1Geo::Distance(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Geo::Distance(3)
6 Geo::Distance - Calculate Distances and Closest Locations
9 use Geo::Distance;
10 my $geo = new Geo::Distance;
11 $geo->formula('hsin');
12 $geo->reg_unit( 'toad_hop', 200120 );
13 $geo->reg_unit( 'frog_hop' => 6 => 'toad_hop' );
14 my $distance = $geo->distance( 'unit_type', $lon1,$lat1 => $lon2,$lat2 );
15 my $locations = $geo->closest(
16 dbh => $dbh,
17 table => $table,
18 lon => $lon,
19 lat => $lat,
20 unit => $unit_type,
21 distance => $dist_in_unit
22 );
25 This perl library aims to provide as many tools to make it as simple as
26 possible to calculate distances between geographic points, and anything
27 that can be derived from that. Currently there is support for finding
28 the closest locations within a specified distance, to find the closest
29 number of points to a specified point, and to do basic point-to-point
30 distance calculations.
33 The GIS::Distance module is being worked on as a replacement for this
34 module. In the near future Geo::Distance will become a lightweight
35 wrapper around GIS::Distance so that legacy code benefits from fixes to
36 GIS::Distance through the old Geo::Distance API. For any new
37 developement I suggest that you look in to GIS::Distance.
40 The interface to Geo::Distance is fairly stable nowadays. If this
41 changes it will be noted here.
43 0.10 - The closest() method has a changed argument syntax and no longer
44 supports array searches. 0.09 - Changed the behavior of the reg_unit
45 function. 0.07 - OO only, and other changes all over.
49 All functions accept a unit type to do the computations of distance
50 with. By default no units are defined in a Geo::Distance object. You
51 can add units with reg_unit() or create some default units with
52 default_units().
55 When a function needs a longitude and latitude, they must always be in
56 decimal degree format. Here is some sample code for converting from
57 other formats to decimal:
59 # DMS to Decimal
60 my $decimal = $degrees + ($minutes/60) + ($seconds/3600);
62 # Precision Six Integer to Decimal
63 my $decimal = $integer * .000001;
65 If you want to convert from decimal radians to degrees you can use
66 Math::Trig's rad2deg function.
69 new
70 my $geo = new Geo::Distance;
71 my $geo = new Geo::Distance( no_units=>1 );
73 Returns a blessed Geo::Distance object. The new constructor accepts
74 one optional argument.
76 no_units - Whether or not to load the default units. Defaults to 0 (false).
77 kilometer, kilometre, meter, metre, centimeter, centimetre, millimeter,
78 millimetre, yard, foot, inch, light second, mile, nautical mile,
79 poppy seed, barleycorn, rod, pole, perch, chain, furlong, league,
80 fathom
82 formula
83 if($geo->formula eq 'hsin'){ ... }
84 $geo->formula('cos');
86 Allows you to retrieve and set the formula that is currently being used
87 to calculate distances. The available formulas are hsin, polar, cos
88 and mt. hsin is the default and mt/cos are deprecated in favor of hsin.
89 Polar should be used when calculating coordinates near the poles.
91 reg_unit
92 $geo->reg_unit( $radius, $key );
93 $geo->reg_unit( $key1 => $key2 );
94 $geo->reg_unit( $count1, $key1 => $key2 );
95 $geo->reg_unit( $key1 => $count2, $key2 );
96 $geo->reg_unit( $count1, $key1 => $count2, $key2 );
98 This method is used to create custom unit types. There are several
99 ways of calling it, depending on if you are defining the unit from
100 scratch, or if you are basing it off of an existing unit (such as
101 saying 12 inches = 1 foot ). When defining a unit from scratch you
102 pass the name and rho (radius of the earth in that unit) value.
104 So, if you wanted to do your calculations in human adult steps you
105 would have to have an average human adult walk from the crust of the
106 earth to the core (ignore the fact that this is impossible). So,
107 assuming we did this and we came up with 43,200 steps, you'd do
108 something like the following.
110 # Define adult step unit.
111 $geo->reg_unit( 43200, 'adult step' );
112 # This can be read as "It takes 43,200 adult_steps to walk the radius of the earth".
114 Now, if you also wanted to do distances in baby steps you might think
115 "well, now I gotta get a baby to walk to the center of the earth".
116 But, you don't have to! If you do some research you'll find (no
117 research was actually conducted) that there are, on average, 4.7 baby
118 steps in each adult step.
120 # Define baby step unit.
121 $geo->reg_unit( 4.7, 'baby step' => 'adult step' );
122 # This can be read as "4.7 baby steps is the same as one adult step".
124 And if we were doing this in reverse and already had the baby step unit
125 but not the adult step, you would still use the exact same syntax as
126 above.
128 distance
129 my $distance = $geo->distance( 'unit_type', $lon1,$lat1 => $lon2,$lat2 );
131 Calculates the distance between two lon/lat points.
133 closest
134 my $locations = $geo->closest(
135 dbh => $dbh,
136 table => $table,
137 lon => $lon,
138 lat => $lat,
139 unit => $unit_type,
140 distance => $dist_in_unit
141 );
143 This method finds the closest locations within a certain distance and
144 returns an array reference with a hash for each location matched.
146 The closest method requires the following arguments:
148 dbh - a DBI database handle
149 table - a table within dbh that contains the locations to search
150 lon - the longitude of the center point
151 lat - the latitude of the center point
152 unit - the unit of measurement to use, such as "meter"
153 distance - the distance, in units, from the center point to find locations
155 The following arguments are optional:
157 lon_field - the name of the field in the table that contains the longitude, defaults to "lon"
158 lat_field - the name of the field in the table that contains the latitude, defaults to "lat"
159 fields - an array reference of extra field names that you would like returned with each location
160 where - additional rules for the where clause of the sql
161 bind - an array reference of bind variables to go with the placeholders in where
162 sort - whether to sort the locations by their distance, making the closest location the first returned
163 count - return at most these number of locations (implies sort => 1)
165 This method uses some very simplistic calculations to SQL select out of
166 the dbh. This means that the SQL should work fine on almost any
167 database (only tested on MySQL and SQLite so far) and this also means
168 that it is fast. Once this sub set of locations has been retrieved
169 then more precise calculations are made to narrow down the result set.
170 Remember, though, that the farther out your distance is, and the more
171 locations in the table, the slower your searches will be.
174 Currently Geo::Distance only has spherical and flat type formulas. If
175 you have any information concerning ellipsoid and geoid formulas, the
176 author would much appreciate some links to this information.
178 tv: Thaddeus Vincenty Formula
179 This is a highly accurate ellipsoid formula. For most applications
180 hsin will be faster and accurate enough. I've read that this formula
181 can be accurate to within a few millimeters.
183 This formula is still considered alpha quality. It has not been tested
184 enough to be used in production.
186 hsin: Haversine Formula
187 dlon = lon2 - lon1
188 dlat = lat2 - lat1
189 a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))^2
190 c = 2 * atan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a) )
191 d = R * c
193 The hsin formula is the new standard formula for Geo::Distance because
194 of it's improved accuracy over the cos formula.
196 polar: Polar Coordinate Flat-Earth Formula
197 a = pi/2 - lat1
198 b = pi/2 - lat2
199 c = sqrt( a^2 + b^2 - 2 * a * b * cos(lon2 - lon1) )
200 d = R * c
202 While implimented, this formula has not been tested much. If you use
203 it PLEASE share your results with the author!
205 cos: Law of Cosines for Spherical Trigonometry
206 a = sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)
207 b = cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lon2 - lon1)
208 c = arccos(a + b)
209 d = R * c
211 Although this formula is mathematically exact, it is unreliable for
212 small distances because the inverse cosine is ill-conditioned.
214 gcd: Great Circle Distance.
215 c = 2 * asin( sqrt(
216 ( sin(( lat1 - lat2 )/2) )^2 +
217 cos( lat1 ) * cos( lat2 ) *
218 ( sin(( lon1 - lon2 )/2) )^2
219 ) )
221 Similar notes to the mt and cos formula, not too terribly accurate.
223 mt: Math::Trig great_circle_distance
224 This formula uses Meth::Trig's great_circle_distance function which at
225 this time uses math almost exactly the same as the cos formula. If you
226 want to use the cos formula you may find that mt will calculate faster
227 (untested assumption). For some reason mt and cos return slight
228 differences at very close distances. The mt formula has the same
229 drawbacks as the cos formula.
231 This is the same formula that was previously the only one used by
232 Geo::Distance (ending at version 0.06) and was wrongly called the "gcd"
233 formula.
235 Math::Trig states that the formula that it uses is:
237 lat0 = 90 degrees - phi0
238 lat1 = 90 degrees - phi1
239 d = R * arccos(cos(lat0) * cos(lat1) * cos(lon1 - lon01) + sin(lat0) * sin(lat1))
242 If Geo::Distance::XS is installed, this module will use it. You can
243 stick with the pure Perl version by setting the GEO_DISTANCE_PP
244 environment variable before using this module.
247 · A second pass should be done in closest before distance
248 calculations are made that does an inner radius simplistic
249 calculation to find the locations that are obviously within the
250 distance needed.
252 · Tests! We need more tests!
254 · For NASA-quality accuracy a geoid forumula.
256 · The closest() method needs to be more flexible and (among other
257 things) allow table joins.
260 Math::Trig - Inverse and hyperbolic trigonemetric Functions.
262 <http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/gisfaq?Q5.1> - A overview of
263 calculating distances.
265 <http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm> - Aviation Formulary.
268 Aran Clary Deltac <bluefeet@cpan.org>
271 gray, <gray at cpan.org>
274 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
275 under the same terms as Perl itself.
279perl v5.28.1 2012-10-19 Geo::Distance(3)