1sway-ipc(7)            Miscellaneous Information Manual            sway-ipc(7)


6       sway-ipc - IPC protocol for sway


9       This details the interprocess communication (IPC) protocol for sway(1).
10       This IPC protocol can be used to control or obtain information from a
11       sway process.
13       The IPC protocol uses a UNIX socket as the method of communication. The
14       path to the socket is stored in the environment variable SWAYSOCK and,
15       for backwards compatibility with i3, I3SOCK. You can also retrieve the
16       socket path by calling sway --get-socketpath.


19       The format for messages and replies is:
20           <magic-string> <payload-length> <payload-type> <payload>
21       Where
22            <magic-string> is i3-ipc, for compatibility with i3
23            <payload-length> is a 32-bit integer in native byte order
24            <payload-type> is a 32-bit integer in native byte order
26       For example, sending the exit command would look like the following
27       hexdump:
28           00000000 | 69 33 2d 69 70 63 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 78 |i3-ipc........ex|
29           00000010 | 69 74                                           |it              |
31       The payload for replies will be a valid serialized JSON data structure.


34       The following message types and their corresponding reply types are
35       currently supported. For all replies, any properties not listed are
36       subject to removal.
38       ┌────────────┬───────────────────┬─────────────────────┐
40       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
41       │     0      │    RUN_COMMAND    │ Runs the payload as │
42       │            │                   │ sway commands       │
43       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
44       │     1      │  GET_WORKSPACES   │ Get the list of     │
45       │            │                   │ current workspaces  │
46       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
47       │     2      │     SUBSCRIBE     │ Subscribe the IPC   │
48       │            │                   │ connection to the   │
49       │            │                   │ events listed in    │
50       │            │                   │ the payload         │
51       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
52       │     3      │    GET_OUTPUTS    │ Get the list of     │
53       │            │                   │ current outputs     │
54       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
55       │     4      │     GET_TREE      │ Get the node layout │
56       │            │                   │ tree                │
57       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
58       │     5      │     GET_MARKS     │ Get the names of    │
59       │            │                   │ all the marks cur‐  │
60       │            │                   │ rently set          │
61       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
62       │     6      │  GET_BAR_CONFIG   │ Get the specified   │
63       │            │                   │ bar config or a     │
64       │            │                   │ list of bar config  │
65       │            │                   │ names               │
66       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
67       │     7      │    GET_VERSION    │ Get the version of  │
68       │            │                   │ sway that owns the  │
69       │            │                   │ IPC socket          │
70       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
71       │     8      │ GET_BINDING_MODES │ Get the list of     │
72       │            │                   │ binding mode names  │
73       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
74       │     9      │    GET_CONFIG     │ Returns the config  │
75       │            │                   │ that was last       │
76       │            │                   │ loaded              │
77       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
78       │    10      │     SEND_TICK     │ Sends a tick event  │
79       │            │                   │ with the specified  │
80       │            │                   │ payload             │
81       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
82       │    11      │       SYNC        │ Replies failure     │
83       │            │                   │ object for i3 com‐  │
84       │            │                   │ patibility          │
85       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
86       │    100     │    GET_INPUTS     │ Get the list of     │
87       │            │                   │ input devices       │
88       ├────────────┼───────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
89       │    101     │     GET_SEATS     │ Get the list of     │
90       │            │                   │ seats               │
91       └────────────┴───────────────────┴─────────────────────┘
94       MESSAGE
95       Parses and runs the payload as sway commands
97       REPLY
98       An array of objects corresponding to each command that was parsed. Each
99       object has the property success, which is a boolean indicating whether
100       the command was successful. The object may also contain the property
101       error, which is a human readable error message.
103       Example Reply:
104           [
105                {
106                     "success": true
107                },
108                {
109                     "success": false,
110                     "error": "Invalid/unknown command"
111                }
112           ]
115       MESSAGE
116       Retrieves the list of workspaces.
118       REPLY
119       The reply is an array of objects corresponding to each workspace. Each
120       object has the following properties:
122       ┌─────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
124       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
125       │  num    │  integer  │ The workspace num‐  │
126       │         │           │ ber or -1 for       │
127       │         │           │ workspaces that do  │
128       │         │           │ not start with a    │
129       │         │           │ number              │
130       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
131       │  name   │  string   │ The name of the     │
132       │         │           │ workspace           │
133       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
134       │visible  │  boolean  │ Whether the         │
135       │         │           │ workspace is cur‐   │
136       │         │           │ rently visible on   │
137       │         │           │ any output          │
138       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
139       │focused  │  boolean  │ Whether the         │
140       │         │           │ workspace is cur‐   │
141       │         │           │ rently focused by   │
142       │         │           │ the default seat    │
143       │         │           │ (seat0)             │
144       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
145       │ urgent  │  boolean  │ Whether a view on   │
146       │         │           │ the workspace has   │
147       │         │           │ the urgent flag set │
148       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
149       │  rect   │  object   │ The bounds of the   │
150       │         │           │ workspace. It con‐  │
151       │         │           │ sists of x, y,      │
152       │         │           │ width, and height
153       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
154       │ output  │  string   │ The name of the     │
155       │         │           │ output that the     │
156       │         │           │ workspace is on     │
157       └─────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
159       Example Reply:
160           [
161                {
162                     "num": 1,
163                     "name": "1",
164                     "visible": true,
165                     "focused": true,
166                     "rect": {
167                          "x": 0,
168                          "y": 23,
169                          "width": 1920,
170                          "height": 1057
171                     },
172                     "output": "eDP-1"
173                },
174           ]
176   2. SUBSCRIBE
177       MESSAGE
178       Subscribe this IPC connection to the event types specified in the mes‐
179       sage payload. The payload should be a valid JSON array of events. See
180       the EVENTS section for the list of supported events.
182       REPLY
183       A single object that contains the property success, which is a boolean
184       value indicating whether the subscription was successful or not.
186       Example Reply:
187           {
188                "success": true
189           }
191   3. GET_OUTPUTS
192       MESSAGE
193       Retrieve the list of outputs
195       REPLY
196       An array of objects corresponding to each output. Each object has the
197       following properties:
199       ┌──────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
201       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
202       │      name        │  string   │ The name of the     │
203       │                  │           │ output. On DRM,     │
204       │                  │           │ this is the connec‐ │
205       │                  │           │ tor                 │
206       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
207       │      make        │  string   │ The make of the     │
208       │                  │           │ output              │
209       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
210       │      model       │  string   │ The model of the    │
211       │                  │           │ output              │
212       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
213       │     serial       │  string   │ The output's serial │
214       │                  │           │ number as a hexa‐   │
215       │                  │           │ decimal string      │
216       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
217       │     active       │  boolean  │ Whether this output │
218       │                  │           │ is active/enabled   │
219       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
220       │      dpms        │  boolean  │ Whether this output │
221       │                  │           │ is on/off (via      │
222       │                  │           │ DPMS)               │
223       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
224       │     primary      │  boolean  │ For i3 compatibil‐  │
225       │                  │           │ ity, this will be   │
226       │                  │           │ false. It does not  │
227       │                  │           │ make sense in Way‐  │
228       │                  │           │ land                │
229       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
230       │      scale       │   float   │ The scale currently │
231       │                  │           │ in use on the out‐  │
232       │                  │           │ put or -1 for dis‐  │
233       │                  │           │ abled outputs       │
234       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
235       │subpixel_hinting  │  string   │ The subpixel hint‐  │
236       │                  │           │ ing current in use  │
237       │                  │           │ on the output. This │
238       │                  │           │ can be rgb, bgr,    │
239       │                  │           │ vrgb, vbgr, or none
240       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
241       │    transform     │  string   │ The transform cur‐  │
242       │                  │           │ rently in use for   │
243       │                  │           │ the output. This    │
244       │                  │           │ can be normal, 90,  │
245       │                  │           │ 180, 270,           │
246       │                  │           │ flipped-90,         │
247       │                  │           │ flipped-180, or     │
248       │                  │           │ flipped-270
249       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
250       │current_workspace │  string   │ The workspace cur‐  │
251       │                  │           │ rently visible on   │
252       │                  │           │ the output or null
253       │                  │           │ for disabled out‐   │
254       │                  │           │ puts                │
255       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
256       │      modes       │   array   │ An array of sup‐    │
257       │                  │           │ ported mode         │
258       │                  │           │ objects. Each       │
259       │                  │           │ object contains     │
260       │                  │           │ width, height, and  │
261       │                  │           │ refresh
262       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
263       │  current_mode    │  object   │ An object repre‐    │
264       │                  │           │ senting the current │
265       │                  │           │ mode containing     │
266       │                  │           │ width, height, and  │
267       │                  │           │ refresh
268       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
269       │      rect        │  object   │ The bounds for the  │
270       │                  │           │ output consisting   │
271       │                  │           │ of x, y, width, and │
272       │                  │           │ height
273       └──────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
275       Example Reply:
276           [
277                {
278                     "name": "HDMI-A-2",
279                     "make": "Unknown",
280                     "model": "NS-19E310A13",
281                     "serial": "0x00000001",
282                     "active": true,
283                     "primary": false,
284                     "scale": 1.0,
285                     "subpixel_hinting": "rgb",
286                     "transform": "normal",
287                     "current_workspace": "1",
288                     "modes": [
289                          {
290                               "width": 640,
291                               "height": 480,
292                               "refresh": 59940
293                          },
294                          {
295                               "width": 800,
296                               "height": 600,
297                               "refresh": 60317
298                          },
299                          {
300                               "width": 1024,
301                               "height": 768,
302                               "refresh": 60004
303                          },
304                          {
305                               "width": 1920,
306                               "height": 1080,
307                               "refresh": 60000
308                          }
309                     ],
310                     "current_mode": {
311                          "width": 1920,
312                          "height": 1080,
313                          "refresh": 60000
314                     }
315                }
316           ]
318   4. GET_TREE
319       MESSAGE
320       Retrieve a JSON representation of the tree
322       REPLY
323       An array of object the represent the current tree. Each object repre‐
324       sents one node and will have the following properties:
326       ┌──────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
328       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
329       │       id         │  integer  │ The internal unique │
330       │                  │           │ ID for this node    │
331       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
332       │      name        │  string   │ The name of the     │
333       │                  │           │ node such as the    │
334       │                  │           │ output name or win‐ │
335       │                  │           │ dow title. For the  │
336       │                  │           │ scratchpad, this    │
337       │                  │           │ will be             │
338       │                  │           │ __i3_scratch for    │
339       │                  │           │ compatibility with  │
340       │                  │           │ i3.                 │
341       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
342       │      type        │  string   │ The node type. It   │
343       │                  │           │ can be root, out‐
344       │                  │           │ put, workspace,     │
345       │                  │           │ con, or float‐
346       │                  │           │ ing_con
347       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
348       │     border       │  string   │ The border style    │
349       │                  │           │ for the node. It    │
350       │                  │           │ can be normal,      │
351       │                  │           │ none, pixel, or csd
352       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
353       │  current_bor‐    │  integer  │ Number of pixels    │
354       │  der_width       │           │ used for the border │
355       │                  │           │ width               │
356       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
357       │     layout       │  string   │ The node's layout.  │
358       │                  │           │ It can either be    │
359       │                  │           │ splith, splitv,     │
360       │                  │           │ stacked, tabbed, or │
361       │                  │           │ output
362       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
363       │   orientation    │  string   │ The node's orienta‐ │
364       │                  │           │ tion. It can be     │
365       │                  │           │ vertical, horizon‐
366       │                  │           │ tal, or none
367       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
368       │     percent      │   float   │ The percentage of   │
369       │                  │           │ the node's parent   │
370       │                  │           │ that it takes up or │
371       │                  │           │ null for the root   │
372       │                  │           │ and other special   │
373       │                  │           │ nodes such as the   │
374       │                  │           │ scratchpad          │
375       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
376       │      rect        │  object   │ The absolute geome‐ │
377       │                  │           │ try of the node.    │
378       │                  │           │ The window decora‐  │
379       │                  │           │ tions are excluded  │
380       │                  │           │ from this, but bor‐ │
381       │                  │           │ ders are included.  │
382       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
383       │   window_rect    │  object   │ The geometry of the │
384       │                  │           │ contents inside the │
385       │                  │           │ node. The window    │
386       │                  │           │ decorations are     │
387       │                  │           │ excluded from this  │
388       │                  │           │ calculation, but    │
389       │                  │           │ borders are         │
390       │                  │           │ included.           │
391       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
392       │    deco_rect     │  object   │ The geometry of the │
393       │                  │           │ decorations for the │
394       │                  │           │ node relative to    │
395       │                  │           │ the parent node     │
396       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
397       │    geometry      │  object   │ The natural geome‐  │
398       │                  │           │ try of the contents │
399       │                  │           │ if it were to size  │
400       │                  │           │ itself              │
401       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
402       │     urgent       │  boolean  │ Whether the node or │
403       │                  │           │ any of its descen‐  │
404       │                  │           │ dants has the       │
405       │                  │           │ urgent hint set.    │
406       │                  │           │ Note: This may not  │
407       │                  │           │ exist when compiled │
408       │                  │           │ without xwayland
409       │                  │           │ support             │
410       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
411       │     sticky       │  boolean  │ Whether the node is │
412       │                  │           │ sticky (shows on    │
413       │                  │           │ all workspaces)     │
414       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
415       │     focused      │  boolean  │ Whether the node is │
416       │                  │           │ currently focused   │
417       │                  │           │ by the default seat │
418       │                  │           │ (seat0)             │
419       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
420       │      focus       │   array   │ Array of child node │
421       │                  │           │ IDs in the current  │
422       │                  │           │ focus order         │
423       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
424       │      nodes       │   array   │ The tiling children │
425       │                  │           │ nodes for the node  │
426       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
427       │ floating_nodes   │   array   │ The floating chil‐  │
428       │                  │           │ dren nodes for the  │
429       │                  │           │ node                │
430       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
431       │ representation   │  string   │ (Only workspaces) A │
432       │                  │           │ string representa‐  │
433       │                  │           │ tion of the layout  │
434       │                  │           │ of the workspace    │
435       │                  │           │ that can be used as │
436       │                  │           │ an aid in submit‐   │
437       │                  │           │ ting reproduction   │
438       │                  │           │ steps for bug       │
439       │                  │           │ reports             │
440       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
441       │ fullscreen_mode  │  integer  │ (Only containers    │
442       │                  │           │ and views) The      │
443       │                  │           │ fullscreen mode of  │
444       │                  │           │ the node. 0 means   │
445       │                  │           │ none, 1 means  full │
446       │                  │           │ workspace, and 2    │
447       │                  │           │ means global        │
448       │                  │           │ fullscreen          │
449       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
450       │     app_id       │  string   │ (Only views) For an │
451       │                  │           │ xdg-shell view, the │
452       │                  │           │ name of the appli‐  │
453       │                  │           │ cation, if set.     │
454       │                  │           │ Otherwise, null
455       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
456       │       pid        │  integer  │ (Only views) The    │
457       │                  │           │ PID of the applica‐ │
458       │                  │           │ tion that owns the  │
459       │                  │           │ view                │
460       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
461       │     visible      │  boolean  │ (Only views)        │
462       │                  │           │ Whether the node is │
463       │                  │           │ visible             │
464       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
465       │     window       │  integer  │ (Only xwayland      │
466       │                  │           │ views) The X11 win‐ │
467       │                  │           │ dow ID for the      │
468       │                  │           │ xwayland view       │
469       ├──────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
470       │window_properties │  object   │ (Only xwayland      │
471       │                  │           │ views) An object    │
472       │                  │           │ containing the      │
473       │                  │           │ title, class,       │
474       │                  │           │ instance, win‐
475       │                  │           │ dow_role, and tran‐
476       │                  │           │ sient_for for the   │
477       │                  │           │ view                │
478       └──────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
480       Example Reply:
481           {
482                "id": 1,
483                "name": "root",
484                "rect": {
485                     "x": 0,
486                     "y": 0,
487                     "width": 1920,
488                     "height": 1080
489                },
490                "focused": false,
491                "focus": [
492                     3
493                ],
494                "border": "none",
495                "current_border_width": 0,
496                "layout": "splith",
497                "orientation": "horizontal",
498                "percent": null,
499                "window_rect": {
500                     "x": 0,
501                     "y": 0,
502                     "width": 0,
503                     "height": 0
504                },
505                "deco_rect": {
506                     "x": 0,
507                     "y": 0,
508                     "width": 0,
509                     "height": 0
510                },
511                "geometry": {
512                     "x": 0,
513                     "y": 0,
514                     "width": 0,
515                     "height": 0
516                },
517                "window": null,
518                "urgent": false,
519                "floating_nodes": [
520                ],
521                "sticky": false,
522                "type": "root",
523                "nodes": [
524                     {
525                          "id": 2147483647,
526                          "name": "__i3",
527                          "rect": {
528                               "x": 0,
529                               "y": 0,
530                               "width": 1920,
531                               "height": 1080
532                          },
533                          "focused": false,
534                          "focus": [
535                               2147483646
536                          ],
537                          "border": "none",
538                          "current_border_width": 0,
539                          "layout": "output",
540                          "orientation": "horizontal",
541                          "percent": null,
542                          "window_rect": {
543                               "x": 0,
544                               "y": 0,
545                               "width": 0,
546                               "height": 0
547                          },
548                          "deco_rect": {
549                               "x": 0,
550                               "y": 0,
551                               "width": 0,
552                               "height": 0
553                          },
554                          "geometry": {
555                               "x": 0,
556                               "y": 0,
557                               "width": 0,
558                               "height": 0
559                          },
560                          "window": null,
561                          "urgent": false,
562                          "floating_nodes": [
563                          ],
564                          "sticky": false,
565                          "type": "output",
566                          "nodes": [
567                               {
568                                    "id": 2147483646,
569                                    "name": "__i3_scratch",
570                                    "rect": {
571                                         "x": 0,
572                                         "y": 0,
573                                         "width": 1920,
574                                         "height": 1080
575                                    },
576                                    "focused": false,
577                                    "focus": [
578                                    ],
579                                    "border": "none",
580                                    "current_border_width": 0,
581                                    "layout": "splith",
582                                    "orientation": "horizontal",
583                                    "percent": null,
584                                    "window_rect": {
585                                         "x": 0,
586                                         "y": 0,
587                                         "width": 0,
588                                         "height": 0
589                                    },
590                                    "deco_rect": {
591                                         "x": 0,
592                                         "y": 0,
593                                         "width": 0,
594                                         "height": 0
595                                    },
596                                    "geometry": {
597                                         "x": 0,
598                                         "y": 0,
599                                         "width": 0,
600                                         "height": 0
601                                    },
602                                    "window": null,
603                                    "urgent": false,
604                                    "floating_nodes": [
605                                    ],
606                                    "sticky": false,
607                                    "type": "workspace"
608                               }
609                          ]
610                     },
611                     {
612                          "id": 3,
613                          "name": "eDP-1",
614                          "rect": {
615                               "x": 0,
616                               "y": 0,
617                               "width": 1920,
618                               "height": 1080
619                          },
620                          "focused": false,
621                          "focus": [
622                               4
623                          ],
624                          "border": "none",
625                          "current_border_width": 0,
626                          "layout": "output",
627                          "orientation": "none",
628                          "percent": 1.0,
629                          "window_rect": {
630                               "x": 0,
631                               "y": 0,
632                               "width": 0,
633                               "height": 0
634                          },
635                          "deco_rect": {
636                               "x": 0,
637                               "y": 0,
638                               "width": 0,
639                               "height": 0
640                          },
641                          "geometry": {
642                               "x": 0,
643                               "y": 0,
644                               "width": 0,
645                               "height": 0
646                          },
647                          "window": null,
648                          "urgent": false,
649                          "floating_nodes": [
650                          ],
651                          "sticky": false,
652                          "type": "output",
653                          "active": true,
654                          "primary": false,
655                          "make": "Unknown",
656                          "model": "0x38ED",
657                          "serial": "0x00000000",
658                          "scale": 1.0,
659                          "transform": "normal",
660                          "current_workspace": "1",
661                          "modes": [
662                               {
663                                    "width": 1920,
664                                    "height": 1080,
665                                    "refresh": 60052
666                               }
667                          ],
668                          "current_mode": {
669                               "width": 1920,
670                               "height": 1080,
671                               "refresh": 60052
672                          },
673                          "nodes": [
674                               {
675                                    "id": 4,
676                                    "name": "1",
677                                    "rect": {
678                                         "x": 0,
679                                         "y": 23,
680                                         "width": 1920,
681                                         "height": 1057
682                                    },
683                                    "focused": false,
684                                    "focus": [
685                                         6,
686                                         5
687                                    ],
688                                    "border": "none",
689                                    "current_border_width": 0,
690                                    "layout": "splith",
691                                    "orientation": "horizontal",
692                                    "percent": null,
693                                    "window_rect": {
694                                         "x": 0,
695                                         "y": 0,
696                                         "width": 0,
697                                         "height": 0
698                                    },
699                                    "deco_rect": {
700                                         "x": 0,
701                                         "y": 0,
702                                         "width": 0,
703                                         "height": 0
704                                    },
705                                    "geometry": {
706                                         "x": 0,
707                                         "y": 0,
708                                         "width": 0,
709                                         "height": 0
710                                    },
711                                    "window": null,
712                                    "urgent": false,
713                                    "floating_nodes": [
714                                    ],
715                                    "sticky": false,
716                                    "num": 1,
717                                    "output": "eDP-1",
718                                    "type": "workspace",
719                                    "representation": "H[URxvt termite]",
720                                    "nodes": [
721                                         {
722                                              "id": 5,
723                                              "name": "urxvt",
724                                              "rect": {
725                                                   "x": 0,
726                                                   "y": 23,
727                                                   "width": 960,
728                                                   "height": 1057
729                                              },
730                                              "focused": false,
731                                              "focus": [
732                                              ],
733                                              "border": "normal",
734                                              "current_border_width": 2,
735                                              "layout": "none",
736                                              "orientation": "none",
737                                              "percent": 0.5,
738                                              "window_rect": {
739                                                   "x": 2,
740                                                   "y": 0,
741                                                   "width": 956,
742                                                   "height": 1030
743                                              },
744                                              "deco_rect": {
745                                                   "x": 0,
746                                                   "y": 0,
747                                                   "width": 960,
748                                                   "height": 25
749                                              },
750                                              "geometry": {
751                                                   "x": 0,
752                                                   "y": 0,
753                                                   "width": 1124,
754                                                   "height": 422
755                                              },
756                                              "window": 4194313,
757                                              "urgent": false,
758                                              "floating_nodes": [
759                                              ],
760                                              "sticky": false,
761                                              "type": "con",
762                                              "fullscreen_mode": 0,
763                                              "pid": 23959,
764                                              "app_id": null,
765                                              "visible": true,
766                                              "window_properties": {
767                                                   "class": "URxvt",
768                                                   "instance": "urxvt",
769                                                   "title": "urxvt",
770                                                   "transient_for": null
771                                              },
772                                              "nodes": [
773                                              ]
774                                         },
775                                         {
776                                              "id": 6,
777                                              "name": "",
778                                              "rect": {
779                                                   "x": 960,
780                                                   "y": 23,
781                                                   "width": 960,
782                                                   "height": 1057
783                                              },
784                                              "focused": true,
785                                              "focus": [
786                                              ],
787                                              "border": "normal",
788                                              "current_border_width": 2,
789                                              "layout": "none",
790                                              "orientation": "none",
791                                              "percent": 0.5,
792                                              "window_rect": {
793                                                   "x": 2,
794                                                   "y": 0,
795                                                   "width": 956,
796                                                   "height": 1030
797                                              },
798                                              "deco_rect": {
799                                                   "x": 0,
800                                                   "y": 0,
801                                                   "width": 960,
802                                                   "height": 25
803                                              },
804                                              "geometry": {
805                                                   "x": 0,
806                                                   "y": 0,
807                                                   "width": 817,
808                                                   "height": 458
809                                              },
810                                              "window": null,
811                                              "urgent": false,
812                                              "floating_nodes": [
813                                              ],
814                                              "sticky": false,
815                                              "type": "con",
816                                              "fullscreen_mode": 0,
817                                              "pid": 25370,
818                                              "app_id": "termite",
819                                              "visible": true,
820                                              "nodes": [
821                                              ]
822                                         }
823                                    ]
824                               }
825                          ]
826                     }
827                ]
828           }
830   5. GET_MARKS
831       MESSAGE
832       Retrieve the currently set marks
834       REPLY
835       An array of marks current set. Since each mark can only be set for one
836       container, this is a set so each value is unique and the order is unde‐
837       fined.
839       Example Reply:
840           [
841                "one",
842                "test"
843           ]
846       MESSAGE
847       When sending without a payload, this retrieves the list of configured
848       bar IDs
850       REPLY
851       An array of bar IDs, which are strings
853       Example Reply:
854           [
855                "bar-0",
856                "bar-1"
857           ]
860       MESSAGE
861       When sent with a bar ID as the payload, this retrieves the config asso‐
862       ciated with the specified by the bar ID in the payload. This is used by
863       swaybar, but could also be used for third party bars
865       REPLY
866       An object that represents the configuration for the bar with the bar ID
867       sent as the payload. The following properties exists and more informa‐
868       tion about what their value mean can be found in sway-bar(5):
870       ┌────────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
872       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
873       │        id          │  string   │ The bar ID          │
874       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
875       │       mode         │  string   │ The mode for the    │
876       │                    │           │ bar. It can be      │
877       │                    │           │ dock, hide, or      │
878       │                    │           │ invisible
879       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
880       │     position       │  string   │ The bar's position. │
881       │                    │           │ It can currently    │
882       │                    │           │ either be bottom or │
883       │                    │           │ top
884       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
885       │  status_command    │  string   │ The command which   │
886       │                    │           │ should be run to    │
887       │                    │           │ generate the status │
888       │                    │           │ line                │
889       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
890       │       font         │  string   │ The font to use for │
891       │                    │           │ the text on the bar │
892       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
893       │ workspace_buttons  │  boolean  │ Whether to display  │
894       │                    │           │ the workspace but‐  │
895       │                    │           │ tons on the bar     │
896       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
897       │binding_mode_indi‐  │  boolean  │ Whether to display  │
898       │cator               │           │ the current binding │
899       │                    │           │ mode on the bar     │
900       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
901       │      verbose       │  boolean  │ For i3 compatibil‐  │
902       │                    │           │ ity, this will be   │
903       │                    │           │ the boolean value   │
904       │                    │           │ false.              │
905       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
906       │      colors        │  object   │ An object contain‐  │
907       │                    │           │ ing the #RRGGBBAA
908       │                    │           │ colors to use for   │
909       │                    │           │ the bar. See below  │
910       │                    │           │ for more informa‐   │
911       │                    │           │ tion                │
912       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
913       │       gaps         │  object   │ An object repre‐    │
914       │                    │           │ senting the gaps    │
915       │                    │           │ for the bar con‐    │
916       │                    │           │ sisting of top,     │
917       │                    │           │ right, bottom, and  │
918       │                    │           │ left.               │
919       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
920       │    bar_height      │  integer  │ The absolute height │
921       │                    │           │ to use for the bar  │
922       │                    │           │ or 0 to automati‐   │
923       │                    │           │ cally size based on │
924       │                    │           │ the font            │
925       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
926       │  status_padding    │  integer  │ The vertical pad‐   │
927       │                    │           │ ding to use for the │
928       │                    │           │ status line         │
929       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
930       │status_edge_padding │  integer  │ The horizontal pad‐ │
931       │                    │           │ ding to use for the │
932       │                    │           │ status line when at │
933       │                    │           │ the end of an out‐  │
934       │                    │           │ put                 │
935       └────────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
937       The colors object contains the following properties, which are all
938       strings containing the #RRGGBBAA representation of the color:
940       ┌──────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
941PROPERTY          DESCRIPTION         
942       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
943       │       background         │ The color to use for the   │
944       │                          │ bar background on unfo‐    │
945       │                          │ cused outputs              │
946       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
947       │       statusline         │ The color to use for the   │
948       │                          │ status line text on unfo‐  │
949       │                          │ cused outputs              │
950       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
951       │        separator         │ The color to use for the   │
952       │                          │ separator text on unfo‐    │
953       │                          │ cused outputs              │
954       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
955       │   focused_background     │ The color to use for the   │
956       │                          │ background of the bar on   │
957       │                          │ the focused output         │
958       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
959       │   focused_statusline     │ The color to use for the   │
960       │                          │ status line text on the    │
961       │                          │ focused output             │
962       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
963       │    focused_separator     │ The color to use for the   │
964       │                          │ separator text on the      │
965       │                          │ focused output             │
966       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
967       │ focused_workspace_text   │ The color to use for the   │
968       │                          │ text of the focused        │
969       │                          │ workspace button           │
970       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
971       │  focused_workspace_bg    │ The color to use for the   │
972       │                          │ background of the focused  │
973       │                          │ workspace button           │
974       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
975       │focused_workspace_border  │ The color to use for the   │
976       │                          │ border of the focused      │
977       │                          │ workspace button           │
978       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
979       │  active_workspace_text   │ The color to use for the   │
980       │                          │ text of the workspace but‐ │
981       │                          │ tons for the visible       │
982       │                          │ workspaces on unfocused    │
983       │                          │ outputs                    │
984       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
985       │   active_workspace_bg    │ The color to use for the   │
986       │                          │ background of the          │
987       │                          │ workspace buttons for the  │
988       │                          │ visible workspaces on      │
989       │                          │ unfocused outputs          │
990       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
991       │ active_workspace_border  │ The color to use for the   │
992       │                          │ border of the workspace    │
993       │                          │ buttons for the visible    │
994       │                          │ workspaces on unfocused    │
995       │                          │ outputs                    │
996       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
997       │ inactive_workspace_text  │ The color to use for the   │
998       │                          │ text of the workspace but‐ │
999       │                          │ tons for workspaces that   │
1000       │                          │ are not visible            │
1001       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1002       │  inactive_workspace_bg   │ The color to use for the   │
1003       │                          │ background of the          │
1004       │                          │ workspace buttons for      │
1005       │                          │ workspaces that are not    │
1006       │                          │ visible                    │
1007       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1008       │inactive_workspace_border │ The color to use for the   │
1009       │                          │ border of the workspace    │
1010       │                          │ buttons for workspaces     │
1011       │                          │ that are not visible       │
1012       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1013       │  urgent_workspace_text   │ The color to use for the   │
1014       │                          │ text of the workspace but‐ │
1015       │                          │ tons for workspaces that   │
1016       │                          │ contain an urgent view     │
1017       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1018       │   urgent_workspace_bg    │ The color to use for the   │
1019       │                          │ background of the          │
1020       │                          │ workspace buttons for      │
1021       │                          │ workspaces that contain an │
1022       │                          │ urgent view                │
1023       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1024       │ urgent_workspace_border  │ The color to use for the   │
1025       │                          │ border of the workspace    │
1026       │                          │ buttons for workspaces     │
1027       │                          │ that contain an urgent     │
1028       │                          │ view                       │
1029       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1030       │    binding_mode_text     │ The color to use for the   │
1031       │                          │ text of the binding mode   │
1032       │                          │ indicator                  │
1033       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1034       │     binding_mode_bg      │ The color to use for the   │
1035       │                          │ background of the binding  │
1036       │                          │ mode indicator             │
1037       ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1038       │   binding_mode_border    │ The color to use for the   │
1039       │                          │ border of the binding mode │
1040       │                          │ indicator                  │
1041       └──────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1043       Example Reply:
1044           {
1045                "id": "bar-0",
1046                "mode": "dock",
1047                "position": "top",
1048                "status_command": "while date +'%Y-%m-%d %l:%M:%S %p'; do sleep 1; done",
1049                "font": "monospace 10",
1050                "gaps": {
1051                     "top": 0,
1052                     "right": 0,
1053                     "bottom": 0,
1054                     "left": 0
1055                },
1056                "bar_height": 0,
1057                "status_padding": 1,
1058                "status_edge_padding": 3,
1059                "workspace_buttons": true,
1060                "binding_mode_indicator": true,
1061                "verbose": false,
1062                "pango_markup": false,
1063                "colors": {
1064                     "background": "#323232ff",
1065                     "statusline": "#ffffffff",
1066                     "separator": "#666666ff",
1067                     "focused_background": "#323232ff",
1068                     "focused_statusline": "#ffffffff",
1069                     "focused_separator": "#666666ff",
1070                     "focused_workspace_border": "#4c7899ff",
1071                     "focused_workspace_bg": "#285577ff",
1072                     "focused_workspace_text": "#ffffffff",
1073                     "inactive_workspace_border": "#32323200",
1074                     "inactive_workspace_bg": "#32323200",
1075                     "inactive_workspace_text": "#5c5c5cff",
1076                     "active_workspace_border": "#333333ff",
1077                     "active_workspace_bg": "#5f676aff",
1078                     "active_workspace_text": "#ffffffff",
1079                     "urgent_workspace_border": "#2f343aff",
1080                     "urgent_workspace_bg": "#900000ff",
1081                     "urgent_workspace_text": "#ffffffff",
1082                     "binding_mode_border": "#2f343aff",
1083                     "binding_mode_bg": "#900000ff",
1084                     "binding_mode_text": "#ffffffff"
1085                },
1086           }
1088   7. GET_VERSION
1089       MESSAGE
1090       Retrieve version information about the sway process
1092       REPLY
1093       An object containing the following properties:
1095       ┌───────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1097       ├───────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1098       │    major      │  integer  │ The major version   │
1099       │               │           │ of the sway process │
1100       ├───────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1101       │    minor      │  integer  │ The minor version   │
1102       │               │           │ of the sway process │
1103       ├───────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1104       │    patch      │  integer  │ The patch version   │
1105       │               │           │ of the sway process │
1106       ├───────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1107       │human_readable │  string   │ A human readable    │
1108       │               │           │ version string that │
1109       │               │           │ will likely contain │
1110       │               │           │ more useful infor‐  │
1111       │               │           │ mation such as the  │
1112       │               │           │ git commit short    │
1113       │               │           │ hash and git branch │
1114       ├───────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1115       │loaded_con‐    │  string   │ The path to the     │
1116       │fig_file_name  │           │ loaded config file  │
1117       └───────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1119       Example Reply:
1120           {
1121                "human_readable": "1.0-rc1-117-g2f7247e0 (Feb 24 2019, branch 'master')",
1122                "major": 1,
1123                "minor": 0,
1124                "patch": 0,
1125                "loaded_config_file_name": "/home/redsoxfan/.config/sway/config"
1126           }
1129       MESSAGE
1130       Retrieve the list of binding modes that currently configured
1132       REPLY
1133       An array of strings, with each string being the name of a binding mode.
1134       This will always contain at least one mode (currently default), which
1135       is the default binding mode
1137       Example Reply:
1138           [
1139                "default",
1140                "resize",
1141           ]
1143   9. GET_CONFIG
1144       MESSAGE
1145       Retrieve the contents of the config that was last loaded
1147       REPLY
1148       An object with a single string property containing the contents of the
1149       config
1151       Example Reply:
1152           {
1153                "config": "set $mod Mod4nbindsym $mod+q exitn"
1154           }
1156   10. SEND_TICK
1157       MESSAGE
1158       Issues a TICK event to all clients subscribing to the event to ensure
1159       that all events prior to the tick were received. If a payload is given,
1160       it will be included in the TICK event
1162       REPLY
1163       A single object contains the property success, which is a boolean value
1164       indicating whether the TICK event was sent.
1166       Example Reply:
1167           {
1168                "success": true
1169           }
1171   11. SYNC
1172       MESSAGE
1173       For i3 compatibility, this command will just return a failure object
1174       since it does not make sense to implement in sway due to the X11 nature
1175       of the command.  If you are curious about what this IPC command does in
1176       i3, refer to the i3 documentation.
1178       REPLY
1179       A single object that contains the property success, which is set to the
1180       boolean value false.
1182       Exact Reply:
1183           {
1184                "success": false
1185           }
1187   100. GET_INPUTS
1188       MESSAGE
1189       Retrieve a list of the input devices currently available
1191       REPLY
1192       An array of objects corresponding to each input device. Each object has
1193       the following properties:
1195       ┌─────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1197       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1198       │   identifier    │  string   │ The identifier for  │
1199       │                 │           │ the input device    │
1200       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1201       │      name       │  string   │ The human readable  │
1202       │                 │           │ name for the device │
1203       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1204       │     vendor      │  integer  │ The vendor code for │
1205       │                 │           │ the input device    │
1206       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1207       │    product      │  integer  │ The product code    │
1208       │                 │           │ for the input       │
1209       │                 │           │ device              │
1210       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1211       │      type       │  string   │ The device type.    │
1212       │                 │           │ Currently this can  │
1213       │                 │           │ be keyboard,        │
1214       │                 │           │ pointer, touch,     │
1215       │                 │           │ tablet_tool,        │
1216       │                 │           │ tablet_pad, or      │
1217       │                 │           │ switch
1218       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1219       │xkb_active_lay‐  │  string   │ (Only keyboards)    │
1220       │out_name         │           │ The name of the     │
1221       │                 │           │ active keyboard     │
1222       │                 │           │ layout in use       │
1223       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1224       │xkb_layout_names │   array   │ (Only keyboards) A  │
1225       │                 │           │ list a layout names │
1226       │                 │           │ configured for the  │
1227       │                 │           │ keyboard            │
1228       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1229       │xkb_active_lay‐  │  integer  │ (Only keyboards)    │
1230       │out_index        │           │ The index of the    │
1231       │                 │           │ active keyboard     │
1232       │                 │           │ layout in use       │
1233       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1234       │    libinput     │  object   │ (Only libinput      │
1235       │                 │           │ devices) An object  │
1236       │                 │           │ describing the cur‐ │
1237       │                 │           │ rent device set‐    │
1238       │                 │           │ tings. See below    │
1239       │                 │           │ for more informa‐   │
1240       │                 │           │ tion                │
1241       └─────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1242       The libinput object describes the device configuration for libinput
1243       devices.  Only properties that are supported for the device will be
1244       added to the object.  In addition to the possible options listed, all
1245       string properties may also be unknown, in the case that a new option is
1246       added to libinput. See sway-input(5) for information on the meaning of
1247       the possible values. The following properties will be included for
1248       devices that support them:
1250       ┌───────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1252       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1253       │   send_events     │  string   │ Whether events are  │
1254       │                   │           │ being sent by the   │
1255       │                   │           │ device. It can be   │
1256       │                   │           │ enabled, disabled,  │
1257       │                   │           │ or dis‐
1258       │                   │           │ abled_on_exter‐
1259       │                   │           │ nal_mouse
1260       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1261       │       tap         │  string   │ Whether tap to      │
1262       │                   │           │ click is enabled.   │
1263       │                   │           │ It can be enabled
1264       │                   │           │ or disabled
1265       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1266       │  tap_button_map   │  string   │ The finger to but‐  │
1267       │                   │           │ ton mapping in use. │
1268       │                   │           │ It can be lmr or    │
1269       │                   │           │ lrm
1270       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1271       │     tap_drag      │  string   │ Whether tap-and-    │
1272       │                   │           │ drag is enabled. It │
1273       │                   │           │ can be enabled or   │
1274       │                   │           │ disabled
1275       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1276       │  tap_drag_lock    │  string   │ Whether drag-lock   │
1277       │                   │           │ is enabled. It can  │
1278       │                   │           │ be enabled or dis‐
1279       │                   │           │ abled
1280       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1281       │   accel_speed     │  double   │ The pointer-accel‐  │
1282       │                   │           │ eration in use      │
1283       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1284       │  accel_profile    │  string   │ The acceleration    │
1285       │                   │           │ profile in use. It  │
1286       │                   │           │ can be none, flat,  │
1287       │                   │           │ or adaptive
1288       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1289       │  natural_scroll   │  string   │ Whether natural     │
1290       │                   │           │ scrolling is        │
1291       │                   │           │ enabled. It can be  │
1292       │                   │           │ enabled or disabled
1293       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1294       │   left_handed     │  string   │ Whether left-handed │
1295       │                   │           │ mode is enabled. It │
1296       │                   │           │ can be enabled or   │
1297       │                   │           │ disabled
1298       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1299       │   click_method    │  string   │ The click method in │
1300       │                   │           │ use. It can be      │
1301       │                   │           │ none, button_areas, │
1302       │                   │           │ or clickfinger
1303       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1304       │ middle_emulation  │  string   │ Whether middle emu‐ │
1305       │                   │           │ lation is enabled.  │
1306       │                   │           │ It can be enabled
1307       │                   │           │ or disabled
1308       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1309       │  scroll_method    │  string   │ The scroll method   │
1310       │                   │           │ in use. It can be   │
1311       │                   │           │ none, two_finger,   │
1312       │                   │           │ edge, or on_but‐
1313       │                   │           │ ton_down
1314       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1315       │  scroll_button    │    int    │ The scroll button   │
1316       │                   │           │ to use when         │
1317       │                   │           │ scroll_method is    │
1318       │                   │           │ on_button_down.     │
1319       │                   │           │ This will be given  │
1320       │                   │           │ as an input event   │
1321       │                   │           │ code                │
1322       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1323       │       dwt         │  string   │ Whether disable-    │
1324       │                   │           │ while-typing is     │
1325       │                   │           │ enabled. It can be  │
1326       │                   │           │ enabled or disabled
1327       ├───────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1328       │calibration_matrix │   array   │ An array of 6       │
1329       │                   │           │ floats representing │
1330       │                   │           │ the calibration     │
1331       │                   │           │ matrix for absolute │
1332       │                   │           │ devices such as     │
1333       │                   │           │ touchscreens        │
1334       └───────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1336       Example Reply:
1337           [
1338                {
1339                     "identifier": "1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard",
1340                     "name": "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard",
1341                     "vendor": 1,
1342                     "product": 1,
1343                     "type": "keyboard",
1344                     "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1345                     "libinput": {
1346                          "send_events": "enabled"
1347                     }
1348                },
1349                {
1350                     "identifier": "1267:5:Elan_Touchpad",
1351                     "name": "Elan Touchpad",
1352                     "vendor": 1267,
1353                     "product": 5,
1354                     "type": "pointer",
1355                     "libinput": {
1356                          "send_events": "enabled",
1357                          "tap": "enabled",
1358                          "tap_button_map": "lmr",
1359                          "tap_drag": "enabled",
1360                          "tap_drag_lock": "disabled",
1361                          "accel_speed": 0.0,
1362                          "accel_profile": "none",
1363                          "natural_scroll", "disabled",
1364                          "left_handed": "disabled",
1365                          "click_method": "button_areas",
1366                          "middle_emulation": "disabled",
1367                          "scroll_method": "edge",
1368                          "dwt": "enabled"
1369                     }
1370                },
1371                {
1372                     "identifier": "3034:22494:USB2.0_VGA_UVC_WebCam:_USB2.0_V",
1373                     "name": "USB2.0 VGA UVC WebCam: USB2.0 V",
1374                     "vendor": 3034,
1375                     "product": 22494,
1376                     "type": "keyboard",
1377                     "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1378                     "libinput": {
1379                          "send_events": "enabled"
1380                     }
1381                },
1382                {
1383                     "identifier": "0:3:Sleep_Button",
1384                     "name": "Sleep Button",
1385                     "vendor": 0,
1386                     "product": 3,
1387                     "type": "keyboard",
1388                     "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1389                     "libinput": {
1390                          "send_events": "enabled"
1391                     }
1392                },
1393                {
1394                     "identifier": "0:5:Lid_Switch",
1395                     "name": "Lid Switch",
1396                     "vendor": 0,
1397                     "product": 5,
1398                     "type": "switch",
1399                     "libinput": {
1400                          "send_events": "enabled"
1401                     }
1402                },
1403                {
1404                     "identifier": "0:6:Video_Bus",
1405                     "name": "Video Bus",
1406                     "vendor": 0,
1407                     "product": 6,
1408                     "type": "keyboard",
1409                     "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1410                     "libinput": {
1411                          "send_events": "enabled"
1412                     }
1413                },
1414                {
1415                     "identifier": "0:1:Power_Button",
1416                     "name": "Power Button",
1417                     "vendor": 0,
1418                     "product": 1,
1419                     "type": "keyboard",
1420                     "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1421                     "libinput": {
1422                          "send_events": "enabled"
1423                     }
1424                }
1425           ]
1427   101. GET_SEATS
1428       MESSAGE
1429       Retrieve a list of the seats currently configured
1431       REPLY
1432       An array of objects corresponding to each seat. There will always be at
1433       least one seat. Each object has the following properties:
1435       ┌─────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1437       ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1438       │    name     │  string   │ The unique name for │
1439       │             │           │ the seat            │
1440       ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1441       │capabilities │  integer  │ The number of capa‐ │
1442       │             │           │ bilities that the   │
1443       │             │           │ seat has            │
1444       ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1445       │   focus     │  integer  │  The id of the node │
1446       │             │           │  currently focused  │
1447       │             │           │  by the seat or 0
1448       │             │           │  when the seat is   │
1449       │             │           │  not currently      │
1450       │             │           │  focused by a node  │
1451       │             │           │  (i.e. a surface    │
1452       │             │           │  layer or xwayland  │
1453       │             │           │  unmanaged has      │
1454       │             │           │  focus)             │
1455       ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1456       │  devices    │   array   │ An array of input   │
1457       │             │           │ devices that are    │
1458       │             │           │ attached to the     │
1459       │             │           │ seat. Currently,    │
1460       │             │           │ this is an array of │
1461       │             │           │ objects that are    │
1462       │             │           │ identical to those  │
1463       │             │           │ returned by         │
1464       │             │           │ GET_INPUTS
1465       └─────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1467       Example Reply:
1468           [
1469                {
1470                     "name": "seat0",
1471                     "capabilities": 3,
1472                     "focus": 7,
1473                     "devices": [
1474                          {
1475                               "identifier": "1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard",
1476                               "name": "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard",
1477                               "vendor": 1,
1478                               "product": 1,
1479                               "type": "keyboard",
1480                               "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1481                               "libinput": {
1482                                    "send_events": "enabled"
1483                               }
1484                          },
1485                          {
1486                               "identifier": "1267:5:Elan_Touchpad",
1487                               "name": "Elan Touchpad",
1488                               "vendor": 1267,
1489                               "product": 5,
1490                               "type": "pointer",
1491                               "libinput": {
1492                                    "send_events": "enabled",
1493                                    "tap": "enabled",
1494                                    "tap_button_map": "lmr",
1495                                    "tap_drag": "enabled",
1496                                    "tap_drag_lock": "disabled",
1497                                    "accel_speed": 0.0,
1498                                    "accel_profile": "none",
1499                                    "natural_scroll", "disabled",
1500                                    "left_handed": "disabled",
1501                                    "click_method": "button_areas",
1502                                    "middle_emulation": "disabled",
1503                                    "scroll_method": "edge",
1504                                    "dwt": "enabled"
1505                               }
1506                          },
1507                          {
1508                               "identifier": "3034:22494:USB2.0_VGA_UVC_WebCam:_USB2.0_V",
1509                               "name": "USB2.0 VGA UVC WebCam: USB2.0 V",
1510                               "vendor": 3034,
1511                               "product": 22494,
1512                               "type": "keyboard",
1513                               "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1514                               "libinput": {
1515                                    "send_events": "enabled"
1516                               }
1517                          },
1518                          {
1519                               "identifier": "0:3:Sleep_Button",
1520                               "name": "Sleep Button",
1521                               "vendor": 0,
1522                               "product": 3,
1523                               "type": "keyboard",
1524                               "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1525                               "libinput": {
1526                                    "send_events": "enabled"
1527                               }
1528                          },
1529                          {
1530                               "identifier": "0:5:Lid_Switch",
1531                               "name": "Lid Switch",
1532                               "vendor": 0,
1533                               "product": 5,
1534                               "type": "switch",
1535                               "libinput": {
1536                                    "send_events": "enabled"
1537                               }
1538                          },
1539                          {
1540                               "identifier": "0:6:Video_Bus",
1541                               "name": "Video Bus",
1542                               "vendor": 0,
1543                               "product": 6,
1544                               "type": "keyboard",
1545                               "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1546                               "libinput": {
1547                                    "send_events": "enabled"
1548                               }
1549                          },
1550                          {
1551                               "identifier": "0:1:Power_Button",
1552                               "name": "Power Button",
1553                               "vendor": 0,
1554                               "product": 1,
1555                               "type": "keyboard",
1556                               "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (US)",
1557                               "libinput": {
1558                                    "send_events": "enabled"
1559                               }
1560                          }
1561                     ]
1562                }
1563           ]


1566       Events are a way for client to get notified of changes to sway. A
1567       client can subscribe to any events it wants to be notified of changes
1568       for. The event is sent in the same format as a reply. The following
1569       events are currently available:
1571       ┌───────────┬──────────────────┬─────────────────────┐
1573       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1574       │0x80000000 │    workspace     │ Sent whenever an    │
1575       │           │                  │ event involving a   │
1576       │           │                  │ workspace occurs    │
1577       │           │                  │ such as initializa‐ │
1578       │           │                  │ tion of a new       │
1579       │           │                  │ workspace or a dif‐ │
1580       │           │                  │ ferent workspace    │
1581       │           │                  │ gains focus         │
1582       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1583       │0x80000002 │       mode       │ Sent whenever the   │
1584       │           │                  │ binding mode        │
1585       │           │                  │ changes             │
1586       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1587       │0x80000003 │      window      │ Sent whenever an    │
1588       │           │                  │ event involving a   │
1589       │           │                  │ view occurs such as │
1590       │           │                  │ being reparented,   │
1591       │           │                  │ focused, or closed  │
1592       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1593       │0x80000004 │ barconfig_update │ Sent whenever a bar │
1594       │           │                  │ config changes      │
1595       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1596       │0x80000005 │     binding      │ Sent when a config‐ │
1597       │           │                  │ ured binding is     │
1598       │           │                  │ executed            │
1599       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1600       │0x80000006 │     shutdown     │ Sent when the ipc   │
1601       │           │                  │ shuts down because  │
1602       │           │                  │ sway is exiting     │
1603       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1604       │0x80000007 │       tick       │ Sent when an ipc    │
1605       │           │                  │ client sends a      │
1606       │           │                  │ SEND_TICK message   │
1607       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1608       │0x80000014 │ bar_state_update │ Send when the visi‐ │
1609       │           │                  │ bility of a bar     │
1610       │           │                  │ should change due   │
1611       │           │                  │ to a modifier       │
1612       ├───────────┼──────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
1613       │0x80000015 │      input       │ Sent when something │
1614       │           │                  │ related to input    │
1615       │           │                  │ devices changes     │
1616       └───────────┴──────────────────┴─────────────────────┘
1618   0x80000000. WORKSPACE
1619       Sent whenever a change involving a workspace occurs. The event consists
1620       of a single object with the following properties:
1622       ┌─────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1624       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1625       │ change  │  string   │ The type of change  │
1626       │         │           │ that occurred. See  │
1627       │         │           │ below for more      │
1628       │         │           │ information         │
1629       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1630       │current  │  object   │ An object repre‐    │
1631       │         │           │ senting the         │
1632       │         │           │ workspace effected  │
1633       │         │           │ or null for reload
1634       │         │           │ changes             │
1635       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1636       │  old    │  object   │ For a focus change, │
1637       │         │           │ this is will be an  │
1638       │         │           │ object representing │
1639       │         │           │ the workspace being │
1640       │         │           │ switched from. Oth‐ │
1641       │         │           │ erwise, it is null
1642       └─────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1644       The following change types are currently available:
1646       ┌───────┬────────────────────────────┐
1647TYPE  DESCRIPTION         
1648       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1649       │ init  │ The workspace was created  │
1650       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1651       │empty  │ The workspace is empty and │
1652       │       │ is being destroyed since   │
1653       │       │ it is not visible          │
1654       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1655       │focus  │ The workspace was focused. │
1656       │       │ See the old property for   │
1657       │       │ the previous focus         │
1658       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1659       │ move  │ The workspace was moved to │
1660       │       │ a different output         │
1661       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1662       │rename │ The workspace was renamed  │
1663       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1664       │urgent │ A view on the workspace    │
1665       │       │ has had their urgency hint │
1666       │       │ set or all urgency hints   │
1667       │       │ for views on the workspace │
1668       │       │ have been cleared          │
1669       ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1670       │reload │ The configuration file has │
1671       │       │ been reloaded              │
1672       └───────┴────────────────────────────┘
1674       Example Event:
1675           {
1676                "change": "init",
1677                "old": null,
1678                "current": {
1679                     "id": 10,
1680                     "name": "2",
1681                     "rect": {
1682                          "x": 0,
1683                          "y": 0,
1684                          "width": 0,
1685                          "height": 0
1686                     },
1687                     "focused": false,
1688                     "focus": [
1689                     ],
1690                     "border": "none",
1691                     "current_border_width": 0,
1692                     "layout": "splith",
1693                     "percent": null,
1694                     "window_rect": {
1695                          "x": 0,
1696                          "y": 0,
1697                          "width": 0,
1698                          "height": 0
1699                     },
1700                     "deco_rect": {
1701                          "x": 0,
1702                          "y": 0,
1703                          "width": 0,
1704                          "height": 0
1705                     },
1706                     "geometry": {
1707                          "x": 0,
1708                          "y": 0,
1709                          "width": 0,
1710                          "height": 0
1711                     },
1712                     "window": null,
1713                     "urgent": false,
1714                     "floating_nodes": [
1715                     ],
1716                     "num": 2,
1717                     "output": "eDP-1",
1718                     "type": "workspace",
1719                     "representation": null,
1720                     "nodes": [
1721                     ]
1722                }
1723           }
1725   0x80000002. MODE
1726       Sent whenever the binding mode changes. The event consists of a single
1727       object with the following properties:
1729       ┌─────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1731       ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1732       │   change    │  string   │ The binding mode    │
1733       │             │           │ that became active  │
1734       ├─────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1735       │pango_markup │  boolean  │ Whether the mode    │
1736       │             │           │ should be parsed as │
1737       │             │           │ pango markup        │
1738       └─────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1740       Example Event:
1741           {
1742                "change": "default",
1743                "pango_markup": false
1744           }
1746   0x80000003. WINDOW
1747       Sent whenever a change involving a view occurs. The event consists of a
1748       single object with the following properties:
1750       ┌──────────┬───────────┬────────────────────┐
1752       ├──────────┼───────────┼────────────────────┤
1753       │ change   │  string   │ The type of change │
1754       │          │           │ that occurred. See │
1755       │          │           │ below for more     │
1756       │          │           │ information        │
1757       ├──────────┼───────────┼────────────────────┤
1758       │container │  object   │ An object repre‐   │
1759       │          │           │ senting the view   │
1760       │          │           │ effected           │
1761       └──────────┴───────────┴────────────────────┘
1763       The following change types are currently available:
1765       ┌────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1766TYPE       DESCRIPTION         
1767       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1768       │      new       │ The view was created       │
1769       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1770       │     close      │ The view was closed        │
1771       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1772       │     focus      │ The view was focused       │
1773       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1774       │     title      │ The view's title has       │
1775       │                │ changed                    │
1776       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1777       │fullscreen_mode │ The view's fullscreen mode │
1778       │                │ has changed                │
1779       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1780       │     move       │ The view has been repar‐   │
1781       │                │ ented in the tree          │
1782       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1783       │   floating     │ The view has become float‐ │
1784       │                │ ing or is no longer float‐ │
1785       │                │ ing                        │
1786       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1787       │    urgent      │ The view's urgency hint    │
1788       │                │ has changed status         │
1789       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1790       │     mark       │ A mark has been added or   │
1791       │                │ removed from the view      │
1792       └────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1794       Example Event:
1795           {
1796                "change": "new",
1797                "container": {
1798                     "id": 12,
1799                     "name": null,
1800                     "rect": {
1801                          "x": 0,
1802                          "y": 0,
1803                          "width": 0,
1804                          "height": 0
1805                     },
1806                     "focused": false,
1807                     "focus": [
1808                     ],
1809                     "border": "none",
1810                     "current_border_width": 0,
1811                     "layout": "none",
1812                     "percent": 0.0,
1813                     "window_rect": {
1814                          "x": 0,
1815                          "y": 0,
1816                          "width": 0,
1817                          "height": 0
1818                     },
1819                     "deco_rect": {
1820                          "x": 0,
1821                          "y": 0,
1822                          "width": 0,
1823                          "height": 0
1824                     },
1825                     "geometry": {
1826                          "x": 0,
1827                          "y": 0,
1828                          "width": 1124,
1829                          "height": 422
1830                     },
1831                     "window": 4194313,
1832                     "urgent": false,
1833                     "floating_nodes": [
1834                     ],
1835                     "type": "con",
1836                     "pid": 19787,
1837                     "app_id": null,
1838                     "window_properties": {
1839                          "class": "URxvt",
1840                          "instance": "urxvt",
1841                          "transient_for": null
1842                     },
1843                     "nodes": [
1844                     ]
1845                }
1846           }
1848   0x80000004. BARCONFIG_UPDATE
1849       Sent whenever a config for a bar changes. The event is identical to
1850       that of GET_BAR_CONFIG when a bar ID is given as a payload. See 6.
1851       GET_BAR_CONFIG (WITH A PAYLOAD) above for more information.
1853   0x80000005. BINDING
1854       Sent whenever a binding is executed. The event is a single object with
1855       the following properties:
1857       ┌─────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1859       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1860       │     change      │  string   │ The change that     │
1861       │                 │           │ occurred for the    │
1862       │                 │           │ binding. Currently  │
1863       │                 │           │ this will only be   │
1864       │                 │           │ run
1865       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1866       │    command      │  string   │ The command associ‐ │
1867       │                 │           │ ated with the bind‐ │
1868       │                 │           │ ing                 │
1869       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1870       │event_state_mask │   array   │ An array of strings │
1871       │                 │           │ that correspond to  │
1872       │                 │           │ each modifier key   │
1873       │                 │           │ for the binding     │
1874       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1875       │   input_code    │  integer  │ For keyboard bind‐  │
1876       │                 │           │ codes, this is the  │
1877       │                 │           │ key code for the    │
1878       │                 │           │ binding. For mouse  │
1879       │                 │           │ bindings, this is   │
1880       │                 │           │ the X11 button num‐ │
1881       │                 │           │ ber, if there is an │
1882       │                 │           │ equivalent. In all  │
1883       │                 │           │ other cases, this   │
1884       │                 │           │ will be 0.          │
1885       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1886       │     symbol      │  string   │ For keyboard        │
1887       │                 │           │ bindsyms, this is   │
1888       │                 │           │ the bindsym for the │
1889       │                 │           │ binding. Otherwise, │
1890       │                 │           │ this will be null
1891       ├─────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1892       │   input_type    │  string   │ The input type that │
1893       │                 │           │ triggered the bind‐ │
1894       │                 │           │ ing. This is either │
1895       │                 │           │ keyboard or mouse
1896       └─────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1898       Example Event:
1899           {
1900                "change": "run",
1901                "binding": {
1902                     "command": "workspace 2",
1903                     "event_state_mask": [
1904                          "Mod4"
1905                     ],
1906                     "input_code": 0,
1907                     "symbol": "2",
1908                     "input_type": "keyboard"
1909                }
1910           }
1912   0x80000006. SHUTDOWN
1913       Sent whenever the IPC is shutting down. The event is a single object
1914       with the property change, which is a string containing the reason for
1915       the shutdown.  Currently, the only value for change is exit, which is
1916       issued when sway is exiting.
1918       Example Event:
1919           {
1920                "change": "exit"
1921           }
1923   0x80000007. TICK
1924       Sent when first subscribing to tick events or by a SEND_TICK message.
1925       The event is a single object with the following properties:
1927       ┌─────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1929       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1930       │ first   │  boolean  │ Whether this event  │
1931       │         │           │ was triggered by    │
1932       │         │           │ subscribing to the  │
1933       │         │           │ tick events         │
1934       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1935       │payload  │  string   │ The payload given   │
1936       │         │           │ with a SEND_TICK
1937       │         │           │ message, if any.    │
1938       │         │           │ Otherwise, an empty │
1939       │         │           │ string              │
1940       └─────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1942       Example Event:
1943           {
1944                "first": true
1945                "payload": ""
1946           }
1948   0x80000014. BAR_STATE_UPDATE
1949       Sent when the visibility of a bar changes due to a modifier being
1950       pressed. The event is a single object with the following properties:
1952       ┌────────────────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1954       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1955       │        id          │  string   │ The bar ID effected │
1956       ├────────────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1957       │visible_by_modifier │  boolean  │ Whether the bar     │
1958       │                    │           │ should be made vis‐ │
1959       │                    │           │ ible due to a modi‐ │
1960       │                    │           │ fier being pressed  │
1961       └────────────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1963       Example Event:
1964           {
1965                "id": "bar-0",
1966                "visible_by_modifier": true
1967           }
1969   0x80000015. INPUT
1970       Sent when something related to the input devices changes. The event is
1971       a single object with the following properties:
1973       ┌─────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────┐
1975       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1976       │ change  │  string   │ What has changed    │
1977       ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┤
1978       │ input   │  object   │ An object repre‐    │
1979       │         │           │ senting the input   │
1980       │         │           │ that is identical   │
1981       │         │           │ the ones GET_INPUTS │
1982       │         │           │ gives               │
1983       └─────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┘
1984       The following change types are currently available:
1986       ┌────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1987TYPE       DESCRIPTION         
1988       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1989       │     added      │ The input device became    │
1990       │                │ available                  │
1991       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1992       │    removed     │ The input device is no     │
1993       │                │ longer available           │
1994       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1995       │  xkb_keymap    │ (Keyboards only) The       │
1996       │                │ keymap for the keyboard    │
1997       │                │ has changed                │
1998       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1999       │  xkb_layout    │ (Keyboards only) The       │
2000       │                │ effective layout in the    │
2001       │                │ keymap has changed         │
2002       ├────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
2003       │libinput_config │ (libinput device only) A   │
2004       │                │ libinput config option for │
2005       │                │ the device changed         │
2006       └────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
2007       Example Event:
2008           {
2009                "change": "xkb_layout",
2010                "input": {
2011                     "identifier": "1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard",
2012                     "name": "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard",
2013                     "vendor": 1,
2014                     "product": 1,
2015                     "type": "keyboard",
2016                     "xkb_layout_names": [
2017                          "English (US)",
2018                          "English (Dvorak)"
2019                     ],
2020                     "xkb_active_layout_index": 1,
2021                     "xkb_active_layout_name": "English (Dvorak)",
2022                     "libinput": {
2023                          "send_events": "enabled"
2024                     }
2025                }
2026           }


2029       sway(1) sway(5) sway-bar(5) swaymsg(1) sway-input(5) sway-output(5)
2033                                  2020-02-26                       sway-ipc(7)