1gdaldem(1)                  General Commands Manual                 gdaldem(1)


6       gdaldemTools to analyze and visualize DEMs.


9       - To generate a shaded relief map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster :
10           gdaldem hillshade input_dem output_hillshade
11                       [-z ZFactor (default=1)] [-s scale* (default=1)]"
12                       [-az Azimuth (default=315)] [-alt Altitude (default=45)]
13                       [-alg ZevenbergenThorne] [-combined | -multidirectional]
14                       [-compute_edges] [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-co "NAME=VALUE"]* [-q]
16       - To generate a slope map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster :
17           gdaldem slope input_dem output_slope_map"
18                       [-p use percent slope (default=degrees)] [-s scale* (default=1)]
19                       [-alg ZevenbergenThorne]
20                       [-compute_edges] [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-co "NAME=VALUE"]* [-q]
22       - To generate an aspect map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster
23         Outputs a 32-bit float raster with pixel values from 0-360 indicating azimuth :
24           gdaldem aspect input_dem output_aspect_map"
25                       [-trigonometric] [-zero_for_flat]
26                       [-alg ZevenbergenThorne]
27                       [-compute_edges] [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-co "NAME=VALUE"]* [-q]
29       - To generate a color relief map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster
30           gdaldem color-relief input_dem color_text_file output_color_relief_map
31                       [-alpha] [-exact_color_entry | -nearest_color_entry]
32                       [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-co "NAME=VALUE"]* [-q]
33           where color_text_file contains lines of the format "elevation_value red green blue"
35       - To generate a Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster:
36           gdaldem TRI input_dem output_TRI_map
37                       [-compute_edges] [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-q]
39       - To generate a Topographic Position Index (TPI) map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster:
40           gdaldem TPI input_dem output_TPI_map
41                       [-compute_edges] [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-q]
43       - To generate a roughness map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster:
44           gdaldem roughness input_dem output_roughness_map
45                       [-compute_edges] [-b Band (default=1)] [-of format] [-q]
47       Notes :
48         gdaldem generally assumes that x, y and z units are identical.  If x (east-west)
49         and y (north-south) units are identical, but z (elevation) units are different, the
50         scale (-s) option can be used to set the ratio of vertical units to horizontal.  For
51         LatLong projections near the equator, where units of latitude and units of
52         longitude are similar, elevation (z) units can be converted to be compatible
53         by using scale=370400 (if elevation is in feet) or scale=111120 (if elevation is in
54         meters).  For locations not near the equator, it would be best to reproject your
55         grid using gdalwarp before using gdaldem..fi


58       This utility has 7 different modes :
60       hillshade
61           to generate a shaded relief map from any GDAL-supported elevation
62           raster
64       slope
65           to generate a slope map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster
67       aspect
68           to generate an aspect map from any GDAL-supported elevation raster
70       color-relief
71           to generate a color relief map from any GDAL-supported elevation
72           raster
74       TRI
75           to generate a map of Terrain Ruggedness Index from any GDAL-
76           supported elevation raster
78       TPI
79           to generate a map of Topographic Position Index from any GDAL-
80           supported elevation raster
82       roughness
83           to generate a map of roughness from any GDAL-supported elevation
84           raster
86       The following general options are available :
88       input_dem:
89           The input DEM raster to be processed
91       output_xxx_map:
92           The output raster produced
94       -of format:
95           Select the output format. Starting with GDAL 2.3, if not specified,
96           the format is guessed from the extension (previously was GTiff).
97           Use the short format name.
99       -compute_edges:
100           (GDAL >= 1.8.0) Do the computation at raster edges and near nodata
101           values
103       -alg ZevenbergenThorne:
104           (GDAL >= 1.8.0) Use Zevenbergen & Thorne formula, instead of Horn's
105           formula, to compute slope & aspect. The literature suggests
106           Zevenbergen & Thorne to be more suited to smooth landscapes,
107           whereas Horn's formula to perform better on rougher terrain.
109       -b band:
110           Select an input band to be processed. Bands are numbered from 1.
112       -co 'NAME=VALUE':
113           Passes a creation option to the output format driver. Multiple -co
114           options may be listed. See format specific documentation for legal
115           creation options for each format
117       -q:
118           Suppress progress monitor and other non-error output.
120       For all algorithms, except color-relief, a nodata value in the target
121       dataset will be emitted if at least one pixel set to the nodata value
122       is found in the 3x3 window centered around each source pixel. The
123       consequence is that there will be a 1-pixel border around each image
124       set with nodata value. From GDAL 1.8.0, if -compute_edges is specified,
125       gdaldem will compute values at image edges or if a nodata value is
126       found in the 3x3 window, by interpolating missing values.


129   hillshade
130       This command outputs an 8-bit raster with a nice shaded relief effect.
131       It’s very useful for visualizing the terrain. You can optionally
132       specify the azimuth and altitude of the light source, a vertical
133       exaggeration factor and a scaling factor to account for differences
134       between vertical and horizontal units.
136       The value 0 is used as the output nodata value.
138       The following specific options are available :
140       -z zFactor:
141           vertical exaggeration used to pre-multiply the elevations
143       -s scale:
144           ratio of vertical units to horizontal. If the horizontal unit of
145           the source DEM is degrees (e.g Lat/Long WGS84 projection), you can
146           use scale=111120 if the vertical units are meters (or scale=370400
147           if they are in feet)
149       -az azimuth:
150           azimuth of the light, in degrees. 0 if it comes from the top of the
151           raster, 90 from the east, ... The default value, 315, should rarely
152           be changed as it is the value generally used to generate shaded
153           maps.
155       -alt altitude:
156           altitude of the light, in degrees. 90 if the light comes from above
157           the DEM, 0 if it is raking light.
159       -combined:
160           (starting with GDAL 1.10) combined shading, a combination of slope
161           and oblique shading.
163       -multidirectional:
164           (starting with GDAL 2.2) multidirectional shading, a combination of
165           hillshading illuminated from 225 deg, 270 deg, 315 deg, and 360 deg
166           azimuth.
168       Multidirectional hillshading applies the formula of
169       http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1992/of92-422/of92-422.pdf.
171   slope
172       This command will take a DEM raster and output a 32-bit float raster
173       with slope values. You have the option of specifying the type of slope
174       value you want: degrees or percent slope. In cases where the horizontal
175       units differ from the vertical units, you can also supply a scaling
176       factor.
178       The value -9999 is used as the output nodata value.
180       The following specific options are available :
182       -p :
183           if specified, the slope will be expressed as percent slope.
184           Otherwise, it is expressed as degrees
186       -s scale:
187           ratio of vertical units to horizontal. If the horizontal unit of
188           the source DEM is degrees (e.g Lat/Long WGS84 projection), you can
189           use scale=111120 if the vertical units are meters (or scale=370400
190           if they are in feet)
192   aspect
193       This command outputs a 32-bit float raster with values between 0° and
194       360° representing the azimuth that slopes are facing. The definition of
195       the azimuth is such that : 0° means that the slope is facing the North,
196       90° it's facing the East, 180° it's facing the South and 270° it's
197       facing the West (provided that the top of your input raster is north
198       oriented). The aspect value -9999 is used as the nodata value to
199       indicate undefined aspect in flat areas with slope=0.
201       The following specifics options are available :
203       -trigonometric:
204           return trigonometric angle instead of azimuth. Thus 0° means East,
205           90° North, 180° West, 270° South
207       -zero_for_flat:
208           return 0 for flat areas with slope=0, instead of -9999
210       By using those 2 options, the aspect returned by gdaldem aspect should
211       be identical to the one of GRASS r.slope.aspect. Otherwise, it's
212       identical to the one of Matthew Perry's aspect.cpp utility.
214   color-relief
215       This command outputs a 3-band (RGB) or 4-band (RGBA) raster with values
216       are computed from the elevation and a text-based color configuration
217       file, containing the association between various elevation values and
218       the corresponding wished color. By default, the colors between the
219       given elevation values are blended smoothly and the result is a nice
220       colorized DEM. The -exact_color_entry or -nearest_color_entry options
221       can be used to avoid that linear interpolation for values that don't
222       match an index of the color configuration file.
224       The following specifics options are available :
226       color_text_file:
227           text-based color configuration file
229       -alpha :
230           add an alpha channel to the output raster
232       -exact_color_entry :
233           use strict matching when searching in the color configuration file.
234           If none matching color entry is found, the '0,0,0,0' RGBA
235           quadruplet will be used
237       -nearest_color_entry :
238           use the RGBA quadruplet corresponding to the closest entry in the
239           color configuration file.
241       The color-relief mode is the only mode that supports VRT as output
242       format. In that case, it will translate the color configuration file
243       into appropriate LUT elements. Note that elevations specified as
244       percentage will be translated as absolute values, which must be taken
245       into account when the statistics of the source raster differ from the
246       one that was used when building the VRT.
248       The text-based color configuration file generally contains 4 columns
249       per line : the elevation value and the corresponding Red, Green, Blue
250       component (between 0 and 255). The elevation value can be any floating
251       point value, or the nv keyword for the nodata value.. The elevation can
252       also be expressed as a percentage : 0% being the minimum value found in
253       the raster, 100% the maximum value.
255       An extra column can be optionally added for the alpha component. If it
256       is not specified, full opacity (255) is assumed.
258       Various field separators are accepted : comma, tabulation, spaces, ':'.
260       Common colors used by GRASS can also be specified by using their name,
261       instead of the RGB triplet. The supported list is : white, black, red,
262       green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, aqua, grey/gray, orange, brown,
263       purple/violet and indigo.
265       Since GDAL 1.8.0, GMT .cpt palette files are also supported
266       (COLOR_MODEL = RGB only).
268       Note: the syntax of the color configuration file is derived from the
269       one supported by GRASS r.colors utility. ESRI HDR color table files
270       (.clr) also match that syntax. The alpha component and the support of
271       tab and comma as separators are GDAL specific extensions.
273       For example :
275       3500   white
276       2500   235:220:175
277       50%   190 185 135
278       700    240 250 150
279       0      50  180  50
280       nv     0   0   0   0
283   TRI
284       This command outputs a single-band raster with values computed from the
285       elevation. TRI stands for Terrain Ruggedness Index, which is defined as
286       the mean difference between a central pixel and its surrounding cells
287       (see Wilson et al 2007, Marine Geodesy 30:3-35).
289       The value -9999 is used as the output nodata value.
291       There are no specific options.
293   TPI
294       This command outputs a single-band raster with values computed from the
295       elevation. TPI stands for Topographic Position Index, which is defined
296       as the difference between a central pixel and the mean of its
297       surrounding cells (see Wilson et al 2007, Marine Geodesy 30:3-35).
299       The value -9999 is used as the output nodata value.
301       There are no specific options.
303   roughness
304       This command outputs a single-band raster with values computed from the
305       elevation. Roughness is the largest inter-cell difference of a central
306       pixel and its surrounding cell, as defined in Wilson et al (2007,
307       Marine Geodesy 30:3-35).
309       The value -9999 is used as the output nodata value.
311       There are no specific options.


314       Starting with GDAL 2.1, this utility is also callable from C with
315       GDALDEMProcessing().


318       Matthew Perry perrygeo@gmail.com, Even Rouault even.rouault@mines-
319       paris.org, Howard Butler hobu.inc@gmail.com, Chris Yesson
320       chris.yesson@ioz.ac.uk
322       Derived from code by Michael Shapiro, Olga Waupotitsch, Marjorie
323       Larson, Jim Westervelt : U.S. Army CERL, 1993. GRASS 4.1 Reference
324       Manual. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research
325       Laboratories, Champaign, Illinois, 1-425.

See also

328       Documentation of related GRASS utilities :
330       http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/r.slope.aspect.html
332       http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/r.shaded.relief.html
334       http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/r.colors.html
338GDAL                            Wed Oct 3 2018                      gdaldem(1)