1dhcp-eval(5)                  File Formats Manual                 dhcp-eval(5)


6       dhcp-eval - ISC DHCP conditional evaluation


9       The Internet Systems Consortium DHCP client and server both provide the
10       ability to perform conditional behavior depending on  the  contents  of
11       packets  they  receive.  The syntax for specifying this conditional be‐
12       haviour is documented here.


15       Conditional behaviour may be  specified using the if statement and  the
16       else  or  elsif statements or the switch and case statements.  A condi‐
17       tional statement can appear anywhere that a regular statement (e.g., an
18       option  statement)  can appear, and can enclose one or more such state‐
19       ments.
23       A typical conditional if statement in a server might be:
25       if option dhcp-user-class = "accounting" {
26         max-lease-time 17600;
27         option domain-name "accounting.example.org";
28         option domain-name-servers ns1.accounting.example.org,
29                           ns2.accounting.example.org;
30       } elsif option dhcp-user-class = "sales" {
31         max-lease-time 17600;
32         option domain-name "sales.example.org";
33         option domain-name-servers ns1.sales.example.org,
34                           ns2.sales.example.org;
35       } elsif option dhcp-user-class = "engineering" {
36         max-lease-time 17600;
37         option domain-name "engineering.example.org";
38         option domain-name-servers ns1.engineering.example.org,
39                           ns2.engineering.example.org;
40       } else {
41         max-lease-time 600;
42         option domain-name "misc.example.org";
43         option domain-name-servers ns1.misc.example.org,
44                           ns2.misc.example.org;
45       }
47       On the client side, an example of conditional evaluation might be:
49       # example.org filters DNS at its firewall, so we have to use their DNS
50       # servers when we connect to their network.  If we are not at
51       # example.org, prefer our own DNS server.
52       if not option domain-name = "example.org" {
53         prepend domain-name-servers;
54       }
56       The if statement and the elsif continuation statement both take boolean
57       expressions  as  their arguments.  That is, they take expressions that,
58       when evaluated, produce a boolean result.  If the expression  evaluates
59       to true, then the statements enclosed in braces following the if state‐
60       ment are executed, and  all  subsequent  elsif  and  else  clauses  are
61       skipped.   Otherwise,  each  subsequent  elsif  clause's  expression is
62       checked, until an elsif clause is encountered whose test  evaluates  to
63       true.  If such a clause is found, the statements in braces following it
64       are executed, and then  any  subsequent  elsif  and  else  clauses  are
65       skipped.  If all the if and elsif clauses are checked but none of their
66       expressions evaluate true, then if there is an else clause, the  state‐
67       ments  enclosed  in  braces  following the else are evaluated.  Boolean
68       expressions that evaluate to null are treated as false in conditionals.
72       The above example can be rewritten using a switch construct as well.
74       switch (option dhcp-user-class) {
75         case "accounting":
76           max-lease-time 17600;
77           option domain-name "accounting.example.org";
78           option domain-name-servers ns1.accounting.example.org,
79                             ns2.accounting.example.org;
80         case "sales":
81           max-lease-time 17600;
82           option domain-name "sales.example.org";
83           option domain-name-servers ns1.sales.example.org,
84                             ns2.sales.example.org;
85           break;
86         case "engineering":
87           max-lease-time 17600;
88           option domain-name "engineering.example.org";
89           option domain-name-servers ns1.engineering.example.org,
90                             ns2.engineering.example.org;
91           break;
92         default:
93           max-lease-time 600;
94           option domain-name "misc.example.org";
95           option domain-name-servers ns1.misc.example.org,
96                             ns2.misc.example.org;
97           break;
98       }
100       The switch statement and the case statements can both be  data  expres‐
101       sions  or numeric expressions.  Within a switch statement they all must
102       be the same type.  The server evaluates the expression from the  switch
103       statement  and  then  it evaluates the expressions from the case state‐
104       ments until it finds a match.
106       If it finds a match it starts executing statements from that case until
107       the  next  break  statement.  If it doesn't find a match it starts from
108       the default statement and again proceeds to the next  break  statement.
109       If there is no match and no default it does nothing.


112       The  following is the current list of boolean expressions that are sup‐
113       ported by the DHCP distribution.
115       data-expression-1 = data-expression-2
117         The = operator compares the values of two data expressions, returning
118         true  if  they  are  the  same, false if they are not.  If either the
119         left-hand side or the right-hand side are null, the  result  is  also
120         null.
122       data-expression-1   ~=  data-expression-2  data-expression-1  ~~  data-
123       expression-2
125         The ~= and ~~  operators  (not  available  on  all  systems)  perform
126         extended  regex(7)  matching  of  the values of two data expressions,
127         returning true  if  data-expression-1  matches  against  the  regular
128         expression  evaluated  by  data-expression-2, or false if it does not
129         match or encounters some error.  If either the left-hand side or  the
130         right-hand  side are null or empty strings, the result is also false.
131         The ~~ operator differs from the ~= operator  in  that  it  is  case-
132         insensitive.
134       boolean-expression-1 and boolean-expression-2
136         The  and  operator evaluates to true if the boolean expression on the
137         left-hand side and the boolean expression on the right-hand side both
138         evaluate  to  true.  Otherwise, it evaluates to false.  If either the
139         expression on the left-hand side or the expression on the  right-hand
140         side are null, the result is null.
142       boolean-expression-1 or boolean-expression-2
144         The or operator evaluates to true if either the boolean expression on
145         the left-hand side or the boolean expression on the  right-hand  side
146         evaluate  to  true.  Otherwise, it evaluates to false.  If either the
147         expression on the left-hand side or the expression on the  right-hand
148         side are null, the result is null.
150       not boolean-expression
152         The not operator evaluates to true if boolean-expression evaluates to
153         false, and returns false if boolean-expression evaluates to true.  If
154         boolean-expression evaluates to null, the result is also null.
156       exists option-name
158         The  exists expression returns true if the specified option exists in
159         the incoming DHCP packet being processed.
160       known
162         The known expression returns true if the client whose request is cur‐
163         rently being processed is known - that is, if there's a host declara‐
164         tion for it.
165       static
167         The static expression returns true  if  the  lease  assigned  to  the
168         client  whose  request is currently being processed is derived from a
169         static address assignment.


172       Several of the boolean expressions above depend on the results of eval‐
173       uating data expressions.  A list of these expressions is provided here.
175       substring (data-expr, offset, length)
177         The  substring operator evaluates the data expression and returns the
178         substring of the result of that evaluation that starts  offset  bytes
179         from  the  beginning, continuing for length bytes.  Offset and length
180         are both numeric expressions.  If data-expr, offset or length  evalu‐
181         ate to null, then the result is also null.  If offset is greater than
182         or equal to the length of the evaluated data, then a zero-length data
183         string  is  returned.  If length is greater then the remaining length
184         of the evaluated data after offset, then a data string containing all
185         data from offset to the end of the evaluated data is returned.
187       suffix (data-expr, length)
189         The  suffix  operator evaluates data-expr and returns the last length
190         bytes of the result of that evaluation.  Length is a numeric  expres‐
191         sion.   If  data-expr  or length evaluate to null, then the result is
192         also null.  If suffix evaluates to a number greater than  the  length
193         of the evaluated data, then the evaluated data is returned.
195       lcase (data-expr)
197         The  lcase  function  returns the result of evaluating data-expr con‐
198         verted to lower case.  If  data-expr  evaluates  to  null,  then  the
199         result is also null.
201       ucase (data-expr)
203         The  ucase  function  returns the result of evaluating data-expr con‐
204         verted to upper case.  If  data-expr  evaluates  to  null,  then  the
205         result is also null.
207       option option-name
209         The  option  operator returns the contents of the specified option in
210         the packet to which the server is responding.
212       config-option option-name
214         The config-option operator returns the value for the specified option
215         that the DHCP client or server has been configured to send.
217       gethostname()
219         The gethostname() function returns a data string whose contents are a
220         character string, the results of calling gethostname() on  the  local
221         system  with  a  size limit of 255 bytes (not including NULL termina‐
222         tor).  This can be used for example to configure dhclient to send the
223         local  hostname  without  knowing  the  local  hostname  at  the time
224         dhclient.conf is written.
226       hardware
228         The hardware operator returns a data string whose  first  element  is
229         the  type  of network interface indicated in packet being considered,
230         and whose subsequent elements are client's  link-layer  address.   If
231         there is no packet, or if the RFC2131 hlen field is invalid, then the
232         result is null.  Hardware types include ethernet (1), token-ring (6),
233         and  fddi (8).  Hardware types are specified by the IETF, and details
234         on how the type numbers are defined can be found in RFC2131  (in  the
235         ISC DHCP distribution, this is included in the doc/ subdirectory).
237       packet (offset, length)
239         The packet operator returns the specified portion of the packet being
240         considered, or null in contexts where no packet is being  considered.
241         Offset  and  length are applied to the contents packet as in the sub‐
242         string operator.
244       string
246         A string, enclosed in quotes, may be specified as a data  expression,
247         and returns the text between the quotes, encoded in ASCII.  The back‐
248         slash ('\') character is treated specially, as in C programming: '\t'
249         means  TAB,  '\r' means carriage return, '\n' means newline, and '\b'
250         means bell.  Any octal value can be specified with '\nnn', where  nnn
251         is  any  positive octal number less than 0400.  Any hexadecimal value
252         can be specified with '\xnn', where nn is  any  positive  hexadecimal
253         number less than or equal to 0xff.
255       colon-separated hexadecimal list
257         A list of hexadecimal octet values, separated by colons, may be spec‐
258         ified as a data expression.
260       concat (data-expr1, ..., data-exprN)
261         The expressions are evaluated, and the results of each evaluation are
262         concatenated  in the sequence that the subexpressions are listed.  If
263         any subexpression evaluates to null, the result of the  concatenation
264         is null.
266       reverse (numeric-expr1, data-expr2)
267         The  two expressions are evaluated, and then the result of evaluating
268         the data expression is reversed in place, using  hunks  of  the  size
269         specified  in  the  numeric  expression.  For example, if the numeric
270         expression evaluates to four, and the data  expression  evaluates  to
271         twelve  bytes  of  data, then the reverse expression will evaluate to
272         twelve bytes of data, consisting of the last four bytes of the  input
273         data,  followed  by the middle four bytes, followed by the first four
274         bytes.
276       leased-address
277         In any context where the client whose request is being processed  has
278         been  assigned  an  IP  address, this data expression returns that IP
279         address.  In any context where the client whose request is being pro‐
280         cessed  has  not been assigned an ip address, if this data expression
281         is found in executable statements executed on that client's behalf, a
282         log  message  indicating  "there  is  no  lease  associated with this
283         client"  is  syslogged  to  the  debug  level  (this  is   considered
284         dhcpd.conf debugging information).
286       binary-to-ascii (numeric-expr1, numeric-expr2, data-expr1, data-expr2)
287         Converts  the result of evaluating data-expr2 into a text string con‐
288         taining one number for each element of the result of evaluating data-
289         expr2.   Each  number  is  separated  from the other by the result of
290         evaluating data-expr1.  The result of evaluating numeric-expr1 speci‐
291         fies  the  base  (2 through 16) into which the numbers should be con‐
292         verted.  The result of evaluating numeric-expr2 specifies  the  width
293         in bits of each number, which may be either 8, 16 or 32.
295         As an example of the preceding three types of expressions, to produce
296         the name of a PTR record for the  IP  address  being  assigned  to  a
297         client, one could write the following expression:
299               concat (binary-to-ascii (10, 8, ".",
300                                        reverse (1, leased-address)),
301                       ".in-addr.arpa.");
304       encode-int (numeric-expr, width)
305         Numeric-expr  is evaluated and encoded as a data string of the speci‐
306         fied width, in network byte order (most significant byte first).   If
307         the  numeric  expression  evaluates  to the null value, the result is
308         also null.
310       pick-first-value (data-expr1 [ ... exprn ] )
311         The pick-first-value function takes any number of data expressions as
312         its arguments.  Each expression is evaluated, starting with the first
313         in the list, until an expression is found that does not evaluate to a
314         null  value.  That expression is returned, and none of the subsequent
315         expressions are evaluated.  If all expressions  evaluate  to  a  null
316         value, the null value is returned.
318       host-decl-name
319         The  host-decl-name function returns the name of the host declaration
320         that matched the client whose request is currently  being  processed,
321         if  any.   If  no  host  declaration  matched, the result is the null
322         value.


325       Numeric expressions are expressions that evaluate to  an  integer.   In
326       general,  the  maximum size of such an integer should not be assumed to
327       be representable in fewer than 32 bits, but the precision of such inte‐
328       gers may be more than 32 bits.
330       In  addition to the following operators several standard math functions
331       are available.  They are:
332       operation    symbol
333       add            +
334       subtract       -
335       divide         /
336       multiply       *
337       modulus        %
338       bitwise and    &
339       bitwise or     |
340       bitwise xor    ^
342       extract-int (data-expr, width)
344         The extract-int operator extracts an integer value  in  network  byte
345         order  from  the  result of evaluating the specified data expression.
346         Width is the width in bits of the integer to extract.  Currently, the
347         only  supported  widths  are  8, 16 and 32.  If the evaluation of the
348         data expression doesn't provide sufficient bits to extract an integer
349         of the specified size, the null value is returned.
351       lease-time
353         The  duration  of the current lease - that is, the difference between
354         the current time and the time that the lease expires.
356       number
358         Any number between zero and the maximum  representable  size  may  be
359         specified as a numeric expression.
361       client-state
363         The  current  state  of the client instance being processed.  This is
364         only useful in DHCP client configuration files.  Possible values are:
366         · Booting - DHCP client is in the INIT state, and does not  yet  have
367           an  IP  address.   The  next message transmitted will be a DHCPDIS‐
368           COVER, which will be broadcast.
370         · Reboot - DHCP client is in the INIT-REBOOT state.   It  has  an  IP
371           address, but is not yet using it.  The next message to be transmit‐
372           ted will be a DHCPREQUEST, which will be broadcast.  If no response
373           is heard, the client will bind to its address and move to the BOUND
374           state.
376         · Select - DHCP client is in the SELECTING state - it has received at
377           least  one  DHCPOFFER  message,  but  is  waiting  to see if it may
378           receive other DHCPOFFER messages from other servers.   No  messages
379           are sent in the SELECTING state.
381         · Request  - DHCP client is in the REQUESTING state - it has received
382           at least one DHCPOFFER message, and has chosen which  one  it  will
383           request.   The  next  message to be sent will be a DHCPREQUEST mes‐
384           sage, which will be broadcast.
386         · Bound - DHCP client is in the BOUND state - it has an  IP  address.
387           No messages are transmitted in this state.
389         · Renew  -  DHCP  client  is  in  the  RENEWING  state - it has an IP
390           address, and is trying to contact the server to renew it.  The next
391           message  to  be  sent  will be a DHCPREQUEST message, which will be
392           unicast directly to the server.
394         · Rebind - DHCP client is in the REBINDING  state  -  it  has  an  IP
395           address, and is trying to contact any server to renew it.  The next
396           message to be sent will be a DHCPREQUEST, which will be broadcast.


399       log (priority, data-expr)
401         Logging statements may be used to send information  to  the  standard
402         logging  channels.  A logging statement includes an optional priority
403         (fatal, error, info, or debug), and a data expression.
405         Logging statements take only a single data expression argument, so if
406         you  want  to  output  multiple data values, you will need to use the
407         concat operator to concatenate them.
409       execute (command-path [, data-expr1, ... data-exprN]);
411         The execute statement runs an external command.  The  first  argument
412         is  a  string  literal  containing the name or path of the command to
413         run.  The other arguments, if present, are either string literals  or
414         data-  expressions  which  evaluate  to text strings, to be passed as
415         command-line arguments to the command.
417         execute is synchronous; the program will  block  until  the  external
418         command  being  run  has  finished.  Please note that lengthy program
419         execution (for example, in an "on commit" in dhcpd.conf)  may  result
420         in  bad  performance  and  timeouts.  Only external applications with
421         very short execution times are suitable for use.
423         Passing user-supplied data to an external application might  be  dan‐
424         gerous.   Make sure the external application checks input buffers for
425         validity.  Non-printable ASCII  characters  will  be  converted  into
426         dhcpd.conf  language  octal escapes ("\nnn"), make sure your external
427         command handles them as such.
429         It is possible to use the execute statement in any context, not  only
430         on  events.   If  you  put it in a regular scope in the configuration
431         file you will execute that command every time a scope is evaluated.
433       parse-vendor-option;
435         The parse-vendor-option statement attempts to parse a  vendor  option
436         (code 43).  It is only useful while processing a packet on the server
437         and requires that the administrator  has  already  used  the  vendor-
438         option-space statement to select a valid vendor space.
440         This  functionality may be used if the server needs to take different
441         actions depending on the values  the  client  placed  in  the  vendor
442         option and the sub-options are not at fixed locations.  It is handled
443         as an action to  allow  an  administrator  to  examine  the  incoming
444         options and choose the correct vendor space.


447       See  the  dhcpd.conf  and  dhclient.conf man pages for more information
448       about DDNS.


451       dhcpd.conf(5),  dhcpd.leases(5),   dhclient.conf(5),   dhcp-options(5),
452       dhcpd(8), dhclient(8), RFC2132, RFC2131.


455       Information   about   Internet  Systems  Consortium  can  be  found  at
456       https://www.isc.org.
460                                                                  dhcp-eval(5)