1Catalyst::Upgrading(3)User Contributed Perl DocumentationCatalyst::Upgrading(3)


6       Catalyst::Upgrading - Instructions for upgrading to the latest Catalyst

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90100

9       We changed the way the middleware stash works so that it no longer
10       localizes the PSGI env hashref.  This was done to fix bugs where people
11       set PSGI ENV hash keys and found them to disappear in certain cases.
12       It also means that now if a sub applications sets stash variables, that
13       stash will now bubble up to the parent application.  This may be a
14       breaking change for you since previous versions of this code did not
15       allow that.  A workaround is to explicitly delete stash keys in your
16       sub application before returning control to the parent application.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90097

19       In older versions of Catalyst one could construct a URI with a fragment
20       (such as https://localhost/foo/bar#fragment) by using a '#' in the path
21       or final argument, for example:
23           $c->uri_for($action, 'foo#fragment');
25       This behavior was never documented and would break if using the Unicode
26       plugin, or when adding a query to the arguments:
28           $c->uri_for($action, 'foo#fragment', +{ a=>1, b=>2});
30       would define a fragment like "#fragment?a=1&b=2".
32       When we introduced UTF-8 encoding by default in Catalyst 5.9008x this
33       side effect behavior was broken since we started encoding the '#' when
34       it was part of the URI path.
36       In version 5.90095 and 5.90096 we attempted to fix this, but all we
37       managed to do was break people with URIs that included '#' as part of
38       the path data, when it was not expected to be a fragment delimiter.
40       In general Catalyst prefers an explicit specification rather than
41       relying on side effects or domain specific mini languages.  As a result
42       we are now defining how to set a fragment for a URI via ->uri_for:
44           $c->uri_for($action_or_path, \@captures_or_args, @args, \$query, \$fragment);
46       If you are relying on the previous side effect behavior your URLs will
47       now encode the '#' delimiter, which is going to be a breaking change
48       for you.  You need to alter your code to match the new specification or
49       modify uri_for for your local case.  Patches to solve this are very
50       welcomed, as long as they don't break existing test cases.
52       NOTE If you are using the string form of the first argument:
54           $c->uri_for('/foo/bar#baz')
56       construction, we do not attempt to encode this and it will make a URL
57       with a fragment of 'baz'.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90095

60       The method "last_error" in "Catalyst" was actually returning the first
61       error.  This has been fixed but there is a small chance it could be a
62       breaking issue for you.  If this gives you trouble changing to
63       "shift_errors" is the easiest workaround (although that does modify the
64       error stack so if you are relying on that not being changed you should
65       try something like @{$c->errors}[-1] instead.  Since this method is
66       relatively new and the cases when the error stack actually has more
67       than one error in it, we feel the exposure is very low, but bug reports
68       are very welcomed.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90090

71       Catalyst::Utils has a new method 'inject_component' which works the
72       same as the method of the same name in CatalystX::InjectComponent.  You
73       should start converting any use of the non core method in your code as
74       future changes to Catalyst will be synchronized to the core method
75       first.  We reserve the right to cease support of the non core version
76       should we reach a point in time where it cannot be properly supported
77       as an external module.  Luckily this should be a trivial search and
78       replace.  Change all occurrences of:
80           CatalystX::InjectComponent->inject(...)
82       Into
84           Catalyst::Utils::inject_component(...)
86       and we expect everything to work the same (we'd consider it not working
87       the same to be a bug, and please report it.)
89       We also cored features from CatalystX::RoleApplicator to compose a role
90       into the request, response and stats classes.  The main difference is
91       that with CatalystX::RoleApplicator you did:
93           package MyApp;
95           use Catalyst;
96           use CatalystX::RoleApplicator;
98           __PACKAGE__->apply_request_class_roles(
99             qw/My::Request::Role Other::Request::Role/);
101       Whereas now we have three class attributes, 'request_class_traits',
102       'response_class_traits' and 'stats_class_traits', so you use like this
103       (note this value is an ArrayRef)
105           package MyApp;
107           use Catalyst;
109           __PACKAGE__->request_class_traits([qw/
110             My::Request::Role
111             Other::Request::Role/]);
113       (And the same for response_class_traits and stats_class_traits.  We
114       left off the traits for Engine, since that class does a lot less
115       nowadays, and dispatcher.  If you used those and can share a use case,
116       we'd be likely to support them.
118       Lastly, we have some of the feature from
119       CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig in core.  This should mostly work the
120       same way in core, except for now the core version does not create an
121       automatic base wrapper class for your configured components (it
122       requires these to be catalyst components and injects them directly.  So
123       if you make heavy use of custom base classes in
124       CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig you might need a bit of work to use the
125       core version (although there is no reason to stop using
126       CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig since it should continue to work fine
127       and we'd consider issues with it to be bugs).  Here's one way to map
128       from CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig to core:
130       In CatalystX::ComponentsFromConfig:
132           MyApp->config(
133             'Model::MyClass' => {
134                 class => 'MyClass',
135                 args => { %args },
137             });
139       and now in core:
141           MyApp->config(
142             inject_components => {
143               'Model::MyClass' => { from_component => 'My::Class' },
144             },
145             'Model::MyClass' => {
146               %args
147             },
148           );
150       Although the core behavior requires more code, it better separates
151       concerns as well as plays more into core Catalyst expectations of how
152       configuration should look.
154       Also we added a new develop console mode only warning when you call a
155       component with arguments that don't expect or do anything meaningful
156       with those args.  Its possible if you are logging debug mode in
157       production (please don't...) this could add verbosity to those logs if
158       you also happen to be calling for components and passing pointless
159       arguments.  We added this warning to help people not make this error
160       and to better understand the component resolution flow.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90085

163       In this version of Catalyst we made a small change to Chained
164       Dispatching so that when two or more actions all have the same path
165       specification AND they all have Args(0), we break the tie by choosing
166       the last action defined, and not the first one defined.  This was done
167       to normalize Chaining to following the 'longest Path wins, and when
168       several actions match the same Path specification we choose the last
169       defined.' rule. Previously Args(0) was hard coded to be a special case
170       such that the first action defined would match (which is not the case
171       when Args is not zero.)
173       Its possible that this could be a breaking change for you, if you had
174       used action roles (custom or otherwise) to add additional matching
175       rules to differentiate between several Args(0) actions that share the
176       same root action chain.  For example if you have code now like this:
178           sub check_default :Chained(/) CaptureArgs(0) { ... }
180             sub default_get :Chained('check_default') PathPart('') Args(0) GET {
181                 pop->res->body('get3');
182             }
184             sub default_post :Chained('check_default') PathPart('') Args(0) POST {
185                 pop->res->body('post3');
186             }
188             sub chain_default :Chained('check_default') PathPart('') Args(0) {
189                 pop->res->body('chain_default');
190             }
192       The way that chaining will work previous is that when two or more equal
193       actions can match, the 'top' one wins.  So if the request is "GET
194       .../check_default" BOTH actions 'default_get' AND 'chain_default' would
195       match.  To break the tie in the case when Args is 0, we'd previous take
196       the 'top' (or first defined) action.  Unfortunately this treatment of
197       Args(0) is special case.  In all other cases we choose the 'last
198       defined' action to break a tie.  So this version of Catalyst changed
199       the dispatcher to make Args(0) no longer a special case for breaking
200       ties.  This means that the above code must now become:
202           sub check_default :Chained(/) CaptureArgs(0) { ... }
204             sub chain_default :Chained('check_default') PathPart('') Args(0) {
205                 pop->res->body('chain_default');
206             }
208             sub default_get :Chained('check_default') PathPart('') Args(0) GET {
209                 pop->res->body('get3');
210             }
212             sub default_post :Chained('check_default') PathPart('') Args(0) POST {
213                 pop->res->body('post3');
214             }
216       If we want it to work as expected (for example we we GET to match
217       'default_get' and POST to match 'default_post' and any other http
218       Method to match 'chain_default').
220       In other words Arg(0) and chained actions must now follow the normal
221       rule where in a tie the last defined action wins and you should place
222       all your less defined or 'catch all' actions first.
224       If this causes you trouble and you can't fix your code to conform, you
225       may set the application configuration setting
226       "use_chained_args_0_special_case" to true and that will revert you code
227       to the previous behavior.
229   More backwards compatibility options with UTF-8 changes
230       In order to give better backwards compatibility with the 5.90080+ UTF-8
231       changes we've added several configuration options around control of how
232       we try to decode your URL keywords / query parameters.
234       "do_not_decode_query"
236       If true, then do not try to character decode any wide characters in
237       your request URL query or keywords.  Most readings of the relevant
238       specifications suggest these should be UTF-* encoded, which is the
239       default that Catalyst will use, however if you are creating a lot of
240       URLs manually or have external evil clients, this might cause you
241       trouble.  If you find the changes introduced in Catalyst version
242       5.90080+ break some of your query code, you may disable the UTF-8
243       decoding globally using this configuration.
245       This setting takes precedence over "default_query_encoding" and
246       "decode_query_using_global_encoding"
248       "default_query_encoding"
250       By default we decode query and keywords in your request URL using
251       UTF-8, which is our reading of the relevant specifications.  This
252       setting allows one to specify a fixed value for how to decode your
253       query.  You might need this if you are doing a lot of custom encoding
254       of your URLs and not using UTF-8.
256       This setting take precedence over "decode_query_using_global_encoding".
258       "decode_query_using_global_encoding"
260       Setting this to true will default your query decoding to whatever your
261       general global encoding is (the default is UTF-8).

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90080

264       UTF8 encoding is now default.  For temporary backwards compatibility,
265       if this change is causing you trouble, you can disable it by setting
266       the application configuration option to undef:
268           MyApp->config(encoding => undef);
270       But please consider this a temporary measure since it is the intention
271       that UTF8 is enabled going forwards and the expectation is that other
272       ecosystem projects will assume this as well.  At some point you
273       application will not correctly function without this setting.
275       As of 5.90084 we've added two additional configuration flags for more
276       selective control over some encoding changes:
277       'skip_body_param_unicode_decoding' and
278       'skip_complex_post_part_handling'.  You may use these to more
279       selectively disable new features while you are seeking a long term fix.
280       Please review CONFIGURATION in Catalyst.
282       For further information, please see Catalyst::UTF8
284       A number of projects in the wider ecosystem required minor updates to
285       be able to work correctly.  Here's the known list:
287       Catalyst::View::TT, Catalyst::View::Mason, Catalyst::View::HTML::Mason,
288       Catalyst::View::Xslate, Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst
290       You will need to update to modern versions in most cases, although
291       quite a few of these only needed minor test case and documentation
292       changes so you will need to review the changelog of each one that is
293       relevant to you to determine your true upgrade needs.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90060

296       Starting in the v5.90059_001 development release, the regexp dispatch
297       type is no longer automatically included as a dependency.  If you are
298       still using this dispatch type, you need to add
299       Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex into your build system.
301       The standalone distribution of Regexp will be supported for the time
302       being, but should we find that supporting it prevents us from moving
303       Catalyst forward in necessary ways, we reserve the right to drop that
304       support.  It is highly recommended that you use this last stage of
305       deprecation to change your code.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90040

308   Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding is now core
309       The previously stand alone Unicode support module
310       Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding has been brought into core as a
311       default plugin.  Going forward, all you need is to add a configuration
312       setting for the encoding type.  For example:
314           package Myapp::Web;
316           use Catalyst;
318           __PACKAGE__->config( encoding => 'UTF-8' );
320       Please note that this is different from the old stand alone plugin
321       which applied "UTF-8" encoding by default (that is, if you did not set
322       an explicit "encoding" configuration value, it assumed you wanted
323       UTF-8).  In order to preserve backwards compatibility you will need to
324       explicitly turn it on via the configuration setting.  THIS MIGHT CHANGE
325       IN THE FUTURE, so please consider starting to test your application
326       with proper UTF-8 support and remove all those crappy hacks you munged
327       into the code because you didn't know the Plugin existed :)
329       For people that are using the Plugin, you will note a startup warning
330       suggesting that you can remove it from the plugin list.  When you do
331       so, please remember to add the configuration setting, since you can no
332       longer rely on the default being UTF-8.  We'll add it for you if you
333       continue to use the stand alone plugin and we detect this, but this
334       backwards compatibility shim will likely be removed in a few releases
335       (trying to clean up the codebase after all).
337       If you have trouble with any of this, please bring it to the attention
338       of the Catalyst maintainer group.
340   basic async and event loop support
341       This version of Catalyst offers some support for using AnyEvent and
342       IO::Async event loops in your application.  These changes should work
343       fine for most applications however if you are already trying to perform
344       some streaming, minor changes in this area of the code might affect
345       your functionality.  Please see Catalyst::Response\write_fh for more
346       and for a basic example.
348       We consider this feature experimental.  We will try not to break it,
349       but we reserve the right to make necessary changes to fix major issues
350       that people run into when the use this functionality in the wild.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.90030

353   Regex dispatch type is deprecated.
354       The Regex dispatchtype (Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex) has been
355       deprecated.
357       You are encouraged to move your application to Chained dispatch
358       (Catalyst::DispatchType::Chained).
360       If you cannot do so, please add a dependency to
361       Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex to your application's Makefile.PL

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.9

364       The major change is that Plack, a toolkit for using the PSGI
365       specification, now replaces most of the subclasses of Catalyst::Engine.
366       If you are using one of the standard subclasses of Catalyst::Engine
367       this should be a straightforward upgrade for you. It was a design goal
368       for this release to preserve as much backwards compatibility as
369       possible.  However, since Plack is different from Catalyst::Engine, it
370       is possible that differences exist for edge cases. Therefore, we
371       recommend that care be taken with this upgrade and that testing should
372       be greater than would be the case with a minor point update. Please
373       inform the Catalyst developers of any problems so that we can fix them
374       and incorporate tests.
376       It is highly recommended that you become familiar with the Plack
377       ecosystem and documentation. Being able to take advantage of Plack
378       development and middleware is a major bonus to this upgrade.
379       Documentation about how to take advantage of Plack::Middleware by
380       writing your own ".psgi" file is contained in Catalyst::PSGI.
382       If you have created a custom subclass of <Catalyst:Engine>, you will
383       need to convert it to be a subclass of Plack::Handler.
385       If you are using the Plack engine, Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, this new
386       release supersedes that code.
388       If you are using a subclass of Catalyst::Engine that is aimed at
389       nonstandard or internal/testing uses, such as
390       Catalyst::Engine::Embeddable, you should still be able to continue
391       using that engine.
393       Advice for specific subclasses of Catalyst::Engine follows:
395   Upgrading the FastCGI Engine
396       No upgrade is needed if your myapp_fastcgi.pl script is already
397       upgraded to use Catalyst::Script::FastCGI.
399   Upgrading the mod_perl / Apache Engines
400       The engines that are built upon the various iterations of mod_perl,
401       Catalyst::Engine::Apache::MP13 (for mod_perl 1, and Apache 1.x) and
402       Catalyst::Engine::Apache2::MP20 (for mod_perl 2, and Apache 2.x),
403       should be seamless upgrades and will work using Plack::Handler::Apache1
404       or Plack::Handler::Apache2 as required.
406       Catalyst::Engine::Apache2::MP19, however, is no longer supported, as
407       Plack does not support mod_perl version 1.99. This is unlikely to be a
408       problem for anyone, as 1.99 was a brief beta-test release for mod_perl
409       2, and all users of mod_perl 1.99 are encouraged to upgrade to a
410       supported release of Apache 2 and mod_perl 2.
412   Upgrading the HTTP Engine
413       The default development server that comes with the Catalyst
414       distribution should continue to work as expected with no changes as
415       long as your "myapp_server" script is upgraded to use
416       Catalyst::Script::HTTP.
418   Upgrading the CGI Engine
419       If you were using Catalyst::Engine::CGI there is no upgrade needed if
420       your myapp_cgi.pl script is already upgraded to use
421       Catalyst::Script::CGI.
423   Upgrading Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork
424       If you were using Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork then Starman is
425       automatically loaded. You should (at least) change your "Makefile.PL"
426       to depend on Starman.
428       You can regenerate your "myapp_server.pl" script with "catalyst.pl" and
429       implement a "MyApp::Script::Server" class that looks like this:
431           package MyApp::Script::Server;
432           use Moose;
433           use namespace::autoclean;
435           extends 'CatalystX::Script::Server::Starman';
437           1;
439       This takes advantage of the new script system, and will add a number of
440       options to the standard server script as extra options are added by
441       Starman.
443       More information about these options can be seen at "SYNOPSIS" in
444       CatalystX::Script::Server::Starman.
446       An alternate route to implement this functionality is to write a simple
447       .psgi file for your application, and then use the plackup utility to
448       start the server.
450   Upgrading the PSGI Engine
451       If you were using Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, this new release supersedes
452       this engine in supporting Plack. By default the Engine is now always
453       Plack. As a result, you can remove the dependency on
454       Catalyst::Engine::PSGI in your "Makefile.PL".
456       Applications that were using Catalyst::Engine::PSGI previously should
457       entirely continue to work in this release with no changes.
459       However, if you have an "app.psgi" script, then you no longer need to
460       specify the PSGI engine. Instead, the Catalyst application class now
461       has a new method "psgi_app" which returns a PSGI compatible coderef
462       which you can wrap in the middleware of your choice.
464       Catalyst will use the .psgi for your application if it is located in
465       the "home" directory of the application.
467       For example, if you were using Catalyst::Engine::PSGI in the past, you
468       will have written (or generated) a "script/myapp.psgi" file similar to
469       this one:
471           use Plack::Builder;
472           use MyCatalytApp;
474           MyCatalystApp->setup_engine('PSGI');
476           builder {
477               enable ... # enable your desired middleware
478               sub { MyCatalystApp->run(@_) };
479           };
481       Instead, you now say:
483           use Plack::Builder;
484           use MyCatalystApp;
486           builder {
487               enable ... #enable your desired middleware
488               MyCatalystApp->psgi_app;
489           };
491       In the simplest case:
493           MyCatalystApp->setup_engine('PSGI');
494           my $app = sub { MyCatalystApp->run(@_) }
496       becomes
498           my $app = MyCatalystApp->psgi_app(@_);
500       NOT:
502           my $app = sub { MyCatalystApp->psgi_app(@_) };
503           # If you make ^^ this mistake, your app won't work, and will confuse the hell out of you!
505       You can now move "script/myapp.psgi" to "myapp.psgi", and the built-in
506       Catalyst scripts and your test suite will start using your .psgi file.
508       NOTE: If you rename your .psgi file without these modifications, then
509       any tests run via Catalyst::Test will not be compatible with the new
510       release, and will result in the development server starting, rather
511       than the expected test running.
513       NOTE: If you are directly accessing "$c->req->env" to get the PSGI
514       environment then this accessor is moved to "$c->engine->env", you will
515       need to update your code.
517   Engines which are known to be broken
518       The following engines DO NOT work as of Catalyst version 5.9. The core
519       team will be happy to work with the developers and/or users of these
520       engines to help them port to the new Plack/Engine system, but for now,
521       applications which are currently using these engines WILL NOT run
522       without modification to the engine code.
524       Catalyst::Engine::Wx
525       Catalyst::Engine::Zeus
526       Catalyst::Engine::JobQueue::POE
527       Catalyst::Engine::XMPP2
528       Catalyst::Engine::SCGI
530   Engines with unknown status
531       The following engines are untested or have unknown compatibility.
532       Reports are highly encouraged:
534       Catalyst::Engine::Mojo
535       Catalyst::Engine::Server (marked as Deprecated)
536       Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::POE (marked as Deprecated)
538   Plack functionality
539       See Catalyst::PSGI.
541   Tests in 5.9
542       Tests should generally work the same in Catalyst 5.9, but there are
543       some differences.
545       Previously, if using Catalyst::Test and doing local requests (against a
546       local server), if the application threw an exception then this
547       exception propagated into the test.
549       This behavior has been removed, and now a 500 response will be returned
550       to the test. This change standardizes behavior, so that local test
551       requests behave similarly to remote requests.

Upgrading to Catalyst 5.80

554       Most applications and plugins should run unaltered on Catalyst 5.80.
556       However, a lot of refactoring work has taken place, and several changes
557       have been made which could cause incompatibilities. If your application
558       or plugin is using deprecated code, or relying on side effects, then
559       you could have issues upgrading to this release.
561       Most issues found with existing components have been easy to solve.
562       This document provides a complete description of behavior changes which
563       may cause compatibility issues, and of new Catalyst warnings which
564       might be unclear.
566       If you think you have found an upgrade-related issue which is not
567       covered in this document, please email the Catalyst list to discuss the
568       problem.

Moose features

571   Application class roles
572       You can only apply method modifiers after the application's "->setup"
573       method has been called. This means that modifiers will not work with
574       methods run during the call to "->setup".
576       See Catalyst::Manual::ExtendingCatalyst for more information about
577       using Moose in your applications.
579   Controller actions in Moose roles
580       You can use MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role if you want to declare
581       actions inside Moose roles.
583   Using Moose in Components
584       The correct way to use Moose in a component in a both forward and
585       backwards compatible way is:
587           package TestApp::Controller::Root;
588           use Moose;
589           BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Component' }; # Or ::Controller, or whatever
591       See "Components which inherit from Moose::Object before
592       Catalyst::Component".

Known backwards compatibility breakages

595   Applications in a single file
596       Applications must be in their own file, and loaded at compile time.
597       This issue generally only affects the tests of CPAN distributions. Your
598       application will fail if you try to define an application inline in a
599       block, and use plugins which supply a " new " method, then use that
600       application latter in tests within the same file.
602       This is due to the fact that Catalyst is inlining a new method on your
603       application class allowing it to be compatible with Moose. The method
604       used to do this changed in 5.80004 to avoid the possibility of
605       reporting an 'Unknown Error' if your application failed to compile.
607   Issues with Class::C3
608       Catalyst 5.80 uses the Algorithm::C3 method dispatch order. This is
609       built into Perl 5.10, and comes via Class::C3 for Perl 5.8. This
610       replaces NEXT with Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT, forcing all components to
611       resolve methods using C3, rather than the unpredictable dispatch order
612       of NEXT.
614       This issue manifests itself by your application failing to start due to
615       an error message about having a non-linear @ISA.
617       The Catalyst plugin most often causing this is
618       Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap - if you are using this
619       plugin and see issues, then please upgrade your plugins, as it has been
620       fixed. Note that Makefile.PL in the distribution will warn about known
621       incompatible components.
623       This issue can, however, be found in your own application - the only
624       solution is to go through each base class of the class the error was
625       reported against, until you identify the ones in conflict, and resolve
626       them.
628       To be able to generate a linear @ISA, the list of superclasses for each
629       class must be resolvable using the C3 algorithm. Unfortunately, when
630       superclasses are being used as mixins (to add functionality used in
631       your class), and with multiple inheritance, it is easy to get this
632       wrong.
634       Most common is the case of:
636           package Component1; # Note, this is the common case
637           use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Data::Inheritable/;
639           package Component2; # Accidentally saying it this way causes a failure
640           use base qw/Class::Data::Inheritable Class::Accessor::Fast/;
642           package GoesBang;
643           use base qw/Component1 Component2/;
645       Any situation like this will cause your application to fail to start.
647       For additional documentation about this issue, and how to resolve it,
648       see Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT.
650   Components which inherit from Moose::Object before Catalyst::Component
651       Moose components which say:
653           package TestApp::Controller::Example;
654           use Moose;
655           extends qw/Moose::Object Catalyst::Component/;
657       to use the constructor provided by Moose, while working (if you do some
658       hacks with the " BUILDARGS " method), will not work with Catalyst 5.80
659       as "Catalyst::Component" inherits from "Moose::Object", and so  @ISA
660       fails to linearize.
662       The correct way to use Moose in a component in a both forward and
663       backwards compatible way is:
665           package TestApp::Controller::Root;
666           use Moose;
667           BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Component' }; # Or ::Controller, or whatever
669       Note that the " extends " declaration needs to occur in a begin block
670       for attributes to operate correctly.
672       This way you do not inherit directly from "Moose::Object" yourself.
673       Having components which do not inherit their constructor from
674       "Catalyst::Component" is unsupported, and has never been recommended,
675       therefore you're on your own if you're using this technique. You'll
676       need to detect the version of Catalyst your application is running, and
677       deal with it appropriately.
679       You also don't get the Moose::Object constructor, and therefore
680       attribute initialization will not work as normally expected. If you
681       want to use Moose attributes, then they need to be made lazy to
682       correctly initialize.
684       Note that this only applies if your component needs to maintain
685       component backwards compatibility for Catalyst versions before 5.71001
686       - in 5.71001 attributes work as expected, and the BUILD method is
687       called normally (although BUILDARGS is not).
689       If you depend on Catalyst 5.8, then all Moose features work as
690       expected.
692       You will also see this issue if you do the following:
694           package TestApp::Controller::Example;
695           use Moose;
696           use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
698       as " use base " appends to @ISA.
700       use Moose in MyApp
702       Similar to the above, this will also fail:
704           package MyApp;
705           use Moose;
706           use Catalyst qw/
707             ConfigLoader
708           /;
709           __PACKAGE__->setup;
711       If you need to use Moose in your application class (e.g. for method
712       modifiers etc.) then the correct technique is:
714           package MyApp;
715           use Moose;
716           use Catalyst;
718           extends 'Catalyst';
720           __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'MyApp' );
721           __PACKAGE__->setup(qw/
722               ConfigLoader
723           /);
725   Anonymous closures installed directly into the symbol table
726       If you have any code which installs anonymous subroutine references
727       directly into the symbol table, you may encounter breakages. The
728       simplest solution is to use Sub::Name to name the subroutine. Example:
730           # Original code, likely to break:
731           my $full_method_name = join('::', $package_name, $method_name);
732           *$full_method_name = sub { ... };
734           # Fixed Code
735           use Sub::Name 'subname';
736           my $full_method_name = join('::',$package_name, $method_name);
737           *$full_method_name = subname $full_method_name, sub { ... };
739       Additionally, you can take advantage of Catalyst's use of Class::MOP
740       and install the closure using the appropriate metaclass. Example:
742           use Class::MOP;
743           my $metaclass = Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($package_name);
744           $metaclass->add_method($method_name => sub { ... });
746   Hooking into application setup
747       To execute code during application start-up, the following snippet in
748       MyApp.pm used to work:
750           sub setup {
751               my ($class, @args) = @_;
752               $class->NEXT::setup(@args);
753               ... # things to do after the actual setup
754           }
756       With Catalyst 5.80 this won't work anymore, because Catalyst no longer
757       uses NEXT.pm for method resolution. The functionality was only ever
758       originally operational as NEXT remembers what methods have already been
759       called, and will not call them again.
761       Using this now causes infinite recursion between MyApp::setup and
762       Catalyst::setup, due to other backwards compatibility issues related to
763       how plugin setup works. Moose method modifiers like
764       "before|after|around setup => sub { ... };" also will not operate
765       correctly on the setup method.
767       The right way to do it is this:
769           after setup_finalize => sub {
770               ... # things to do after the actual setup
771           };
773       The setup_finalize hook was introduced as a way to avoid this issue.
775   Components with a new method which returns false
776       Previously, if you had a component which inherited from
777       Catalyst::COMPONENT, but overrode the new method to return false, then
778       your class's configuration would be blessed into a hash on your behalf,
779       and this would be returned from the COMPONENT method.
781       This behavior makes no sense, and so has been removed. Implementing
782       your own " new " method in components is highly discouraged. Instead,
783       you should inherit the new method from Catalyst::Component, and use
784       Moose's BUILD functionality and/or Moose attributes to perform any
785       construction work necessary for your class.
787   __PACKAGE__->mk_accessor('meta');
788       Won't work due to a limitation of Moose. This is currently being fixed
789       inside Moose.
791   Class::Data::Inheritable side effects
792       Previously, writing to a class data accessor would copy the accessor
793       method down into your package.
795       This behavior has been removed. While the class data is still stored
796       per-class, it is stored on the metaclass of the class defining the
797       accessor.
799       Therefore anything relying on the side effect of the accessor being
800       copied down will be broken.
802       The following test demonstrates the problem:
804           {
805               package BaseClass;
806               use base qw/Class::Data::Inheritable/;
807               __PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('foo');
808           }
810           {
811               package Child;
812               use base qw/BaseClass/;
813           }
815           BaseClass->foo('base class');
816           Child->foo('sub class');
818           use Test::More;
819           isnt(BaseClass->can('foo'), Child->can('foo'));
821   Extending Catalyst::Request or other classes in an ad hoc manner using
822       mk_accessors
823       Previously, it was possible to add additional accessors to
824       Catalyst::Request (or other classes) by calling the mk_accessors class
825       method.
827       This is no longer supported - users should make a subclass of the class
828       whose behavior they would like to change, rather than globally
829       polluting the Catalyst objects.
831   Confused multiple inheritance with Catalyst::Component::COMPONENT
832       Previously, Catalyst's COMPONENT method would delegate to the method on
833       the right hand side, which could then delegate back again with NEXT.
834       This is poor practice, and in addition, makes no sense with C3 method
835       dispatch order, and is therefore no longer supported.
837       If a COMPONENT method is detected in the inheritance hierarchy to the
838       right hand side of Catalyst::Component::COMPONENT, then the following
839       warning message will be emitted:
841           There is a COMPONENT method resolving after Catalyst::Component
842           in ${next_package}.
844       The correct fix is to re-arrange your class's inheritance hierarchy so
845       that the COMPONENT method you would like to inherit is the first (left-
846       hand most) COMPONENT method in your @ISA.
848   Development server relying on environment variables
849       Previously, the development server would allow propagation of system
850       environment variables into the request environment, this has changed
851       with the adoption of Plack. You can use Plack::Middleware::ForceEnv to
852       achieve the same effect.


855   Actions in your application class
856       Having actions in your application class will now emit a warning at
857       application startup as this is deprecated. It is highly recommended
858       that these actions are moved into a MyApp::Controller::Root (as
859       demonstrated by the scaffold application generated by catalyst.pl).
861       This warning, also affects tests. You should move actions in your test,
862       creating a myTest::Controller::Root, like the following example:
864           package MyTest::Controller::Root;
866           use strict;
867           use warnings;
869           use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
871           __PACKAGE__->config(namespace => '');
873           sub action : Local {
874               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
875               $c->do_something;
876           }
878           1;
880   ::[MVC]:: naming scheme
881       Having packages called MyApp::[MVC]::XX is deprecated and can no longer
882       be generated by catalyst.pl
884       This is still supported, but it is recommended that you rename your
885       application components to Model/View/Controller.
887       A warning will be issued at application startup if the ::[MVC]:: naming
888       scheme is in use.
890   Catalyst::Base
891       Any code using Catalyst::Base will now emit a warning; this module will
892       be removed in a future release.
894   Methods in Catalyst::Dispatcher
895       The following methods in Catalyst::Dispatcher are implementation
896       details, which may change in the 5.8X release series, and therefore
897       their use is highly deprecated.
899       tree
900       dispatch_types
901       registered_dispatch_types
902       method_action_class
903       action_hash
904       container_hash
906       The first time one of these methods is called, a warning will be
907       emitted:
909           Class $class is calling the deprecated method Catalyst::Dispatcher::$public_method_name,
910           this will be removed in Catalyst 5.9
912       You should NEVER be calling any of these methods from application code.
914       Plugin authors and maintainers whose plugins currently call these
915       methods should change to using the public API, or, if you do not feel
916       the public API adequately supports your use case, please email the
917       development list to discuss what API features you need so that you can
918       be appropriately supported.
920   Class files with names that don't correspond to the packages they define
921       In this version of Catalyst, if a component is loaded from disk, but no
922       symbols are defined in that component's name space after it is loaded,
923       this warning will be issued:
925           require $class was successful but the package is not defined.
927       This is to protect against confusing bugs caused by mistyping package
928       names, and will become a fatal error in a future version.
930       Please note that 'inner packages' (via Devel::InnerPackage) are still
931       fully supported; this warning is only issued when component file naming
932       does not map to any of the packages defined within that component.
934   $c->plugin method
935       Calling the plugin method is deprecated, and calling it at run time is
936       highly deprecated.
938       Instead you are recommended to use Catalyst::Model::Adaptor or similar
939       to compose the functionality you need outside of the main application
940       name space.
942       Calling the plugin method will not be supported past Catalyst 5.81.
946perl v5.28.0                      2018-09-16            Catalyst::Upgrading(3)