1RGBASM(5)                   BSD File Formats Manual                  RGBASM(5)


4     rgbasm — language documentation


7     This is the full description of the language used by rgbasm(1).  The
8     description of the instructions supported by the GameBoy CPU is in
9     gbz80(7).


12   Syntax
13     The syntax is line‐based, just as in any other assembler, meaning that
14     you do one instruction or pseudo‐op per line:
16           [label] [instruction] [;comment]
18     Example:
20           John: ld a,87 ;Weee
22     All pseudo‐ops, mnemonics and registers (reserved keywords) are case‐
23     insensitive and all labels are case‐sensitive.
25   Sections
26     Before you can start writing code, you must define a section.  This tells
27     the assembler what kind of information follows and, if it is code, where
28     to put it.
30           SECTION "CoolStuff",ROMX
32     This switches to the section called "CoolStuff" (or creates it if it
33     doesn't already exist) and it defines it as a code section.  All sections
34     assembled at the same time that have the same name, type, etc, are con‐
35     sidered to be the same one, and their code is put together in the object
36     file generated by the assembler.  All other sections must have a unique
37     name, even in different source files, or the linker will treat it as an
38     error.
40     Possible section types are as follows:
42     ROM0    A ROM section.  Mapped to memory at $0000–$3FFF (or $0000-$7FFF
43             if tiny ROM mode is enabled in rgblink(1)).
45     ROMX    A banked ROM section.  Mapped to memory at $4000–$7FFF.  Valid
46             banks range from 1 to 511.  Not available if tiny ROM mode is
47             enabled in rgblink(1).
49     VRAM    A banked video RAM section.  Mapped to memory at $8000–$9FFF.
50             Can only allocate memory, not fill it.  Valid banks are 0 and 1
51             but bank 1 isn't available if DMG mode is enabled in rgblink(1).
53     SRAM    A banked external (save) RAM section.  Mapped to memory at
54             $A000–$BFFF.  Can only allocate memory, not fill it.  Valid banks
55             range from 0 to 15.
57     WRAM0   A general-purpose RAM section.  Mapped to memory at $C000–$CFFF,
58             or $C000-$DFFF if DMG mode is enabled in rgblink(1).  Can only
59             allocate memory, not fill it.
61     WRAMX   A banked general-purpose RAM section.  Mapped to memory at
62             $D000–$DFFF.  Can only allocate memory, not fill it.  Valid banks
63             range from 1 to 7.  Not available if DMG mode is enabled in
64             rgblink(1).
66     OAM     An object attributes RAM section.  Mapped to memory at
67             $FE00-$FE9F.  Can only allocate memory, not fill it.
69     HRAM    A high RAM section.  Mapped to memory at $FF80–$FFFE.  Can only
70             allocate memory, not fill it.
72             NOTE: If you use this method of allocating HRAM the assembler
73             will NOT choose the short addressing mode in the LD instructions
74             LD [$FF00+n8],A and LD A,[$FF00+n8] because the actual address
75             calculation is done by the linker.  If you find this undesirable
76             you can use RSSET / RB / RW instead or use the LDH [$FF00+n8],A
77             and LDH A,[$FF00+n8] syntax instead.  This forces the assembler
78             to emit the correct instruction and the linker to check if the
79             value is in the correct range.
81     A section is usually defined as a floating one, but the code can restrict
82     where the linker can place it.
84     If a section is defined with no indications, it is a floating section.
85     The linker will decide where to place it in the final binary and it has
86     no obligation to follow any specific rules.  The following example
87     defines a section that can be placed anywhere in any ROMX bank:
89           SECTION "CoolStuff",ROMX
91     If it is needed, the following syntax can be used to fix the base address
92     of the section:
94           SECTION "CoolStuff",ROMX[$4567]
96     It won't, however, fix the bank number, which is left to the linker.  If
97     you also want to specify the bank you can do:
99           SECTION "CoolStuff",ROMX[$4567],BANK[3]
101     And if you only want to force the section into a certain bank, and not
102     it's position within the bank, that's also possible:
104           SECTION "CoolStuff",ROMX,BANK[7]
106     In addition, you can specify byte alignment for a section.  This ensures
107     that the section starts at a memory address where the given number of
108     least-significant bits are 0.  This can be used along with BANK, if
109     desired.  However, if an alignment is specified, the base address must be
110     left unassigned.  This can be useful when using DMA to copy data or when
111     it is needed to align the start of an array to 256 bytes to optimize the
112     code that accesses it.
114           SECTION "OAM Data",WRAM0,ALIGN[8]; align to 256 bytes
116           SECTION "VRAM Data",ROMX,BANK[2],ALIGN[4]; align to 16 bytes
118     HINT: If you think this is a lot of typing for doing a simple ORG type
119     thing you can quite easily write an intelligent macro (called ORG for
120     example) that uses @ for the section name and determines correct section
121     type etc as arguments for SECTION.
123     POPS and PUSHS provide the interface to the section stack.  PUSHS will
124     push the current section context on the section stack.  POPS can then
125     later be used to restore it.  Useful for defining sections in included
126     files when you don't want to destroy the section context for the program
127     that included your file.  The number of entries in the stack is limited
128     only by the amount of memory in your machine.
130     Sections can also be placed by using a linkerscript file.  The format is
131     described in rgblink(5).  They allow the user to place floating sections
132     in the desired bank in the order specified in the script.  This is useful
133     if the sections can't be placed at an address manually because the size
134     may change, but they have to be together.


137   Symbols
138     RGBDS supports several types of symbols:
140     Label   Used to assign a memory location with a name
142     EQUate  Give a constant a name.
144     SET     Almost the same as EQUate, but you can change the value of a SET
145             during assembling.
147     Structure (the RS group) Define a structure easily.
149     String equate (EQUS) Give a frequently used string a name.  Can also be
150             used as a mini-macro, like #define in C.
152     MACRO   A block of code or pseudo instructions that you invoke like any
153             other mnemonic.  You can give them arguments too.
155     A symbol cannot have the same name as a reserved keyword.
157     Label
159             One of the assembler's main tasks is to keep track of addresses
160             for you so you don't have to remember obscure numbers but can
161             make do with a meaningful name, a label.
163             This can be done in a number of ways:
165                   GlobalLabel
166                   AnotherGlobal:
167                   .locallabel
168                   .yet_a_local:
169                   AnotherGlobal.with_another_local:
170                   ThisWillBeExported:: ;note the two colons
171                   ThisWillBeExported.too::
173             In the line where a label is defined there musn't be any white‐
174             space before it.  Local labels are only accessible within the
175             scope they are defined.  A scope starts after a global label and
176             ends at the next global label.  Declaring a label (global or
177             local) with :: does an EXPORT at the same time.  Local labels can
178             be declared as scope.local or simply as as .local.  If the former
179             notation is used, the scope must be the actual current scope.
181             Labels will normally change their value during the link process
182             and are thus not constant.  The exception is the case in which
183             the base address of a section is fixed, so the address of the
184             label is known at assembly time.
186             The subtraction of two labels is only constant (known at assembly
187             time) if they are two local labels that belong to the same scope,
188             or they are two global labels that belong to sections with fixed
189             base addresses.
191     EQU
193             EQUates are constant symbols.  They can, for example, be used for
194             things such as bit-definitions of hardware registers.
196                   EXIT_OK EQU $00
197                   EXIT_FAILURE EQU $01
199             Note that a colon (:) following the label-name is not allowed.
200             EQUates cannot be exported and imported.  They don't change their
201             value during the link process.
203     SET
205             SETs are similar to EQUates.  They are also constant symbols in
206             the sense that their values are defined during the assembly
207             process.  These symbols are normally used in macros.
209                   ARRAY_SIZE EQU 4
210                   COUNT      SET 2
211                   COUNT      SET ARRAY_SIZE+COUNT
213             Note that a colon (:) following the label-name is not allowed.
214             SETs cannot be exported and imported.  Alternatively you can use
215             = as a synonym for SET.
217                   COUNT = 2
221             The RS group of commands is a handy way of defining structures:
223                                 RSRESET
224                   str_pStuff    RW   1
225                   str_tData     RB   256
226                   str_bCount    RB   1
227                   str_SIZEOF    RB   0
229             The example defines four equated symbols:
231                   str_pStuff = 0
232                   str_tData  = 2
233                   str_bCount = 258
234                   str_SIZEOF = 259
236             There are four commands in the RS group of commands:
238             Command             Meaning
239             RSRESET             Resets the _RS counter to zero.
240             RSSET constexpr     Sets the _RS counter to constexpr.
241             RB constexpr        Sets the preceding symbol to _RS and adds
242                                 constexpr to _RS.
243             RW constexpr        Sets the preceding symbol to _RS and adds
244                                 constexpr * 2 to _RS.
245             RL constexpr        Sets the preceding symbol to _RS and adds
246                                 constexpr * 4 to _RS.
248             Note that a colon (:) following the symbol-name is not allowed.
249             RS symbols cannot be exported and imported.  They don't change
250             their value during the link process.
252     EQUS
254             EQUS is used to define string-symbols.  Wherever the assembler
255             meets a string symbol its name is replaced with its value.  If
256             you are familiar with C you can think of it as the same as
257             #define.
259                   COUNTREG EQUS "[hl+]"
260                   ld a,COUNTREG
262                   PLAYER_NAME EQUS "\"John\""
263                   db PLAYER_NAME
265             Note that : following the label-name is not allowed, and that
266             strings must be quoted to be useful.
268             This will be interpreted as:
270                   ld a,[hl+]
271                   db "John"
273             String-symbols can also be used to define small one-line macros:
275                   PUSHA EQUS "push af\npush bc\npush de\npush hl\n"
277             Note that a colon (:) following the label-name is not allowed.
278             String equates can't be exported or imported.
280             Important note: An EQUS can be expanded to a string that contains
281             another EQUS and it will be expanded as well.  This means that,
282             if you aren't careful, you may trap the assembler into an infi‐
283             nite loop if there's a circular dependency in the expansions.
284             Also, a MACRO can have inside an EQUS which references the same
285             MACRO, which has the same problem.
287     MACRO
289             One of the best features of an assembler is the ability to write
290             macros for it.  Macros also provide a method of passing arguments
291             to them and they can then react to the input using IF-constructs.
293                   MyMacro: MACRO
294                            ld   a,80
295                            call MyFunc
296                            ENDM
298             Note that a colon (:) following the macro-name is required.
299             Macros can't be exported or imported.  It's valid to call a macro
300             from a macro (yes, even the same one).
302             The above example is a very simple macro.  You execute the macro
303             by typing its name.
305                            add  a,b
306                            ld   sp,hl
307                            MyMacro ;This will be expanded
308                            sub  a,87
310             When the assembler meets MyMacro it will insert the macrodefini‐
311             tion (the text enclosed in MACRO / ENDM).
313             Suppose your macro contains a loop.
315                   LoopyMacro: MACRO
316                               xor  a,a
317                   .loop       ld   [hl+],a
318                               dec  c
319                               jr   nz,.loop
320                               ENDM
322             This is fine.  That is, if you only use the macro once per scope.
323             To get around this problem there is a special label string equate
324             called \@ that you can append to your labels and it will then
325             expand to a unique string.
327             \@ also works in REPT-blocks should you have any loops there.
329                   LoopyMacro: MACRO
330                               xor  a,a
331                   .loop\@     ld   [hl+],a
332                               dec  c
333                               jr   nz,.loop\@
334                               ENDM
336             Important note: Since a MACRO can call itself (or a different
337             MACRO that calls the first one) there can be problems of circular
338             dependency.  They trap the assembler in an infinite loop, so you
339             have to be careful when using recursion with MACROs.  Also, a
340             MACRO can have inside an EQUS which references the same MACRO,
341             which has the same problem.
343             Macro Arguments
345             I'd like LoopyMacro a lot better if I didn't have to pre-load the
346             registers with values and then call it.  What I'd like is the
347             ability to pass it arguments and it then loaded the registers
348             itself.
350             And I can do that.  In macros you can get the arguments by using
351             the special macro string equates \1 through \9, \1 being the
352             first argument specified on the calling of the macro.
354                   LoopyMacro: MACRO
355                               ld   hl,\1
356                               ld   c,\2
357                               xor  a,a
358                   .loop\@     ld   [hl+],a
359                               dec  c
360                               jr   nz,.loop\@
361                               ENDM
363             Now I can call the macro specifying two arguments.  The first
364             being the address and the second being a bytecount.  The macro
365             will then reset all bytes in this range.
367                   LoopyMacro MyVars,54
369             Arguments are passed as string equates.  There's no need to
370             enclose them in quotes.  An expression will not be evaluated
371             first but passed directly.  This means that it's probably a very
372             good idea to use brackets around \1 to \9 if you perform further
373             calculations on them.  For instance, if you pass 1 + 2 as the
374             first argument and then do PRINTV \1 * 2 you will get the value 5
375             on screen and not 6 as you might have expected.
377             In reality, up to 256 arguments can be passed to a macro, but you
378             can only use the first 9 like this. If you want to use the rest,
379             you need to use the keyword SHIFT.
381             SHIFT is a special command only available in macros.  Very useful
382             in REPT-blocks.  It will "shift" the arguments by one "to the
383             left".  \1 will get the value of \2, \2 will get the value in \3
384             and so forth.
386             This is the only way of accessing the value of arguments from 10
387             to 256.
389   Exporting and importing symbols
390     Importing and exporting of symbols is a feature that is very useful when
391     your project spans many source-files and, for example, you need to jump
392     to a routine defined in another file.
394     Exporting of symbols has to be done manually, importing is done automati‐
395     cally if the assembler doesn't know where a symbol is defined.
397     EXPORT label [, label , ...]
399     The assembler will make label accessible to other files during the link
400     process.
402     GLOBAL label [, label , ...]
404     If label is defined during the assembly it will be exported, if not, it
405     will be imported.  Handy (very!) for include-files.  Note that, since
406     importing is done automatically, this keyword has the same effect as
407     EXPORT.
409   Purging symbols
410     PURGE allows you to completely remove a symbol from the symbol table as
411     if it had never existed.  USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!!  I can't stress
412     this enough, you seriously need to know what you are doing.  DON'T purge
413     symbol that you use in expressions the linker needs to calculate.  In
414     fact, it's probably not even safe to purge anything other than string
415     symbols and macros.
417           Kamikaze EQUS  "I don't want to live anymore"
418           AOLer    EQUS  "Me too"
419                    PURGE Kamikaze, AOLer
421     Note that string symbols that are part of a PURGE command WILL NOT BE
422     EXPANDED as the ONLY exception to this rule.
424   Predeclared Symbols
425     The following symbols are defined by the assembler:
427           Type      Name                Contents
428           EQU       @                   PC value
429           EQU       _PI                 Fixed point π
430           SET       _RS                 _RS Counter
431           EQU       _NARG               Number of arguments passed to macro
432           EQU       __LINE__            The current line number
433           EQUS      __FILE__            The current filename
434           EQUS      __DATE__            Today's date
435           EQUS      __TIME__            The current time
436           EQUS      __ISO_8601_LOCAL__  ISO 8601 timestamp (local)
437           EQUS      __ISO_8601_UTC__    ISO 8601 timestamp (UTC)
438           EQU       __UTC_YEAR__        Today's year
439           EQU       __UTC_MONTH__       Today's month number, 1-12
440           EQU       __UTC_DAY__         Today's day of the month, 1-31
441           EQU       __UTC_HOUR__        Current hour, 0-23
442           EQU       __UTC_MINUTE__      Current minute, 0-59
443           EQU       __UTC_SECOND__      Current second, 0-59


446   Defining constant data
447     DB defines a list of bytes that will be stored in the final image.  Ideal
448     for tables and text.
450           DB 1,2,3,4,"This is a string"
452     Alternatively, you can use DW to store a list of words.  Strings are not
453     allowed as arguments to DW.
455     You can also use DB and DW without arguments.  This works exactly like DS
456     1 and DS 2 respectively.  Consequently, DB and DW can be used in a WRAM0
457     / WRAMX / HRAM / VRAM / SRAM section.
459   Declaring variables in a RAM section
460     DS allocates a number of bytes.  The content is undefined.  This is the
461     preferred method of allocationg space in a RAM section.  You can, how‐
462     ever, use DB and DW without any arguments instead.
464           DS str_SIZEOF ;allocate str_SIZEOF bytes
466   Including binary files
467     You probably have some graphics you'd like to include.  Use INCBIN to
468     include a raw binary file as it is.  If the file isn't found in the cur‐
469     rent directory, the include-path list passed to the linker on the command
470     line will be searched.
472           INCBIN "titlepic.bin"
473           INCBIN "sprites/hero.bin" ; UNIX
474           INCBIN "sprites\\hero.bin" ; Windows
476     You can also include only part of a file with INCBIN.  The example below
477     includes 256 bytes from data.bin starting from byte 78.
479           INCBIN "data.bin",78,256


482   Printing things during assembly
483     These three instructions type text and values to stdout.  Useful for
484     debugging macros or wherever you may feel the need to tell yourself some
485     important information.
487           PRINTT "I'm the greatest programmer in the whole wide world\n"
488           PRINTV (2+3)/5
489           PRINTF MUL(3.14,3987.0)
491     PRINTT prints out a string.
493     PRINTV prints out an integer value or, as in the example, the result of a
494     calculation.  Unsurprisingly, you can also print out a constant symbols
495     value.
497     PRINTF prints out a fixed point value.
499   Automatically repeating blocks of code
500     Suppose you're feeling lazy and you want to unroll a time consuming loop.
501     REPT is here for that purpose.  Everything between REPT and ENDR will be
502     repeated a number of times just as if you done a copy/paste operation
503     yourself.  The following example will assemble add a,c four times:
505           REPT 4
506           add  a,c
507           ENDR
509     You can also use REPT to generate tables on the fly:
511           ; --
512           ; -- Generate a 256 byte sine table with values between 0 and 128
513           ; --
514           ANGLE SET   0.0
515                 REPT  256
516                 DB    (MUL(64.0,SIN(ANGLE))+64.0)>>16
517           ANGLE SET ANGLE+256.0
518                 ENDR
520     REPT is also very useful in recursive macros and, as in macros, you can
521     also use the special label operator \@.  REPT-blocks can be nested.
523   Aborting the assembly process
524     FAIL and WARN can be used to print errors and warnings respectively dur‐
525     ing the assembly process.  This is especially useful for macros that get
526     an invalid argument.  FAIL and WARN take a string as the only argument
527     and they will print this string out as a normal error with a line number.
529     FAIL stops assembling immediately while WARN shows the message but con‐
530     tinues afterwards.
532   Including other source files
533     Use INCLUDE to process another assembler-file and then return to the cur‐
534     rent file when done.  If the file isn't found in the current directory
535     the include-path list will be searched.  You may nest INCLUDE calls in‐
536     finitely (or until you run out of memory, whichever comes first).
538           INCLUDE "irq.inc"
540   Conditional assembling
541     The three commands IF, ELSE and ENDC are used to conditionally assemble
542     parts of your file.  This is a powerful feature commonly used in macros.
544           IF 2+2==4
545           PRINTT "2+2==4\n"
546           ELSE
547           PRINTT "2+2!=4\n"
548           ENDC
550     The ELSE block is optional.  IF / ELSE / ENDC blocks can be nested.
552   Integer and Boolean expressions
553     An expression can be composed of many things.  Expressions are always
554     evaluated using signed 32-bit math.
556     The most basic expression is just a single number.
558     Numeric Formats
560     There are a number of numeric formats.
562     -   Hexadecimal: $0123456789ABCDEF. Case-insensitive
563     -   Decimal: 0123456789
564     -   Octal: &01234567
565     -   Binary: %01
566     -   Fixedpoint (16.16): 01234.56789
567     -   Character constant: "ABYZ"
568     -   Gameboy graphics: `0123
570     The last one, Gameboy graphics, is quite interesting and useful.  The
571     values are actually pixel values and it converts the “chunky” data to
572     “planar” data as used in the Gameboy.
574           DW `01012323
576     Admittedly, an expression with just a single number is quite boring.  To
577     spice things up a bit there are a few operators you can use to perform
578     calculations between numbers.
580     Operators
582     A great number of operators you can use in expressions are available
583     (listed in order of precedence):
585           Operator  Meaning
586           ()        Precedence override
587           FUNC()    Function call
588           ~ + -     Unary not/plus/minus
589           * / %     Multiply/divide/modulo
590           << >>     Shift left/right
591           & | ^     Binary and/or/xor
592           + -       Add/subtract
593           != == <=  Boolean comparison
594           >= < >    Boolean comparison (Same precedence as the others)
595           && ||     Boolean and/or
596           !         Unary Boolean not
598     The result of the boolean operators is zero if when FALSE and non-zero
599     when TRUE.  It is legal to use an integer as the condition for IF blocks.
600     You can use symbols instead of numbers in your expression if you wish.
602     An expression is said to be constant when it doesn't change its value
603     during linking.  This basically means that you can't use labels in those
604     expressions.  The instructions in the macro-language all require expres‐
605     sions that are constant.  The only exception is the subtraction of labels
606     in the same section or labels that belong to sections with a fixed base
607     addresses, all of which must be defined in the same source file (the cal‐
608     culation cannot be passed to the object file generated by the assembler).
609     In this case, the result is a constant that can be calculated at assembly
610     time.
612   Fixed‐point Expressions
613     Fixed point constants are basically normal 32-bit constants where the
614     upper 16 bits are used for the integer part and the lower 16 bits are
615     used for the fraction (65536ths).  This means that you can use them in
616     normal integer expression, and some integer operators like plus and minus
617     don't care whether the operands are integer or fixed-point.  You can eas‐
618     ily convert a fixed-point number to an integer by shifting it right 16
619     bits.  It follows that you can convert an integer to a fixed-point number
620     by shifting it left.
622     Some things are different for fixed-point math, though, which is why you
623     have the following functions to use:
625           Name                Operation
626           DIV(x,y)            x/y
627           MUL(x,y)            x*y
628           SIN(x)              sin(x)
629           COS(x)              cos(x)
630           TAN(x)              tan(x)
631           ASIN(x)             arcsin(x)
632           ACOS(x)             arccos(x)
633           ATAN(x)             arctan(x)
634           ATAN2(x,y)          Angle between (x,y) and (1,0)
636     These functions are extremely useful for automatic generation of various
637     tables.  A circle has 65536.0 degrees.  Sine values are between [-1.0;
638     1.0].
640           ; --
641           ; -- Generate a 256 byte sine table with values between 0 and 128
642           ; --
643           ANGLE SET   0.0
644                 REPT  256
645                 DB    (MUL(64.0,SIN(ANGLE))+64.0)>>16
646           ANGLE SET ANGLE+256.0
647                 ENDR
649   String Expressions
650     The most basic string expression is any number of characters contained in
651     double quotes ("for instance").  Like in C, the escape character is \,
652     and there are a number of commands you can use within a string:
654           String    Meaning
655           \\        Backslash
656           \"        Double quote
657           \,        Comma
658           \{        Curly bracket left
659           \}        Curly bracket right
660           \n        Newline ($0A)
661           \t        Tab ($09)
662           \1 - \9   Macro argument (Only the body of a macros)
663           \@        Label name suffix (Only in the body of macros and repts)
665     A funky feature is {symbol} withing a string.  This will examine the type
666     of the symbol and insert its value accordingly.  If symbol is a string
667     symbol, the symbols value is simply copied.  If it's a numeric symbol,
668     the value is converted to hexadecimal notation and inserted as a string.
670     HINT: The {symbol} construct can also be used outside strings.  The sym‐
671     bol's value is again inserted as a string.  This is just a short way of
672     doing "{symbol}".
674     Whenever the macro-language expects a string you can actually use a
675     string expression.  This consists of one or more of these function (yes,
676     you can nest them).  Note that some of these functions actually return an
677     integer and can be used as part of an integer expression!
679     Name                Operation
680     STRLEN(string)      Returns the number of characters in string
681     STRCAT(str1,str2)   Appends str2 to str1.
682     STRCMP(str1,str2)   Returns negative if str1 is alphabetically lower than
683                         str2, zero if they match, positive if str1 is greater
684                         than str2.
685     STRIN(str1,str2)    Returns the position of str2 in str1 or zero if it's
686                         not present (first character is position 1).
687     STRSUB(str,pos,len) Returns a substring from str starting at pos (first
688                         character is position 1) and with len characters.
689     STRUPR(str)         Converts all characters in str to capitals and
690                         returns the new string.
691     STRLWR(str)         Converts all characters in str to lower case and
692                         returns the new string.
694   Other functions
695     There are a few other functions that do various useful things:
697     Name                Operation
698     BANK(label)         Returns the bank number label is in. The linker will
699                         have to resolve this so it can't be used when the
700                         expression has to be constant.
701     DEF(label)          Returns TRUE if label has been defined.
702     HIGH(r16/cnst/lbl)  Returns the top 8 bits of the operand if it is a
703                         label or constant, or the top 8-bit register if it is
704                         a 16-bit register.
705     LOW(r16/cnst/lbl)   Returns the bottom 8 bits of the operand if it is a
706                         label or constant, or the bottom 8-bit register if it
707                         is a 16-bit register (AF isn't a valid register for
708                         this function).


711   Changing options while assembling
712     OPT can be used to change some of the options during assembling the
713     source instead of defining them on the commandline.
715     OPT takes a comma-seperated list of options as its argument:
717           PUSHO
718           OPT   g.oOX ;Set the GB graphics constants to use these characters
719           DW    `..ooOOXX
720           POPO
721           DW    `00112233
723     The options that OPT can modify are currently: b, e and g.
725     POPO and PUSHO provide the interface to the option stack.  PUSHO will
726     push the current set of options on the option stack.  POPO can then later
727     be used to restore them.  Useful if you want to change some options in an
728     include file and you don't want to destroy the options set by the program
729     that included your file.  The stacks number of entries is limited only by
730     the amount of memory in your machine.


733     @
734     __DATE__
735     __FILE__
736     __ISO_8601_LOCAL__
737     __ISO_8601_UTC__
738     __LINE__
739     __TIME__
740     _NARG
741     _PI
742     _RS
743     ACOS
744     ASIN
745     ATAN
746     ATAN2
747     BANK
748     COS
749     DB
750     DEF
751     DIV
752     DS
753     DW
754     ELSE
755     ENDC
756     ENDM
757     ENDR
758     EQU
759     EQUS
760     EXPORT
761     FAIL
762     GLOBAL
763     HIGH
764     HRAM
765     IF
766     INCBIN
767     INCLUDE
768     LOW
769     MACRO
770     MUL
771     OPT
772     POPO
773     POPS
774     PRINTF
775     PRINTT
776     PRINTV
777     PURGE
778     PUSHO
779     PUSHS
780     REPT
781     RB
782     RL
783     ROM0
784     ROMX
785     RSRESET
786     RSSET
787     RW
788     SECTION
789     SET
790     SHIFT
791     SIN
792     SRAM
793     STRCAT
794     STRCMP
795     STRIN
796     STRLEN
797     STRLWR
798     STRSUB
799     STRUPR
800     TAN
801     VRAM
802     WRAM0
803     WRAMX
804     WARN


807     rgbasm(1), rgblink(1), rgblink(5), rgbds(5), rgbds(7), gbz80(7)


810     rgbds was originally written by Carsten Sørensen as part of the ASMotor
811     package, and was later packaged in RGBDS by Justin Lloyd.  It is now
812     maintained by a number of contributors at .:
813           https://github.com/rednex/rgbds
815RGBDS Manual                    April 17, 2017                    RGBDS Manual