1ms_transform(3)            Erlang Module Definition            ms_transform(3)


6       ms_transform  -  A parse transformation that translates fun syntax into
7       match
8           specifications.


11       This module provides the parse transformation that makes calls  to  ets
12       and  dbg:fun2ms/1  translate into literal match specifications. It also
13       provides the back end for the  same  functions  when  called  from  the
14       Erlang shell.
16       The  translation  from funs to match specifications is accessed through
17       the two "pseudo functions" ets:fun2ms/1 and dbg:fun2ms/1.
19       As everyone trying to use ets:select/2 or dbg seems to end  up  reading
20       this manual page, this description is an introduction to the concept of
21       match specifications.
23       Read the whole manual page if it is the first time you  are  using  the
24       transformations.
26       Match  specifications  are  used more or less as filters. They resemble
27       usual Erlang matching in a list comprehension or in  a  fun  used  with
28       lists:foldl/3,  and so on. However, the syntax of pure match specifica‐
29       tions is awkward, as they are made up purely by Erlang terms,  and  the
30       language has no syntax to make the match specifications more readable.
32       As  the  execution  and  structure of the match specifications are like
33       that of a fun, it is more straightforward to write it using the  famil‐
34       iar  fun  syntax and to have that translated into a match specification
35       automatically. A real fun is clearly more powerful than the match spec‐
36       ifications  allow,  but  bearing  the match specifications in mind, and
37       what they can do, it is still more convenient to write it all as a fun.
38       This module contains the code that translates the fun syntax into match
39       specification terms.


42       Using ets:select/2 and a match specification, one can filter  out  rows
43       of  a table and construct a list of tuples containing relevant parts of
44       the data in these rows.  One  can  use  ets:foldl/3  instead,  but  the
45       ets:select/2  call  is far more efficient. Without the translation pro‐
46       vided by ms_transform, one must struggle with writing match  specifica‐
47       tions terms to accommodate this.
49       Consider a simple table of employees:
51       -record(emp, {empno,     %Employee number as a string, the key
52                     surname,   %Surname of the employee
53                     givenname, %Given name of employee
54                     dept,      %Department, one of {dev,sales,prod,adm}
55                     empyear}). %Year the employee was employed
57       We create the table using:
59       ets:new(emp_tab, [{keypos,#emp.empno},named_table,ordered_set]).
61       We fill the table with randomly chosen data:
63       [{emp,"011103","Black","Alfred",sales,2000},
64        {emp,"041231","Doe","John",prod,2001},
65        {emp,"052341","Smith","John",dev,1997},
66        {emp,"076324","Smith","Ella",sales,1995},
67        {emp,"122334","Weston","Anna",prod,2002},
68        {emp,"535216","Chalker","Samuel",adm,1998},
69        {emp,"789789","Harrysson","Joe",adm,1996},
70        {emp,"963721","Scott","Juliana",dev,2003},
71        {emp,"989891","Brown","Gabriel",prod,1999}]
73       Assuming  that  we  want  the employee numbers of everyone in the sales
74       department, there are several ways.
76       ets:match/2 can be used:
78       1> ets:match(emp_tab, {'_', '$1', '_', '_', sales, '_'}).
79       [["011103"],["076324"]]
81       ets:match/2 uses a simpler type of match specification, but it is still
82       unreadable,  and one has little control over the returned result. It is
83       always a list of lists.
85       ets:foldl/3 or ets:foldr/3 can be used to avoid the nested lists:
87       ets:foldr(fun(#emp{empno = E, dept = sales},Acc) -> [E | Acc];
88                    (_,Acc) -> Acc
89                 end,
90                 [],
91                 emp_tab).
93       The result is ["011103","076324"]. The fun is straightforward,  so  the
94       only  problem  is  that all the data from the table must be transferred
95       from the table to the calling process for filtering.  That  is  ineffi‐
96       cient  compared to the ets:match/2 call where the filtering can be done
97       "inside" the emulator  and  only  the  result  is  transferred  to  the
98       process.
100       Consider a "pure" ets:select/2 call that does what ets:foldr does:
102       ets:select(emp_tab, [{#emp{empno = '$1', dept = sales, _='_'},[],['$1']}]).
104       Although  the  record syntax is used, it is still hard to read and even
105       harder to write. The first element of the  tuple,  #emp{empno  =  '$1',
106       dept  =  sales, _='_'}, tells what to match. Elements not matching this
107       are not returned, as in the ets:match/2 example.  The  second  element,
108       the  empty  list, is a list of guard expressions, which we do not need.
109       The third element is the list of expressions  constructing  the  return
110       value (in ETS this is almost always a list containing one single term).
111       In our case '$1' is bound to the employee number  in  the  head  (first
112       element  of  the tuple), and hence the employee number is returned. The
113       result is ["011103","076324"], as in the ets:foldr/3 example,  but  the
114       result  is  retrieved much more efficiently in terms of execution speed
115       and memory consumption.
117       Using ets:fun2ms/1, we can combine the ease of use of  the  ets:foldr/3
118       and the efficiency of the pure ets:select/2 example:
120       -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl").
122       ets:select(emp_tab, ets:fun2ms(
123                             fun(#emp{empno = E, dept = sales}) ->
124                                     E
125                             end)).
127       This  example  requires no special knowledge of match specifications to
128       understand. The head of the fun matches what you want to filter out and
129       the body returns what you want returned. As long as the fun can be kept
130       within the limits of the match specifications,  there  is  no  need  to
131       transfer  all  table  data  to  the  process  for  filtering  as in the
132       ets:foldr/3 example. It is easier to read than the ets:foldr/3 example,
133       as  the  select  call  in itself discards anything that does not match,
134       while the fun of the ets:foldr/3 call needs to handle both the elements
135       matching and the ones not matching.
137       In  the  ets:fun2ms/1  example above, it is needed to include ms_trans‐
138       form.hrl in the source code, as this is what triggers the parse  trans‐
139       formation of the ets:fun2ms/1 call to a valid match specification. This
140       also implies that the transformation is done at  compile  time  (except
141       when  called  from  the shell) and therefore takes no resources in run‐
142       time. That is, although you use the more intuitive fun syntax, it  gets
143       as efficient in runtime as writing match specifications by hand.


146       Assume  that we want to get all the employee numbers of employees hired
147       before year 2000. Using ets:match/2 is  not  an  alternative  here,  as
148       relational operators cannot be expressed there. Once again, ets:foldr/3
149       can do it (slowly, but correct):
151       ets:foldr(fun(#emp{empno = E, empyear = Y},Acc) when Y < 2000 -> [E | Acc];
152                         (_,Acc) -> Acc
153                 end,
154                 [],
155                 emp_tab).
157       The  result   is   ["052341","076324","535216","789789","989891"],   as
158       expected.  The equivalent expression using a handwritten match specifi‐
159       cation would look like this:
161       ets:select(emp_tab, [{#emp{empno = '$1', empyear = '$2', _='_'},
162                            [{'<', '$2', 2000}],
163                            ['$1']}]).
165       This gives the same result. [{'<', '$2', 2000}] is in  the  guard  part
166       and therefore discards anything that does not have an empyear (bound to
167       '$2' in the head) less than 2000, as the guard in the foldr/3 example.
169       We write it using ets:fun2ms/1:
171       -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl").
173       ets:select(emp_tab, ets:fun2ms(
174                             fun(#emp{empno = E, empyear = Y}) when Y < 2000 ->
175                                  E
176                             end)).


179       Assume that we want the whole object matching instead of only one  ele‐
180       ment.  One  alternative  is  to  assign a variable to every part of the
181       record and build it up once again in the body of the fun, but the  fol‐
182       lowing is easier:
184       ets:select(emp_tab, ets:fun2ms(
185                             fun(Obj = #emp{empno = E, empyear = Y})
186                                when Y < 2000 ->
187                                     Obj
188                             end)).
190       As  in  ordinary  Erlang matching, you can bind a variable to the whole
191       matched object using a "match inside the match", that is, a =. Unfortu‐
192       nately  in  funs translated to match specifications, it is allowed only
193       at the "top-level", that is, matching the whole object arriving  to  be
194       matched  into  a  separate  variable.  If you are used to writing match
195       specifications by hand, we mention that variable A is simply translated
196       into  '$_'.  Alternatively,  pseudo  function object/0 also returns the
197       whole matched object, see section  Warnings and Restrictions.


200       This example concerns the body of the fun.  Assume  that  all  employee
201       numbers  beginning  with zero (0) must be changed to begin with one (1)
202       instead, and that  we  want  to  create  the  list  [{<Old  empno>,<New
203       empno>}]:
205       ets:select(emp_tab, ets:fun2ms(
206                             fun(#emp{empno = [$0 | Rest] }) ->
207                                     {[$0|Rest],[$1|Rest]}
208                             end)).
210       This  query  hits  the  feature  of  partially bound keys in table type
211       ordered_set, so that not the whole table needs to be searched, only the
212       part containing keys beginning with 0 is looked into.


215       The fun can have many clauses. Assume that we want to do the following:
217         * If  an  employee  started before 1997, return the tuple {inventory,
218           <employee number>}.
220         * If an employee started 1997  or  later,  but  before  2001,  return
221           {rookie, <employee number>}.
223         * For all other employees, return {newbie, <employee number>}, except
224           for those named Smith as they would be affronted by anything  other
225           than  the tag guru and that is also what is returned for their num‐
226           bers: {guru, <employee number>}.
228       This is accomplished as follows:
230       ets:select(emp_tab, ets:fun2ms(
231                             fun(#emp{empno = E, surname = "Smith" }) ->
232                                     {guru,E};
233                                (#emp{empno = E, empyear = Y}) when Y < 1997  ->
234                                     {inventory, E};
235                                (#emp{empno = E, empyear = Y}) when Y > 2001  ->
236                                     {newbie, E};
237                                (#emp{empno = E, empyear = Y}) -> % 1997 -- 2001
238                                     {rookie, E}
239                             end)).
241       The result is as follows:
243       [{rookie,"011103"},
244        {rookie,"041231"},
245        {guru,"052341"},
246        {guru,"076324"},
247        {newbie,"122334"},
248        {rookie,"535216"},
249        {inventory,"789789"},
250        {newbie,"963721"},
251        {rookie,"989891"}]


254       What more can you do? A simple answer  is:  see  the  documentation  of
255       match  specifications in ERTS User's Guide. However, the following is a
256       brief overview of the most useful "built-in functions" that you can use
257       when  the  fun  is  to  be  translated  into  a  match specification by
258       ets:fun2ms/1. It is not possible to call  other  functions  than  those
259       allowed in match specifications. No "usual" Erlang code can be executed
260       by the fun that is translated  by  ets:fun2ms/1.  The  fun  is  limited
261       exactly to the power of the match specifications, which is unfortunate,
262       but the price one must pay for the execution speed of ets:select/2 com‐
263       pared to ets:foldl/foldr.
265       The  head of the fun is a head matching (or mismatching) one parameter,
266       one object of the table we select from. The object is always  a  single
267       variable (can be _) or a tuple, as ETS, Dets, and Mnesia tables include
268       that. The match specification returned by ets:fun2ms/1 can be used with
269       dets:select/2  and mnesia:select/2, and with ets:select/2. The use of =
270       in the head is allowed (and encouraged) at the top-level.
272       The guard section can contain any guard expression of Erlang. The  fol‐
273       lowing is a list of BIFs and expressions:
275         * Type  tests:  is_atom,  is_float,  is_integer,  is_list, is_number,
276           is_pid, is_port, is_reference,  is_tuple,  is_binary,  is_function,
277           is_record
279         * Boolean operators: not, and, or, andalso, orelse
281         * Relational operators: >, >=, <, =<, =:=, ==, =/=, /=
283         * Arithmetics: +, -, *, div, rem
285         * Bitwise operators: band, bor, bxor, bnot, bsl, bsr
287         * The  guard  BIFs:  abs, element, hd, length, node, round, size, tl,
288           trunc, self
290       Contrary to the  fact  with  "handwritten"  match  specifications,  the
291       is_record guard works as in ordinary Erlang code.
293       Semicolons  (;)  in guards are allowed, the result is (as expected) one
294       "match specification clause" for each semicolon-separated part  of  the
295       guard. The semantics is identical to the Erlang semantics.
297       The  body  of  the  fun  is used to construct the resulting value. When
298       selecting from tables, one usually construct a suiting term here, using
299       ordinary  Erlang term construction, like tuple parentheses, list brack‐
300       ets, and variables matched out in the head,  possibly  with  the  occa‐
301       sional  constant.  Whatever  expressions are allowed in guards are also
302       allowed here, but no special functions exist except object and bindings
303       (see  further  down),  which  returns  the whole matched object and all
304       known variable bindings, respectively.
306       The dbg variants of match specifications have an imperative approach to
307       the match specification body, the ETS dialect has not. The fun body for
308       ets:fun2ms/1 returns the result without side effects. As  matching  (=)
309       in the body of the match specifications is not allowed (for performance
310       reasons) the only thing left, more or less, is term construction.


313       This section describes  the  slightly  different  match  specifications
314       translated by dbg:fun2ms/1.
316       The same reasons for using the parse transformation apply to dbg, maybe
317       even more, as filtering using Erlang code is not a good idea when trac‐
318       ing  (except  afterwards, if you trace to file). The concept is similar
319       to that of ets:fun2ms/1 except that you usually use  it  directly  from
320       the shell (which can also be done with ets:fun2ms/1).
322       The following is an example module to trace on:
324       -module(toy).
326       -export([start/1, store/2, retrieve/1]).
328       start(Args) ->
329           toy_table = ets:new(toy_table, Args).
331       store(Key, Value) ->
332           ets:insert(toy_table, {Key,Value}).
334       retrieve(Key) ->
335           [{Key, Value}] = ets:lookup(toy_table, Key),
336           Value.
338       During  model  testing,  the  first  test  results  in {badmatch,16} in
339       {toy,start,1}, why?
341       We suspect the ets:new/2 call, as we match hard on  the  return  value,
342       but want only the particular new/2 call with toy_table as first parame‐
343       ter. So we start a default tracer on the node:
345       1> dbg:tracer().
346       {ok,<0.88.0>}
348       We turn on call tracing for all processes, we want  to  make  a  pretty
349       restrictive trace pattern, so there is no need to call trace only a few
350       processes (usually it is not):
352       2> dbg:p(all,call).
353       {ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,25}]}
355       We  specify  the  filter,  we  want  to  view   calls   that   resemble
356       ets:new(toy_table, <something>):
358       3> dbg:tp(ets,new,dbg:fun2ms(fun([toy_table,_]) -> true end)).
359       {ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,1},{saved,1}]}
361       As  can  be seen, the fun used with dbg:fun2ms/1 takes a single list as
362       parameter instead of a single tuple. The list matches  a  list  of  the
363       parameters  to the traced function. A single variable can also be used.
364       The body of the fun expresses, in a more imperative way, actions to  be
365       taken  if the fun head (and the guards) matches. true is returned here,
366       only because the body of a fun cannot be empty.  The  return  value  is
367       discarded.
369       The following trace output is received during test:
371       (<0.86.0>) call ets:new(toy_table, [ordered_set])
373       Assume  that  we  have  not found the problem yet, and want to see what
374       ets:new/2 returns. We use a slightly different trace pattern:
376       4> dbg:tp(ets,new,dbg:fun2ms(fun([toy_table,_]) -> return_trace() end)).
378       The following trace output is received during test:
380       (<0.86.0>) call ets:new(toy_table,[ordered_set])
381       (<0.86.0>) returned from ets:new/2 -> 24
383       The call to return_trace results in a trace message when  the  function
384       returns.  It  applies only to the specific function call triggering the
385       match specification (and matching the head/guards of the match specifi‐
386       cation). This is by far the most common call in the body of a dbg match
387       specification.
389       The test now fails with {badmatch,24} because the atom  toy_table  does
390       not  match the number returned for an unnamed table. So, the problem is
391       found, the table is to be named, and the arguments supplied by the test
392       program do not include named_table. We rewrite the start function:
394       start(Args) ->
395           toy_table = ets:new(toy_table, [named_table|Args]).
397       With  the  same  tracing  turned  on,  the  following  trace  output is
398       received:
400       (<0.86.0>) call ets:new(toy_table,[named_table,ordered_set])
401       (<0.86.0>) returned from ets:new/2 -> toy_table
403       Assume that the module now passes all testing and goes into the system.
404       After  a while, it is found that table toy_table grows while the system
405       is running and that there are many elements  with  atoms  as  keys.  We
406       expected  only  integer  keys  and  so does the rest of the system, but
407       clearly not the entire system. We turn on call tracing and try  to  see
408       calls to the module with an atom as the key:
410       1> dbg:tracer().
411       {ok,<0.88.0>}
412       2> dbg:p(all,call).
413       {ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,25}]}
414       3> dbg:tpl(toy,store,dbg:fun2ms(fun([A,_]) when is_atom(A) -> true end)).
415       {ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,1},{saved,1}]}
417       We use dbg:tpl/3 to ensure to catch local calls (assume that the module
418       has grown since the smaller version and we are unsure if this inserting
419       of  atoms  is  not  done locally). When in doubt, always use local call
420       tracing.
422       Assume that nothing happens when tracing in this way. The  function  is
423       never called with these parameters. We conclude that someone else (some
424       other  module)  is  doing  it  and  realize  that  we  must  trace   on
425       ets:insert/2 and want to see the calling function. The calling function
426       can be retrieved using the match specification function caller. To  get
427       it  into  the  trace  message, the match specification function message
428       must be used. The filter call looks like this  (looking  for  calls  to
429       ets:insert/2):
431       4> dbg:tpl(ets,insert,dbg:fun2ms(fun([toy_table,{A,_}]) when is_atom(A) ->
432        message(caller())
433        end)).
434       {ok,[{matched,nonode@nohost,1},{saved,2}]}
436       The  caller  is  now  displayed in the "additional message" part of the
437       trace output, and the following is displayed after a while:
439       (<0.86.0>) call ets:insert(toy_table,{garbage,can}) ({evil_mod,evil_fun,2})
441       You have realized that function evil_fun of the evil_mod  module,  with
442       arity 2, is causing all this trouble.
444       This  example  illustrates  the most used calls in match specifications
445       for dbg. The other, more esoteric, calls are listed  and  explained  in
446       Match specifications in Erlang in ERTS User's Guide, as they are beyond
447       the scope of this description.


450       The following warnings and restrictions apply to the funs used in  with
451       ets:fun2ms/1 and dbg:fun2ms/1.
453   Warning:
454       To  use  the  pseudo  functions  triggering  the translation, ensure to
455       include the header file ms_transform.hrl in the source code. Failure to
456       do  so  possibly results in runtime errors rather than compile time, as
457       the expression can be valid as a plain Erlang program without  transla‐
458       tion.
461   Warning:
462       The  fun must be literally constructed inside the parameter list to the
463       pseudo functions. The fun cannot be bound to a variable first and  then
464       passed  to ets:fun2ms/1 or dbg:fun2ms/1. For example, ets:fun2ms(fun(A)
465       -> A end) works, but not F = fun(A) -> A end, ets:fun2ms(F). The latter
466       results  in a compile-time error if the header is included, otherwise a
467       runtime error.
470       Many restrictions apply to the fun that  is  translated  into  a  match
471       specification.  To  put  it  simple: you cannot use anything in the fun
472       that you cannot use in a match specification. This  means  that,  among
473       others, the following restrictions apply to the fun itself:
475         * Functions  written  in  Erlang  cannot be called, neither can local
476           functions, global functions, or real funs.
478         * Everything that is written as a function call is translated into  a
479           match  specification  call to a built-in function, so that the call
480           is_list(X) is translated to {'is_list',  '$1'}  ('$1'  is  only  an
481           example,  the  numbering can vary). If one tries to call a function
482           that is not a match specification built-in, it causes an error.
484         * Variables occurring in the head of the fun are  replaced  by  match
485           specification  variables  in the order of occurrence, so that frag‐
486           ment fun({A,B,C}) is replaced by {'$1', '$2',  '$3'},  and  so  on.
487           Every  occurrence  of such a variable in the match specification is
488           replaced by a match specification variable in the same way, so that
489           the  fun  fun({A,B})  when  is_atom(A)  -> B end is translated into
490           [{{'$1','$2'},[{is_atom,'$1'}],['$2']}].
492         * Variables that are not included in the head are imported  from  the
493           environment  and  made  into match specification const expressions.
494           Example from the shell:
496         1> X = 25.
497         25
498         2> ets:fun2ms(fun({A,B}) when A > X -> B end).
499         [{{'$1','$2'},[{'>','$1',{const,25}}],['$2']}]
501         * Matching with = cannot be used in the body. It can only be used  on
502           the top-level in the head of the fun. Example from the shell again:
504         1> ets:fun2ms(fun({A,[B|C]} = D) when A > B -> D end).
505         [{{'$1',['$2'|'$3']},[{'>','$1','$2'}],['$_']}]
506         2> ets:fun2ms(fun({A,[B|C]=D}) when A > B -> D end).
507         Error: fun with head matching ('=' in head) cannot be translated into
508         match_spec
509         {error,transform_error}
510         3> ets:fun2ms(fun({A,[B|C]}) when A > B -> D = [B|C], D end).
511         Error: fun with body matching ('=' in body) is illegal as match_spec
512         {error,transform_error}
514           All  variables  are  bound in the head of a match specification, so
515           the translator cannot allow multiple  bindings.  The  special  case
516           when  matching  is done on the top-level makes the variable bind to
517           '$_' in the resulting match specification. It is to  allow  a  more
518           natural  access  to  the  whole  matched  object.  Pseudo  function
519           object() can be used instead, see below.
521           The following expressions are translated equally:
523         ets:fun2ms(fun({a,_} = A) -> A end).
524         ets:fun2ms(fun({a,_}) -> object() end).
526         * The special match specification variables  '$_'  and  '$*'  can  be
527           accessed through the pseudo functions object() (for '$_') and bind‐
528           ings() (for '$*'). As an example, one can translate  the  following
529           ets:match_object/2 call to a ets:select/2 call:
531         ets:match_object(Table, {'$1',test,'$2'}).
533           This is the same as:
535         ets:select(Table, ets:fun2ms(fun({A,test,B}) -> object() end)).
537           In  this  simple case, the former expression is probably preferable
538           in terms of readability.
540           The ets:select/2 call conceptually looks like this in the resulting
541           code:
543         ets:select(Table, [{{'$1',test,'$2'},[],['$_']}]).
545           Matching on the top-level of the fun head can be a more natural way
546           to access '$_', see above.
548         * Term constructions/literals are translated as much as is needed  to
549           get  them  into valid match specification. This way tuples are made
550           into match specification tuple constructions (a one  element  tuple
551           containing  the  tuple)  and  constant  expressions  are  used when
552           importing variables from the environment. Records are  also  trans‐
553           lated  into plain tuple constructions, calls to element, and so on.
554           The guard test is_record/2 is translated into  match  specification
555           code  using  the  three  parameter version that is built into match
556           specification,  so   that   is_record(A,t)   is   translated   into
557           {is_record,'$1',t,5} if the record size of record type t is 5.
559         * Language  constructions  such  as  case, if, and catch that are not
560           present in match specifications are not allowed.
562         * If header file ms_transform.hrl is not included,  the  fun  is  not
563           translated,  which  can  result  in  a  runtime error (depending on
564           whether the fun is valid in a pure Erlang context).
566           Ensure that the header is included when using ets and  dbg:fun2ms/1
567           in compiled code.
569         * If  pseudo function triggering the translation is ets:fun2ms/1, the
570           head of the fun must contain a single variable or a  single  tuple.
571           If  the  pseudo  function is dbg:fun2ms/1, the head of the fun must
572           contain a single variable or a single list.
574       The translation from funs to match specifications is  done  at  compile
575       time,  so  runtime  performance  is  not affected by using these pseudo
576       functions.
578       For more information about match specifications, see the Match specifi‐
579       cations in Erlang in ERTS User's Guide.


582       format_error(Error) -> Chars
584              Types:
586                 Error = {error, module(), term()}
587                 Chars = io_lib:chars()
589              Takes  an  error  code returned by one of the other functions in
590              the module and creates a textual description of the error.
592       parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> Forms2 | Errors | Warnings
594              Types:
596                 Forms    =    Forms2    =    [erl_parse:abstract_form()     |
597                 erl_parse:form_info()]
598                 Options = term()
599                   Option list, required but not used.
600                 Errors = {error, ErrInfo :: [tuple()], WarnInfo :: []}
601                 Warnings = {warning, Forms2, WarnInfo :: [tuple()]}
603              Implements  the transformation at compile time. This function is
604              called by the compiler to do the source code  transformation  if
605              and  when header file ms_transform.hrl is included in the source
606              code.
608              For information about how to use this parse transformation,  see
609              ets and dbg:fun2ms/1.
611              For  a  description  of match specifications, see section  Match
612              Specification in Erlang in ERTS User's Guide.
614       transform_from_shell(Dialect, Clauses, BoundEnvironment) -> term()
616              Types:
618                 Dialect = ets | dbg
619                 Clauses = [erl_parse:abstract_clause()]
620                 BoundEnvironment = erl_eval:binding_struct()
621                   List of variable bindings in the shell environment.
623              Implements the transformation when the  fun2ms/1  functions  are
624              called  from  the  shell. In this case, the abstract form is for
625              one single fun (parsed by the Erlang shell). All imported  vari‐
626              ables  are  to  be in the key-value list passed as BoundEnviron‐
627              ment. The result is a term, normalized, that is, not in abstract
628              format.
632Ericsson AB                     stdlib                 ms_transform(3)