1RGBASM(5)                   BSD File Formats Manual                  RGBASM(5)


4     rgbasm — language documentation


7     This is the full description of the language used by rgbasm(1).  The de‐
8     scription of the instructions supported by the Game Boy CPU is in
9     gbz80(7).
11     It is advisable to have some familiarity with the Game Boy hardware be‐
12     fore reading this document.  RGBDS is specifically targeted at the Game
13     Boy, and thus a lot of its features tie directly to its concepts.  This
14     document is not intended to be a Game Boy hardware reference.
16     Generally, “the linker” will refer to rgblink(1), but any program that
17     processes RGBDS object files (described in rgbds(5)) can be used in its
18     place.


21     The syntax is line-based, just as in any other assembler, meaning that
22     you do one instruction or directive per line:
24           [label] [instruction] [; comment]
26     Example:
28           John: ld a,87 ;Weee
30     All reserved keywords (directives, mnemonics, registers, etc.) are case-
31     insensitive; all identifiers (symbol names) are case-sensitive.
33     Comments are used to give humans information about the code, such as ex‐
34     planations.  The assembler always ignores comments and their contents.
36     There are two syntaxes for comments.  The most common is that anything
37     that follows a semicolon ‘;’ not inside a string, is a comment until the
38     end of the line.  The second is a block comment, beginning with ‘/*’ and
39     ending with ‘*/’.  It can be split across multiple lines, or occur in the
40     middle of an expression:
42           DEF X = /* the value of x
43                      should be 3 */ 3
45     Sometimes lines can be too long and it may be necessary to split them.
46     To do so, put a backslash at the end of the line:
48               DB 1, 2, 3, \
49                  4, 5, 6, \ ; Put it before any comments
50                  7, 8, 9
51               DB "Hello, \  ; Space before the \ is included
52           world!"           ; Any leading space is included
54   Symbol interpolation
55     A funky feature is writing a symbol between ‘{braces}’, called “symbol
56     interpolation”.  This will paste the symbol's contents as if they were
57     part of the source file.  If it is a string symbol, its characters are
58     simply inserted as-is.  If it is a numeric symbol, its value is converted
59     to hexadecimal notation with a dollar sign ‘$’ prepended.
61     Symbol interpolations can be nested, too!
63           DEF topic EQUS "life, the universe, and \"everything\""
64           DEF meaning EQUS "answer"
65           ; Defines answer = 42
66           DEF {meaning} = 42
67           ; Prints "The answer to life, the universe, and "everything" is $2A"
68           PRINTLN "The {meaning} to {topic} is {{meaning}}"
69           PURGE topic, meaning, {meaning}
71     Symbols can be interpolated even in the contexts that disable automatic
72     expansion of string constants: ‘name’ will be expanded in all of
73     ‘DEF({name})’, ‘DEF {name} EQU/=/EQUS/etc ...’, ‘PURGE {name}’, and
74     ‘MACRO {name}’, but, for example, won't be in ‘DEF(name)’.
76     It's possible to change the way symbols are printed by specifying a print
77     format like so: ‘{fmt:symbol}’.  The ‘fmt’ specifier consists of these
78     parts: ‘<sign><prefix><align><pad><width><frac><type>’.  These parts are:
80     Part        Meaning
81     ‘<sign>     May be’ ‘+’ or ‘ ’.  If specified, prints this character in
82                 front of non-negative numbers.
83     ‘<prefix>   May be’ ‘#’.  If specified, prints the appropriate prefix for
84                 numbers, ‘$’, ‘&’, or ‘%’.
85     ‘<align>    May be’ ‘-’.  If specified, aligns left instead of right.
86     ‘<pad>      May be’ ‘0’.  If specified, pads right-aligned numbers with
87                 zeros instead of spaces.
88     ‘<width>    May be one or more’ ‘0’ – ‘9’.  If specified, pads the value
89                 to this width, right-aligned with spaces by default.
90     ‘<frac>     May be’ ‘.’ followed by one or more ‘0’ – ‘9’.  If specified,
91                 prints this many digits of a fixed-point fraction.  Defaults
92                 to 5 digits, maximum 255 digits.
93     ‘<type>     Specifies the type of value.’
95     All the format specifier parts are optional except the ‘<type>’.  Valid
96     print types are:
98           Print type    Format                   Example
99           ‘d            Signed decimal           -42’
100           ‘u            Unsigned decimal         42’
101           ‘x            Lowercase hexadecimal    2a’
102           ‘X            Uppercase hexadecimal    2A’
103           ‘b            Binary                   101010’
104           ‘o            Octal                    52’
105           ‘f            Fixed-point              1234.56789’
106           ‘s            String                   "example"’
108     Examples:
110           SECTION "Test", ROM0[2]
111           X:                 ; This works with labels **whose address is known**
112           DEF Y = 3          ; This also works with variables
113           DEF SUM EQU X + Y  ; And likewise with numeric constants
114           ; Prints "%0010 + $3 == 5"
115           PRINTLN "{#05b:X} + {#x:Y} == {d:SUM}"
117           rsset 32
118           DEF PERCENT rb 1   ; Same with offset constants
119           DEF VALUE = 20
120           DEF RESULT = MUL(20.0, 0.32)
121           ; Prints "32% of 20 = 6.40"
122           PRINTLN "{d:PERCENT}% of {d:VALUE} = {f:RESULT}"
124           DEF WHO EQUS STRLWR("WORLD")
125           ; Prints "Hello world!"
126           PRINTLN "Hello {s:WHO}!"
128     Although, for these examples, STRFMT would be more approriate; see String
129     expressions further below.


132     An expression can be composed of many things.  Numeric expressions are
133     always evaluated using signed 32-bit math.  Zero is considered to be the
134     only "false" number, all non-zero numbers (including negative) are
135     "true".
137     An expression is said to be "constant" if rgbasm knows its value.  This
138     is generally always the case, unless a label is involved, as explained in
139     the SYMBOLS section.
141     The instructions in the macro-language generally require constant expres‐
142     sions.
144   Numeric formats
145     There are a number of numeric formats.
147           Format type            Prefix    Accepted characters
148           Hexadecimal            $         0123456789ABCDEF
149           Decimal                none      0123456789
150           Octal                  &         01234567
151           Binary                 %         01
152           Fixed-point            none      01234.56789
153           Precise fixed-point    none      12.34q8
154           Character constant     none      "ABYZ"
155           Gameboy graphics       `         0123
157     Underscores are also accepted in numbers, except at the beginning of one.
158     This can be useful for grouping digits, like ‘123_456’ or ‘%1100_1001’.
160     The "character constant" form yields the value the character maps to in
161     the current charmap.  For example, by default (refer to ascii(7)) ‘"A"’
162     yields 65.  See Character maps for information on charmaps.
164     The last one, Gameboy graphics, is quite interesting and useful.  After
165     the backtick, 8 digits between 0 and 3 are expected, corresponding to
166     pixel values.  The resulting value is the two bytes of tile data that
167     would produce that row of pixels.  For example, ‘`01012323’ is equivalent
168     to ‘$0F55’.
170     You can also use symbols, which are implicitly replaced with their value.
172   Operators
173     A great number of operators you can use in expressions are available
174     (listed from highest to lowest precedence):
176           Operator           Meaning
177           ( )                Precedence override
178           FUNC()             Built-in function call
179           **                 Exponent
180           ~ + -              Unary complement/plus/minus
181           * / %              Multiply/divide/modulo
182           <<                 Shift left
183           >>                 Signed shift right (sign-extension)
184           >>>                Unsigned shift right (zero-extension)
185           & | ^              Binary and/or/xor
186           + -                Add/subtract
187           != == <= >= < >    Comparison
188           && ||              Boolean and/or
189           !                  Unary not
191     ~ complements a value by inverting all its bits.
193     % is used to get the remainder of the corresponding division, so that ‘a
194     / b * b + a % b == a’ is always true.  The result has the same sign as
195     the divisor.  This makes ‘a % b’.  equal to ‘(a + b) % b’ or ‘(a - b) %
196     b’.
198     Shifting works by shifting all bits in the left operand either left
199     (‘<<’) or right (‘>>’) by the right operand's amount.  When shifting
200     left, all newly-inserted bits are reset; when shifting right, they are
201     copies of the original most significant bit instead.  This makes ‘a << b’
202     and ‘a >> b’ equivalent to multiplying and dividing by 2 to the power of
203     b, respectively.
205     Comparison operators return 0 if the comparison is false, and 1 other‐
206     wise.
208     Unlike in a lot of languages, and for technical reasons, rgbasm still
209     evaluates both operands of ‘&&’ and ‘||’.
211     ! returns 1 if the operand was 0, and 0 otherwise.
213   Fixed-point expressions
214     Fixed-point numbers are basically normal (32-bit) integers, which count
215     fractions instead of whole numbers.  They offer better precision than in‐
216     tegers but limit the range of values.  By default, the upper 16 bits are
217     used for the integer part and the lower 16 bits are used for the fraction
218     (65536ths).  The default number of fractional bits can be changed with
219     the -Q command-line option.  You can also specify a precise fixed-point
220     value by appending a “q” to it followed by the number of fractional bits,
221     such as ‘12.34q8’.
223     Since fixed-point values are still just integers, you can use them in
224     normal integer expressions.  Some integer operators like ‘+’ and ‘-’
225     don't care whether the operands are integers or fixed-point.  You can
226     easily truncate a fixed-point number into an integer by shifting it right
227     by 16 bits.  It follows that you can convert an integer to a fixed-point
228     number by shifting it left.
230     The following functions are designed to operate with fixed-point numbers:
232           Name           Operation
233           DIV(x, y)      Fixed-point division (x÷y)×(2precision)
234           MUL(x, y)      Fixed-point multiplication (x×y)÷(2precision)
235           FMOD(x, y)     Fixed-point modulo (x%y)÷(2precision)
236           POW(x, y)      x to the y power
237           LOG(x, y)      Logarithm of x to the base y
238           ROUND(x)       Round x to the nearest integer
239           CEIL(x)        Round x up to an integer
240           FLOOR(x)       Round x down to an integer
241           SIN(x)         Sine of x
242           COS(x)         Cosine of x
243           TAN(x)         Tangent of x
244           ASIN(x)        Inverse sine of x
245           ACOS(x)        Inverse cosine of x
246           ATAN(x)        Inverse tangent of x
247           ATAN2(x, y)    Angle between (x,y) and (1,0)
249     All of these fixed-point functions can take an optional final argument,
250     which is the precision to use.  For example, ‘MUL(6.0q8, 7.0q8, 8)’ will
251     evaluate to ‘42.0q8’ no matter what value is set as the current Q option.
253     The trigonometry functions ( SIN, COS, TAN, etc) are defined in terms of
254     a circle divided into 1.0 "turns" (equal to 2pi radians or 360 degrees).
256     These functions are useful for automatic generation of various tables.
257     For example:
259           ; Generate a table of sine values from sin(0.0) to sin(1.0), with
260           ; amplitude scaled from [-1.0, 1.0] to [0.0, 128.0]
261           DEF turns = 0.0
262           REPT 256
263               db MUL(64.0, SIN(turns) + 1.0) >> 16
264               DEF turns += 1.0 / 256
265           ENDR
267   String expressions
268     The most basic string expression is any number of characters contained in
269     double quotes (‘"for instance"’).  The backslash character ‘\’ is special
270     in that it causes the character following it to be “escaped”, meaning
271     that it is treated differently from normal.  There are a number of escape
272     sequences you can use within a string:
274           String                 Meaning
275           ‘\\                    Produces a backslash’
276           ‘\"                    Produces a double quote without terminating’
277           ‘\{                    Curly bracket left’
278           ‘\}                    Curly bracket right’
279           ‘\n                    Newline ($0A)’
280           ‘\r                    Carriage return ($0D)’
281           ‘\t                    Tab ($09)’
282           "\1" – "\9"            Macro argument (Only in the body of a macro;
283                                  see Invoking macros)
284           ‘\#                    All _NARG macro arguments, separated by
285                                  commas (Only in the body of a macro)’
286           ‘\@                    Label name suffix (Only in the body of a
287                                  macro or a REPT block)’
288     (Note that some of those can be used outside of strings, when noted fur‐
289     ther in this document.)
291     Multi-line strings are contained in triple quotes (‘"""for instance"""’).
292     Escape sequences work the same way in multi-line strings; however, lit‐
293     eral newline characters will be included as-is, without needing to escape
294     them with ‘\r’ or ‘\n’.
296     The following functions operate on string expressions.  Most of them re‐
297     turn a string, however some of these functions actually return an integer
298     and can be used as part of an integer expression!
300     Name                     Operation
301     STRLEN(str)              Returns the number of characters in str.
302     STRCAT(strs...)          Concatenates strs.
303     STRCMP(str1, str2)       Returns -1 if str1 is alphabetically lower than
304                              str2 , zero if they match, 1 if str1 is greater
305                              than str2.
306     STRIN(str1, str2)        Returns the first position of str2 in str1 or
307                              zero if it's not present (first character is
308                              position 1).
309     STRRIN(str1, str2)       Returns the last position of str2 in str1 or
310                              zero if it's not present (first character is
311                              position 1).
312     STRSUB(str, pos, len)    Returns a substring from str starting at pos
313                              (first character is position 1, last is position
314                              -1) and len characters long. If len is not
315                              specified the substring continues to the end of
316                              str.
317     STRUPR(str)              Returns str with all letters in uppercase.
318     STRLWR(str)              Returns str with all letters in lowercase.
319     STRRPL(str, old, new)    Returns str with each non-overlapping occurrence
320                              of the substring old replaced with new.
321     STRFMT(fmt, args...)     Returns the string fmt with each ‘%spec’ pattern
322                              replaced by interpolating the format spec (using
323                              the same syntax as Symbol interpolation) with
324                              its corresponding argument in args (‘%%’ is
325                              replaced by the ‘%’ character).
326     CHARLEN(str)             Returns the number of charmap entries in str
327                              with the current charmap.
328     CHARSUB(str, pos)        Returns the substring for the charmap entry at
329                              pos in str (first character is position 1, last
330                              is position -1) with the current charmap.
332   Character maps
333     When writing text strings that are meant to be displayed on the Game Boy,
334     the character encoding in the ROM may need to be different than the
335     source file encoding.  For example, the tiles used for uppercase letters
336     may be placed starting at tile index 128, which differs from ASCII start‐
337     ing at 65.
339     Character maps allow mapping strings to arbitrary 8-bit values:
341           CHARMAP "<LF>", 10
342           CHARMAP "&iacute", 20
343           CHARMAP "A", 128
344     This would result in ‘db "Amen<LF>"’ being equivalent to ‘db 128, 109,
345     101, 110, 10’.
347     Any characters in a string without defined mappings will be copied di‐
348     rectly, using the source file's encoding of characters to bytes.
350     It is possible to create multiple character maps and then switch between
351     them as desired.  This can be used to encode debug information in ASCII
352     and use a different encoding for other purposes, for example.  Initially,
353     there is one character map called ‘main’ and it is automatically selected
354     as the current character map from the beginning.  There is also a charac‐
355     ter map stack that can be used to save and restore which character map is
356     currently active.
358     Command                      Meaning
359     NEWCHARMAP name              Creates a new, empty character map called
360                                  name and switches to it.
361     NEWCHARMAP name, basename    Creates a new character map called name,
362                                  copied from character map basename, and
363                                  switches to it.
364     SETCHARMAP name              Switch to character map name.
365     PUSHC                        Push the current character map onto the
366                                  stack.
367     POPC                         Pop a character map off the stack and switch
368                                  to it.
370     Note: Modifications to a character map take effect immediately from that
371     point onward.
373   Other functions
374     There are a few other functions that do various useful things:
376     Name           Operation
377     BANK(arg)      Returns a bank number. If arg is the symbol @, this func‐
378                    tion returns the bank of the current section.  If arg is a
379                    string, it returns the bank of the section that has that
380                    name.  If arg is a label, it returns the bank number the
381                    label is in.  The result may be constant if rgbasm is able
382                    to compute it.
383     SECTION(symbol)Returns the name of the section that symbol is in.  symbol
384                    must have been defined already.
385     SIZEOF(arg)    Returns the size of the section named arg.  The result is
386                    not constant, since only RGBLINK can compute its value.
387     STARTOF(arg)   Returns the starting address of the section named arg.
388                    The result is not constant, since only RGBLINK can compute
389                    its value.
390     DEF(symbol)    Returns TRUE (1) if symbol has been defined, FALSE (0)
391                    otherwise.  String constants are not expanded within the
392                    parentheses.
393     HIGH(arg)      Returns the top 8 bits of the operand if arg is a label or
394                    constant, or the top 8-bit register if it is a 16-bit
395                    register.
396     LOW(arg)       Returns the bottom 8 bits of the operand if arg is a label
397                    or constant, or the bottom 8-bit register if it is a
398                    16-bit register (AF isn't a valid register for this
399                    function).
400     ISCONST(arg)   Returns 1 if arg's value is known by RGBASM (e.g. if it
401                    can be an argument to IF), or 0 if only RGBLINK can com‐
402                    pute its value.


405     Before you can start writing code, you must define a section.  This tells
406     the assembler what kind of information follows and, if it is code, where
407     to put it.
409           SECTION name, type
410           SECTION name, type, options
411           SECTION name, type[addr]
412           SECTION name, type[addr], options
414     name is a string enclosed in double quotes, and can be a new name or the
415     name of an existing section.  If the type doesn't match, an error occurs.
416     All other sections must have a unique name, even in different source
417     files, or the linker will treat it as an error.
419     Possible section types are as follows:
421     ROM0    A ROM section.  addr can range from $0000 to $3FFF, or $0000 to
422             $7FFF if tiny ROM mode is enabled in the linker.
424     ROMX    A banked ROM section.  addr can range from $4000 to $7FFF.  bank
425             can range from 1 to 511.  Becomes an alias for ROM0 if tiny ROM
426             mode is enabled in the linker.
428     VRAM    A banked video RAM section.  addr can range from $8000 to $9FFF.
429             bank can be 0 or 1, but bank 1 is unavailable if DMG mode is en‐
430             abled in the linker.
432     SRAM    A banked external (save) RAM section.  addr can range from $A000
433             to $BFFF.  bank can range from 0 to 15.
435     WRAM0   A general-purpose RAM section.  addr can range from $C000 to
436             $CFFF, or $C000 to $DFFF if WRAM0 mode is enabled in the linker.
438     WRAMX   A banked general-purpose RAM section.  addr can range from $D000
439             to $DFFF.  bank can range from 1 to 7.  Becomes an alias for
440             WRAM0 if WRAM0 mode is enabled in the linker.
442     OAM     An object attribute RAM section.  addr can range from $FE00 to
443             $FE9F.
445     HRAM    A high RAM section.  addr can range from $FF80 to $FFFE.
447             Note: While rgbasm will automatically optimize ld instructions to
448             the smaller and faster ldh (see gbz80(7)) whenever possible, it
449             is generally unable to do so when a label is involved.  Using the
450             ldh instruction directly is recommended.  This forces the assem‐
451             bler to emit a ldh instruction and the linker to check if the
452             value is in the correct range.
454     Since RGBDS produces ROMs, code and data can only be placed in ROM0 and
455     ROMX sections.  To put some in RAM, have it stored in ROM, and copy it to
456     RAM.
458     options are comma-separated and may include:
460     BANK[bank]
461             Specify which bank for the linker to place the section in.  See
462             above for possible values for bank, depending on type.
464     ALIGN[align, offset]
465             Place the section at an address whose align least-significant
466             bits are equal to offset.  (Note that ALIGN[align] is a shorthand
467             for ALIGN[align, 0]).  This option can be used with [addr], as
468             long as they don't contradict eachother.  It's also possible to
469             request alignment in the middle of a section, see Requesting
470             alignment below.
472     If [addr] is not specified, the section is considered “floating”; the
473     linker will automatically calculate an appropriate address for the sec‐
474     tion.  Similarly, if BANK[bank] is not specified, the linker will auto‐
475     matically find a bank with enough space.
477     Sections can also be placed by using a linker script file.  The format is
478     described in rgblink(5).  They allow the user to place floating sections
479     in the desired bank in the order specified in the script.  This is useful
480     if the sections can't be placed at an address manually because the size
481     may change, but they have to be together.
483     Section examples:
486           SECTION "Cool Stuff",ROMX
487     This switches to the section called “CoolStuff”, creating it if it
488     doesn't already exist.  It can end up in any ROM bank.  Code and data may
489     follow.
491     If it is needed, the the base address of the section can be specified:
493           SECTION "Cool Stuff",ROMX[$4567]
495     An example with a fixed bank:
497           SECTION "Cool Stuff",ROMX[$4567],BANK[3]
499     And if you want to force only the section's bank, and not its position
500     within the bank, that's also possible:
502           SECTION "Cool Stuff",ROMX,BANK[7]
504     Alignment examples: The first one could be useful for defining an OAM
505     buffer to be DMA'd, since it must be aligned to 256 bytes.  The second
506     could also be appropriate for GBC HDMA, or for an optimized copy code
507     that requires alignment.
509           SECTION "OAM Data",WRAM0,ALIGN[8] ; align to 256 bytes
510           SECTION "VRAM Data",ROMX,BANK[2],ALIGN[4] ; align to 16 bytes
512   Section stack
513     POPS and PUSHS provide the interface to the section stack.  The number of
514     entries in the stack is limited only by the amount of memory in your ma‐
515     chine.
517     PUSHS will push the current section context on the section stack.  POPS
518     can then later be used to restore it.  Useful for defining sections in
519     included files when you don't want to override the section context at the
520     point the file was included.
522   RAM code
523     Sometimes you want to have some code in RAM.  But then you can't simply
524     put it in a RAM section, you have to store it in ROM and copy it to RAM
525     at some point.
527     This means the code (or data) will not be stored in the place it gets ex‐
528     ecuted.  Luckily, LOAD blocks are the perfect solution to that.  Here's
529     an example of how to use them:
531           SECTION "LOAD example", ROMX
532           CopyCode:
533               ld de, RAMCode
534               ld hl, RAMLocation
535               ld c, RAMLocation.end - RAMLocation
536           .loop
537               ld a, [de]
538               inc de
539               ld [hli], a
540               dec c
541               jr nz, .loop
542               ret
544           RAMCode:
545             LOAD "RAM code", WRAM0
546           RAMLocation:
547               ld hl, .string
548               ld de, $9864
549           .copy
550               ld a, [hli]
551               ld [de], a
552               inc de
553               and a
554               jr nz, .copy
555               ret
557           .string
558               db "Hello World!", 0
559           .end
560             ENDL
562     A LOAD block feels similar to a SECTION declaration because it creates a
563     new one.  All data and code generated within such a block is placed in
564     the current section like usual, but all labels are created as if they
565     were placed in this newly-created section.
567     In the example above, all of the code and data will end up in the "LOAD
568     example" section.  You will notice the ‘RAMCode’ and ‘RAMLocation’ la‐
569     bels.  The former is situated in ROM, where the code is stored, the lat‐
570     ter in RAM, where the code will be loaded.
572     You cannot nest LOAD blocks, nor can you change the current section
573     within them.
575     LOAD blocks can use the UNION or FRAGMENT modifiers, as described below.
577   Unionized sections
578     When you're tight on RAM, you may want to define overlapping static mem‐
579     ory allocations, as explained in the Unions section.  However, a UNION
580     only works within a single file, so it can't be used e.g. to define tem‐
581     porary variables across several files, all of which use the same stati‐
582     cally allocated memory.  Unionized sections solve this problem.  To de‐
583     clare an unionized section, add a UNION keyword after the SECTION one;
584     the declaration is otherwise not different.  Unionized sections follow
585     some different rules from normal sections:
587           The same unionized section (i.e. having the same name) can be
588               declared several times per rgbasm invocation, and across sev‐
589               eral invocations.  Different declarations are treated and
590               merged identically whether within the same invocation, or dif‐
591               ferent ones.
593           If one section has been declared as unionized, all sections
594               with the same name must be declared unionized as well.
596           All declarations must have the same type.  For example, even if
597               rgblink(1)'s -w flag is used, WRAM0 and WRAMX types are still
598               considered different.
600           Different constraints (alignment, bank, etc.) can be specified
601               for each unionized section declaration, but they must all be
602               compatible.  For example, alignment must be compatible with any
603               fixed address, all specified banks must be the same, etc.
605           Unionized sections cannot have type ROM0 or ROMX.
607     Different declarations of the same unionized section are not appended,
608     but instead overlaid on top of eachother, just like Unions.  Similarly,
609     the size of an unionized section is the largest of all its declarations.
611   Section fragments
612     Section fragments are sections with a small twist: when several of the
613     same name are encountered, they are concatenated instead of producing an
614     error.  This works within the same file (paralleling the behavior "plain"
615     sections has in previous versions), but also across object files.  To de‐
616     clare an section fragment, add a FRAGMENT keyword after the SECTION one;
617     the declaration is otherwise not different.  However, similarly to
618     Unionized sections, some rules must be followed:
620           If one section has been declared as fragment, all sections with
621               the same name must be declared fragments as well.
623           All declarations must have the same type.  For example, even if
624               rgblink(1)'s -w flag is used, WRAM0 and WRAMX types are still
625               considered different.
627           Different constraints (alignment, bank, etc.) can be specified
628               for each unionized section declaration, but they must all be
629               compatible.  For example, alignment must be compatible with any
630               fixed address, all specified banks must be the same, etc.
632           A section fragment may not be unionized; after all, that
633               wouldn't make much sense.
635     When RGBASM merges two fragments, the one encountered later is appended
636     to the one encountered earlier.
638     When RGBLINK merges two fragments, the one whose file was specified last
639     is appended to the one whose file was specified first.  For example, as‐
640     suming ‘bar.o’, ‘baz.o’, and ‘foo.o’ all contain a fragment with the same
641     name, the command
642           rgblink -o rom.gb baz.o foo.o bar.o
643     would produce the fragment from ‘baz.o’ first, followed by the one from
644     ‘foo.o’, and the one from ‘bar.o’ last.


647     RGBDS supports several types of symbols:
649     Label   Numeric symbol designating a memory location.  May or may not
650             have a value known at assembly time.
652     Constant Numeric symbol whose value has to be known at assembly time.
654     Macro   A block of rgbasm code that can be invoked later.
656     String  A text string that can be expanded later, similarly to a macro.
658     Symbol names can contain ASCII letters, numbers, underscores ‘_’, hashes
659     ‘#’ and at signs ‘@’.  However, they must begin with either a letter or
660     an underscore.  Additionally, label names can contain up to a single dot
661     ‘.’, which may not be the first character.
663     A symbol cannot have the same name as a reserved keyword.
665   Labels
666     One of the assembler's main tasks is to keep track of addresses for you,
667     so you can work with meaningful names instead of “magic” numbers.  Labels
668     enable just that: a label ties a name to a specific location within a
669     section.  A label resolves to a bank and address, determined at the same
670     time as its parent section's (see further in this section).
672     A label is defined by writing its name at the beginning of a line, fol‐
673     lowed by one or two colons, without any whitespace between the label name
674     and the colon(s).  Declaring a label (global or local) with two colons
675     ‘::’ will define and EXPORT it at the same time.  (See Exporting and
676     importing symbols below).  When defining a local label, the colon can be
677     omitted, and rgbasm will act as if there was only one.
679     A label is said to be local if its name contains a dot ‘.’; otherwise, it
680     is said to be global (not to be mistaken with “exported”, explained in
681     Exporting and importing symbols further below).  More than one dot in la‐
682     bel names is not allowed.
684     For convenience, local labels can use a shorthand syntax: when a symbol
685     name starting with a dot is found (for example, inside an expression, or
686     when declaring a label), then the current “label scope” is implicitly
687     prepended.
689     Defining a global label sets it as the current “label scope”, until the
690     next global label definition, or the end of the current section.
692     Here are some examples of label definitions:
694           GlobalLabel:
695           AnotherGlobal:
696           .locallabel ; This defines "AnotherGlobal.locallabel"
697           .another_local:
698           AnotherGlobal.with_another_local:
699           ThisWillBeExported:: ; Note the two colons
700           ThisWillBeExported.too::
702     In a numeric expression, a label evaluates to its address in memory.  (To
703     obtain its bank, use the ‘BANK()’ function described in Other functions).
704     For example, given the following, ‘ld de, vPlayerTiles’ would be equiva‐
705     lent to ‘ld de, $80C0’ assuming the section ends up at $80C0:
707           SECTION "Player tiles", VRAM
708           vPlayerTiles:
709               ds 6 * 16
710           .end
712     A label's location (and thus value) is usually not determined until the
713     linking stage, so labels usually cannot be used as constants.  However,
714     if the section in which the label is defined has a fixed base address,
715     its value is known at assembly time.
717     Also, while rgbasm obviously can compute the difference between two la‐
718     bels if both are constant, it is also able to compute the difference be‐
719     tween two non-constant labels if they both belong to the same section,
720     such as ‘PlayerTiles’ and ‘PlayerTiles.end’ above.
722   Anonymous labels
723     Anonymous labels are useful for short blocks of code.  They are defined
724     like normal labels, but without a name before the colon.  Anonymous la‐
725     bels are independent of label scoping, so defining one does not change
726     the scoped label, and referencing one is not affected by the current
727     scoped label.
729     Anonymous labels are referenced using a colon ‘:’ followed by pluses ‘+’
730     or minuses ‘-’.  Thus :+ references the next one after the expression,
731     :++ the one after that; :- references the one before the expression; and
732     so on.
734               ld hl, :++
735           :   ld a, [hli] ; referenced by "jr nz"
736               ldh [c], a
737               dec c
738               jr nz, :-
739               ret
741           :   ; referenced by "ld hl"
742               dw $7FFF, $1061, $03E0, $58A5
744   Variables
745     An equal sign = is used to define mutable numeric symbols.  Unlike the
746     other symbols described below, variables can be redefined.  This is use‐
747     ful for internal symbols in macros, for counters, etc.
749           DEF ARRAY_SIZE EQU 4
750           DEF COUNT = 2
751           DEF COUNT = 3
752           DEF COUNT = ARRAY_SIZE + COUNT
753           DEF COUNT *= 2
754           ; COUNT now has the value 14
756     Note that colons ‘:’ following the name are not allowed.
758     Variables can be conveniently redefined by compound assignment operators
759     like in C:
761           Operator    Meaning
762           += -=       Compound plus/minus
763           *= /= %=    Compound multiply/divide/modulo
764           <<= >>=     Compound shift left/right
765           &= |= ^=    Compound and/or/xor
767     Examples:
769           DEF x = 10
770           DEF x += 1    ; x == 11
771           DEF y = x - 1 ; y == 10
772           DEF y *= 2    ; y == 20
773           DEF y >>= 1   ; y == 10
774           DEF x ^= y    ; x == 1
776   Numeric constants
777     EQU is used to define immutable numeric symbols.  Unlike = above, con‐
778     stants defined this way cannot be redefined.  These constants can be used
779     for unchanging values such as properties of the hardware.
781           def SCREEN_WIDTH  equ 160 ; In pixels
782           def SCREEN_HEIGHT equ 144
784     Note that colons ‘:’ following the name are not allowed.
786     If you really need to, the REDEF keyword will define or redefine a nu‐
787     meric constant symbol.  (It can also be used for variables, although it's
788     not necessary since they are mutable.)  This can be used, for example, to
789     update a constant using a macro, without making it mutable in general.
791               def NUM_ITEMS equ 0
792           MACRO add_item
793               redef NUM_ITEMS equ NUM_ITEMS + 1
794               def ITEM_{02x:NUM_ITEMS} equ \1
795           ENDM
796               add_item 1
797               add_item 4
798               add_item 9
799               add_item 16
800               assert NUM_ITEMS == 4
801               assert ITEM_04 == 16
803   Offset constants
804     The RS group of commands is a handy way of defining structure offsets:
806                          RSRESET
807           DEF str_pStuff RW   1
808           DEF str_tData  RB   256
809           DEF str_bCount RB   1
810           DEF str_SIZEOF RB   0
812     The example defines four constants as if by:
814           DEF str_pStuff EQU 0
815           DEF str_tData  EQU 2
816           DEF str_bCount EQU 258
817           DEF str_SIZEOF EQU 259
819     There are five commands in the RS group of commands:
821     Command            Meaning
822     RSRESET            Equivalent to ‘RSSET 0’.
823     RSSET constexpr    Sets the _RS counter to constexpr.
824     RB constexpr       Sets the preceding symbol to _RS and adds constexpr to
825                        _RS.
826     RW constexpr       Sets the preceding symbol to _RS and adds constexpr *
827                        2 to _RS.
828     RL constexpr       Sets the preceding symbol to _RS and adds constexpr *
829                        4 to _RS.
831     If the argument to RB, RW, or RL is omitted, it's assumed to be 1.
833     Note that colons ‘:’ following the name are not allowed.
835   String constants
836     EQUS is used to define string constant symbols.  Wherever the assembler
837     reads a string constant, it gets expanded: the symbol's name is replaced
838     with its contents.  If you are familiar with C, you can think of it as
839     similar to #define .
840     This expansion is disabled in a few contexts: ‘DEF(name)’, ‘DEF name
841     EQU/=/EQUS/etc ...’, ‘PURGE name’, and ‘MACRO name’ will not expand
842     string constants in their names.
844           DEF COUNTREG EQUS "[hl+]"
845               ld a,COUNTREG
847           DEF PLAYER_NAME EQUS "\"John\""
848               db PLAYER_NAME
850     This will be interpreted as:
852               ld a,[hl+]
853               db "John"
855     String constants can also be used to define small one-line macros:
857           DEF pusha EQUS "push af\npush bc\npush de\npush hl\n"
859     Note that colons ‘:’ following the name are not allowed.
861     String constants can't be exported or imported.
863     String constants, like numeric constants, cannot be redefined.  However,
864     the REDEF keyword will define or redefine a string constant symbol.  For
865     example:
867           DEF s EQUS "Hello, "
868           REDEF s EQUS "{s}world!"
869           ; prints "Hello, world!"
870           PRINTLN "{s}0
872     Important note: When a string constant is expanded, its expansion may
873     contain another string constant, which will be expanded as well.  If this
874     creates an infinite loop, rgbasm will error out once a certain depth is
875     reached.  See the -r command-line option in rgbasm(1).  The same problem
876     can occur if the expansion of a macro invokes another macro, recursively.
878     The examples above for ‘EQU’, ‘=’, ‘RB’, ‘RW’, ‘RL’, and ‘EQUS’ all start
879     with ‘DEF’.  (A variable definition may start with ‘REDEF’ instead, since
880     they are redefinable.)  You may use the older syntax without ‘DEF’, but
881     then the name being defined must not have any whitespace before it; oth‐
882     erwise rgbasm will treat it as a macro invocation.  Furthermore, without
883     the ‘DEF’ keyword, string constants may be expanded for the name.  This
884     can lead to surprising results:
886           X EQUS "Y"
887           ; this defines Y, not X!
888           X EQU 42
889           ; prints "Y $2A"
890           PRINTLN "{X} {Y}"
892   Macros
893     One of the best features of an assembler is the ability to write macros
894     for it.  Macros can be called with arguments, and can react depending on
895     input using IF constructs.
897           MACRO MyMacro
898                    ld a, 80
899                    call MyFunc
900           ENDM
902     The example above defines ‘MyMacro’ as a new macro.  String constants are
903     not expanded within the name of the macro.
905     (Using the deprecated older syntax ‘MyMacro: MACRO’ instead of ‘MACRO
906     MyMacro’, with a single colon ‘:’ following the macro's name, string con‐
907     stants may be expanded for the name.)
909     Macros can't be exported or imported.
911     Plainly nesting macro definitions is not allowed, but this can be worked
912     around using EQUS.  So this won't work:
914           MACRO outer
915               MACRO inner
916                   PRINTLN "Hello!"
917               ENDM
918           ENDM
920     But this will:
922           MACRO outer
923           DEF definition EQUS "MACRO inner\nPRINTLN \"Hello!\"\nENDM"
924               definition
925               PURGE definition
926           ENDM
928     Macro arguments support all the escape sequences of strings, as well as
929     ‘\,’ to escape commas, as well as ‘\(’ and ‘\)’ to escape parentheses,
930     since those otherwise separate and enclose arguments, respectively.
932   Exporting and importing symbols
933     Importing and exporting of symbols is a feature that is very useful when
934     your project spans many source files and, for example, you need to jump
935     to a routine defined in another file.
937     Exporting of symbols has to be done manually, importing is done automati‐
938     cally if rgbasm finds a symbol it does not know about.
940     The following will cause symbol1, symbol2 and so on to be accessible to
941     other files during the link process:
942           EXPORT symbol1 [, symbol2, ...]
944     For example, if you have the following three files:
946     ‘a.asm’:
947     SECTION "a", WRAM0
948     LabelA:
950     ‘b.asm’:
951     SECTION "b", WRAM0
952     ExportedLabelB1::
953     ExportedLabelB2:
954             EXPORT ExportedLabelB2
956     ‘c.asm’:
957     SECTION "C", ROM0[0]
958             dw LabelA
959             dw ExportedLabelB1
960             dw ExportedLabelB2
962     Then ‘c.asm’ can use ‘ExportedLabelB1’ and ‘ExportedLabelB2’, but not
963     ‘LabelA’, so linking them together will fail:
965     $ rgbasm -o a.o a.asm
966     $ rgbasm -o b.o b.asm
967     $ rgbasm -o c.o c.asm
968     $ rgblink a.o b.o c.o
969     error: c.asm(2): Unknown symbol "LabelA"
970     Linking failed with 1 error
972     Note also that only exported symbols will appear in symbol and map files
973     produced by rgblink(1).
975   Purging symbols
976     PURGE allows you to completely remove a symbol from the symbol table as
977     if it had never existed.  USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION! I can't stress this
978     enough, you seriously need to know what you are doing.  DON'T purge a
979     symbol that you use in expressions the linker needs to calculate.  When
980     not sure, it's probably not safe to purge anything other than variables,
981     numeric or string constants, or macros.
983           DEF Kamikaze EQUS  "I don't want to live anymore"
984           DEF AOLer    EQUS  "Me too"
985                    PURGE Kamikaze, AOLer
987     String constants are not expanded within the symbol names.
989   Predeclared symbols
990     The following symbols are defined by the assembler:
992           Name                  Type    Contents
993           @                     EQU     PC value (essentially, the current
994                                         memory address)
995           _RS                   =       _RS Counter
996           _NARG                 EQU     Number of arguments passed to macro,
997                                         updated by SHIFT
998           __DATE__              EQUS    Today's date
999           __TIME__              EQUS    The current time
1000           __ISO_8601_LOCAL__    EQUS    ISO 8601 timestamp (local)
1001           __ISO_8601_UTC__      EQUS    ISO 8601 timestamp (UTC)
1002           __UTC_YEAR__          EQU     Today's year
1003           __UTC_MONTH__         EQU     Today's month number, 1–12
1004           __UTC_DAY__           EQU     Today's day of the month, 1–31
1005           __UTC_HOUR__          EQU     Current hour, 0–23
1006           __UTC_MINUTE__        EQU     Current minute, 0–59
1007           __UTC_SECOND__        EQU     Current second, 0–59
1008           __RGBDS_MAJOR__       EQU     Major version number of RGBDS
1009           __RGBDS_MINOR__       EQU     Minor version number of RGBDS
1010           __RGBDS_PATCH__       EQU     Patch version number of RGBDS
1011           __RGBDS_RC__          EQU     Release candidate ID of RGBDS, not
1012                                         defined for final releases
1013           __RGBDS_VERSION__     EQUS    Version of RGBDS, as printed by
1014                                         ‘rgbasm --version’
1016     The current time values will be taken from the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environ‐
1017     ment variable if that is defined as a UNIX timestamp.  Refer to the spec
1018     at https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/


1021   Statically allocating space in RAM
1022     DS statically allocates a number of empty bytes.  This is the preferred
1023     method of allocating space in a RAM section.  You can also use DB, DW and
1024     DL without any arguments instead (see Defining constant data in ROM be‐
1025     low).
1027           DS 42 ; Allocates 42 bytes
1029     Empty space in RAM sections will not be initialized.  In ROM sections, it
1030     will be filled with the value passed to the -p command-line option, ex‐
1031     cept when using overlays with -O.
1033   Defining constant data in ROM
1034     DB defines a list of bytes that will be stored in the final image.  Ideal
1035     for tables and text.
1037           DB 1,2,3,4,"This is a string"
1039     Alternatively, you can use DW to store a list of words (16-bit) or DL to
1040     store a list of double-words/longs (32-bit).  Both of these write their
1041     data in little-endian byte order; for example, ‘dw $CAFE’ is equivalent
1042     to ‘db $FE, $CA’ and not ‘db $CA, $FE’.
1044     Strings are handled a little specially: they first undergo charmap con‐
1045     version (see Character maps), then each resulting character is output in‐
1046     dividually.  For example, under the default charmap, the following two
1047     lines are identical:
1049           DW "Hello!"
1050           DW "H", "e", "l", "l", "o", "!"
1052     If you do not want this special handling, enclose the string in parenthe‐
1053     ses.
1055     DS can also be used to fill a region of memory with some repeated values.
1056     For example:
1058           ; outputs 3 bytes: $AA, $AA, $AA
1059           DS 3, $AA
1060           ; outputs 7 bytes: $BB, $CC, $BB, $CC, $BB, $CC, $BB
1061           DS 7, $BB, $CC
1063     You can also use DB, DW and DL without arguments.  This works exactly
1064     like DS 1, DS 2 and DS 4 respectively.  Consequently, no-argument DB, DW
1065     and DL can be used in a WRAM0 / WRAMX / HRAM / VRAM / SRAM section.
1067   Including binary files
1068     You probably have some graphics, level data, etc. you'd like to include.
1069     Use INCBIN to include a raw binary file as it is.  If the file isn't
1070     found in the current directory, the include-path list passed to rgbasm(1)
1071     (see the -i option) on the command line will be searched.
1073           INCBIN "titlepic.bin"
1074           INCBIN "sprites/hero.bin"
1076     You can also include only part of a file with INCBIN.  The example below
1077     includes 256 bytes from data.bin, starting from byte 78.
1079           INCBIN "data.bin",78,256
1081     The length argument is optional.  If only the start position is speci‐
1082     fied, the bytes from the start position until the end of the file will be
1083     included.
1085   Unions
1086     Unions allow multiple static memory allocations to overlap, like unions
1087     in C.  This does not increase the amount of memory available, but allows
1088     re-using the same memory region for different purposes.
1090     A union starts with a UNION keyword, and ends at the corresponding ENDU
1091     keyword.  NEXTU separates each block of allocations, and you may use it
1092     as many times within a union as necessary.
1094               ; Let's say PC = $C0DE here
1095               UNION
1096               ; Here, PC = $C0DE
1097           Name: ds 8
1098               ; PC = $C0E6
1099           Nickname: ds 8
1100               ; PC = $C0EE
1101               NEXTU
1102               ; PC is back to $C0DE
1103           Health: dw
1104               ; PC = $C0E0
1105           Something: ds 6
1106               ; And so on
1107           Lives: db
1108               NEXTU
1109           VideoBuffer: ds 19
1110               ENDU
1112     In the example above, ‘Name, Health, VideoBuffer’ all have the same
1113     value, as do ‘Nickname’ and ‘Lives’.  Thus, keep in mind that ld
1114     [Health], a is identical to ld [Name], a.
1116     The size of this union is 19 bytes, as this is the size of the largest
1117     block (the last one, containing ‘VideoBuffer’).  Nesting unions is possi‐
1118     ble, with each inner union's size being considered as described above.
1120     Unions may be used in any section, but inside them may only be DS - like
1121     commands (see Statically allocating space in RAM).


1124   Invoking macros
1125     You execute the macro by inserting its name.
1127                    add a,b
1128                    ld sp,hl
1129                    MyMacro ; This will be expanded
1130                    sub a,87
1132     It's valid to call a macro from a macro (yes, even the same one).
1134     When rgbasm sees MyMacro it will insert the macro definition (the code
1135     enclosed in MACRO / ENDM).
1137     Suppose your macro contains a loop.
1139           MACRO LoopyMacro
1140                       xor  a,a
1141           .loop       ld   [hl+],a
1142                       dec  c
1143                       jr   nz,.loop
1144           ENDM
1146     This is fine, but only if you use the macro no more than once per scope.
1147     To get around this problem, there is the escape sequence \@ that expands
1148     to a unique string.
1150     \@ also works in REPT blocks.
1152           MACRO LoopyMacro
1153                       xor  a,a
1154           .loop\@     ld   [hl+],a
1155                       dec  c
1156                       jr   nz,.loop\@
1157           ENDM
1159     Important note: Since a macro can call itself (or a different macro that
1160     calls the first one), there can be circular dependency problems.  If this
1161     creates an infinite loop, rgbasm will error out once a certain depth is
1162     reached.  See the -r command-line option in rgbasm(1).  Also, a macro can
1163     have inside an EQUS which references the same macro, which has the same
1164     problem.
1166     It's possible to pass arguments to macros as well!  You retrieve the ar‐
1167     guments by using the escape sequences \1 through \9, \1 being the first
1168     argument specified on the macro invocation.
1170           MACRO LoopyMacro
1171                       ld   hl,\1
1172                       ld   c,\2
1173                       xor  a,a
1174           .loop\@     ld   [hl+],a
1175                       dec  c
1176                       jr   nz,.loop\@
1177                       ENDM
1179     Now you can call the macro specifying two arguments, the first being the
1180     address and the second being a byte count.  The generated code will then
1181     reset all bytes in this range.
1183           LoopyMacro MyVars,54
1185     Arguments are passed as string constants, although there's no need to en‐
1186     close them in quotes.  Thus, an expression will not be evaluated first
1187     but kind of copy-pasted.  This means that it's probably a very good idea
1188     to use brackets around \1 to \9 if you perform further calculations on
1189     them.  For instance, consider the following:
1191           MACRO print_double
1192               PRINTLN \1 * 2
1193           ENDM
1194               print_double 1 + 2
1196     The PRINTLN statement will expand to ‘PRINTLN 1 + 2 * 2’, which will
1197     print 5 and not 6 as you might have expected.
1199     Line continuations work as usual inside macros or lists of macro argu‐
1200     ments.  However, some characters need to be escaped, as in the following
1201     example:
1203           MACRO PrintMacro1
1204               PRINTLN STRCAT(\1)
1205           ENDM
1206               PrintMacro1 "Hello "\, \
1207                                  "world"
1208           MACRO PrintMacro2
1209               PRINT \1
1210           ENDM
1211               PrintMacro2 STRCAT("Hello ", \
1212                                  "world\n")
1214     The comma in ‘PrintMacro1’ needs to be escaped to prevent it from start‐
1215     ing another macro argument.  The comma in ‘PrintMacro2’ does not need es‐
1216     caping because it is inside parentheses, similar to macro arguments in C.
1217     The backslash in ‘\n’ also does not need escaping because string literals
1218     work as usual inside macro arguments.
1220     Since there are only nine digits, you can only access the first nine
1221     macro arguments like this.  To use the rest, you need to put the multi-
1222     digit argument number in angle brackets, like ‘\<10>’.  This bracketed
1223     syntax supports decimal numbers and numeric constant symbols.  For exam‐
1224     ple, ‘\<_NARG>’ will get the last argument.
1226     Other macro arguments and symbol interpolations will be expanded inside
1227     the angle brackets.  For example, if ‘\1’ is ‘13’, then ‘\<\1>’ will ex‐
1228     pand to ‘\<13>’.  Or if ‘v10 = 42’ and ‘x = 10’, then ‘\<v{d:x}>’ will
1229     expand to ‘\<42>’.
1231     Another way to access more than nine macro arguments is the SHIFT com‐
1232     mand, a special command only available in macros.  It will shift the ar‐
1233     guments by one to the left, and decrease _NARG by 1.  \1 will get the
1234     value of \2, \2 will get the value of \3, and so forth.
1236     SHIFT can optionally be given an integer parameter, and will apply the
1237     above shifting that number of times.  A negative parameter will shift the
1238     arguments in reverse.
1240     SHIFT is useful in REPT blocks to repeat the same commands with multiple
1241     arguments.
1243   Printing things during assembly
1244     The PRINT and PRINTLN commands print text and values to the standard out‐
1245     put.  Useful for debugging macros, or wherever you may feel the need to
1246     tell yourself some important information.
1248           PRINT "Hello world!\n"
1249           PRINTLN "Hello world!"
1250           PRINT _NARG, " arguments\n"
1251           PRINTLN "sum: ", 2+3, " product: ", 2*3
1252           PRINTLN "Line #", __LINE__
1253           PRINTLN STRFMT("E = %f", 2.718)
1255     PRINT prints out each of its comma-separated arguments.  Numbers are
1256     printed as unsigned uppercase hexadecimal with a leading $.  For differ‐
1257     ent formats, use STRFMT.
1259     PRINTLN prints out each of its comma-separated arguments, if any, fol‐
1260     lowed by a line feed (‘\n’).
1262   Automatically repeating blocks of code
1263     Suppose you want to unroll a time consuming loop without copy-pasting it.
1264     REPT is here for that purpose.  Everything between REPT and the matching
1265     ENDR will be repeated a number of times just as if you had done a
1266     copy/paste operation yourself.  The following example will assemble ‘add
1267     a,c’ four times:
1269           REPT 4
1270             add  a,c
1271           ENDR
1273     You can also use REPT to generate tables on the fly:
1275           ; Generate a table of square values from 0**2 = 0 to 100**2 = 10000
1276           DEF x = 0
1277           REPT 101
1278               dw x * x
1279               DEF x += 1
1280           ENDR
1282     As in macros, you can also use the escape sequence \@.  REPT blocks can
1283     be nested.
1285     A common pattern is to repeat a block for each value in some range.  FOR
1286     is simpler than REPT for that purpose.  Everything between FOR and the
1287     matching ENDR will be repeated for each value of a given symbol.  String
1288     constants are not expanded within the symbol name.  For example, this
1289     code will produce a table of squared values from 0 to 255:
1291           FOR N, 256
1292                 dw N * N
1293           ENDR
1295     It acts just as if you had done:
1297           N = 0
1298                 dw N * N
1299           N = 1
1300                 dw N * N
1301           N = 2
1302                 dw N * N
1303           ; ...
1304           N = 255
1305                 dw N * N
1306           N = 256
1308     You can customize the range of FOR values, similarly to Python's ‘range’
1309     function:
1311     Code                        Range
1312     FOR V, stop                 V increments from 0 to stop
1313     FOR V, start, stop          V increments from start to stop
1314     FOR V, start, stop, step    V goes from start to stop by step
1316     The FOR value will be updated by step until it reaches or exceeds stop,
1317     i.e. it covers the half-open range from start (inclusive) to stop (exclu‐
1318     sive).  The variable V will be assigned this value at the beginning of
1319     each new iteration; any changes made to it within the FOR loop's body
1320     will be overwritten.  So the symbol V need not be already defined before
1321     any iterations of the FOR loop, but it must be a variable (Variables) if
1322     so.  For example:
1324           FOR V, 4, 25, 5
1325                 PRINT "{d:V} "
1326                 DEF V *= 2
1327           ENDR
1328                 PRINTLN "done {d:V}"
1330     This will print:
1332           4 9 14 19 24 done 29
1334     Just like with REPT blocks, you can use the escape sequence \@ inside of
1335     FOR blocks, and they can be nested.
1337     You can stop a repeating block with the BREAK command.  A BREAK inside of
1338     a REPT or FOR block will interrupt the current iteration and not repeat
1339     any more.  It will continue running code after the block's ENDR.  For ex‐
1340     ample:
1342           FOR V, 1, 100
1343                 PRINT "{d:V}"
1344                 IF V == 5
1345                     PRINT " stop! "
1346                     BREAK
1347                 ENDC
1348                 PRINT ", "
1349           ENDR
1350                 PRINTLN "done {d:V}"
1352     This will print:
1354           1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stop! done 5
1356   Aborting the assembly process
1357     FAIL and WARN can be used to print errors and warnings respectively dur‐
1358     ing the assembly process.  This is especially useful for macros that get
1359     an invalid argument.  FAIL and WARN take a string as the only argument
1360     and they will print this string out as a normal error with a line number.
1362     FAIL stops assembling immediately while WARN shows the message but con‐
1363     tinues afterwards.
1365     If you need to ensure some assumption is correct when compiling, you can
1366     use ASSERT and STATIC_ASSERT.  Syntax examples are given below:
1368           Function:
1369                 xor a
1370           ASSERT LOW(MyByte) == 0
1371                 ld h, HIGH(MyByte)
1372                 ld l, a
1373                 ld a, [hli]
1374           ; You can also indent this!
1375                 ASSERT BANK(OtherFunction) == BANK(Function)
1376                 call OtherFunction
1377           ; Lowercase also works
1378                 ld hl, FirstByte
1379                 ld a, [hli]
1380           assert FirstByte + 1 == SecondByte
1381                 ld b, [hl]
1382                 ret
1383           .end
1384                 ; If you specify one, a message will be printed
1385                 STATIC_ASSERT .end - Function < 256, "Function is too large!"
1387     First, the difference between ASSERT and STATIC_ASSERT is that the former
1388     is evaluated by RGBASM if it can, otherwise by RGBLINK; but the latter is
1389     only ever evaluated by RGBASM.  If RGBASM cannot compute the value of the
1390     argument to STATIC_ASSERT, it will produce an error.
1392     Second, as shown above, a string can be optionally added at the end, to
1393     give insight into what the assertion is checking.
1395     Finally, you can add one of WARN, FAIL or FATAL as the first optional ar‐
1396     gument to either ASSERT or STATIC_ASSERT.  If the assertion fails, WARN
1397     will cause a simple warning (controlled by rgbasm(1) flag -Wassert) to be
1398     emitted; FAIL (the default) will cause a non-fatal error; and FATAL imme‐
1399     diately aborts.
1401   Including other source files
1402     Use INCLUDE to process another assembler file and then return to the cur‐
1403     rent file when done.  If the file isn't found in the current directory,
1404     the include path list (see the -i option in rgbasm(1)) will be searched.
1405     You may nest INCLUDE calls infinitely (or until you run out of memory,
1406     whichever comes first).
1408               INCLUDE "irq.inc"
1410     You may also implicitly INCLUDE a file before the source file with the -P
1411     option of rgbasm(1).
1413   Conditional assembling
1414     The four commands IF, ELIF, ELSE, and ENDC let you have rgbasm skip over
1415     parts of your code depending on a condition.  This is a powerful feature
1416     commonly used in macros.
1418           IF NUM < 0
1419             PRINTLN "NUM < 0"
1420           ELIF NUM == 0
1421             PRINTLN "NUM == 0"
1422           ELSE
1423             PRINTLN "NUM > 0"
1424           ENDC
1426     The ELIF (standing for "else if") and ELSE blocks are optional.  IF /
1427     ELIF / ELSE / ENDC blocks can be nested.
1429     Note that if an ELSE block is found before an ELIF block, the ELIF block
1430     will be ignored.  All ELIF blocks must go before the ELSE block.  Also,
1431     if there is more than one ELSE block, all of them but the first one are
1432     ignored.


1435   Changing options while assembling
1436     OPT can be used to change some of the options during assembling from
1437     within the source, instead of defining them on the command-line.  (See
1438     rgbasm(1)).
1440     OPT takes a comma-separated list of options as its argument:
1442           PUSHO
1443               OPT g.oOX, Wdiv, L    ; acts like command-line -g.oOX -Wdiv -L
1444               DW `..ooOOXX          ; uses the graphics constant characters from OPT g
1445               PRINTLN $80000000/-1  ; prints a warning about division
1446               LD [$FF88], A         ; encoded as LD, not LDH
1447           POPO
1448               DW `00112233          ; uses the default graphics constant characters
1449               PRINTLN $80000000/-1  ; no warning by default
1450               LD [$FF88], A         ; optimized to use LDH by default
1452     The options that OPT can modify are currently: b, g, p, Q, r, h, L, and
1453     W.  The Boolean flag options H, h, L, and l can be negated like ‘OPT !H’
1454     to act like omitting them from the command-line.
1456     POPO and PUSHO provide the interface to the option stack.  PUSHO will
1457     push the current set of options on the option stack.  POPO can then later
1458     be used to restore them.  Useful if you want to change some options in an
1459     include file and you don't want to destroy the options set by the program
1460     that included your file.  The stack's number of entries is limited only
1461     by the amount of memory in your machine.
1463   Requesting alignment
1464     While ALIGN as presented in SECTIONS is often useful as-is, sometimes you
1465     instead want a particular piece of data (or code) in the middle of the
1466     section to be aligned.  This is made easier through the use of mid-sec‐
1467     tion ALIGN align, offset.  It will alter the section's attributes to en‐
1468     sure that the location the ALIGN directive is at, has its align lower
1469     bits equal to offset.
1471     If the constraint cannot be met (for example because the section is fixed
1472     at an incompatible address), an error is produced.  Note that ALIGN align
1473     is a shorthand for ALIGN align, 0.


1476     rgbasm(1), rgblink(1), rgblink(5), rgbds(5), rgbds(7), gbz80(7)


1479     rgbasm was originally written by Carsten Sørensen as part of the ASMotor
1480     package, and was later packaged in RGBDS by Justin Lloyd.  It is now
1481     maintained by a number of contributors at https://github.com/gbdev/rgbds
1483BSD                             March 28, 2021                             BSD