1HTTP(3)               User Contributed Perl Documentation              HTTP(3)


6       AnyEvent::HTTP - simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client


9          use AnyEvent::HTTP;
11          http_get "http://www.nethype.de/", sub { print $_[1] };
13          # ... do something else here


16       This module is an AnyEvent user, you need to make sure that you use and
17       run a supported event loop.
19       This module implements a simple, stateless and non-blocking HTTP
20       client. It supports GET, POST and other request methods, cookies and
21       more, all on a very low level. It can follow redirects supports proxies
22       and automatically limits the number of connections to the values
23       specified in the RFC.
25       It should generally be a "good client" that is enough for most HTTP
26       tasks. Simple tasks should be simple, but complex tasks should still be
27       possible as the user retains control over request and response headers.
29       The caller is responsible for authentication management, cookies (if
30       the simplistic implementation in this module doesn't suffice), referer
31       and other high-level protocol details for which this module offers only
32       limited support.
35       http_get $url, key => value..., $cb->($data, $headers)
36           Executes an HTTP-GET request. See the http_request function for
37           details on additional parameters and the return value.
39       http_head $url, key => value..., $cb->($data, $headers)
40           Executes an HTTP-HEAD request. See the http_request function for
41           details on additional parameters and the return value.
43       http_post $url, $body, key => value..., $cb->($data, $headers)
44           Executes an HTTP-POST request with a request body of $body. See the
45           http_request function for details on additional parameters and the
46           return value.
48       http_request $method => $url, key => value..., $cb->($data, $headers)
49           Executes a HTTP request of type $method (e.g. "GET", "POST"). The
50           URL must be an absolute http or https URL.
52           When called in void context, nothing is returned. In other
53           contexts, "http_request" returns a "cancellation guard" - you have
54           to keep the object at least alive until the callback get called. If
55           the object gets destroyed before the callbakc is called, the
56           request will be cancelled.
58           The callback will be called with the response body data as first
59           argument (or "undef" if an error occured), and a hash-ref with
60           response headers as second argument.
62           All the headers in that hash are lowercased. In addition to the
63           response headers, the "pseudo-headers" (uppercase to avoid clashing
64           with possible response headers) "HTTPVersion", "Status" and
65           "Reason" contain the three parts of the HTTP Status-Line of the
66           same name.
68           The pseudo-header "URL" contains the actual URL (which can differ
69           from the requested URL when following redirects - for example, you
70           might get an error that your URL scheme is not supported even
71           though your URL is a valid http URL because it redirected to an ftp
72           URL, in which case you can look at the URL pseudo header).
74           The pseudo-header "Redirect" only exists when the request was a
75           result of an internal redirect. In that case it is an array
76           reference with the "($data, $headers)" from the redirect response.
77           Note that this response could in turn be the result of a redirect
78           itself, and "$headers->{Redirect}[1]{Redirect}" will then contain
79           the original response, and so on.
81           If the server sends a header multiple times, then their contents
82           will be joined together with a comma (","), as per the HTTP spec.
84           If an internal error occurs, such as not being able to resolve a
85           hostname, then $data will be "undef", "$headers->{Status}" will be
86           "59x" (usually 599) and the "Reason" pseudo-header will contain an
87           error message.
89           A typical callback might look like this:
91              sub {
92                 my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
94                 if ($hdr->{Status} =~ /^2/) {
95                    ... everything should be ok
96                 } else {
97                    print "error, $hdr->{Status} $hdr->{Reason}\n";
98                 }
99              }
101           Additional parameters are key-value pairs, and are fully optional.
102           They include:
104           recurse => $count (default: $MAX_RECURSE)
105               Whether to recurse requests or not, e.g. on redirects,
106               authentication retries and so on, and how often to do so.
108           headers => hashref
109               The request headers to use. Currently, "http_request" may
110               provide its own "Host:", "Content-Length:", "Connection:" and
111               "Cookie:" headers and will provide defaults for "User-Agent:"
112               and "Referer:" (this can be suppressed by using "undef" for
113               these headers in which case they won't be sent at all).
115           timeout => $seconds
116               The time-out to use for various stages - each connect attempt
117               will reset the timeout, as will read or write activity, i.e.
118               this is not an overall timeout.
120               Default timeout is 5 minutes.
122           proxy => [$host, $port[, $scheme]] or undef
123               Use the given http proxy for all requests. If not specified,
124               then the default proxy (as specified by $ENV{http_proxy}) is
125               used.
127               $scheme must be either missing, "http" for HTTP or "https" for
128               HTTPS.
130           body => $string
131               The request body, usually empty. Will be-sent as-is (future
132               versions of this module might offer more options).
134           cookie_jar => $hash_ref
135               Passing this parameter enables (simplified) cookie-processing,
136               loosely based on the original netscape specification.
138               The $hash_ref must be an (initially empty) hash reference which
139               will get updated automatically. It is possible to save the
140               cookie_jar to persistent storage with something like JSON or
141               Storable, but this is not recommended, as expiry times are
142               currently being ignored.
144               Note that this cookie implementation is not of very high
145               quality, nor meant to be complete. If you want complete cookie
146               management you have to do that on your own. "cookie_jar" is
147               meant as a quick fix to get some cookie-using sites working.
148               Cookies are a privacy disaster, do not use them unless required
149               to.
151           tls_ctx => $scheme | $tls_ctx
152               Specifies the AnyEvent::TLS context to be used for https
153               connections. This parameter follows the same rules as the
154               "tls_ctx" parameter to AnyEvent::Handle, but additionally, the
155               two strings "low" or "high" can be specified, which give you a
156               predefined low-security (no verification, highest
157               compatibility) and high-security (CA and common-name
158               verification) TLS context.
160               The default for this option is "low", which could be
161               interpreted as "give me the page, no matter what".
163           on_prepare => $callback->($fh)
164               In rare cases you need to "tune" the socket before it is used
165               to connect (for exmaple, to bind it on a given IP address).
166               This parameter overrides the prepare callback passed to
167               "AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect" and behaves exactly the same
168               way (e.g. it has to provide a timeout). See the description for
169               the $prepare_cb argument of "AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect" for
170               details.
172           on_header => $callback->($headers)
173               When specified, this callback will be called with the header
174               hash as soon as headers have been successfully received from
175               the remote server (not on locally-generated errors).
177               It has to return either true (in which case AnyEvent::HTTP will
178               continue), or false, in which case AnyEvent::HTTP will cancel
179               the download (and call the finish callback with an error code
180               of 598).
182               This callback is useful, among other things, to quickly reject
183               unwanted content, which, if it is supposed to be rare, can be
184               faster than first doing a "HEAD" request.
186               Example: cancel the request unless the content-type is
187               "text/html".
189                  on_header => sub {
190                     $_[0]{"content-type"} =~ /^text\/html\s*(?:;|$)/
191                  },
193           on_body => $callback->($partial_body, $headers)
194               When specified, all body data will be passed to this callback
195               instead of to the completion callback. The completion callback
196               will get the empty string instead of the body data.
198               It has to return either true (in which case AnyEvent::HTTP will
199               continue), or false, in which case AnyEvent::HTTP will cancel
200               the download (and call the completion callback with an error
201               code of 598).
203               This callback is useful when the data is too large to be held
204               in memory (so the callback writes it to a file) or when only
205               some information should be extracted, or when the body should
206               be processed incrementally.
208               It is usually preferred over doing your own body handling via
209               "want_body_handle", but in case of streaming APIs, where HTTP
210               is only used to create a connection, "want_body_handle" is the
211               better alternative, as it allows you to install your own event
212               handler, reducing resource usage.
214           want_body_handle => $enable
215               When enabled (default is disabled), the behaviour of
216               AnyEvent::HTTP changes considerably: after parsing the headers,
217               and instead of downloading the body (if any), the completion
218               callback will be called. Instead of the $body argument
219               containing the body data, the callback will receive the
220               AnyEvent::Handle object associated with the connection. In
221               error cases, "undef" will be passed. When there is no body
222               (e.g. status 304), the empty string will be passed.
224               The handle object might or might not be in TLS mode, might be
225               connected to a proxy, be a persistent connection etc., and
226               configured in unspecified ways. The user is responsible for
227               this handle (it will not be used by this module anymore).
229               This is useful with some push-type services, where, after the
230               initial headers, an interactive protocol is used (typical
231               example would be the push-style twitter API which starts a
232               JSON/XML stream).
234               If you think you need this, first have a look at "on_body", to
235               see if that doesn't solve your problem in a better way.
237           Example: make a simple HTTP GET request for http://www.nethype.de/
239              http_request GET => "http://www.nethype.de/", sub {
240                 my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
241                 print "$body\n";
242              };
244           Example: make a HTTP HEAD request on https://www.google.com/, use a
245           timeout of 30 seconds.
247              http_request
248                 GET     => "https://www.google.com",
249                 timeout => 30,
250                 sub {
251                    my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
252                    use Data::Dumper;
253                    print Dumper $hdr;
254                 }
255              ;
257           Example: make another simple HTTP GET request, but immediately try
258           to cancel it.
260              my $request = http_request GET => "http://www.nethype.de/", sub {
261                 my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
262                 print "$body\n";
263              };
265              undef $request;
268       AnyEvent::HTTP uses the AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect function for the
269       actual connection, which in turn uses AnyEvent::DNS to resolve
270       hostnames. The latter is a simple stub resolver and does no caching on
271       its own. If you want DNS caching, you currently have to provide your
272       own default resolver (by storing a suitable resolver object in
273       $AnyEvent::DNS::RESOLVER).
276       AnyEvent::HTTP::set_proxy "proxy-url"
277           Sets the default proxy server to use. The proxy-url must begin with
278           a string of the form "http://host:port" (optionally "https:..."),
279           croaks otherwise.
281           To clear an already-set proxy, use "undef".
283       $AnyEvent::HTTP::MAX_RECURSE
284           The default value for the "recurse" request parameter (default:
285           10).
287       $AnyEvent::HTTP::USERAGENT
288           The default value for the "User-Agent" header (the default is
289           "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; U; AnyEvent-HTTP/$VERSION;
290           +http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/AnyEvent)").
292       $AnyEvent::HTTP::MAX_PER_HOST
293           The maximum number of concurrent connections to the same host
294           (identified by the hostname). If the limit is exceeded, then the
295           additional requests are queued until previous connections are
296           closed.
298           The default value for this is 4, and it is highly advisable to not
299           increase it.
301       $AnyEvent::HTTP::ACTIVE
302           The number of active connections. This is not the number of
303           currently running requests, but the number of currently open and
304           non-idle TCP connections. This number of can be useful for load-
305           leveling.


308       AnyEvent.


311          Marc Lehmann <schmorp@schmorp.de>
312          http://home.schmorp.de/
314       With many thanks to D‐XD‐XD‐XN~XN~XD‐XD‐X D‐XD‐XD‐XD‐XN~XD‐XD‐X, who provided
315       countless testcases and bugreports.
319perl v5.12.2                      2010-09-06                           HTTP(3)