6 Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions - Functional interface to
7 Locale::Maketext::Gettext
10 use Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions;
11 bindtextdomain(DOMAIN, LOCALEDIR);
12 textdomain(DOMAIN);
13 get_handle("de");
14 print __("Hello, world!\n");
17 Locale::Maketext::Gettext::Functions is a functional interface to
18 Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3) (and Locale::Maketext(3)). It works
19 exactly the GNU gettext way. It plays magic to Locale::Maketext(3) for
20 you. No more localization class/subclasses and language handles are
21 required at all.
23 The "maketext", "dmaketext", "pmaketext" and "dpmaketext" functions
24 attempt to translate a text message into the native language of the
25 user, by looking up the translation in an MO lexicon file.
28 bindtextdomain(DOMAIN, LOCALEDIR)
29 Register a text domain with a locale directory. Returns
30 "LOCALEDIR" itself. If "LOCALEDIR" is omitted, the registered
31 locale directory of "DOMAIN" is returned. This method always
32 success.
34 textdomain(DOMAIN)
35 Set the current text domain. Returns the "DOMAIN" itself. if
36 "DOMAIN" is omitted, the current text domain is returned. This
37 method always success.
39 get_handle(@languages)
40 Set the language of the user. It searches for an available
41 language in the provided @languages list. If @languages was not
42 provided, it looks checks environment variable LANG, and
43 HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE when running as CGI. Refer to
44 Locale::Maketext(3) for the magic of the "get_handle".
46 $message = maketext($key, @param...)
47 Attempts to translate a text message into the native language of
48 the user, by looking up the translation in an MO lexicon file.
49 Refer to Locale::Maketext(3) for the "maketext" plural grammer.
51 $message = __($key, @param...)
52 A synonym to "maketext()". This is a shortcut to "maketext()" so
53 that it is cleaner when you employ maketext to your existing
54 project.
56 ($key, @param...) = N_($key, @param...)
57 Returns the original text untouched. This is to enable the text be
58 catched with xgettext.
60 $message = dmaketext($domain, $key, @param...)
61 Temporarily switch to another text domain and attempts to translate
62 a text message into the native language of the user in that text
63 domain. Use "--keyword=dmaketext:2" for the xgettext utility.
65 $message = pmaketext($ctxt, $key, @param...)
66 Attempts to translate a text message in a particular context into
67 the native language of the user. Use "--keyword=pmaketext:1c,2"
68 for the xgettext utility.
70 $message = dpmaketext($domain, $ctxt, $key, @param...)
71 Temporarily switch to another text domain and attempts to translate
72 a text message in a particular context into the native language of
73 the user in that text domain. Use "--keyword=dpmaketext:2c,3" for
74 the xgettext utility.
76 encoding(ENCODING)
77 Set or retrieve the output encoding. The default is the same
78 encoding as the gettext MO file. You can specify "undef", to
79 return the result in unencoded UTF-8.
81 key_encoding(ENCODING)
82 Specify the encoding used in your original text. The "maketext"
83 method itself is not multibyte-safe to the _AUTO lexicon. If you
84 are using your native non-English language as your original text
85 and you are having troubles like:
87 Unterminated bracket group, in:
89 Then, specify the "key_encoding" to the encoding of your original
90 text. Returns the current setting.
92 WARNING: You should always use US-ASCII text keys. Using non-US-
93 ASCII keys is always discouraged and is not guaranteed to be
94 working.
96 encode_failure(CHECK)
97 Set the action when encode fails. This happens when the output
98 text is out of the scope of your output encoding. For exmaple,
99 output Chinese into US-ASCII. Refer to Encode(3) for the possible
100 values of this "CHECK". The default is "FB_DEFAULT", which is a
101 safe choice that never fails. But part of your text may be lost,
102 since that is what "FB_DEFAULT" does. Returns the current setting.
104 die_for_lookup_failures(SHOULD_I_DIE)
105 Maketext dies for lookup failures, but GNU gettext never fails. By
106 default Lexicon::Maketext::Gettext follows the GNU gettext
107 behavior. But if you are Maketext-styled, or if you need a better
108 control over the failures (like me :p), set this to 1. Returns the
109 current setting.
111 reload_text()
112 Purges the MO text cache. By default MO files are cached after
113 they are read and parsed from the disk, to reduce I/O and parsing
114 overhead on busy sites. reload_text() purges this cache, so that
115 updated MO files can take effect at run-time. This is used when
116 your MO file is updated, but you cannot shutdown and restart the
117 application. for example, when you are a co-hoster on a
118 mod_perl-enabled Apache, or when your mod_perl-enabled Apache is
119 too vital to be restarted for every update of your MO file, or if
120 you are running a vital daemon, such as an X display server.
122 %Lexicon = read_mo($MOfile)
123 Read and parse the MO file. Returns the read %Lexicon. The
124 returned lexicon is in its original encoding.
126 If you need the meta infomation of your MO file, parse the entry
127 $Lexicon{""}. For example:
129 /^Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=(.*)$/im;
130 $encoding = $1;
133 NOTE: Since localization classes are generated at run-time, it is not
134 possible to override the Maketext language functions, like "quant" or
135 "numerate". If that is your concern, use Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3)
136 instead. Suggestions are welcome.
138 You can now add/remove languages/MO files at run-time. This is a major
139 improvement over the original Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3) (and
140 Locale::Maketext(3)). This is done by registering localization classes
141 with random IDs, so that the same text domain can be re-declared
142 infinitely, whenever needed (language list changes, LOCALEDIR changes,
143 etc.) This is not possible to the object-interface of
144 Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3) (and Locale::Maketext(3)).
146 Language addition/removal takes effect only after "bindtextdomain" or
147 "textdomain" is called. It has no effect on "maketext" calls. This
148 keeps a basic sanity in the lifetime of a running script.
150 If you set "textdomain" to a domain that is not "bindtextdomain" to
151 specific a locale directory yet, it will try search system locale
152 directories. The current system locale directory search order is:
153 /usr/share/locale, /usr/lib/locale, /usr/local/share/locale,
154 /usr/local/lib/locale. Suggestions are welcome.
157 The idea is that: I finally realized that, no matter how hard I try, I
158 can never get a never-failure "maketext". A common wrapper like:
160 sub __ { return $LH->maketext(@_) };
162 always fails if $LH is not initialized yet. For this reason,
163 "maketext" can hardly be employed in error handlers to output graceful
164 error messages in the natural language of the user. So, I have to
165 write something like this:
167 sub __ {
168 $LH = MyPkg::L10N->get_handle if !defined $LH;
169 return $LH->maketext(@_);
170 }
172 But what if "get_handle" itself fails? So, this becomes:
174 sub __ {
175 $LH = MyPkg::L10N->get_handle if !defined $LH;
176 $LH = _AUTO->get_handle if !defined $LH;
177 return $LH->maketext(@_);
178 }
179 package _AUTO;
180 use base qw(Locale::Maketext);
181 package _AUTO::i_default;
182 use base qw(Locale::Maketext);
183 %Lexicon = ( "_AUTO" => 1 );
185 Ya, this works. But, if I always have to do this in my every
186 application, why should I not make a solution to the localization
187 framework itself? This is a common problem to every localization
188 projects. It should be solved at the localization framework level, but
189 not at the application level.
191 Another reason is that: Programmers should be able to use "maketext"
192 without the knowledge of object-oriented programming. A localization
193 framework should be neat and simple. It should lower down its barrier,
194 be friendly to the beginners, in order to encourage the use of
195 localization and globalization. Apparently the current practice of
196 Locale::Maketext(3) does not satisfy this request.
198 The third reason is: Since Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3) imports the
199 lexicon from foreign sources, the class source file is left empty. It
200 exists only to help the "get_handle" method looking for a proper
201 language handle. Then, why not make it disappear, and be generated
202 whenever needed? Why bother the programmers to put an empty class
203 source file there?
205 How neat can we be?
207 imacat, 2003-04-29
210 Since maketext localization classes are generated at run time, Maketext
211 language function override, like "quant" or "numerate", is not
212 available here. Suggestions are welcome.
214 "encoding", "key_encoding", "encode_failure" and
215 "die_for_lookup_failures" are not mod_perl-safe. These settings affect
216 the whole process, including the following scripts it is going to run.
217 This is the same as "setlocale" in POSIX(3). Always set them at the
218 very beginning of your script if you are running under mod_perl. If
219 you do not like it, use the object-oriented
220 Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3) instead. Suggestions are welcome.
222 Smart translation between Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese, like
223 what GNU gettext does, is not available yet. Suggestions are welcome.
226 Locale::Maketext(3), Locale::Maketext::TPJ13(3),
227 Locale::Maketext::Gettext(3), bindtextdomain(3), textdomain(3). Also,
228 please refer to the official GNU gettext manual at
229 <http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/>.
232 imacat <imacat@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
235 Copyright (c) 2003-2008 imacat. All rights reserved. This program is
236 free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
237 terms as Perl itself.
241perl v5.30.0 2019-1L0o-c0a7le::Maketext::Gettext::Functions(3)