update_command [""]
1566              When the postscript previewer is set to be updated by running  a
1567              command,  this  is the command that is run.  See the information
1568              for the variable $ps_update_method.
1570       $ps_update_method [0 under UNIX, 1 under MS-Windows]
1571              How the postscript viewer updates its display when the  ps  file
1572              has    changed.    See   the   information   on   the   variable
1573              $dvi_update_method for the codes.  (Note that information  needs
1574              be changed slightly so that for the value 4, to run a command to
1575              do  the  update,  the  command  is  specified  by  the  variable
1576              $ps_update_command,  and  for  the value 2, to specify update by
1577              signal, the signal is specified by $ps_update_signal.)
1580       $ps_update_signal [Under UNIX:  SIGHUP,  which  is  a  system-dependent
1581       value]
1582              The  number of the signal that is sent to the pdf viewer when it
1583              is updated by sending a signal --  see  $ps_update_method.   The
1584              default value is the one appropriate for gv on a UNIX system.
1587       $pvc_view_file_via_temporary [1]
1588              The same as $always_view_file_via_temporary, except that it only
1589              applies in preview-continuous mode (-pvc option).
1592       $quote_filenames [1]
1593              This specifies whether substitutions for placeholders in command
1594              specifications  (as  in  $pdflatex)  are  surrounded  by  double
1595              quotes.  If this variable is 1 (or any other value Perl  regards
1596              as true), then quoting is done.  Otherwise quoting is omitted.
1598       The  quoting  method  used by latexmk is tested to work correctly under
1599       UNIX systems (including Linux and Mac OS-X) and under  MS-Windows.   It
1600       allows the use of filenames containing special characters, notably spa‐
1601       ces.  (But note that many versions of LaTeX and  PdfLaTeX  cannot  cor‐
1602       rectly deal with TeX files whose names contain spaces.  Latexmk's quot‐
1603       ing only ensures that such filenames are correctly treated by the oper‐
1604       ating system in passing arguments to programs.)
1606       $recorder [0]
1607              Whether  to  use the -recorder option to latex and pdflatex. Use
1608              of this option results in a file of extension .fls containing  a
1609              list  of  the  files  that these programs have read and written.
1610              Latexmk will then use this file  to  improve  its  detection  of
1611              source  files and generated files after a run of latex or pdfla‐
1612              tex.
1614              It is generally recommended to use this option (or to  configure
1615              the  $recorder  variable  to  be  on.)   But  it  only  works if
1616              (pdf)latex supports the -recorder option, which is true for most
1617              current implementations
1619              Note  about  the  name of the .fls file: Most implementations of
1620              (pdf)latex produce an .fls file with the same  basename  as  the
1621              main  document's LaTeX, e.g., for Document.tex, the .fls file is
1622              Document.fls.  However,  some  implementations  instead  produce
1623              files  named  for  the program, i.e., latex.fls or pdflatex.fls.
1624              In this second case, latexmk  copies  the  latex.fls  or  pdfla‐
1625              tex.fls  to a file with the basename of the main LaTeX document,
1626              e.g., Document.fls.
1628       $sleep_time [2]
1629              The time to sleep (in seconds) between checking for source  file
1630              changes when running with the -pvc option.  This is subject to a
1631              minimum of one second delay, except  that  zero  delay  is  also
1632              allowed.
1634              A  value  of  exactly 0 gives no delay, and typically results in
1635              100% CPU usage, which may not be desirable.
1637       $texfile_search [""]
1638              This is an obsolete variable,  replaced  by  the  @default_files
1639              variable.
1641              For   backward   compatibility,  if  you  choose  to  set  $tex‐
1642              file_search, it is a string of  space-separated  filenames,  and
1643              then latexmk replaces @default_files with the filenames in $tex‐
1644              file_search to which is added "*.tex".
1646       $tmpdir [See below for default]
1647              Directory to store temporary files  that  latexmk  may  generate
1648              while running.
1650              The  default  under  MSWindows  (including  cygwin),  is  to set
1651              $tmpdir to the value of the first of  whichever  of  the  system
1652              environment  variables  TMPDIR  or TEMP exists, otherwise to the
1653              current directory.  Under other operating systems  (expected  to
1654              be  UNIX/Linux, including OS-X), the default is the value of the
1655              system environment  variable  TMPDIR  if  it  exists,  otherwise
1656              "/tmp".
1658       $use_make_for_missing_files [0]
1659              Whether to use make to try and make files that are missing after
1660              a run of latex or pdflatex, and for which  a  custom  dependency
1661              has  not been found.  This is generally useful only when latexmk
1662              is used as part of a bigger project which is built by using  the
1663              make program.
1665              Note that once a missing file has been made, no further calls to
1666              make will be made on a subsequent run of latexmk to  update  the
1667              file.   Handling  this  problem is the job of a suitably defined
1668              Makefile.  See the section "USING latexmk WITH make" for how  to
1669              do  this.   The intent of calling make from latexmk is merely to
1670              detect dependencies.
1672       $view ["default"]
1673              Which kind of file is to be previewed if a  previewer  is  used.
1674              The  possible  values  are  "default",  "dvi", "ps", "pdf".  The
1675              value of "default" means that the "highest" of the kinds of file
1676              generated is to be used (among dvi, ps and pdf).


1680       In  any RC file a set of custom dependencies can be set up to convert a
1681       file with one extension to a file with another.  An example use of this
1682       would be to allow latexmk to convert a .fig file to .eps to be included
1683       in the .tex file.
1685       The old method of configuring latexmk was to  directly  manipulate  the
1686       @cus_dep_list  array  that  contains  information  defining  the custom
1687       dependencies.  This method still works.  But now there are  subroutines
1688       that  allow  convenient  manipulations  of  the custom dependency list.
1689       These are
1691           add_cus_dep( fromextension, toextension, must, subroutine )
1692           remove_cus_dep( fromextension, toextension )
1693           show_cus_dep()
1695       The custom dependency is a list of rules, each of which is specified as
1696       follow:
1698       from extension:
1699              The  extension  of the file we are converting from (e.g. "fig").
1700              It is specified without a period.
1702       to extension:
1703              The extension of the file we are converting to (e.g. "eps").  It
1704              is specified without a period.
1706       must:  If  non-zero,  the file from which we are converting must exist,
1707              if it doesn't exist latexmk will give an error message and  exit
1708              unless the -f option is specified.  If must is zero and the file
1709              we are converting from doesn't exist, then no action is taken.
1711       function:
1712              The name of the subroutine that latexmk should call  to  perform
1713              the  file  conversion.   The first argument to the subroutine is
1714              the base name of the file to be converted without any extension.
1715              The  subroutines  are declared in the syntax of Perl.  The func‐
1716              tion should return 0 if it was successful and a  nonzero  number
1717              if it failed.
1719       It  is  invoked  whenever  latexmk detects that a run of latex/pdflatex
1720       needs to read a file, like a graphics file, whose extension is the  to-
1721       extension of a custom dependency.  Then latexmk examines whether a file
1722       exists with the same name, but with the  corresponding  from-extension,
1723       as  specified in the custom-dependency rule.  If it does, then whenever
1724       the destination file (the one with  the  to-extension)  is  out-of-date
1725       with respect to the corresponding source file.
1727       To  make the new destination file, the Perl subroutine specified in the
1728       rule is invoked, with an argument that is the base name of the files in
1729       question.   Simple cases just involve a subroutine invoking an external
1730       program; this can be done by following the  templates  below,  even  by
1731       those  without  knowledge of the Perl programming language.  Of course,
1732       experts could do something much more elaborate.
1734       One other item in each custom-dependency  rule  labelled  "must"  above
1735       specifies  how the rule should be applied when the source file fails to
1736       exist.
1738       A simple and typical example of code in an initialization rcfile is
1740           add_cus_dep( 'fig', 'eps', 0, 'fig2eps' );
1741           sub fig2eps {
1742               system("fig2dev -Leps $_[0].fig $_[0].eps");
1743           }
1745       The first line adds a custom  dependency  that  converts  a  file  with
1746       extension  "fig",  as  created  by the xfig program, to an encapsulated
1747       postscript file, with extension "eps".  The remaining  lines  define  a
1748       subroutine  that  carries out the conversion.  If a rule for converting
1749       "fig" to "eps" files already exists (e.g., from  a  previously  read-in
1750       initialization  file),  the latexmk will delete this rule before making
1751       the new one.
1753       Suppose latexmk is using this rule to convert a  file  "figure.fig"  to
1754       "figure.eps".   Then  it  will invoke the fig2eps subroutine defined in
1755       the above code with a single argument "figure", which is  the  basename
1756       of  each  of the files (possibly with a path component).  This argument
1757       is referred to by Perl as $_[0].  In the example above, the  subroutine
1758       uses the Perl command system to invoke the program fig2dev.  The double
1759       quotes around the string are a Perl idiom that signify that each string
1760       of  the  form  of a variable name, $_[0] in this case, is to be substi‐
1761       tuted by its value.
1763       If the return value of the subroutine is non-zero,  then  latexmk  will
1764       assume  an  error  occurred during the execution of the subroutine.  In
1765       the above example, no explicit return value is given, and  instead  the
1766       return  value  is  the value returned by the last (and only) statement,
1767       i.e., the invocation of system, which returns the value 0 on success.
1769       If you use filenames with spaces in them, and if your LaTeX system  and
1770       all  other  relevant software correctly handle such filenames, then you
1771       could put single quotes around filenames in the command  line  that  is
1772       executed:
1774           add_cus_dep( 'fig', 'eps', 0, 'fig2eps' );
1775           sub fig2eps {
1776               system("fig2dev -Lps '$_[0].fig' '$_[0].eps'");
1777           }
1779       This  causes the invocation of the fig2dev program to have quoted file‐
1780       names; it should therefore work with filenames containing spaces.  How‐
1781       ever, not all software deals correctly with filenames that contain spa‐
1782       ces.  Moreover, the rules, if any, for quoting filenames  vary  between
1783       operating systems, command shells and individual pieces of software, so
1784       this code may not always work.
1786       If you use pdflatex instead of latex, then you will probably prefer  to
1787       convert  your  graphics  files  to  pdf format, in which case you would
1788       replace the above code in an initialization file by
1790           add_cus_dep( 'fig', 'pdf, 0, 'fig2pdf' );
1791           sub fig2pdf {
1792               system("fig2dev -Lpdf $_[0].fig $_[0].pdf");
1793           }
1795       If you have some general custom dependencies defined in the  system  or
1796       user  initialization  file,  you may find that for a particular project
1797       they are undesirable.  So you might want to delete the  unneeded  ones.
1798       For example, you remove any "fig" to "eps" rule by the line
1800           remove_cus_dep( 'fig', 'eps' );
1802       If  you  have  complicated sets of custom dependencies, you may want to
1803       get a listing of the custom dependencies.  This is done  by  using  the
1804       line
1806           show_cus_dep();
1808       in an initialization file.
1810       Another  example  of  a  custom  dependency  overcomes  a limitation of
1811       latexmk concerning index files.  The only index-file conversion  built-
1812       in to latexmk is from an ".idx" file written on one run of latex/pdfla‐
1813       tex to an ".ind" file to be read in on a subsequent run.  But with  the
1814       index.sty package you can create extra indexes with extensions that you
1815       configure.  Latexmk does not know how to deduce the extensions from the
1816       information it has.  But you can easily write a custom dependency.  For
1817       example  if  your  latex  file   uses   the   command   "\newindex{spe‐
1818       cial}{ndx}{nnd}{Special index}" you will need to convert files with the
1819       extension .ndx to .nnd.  The following lines in  an  initialization  RC
1820       file will cause this to happen:
1822           add_cus_dep('ndx', 'nnd', 0, 'makendx2nnd');
1823           sub makendx2nnd {
1824               system("makeindex -o $_[0].nnd $_[0].ndx");
1825           }
1827       (You  will need to modify this code if you use filenames with spaces in
1828       them, to provide correct quoting of the filenames.)
1830       Those of you with experience with Makefiles, will undoubtedly  be  con‐
1831       cerned that the .ndx file is written during a run of latex/pdflatex and
1832       is always later than the .nnd last read in.  Thus the .nnd  appears  to
1833       be  perpetually out-of-date.  This situation, of circular dependencies,
1834       is endemic to latex, and latexmk in its current version works correctly
1835       with  circular dependencies.  It examines the contents of the files (by
1836       use of an md5 checksum), and only does a remake when the file  contents
1837       have actually changed.
1839       Of  course  if you choose to write random data to the .nnd (or and .aux
1840       file, etc) that changes on each new run, then you will have a  problem.
1841       For  real experts: See the %hash_cal_ignore_pattern if you have to deal
1842       with such problems.
1844       Glossaries can be dealt with similarly.


1848       In previous versions of latexmk, the only  method  of  defining  custom
1849       dependencies  was  to directly manipulate the table of custom dependen‐
1850       cies.  This is contained in the @cus_dep_list array.  It is an array of
1851       strings,  and each string in the array has four items in it, each sepa‐
1852       rated by a space, the  from-extension,  the  to-extension,  the  "must"
1853       item,  and the name of the subroutine for the custom dependency.  These
1854       were all defined above.
1856       An example of the old method of defining custom dependencies is as fol‐
1857       lows.  It  is  the code in an RC file to ensure automatic conversion of
1858       .fig files to .eps files:
1860           push @cus_dep_list, "fig eps 0 fig2eps";
1861           sub fig2eps {
1862               system("fig2dev -Lps $_[0].fig $_[0].eps");
1863           }
1865       This method still works, and is equivalent to the  earlier  code  using
1866       the  add_cus_dep subroutine, except that it doesn't delete any previous
1867       custom-dependency for the  same  conversion.   So  the  new  method  is
1868       preferable.

USING latexmk WITH make

1874       This  section  is targeted only at advanced users who use the make pro‐
1875       gram for complex projects, as for software development, with the depen‐
1876       dencies specified by a Makefile.
1878       Now  the  basic  task  of latexmk is to run the appropriate programs to
1879       make a viewable version of a LaTeX document.  However, the  usual  make
1880       program  is not suited to this purpose for at least two reasons.  First
1881       is that the use of LaTeX involves circular dependencies (e.g., via .aux
1882       files), and these cannot be handled by the standard make program.  Sec‐
1883       ond is that in a large document the set  of  source  files  can  change
1884       quite  frequently,  particularly  with included graphics files; in this
1885       situation keeping a Makefile  manually  updated  is  inappropriate  and
1886       error-prone, especially when the depedencies can be determined automat‐
1887       ically.  Latexmk solves both of these problems robustly.
1889       Thus for many standard LaTeX documents latexmk can be  used  by  itself
1890       without  the  make program.  In a complex project it simply needs to be
1891       suitably configured.  A standard configuration would be to define  cus‐
1892       tom  dependencies to make graphics files from their source files (e.g.,
1893       as created by the xfig program).   Custom  dependencies  are  latexmk's
1894       equivalent of pattern rules in Makefiles.
1896       Nevertheless  there  are  projects for which a Makefile is appropriate,
1897       and it is useful to know how to use latexmk from a Makefile.  A typical
1898       example  would  be  to  generate  documentation for a software project.
1899       Potentially the interaction with the rest of the rules in the  Makefile
1900       could be quite complicated, for example if some of the source files for
1901       a LaTeX document are generated by the project's software.
1903       In this section, I give a couple of examples of how latexmk can be use‐
1904       fully  invoked  from a Makefile.  The examples use specific features of
1905       current versions of GNU make, which is the default on  both  linux  and
1906       OS-X systems.  They may need modifications for other versions of make.
1908       The  simplest  method  is  simply to delegate all the relevant tasks to
1909       latexmk, as is suitable for a straightforward LaTeX document.  For this
1910       a suitable Makefile is like
1912           .PHONY : FORCE_MAKE
1913           all : try.pdf
1914           %.pdf : %.tex FORCE_MAKE
1915               latexmk -pdf -dvi- -ps- $<
1917       (Note:  the  last  line must be introduced by a tab for the Makefile to
1918       function correctly!)  Naturally, if making try.pdf from its  associated
1919       LaTeX  file try.tex were the only task to be performed, a direct use of
1920       latexmk without a Makefile would normally be better.   The  benefit  of
1921       using  a  Makefile  for  a LaTeX document would be in a larger project,
1922       where lines such as the above would be only be a small part of a larger
1923       Makefile.
1925       The above example has a pattern rule for making a .pdf file from a .tex
1926       file, and it is defined to use latexmk in the obvious way.  There is  a
1927       conventional  default  target  named  "all",  with  a  prerequisite  of
1928       try.pdf.  So when make is invoked, by default it  makes  try.pdf.   The
1929       only  complication  is  that  there  may  be  many  source files beyond
1930       try.tex, but these aren't specified in the Makefile, so changes in them
1931       will  not by themselves cause latexmk to be invoked.  Instead, the pat‐
1932       tern rule is equipped with a "phony" prerequisite FORCE_MAKE; this  has
1933       the  effect  of  causing  the  rule  to  be always out-of-date, so that
1934       latexmk is always run.  It is latexmk that decides whether  any  action
1935       is  needed,  e.g., a rerun of pdflatex.  Effectively the Makefile dele‐
1936       gates all decisions to latexmk, while make has no knowledge of the list
1937       of  source  files  except for primary LaTeX file for the  document.  If
1938       there are, for example, graphics files to be made, these must  be  made
1939       by custom dependencies configured in latexmk.
1941       But  something  better  is  needed  in more complicated situations, for
1942       example, when the making of graphics files needs  to  be  specified  by
1943       rules  in  the  Makefile.   To do this, one can use a Makefile like the
1944       following:
1946            TARGETS = document1.pdf document2.pdf
1947            DEPS_DIR = .deps
1948            LATEXMK = latexmk -recorder -use-make -deps \
1949                  -e 'warn qq(In Makefile, turn off custom dependencies0;' \
1950                  -e '@cus_dep_list = ();' \
1951                  -e 'show_cus_dep();'
1952            all : $(TARGETS)
1953            $(foreach file,$(TARGETS),$(eval -include $(DEPS_DIR)/$(file)P))
1954            $(DEPS_DIR) :
1955                   mkdir $@
1956            %.pdf : %.tex
1957                   if [ ! -e $(DEPS_DIR) ]; then mkdir $(DEPS_DIR); fi
1958                   $(LATEXMK) -pdf -dvi- -ps- -deps-out=$(DEPS_DIR)/$@P $<
1959            %.pdf : %.fig
1960                   fig2dev -Lpdf $< $@
1962       (Again, the lines containing the  commands  for  the  rules  should  be
1963       started with tabs.)  This example was inspired by how GNU automake han‐
1964       dles automatic dependency tracking of C source files.
1966       After each run of latexmk, dependency information is put in a  file  in
1967       the  .deps subdirectory.  The Makefile causes these dependency files to
1968       be read by make, which now has the full dependency information for each
1969       target  .pdf  file.   To make things less trivial it is specificed that
1970       two files document1.pdf and document2.pdf are the targets.  The  depen‐
1971       dency files are .deps/document1.pdfP and .deps/document2.pdfP.
1973       There  is  now  no need for the phony prerequisite for the rule to make
1974       .pdf files from .tex files.  But I have added a rule to make .pdf files
1975       from  .fig  files produced by the xfig program; these are commonly used
1976       for graphics insertions in LaTeX documents.   Latexmk  is  arranged  to
1977       output  a  dependency  file  after each run.  It is given the -recorder
1978       option, which improves its detection of files generated during a run of
1979       pdflatex;  such  files  should  not  be in the dependency list.  The -e
1980       options are used to turn off all custom dependencies, and  to  document
1981       this.   Instead the -use-make is used to delegate the making of missing
1982       files to make itself.
1984       Suppose in the LaTeX file there is a  command  \includegraphics{graph},
1985       and  an xfig file "graph.fig" exists.  On a first run, pdflatex reports
1986       a missing file, named "graph". Latexmk succeeds in  making  "graph.pdf"
1987       by calling "make graph.pdf", and after completion of its work, it lists
1988       "fig.pdf" among the dependents of the file latexmk is making.  Then let
1989       "fig.fig"  be  updated,  and  then let make be run.  Make first remakes
1990       "fig.pdf", and only then reruns latexmk.
1992       Thus we now have a method by which all  the  subsidiary  processing  is
1993       delegated to make.


1997       latex(1), bibtex(1).


2000       Sometimes a viewer (gv) tries to read an updated .ps or .pdf file after
2001       its creation is started but before the file is complete.  Work  around:
2002       manually refresh (or reopen) display.  Or use one of the other preview‐
2003       ers and update methods.
2005       (The following isn't really a bug, but concerns  features  of  preview‐
2006       ers.)   Preview  continuous mode only works perfectly with certain pre‐
2007       viewers: Xdvi on UNIX/LINUX works for  dvi  files.   Gv  on  UNIX/LINUX
2008       works  for  both  postscript  and pdf.  Ghostview on UNIX/LINUX needs a
2009       manual update (reopen); it views postscript and pdf.  Gsview under  MS-
2010       Windows  works  for both postscript and pdf, but only reads the updated
2011       file when its screen is refreshed.   Acroread  under  UNIX/LINUX  views
2012       pdf,  but  the  file needs to be closed and reopened to view an updated
2013       version.  Under MS-Windows, acroread locks its input file  and  so  the
2014       pdf  file  cannot be updated.  (Remedy: configure latexmk to use gsview
2015       instead.)


2018       Authors of previous versions.  Many  users  with  their  feedback,  and
2019       especially  David  Coppit  (username david at node coppit.org) who made
2020       many useful suggestions that contributed  to  version  3,  and  Herbert
2021       Schulz.   (Please  note  that  the  e-mail addresses are not written in
2022       their standard form to avoid being harvested by worms and viruses.)


2025       Current  version,  by  John   Collins   (username   collins   at   node
2026       phys.psu.edu).  (Version 4.26).
2028       Released version can be obtained from CTAN: <http://www.tug.org/tex-ar
2029       chive/support/latexmk/>,    and    from    the     author's     website
2030       <http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk/>.
2031       Modifications and enhancements by Evan McLean (Version 2.0)
2032       Original script called "go" by David J. Musliner (RCS Version 3.2)
2045                                 9 August 2011                     LATEXMK(1L)