1Mail::Box(3)          User Contributed Perl Documentation         Mail::Box(3)


6       Mail::Box - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages


9        Mail::Box
10          is a Mail::Reporter
12        Mail::Box is extended by
13          Mail::Box::Dir
14          Mail::Box::File
15          Mail::Box::Net


18        use Mail::Box::Manager;
19        my $mgr    = Mail::Box::Manager->new;
20        my $folder = $mgr->open(folder => $ENV{MAIL}, ...);
21        print $folder->name;
23        # Get the first message.
24        print $folder->message(0);
26        # Delete the third message
27        $folder->message(3)->delete;
29        # Get the number of messages in scalar context.
30        my $emails = $folder->messages;
32        # Iterate over the messages.
33        foreach ($folder->messages) {...} # all messages
34        foreach (@$folder) {...}          # all messages
36        $folder->addMessage(Mail::Box::Message->new(...));
38       Tied-interface:
40        tie my(@inbox), 'Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY', $inbox;
42        # Four times the same:
43        $inbox[3]->print;                 # tied
44        $folder->[3]->print;              # overloaded folder
45        $folder->message(3)->print;       # usual
46        print $folder->[3];               # overloaded message
48        tie my(%inbox), 'Mail::Box::Tie::HASH', $inbox;
50        # Twice times the same
51        $inbox{$msgid}->print;            # tied
52        $folder->messageId($msgid)->print;# usual


55       A Mail::Box::Manager creates "Mail::Box" objects.  But you already
56       knew, because you started with the Mail::Box-Overview manual page.
57       That page is obligatory reading, sorry!
59       "Mail::Box" is the base class for accessing various types of mailboxes
60       (folders) in a uniform manner.  The various folder types vary on how
61       they store their messages, but when some effort those differences could
62       be hidden behind a general API. For example, some folders store many
63       messages in one single file, where other store each message in a
64       separate file withing the same directory.
66       No object in your program will be of type "Mail::Box": it is only used
67       as base class for the real folder types.  "Mail::Box" is extended by


70       overload: ""
71           (stringification) The folder objects stringify to their name.  This
72           simplifies especially print statements and sorting a lot.
74           example: use overloaded folder as string
76            # Three lines with overloading: resp. cmp, @{}, and ""
77            foreach my $folder (sort @folders)
78            {   my $msgcount = @$folder;
79                print "$folder contains $msgcount messages\n";
80            }
82       overload: @{}
83           When the folder is used as if it is a reference to an array, it
84           will show the messages, like messages() and message() would do.
86           example: use overloaded folder as array
88            my $msg = $folder->[3];
89            my $msg = $folder->message(3);          # same
91            foreach my $msg (@$folder) ...
92            foreach my $msg ($folder->messages) ... # same
94       overload: cmp
95           (string comparison) folders are compared based on their name.  The
96           sort rules are those of the build-in "cmp".


99   Constructors
100       Mail::Box->new(OPTIONS)
101           Open a new folder. A list of labeled OPTIONS for the mailbox can be
102           supplied. Some options pertain to Mail::Box, and others are added
103           by sub-classes.
105           To control delay-loading of messages, as well the headers as the
106           bodies, a set of *_type options are available. "extract" determines
107           whether we want delay-loading.
109            -Option           --Defined in     --Default
110             access                              'r'
111             body_delayed_type                   Mail::Message::Body::Delayed
112             body_type                           <folder specific>
113             coerce_options                      []
114             create                              <false>
115             extract                             10240
116             field_type                          undef
117             fix_headers                         <false>
118             folder                              $ENV{MAIL}
119             folderdir                           undef
120             head_delayed_type                   Mail::Message::Head::Delayed
121             head_type                           Mail::Message::Head::Complete
122             keep_dups                           <false>
123             lock_file                           undef
124             lock_timeout                        1 hour
125             lock_type                           Mail::Box::Locker::DotLock
126             lock_wait                           10 seconds
127             locker                              undef
128             log                Mail::Reporter   'WARNINGS'
129             manager                             undef
130             message_type                        Mail::Box::Message
131             multipart_type                      Mail::Message::Body::Multipart
132             remove_when_empty                   <true>
133             save_on_exit                        <true>
134             trace              Mail::Reporter   'WARNINGS'
135             trusted                             <depends on folder location>
137           access => MODE
138             Access-rights to the folder.  Folders are opened for read-only
139             (which means write-protected) by default! MODE can be
141             'r': read-only (default)
142             'a': append
143             'rw': read-write
144             'd': delete
146             These MODE has no relation to the modes actually used to open the
147             folder files within this module.  For instance, if you specify
148             "rw", and open the folder, only read permission on the folder-
149             file is required.
151             Be warned: writing a MBOX folder may create a new file to replace
152             the old folder.  The permissions and owner of the file may get
153             changed by this.
155           body_delayed_type => CLASS
156             The bodies which are delayed: which will be read from file when
157             it is needed, but not before.
159           body_type => CLASS|CODE
160             When messages are read from a folder-file, the headers will be
161             stored in a "head_type" object.  For the body, however, there is
162             a range of choices about type, which are all described in
163             Mail::Message::Body.
165             Specify a CODE-reference which produces the body-type to be
166             created, or a CLASS of the body which is used when the body is
167             not a multipart or nested.  In case of a code reference, the
168             header structure is passed as first argument to the routine.
170             Do not return a delayed body-type (like "::Delayed"), because
171             that is determined by the "extract" option while the folder is
172             opened.  Even delayed message will require some real body type
173             when they get parsed eventually.  Multiparts and nested messages
174             are also outside your control.
176             For instance:
178              $mgr->open('InBox', body_type => \&which_body);
180              sub which_body($) {
181                  my $head = shift;
182                  my $size = $head->guessBodySize || 0;
183                  my $type = $size > 100000 ? 'File' : 'Lines';
184                  "Mail::Message::Body::$type";
185              }
187             The default depends on the mail-folder type, although the general
188             default is Mail::Message::Body::Lines.  Please check the
189             applicable manual pages.
191           coerce_options => ARRAY
192             Keep configuration information for messages which are coerced
193             into the specified folder type, starting with a different folder
194             type (or even no folder at all).  Messages which are coerced are
195             always fully read, so this kind of information does not need to
196             be kept here.
198           create => BOOLEAN
199             Automatically create the folder when it does not exist yet.  This
200             will only work when access is granted for writing or appending to
201             the folder.
203             Be careful: you may create a different folder type than you
204             expect unless you explicitly specify
205             Mail::Box::Manager::open(type).
207           extract => INTEGER | CODE | METHOD | 'LAZY'|'ALWAYS'
208             Defines when to parse (process) the content of the message.  When
209             the header of a message is read, you may want to postpone the
210             reading of the body: header information is more often needed than
211             the body data, so why parse it always together?  The cost of
212             delaying is not too high, and with some luck you may never need
213             parsing the body.
215             If you supply an INTEGER to this option, bodies of those messages
216             with a total size less than that number will be extracted from
217             the folder only when necessary.  Messages where the size (in the
218             "Content-Length" field) is not included in the header, like often
219             the case for multiparts and nested messages, will not be
220             extracted by default.
222             If you supply a CODE reference, that subroutine is called every
223             time that the extraction mechanism wants to determine whether to
224             parse the body or not. The subroutine is called with the
225             following arguments:
227              CODE->(FOLDER, HEAD)
229             where FOLDER is a reference to the folder we are reading.  HEAD
230             refers to the Mail::Message::Head::Complete head of the message
231             at hand.  The routine must return a "true" value (extract now) or
232             a "false" value (be lazy, do not parse yet).  Think about using
233             the Mail::Message::Head::guessBodySize() and
234             Mail::Message::guessTimestamp() on the header to determine your
235             choice.
237             The third possibility is to specify the NAME of a method.  In
238             that case, for each message is called:
240              FOLDER->NAME(HEAD)
242             Where each component has the same meaning as described above.
244             The fourth way to use this option involves constants: with "LAZY"
245             all messages will be delayed. With "ALWAYS" you enforce
246             unconditional parsing, no delaying will take place.  The latter
247             is usuful when you are sure you always need all the messages in
248             the folder.
250              $folder->new(extract => 'LAZY');  # Very lazy
251              $folder->new(extract => 10000);   # Less than 10kB
253              # same, but implemented yourself
254              $folder->new(extract => &large);
255              sub large($) {
256                 my ($f, $head) = @_;
257                 my $size = $head->guessBodySize;
258                 defined $size ? $size < 10000 : 1
259              };
261              # method call by name, useful for Mail::Box
262              # extensions. The example selects all messages
263              # sent by you to be loaded without delay.
264              # Other messages will be delayed.
265              $folder->new(extract => 'sent_by_me');
266              sub Mail::Box::send_by_me($) {
267                  my ($self, $header) = @_;
268                  $header->get('from') =~ m/\bmy\@example.com\b/i;
269              }
271           field_type => CLASS
272             The type of the fields to be used in a header. Must extend
273             Mail::Message::Field.
275           fix_headers => BOOLEAN
276             Broken MIME headers usually stop the parser: all lines not parsed
277             are added to the body of the message.  With this flag set, the
278             erroneous line is added to the previous header field and parsing
279             is continued.  See
280             Mail::Box::Parser::Perl::new(fix_header_errors).
282           folder => FOLDERNAME
283             Which folder to open (for reading or writing). When used for
284             reading (the "access" option set to "r" or "a") the mailbox
285             should already exist and must be readable. The file or directory
286             of the mailbox need not exist if it is opened for reading and
287             writing ("rw").  Write-permission is checked when opening an
288             existing mailbox.
290             The folder name can be preceded by a "=", to indicate that it is
291             named relative to the directory specified in new(folderdir).
292             Otherwise, it is taken as relative or absolute path.
294           folderdir => DIRECTORY
295             Where are folders to be found by default?  A folder-name may be
296             preceded by a equals-sign ("=", a "mutt" convension) to
297             explicitly state that the folder is located below the default
298             directory.  For example: in case "folderdir => '/tmp'" and
299             "folder => '=abc'", the name of the folder-file is '/tmp/abc'.
300             Each folder type has already some default set.
302           head_delayed_type => CLASS
303             The headers which are delayed: which will be read from file when
304             it is needed, but not before.
306           head_type => CLASS
307             The type of header which contains all header information.  Must
308             extend Mail::Message::Head::Complete.
310           keep_dups => BOOLEAN
311             Indicates whether or not duplicate messages within the folder
312             should be retained.  A message is considered to be a duplicate if
313             its message-id is the same as a previously parsed message within
314             the same folder. If this option is false (the default) such
315             messages are automatically deleted, because it is considered
316             useless to store the same message twice.
318           lock_file => FILENAME
319             The name of the file which is used to lock.  This must be
320             specified when locking is to be used.
322           lock_timeout => SECONDS
323             When the lock file is older than the specified number of SECONDS,
324             it is considered a mistake.  The original lock is released, and
325             accepted for this folder.
327           lock_type => CLASS|STRING|ARRAY
328             The type of the locker object.  This may be the full name of a
329             CLASS which extends Mail::Box::Locker, or one of the known locker
330             types "DotLock", "Flock", "Mutt", "NFS", "POSIX", or "NONE".  If
331             an ARRAY is specified, then a Multi locker is built which uses
332             the specified list.
334           lock_wait => SECONDS
335             SECONDS to wait before failing on opening this folder.
337           locker => OBJECT
338             An OBJECT which extends Mail::Box::Locker, and will handle folder
339             locking replacing the default lock behavior.
341           log => LEVEL
342           manager => MANAGER
343             A reference to the object which manages this folder -- typically
344             an Mail::Box::Manager instance.
346           message_type => CLASS
347             What kind of message objects are stored in this type of folder.
348             The default is Mail::Box::Message (which is a sub-class of
349             Mail::Message).  The class you offer must be an extension of
350             Mail::Box::Message.
352           multipart_type => CLASS
353             The default type of objects which are to be created for multipart
354             message bodies.
356           remove_when_empty => BOOLEAN
357             Determines whether to remove the folder file or directory
358             automatically when the write would result in a folder without
359             messages nor sub-folders.
361           save_on_exit => BOOLEAN
362             Sets the policy for saving the folder when it is closed.  A
363             folder can be closed manually (see close()) or in a number of
364             implicit ways, including on the moment the program is terminated.
366           trace => LEVEL
367           trusted => BOOLEAN
368             Flags whether to trust the data in the folder or not.  Folders
369             which reside in your "folderdir" will be trusted by default (even
370             when the names if not specified staring with "=").  Folders which
371             are outside the folderdir or read from STDIN
372             (Mail::Message::Construct::read()) are not trused by default, and
373             require some extra checking.
375             If you do not check encodings of received messages, you may print
376             binary data to the screen, which is a security risk.
378   The folder
379       $obj->addMessage(MESSAGE, OPTIONS)
380           Add a message to the folder.  A message is usually a
381           Mail::Box::Message object or a sub-class thereof.  The message
382           shall not be in an other folder, when you use this method.  In case
383           it is, use Mail::Box::Manager::moveMessage() or
384           Mail::Box::Manager::copyMessage() via the manager.
386           Messages with id's which already exist in this folder are not
387           added.
389           BE WARNED that message labels may get lost when a message is moved
390           from one folder type to an other.  An attempt is made to translate
391           labels, but there are many differences in interpretation by
392           applications.
394            -Option--Default
395             share   <not used>
397           share => BOOLEAN
398             Try to share the physical resource of the current message with
399             the indicated message.  It is sometimes possible to share
400             messages between different folder types.  When the sharing is not
401             possible, than this option is simply ignored.
403             Sharing the resource is quite dangerous, and only available for a
404             limited number of folder types, at the moment only some
405             Mail::Box::Dir folders; these file-based messages can be
406             hardlinked (on platforms that support it).  The link may get
407             broken when one message is modified in one of the folders.... but
408             maybe not, depending on the folder types involved.
410           example:
412            $folder->addMessage($msg);
413            $folder->addMessages($msg1, $msg2, ...);
415       $obj->addMessages(MESSAGE [, MESSAGE, ...])
416           Adds a set of MESSAGE objects to the open folder at once.  For some
417           folder types this may be faster than adding them one at a time.
419           example:
421            $folder->addMessages($msg1, $msg2, ...);
423       Mail::Box->appendMessages(OPTIONS)
424           Append one or more messages to an unopened folder.  Usually, this
425           method is called by the Mail::Box::Manager::appendMessage(), in
426           which case the correctness of the folder type is checked.
428           For some folder types it is required to open the folder before it
429           can be used for appending.  This can be fast, but this can also be
430           very slow (depends on the implementation).  All OPTIONS passed will
431           also be used to open the folder, if needed.
433            -Option  --Default
434             folder    <required>
435             message   undef
436             messages  undef
437             share     <false>
439           folder => FOLDERNAME
440             The name of the folder to which the messages are to be appended.
441             The folder implementation will avoid opening the folder when
442             possible, because this is resource consuming.
444           message => MESSAGE
445           messages => ARRAY-OF-MESSAGES
446             One reference to a MESSAGE or a reference to an ARRAY of
447             MESSAGEs, which may be of any type.  The messages will be first
448             coerced into the correct message type to fit in the folder, and
449             then will be added to it.
451           share => BOOLEAN
452             Try to share physical storage of the message.  Only available for
453             a limited number of folder types, otherwise no-op.
455           example:
457            my $message = Mail::Message->new(...);
458            Mail::Box::Mbox->appendMessages
459             ( folder    => '=xyz'
460             , message   => $message
461             , folderdir => $ENV{FOLDERS}
462             );
464           better:
466            my Mail::Box::Manager $mgr;
467            $mgr->appendMessages($message, folder => '=xyz');
469       $obj->close(OPTIONS)
470           Close the folder, which usually implies writing the changes.  This
471           will return "false" when writing is required but fails.  Please do
472           check this result.
474           WARNING: When moving messages from one folder to another, be sure
475           to write the destination folder before writing and closing the
476           source folder.  Otherwise you may lose data if the system crashes
477           or if there are software problems.
479            -Option      --Default
480             force         <false>
481             save_deleted  false
482             write         MODIFIED
484           force => BOOLEAN
485             Override the new(access) setting which was specified when the
486             folder was opened. This option only has an effect if its value is
487             TRUE. NOTE: Writing to the folder may not be permitted by the
488             operating system, in which case even "force" will not help.
490           save_deleted => BOOLEAN
491             Do also write messages which where flagged to be deleted to their
492             folder.  The flag for deletion is conserved (when possible),
493             which means that a re-open of the folder may remove the messages
494             for real.  See write(save_deleted).
496           write => 'ALWAYS'|'NEVER'|'MODIFIED'
497             Specifies whether the folder should be written.  As could be
498             expected, "ALWAYS" means always (even if there are no changes),
499             "NEVER" means that changes to the folder will be lost, and
500             "MODIFIED" only saves the folder if there are any changes.
502           example:
504            my $f = $mgr->open('spam', access => 'rw')
505                or die "Cannot open spam: $!\n";
507            $f->message(0)->delete
508                if $f->messages;
510            $f->close
511                or die "Couldn't write $f: $!\n";
513       $obj->copyTo(FOLDER, OPTIONS)
514           Copy the folder's messages to a new folder.  The new folder may be
515           of a different type.
517            -Option       --Default
518             delete_copied  <false>
519             select         'ACTIVE'
520             share          <not used>
521             subfolders     <folder type dependent>
523           delete_copied => BOOLEAN
524             Flag the messages from the source folder to be deleted, just
525             after it was copied.  The deletion will only take effect when the
526             originating folder is closed.
528           select => 'ACTIVE'|'DELETED'|'ALL'|LABEL|!LABEL|FILTER
529             Which messages are to be copied. See the description of
530             messages() about how this works.
532           share => BOOLEAN
533             Try to share the message between the folders.  Some
534             Mail::Box::Dir folder types do support it by creating a hardlink
535             (on UNIX/Linux).
537           subfolders => BOOLEAN|'FLATTEN'|'RECURSE'
538             How to handle sub-folders.  When false (0 or "undef"), sub-
539             folders are simply ignored.  With "FLATTEN", messages from sub-
540             folders are included in the main copy.  "RECURSE" recursively
541             copies the sub-folders as well.  By default, when the destination
542             folder supports sub-folders "RECURSE" is used, otherwise
543             "FLATTEN".  A value of true will select the default.
545           example:
547            my $mgr  = Mail::Box::Manager->new;
548            my $imap = $mgr->open(type => 'imap', host => ...);
549            my $mh   = $mgr->open(type => 'mh', folder => '/tmp/mh',
550                create => 1, access => 'w');
552            $imap->copyTo($mh, delete_copied => 1);
553            $mh->close; $imap->close;
555       $obj->delete(OPTIONS)
556           Remove the specified folder file or folder directory (depending on
557           the type of folder) from disk.  Of course, THIS IS DANGEROUS: you
558           "may" lose data.  Returns a "true" value on success.
560           WARNING: When moving messages from one folder to another, be sure
561           to write the destination folder before deleting the source folder.
562           Otherwise you may lose data if the system crashes or if there are
563           software problems.
565            -Option   --Default
566             recursive  1
568           recursive => BOOLEAN
570           example: removing an open folder
572            my $folder = Mail::Box::Mbox->new(folder => 'InBox', access => 'rw');
573            ... some other code ...
574            $folder->delete;
576           example: removing an closed folder
578            my $folder = Mail::Box::Mbox->new(folder => 'INBOX', access => 'd');
579            $folder->delete;
581       $obj->folderdir([DIRECTORY])
582           Get or set the DIRECTORY which is used to store mail-folders by
583           default.
585           example:
587            print $folder->folderdir;
588            $folder->folderdir("$ENV{HOME}/nsmail");
590       $obj->name
591           Returns the name of the folder.  What the name represents depends
592           on the actual type of mailbox used.
594           example:
596            print $folder->name;
597            print "$folder";       # overloaded stringification
599       $obj->organization
600           Returns how the folder is organized: as one "FILE" with many
601           messages, a "DIRECTORY" with one message per file, or by a "REMOTE"
602           server.
604       $obj->size
605           Returns the size of the folder in bytes, not counting in the
606           deleted messages.  The error in the presented result may be as
607           large as 10%, because the in-memory representation of messages is
608           not always the same as the size when they are written.
610       $obj->type
611           Returns a name for the type of mail box.  This can be "mbox", "mh",
612           "maildir", or "pop3".
614       $obj->update(OPTIONS)
615           Read new messages from the folder, which where received after
616           opening it.  This is quite dangerous and shouldn't be possible:
617           folders which are open are locked.  However, some applications do
618           not use locks or the wrong kind of locks.  This method reads the
619           changes (not always failsafe) and incorporates them in the open
620           folder administration.
622           The OPTIONS are extra values which are passed to the
623           updateMessages() method which is doing the actual work here.
625       $obj->url
626           Represent the folder as a URL (Universal Resource Locator) string.
627           You may pass such a URL as folder name to
628           Mail::Box::Manager::open().
630           example:
632            print $folder->url;
633            # may result in
634            #   mbox:/var/mail/markov   or
635            #   pop3://user:password@pop.aol.com:101
637   Folder flags
638       $obj->access
639           Returns the access mode of the folder, as set by new(access)
641       $obj->isModified
642           Checks if the folder, as stored in memory, is modified.  A true
643           value is returned when any of the messages is to be deleted, has
644           changed, or messages were added after the folder was read from
645           file.
647           WARNING: this flag is not related to an external change to the
648           folder structure on disk.  Have a look at update() for that.
650       $obj->modified([BOOLEAN])
651           Sets whether the folder is modified or not.
653       $obj->writable
654           Checks whether the current folder is writable.
656           example:
658            $folder->addMessage($msg) if $folder->writable;
660   The messages
661       $obj->current([NUMBER|MESSAGE|MESSAGE-ID])
662           Some mail-readers keep the current message, which represents the
663           last used message.  This method returns [after setting] the current
664           message.  You may specify a NUMBER, to specify that that message
665           number is to be selected as current, or a MESSAGE/MESSAGE-ID (as
666           long as you are sure that the header is already loaded, otherwise
667           they are not recognized).
669           example:
671            $folder->current(0);
672            $folder->current($message);
674       $obj->find(MESSAGE-ID)
675           Like messageId(), this method searches for a message with the
676           MESSAGE-ID, returning the corresponding message object.  However,
677           "find" will cause unparsed message in the folder to be parsed until
678           the message-id is found.  The folder will be scanned back to front.
680       $obj->findFirstLabeled(LABEL, [BOOLEAN, [ARRAY-OF-MSGS]])
681           Find the first message which has this LABEL with the correct
682           setting. The BOOLEAN indicates whether any true value or any false
683           value is to be found.  By default, a true value is searched for.
684           When a message does not have the requested label, it is taken as
685           false.
687           example: looking for a labeled message
689            my $current = $folder->findFirstLabeled('current');
691            my $first   = $folder->findFirstLabeled(seen => 0);
693            my $last    = $folder->findFirstLabeled(seen => 0,
694                            [ reverse $self->messages('ACTIVE') ] )
696       $obj->message(INDEX [,MESSAGE])
697           Get or set a message with on a certain index.  Messages which are
698           flagged for deletion are counted.  Negative indexes start at the
699           end of the folder.
701           example:
703            my $msg = $folder->message(3);
704            $folder->message(3)->delete;   # status changes to `deleted'
705            $folder->message(3, $msg);
706            print $folder->message(-1);    # last message.
708       $obj->messageId(MESSAGE-ID [,MESSAGE])
709           With one argument, returns the message in the folder with the
710           specified MESSAGE-ID. If a reference to a message object is passed
711           as the optional second argument, the message is first stored in the
712           folder, replacing any existing message whose message ID is MESSAGE-
713           ID. (The message ID of MESSAGE need not match MESSAGE-ID.)
715           !!WARNING!!: when the message headers are delay-parsed, the message
716           might be in the folder but not yet parsed into memory. In this
717           case, use find() instead of "messageId()" if you really need a
718           thorough search.  This is especially the case for directory
719           organized folders without special indexi, like Mail::Box::MH.
721           The MESSAGE-ID may still be in angles, which will be stripped.  In
722           that case blanks (which origin from header line folding) are
723           removed too.  Other info around the angles will be removed too.
725           example:
727            my $msg = $folder->messageId('<complex-message.id>');
728            $folder->messageId("<complex-message\n.id>", $msg);
729            my $msg = $folder->messageId('complex-message.id');
730            my $msg = $folder->messageId('garbage <complex-message.id> trash');
732       $obj->messageIds
733           Returns a list of all message-ids in the folder, including those of
734           messages which are to be deleted.
736           For some folder-types (like MH), this method may cause all message-
737           files to be read.  See their respective manual pages.
739           example:
741            foreach my $id ($folder->messageIds) {
742               $folder->messageId($id)->print;
743            }
745       $obj->messages(['ALL',RANGE,'ACTIVE','DELETED',LABEL,!LABEL,FILTER])
746           Returns multiple messages from the folder.  The default is "ALL"
747           which will return (as expected maybe) all the messages in the
748           folder.  The "ACTIVE" flag will return the messages not flagged for
749           deletion.  This is the opposite of "DELETED", which returns all
750           messages from the folder which will be deleted when the folder is
751           closed.
753           You may also specify a RANGE: two numbers specifying begin and end
754           index in the array of messages.  Negative indexes count from the
755           end of the folder.  When an index is out-of-range, the returned
756           list will be shorter without complaints.
758           Everything else than the predefined names is seen as labels.  The
759           messages which have that label set will be returned.  When the
760           sequence starts with an exclamation mark (!), the search result is
761           reversed.
763           For more complex searches, you can specify a FILTER, which is
764           simply a code reference.  The message is passed as only argument.
766           example:
768            foreach my $message ($folder->messages) {...}
769            foreach my $message (@$folder) {...}
771            # twice the same
772            my @messages   = $folder->messages;
773            my @messages   = $folder->messages('ALL');
775            # Selection based on a range (begin, end)
776            my $subset     = $folder->messages(10,-8);
778            # twice the same:
779            my @not_deleted= grep {not $_->isDeleted}
780                                $folder->messages;
781            my @not_deleted= $folder->messages('ACTIVE');
783            # scalar context the number of messages
784            my $nr_of_msgs = $folder->messages;
786            # third message, via overloading
787            $folder->[2];
789            # Selection based on labels
790            $mgr->moveMessages($spam, $inbox->message('spam'));
791            $mgr->moveMessages($archive, $inbox->message('seen'));
793       $obj->nrMessages(OPTIONS)
794           Simply calls messages() in scalar context to return a count instead
795           of the messages itself.  Some people seem to understand this
796           better.  Note that nrMessages() will default to returning a count
797           of "ALL" messages in the folder, including both "ACTIVE" and
798           "DELETED".
800           The OPTIONS are passed to (and explained in) messages().
802       $obj->scanForMessages(MESSAGE, MESSAGE-IDS, TIMESPAN, WINDOW)
803           You start with a MESSAGE, and are looking for a set of messages
804           which are related to it.  For instance, messages which appear in
805           the 'In-Reply-To' and 'Reference' header fields of that message.
806           These messages are known by their MESSAGE-IDS and you want to find
807           them in the folder.
809           When all message-ids are known, then looking-up messages is simple:
810           they are found in a plain hash using messageId().  But Mail::Box is
811           lazy where it can, so many messages may not have been read from
812           file yet, and that's the preferred situation, because that saves
813           time and memory.
815           It is not smart to search for the messages from front to back in
816           the folder: the chances are much higher that related message reside
817           closely to each other.  Therefore, this method starts scanning the
818           folder from the specified MESSAGE, back to the front of the folder.
820           The TIMESPAN can be used to terminate the search based on the time
821           enclosed in the message.  When the constant string "EVER" is used
822           as TIMESPAN, then the search is not limited by that.  When an
823           integer is specified, it will be used as absolute time in time-
824           ticks as provided by your platform dependent "time" function.  In
825           other cases, it is passed to timespan2seconds() to determine the
826           threshold as time relative to the message's time.
828           The WINDOW is used to limit the search in number of messages to be
829           scanned as integer or constant string "ALL".
831           Returned are the message-ids which were not found during the scan.
832           Be warned that a message-id could already be known and therefore
833           not found: check that first.
835           example: scanning through a folder for a message
837            my $refs   = $msg->get('References') or return;
838            my @msgids = $ref =~ m/\<([^>]+\>/g;
839            my @failed = $folder->scanForMessages($msg, \@msgids, '3 days', 50);
841   Sub-folders
842       $obj->listSubFolders(OPTIONS)
843           Mail::Box->listSubFolders(OPTIONS)
845           List the names of all sub-folders to this folder, not recursively
846           decending.  Use these names as argument to openSubFolder(), to get
847           access to that folder.
849           For MBOX folders, sub-folders are simulated.
851            -Option    --Default
852             check       <false>
853             folder      <from calling object>
854             folderdir   <from folder>
855             skip_empty  <false>
857           check => BOOLEAN
858             Should all returned foldernames be checked to be sure that they
859             are of the right type?  Each sub-folder may need to be opened to
860             check this, with a folder type dependent penalty (in some cases
861             very expensive).
863           folder => FOLDERNAME
864             The folder whose sub-folders should be listed.
866           folderdir => DIRECTORY
867           skip_empty => BOOL
868             Shall empty folders (folders which currently do not contain any
869             messages) be included?  Empty folders are not useful to open, but
870             may be useful to save to.
872           example:
874            my $folder = $mgr->open('=in/new');
875            my @subs = $folder->listSubFolders;
877            my @subs = Mail::Box::Mbox->listSubFolders(folder => '=in/new');
878            my @subs = Mail::Box::Mbox->listSubFolders; # toplevel folders.
880       $obj->nameOfSubFolder(SUBNAME, [PARENTNAME])
881           Mail::Box->nameOfSubFolder(SUBNAME, [PARENTNAME])
883           Returns the constructed name of the folder with NAME, which is a
884           sub-folder of this current one.  You have either to call this
885           method as instance method, or specify a PARENTNAME.
887           example: how to get the name of a subfolder
889            my $sub = Mail::Box::Mbox->nameOfSubfolder('xyz', 'abc');
890            print $sub;                        # abc/xyz
892            my $f = Mail::Box::Mbox->new(folder => 'abc');
893            print $f->nameOfSubfolder('xyz');  # abc/xyz
895            my $sub = Mail::Box::Mbox->nameOfSubfolder('xyz', undef);
896            print $sub;                        # xyz
898       $obj->openRelatedFolder(OPTIONS)
899           Open a folder (usually a sub-folder) with the same options as this
900           one.  If there is a folder manager in use, it will be informed
901           about this new folder.  OPTIONS overrule the options which where
902           used for the folder this method is called upon.
904       $obj->openSubFolder(SUBNAME, OPTIONS)
905           Open (or create, if it does not exist yet) a new subfolder in an
906           existing folder.
908           example:
910            my $folder = Mail::Box::Mbox->new(folder => '=Inbox');
911            my $sub    = $folder->openSubFolder('read');
913       $obj->topFolderWithMessages
914           Mail::Box->topFolderWithMessages
916           Some folder types can have messages in the top-level folder, some
917           other can't.
919   Internals
920       $obj->coerce(MESSAGE, OPTIONS)
921           Coerce the MESSAGE to be of the correct type to be placed in the
922           folder.  You can specify Mail::Internet and MIME::Entity objects
923           here: they will be translated into Mail::Message messages first.
925       $obj->create(FOLDERNAME, OPTIONS)
926           Mail::Box->create(FOLDERNAME, OPTIONS)
928           Create a folder.  If the folder already exists, it will be left
929           unchanged.  The folder is created, but not opened!  If you want to
930           open a file which may need to be created, then use
931           Mail::Box::Manager::open() with the create flag, or
932           Mail::Box::new(create).
934            -Option   --Default
935             folderdir  undef
937           folderdir => DIRECTORY
938             When the foldername is preceded by a "=", the "folderdir"
939             directory will be searched for the named folder.
941       $obj->determineBodyType(MESSAGE, HEAD)
942           Determine which kind of body will be created for this message when
943           reading the folder initially.
945       Mail::Box->foundIn([FOLDERNAME], OPTIONS)
946           Determine if the specified folder is of the type handled by the
947           folder class. This method is extended by each folder sub-type.
949           The FOLDERNAME specifies the name of the folder, as is specified by
950           the application.  You need to specified the "folder" option when
951           you skip this first argument.
953           OPTIONS is a list of extra information for the request.  Read the
954           documentation for each type of folder for type specific options,
955           but each folder class will at least support the "folderdir" option:
957            -Option   --Default
958             folderdir  undef
960           folderdir => DIRECTORY
961             The location where the folders of this class are stored by
962             default.  If the user specifies a name starting with a "=", that
963             indicates that the folder is to be found in this default
964             DIRECTORY.
966           example:
968            Mail::Box::Mbox->foundIn('=markov',
969                folderdir => "$ENV{HOME}/Mail");
970            Mail::Box::MH->foundIn(folder => '=markov');
972       $obj->lineSeparator([STRING|'CR'|'LF'|'CRLF'])
973           Returns the character or characters used to separate lines in the
974           folder file, optionally after setting it to STRING, or one of the
975           constants.  The first line of the folder sets the default.
977           UNIX uses a LF character, Mac a CR, and Windows both a CR and a LF.
978           Each separator will be represented by a "\n" within your program.
979           However, when processing platform foreign folders, complications
980           appear.  Think about the "Size" field in the header.
982           When the separator is changed, the whole folder me be rewritten.
983           Although, that may not be required.
985       $obj->locker
986           Returns the locking object.
988       $obj->read(OPTIONS)
989           Read messages from the folder into memory.  The OPTIONS are folder
990           specific.  Do not call "read()" yourself: it will be called for you
991           when you open the folder via the manager or instantiate a folder
992           object directly.
994           NOTE: if you are copying messages from one folder to another, use
995           addMessages() instead of "read()".
997           example:
999            my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new;
1000            my $folder = $mgr->open('InBox');             # implies read
1001            my $folder = Mail::Box::Mbox->new(folder => 'Inbox'); # same
1003       $obj->readMessages(OPTIONS)
1004           Called by read() to actually read the messages from one specific
1005           folder type.  The read() organizes the general activities.
1007           The OPTIONS are "trusted", "head_type", "field_type",
1008           "message_type", "body_delayed_type", and "head_delayed_type" as
1009           defined by the folder at hand.  The defaults are the constructor
1010           defaults (see new()).
1012       $obj->storeMessage(MESSAGE)
1013           Store the message in the folder without the checks as performed by
1014           addMessage().
1016       $obj->toBeThreaded(MESSAGES)
1017           The specified message is ready to be removed from a thread.  This
1018           will be passed on to the mail-manager, which keeps an overview on
1019           which thread-detection objects are floating around.
1021       $obj->toBeUnthreaded(MESSAGES)
1022           The specified message is ready to be included in a thread.  This
1023           will be passed on to the mail-manager, which keeps an overview on
1024           which thread-detection objects are floating around.
1026       $obj->updateMessages(OPTIONS)
1027           Called by update() to read messages which arrived in the folder
1028           after it was opened.  Sometimes, external applications dump
1029           messages in a folder without locking (or using a different lock
1030           than your application does).
1032           Although this is quite a dangerous, it only fails when a folder is
1033           updated (reordered or message removed) at exactly the same time as
1034           new messages arrive.  These collisions are sparse.
1036           The options are the same as for readMessages().
1038       $obj->write(OPTIONS)
1039           Write the data to disk.  The folder (a "true" value) is returned if
1040           successful.  Deleted messages are transformed into destroyed
1041           messages: their memory is freed.
1043           WARNING: When moving messages from one folder to another, be sure
1044           to write (or close()) the destination folder before writing (or
1045           closing) the source folder: otherwise you may lose data if the
1046           system crashes or if there are software problems.
1048           To write a folder to a different file, you must first create a new
1049           folder, then move all the messages, and then write or close() that
1050           new folder.
1052            -Option      --Default
1053             force         <false>
1054             save_deleted  <false>
1056           force => BOOLEAN
1057             Override write-protection with new(access) while opening the
1058             folder (whenever possible, it may still be blocked by the
1059             operating system).
1061           save_deleted => BOOLEAN
1062             Do also write messages which where flagged to be deleted to their
1063             folder.  The flag for deletion is conserved (when possible),
1064             which means that a re-open of the folder may remove the messages
1065             for real.  See close(save_deleted).
1067       $obj->writeMessages(OPTIONS)
1068           Called by write() to actually write the messages from one specific
1069           folder type.  The "write" organizes the general activities.  All
1070           options to write() are passed to "writeMessages" as well.  Besides,
1071           a few extra are added by "write" itself.
1073            -Option  --Default
1074             messages  <required>
1076           messages => ARRAY
1077             The messages to be written, which is a sub-set of all messages in
1078             the current folder.
1080   Other methods
1081       $obj->timespan2seconds(TIME)
1082           Mail::Box->timespan2seconds(TIME)
1084           TIME is a string, which starts with a float, and then one of the
1085           words 'hour', 'hours', 'day', 'days', 'week', or 'weeks'.  For
1086           instance: '1 hour' or '4 weeks'.
1088   Error handling
1089       $obj->AUTOLOAD
1090           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1092       $obj->addReport(OBJECT)
1093           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1095       $obj->defaultTrace([LEVEL]|[LOGLEVEL, TRACELEVEL]|[LEVEL, CALLBACK])
1096           Mail::Box->defaultTrace([LEVEL]|[LOGLEVEL, TRACELEVEL]|[LEVEL,
1097           CALLBACK])
1099           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1101       $obj->errors
1102           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1104       $obj->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])
1105           Mail::Box->log([LEVEL [,STRINGS]])
1107           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1109       $obj->logPriority(LEVEL)
1110           Mail::Box->logPriority(LEVEL)
1112           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1114       $obj->logSettings
1115           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1117       $obj->notImplemented
1118           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1120       $obj->report([LEVEL])
1121           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1123       $obj->reportAll([LEVEL])
1124           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1126       $obj->trace([LEVEL])
1127           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1129       $obj->warnings
1130           See "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
1132   Cleanup
1133       $obj->DESTROY
1134           This method is called by Perl when an folder-object is no longer
1135           accessible by the rest of the program.
1137       $obj->inGlobalDestruction
1138           See "Cleanup" in Mail::Reporter


1141   Different kinds of folders
1142       In general, there are three classes of folders: those who group
1143       messages per file, those who group messages in a directory, and those
1144       do not provide direct access to the message data.  These folder types
1145       are each based on a different base class.
1147       ·   File based folders Mail::Box::File
1149           File based folders maintain a folder (a set of messages) in one
1150           single file.  The advantage is that your folder has only one single
1151           file to access, which speeds-up things when all messages must be
1152           accessed at once.
1154           One of the main disadvantages over directory based folders is that
1155           you have to construct some means to keep all message apart.  For
1156           instance MBOX adds a message separator line between the messages in
1157           the file, and this line can cause confusion with the message's
1158           contents.
1160           Where access to all messages at once is faster in file based
1161           folders, access to a single message is (much) slower, because the
1162           whole folder must be read.  However, in directory based folders you
1163           have to figure-out which message you need, which may be a hassle as
1164           well.
1166           Examples of file based folders are MBOX, DBX, and NetScape.
1168       ·   Directory based folders Mail::Box::Dir
1170           In stead of collecting multiple messages in one file, you can also
1171           put each message in a separate file and collect those files in a
1172           directory to represent a folder.
1174           The main disadvantages of these folders are the enormous amount of
1175           tiny files you usually get in your file-system.  It is extremely
1176           slow to search through your whole folder, because many files have
1177           to be opened to do so.
1179           The best feature of this organization is that each message is kept
1180           exactly as it was received, and can be processed with external
1181           scripts as well: you do not need any mail user agent (MUA).
1183           Examples of directoy organized folders are MH, Maildir, EMH, and
1184           XMH.
1186       ·   Network (external) folders Mail::Box::Net
1188           Where both types described before provide direct access to the
1189           message data, maintain these folder types the message data for you:
1190           you have to request for messages or parts of them.  These folders
1191           do not have a filename, file-system privileges and system locking
1192           to worry about, but typically require a hostname, folder and
1193           message IDs, and authorization.
1195           Examples of these folder types are the popular POP and IMAP, and
1196           database oriented message storage.
1198   Available folder types
1199       ·   Mail::Box::Dbx (read only)
1201           Dbx files are created by Outlook Express. Using the external
1202           (optional) Mail::Transport::Dbx module, you can read these folders,
1203           even when you are running MailBox on a UNIX/Linux platform.
1205           Writing and deleting messages is not supported by the library, and
1206           therefore not by MailBox. Read access is enough to do folder
1207           conversions, for instance.
1209       ·   Mail::Box::IMAP4 (partially)
1211           The IMAP protocol is very complex.  Some parts are implemented to
1212           create (sub-optimal but usable) IMAP clients.  Besides, there are
1213           also some parts for IMAP servers present.  The most important
1214           lacking feature is support for encrypted connections.
1216       ·   Mail::Box::Maildir
1218           Maildir folders have a directory for each folder.  A folder
1219           directory contains "tmp", "new", and "cur" sub-directories, each
1220           containting messages with a different purpose.  Files with new
1221           messages are created in "tmp", then moved to "new" (ready to be
1222           accepted).  Later, they are moved to the "cur" directory
1223           (accepted).  Each message is one file with a name starting with
1224           timestamp.  The name also contains flags about the status of the
1225           message.
1227           Maildir folders can not be used on Windows by reason of file-name
1228           limitations on that platform.
1230       ·   Mail::Box::Mbox
1232           A folder type in which all related messages are stored in one file.
1233           This is a very common folder type for UNIX.
1235       ·   Mail::Box::MH
1237           This folder creates a directory for each folder, and a message is
1238           one file inside that directory.  The message files are numbered
1239           sequentially on order of arrival.  A special ".mh_sequences" file
1240           maintains flags about the messages.
1242       ·   Mail::Box::POP3 (read/delete only)
1244           POP3 is a protocol which can be used to retreive messages from a
1245           remote system.  After the connection to a POP server is made, the
1246           messages can be looked at and removed as if they are on the local
1247           system.
1249       ·   Mail::Box::Netzwert
1251           The Netzwert folder type is optimized for mailbox handling on a
1252           cluster of systems with a shared NFS storage.  The code is not
1253           released under GPL (yet)
1255       Other folder types are on the (long) wishlist to get implemented.
1256       Please, help implementing more of them.
1258   Folder class implementation
1259       The class structure of folders is very close to that of messages.  For
1260       instance, a Mail::Box::File::Message relates to a Mail::Box::File
1261       folder.  The folder types are:
1263                           Mail::Box::Netzwert
1264        Mail::Box::Mbox   | Mail::Box::Maildir Mail::Box::POP3
1265        |  Mail::Box::Dbx | | Mail::Box::MH    |  Mail::Box::IMAP4
1266        |  |               | | |                 |  |
1267        |  |               | | |                 |  |
1268        Mail::Box::File   Mail::Box::Dir       Mail::Box::Net
1269              |                  |                   |
1270              `--------------.   |   .---------------'
1271                             |   |   |
1272                             Mail::Box
1273                                 |
1274                                 |
1275                           Mail::Reporter (general base class)
1277       By far most folder features are implemented in Mail::Box, so available
1278       to all folder types.  Sometimes, features which appear in only some of
1279       the folder types are simulated for folders that miss them, like sub-
1280       folder support for MBOX.


1283       Warning: Changes not written to read-only folder $self.
1284           You have opened the folder read-only --which is the default set by
1285           new(access)--, made modifications, and now want to close it.  Set
1286           close(force) if you want to overrule the access mode, or close the
1287           folder with close(write) set to "NEVER".
1289       Error: Copying failed for one message.
1290           For some reason, for instance disc full, removed by external
1291           process, or read-protection, it is impossible to copy one of the
1292           messages.  Copying will proceed for the other messages.
1294       Error: Destination folder $name is not writable.
1295           The folder where the messages are copied to is not opened with
1296           write access (see new(access)).  This has no relation with write
1297           permission to the folder which is controled by your operating
1298           system.
1300       Warning: Different messages with id $msgid
1301           The message id is discovered more than once within the same folder,
1302           but the content of the message seems to be different.  This should
1303           not be possible: each message must be unique.
1305       Error: Folder $name is opened read-only
1306           You can not write to this folder unless you have opened the folder
1307           to write or append with new(access), or the "force" option is set
1308           true.
1310       Error: Folder $name not deleted: not writable.
1311           The folder must be opened with write access via new(access),
1312           otherwise removing it will be refused.  So, you may have write-
1313           access according to the operating system, but that will not
1314           automatically mean that this "delete" method permits you to.  The
1315           reverse remark is valid as well.
1317       Error: Invalid timespan '$timespan' specified.
1318           The string does not follow the strict rules of the time span syntax
1319           which is permitted as parameter.
1321       Warning: Message-id '$msgid' does not contain a domain.
1322           According to the RFCs, message-ids need to contain a unique random
1323           part, then an "@", and then a domain name.  This is made to avoid
1324           the creation of two messages with the same id.  The warning emerges
1325           when the "@" is missing from the string.
1327       Error: No folder name specified.
1328           You did not specify the name of a folder to be opened.  Use the
1329           new(folder) option or set the "MAIL" environment variable.
1331       Error: Package $package does not implement $method.
1332           Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does
1333           not implement this method where it should. This message means that
1334           some other related classes do implement this method however the
1335           class at hand does not.  Probably you should investigate this and
1336           probably inform the author of the package.
1338       Error: Unable to create subfolder $name of $folder.
1339           The copy includes the subfolders, but for some reason it was not
1340           possible to copy one of these.  Copying will proceed for all other
1341           sub-folders.
1343       Error: Writing folder $name failed
1344           For some reason (you probably got more error messages about this
1345           problem) it is impossible to write the folder, although you should
1346           because there were changes made.


1349       This module is part of Mail-Box distribution version 2.097, built on
1350       January 26, 2011. Website: http://perl.overmeer.net/mailbox/


1353       Copyrights 2001-2011 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see
1354       ChangeLog.
1356       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
1357       under the same terms as Perl itself.  See
1358       http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
1362perl v5.12.3                      2011-01-26                      Mail::Box(3)