1timew-dates(7)                   User Manuals                   timew-dates(7)


6       timew-dates - date formats supported by Timewarrior



10       Timewarrior supports the following date formats based on ISO-8601:
11         <extended-date>   [T   <extended-time>]     Extended  date,  optional
12       extended time
13         <date> [T <time>]                     Date, optional time
14         <extended-time>                       Extended time
15         <time>                                Time
16         extended-date:
17           YYYY-MM-DD                          Year, month, day
18           YYYY-MM                             Year, month, 1st
19           YYYY-DDD                            Year, Julian day 001-366
20           YYYY-WwwD                           Year, week number, day number
21           YYYY-Www                            Year, week number, day 1
22         extended-time:
23           hh:mm[:ss]Z                         Hours, minutes,  optional  sec‐
24       onds, UTC
25           hh:mm[:ss][+/-hh:mm]                 Hours,  minutes, optional sec‐
26       onds, TZ
27         date:
28           YYYYMMDD                            Year, month, day
29           YYYYWww                             Year, week number, day number
30           YYYYDDD                             Year, Julian day 001-366
31         time:
32           hhmm[ss]Z                           Hour,  minutes,  optional  sec‐
33       onds, UTC
34           hhmm[ss][+/-hh[mm]]                  Hour,  minutes,  optional sec‐
35       onds, TZ
36       Examples:
37         2016-06-09T08:12:00Z
38         2016-06T08:12:00+01:00
39         2016-06T08:12Z
40         2016-161
41         2016-W244
42         2016-W24
43         20160609T081200Z
44         2016W24
45         8:12:00Z
46         0812-0500
47       In addition to the standard date formats, the following are supported:
48         now                                   Current date and time
49         today                                 Current date at 0:00:00
50         yesterday                             Yesterday at 0:00:00
51         tomorrow                              Tomorrow at  0:00:00  (midnight
52       tonight)
53         <day-of-week>                         Previous named day at 0:00:00
54         <month-of-year>                        Previous  1st of the  month at
55       0:00:00
56         hh:mm[:ss][am|a|pm|p]                 Short time format
57         Nst, Nnd, Nrd, Nth                    Previous 1st, 2nd, 3rd ...
58         <epoch>                               POSIX time
59         later                                 2038-01-18T0:00:00 (Y2K38)
60         someday                               2038-01-18T0:00:00 (Y2K38)
61         sopd, eopd                            Start/end of previous day
62         sod, eod                              Start/end of current day
63         sond, eond                            Start/end of next day
64         sopw, eopw                            Start/end of previous week
65         sow, eow                              Start/end of current week
66         sonw, eonw                            Start/end of next week
67         sopww, eopww                          Start/end of previous work week
68       (mon - fri)
69         soww,  eoww                            Start/end of current work week
70       (mon - fri)
71         sonww, eonww                          Start/end  of  next  work  week
72       (mon - fri)
73         sopm, eopm                            Start/end of previous month
74         som, eom                              Start/end of current month
75         sonm, eonm                            Start/end of next month
76         sopq, eopq                            Start/end of previous quarter
77         soq, eoq                              Start/end of current quarter
78         sonq, eonq                            Start/end of next quarter
79         sopy, eopy                            Start/end of previous year
80         soy, eoy                              Start/end of current year
81         sony, eony                            Start/end of next year
82         easter                                Easter Sunday
83         eastermonday                          Easter Monday
84         ascension                             Ascension
85         pentecost                             Pentecost
86         goodfriday                            Good Friday
87         midsommar                              midnight,  1st  Saturday after
88       20th June
89         midsommarafton                        midnight, 1st Friday after 19th
90       June
91         juhannus                              midnight, 1st Friday after 19th
92       June
93       Examples:
94         8am
95         24th
96         monday
97         august


100       timew-durations(7), timew-hints(7)
104timew 1.2.0                       2019-11-25                    timew-dates(7)