1Usage(3)              User Contributed Perl Documentation             Usage(3)


6       pod2usage - print a usage message using a script's embedded pod
7       documentation


10           use PDL::Pod::Usage;
11           pod2usage();
12           pod2usage(2);
13           pod2usage({EXIT => 2});
14           pod2usage({EXIT => 2, VERBOSE => 0});
15           pod2usage(EXIT => 1, VERBOSE => 2, OUTPUT=\*STDERR);
16           pod2usage(VERBOSE => 2);


19       pod2usage will print a usage message for the invoking script (using its
20       embedded pod documentation) and then exit the script with the specified
21       exit value. It takes a single argument which is either a numeric value
22       corresponding to the desired exit status (which defaults to 2), or a
23       reference to a hash. If more than one argument is given then the entire
24       argument list is assumed to be a hash. If a hash is supplied it should
25       contain elements with one or more of the following keys:
27       "EXIT"
28           The desired exit status to pass to the exit() function.
30       "VERBOSE"
31           The desired level of "verboseness" to use when printing the usage
32           message. If the corresponding value is 0, then only the "SYNOPSIS"
33           section of the pod documentation is printed. If the corresponding
34           value is 1, then the "SYNOPSIS" section, along with any section
35           entitled "OPTIONS", "ARGUMENTS", or "OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS" is
36           printed.  If the corresponding value is 2 or more then the entire
37           manpage is printed.
39       "OUTPUT"
40           A reference to a filehandle, or the pathname of a file to which the
41           usage message should be written. The default is "\*STDERR" unless
42           the exit value is less than 2 (in which case the default is
43           "\*STDOUT").
45       "INPUT"
46           A reference to a filehandle, or the pathname of a file from which
47           the invoking script's pod documentation should be read.  It
48           defaults to the file indicated by $0 ($PROGRAM_NAME for "use
49           English;" users).
51       If neither the exit value nor the verbose level is specified, then the
52       default is to use an exit value of 2 with a verbose level of 0.
54       If an exit value is specified but the verbose level is not, then the
55       verbose level will default to 1 if the exit value is less than 2 and
56       will default to 0 otherwise.
58       If a verbose level is specified but an exit value is not, then the exit
59       value will default to 2 if the verbose level is 0 and will default to 1
60       otherwise.


63       Most scripts should print some type of usage message to STDERR when a
64       command line syntax error is detected. They should also provide an
65       option (usually "-h" or "-help") to print a (possibly more verbose)
66       usage message to STDOUT. Some scripts may even wish to go so far as to
67       provide a means of printing their complete documentation to STDOUT
68       (perhaps by allowing a "-man" option). The following example uses
69       pod2usage in combination with Getopt::Long to do all of these things:
71           use PDL::Pod::Usage;
72           use Getopt::Long;
74           GetOptions("help", "man")  ||  pod2usage(2);
75           pod2usage(1)  if ($opt_help);
76           pod2usage(VERBOSE => 2)  if ($opt_man);


79       By default, pod2usage() will use $0 as the path to the pod input file.
80       Unfortunately, not all systems on which Perl runs will set $0 properly
81       (although if $0 isn't found, pod2usage() will search $ENV{PATH}).  If
82       this is the case for your system, you may need to explicitly specify
83       the path to the pod docs for the invoking script using something
84       similar to the following:
86       ยท   "pod2usage(EXIT => 2, INPUT => "/path/to/your/pod/docs");"


89       Brad Appleton <Brad_Appleton-GBDA001@email.mot.com>
91       Based on code for Pod::Text::pod2text() written by Tom Christiansen
92       <tchrist@mox.perl.com>
96perl v5.12.3                      2009-10-17                          Usage(3)